Pcog Green and Pink Pacop

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Pharmacognosy and Plant Chemistry PACOP GREEN AND PINK Page 1 of 24

A 1. A glucosan yield glucose units on hydrolysis. While inulin a. emetine b. reserpine c. physostigmine
is a ____ d. morphine e. scopolamine
a. fructosan b. hexosan c. pentosan
d. diosan e. all of these A 16. The alkaloid formed by the acetylation of morphine is:
a. heroin b. codeine c. morphine d. cocaine
A 2. The usual source of tannins from plants are from the : e. papaverine
a. barks/stems b. seeds c. roots
d. rhizomes e. all of these D 17. One of the following does not belong to the group; the
volatile oils present in Vick’s vaporub:
A 3. Ethanol and citric acid are produced by the cellular a. methol b. camphor c. thymol d. eugenol
respiration of carbohydrates, especially e. cineole
a. glucose b. sucrose c. fructose
b. d. xylose e. lactose A 18. This alkaloid is employed in ophthalmology to treat
B 4. Because mannitol is absorbed from the GIT and parenterally a. eserine b. reserpine c. emetine
is not metabolized, then it is used as: d. morphine e. strychnine
a. digestant b. osmotic diuretic c. acidulant
E 19. One of the following is not a medicinal balsam:
d. cathartic e. laxative a. storax b. benzoin c. styrax
d. tolu e. methyl salicylate
B 5. This gum has pseudo-plastic property to enable ointments
to hold their shape and spread readily. D 20. If Indian hemp is cannabis; then black Indian hemp is:
a. Karaya b. xanthan c. locust bean a. convallaria b. podophyllum c. benzoin
d. guar e. Indian gum d. apocynum e. red squill

D 6. The following are general steps in the preparation of the B 21. The alkaloid in the form of syrup is used in the treatment
crude drug for commercial market, except: of drug overdose in certain poisonings
a. harvesting b. garbling c. storage and drying a. hydrates b. ipecac c. quinine d. ergotamine
d. none of the above e. morphine

B 7. The usual source of fixed oils: C 22. The product formed by the action of nitric acid on rectified
a. flowers b. seeds c. leaves d. stems turpentine oil in the presence of alcohol is:
e. roots/rhizomes a. cineole b. eugenol c. terpinol
d. borneol e. linalool
B 8. This is used as an antidote for alkaloidal poisoning:
a. lactic acid b. tannic acid c.tartaric acid D 23. The principal cinchona alkaloid employed therapeutically
d. picric acid e. gallic acid as anti-protozoal drug
a. quinine b. chloroquine c. quinacrine
C 9. The most important of the opium alkaloids is: d. quinidine e. eserine salicylate
a. heroin b. codeine c. morphine d. narcotine
e. papaverine D 24. The main therapeutic use of methosalen, a lactone
C 10. The red-colored product formed when tannins are treated a. anti-coagulant b. aphrodisiac c. anthelmintic
with hydrolytic agents known as: d. repigmentation
a. amolonin b. diosgenin c. phlobephenes
d. catechin e. leucocyanidin E 25. Sodium morrhuate is the sodium salt of the fatty acid of:
a. shark b. whale c. cow d. pig e. cod
B 11. The most widely used alkaloid is:
a. heroin b. codeine c. morphine d. narcotine C 26. Paregoric is also known as:
e. papaverine a. opium tincture c. camphorated opium tincture
b. dover’s powder d. laudanum
D 12. Tannins have the ability to precipitate ______ which is e. none of these
utilized in vegetable tanning which converts animal hides
to leather: C 27. Menthol is the active constituent present in:
a. fats b. carbohydrates c. alkaloids a. cinnamon b. coriander c. peppermint
d. proteins e. glycosides d. citronella e. spearmint

E 13. Among the anthraquinone glycosides, this is not employed D 28. Lemon oil that has a _____ odor must not be used or
as cathartic because it is too irritating to use: dispensed:
a. aloe b. frangula c. rhubarb a. rancid b. resinified c. calcified
d. senna e. chrysarobin d. terebenthinate e. foul

E 14. Ethiodized oil is an iodine addition product of ethyl ester D 29. These are lipid metabolites formed in the body of animals
of the fatty acid of: from unsaturated fatty acids of the diet:
a. corn b. peanut c. almond a. carnauba b. bayberry c. copaiba balsam
d. soybean e. poppy seed d. prostaglandin e. lanolin

B 15. The alkaloid present in Rauwolfia is A 30. Mercuric Iodide, Potassium Iodide and water are the
composition of:
Pharmacognosy and Plant Chemistry PACOP GREEN AND PINK Page 2 of 24
a. Mayer’s Reagent c. Wagner’s Reagent a. cholesterol b. ergosterol c. B-sitosterol
b. Dragendorff’s Reagent d. all of these d. all of these e. none of these
e. none of these
D 45. In the enfleurage method, the fatty product impregnated
A 31. Classified as a alcohol glysoside: with the floral odor is called:
a. salicin b. gentisin c. cantharidin d. entadin a. absolutes b. terpenes c. concretes
d. pomade

B 32. These are antigenic substances capable of sensitizing the B 46. Limonene has the configuration:
body in such a way that unusual responses occur in a. three double bonds and no cycle
hypersensitive individuals: b. two double bonds and one cycle
a. antibodies b. allergens c. allergy c. one double bond and two cycles
d. all of these e. none of these d. three cycles
A 47. Ascaridol, a volatile oil constituent obtained from the
C 33. This test is used to determine the presence of proteins and chenopodium oil is a/an:
involves the reaction of the benzene nucleus a. oxide b. furan derivative c. alcohol d. phenol
in the protein molecules yielding a deep yellow ppt as
positive result. D 48. In general, alkaloids may be identified by:
a. Biuret test c. Xanthoproteic test a. specific rotation
b. Ninhydrin testrfgv4 d. Millon’s test b. solubility in various solvents
e. none of these c. color reactions with specified reagents
d. all of the above
C 34. This is a solid vegetable oil
a. coconut oil b. peanut oil c. theobroma A 49. This does not possess narcotic properties and is therefore
d. cod liver oil e. almond oil sometimes called anarcotine
a. noscapine c. papaverine HCl
D 35. The coloring matter in plants b. hydrocodone d. hydromorphone
a. flavones b. anthraquinones c. apigenin e. none of these
d. plant pigments e. none of these
B 50. It is a uterine stimulating fraction and it is relatively free
D 36. It is a liquid animal fat from action on other smooth muscle
a. coconut oil b. peanut oil c. theobroma a. liotrix c. sodium dextrothyroxine
d. cod liver oil e. almond oil b. oxytocin d. vasopressin
e. none of these
B 37. Blue-black color may indicate the presence of
a. condensed tannins b. hydrolysable tannins D 51. This regulates the threshold for resorption of water by the
c. saponin d all of these e. none of these epithelium of the renal tubules
a. liotrix b. oxytocin c. sodium dextrothyroxine
B 38. The pathologic product of sperm whale is d. vasopressin e. none of these
a. copaiba b. ambergris c. bayberry
d. carnauba e. teaberry A 52. These are resinous mixtures that contain cinnamic acid,
benzoic acid or both or esters of these acids:
A 39. The terpenes found in volatile oils, as well as other plant a. balsams b. rosin c. resins
products, like steroids, carotenoids, amyrins and rubber d. resenes e. none of these
are collectively known as:
a. isoprenoids c. sesquiterpenes B 53. A mixture of protein-digesting and milk clotting enzymes
b. unoxygenated terpenes d. all of these obtained from the juice of the pineapple plant
e. none of these a. chymotrypsin b. bromelain c. lactase
d. sutilains e. none of these
B 40. This refers to the evaluation by means of the organs of
sense and includes macroscopic appearance of drugs C 54. The blue color of the oil of chamomile, an inherent
a. microscopic b. organoleptic c. macroscopic property of the oil when freshly distilled, is due to:
d. all of these e. none of these a. chamazulene b. C15H18 c. a and b
d. none of the above
B 41. The process of removing sufficient moisture to ensure
good keeping qualities. D 55. The following employs expression as a method of volatile
a. harvesting b. drying c. collection oil extraction except:
d. garbling e. none of these a. sponge process b. ecuelle method c. machine
process d. enfleurage
C 42. Source of arbutin, a phenol containing glycoside:
a. buckwheat b. checkerberry c. bear berry C 56. In percolation with volatile solvents as a method of
d. dragonfruit volatile oil extraction, the volatile solvent is removed by
vacuum distillation and the resulting product is known as:
A 43. The most widely occurring sterol a. absolutes b. terpenes c. concretes
a. sitosterol b. cholesterol c. ergosterol d. pomade
d. all of these e. none of these
A 57. After separating the waxes from the volatile oil, the
B 44. The principal sterol in fungi resulting product is known as:
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a. absolutes b. terpenesc. concretes d. a. acid or enzyme b. alkali c. a and b
pomade d. none of the above

A 58. A class of proteins which are characterized by solubility in B 71. Which of the following glycosides represent the group of
water and in diluted aqueous salt solutions bound poisons?
a. albumins b. globulins c. glutelins d. all of these a. glucosinolates b. cyanophore c. a and b
e. none of these d. none of the above

A 59. The following is/are the properties of the hydrolysable A 72. Which of the following glycosides yield HCN as one of the
tannins except: products of hydrolysis:
a. they give a dark green color with ferric chloride TS a. amyglandin b. sinigrin c. sinalbin
b. gallic acid when heated result to formation or d. none of the above
c. they yield no precipitate with bromine water TS A 73. Which of the following is classified as alcohol glycosides:
d. pyrogallol give soluble compounds with lead acetate a. salicin b. glucovanillin c. prunasin
d. arbutin
B 60. This is the parent nucleus of the chlorophylls:
a. bilan b. porphine c. tetraporphinpyrrole A 74. Which of the following yield a phenolic compound as one
d. magnesium of its products of hydrolysis:
a. arbutin b. salicin c. glucovanillin
C 61. Chemical classes of sapogenin include/s the following: d. none of the above
a. steroid b. triterpenoid c. a and b
d. none of the above B 75. The conversion of papaverine into papaveroline is a _____
type of reaction
B 62. The following is/are true for chlorophyll A, except: a. dehydration b. demethylation c.
a. chlorophyll A has a methyl substituent attached to hydrolysis d. oxidation
the top right-hand pyrrole ring
b. chlorophyll A occur in ferns, mosses and algae D 76. Which of the following is a rare type of alkaloid?
c. the ratio of chlorophyll A to B is usually about 3 : 1 a. primary b. secondary c. tertiary
and there is no ready interconversion between them d. quaternary
d. none of the above
D 77. Each of the following volatile oils has a hydrocarbon as
A 63. This is the solvent most commonly used for the extraction major constituent except:
of chlorophyll from leaves: a. turpentine oil b. lemon oil c. pepper oil
a. acetone b. ethanol c. dimethylformamide d. rose oil
d. dimethylsulfoxide
A 78. The conversion of morphine into apomorphine is a _____
A 64. These are derivatives of manelonitrile: type of reaction
a. cyanophophore glycosides b. glucosinolates a. dehydration b. demethylation c. hydrolysis
c. a and b d. none of the above d. oxidation

A 65. The following is/are the properties of nonhydrolyzable C 79. Each of the following volatile oils has an aldehyde as a
tannins except: major constituent except:
a. they give a bluish to black color with ferric chloride a. Ceylon cinnamon oil b. lemon oil c. camphor oil
b. they usually contain phloroglucinol nucleus in part d. cassia cinnamon oil
c. they are usually precipitated by bromine water TS
d. they yield catechol when heated A 80. These are natural or induced solid or semisolid exudations
from plants or frominsects feeding on
A 66. To convert an alkaloid salt into a free base, the following plants:
should be added: a. resins b. oleoresins c. gum resins
a. sodium carbonate b. tartaric acid solution d. balsams
c. pet ether d. none of the above
A 81. Specific glycoside obtained from Coccus cacti:
C 67. These are the common red to blue pigments of flower a. carminic acid b. tannic acid c. ratanhiaphenol
petals: d. bergapten
a. flavonoids b. anthracene c. anthocyanins
d. benzoquinone B 82. Alkaloids as salts may be liberated from plant components
C 68. Which of the following glycosides yield allyl a. acidulated water b. sodium carbonate c.
isothiocyanate as one of the products of hydrolysis: methanol d. ether
a. amyglandin b. prunasin c. sinigrin
d. sinalbin D 83. Scientific name of Neem, used as an insecticide and bitter:
a. Avena sativa b. Arnica Montana c. Illicium verum
D 69. These are major carotenoids in plants, except: d. Azadirachta indica
a. b-carotene b. lycopene c. a-carotene
d. gossypol A 84. These are esters of high molecular, monohydric alcohols
and high molecular fatty acid:
C 70. Most of the glycosides are subject to hydrolysis, resulting a. waxes b. phospholipids c. glycolipids
in the cleavage of glycosidic linkages, by: d. sphingomyelins
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A 85. The plant material is treated with ammonium hydroxide in D 99. It reacts with iodine to form a deep blue complex:
order to: a. insulin b. starches c. amylopectin
a. convert alkaloidal salts into free base c. a and b d. amylose
b. convert free bases into alkaloidal salts d. none of
the D 100. The paste forming properties of starch are due to this
above constituent:
A 86. Theophylline is classified as: a. inulin b. starches c. amylose
a. xanthine b. pyridine c. indole d. amylopectin
d. isoquinolone
C 101. Plant acid isolated in crystal form from lemon by Scheele
C 87. Anti-acne principle synthesized from castor oil: in 1784:
a. ricinoleic acid b. prussic acid c. azeleic acid a. tartaric acid b. lactic acid c. citric acid
d. saffric acid d. nitric acid

B 88. Flavonoid found in yellow flower pigments: B 102. The characteristic bitter flavor of beer is due to:
a. flavonols b. chalconesc. anthocyanins a. burnt caramel b. lupulus c. barley d. mace
d. biflavonyls
C 103. Purified water soluble mixture of glycosides extracted
B 89. Menstruum used to extract solanine from potatoes: from cascara:
a. water b. acetic acid c. alcohol a. cascaroside b. emodin c. casanthranol d. rhamin
d. benzene
A 104. Animal used in the biological assay of digitalis for its
A 90. Glycoside found in garlic which possesses anti-platelet, potency:
anti-microbial and anti-rheumatic properties: a. pigeon b. horse c. rabbit d. cat
a. allicin b. berberine c. cantharmin
d. sanguinarine A 105. A phytochemist who made a number of significant
discoveries including codeine in 1832 and the isolation
A 91. These are esters consisting of glycerol in combination with of narcotine:
fatty acids, phosphoric acid and certain nitrogenous a. Pierre Robiquet b. Frederick Serturner
compounds: c. Joseph Caventou d. Emil von Behring
a. phospholipids b. waxes c. glycolipids
d. sterols A 106. A German pharmacist who isolated hyoscyamine in 1819
and with fellow pharmacist, Philip Geiger, collaborated in
C 92. Glycosidic principle obtained from fish berries, Cocculus research to discover atropine in 1835:
indicus formerly used as an analeptic: a. Rudolf Brandes b. Emil von Behring
a. quassin b. humulin c. picrotoxin c. Frederick Serturner d. Pelletier
d. gentisin
C 107. Enzymes that hydrolyze a considerable number of
A 93. A French pharmacist collaborated with Pelletier in the glycosides:
discovery of Quinine which has become a worldwide a. invertase b. maltase c. emulsin and myrosin
treatment of malaria: d. lactase
a. Joseph Caventou b. Pierre Robiquet
c. Frederick Serturner d. Rudolf Brandes A 108. Known as the first broad-spectrum antibiotic discovered:
a. chloramphenicol b. erythromycin c. penicillin
D 94. Drugs classified according to the natural relationship d. streptomycin
among plants and animals:
a. zoological arrangemen A 109. It destroys red blood corpuscles by hemolysis and are
b. chemical classification toxic especially to cold- blooded animals:
c. morphological classification a. saponin glycosides c. cyanogenic glycosides
d. taxonomic classification b. anthraquinone glycosides d. favonol glycosides

B 95. Generally accepted medicinal use of tannins: D 110. The following are stereoptenes, except:
a. tanning of leather c. laboratory precipitant a. menthol b. camphor c. thymol d. eugenol
b. astringent d. as ingredient in the
preparation of ink A 111. The following are characteristic of volatile oils except:
a. miscible with water c. they are optically active
D 96. Cocaine has a long duration of local anesthetic action b. they have odorous principles d. they resinify
because it is a:
a. Bronchoconstrictor c. vasodilator B 112. A type of distillation applied to plant material that is
b. bronchodilator d. vasoconstrictor dried and not subject to injury by boiling:
a. direct steam b. water distillation c. steam distillation
D 97. Quinoline alkaloid employed for malaria: d. water and stem distillation
a. Cinchonidine b. Cinchonine c. Quinidine
d. Quinine A 113. Known as alligator pear, its pulverized seeds can be used
to treat rheumatism and neuralgia:
D 98. Most important monosaccharides found in plants: a. Persea americana b. Arcangelista flava
a. trioses b. levulose c. pentoses c. Nerium oleander d. none
d. hexoses
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A 114. The purified fatlike substance obtained from the wool of A 130. It is used in the treatment of asthma by using the leaves
sheep: and flowers as cigarettes:
a. lanolin b. cetyl esters wax c. cysteine a. talumpunay b. tanglad c. mais d. none
d. spermaceti
B 131. The element responsible for the basic pharmacological
C 115. The scientific name of kintsay: properties of alkaloids:
a. Vitex negundi b. Lantan camara a. sulfur b. nitrogen c. oxygen
c. Apium graveolens d. none d. phosphorus

D 116. It contains kuskus oil and is known as moras: B 132. The botanical origin of motherwort or damong maria
a. cocos nucifera b. vetiveria zizanioides which can be used as insect repellant:
c. quisqualis indica d. none a. Alstonia macrophylla b. Artemisia vulgaris
c. Citrus aurantium d. none
D 117. Citral is an:
a. alcohol volatile oil b. ketone volatile oil B 133. The scientific name of makahiya or sensitive plant:
c. hydrocarbon volatile oil d. aldehyde volatile oil a. Moringa oleiferab. Mimosa pudica
c. Tinospora rumphii d. none
B 118. The active constituent of Capsicum frutescens:
a. capsicin b. capsaicin c. capsin d. b and c only A 134. A plant causing dermatitis:
e. a and b only a. poison ivy b. amanita phalloides
c. anise d. all of the above
C 119. A drying agent used to purify essential oils:
a. anhydrous calcium carbonate C 135. Takip-kuhol contains bitter principle vellarin used as
b. calcium chloride counter-irritant. Its scientific name is:
c. anhydrous calcium sulfate a. Datura metel b. hyptis suaveolens
d. all of these c. Centella asiatica d. none

A 120. The following are tests for saponin glycosides except: C 136. Glycoside found in cassava:
a. Barfoed’s b. hemolysis test c. capillary test a. mandelonitrile b. cyanohydrine
d. froth test c. mannihoxotin d. hydrocyanic acid

B 121. It is a purified carbohydrate product obtained from the C 137. An oleoresin used externally as counterirritant:
inner rind of citrus fruits: a. white pine b. balsam of peru
a. lactic acid b. pectin c. tartaric acid c. turpentine d. none
d. citric acid
B 138. It is known as Indian hemp or hashish:
D 122. The following are monosaccharides except: a. myrrh b. cannabis c. copaiba d. none
a. fructose b. glucose c. mannose
d. sucrose A 139. It is known as Ringworm bush or shrub, used to treat
ringworm by using its leaves:
A 123. A type of extraction used in the preparation of tincture or a. akapulko b. abutra c. ambal
fluidextracts: d. none
a. percolation b. digestion c. infusion
d. maceration A 140. The botanical origin of bitter gourd:
a. Momordica charantia b. Oremna odorate
D 124. A local source of cyanogenic glycosides is: c. Anoma reticulate d. none
a. Cyanogenum esculenta b. Manihot esculentum
c. Manihot cympogon d. Manihot esculenta A 141. Caffeine belongs to this class of alkaloids:
a. cinchona alkaloids b. ergot alkaloids
B 125. A resin which is used as a diaphoretic: c. xanthine alkaloids d. vinca alkaloids
a. ginger b. capsicum c. hashish d. pistachia
A 142. This plant is used to wrap cooked rice for fragrance:
B 126. It contains the alkaloid called ditamine and is known as a. pandan-mabango b. romero c. palo maria
Australian quinine bark: d. none
a. dilaw b. dita c. dawag d. none
A 143. Hallucinogenic agent derived from Cannabis sativa
B 127. The technical term for solvent used during extraction: includes:
a. menstrual b. menstruum c. extract d. marc a. tetrahydrocannabinol b. scopolamine
c. emetine d. all of the above
C 128. It is one of the ingredients of the embalming material of
the Egyptians: A 144. The official test animal employed to assay Curare
a. benzoin b. tolu balsam c. myrrh d. none alkaloids, since these animal manifest the head drop,
indicative of muscle relaxation:
A 129. The official test animal employed in the standardization a. rabbit b. cat c. monkey d. dog
of mydriatic drugs such as atropine:
a. cat b. dog c. horses A 145. Intrinsic factor in pernicious anemia:
d. rabbit a. cyanocobalamin b. hemoglobin c. ferrous
d. all of the above
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C 146. It contains ocimene, eugenol and pinene and a decoction
of this herb is for treatment of cough: C 161. The scientific name of mansanilya:
a. foeniculum vulgare b. bixa orellana a. quassia indica b. coleus scutellarodes
c. ocimum basilicum d. none c. chrysanthemum indicum d. none

C 147. Is a flavor used to disguise the bitterness of certain B 162. Component of volatile oil which is responsible for its
preparation, such as those containing quinine: antiseptic and germicidal action:
a. eridictyon b. podophyllum c. jalap a. ethers b. phenols c. hydrocarbons d. esters
d. kava
A 163. Yeast is rich source of:
D 148. All these drugs contain caffeine except: a. riboflavin b. folic acid c. ascorbic acid d. thiamine
a. coffee b. cola c. tea d. coca
A/D 164. Is the common medicinal use of volatile oil:
A 149. The solid, oxidized hydrocarbon portion of volatile oils: a. carminative b. bacteriostatic c. antimicrobial
a. stearoptene b. eleoptenec. none of these d. stearic d. all of these
D 165. Codeine which is used as an analgesic and depressant to
B 150. The study of the used of chemical agents which are more the cough reflex is a derivative of:
selectively toxic to the invading organism than to host is a. benzoic acid b. cocaine c. salicylic acid
known as: d. morphine
a. physiology b. chemotherapy c. immunology
d. pharmacology B 166. The polyglucan used as a plasma expander and is formed
from sucrose by the action of the enzyme
D 151. The solid resin from turpentine: transglucosylase:
a. benzoin b. styrax c. tolu a. inulin b. dextran c. gelatin d. hetastarch
d. rosin
A 167. Attacks protopectin yielding soluble pectin:
A 152. When the powder of this alkaloid is burned, the resultant a. protopectase b. pectose c. pectinase d. pectase
vapor is inhaled for the relief of asthma:
a. stramonium b. caffeine c. cinchona A 168. The starting materials for the synthesis of fats in plants:
d. cocaine a. fatty acids and glycerol b. lipids c. carbohydrates
d. sugars
D 153. Which of the following is an anti-hypertensive and
psychotherapeutic alkaloid: B 169. Which of the following vitamins is a precursor of
a. physostigmine b. quinie c. papaverine coenzyme A?
d. reserpine a. cobamide b. panthothenate c. thiamine
d. riboflavin

C 154. Medicinal effects and potencies of cardio-active D 170. A descriptive material pertaining to any drugs or
glycosides depend on: preparation in the USP/NF:
a. digitalase a. material medica b. official description
b. glucose c. all of these d. official monograph
c. genin structure and glycone component
d. cardiac/cardiotonic effect B 171. One of the following means ‘ food of the gods’:
a. coffee b. theobroma c. tea d. cassia
C 155. The most notable property of tannins utilized in the
leather industry: C 172. Pigment of flowers which is of glycosidic character:
a. denature proteins b. precipitate protein a. xanthophyll b. cytochrome c. anthocyanins
c. denature proteins and ppt protein d. none of these d. lutein

A 156. A test for carbohydrates containing protein producing a D 173. End product of acid formation in the plant and occurs as
red-blue or purple ring between the two layers: insoluble calcium salt or raphides:
a. molisch test b. xanthoproteic test c. a. calcium acetate b. calcium citrate
ninhydrin test d. biuret test c. calcium tartrate d. calcium oxalate

B 157. Parts of this plant are used as condiments, except: A 174. 1, 3, 7-trimethyl xanthine is the chemical name of:
a. bawang b. makabuhay c. siling labuyo d. luya a. caffeine b. theophylline c. theobromine d.
B 158. Although the prostaglandins are hormone-like, they more
closely resemble which of the following chemically: D 175. Plastid pigments are commonly extracted by which of the
a. prophyrins b. lipids c. carbohydrates d. enzymes following solvents?
a. alcohol b. acetone c. chloroform d. ether
C 159. It is known as lemon grass under the family Poaceae,
used as diuretic, aromatic bath and scent for A 176. A plant pigment of therapeutic importance in preventing
perfume: xeropthalmia is:
a. tangan-tangan b. dayap c. tanglad d. none a. carotene b. xanthophylls c. fucoxanthin
d. chlorophyll
B 160. The local name of Quisqualis indica:
a. niyog b. niyog-niyogan c. moras d. none
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A 177. A test to distinguish tartrates from citrates makes use of D 192. An alkaloid which does not react with or form precipitate
this reagent: with alkaloidal reagent is:
a. deniges reagent b. bromine water c. mayer’s reagent a. hyoscyamine b. quinine c. atropine
d. dragendorff’s reagent d. caffeine

D 178. USP official alkaloid(s) with oncolytic action is/are the A 193. The new name of the family Graminea:
following: a. Poaceae b. Asteraceae c. Caesalpinaceae
a. leucristine b. vinblastine c. vinca luekoblastin d. Arecaceae
d. all three
A 194. Animals used to determine the phenol coefficient or
A 179. Method of extracting volatile oils with the use of cold fat: antiseptic value of certain drug:
a. enfleurage b. digestion c. percolation a. mice b. rabbits c. pigeons d. guinea pigs
d. maceration
B 195. A structural polysaccharide found I primary cell walls
B 180. Which vitamin is formed in the body by exposure to and functions as intercellular cement:
ultraviolet irradiation or sunlight? a. cellulose b. pectins c. lichen starch d. starch
a. vitamin E b. vitamin D c. vitamin A d. vitamin C e. alginic acid

C 181. The following is not a polysaccharide: D 196. The step in the preparation of crude drug which consists
a. dextran b. cellulose c. sucrose d. insulin of the removal of the extraneous matter prior to
B 182. Active constituent of the volatile oil of tanglad which is a a. selection b. all of these c. collection d. garbling
very good source of vitamin A:
a. geraniol b. citral c. citronellal d. citronellol C 197. The wax present in beeswax is:
a. ceryl stearate b. myricyl cerotate
C 183. The alkaloid obtained from ergot which is used to relieve c. myricyl palmitate d. ceryl palmitate
or treat migraine is:
a. ergometrine b. vinblastine c. ergotamine d. solanine C 198. The primary function of plants not present in animals but
on which animal and man depend greatly:
B 184. Condensed tannins give the specific colored precipitates a. respiration b. glycolysis c. photosynthesis
with FeCl3 test: d. metabolism
a. blue-black ppt b. green-black ppt c. blue-green ppt
d. blue ppt B 199. These yield fixed oils except:
a. coconut b. lemon grass c. peanut d. corn
C 185. Volatile oil plays a vital role in plants as:
a. astringents c. insect repellants/attractants B 200. Colloidal substance obtained from Gelidium
b. protein synthesizer d. cellular processes cartilagineum also known as:
a. gelatin b. glandular cells c. tragacanth d. alginic
A 186. A drug which disguises the bitter taste of quinine by acid
paralyzing the taste buds is:
a. glycyrrhiza b. yerba soldado c. buchu C 201. Oil tubes found in plants under Apiaceae family that
d. yerba santa contain the volatile oil:
a. parenchyma cells b. glandular cells c. vittae
D 187. The new name of the family Palmae: d. schizogenous passages
a. poaceae b. asteraceae c. caesalpinaceae
d. arecaceae C 202. The enzyme in black mustard seed that hydrolyzes the
a. emulsin b. amygdalase c. myrosin d. papain
D 188. Free vitamin A does not occur in plants, but in its place
are compounds that are converted into vitamin A in the D 203. Plant sources of tropane alkaloids except:
small animal body. These precursors of vitamin A are a. belladonna b. stramonium c. hyoscyamus
called: d. senna
a. provitamin B b. neovitamin A c. B-carotene
d. b and c A 204. Citrus volatile oils whose aroma is injuriously affected by
heat is best obtained by:
D 189. The hallucinogen derived from ergot: a. expression b. maceration c. enfleurage
a. THC b. ETO c. EDTA d. LSD d. percolation

D 190. Confirmatory test for glucose: B 205. The following are differences of hydrolyzable from non-
a. Fehling’s test b. Biuret’s test c. Iodine test hydrolyzable tannins except:
d. Moore’s test a. hydrolyzable tannins form blue-black precipitates
with ferric chloride
C 191. The purified mixture of simple protein principles b. non-hydrolyzable tannins decolorize potassium
obtained from the sperm or testes of suitable species of permanganate
fish, usually those belonging to the genera Oncorhyncus c. hydrolyzable tannins show no visible result with
Suckley: bromine water
a. penicillamine c. protamine sulfate d. none of the above choices
b. heparin sodium d. none of the above A 206. The enzyme that catalyze the hydrolysis of proteins:
Pharmacognosy and Plant Chemistry PACOP GREEN AND PINK Page 8 of 24
a. trypsin b. amylotrypsin c. ptyalin C 224. The plant part from where the refined corn oil is obtained:
d. none of these a. fruit b. seed c. embryo d. hairy portion

A 207. Purified carbohydrate product obtained from the dilute D 225. Which of the following belongs to anthraquinone
acid extract of the inner portion of the rind of citrus fruits glycosides:
or from apple pomace: a. vanilla b. glycyrrhiza c. mustard d. senna
a. pectin b. dextran c. xanthan gum d. agar
A 226. Unicellular organisms that are well-known for their
D 208. The following fixed oils are used as solvent for IM ability to metabolize sugar into alcohol and CO2:
injections, except: a. yeast b. bacteria c. molds d. fungus
a. sesame oil b. peanut oil c. corn oil d. olive oil
B 227. Rutin and hesperidin combination is also known as:
D 209. Plant sources of purine bases alkaloids: a. vitamin F b. vitamin P c. vitamin H d. vitamin K
a. kola b. tea c. cacao d. all of these
C 228. Resin component devoid of chemical properties:
D 210. An amorphous mixture of glucosides obtained from the a. hydrocarbons b. resinotannols c. resenes d. balsam
leaf of Digitalis purpurea:
a. digitoxin b. digitonin c. digitalis A 229. The most important contributor to lemon oil flavor:
d. gitalin a. citral b. neural c. limonene d. geraniol

C 211. Contain about a dozen cardioactive glycosides, the D 230. Contracts the gall bladder stimulating the flow of bile:
principal of which is scillaren A: a. enterokinin b. secretin c. gastrin
a. red squill b. ouabain c. squill d. deslanoside d. cholecystokinin

C 212. Forms colloidal solutions in water that foam upon B 231. The undissolved portion of the drug that remains after
shaking, and destroys the RBC by hemolysis: extraction:
a. tannins b. alkaloiuds c. saponins d. fats a. solute b. marc c. solvent d. active drug

B 213. Also known as Vitamin H which acts as a carboxyl-carrying A 232. The first of the broad spectrum antibiotics:
cofactor in several carboxylase enzyme system: a. chloromycetin b. terramycin c. aureomycin
a. choline b. biotin c. yeast d. PABA d. penicillin

A 214. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is: A 233. Fixed oils are frequently extracted from their sources by:
a. Brewer’s yeast b. Torula yeast c. both a and b a. expression b. steam distillation c. filtration
d. neither a and b d. none of these

A 215. Component of lecithin and a precursor of acetylcholine: C 234. A purified carbohydrate product extracted from the
a. choline b. biotin c. yeast d. PABA brown seaweeds Macrosystic pyrifera by the use of dilute
A 216. The organism used in the parasitic method of producing a. Karaya gum b. gelatin c. algin d. carrageenan
Ergot alkaloids:
a. Claviceps purpurea b. Claviceps paspali A 235. The principal component of essential oil:
c. both a and b d. none of the given a. terpenes b. aldehyde c. lactose d. esters

B 217. A true from of adulteration: C 236. Class of natural products with potent and diverse
a. admixture b. sophistication c. substitution biological activities involved in platelet aggregation,
d. deterioration pain and inflammation:
a. enzyme b. hormones c. prostaglandins
D 218. First anti-fungal antibiotic: d. tubocurarine
a. bacitracin b. nystatin c. fulvicin d. griseofulvin
C 237. The first immunoglobulin to appear when a newly born
A 219. Glycosides are also known as: infant begins its own antibody production:
a. sugar-ether b. sugar-ester c. sugar-acids a. IgD b. IgA c. IgM
d. none of the above d. IgE

B 220. The alkaloid used as a means of doubling chromosomes D 238. The general test for carbohydrate based on the
in the study of plant genetics: dehydration of sugar to furfural derivatives when the
a. ephedrine b. colchicines c. atropine d. eserine sugar is treated with concentrated, sulfuric acid
producing a violet ring between two layers:
D 221. Ideal temperature for storage of volatile oils: a. Fehling’s test b. Hainse’s test c. Benedict test
a. 8-50o C b. 15-20oC c. 25-40oC d. 2-8oC d. Molisch

A 222. Contact insecticide: D 239. The following are tests for reducing sugars except:
a. rotenone b. pyrethrin c. nicotine d. all of the above a. Barfoed b. Benedict c. Fehling d. none of the above

D 223. This is also known as 4-hydroxy-3-methoxy B 240. The non-sugar portion of a glycoside is known as:
benzaldehyde popularly used as flavoring agent: a. glycone b. genin c. inactive portion d. active
a. eugenol b. glycyrrhizin c. coumarin d. vanillin
Pharmacognosy and Plant Chemistry PACOP GREEN AND PINK Page 9 of 24
C 241. A plant pigment of therapeutic importance in preventing a. heparin sodium b. gelatin
xerophthalmia is: c. absorbable gelatin sponge d. absorbable gelatin film
a. xanthophyll b. fucoxanthine c. carotene
d. ahloroophyll C 258. An opium alkaloid known as narcotine isolated by
Robiquet is now officially called as:
B 242. Fermenting enzymes that converts monosaccharides to a. morphine b. codeines c. noscapine d. thebaine
ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide:
a. rennin b. zymase c. urease C 259. Caffeine belongs to this class of alkaloids:
d. sutilains a. cinchona b. ergot c. xanthine d. vinca

C 243. Glycosidic volatile oils are obtained by: B 260. An imidazole alkaloid obtained from pilocarpus jaborandi
a. expression b. ecuelle method is used to treat:
c. enzymatic hydrolysis d. destructive distillation a. gouty arthritis b. glaucoma c. cardiac stimulation
d. exytoxic
B 244. The alkaloid which continues to be the drug of choice
against malaria: A 261. The alkaloid found in calabar bean:
a. cincholine b. quinine c. papaverine a. physostigmine b. cocaine c. colchicines d. emetine
d. argonovine
B 262. Which of these lipids are used to control the consistency
B 245. Vinca rosea yields vinblastine which is: of creams and ointments?
a. antispasmodic b. anticancer c. antimalarial a. cholesterol b. waxes c. stearic acid d. lecithin
d. anti-TB
D 263. A test to determine the presence of cyanogenic
B 246. Japanese peppermint is solely employed as a source of: glycosides:
a. terpinol b. menthol c. borneol d. carvacrol a. Borntrager test b. Lieberman-Burchard test
c. Moore’s test d. Guignard test
C 247. Vinca rosea yields this antineoplastic alkaloid:
a. reserpine b. strychnine c. vincristine d. quinine B 264. The following alkaloid are present in Datura metel except:
a. Atropine b. caffeine c. hyoscyamine
D 248. This alkaloid is used as a skeletal muscle relaxant: d.scopolamine
a. cocaine b. papaverine c. berberine d. tubo-curarine
A 265. Which of the following terms best describes a cofactor
B 249. If Indian hemp is marijuana, then black Indian hemp is: that is firmly bound to an apoenzyme:
a. hashish b. apocynum c. shabu d. pot a. holoenzymes b. nucleosides c. monosaccharides
d. heteropolysaccharides e. transferase
B 250. Benne oil:
a. flaxseed oil b. sesame oil c. almond oil d. olive oil A 266. Plant part collected when vegetative processes have
D 251. The alkaloid reagent composed of iodine, in potassium a. roots and rhizome b. flowers c. leaves d. seeds
iodine solution is known as:
a. Hager’s reagent b. Mayer’s reagent B 267. One of the following is a sugar alcohol found in plants
c. Dragendroff’s reagent d. Wagner’s reagent a. Danthron b. Dulcitol c. Mannitol d. Sorbitol
e. Tartaric acid
D 252. A medicinally important lipid which is used as a
sclerosing agent: B 268. It is incorporated in tablets and lozenges that intended to
a. jojoba oil b. chaulmoogra oil c. licopodium aid in breaking tobacco habit
d. sodium morrhuate a. Quinine SO4 b. Lobeline SO4
c. Atropine SO4 d. Hyoscine HBr e. Cocaine HCl
B 253. The root of Rauwolfia serpentina is used as:
a. sedative b. antihypertensive c. depressant C 269. This is the most widely used opium alkaloid which are
d. stimulant narcotic analgesics and antitussives and are used as
sedatives, especially in allaying coughs.
A 254. It serves as a commercial source of strychnine and a. Morphine b. Papaverine c. Codeine d. Heroine
brucine: e. None
a. nux vomica b. calaban bean c. hydrastis
d. sanguinaria A 270. This term is used to designate simple organic compounds
containing not more than 6 carbon atoms and 2 or 3
C 255. Source of castor oil: carboxyl groups:
a. Jatropha curas b. Michelia champaca a. Plant acids b. Succinic acid c. Isocitric acid
c. Ricinus communis d. Croton tiglium d. all of these e. none

A 256. These are official tests done on living animals as well as A 271. Expensive substance used in perfumery which is a
on intact or excised organs and which often indicate the pathological product found in intestines of sperm whales
strength of a particular drug or its preparation: or cast by them into the sea as a response to injury by
a. bioassays b. histochemical test c. microscopic test squid beaks on which the sperm whale feeds:
d. microbiological test e. chemical assay a. ambergris b. ichthyocolla c. muskone d. acipenser

D 257. A specially prepared gelatin product used in C 272. Devil’s dung used as a carminative, and anti-spasmodic:
neurosurgery and in thoracic and ocular surgery: a. jalap b. gamboges c. asafetida d. witch hazel
Pharmacognosy and Plant Chemistry PACOP GREEN AND PINK Page 10 of 24
A 288. When nonhydolyzable tannins were boiled with
B 273. Use of bornyl acetate, a volatile oil constituents: hydrochloric acid, an insoluble compound known as____
a. increase capillary permeability b. expectorant is formed.
c. vasodilation d. none a. Phlobaphenes b. Cathecol c. Gallic acid d. Ellagic acid

A 274. The residue left after distilling the volatile oil from the A 289. Tannins is an effective antidote for_____poisoning.
oleoresin obtained from the various species of Pinus a. Alkaloid b. Phosphorous c. Insecticide d. Lead
a. colophony b. jalap c. mastic d. pinene
C 290. A CNS stimulant obtained from Nux vomica
C 275. Dried stalks of seaweed which is used in dilating the a. Venleurosine b. Ergotoxine c. Brucine d. Strychnine
cavities such as cervix in labor or abortion induction
due to its swelling chracteristic: D 291. Constituent of Claviceps purpurea employed as a uterine
a. Kelp b. Agar c. Laminaria d. Lappa muscle relaxant
a. Pilocarpine b. Ergotoxine c. Ergotamine tartarate
C 276. The chief component of Melissa officinalis, is commonly d. Ergonovine maleate
known as lemon balm:
a. geraniol b. decanal c. citral d. limonene D 292. Pilocarpine, an imidazole alkaloid is employed for the
treatment of
C 277. A muccopolysaccahride obtained from saliva which is a. Bronchial asthma b. Hypertension c. Motion sickness
active against Gram (+) bacteria, by transforming d. Glaucoma
the insoluble polysaccharides
a. muramidase b. lysozyme c. a and b d. none B 293. These are usually hard, transparent, or translucent and
when heated, they soften and finally melt
C 278. Oleandrin, the active component present in Rose bay, a. Alkaloids b. Resins c. Gums d. Tannins
Nerium oleander, is classified as:
a. phenolic b. alkaloid c. glycoside d. peptide A 294. Tragacanth is a dried gummy exudates from:
a. Astralagus gummifer b. Astralagus gumnifer
D 279. Aromatic water prepared from its flowers has been used c. Acacia senegal d. a and b
as vehicles for eye and skin lotions:
a. sage b. thyme c. oregano d. elder flower D 295. All of these are volatile oils that are used as condiments
A 280. Alkaloid obtained from Sarothammus scorparius which a. anise b. clove oil c. nutmeg d. eucalyptus oil
was formerly used fro cardiac arrythmias:
a. sparteine b. connine c. thebaine d. levuline A 296. A process of extraction which involve by macerating the
drugs for a short period of time with either hot or cold
B 281. Alkaloid obtained from wolfsbane root or monkshood: water.
a. coniine b. aconitine c. Viburnine d. Selegiline a. infusion b. decoction c. maceration d. percolation

C 282. Odorous principle found in tonka beans which is used as a C 297. The following are plant acids except:
fixative in perfumery, flavor and as precursor of a. citric acid b. palmitic acid c. lactic acid d. tartaric acid
anti- coagulants:
a. psoralens b. monobenzone c. coumarine D 298. Active constituent of wintergreen oil:
d. phenytioin a. eucalyptus oil b. olive oil c. menthol oil d. gaultheria oil

C 283. Acvtive principle in ginseng is calssified as a________ D 299. A method of evaluating plants according to the type of
glycoside: constituent present
a. anthraquinone b. flavanoid c. saponin d. alcohol a. pharmacological b. pharmaceutical
c. morphological d. chemical
C 284. An acid present in apples and pears which is used as a
sialogogue and combines with salicylic acid and D 300. These are acetal in which the hydroxyl of the sugar is
benzoic acid for desloughening effects: condensed with a hydroxyl group of the non sugar
a. lactic acid b. pyruvic acid c. malic acid d. oxalic acid component:
a. tannins b. carbohydrates c. resins d. glycosides
C 285. Neroli oil:
a. Orange oil b. Orange peel oil c. Orange flower oil A 301. The following are alkaloidal reagents except:
d. All of the above a. Millon’s reagent b. Mayer’s reagent
c. Dragendorff’s reagent d. Wagner’s reagent
B 286. High molecular weight polysaccharide gum produced by a
pure culture fermentation of a carbohydrate with D 302. These are colorless but yields intense red or violet color
Xanthamonas campestriesI, then purified by recovery when tested with boiled acid
with isopropyl alcohol, dried and milled: a. flavanoids b. flavone c. cathechin d. leukan thocyanins
a. dextran b. keltrol c. goat’s thorn d. gum Arabic
B 303. Used for the treatment of cystitis:
B 287. Milky white viscid secretion from the salivary glands of a. Blumea balsamifera b. Zea mays
the worker hive bee, Apis mellifera, and is used as c. Sorbus aucuparia d. Saccharum officinarum
a general tonic, toward the effects of old age:
a. Lac b. royal jelly c. ginseng d. propolis B 304. A phytochemical screening for saponin glycosides which
measures the rate of fluidity of the extract:
a. viscosity method b. capillary method
Pharmacognosy and Plant Chemistry PACOP GREEN AND PINK Page 11 of 24
c. Liebermann Burchard method d. all of these 7. Natural relationship existing among plants and among
C 305. A ketone volatile oil that is used as antipruritus: A. Taxonomy
a. eucalyptol b. spearmint c. camphor d. inositol B. Morphology
C. Phylogeny
C 306. These are esters of long chain fatty acids and alcohol D. Classification
a. fixed oils b. fats c. lipids d. waxes
8. In the preservation of crude drugs, this method is the
A 307. Gotu Kola obtained from the leaves and stems of Centella simplest in preventing insect, attacks and other form of
asiatica used as diuretic, blood purifier, treats leprosy , destruction.
body strengthener and revilaizer is locally known as: A. Exposure of the drugs to a temperature of 65°C
a. takip-kuhol b. sulasi c. lagundi d. mahogany B. Use of methyl bromide
C. Adding a few drops of chloroform
A 308. An alkaloid which does not react with or precipitate with
alkaloidal reagent is: 9. This refers to the evaluation by means of the sense organs
a. caffeine b. quinine c. hyoscyamine d. emitine and includes the macroscopic appearance of the drug,
odor, taste, sound upon fracture and feel to the touch.
A 309. Are unicellular organisms that are well known for their A. Physical Analysis
ability to metabolize sugar into alcohol and B. Chemical Analysis
carbon dioxide: C. Proximate Analysis
a. yeast b. dried yeast c. baker’s yeast d. brewer’s yeast D. Organoleptic Analysis
10. The first commercial application of the technique in
PACOP PINK Pharmacognosy was made by Eli Lilly Company. Using the
non-disease producing strain of E. coli, this company
1. In 780 A.D., he described about 600 plants with medicinal produced the hormone __________.
properties in his book “De Materia Medica”. A. Glucagon
A. Galen B. Somatostatin
B. Dioscorides C. Insulin
C. Seydler D. Somatomedin
D. Fluckiger 11. Which of the following may influence the secondary
2. C.A. Seydler was long thought to be the first person to constituents of plant drugs?
introduce the term Pharmacognosy. However, recent A. Genetic Composition
historical research reveals earlier usage of this term in a B. Ontogeny
book entitled Lehrbuch der Materia medica, which C. Environment
describes the study of medicinal plants and their D. All of the above
properties. Who wrote Lehrbuch der Materia medica? E. Only A and B
A. Pedanios Dioscorides 12. These are products of natural origin many which without
B. Paracelcus therapeutic effect used by the laity in the self-treatment
C. J.A Schmidt diseases.
D. Galen A. Health foods
3. Papyrus Ebers, a document written in 1550 B.C. was found B. Crude drugs
in the tomb of a mummy, it contained medicinal uses of C. Extracts
plants and animals. Which ancient civilization wrote D. All of the above
Papyrus Ebers? 13. Which of the following statement is/are true?
A. Babylonian I. Gums and mucilages are carbohydrates
B. Lydian II. Streptomycin is a carbohydrates
C. Egyptian III. The concentration of secondary metabolites
D. Greek increases with age
IV. Biogenesis refers to the study of biochemical
4. These are vegetables or animal drugs that consist of pathways leading to the formation of secondary
natural substances that have undergone only the constituents used as drugs.
processes of collection and drying. A) III only
A. Natural Substances B) II and II
B. Crude Drugs C) I, II and III
C. Extractives D) I, II and IV
D. Derivatives E) I, II and IV
5. What do you call plants growing in their native countries? 14. Which of the following pairs are correct?
A. Indigenous A) Reserpine-hypotensive
B. Naturalized B) Sambong-stomachic
C. Cultivated C) Bayabas-Diuretic
D. Local D) Lagundi- Analgesic
6. This is the final step in the preparation of drugs for the 15. Which of the following statement is correct?
commercial market, consisting of the removal of A) Synthetic Camphor is levorotatory
extraneous matter. B) Natural Camphor is dextrorotatory
A. Packaging C) Both natural and semisynthetic camphor are racemic
B. Preservation D) A and B only
C. Garbling E) A and C only
D. Harvesting
Pharmacognosy and Plant Chemistry PACOP GREEN AND PINK Page 12 of 24
16. Give the proper sequences of the following processes in the 27. It is also referred to as Japanese Isinglas, and is extensively
preparation of natural drugs. used as a gel in bacteriologic culture media.
I. Garbling A) Carrageenan
II. Collection B) Agar
III. Drying C) Chondrus
IV. Harvesting D) Cydonum
V. Packaging 28. Powdered cellulose is the purified, mechanically
A. III-I-IV-II-V disintegrated cellulose used as a self-binding tablet
B. II-IV-III-I-V diluent and disintegrating agent. Which of the following
C. II-I-IV-V-III statements regarding powdered cellulose is correct?
D. IV-I-III-V-II A) The purity of cellulose is defined by its solubility in
17. This classification of drugs considers the natural hydrochloric acid.
relationship or phylogeny among plants and animals. B) The cellulose remaining insoluble is termed alpha-
A) Taxonomic cellulose.
B) Morphologic C) The greater the quantity of alpha-cellulose present, the
C) Zoologic higher the quality of the material.
D) A and B only D) A and B only
E) A and C only E) B and C only
18. The source of bassorin 29. The most important monosaccharides found in plants.
A) Acacia A) Hexoses
B) Karaya B) Pentoses
C) Indian gum C) Heptoses
D) Tragacanth D) Octoses
19. Mannitol is used pharmacologically as a/an 30. Which of the following is a source of sucrose?
A) Humectant A) Acer saccharum
B) Osmotic diuretic B) Bos Taurus
C) Anti-infective C) Prunus cerasus
D) Urologic irritant D) Sorbus aucuparia
20. Which of the following is/are homoglycan(s)? 31. Which of the following statement is true?
A) Starch A) Dextrose is alpha-(L)-glucopyranose.
B) Inulin B) Dextrose is obtained from controlled enzymatic
C) Gums hydrolysis of starch.
D) All of the above C) Dextrose can only be given PO and IV
E) A and B only D) All of the above
21. The milk left after separation of the cream 32. This is a product obtained from the incomplete hydrolysis
A) Cheese of starch. It is a colorless or yellowish, thick syrupy liquid
B) Condensed milk that is nearly odorless and tastes sweet.
C) Skimmed milk A) Liquid dextrose
D) Butter milk B) Liquid sucrose
22. Fermentation product from molasses. C) Liquid dextrin
A) Wine D) Liquid glucose
B) Whiskey 33. Which of the following pairs are correct?
C) Rum A) Ferrous gluconate- hematinic
D) Brandy B) Xylose- laxative
23. It is also known as the carob pulp or St. John’s Bread C) Lactulose- diagnostic aid
A) Locust Bean D) Both A and C
B) Xanthan E) All of the above
C) Guar 34. Which of the following statement refers to fructose?
D) Acacia A) From Honey
24. It tastes approximately half as sweet as sucrose and has B) Obtained from the inversion of aqueous solutions of
humectant properties which make it useful ingredients in sucrose
toothpastes, chewing gums, and dietetic products. C) Upon hydrolysis, sucrose yields a higher fructose than
A) Mannitol dextrose content
B) Fructose D) A and B only
C) Dulcitol E) B and C only
D) Sorbitol
25. A pharmaceutic aid in the preparation of collodion and 35. In milk processing, the liquid separated from the coagulum
flexible collodion. is known as
A) Methylcellulose phthalate A) Condensed milk
B) Soluble guncotton B) Butter
C) Powdered cellulose C) Buttermilk
D) Cellulose acetate D) Whey
36. This is a pentose also known as wood sugar, which is obtained
26. Gum usually used as a substitute for acacia. by boiling corn cobs, straw, or similar materials with dilute acid to
A) Ghatti hydrolyze the polymer.
B) Tragacanth A) Ribose
C) Karaya B) Xylose
D) Algin C) Erythose
D) Trehalose
Pharmacognosy and Plant Chemistry PACOP GREEN AND PINK Page 13 of 24
37. Which of the following statement concerning lactulose is E) Only B and C
true? 48. Which of the following statement is true?
A) Natural sugar prepared by acidic rearrangement of A) Wine is sometimes used medically as a mild stimulant
lactose and tonic.
B) Trisaccharide B) Brandy is used as CNS stimulant
C) Well absorbed C) Whiskey is used as CNS stimulant
D) Bacteria in the color metabolized it to acetic and lactic D) All of the above
acid 49. Which of the following is obtained from Fraxious ornus L.
38. Xylose is used as a/an (Fam. Oleaceae), and is used for its laxative properties?
A) Diuretic A) Gluciol
B) Pharmaceutic exciptient B) Mannitol
C) Binder C) Sorbitol
D) Diagnostic Aid D) Lactulose
39. In glycolysis, what enzymes is involved in the conversion 50. What is the usual diagnostic dose of mannitol injection?
of 3 phosphoglyceraldehyde to 1,3-Diphosphoglyceric A) 200mg/kg body weight in a 15-25% solution IV in 3-5
acid? minutes
A) Kinase B) 50-100g daily in a 5-25% solution by IV infusion
B) Aldolase C) 200g/kg body weight in a 15-25% solution in 3-5
C) Dehydrogenase minutes.
D) Isomerase D) 50-100kg daily in a 5-25% solution by IV infusion
40. Aside from thiamine pyrophosphate, what 51. Which of the following statements pertains to SORBITOL?
coenzyme/cofactor aids in the oxidative I. A hexitol from the ripe berries of the mountaion ash. Sorbus
decarboxylation of pyruvic acid with pyruvic acid aucuparia L. (Fam. Rosaceae)
dehydrogenase? II. Twice as sweet as sucrose
A) NAD III. Used in toothpastes and chewing gums because of its
B) Lipoic acid humectant property
C) FAD A) III only
D) Mg2+ B) I only
41. Glucose-6-PO4 is converted to ________ upon the action C) I-III
of phosphohexose isomerase. D) I and III
A) Glucose-1-phosphate 52. Which of the following statement is true regarding
B) Fructose-6-Phosphate STARCH?
C) Fructose-1,6-Diphosphate I. α-amylase is an enzyme present in pancreatic juice and saliva
D) Dihydroxyacetone phosphate II. β-amylase hydrolyzes amylase to nearly pure maltose
42. Pyruvic acid, upon the action of pyruvic acid III. Amylase reacts with iodine to form a deep blue complex
decarboxylase yields ________. A) III only
A) Ethanol B) I only
B) Lactic Acid C) I-III
C) Methnol D) I and III
D) Acetaldehyde 53. What do you call the tacky proteins removed from corn and
43. Alcohol dehydrogenase acts on acetaldehyde to yield wheat in the preparation of starch?
______. A) Glutens
A) Lactic Acid B) Hetastarch
B) Pyruvic Acid C) Embryo
C) Ethanol D) Germ
D) All of the above 54. This refers to starch that has been mechanically or
44. Which tricarboxylic acid was first isolated by Scheele in chemically processed to rupture all or part of the
1784? granules in the presence of water.
A) Citric acid A) Sodium starch glycolate
B) Tartaric acid B) Hetastarch
C) Lactic acid C) Pregelatinized starch
D) Fumaric acid D) All of the above
45. This acid is a byproduct of wine industry. 55. At what % does pregelatinized serves as a plasma expander?
A) Citric acid A) 10%
B) Tartaric acid B) 20%
C) Lactic acid C) 3%
D)Fumaric acid D) 6%
46. This acid is used as an acidulant especially in feeding 56. What is the use of sodium starch glycolate?
formulas. A) Disintegrating agent in tablet formation
A) Citric acid B) Plasma Expander
B) Tartaric acid C) Binder
C) Lactic Acid D) Thickener
D) Fumaric acid 57. This is formed from sucrose by the action of a
47. Which of the following may be produced from the process of transglucoslose enzyme system present in Leuconostoc
distillation? mesenteloids.
A) Whiskey A) Dextran
B) Rum B) Dextrin
C) Brandy C) Insulin
D) All of the above D) Guar gum
Pharmacognosy and Plant Chemistry PACOP GREEN AND PINK Page 14 of 24
58. This is an example of a microbial gum. A) Guar
A) Pectin B) Locust Bean
B) Guar gum C) Psyllium
C) Acacia D) All of the above
D) Dextran 70. This is used as a chocolate substitute.
59. This is responsible for the swelling property of tragacanth. A) Guar
A) Bassorin B) Locust bean
B) Tragacanthin C) Psyllium
C) Arabin D) All of the above
D) Galacturonic acid 71. What is the only form of glycoside that occur in plants?
60. Which of the following statement is correct? A) Alpha
A) Pectin-cellulose derivatives B) Beta
B) Karaya-microbial gum C) Gamma
C) Algine-marine gum D) Sigma
D) Acacia- Seed gum 72. Which drug has reduced forms of emodin-type glycosides
61. Which of the following is a seed gum? in its fresh bark?
A) Algin A) Rhubarb
B) Guar B) Danthron
C) Pectin C) Casara sagrada
D) Karaya D) Aloe
62. It is the gummy exudates from Sterculia urens and it 73. What is used to treat cascara sagrada extract to reduce its
consists of an acetylated heteropolysaccaride with a high bitter taste?
component of galacturonic acid and glucuronic acid A) Magnesium oxide
residues. B) Calcium carbonate
A) Karaya gum C) Simple Syrup
B) Algin D) Talc
C) Acacia 74. What is the principal anthraxquinone glycoside contained
D) Xanthan in Alor barbadensis?
A) Chrysophanic acid
63. This is a high molecular weight gum with pseudoplastic B) Anthromol
properties, which enable it to be used in toothpastes and C) Barbaloin
oinments. D) Emodin
A) Guar 75. Which glycosidic drug is cultivated on lands resembling
B) Dextran rice paddies?
C) Karaya A) Rheum
D) Xanthan B) Senna
64. Which of the following is a microbial gum? C) Chrysazin
A) Dextrin D) Frangula
B) Xanthan 76. What chemical is used to extract 50 to 70% yield
C) Acacia chrysarobin form Goa poweder?
D) Guar A) Chloroform
65. This is a dried, hydrophilic, colloidal substance extracted B) Hot benzene
from Gelliium Cartilagineum and Gracilaria confervoides. C) Cooled Ethyl Alcohol
A) Agar D) Petroleum Ether
B) Algin 77. Which antraquinone glycoside is not employed as
C) Carrageenan cathartic?
D) Karaya A) Chrysazin
66. This is a term referring to closely related hydrocolloids that B) Rheum
are obtained from varios red algae or sea weeds. C) Buckthorn bark
A) Agar D) Chrysarobin
B) Algin 78. What type of saponin glycosides are derivatives of steroids
C) Carrageenan with spiroketal side chains?
D) Karaya A) Acid saponins
67. Carrageenans can be separated into several components. B) Alkaline saponins
Which of the following types of carrageenan is non-gelling C) Neutral saponins
and is more useful as a thickener. D) None of the above
A) Kappa 79. Which health problem may aggravated by increased
B) Lambda consumption of large quantities of licorice?
C) Inu A) Peptic ulcer
D) Iota B) Hypertension
68. Which of the following is obtained from Furcellaria C) Hyperthyroidism
fastigiata, a red algae? D) Addison’s Disease
A) Agar 80. What amygdalin-containing preparation have anticancer claims
B) Irish moss A) Vitamin P
C) Danish Agar B) Vitamin B17
D) Japanese Isinglas C) Vitamin B9
69. This hydrocolloid is a galactomannan obtained from the D) Linoleic Acid
powdered endosperm of the seed of Cyamposis 81. What enzyme effects the hydrolysis of sinigrin?
tetragonolobus. A) Myrosin
Pharmacognosy and Plant Chemistry PACOP GREEN AND PINK Page 15 of 24
B) Emulsin A) Astrigent
C) Rutin B) Humectant
D) Prunase C) Plasma expander
82. What is the pungnent-tasting oil that is produced by the D) Deodorizer
hydrolysis of Sanapis alba? 94. This drug, consisting of dried insects, is widely known as
A) Sinalbin an aphrodisiac.
B) Mustard oil A) Psoralen
C) Acrinyl Isothiocyanate B) Cantharides
D) Allyl isothiocyanate C) Tannic Acids
D) Uva ursi
83. What is the alcohol produced by the hydrolysis of Salicin 95. Which of the following is photosensitizing furocoumarin?
by emulsion? A) Psoralen
A) Salicylin B) Cantharides
B) Populin C) Tannic acids
C) Benzoyl salicin D) Uva ursi
D) Saligenin 96. Skimmin, aesculin and coumarin belong to what type of
84. Which of the following is TRUE about uva-ursi? glycosides?
A) Available in the form of herbal teas. A) Saponin
B) Diuretic B) Anthraquinone
C) Weak urinary antiseptic C) Lactone
D) All of the above D) Cyanogenic
E) A and B only 97. Which of the following is a source of phenol glycosides?
85. Which of the following statement is true? A) Uva-ursi
A) Sennoside and cascara sagrada are equally potent. B) Coumarin
B) Sennoside is a more potent laxative than cascara sagrada. C) Cantharides
C) Sennoside is a less potent laxative than cascara sagrada. D) Hamammelitanin
86. Which of the following statement is/are true about castor oil? 98. These are complex substances, usually mixtures of
A) Castor oil should not be used by pregnant women. polyphenols, which are difficult to separate because they
B) It works primarily in the large intestine. do not crystallize. At present, chromatographic analysis
C) Dehydration is not a problem with the use of castor oil. has enabled researchers to study them.
D) All of the above A) Steroids
E) Only A and B B) Glycosides
87. What insoluble red-colored products are produced by the C) Tannins
polymerization of tannins? D) Alkanoids
A) Catechin 99. Which of the following is/are phenolic glycoside?
B) Leucocyanidin A) Arbutin
C) Carotenophenes B) Hesperidin
D) Phlophabenes C) Phloridzin
88. What color is produced by tannins with potassium ferricyanide D) All of the above
and ammonia? 100. Which of the following is a degradation product of
penicillin-type antibiotics?
A) Dark blue A) Heparin
B) Greenish Black B) Protamine Sulfate
C) Deep red C) Penicillamine
D) Yellow D) Microfibrilar collagen
89. What insect produces the excrescence Nutgall? 101. This product is also known as catgut suture, surgical
A) Quercus infectoria catgut and surgical gut.
B) Cantharis vesicatoria A) Microfibrillar collagen
C) Cynips tinctoria B) Absorbable surgical suture
D) Rhus chinesis C) Nonabsorbable surgical suture
90. What is a mixture of esters of gallic acid with glucose? D) Absorbable gelatin film
A) Gallotannic acid
B) Ellagic acid 102. This is a coagulating enzyme, which curdes the soluble casein in
C) Chinese gall milk present in the mucous membrane of the stomach in mammals.
D) White Gall A) Pepsin
91. Which of the following is/are characteristic/s of hydrolysable B) Trypsin
tannins? C) Rennin
A) Consist of gallic acid or related polyhydric compounds D) Papain
esterified with glucose 103. Bromelin, bromelain, or bromelains is a mixture of protein-
B) Most of the result from the condensation of 2 or more digesting enzymes and milk-clotting enzymes from Ananas
flavan-3-ols or flavan 3,4-diols comosus(Bromelicaceae), commonly known as ___.
C) Forms phlobaphenes A) Corn
D) All of the above B) Pineapple
92. What is the principal constituent of Nutgall? C) Guyabano
A) Gallic acid D) Atis
B) Ellagic acid 104. This enzyme is isolated from human urine of from human
C) Resin kidney cells by tissue culture techniques.
D) Tannic acid A) Urokinase
93. Tannic acid is used mainly as a/an. B) Fibrinolysin
Pharmacognosy and Plant Chemistry PACOP GREEN AND PINK Page 16 of 24
C) Desoxyribonuclease 115. This is the major natural form of vitamin A.
D) Streptokinase A) 3-dehydroretinol
105. This enzyme is used as a spreading and diffusing factor. B) Retinoicacid
A) Crystallized trysin C) Retinol
B) Hyaluronidase for injection D) Retinal
C) Streptokinase 116. Pantothenic acid is also known as:
D) Fibrinolysin A) Vitamin B9
106. This enzyme is used as an ingredient in cleaning solutions for B) Chick anti-dermatitis factor
contact lenses. C) Vitamin B5
A) Trypsin D) Both A and B
B) Pepsin E) Both B and C
C) Papain 117. Which of the following vitamin may be found fish liver oil
D) Chymopapin or other vegetable oil?
107. This enzyme is found in almonds, and it causes the hydrolysis of A) Oleovitamin A and D
β-glucosides. Amygdalin is thus hydrolyzed B) Oleovitamin A and E
into glucose, benzaldehyde, and hydrogen cyanide. C) Oleovitamin D and E
A) Invertase D) Oleovitamin A
B) Myrosin E) Oleovitamin E
C) Emulsin 118. Which of the following B vitamins occur in greatest
D) Maltase proportion in dried yeasts?
108. Papain is used as: A) Thiamine
I. Meat tenderizer B) Riboflavin
II. Contact lens cleaner C) Niacin
III. Treatment of Herniated lumbar intervertebral discs. D) The B vitamins occur equal concentrations
A) III only 119. Para aminobenzoic acid or PABA is used as
B) II only A) Ultraviolet sunscreen
C) I and II B) Enhancer of sulfonamide antibacterial activity
D) I-IV C) Enhancer of serum salicylate activity
E) I-III D) A and B only
109. Sultilains are substances containing proteolytic enzymes, E) A and C only
which are topically used as oinments for wound 120. Prolonged oral antibiotic therapy may result in the
debridement. Sutilains are derived from what organisms? deficiency of which of the following vitamins?
A) Staphylococcus Aureus A) B
B) Staphylococcus pneumonia B) C
C) Escherichia coli C) D
D) Escherichia subtilis D) K
110. Which of the following statements is correct? 121. Which of the following vitamins serve as a precursor of
A) Gelatin is obtained from the partial hydrolysis of collagen coenzyme A, which is a cofactor essential for the metabolism of
B) Gelatin is a complete protein source carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.
C) Gelatin is tryptophan-rich A) Pyridoxine
D) All of the above B) Pantothenic acid
111. Which of the following pairs of lectins and their sources is C) Folic acid
correct? D) Cyanocobalamin
A) Ricin-locust bark 122. Clinical symptom/s of folic acid deficiency
B) Abrin-castor bean A) Megoblastic anemia
C) Abrin-jequirity seeds B) Macrocytic anemia
D) All of the above C) Glossitis
112. Which of the following is the source of L-asparaginase? D) All of the above
A) Staphylococcus aureus E) A and B only
B) Streptococcus pneumonia 123. Which of the following vitamins must be supplemented in
C) Escherichia Coli poisonings caused by cycloserine and isoniazid?
D) Bacillus subtilis A) Niacin
113. Which of the following is/are adverse effect(s) of B) Folic acid
Levodopa (Dopar )? C) Ascorbic acid
1. Nausea and vomiting D) Pyridoxine
2. Akinesia 124. Which of the following is true regarding pyridoxine deficiency?
3. Transient depression of granulocytes 1. Resemble niacin and riboflavin deficiencies
4. Rigidity 2. Neurologic abnormalities
A) 3 only 3. Macrocytic anemia
B) 1 and 2 4. Tryptopan loading dose may be used for its diagnosis
C) 1 and 3 A) 3 only
D) 2 and 4 B) 1 and 2
E) 1-4 C) 1, 2 and 3
114. What is the primary form of Vitamin D encountered in D) 1, 2 and 4
zoologic species? 125. Which of the following is true regarding enzymes?
A) Cholecalciferol 1. Enzymes are colloids, soluble in water and diluted alcohol.
B) Ergocalciferol 2. They exhibit optimal activity at 35-40°C
C) Dihyrotachysterol 3. They maintain substantial activity at 0°C.
D) 7-dehydrocholesterol 4. They are destroyed at temperature exceeding 65°C.
Pharmacognosy and Plant Chemistry PACOP GREEN AND PINK Page 17 of 24
A) 3 only B) Terpinol
B) 1 and 2 C) Cineole
C) 1, 2 and 3 D) Eugenol
D) 1, 2 and 4 137. Volatile oils occur in specialized secretory structures.
126. Which of the following is true regarding PANCRELIPASE? A) Modified parenchymal cells-Labiatae
1. Concentration form of pancreatin B) Vittae-Piperaceae
2. Lipase activity is increased 20-fold compared to pancreatin C) Lysigenous/Schizogenous passages-Pinacea
3. Amylase and protease activity is increased 4-fold D) Glandular hairs- Rutaceae
4. Contraindicated for steatorrhea 138. Which of the following statements regarding volatile oils is
A) 3 only correct?
B) 1 and 2 I. Volatile oils may act as repellants.
C) 1, 2 and 3 II. Volatile oils may function as attractants.
D) 1, 2 and 4 III. The terpene derivatives are formed via Shikimic Acid-
127. Vitamin supplementation is technically unnecessary in cases Phenylpropanoid route.
when the individual has a balanced diet. In which of the conditions IV. The aromatic compounds are formed via the acetate-mevalonic
below would vitamin supplementation be necessary? acid pathway.
A) Chronic alcoholism A) I and IV
B) Lactation B) III and IV
C) Cystic fibrosis C) I and III
D) All of the above D) I-III
E) A and B only 139. Which of the following describe/s volatile oils?
I. Low refractive indices
128. Use of tretinoin II. Optically active
A) Treatment of acne vulgaris III. Miscible with water
B) Prevention of hemorrhagic conditions IV. Soluble in organic solvents
C) Treatment of Hartnup’s disease A) I and II
D) All of the above B) III only
129. Paresthesias of the extremeties or “burning foot” syndrome is C) II and III
the most distinctive symptom of this vitamin. D) II and IV
A) Pyridoxine 140. Volatile oils and fixed oils share several points of differentiation.
B) Niacin Which of the following is true?
C) Pantothenic acid A) Fixed oils can be distilled
D) Thiamine B) Volatile oils can be saponified with alkalies
130. What is the active constituent of wintergreen? C) Volatile oils do not become rancid
A) Eucalyptus oil D) Fixed oils oxidize and resinify
B) Olive oil 141. Which of the following is true about volatile oils?
C) Menthol A) Become rancid
D) Gaultheria oil B) Can be distilled from natural sources
131. This is a ketone volatile oil, which is use as an antipruritic. C) May be saponified with alkalies
A) Eucalyptol D) All of the above
B) Spearmint 142. What type of extraction process is applied to plant material
C) Camphor that is dried and not subject to injury by boiling?
D) Inositol A) Water distillation
132. What type of volatile oil is citral? B) Water and steam distillation
A) Alcohol C) Direct steam distillation
B) Ketone D) Enzymatic hydrolysis
C) Hydrocarbon 143. What type of extraction process is employed in extracting
D) Aldehyde turpentine oil?
133. The most important contributor to lemon oil flavor. A) Water distillation
A) Citral B) Water and steam distillation
B) Neral C) Direct steam distillation
C) Limonene D) Enzymatic hydrolysis
D) Geranial
134. The principal component of essential oils are 144. What type of extraction process is employed for
A) Terpenes substances that are injured by boiling?
B) Aldehydes
C) Lactose A) Water distillation
D) Esters B) Water and steam distillation
135. Peppermint, cardamom oil, coriander oil, rose oil, orange C) Direct steam distillation
flower oil, juniper oil, and pine oil are examples of what type of D) Enzymatic hydrolysis
volatile oil?
A) Ketone
B) Phenolic 145. What type of extraction process is employed in obtaining
C) Aldehyde mustard oil?
D) Alcohol A) Water distillation
B) Water and steam distillation
136. What is formed by the reaction between nitric acid on rectified C) Direct steam distillation
turpentine oil in the presence of alcohol? D) Enzymatic hydrolysis
A) Borneol
Pharmacognosy and Plant Chemistry PACOP GREEN AND PINK Page 18 of 24
146. What type of process is employed in the extraction of volatile C) Carboprost
oils from citrus fruits (lemon oil, orange oil)? D) Misoprostol
157. This contains the highest concentration and greatest number of
A) Expression prostaglandins.
B) Enfleurage A) Brain
C) Ecuelle B) Thymus
D) Destructive distillation C) Prostate gland
147. This is a general method for obtaining citrus oils by rolling the D) Seminal fluid
fruit over a through lined by sharp projections, which are long 158. What are the main classes of prostaglandins?
enough to puncture oil glands in the epidermis. A) A
A) Expression B) B
B) Enfleurage C) F
C) Ecuelle D) All of the above
D) Destructive distillation E) Only A and B
148. Which of the following methods is suitable in obtaining small 159. The parent compound of all natural prostaglandins?
amounts of volatile oils in plant parts such as flower petals? A) Prostanoic acid
A) Expression B) Unsaturated fatty acids
B) Enfleurage C) Arachidonic acids
C) Ecuelle D) Linoleic acids
D) Destructive distillation 160. They consist of 3 isoprene units.
149. What type of distillation is employed to the plants in the family A) Monoterpenes
Pinaceae when they are heated without access to air? B) Sesquiterpenes
A) Water distillation C) Diterpenes
B) Water and steam distillation D) Triterpenes
C) Direct steam distillation 161. What type of terpenes are found most commonly in volatile
D) Destructive distillation oils?
150. This is the most widely distributed monocyclic terpene. It A) Monoterpenes
occurs in citrus, peppermint, caraway, cardamom, coriander, and B) Sesquiterpenes
other oils. C) Diterpenes
A) Limonene D) Triterpenes
B) Pinene 162. A sesquiterpene from feverfew that acts as a serotonin
C) Sabinene antagonist.
D) Myrcene A) Arthemether
151. Lipid metabolites formed in the body from essential B) Valarenic acid
unsaturated fatty acids from the diet. C) Colforsin
A) Waxes D) Parthenolide
B) Lipids 163. A sesquiterpenoid lactone from Artemisia annua and has been
C) Prostaglandins traditionally used as an antimalarial.
D) Fats A) Quinghaosu
152. Which of the following is the most important dietary precursor B) Chamomile
of prostaglandins? C) Feverfew
A) Oleic acid D) Valerian
B) Arachidonic acid 164. Paclitaxel, an antineoplastic from the bark of Taxus brevifolia, is
C) Linoleic acid classified as a/an
D) Linolenic acid A) Monoterpenes
153. Which is not a product of arachidonic acid metabolism via the B) Sesquiterpenes
cyclooxygenase pathway? C) Diterpenes
A) Prostaglandin D) Triterpenes
B) Leukotriene 165. Which of the following yields a triterpenoid with an antifeedant
C) Thromboxane propterty?
D) Prostacyclin A) Coleus forskohlii
B) Azadirachta inidica
154. Prostaglandin E1, which is used as a palliative treatment to C) Gingko biloba
maintain temporarily neonates with patent ductus arteriosus, is also D) Matricaria recutita
known as 166. These form the largest class of terpenoids
A) Carboprost A) Monoterpenes
B) Dinoprostone B) Diterpenes
C) Alprostadil C) Sesquiterpenes
D) Misoprostol D) Triterpenes
155. These are esters of fatty acids with high molecular weight 167. Valerenic acid from valerian is used as
monohydric alcohol. A) Blood schizonticide
A) Waxes B) Antianxiety agent
B) Lipds C) Spasmolytic
C) Fixed oils D) Antimigraine
D) Fats 168. Cineole is abundant in
156. A natural prostaglandin used to terminate pregnancy from the A) Turpentine oil
12th week through the 2nd trimester. B) Thyme oil
A) Dinoprostone C) Eucalyptus oil
B) Alprostadil D) Mint oil
Pharmacognosy and Plant Chemistry PACOP GREEN AND PINK Page 19 of 24
169. What is the major constituent of fennel oil from Foeniculum D) Turpentine
vulgare? 181. The scientific name of the source of spearmint oil.
A) Trans-anethole A) Mentha arvensis
B) Fenchone B) Mentha spicata
C) Pinene C) Mentha piperita
D) Estragole D) Mentha cordifolia
170. What phenolic ether volatile oil is obtained from Illicium verum 182. The solid or crytallized portion remaining after refrigeration of
(Fam. Magnoliaceae)? the peppermint oil.
A) Anise oil A) Eugenol
B) Fennel oil B) Menthol
C) Chinese star anise oil C) Eucalyptol
D) All of the above D) Thymol
171. What is the chemical name of the active isoprene unit in the 183. Which of the following is the source of cassia oil?
biosynthesis of terpenoids? A) Clove
A) Geranyl pyrophosphate B) Cinnamon
B) Farnesyl pyrophosphate C) Myristica
C) Isopentanyl pyrophosphate D) Anise
D) Acetyl CoA 184. Anise oil is chemically classified as _____________.
172. It is regarded as the “Ginseng of Europe” because it is A) Oxide volatile oil
extensively cultivated and utilized in European folk medicine. B) Ketone volatile oil
A) Feverfew C) Aldehyde volatile oil
B) Camphor D) Phenolic ether volatile oil
C) Eucalyptus 185. Which of the following sources of volatile oils is used as an
D) Chamomile antianxiety and sleep aid?
173. These are resinous mixtures containing cinnamic acids, benzoic A) Feverfew
acids, or both, or esters of these acids. B) Gingko
A) Resins C) Valerian
B) Balsams D) Taxol
C) Gums 186. Which of the following volatile oils is an ingredient in terpin
D) Tannins hydrate elixir?
174. The psychoactive constituent of the drug Cannabis. A) Juniper oil
A) Tetrahydrocannabinol B) Turpentine oil
B) Cannabidiol C) Pine oil
C) Cannabinol D) Thyme oil
D) Nabilone 187. This volatile oil contains benzaldehyde.
175. The oleo-gum-resin obtained from Commiphora molmol. A) Mustard oil
A) Storax B) Myristica oil
B) Myrrh C) Bitter almond oil
C) Benzoin D) Ginger oil
D) Turpentine 188. Eucalyptus oil belongs to which plant family?
176. This is the oleo-gum-resin found in Astring-O-Sol®. A) Pinaceae
A) Storax B) Labiatae
B) Myrrh C) Myrtaceae
C) Benzoin D) Rutaceae
D) Turpentine 189. Methylsalicylate or gaultheria oil is classified chemically as
177. The dental analgesic that is chemically, 4-allyl-2- ________ volatile oil.
methoxyphenol is commonly known as ___________. A) Phenol
A) Myrosin B) Phenolic ether
B) Sinigrin C) Ketone
C) Eugenol D) Ester
D) Salicin 190. These are amorphous products with complex chemical nature,
178. Examples of oleo-gum-resins and are believed to be oxidation products of terpenes.
A) Myrrh A) Resins
B) Asafetida B) Resenes
C) Storax C) Resinols
D) All of the above D) Balsams
E) Only A and B 191. It is also known as may apple or mandrake, and is employed as
179. Clove oil (eugenol) is chemically classified as _________ volatile an antimitotic and caustic.
oil. A) Podophyllum
A) Alcohol B) Jalap
B) Aldehyde C) Eriodictyon
C) Phenol D) None of the above
D) Ketone 192. This resin from Pisracia lentiscus is used in the form of dental
varnish to seal cavities.
180. Which source has a gained reputation among prison inmates of A) Jalap
being a hallucinogenic drug? B) Eriodictyon
A) Nutmeg C) Mastic
B) Juniper D) Kava-kava
C) Cinnamon
Pharmacognosy and Plant Chemistry PACOP GREEN AND PINK Page 20 of 24
193. Which of the following is used as a flavor to disguise the 204. Which of the following statements regarding fixed oils is true?
bitterness of quinine preparations? A) Fixed oils are classified into drying and non-drying oils
A) Eriodictyon B) When exposed to air, non-drying oils undergo oxidation with
B) Mastic formation of tough, hard film.
C) Yerba Santa C) The drying quality is caused by the presence of unsaturated fatty
D) A and B only acids of a distinctive character, such as linoleic and linolenic acids.
E) A and C only D) A and B
194. Which of the following are the other names Cannabis? E) A and C
A) Indian Hemp 205. Which of the following pairs is correct?
B) Hashish A) Castor- antirachitic
C) Marihuana B) Olive Oil- Emollient
D) All of the above C) Lecithins- pharmaceutic aid for emulsions
E) A and b only D) A and B
195. This is used as a pharmaceutic aid for compound benzoin E) B and C
tincture. 206. Which of the following is true regarding volatile oils?
A) Benzoin A) Volatile oils or essential oils are called olea aetherea in some
B) Tolu Balsam countries.
C) Siam Benzoin B) The solid portion that separates upon standing of the volatile oils
D) Peru Balsam is called eleoptene.
196. Alpha and beta peltatins of podophyllum are responsible for its C) The liquid portion that separates is called stearoptene.
________ properties. D) All of the above
A) Purgative 207. Example(s) of commercial stearoptenes.
B) Counterirritant A) Thymol
C) Antimitotic B) Camphor
D) Anti-seborrheic C) Menthol
197. This refers to the solid resin obtained from Pinus palustris, D) All of the above
which is used as stiffening agent in cerates, plasters and ointments. E) A and B
A) Jalap 208. Use of castor oil:
B) Rosin A) Retardant for dental cement
C) Colophony B) Anti-diarrheal
D) A and B C) Stimulant cathartic
E) B and C D) Emulsifying agent
198. Jalap and Podophyllum are pharmaceutic resins obtained by 209. These are esters resulting from the condensation of high
A) Extracting the drug with alcohol and precipitating the resins with molecular weight, straight chain fatty chains fatty acids and
water high molecular weight, primary, straight chain alcohols:
B) Distillation to separate the oil from oleoresin A) Terpenes
C) Collecting the natural product that has exuded as oleoresin plant B) Steroids
through natural or artificial puncture and from which natural oil has C) Volatile oils
partially evaporated into the atmosphere. D) Waxes
D) Any of the above 210. Function of steroids
199. Mastic is a pharmaceutic resin obtained by 1. Molting of insects
A) Extracting the drug with alcohol and precipitating the resins with 2. Development of the reproductive system
water 3. Induction of sexual reproduction in fungi
B) Distillation to separate the oil from oleoresin 4. Pigmentation
C) Collecting the natural product that has exuded as oleoresin plant A) 3 only
through natural or artificial punctures and from which natural oil B) 1 and 2
has partially evaporated into the atmosphere. C) 1, 2 and 3
D) Any of the above D) 1, 2 and 4
200. This is an example of drying oil 211. The precursor of the biosynthesis of steroids.
A) Linseed A) Proline
B) Olive B) Isoprene
C) Almond C) Squalene
D) Peach Kernel D) Malonyl-CoA
201. The alkali-catalyzed hydrolysis of fats and fixed oils is known as: 212. This is the animal source of Premarin®, which is an example of
A) Esterification conjugated estrogen.
B) Saponification A) Frog
C) Oxidation B) Rabbit
D) Lipolysis C) Dog
202. The basic nitrogenous compound present in lecithin: D) mare
A) Adenosine 213. This is the principal glucocorticoid substance of the adrenal
B) Guanine cortex.
C) Choline A) Cortisone
D) Acetylcholine B) Cortisol
203. The number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide required to C) Desoxycorticosterone
neutralize the free acids in 1 grams of sample: D) Desoxycortone
A) Iodine value
B) Saponification value 214. Steroidal hormones are bound to:
C) Acid value
D) Ester value A) Lipids
Pharmacognosy and Plant Chemistry PACOP GREEN AND PINK Page 21 of 24
B) Carbohydrates 227. A fatty acid prepared from the pyrolysis of ricinoleic acid that
C) Albumin has antifungal property.
D) Blood A) Stearic acid
215. Animal employed in the assay of digitalis glycosides. B) Undecylenic acid
A) Dog C) Linolenic acid
B) Cat D) Oleic acid
C) Pigeon 228. This is obtained from the lipid fraction of Glycine soja, that can
D) Rabbit be used as a precursor of steroidal hormones.
216. Animal employed in the assay of heparin. A) Cholesterol
A) Rachitic cat B) Ergosterol
B) Dog C) Stigmasterol
C) Cat D) Cholecalciferol
D) Sheep 229. This is the powdered mare after the cacao butter is expressed.
217. Animal employed in the assay of insulin A) Bitter chocolate
A) Dog B) Sweet chocolate
B) Cat C) Breakfast cocoa
C) Pigeon D) Cocoa shell powder
D) Rabbit 230. Jojoba oil, a liquid wax expressed from the seeds of
218. It is the most lipid-soluble of the cardiac glycoside used in Simmondsia chinensis, belongs to the family
therapeutics. A) Buxaceae
A) Deslanoside B) Apiaceae
B) Digitoxin C) Arecacea
C) Digoxin D) Asteraceae
D) Digitalis
219. The oil obtained from a variety of rapeseed. 231. Hyoscyamine, when racemized during extraction, is converted
A) Benne oil to
B) Flaxseed oil A) Scopolamine
C) Canola oil B) (-)-tropin
D) Persic oil C) Hyoscine
220. Water content of anhydrous lanolin. D) Atropine
A) 0.25% 232. Which of the following statements is/are true regarding
B) 0.50% alkaloids?
C) 0.10% 1. Free alkaloids are sparingly soluble in water.
D) 1.00% 2. Alkaloids combine directly with acids to form salts.
221. Prostaglandin that is used orally in patients that are high risk 3. Alkaloids are liberated from aqueous solutions of their salts by
for developing ulcers during NSAID therapy, which is banned in acids.
some countries due to its abortifacient property. 4. Alkaloids form highly insoluble precipitates with salts of heavy
A) Alprostadil metals.
B) Carboprost A) 3 only
C) Dinopostone B) 1, 2 and 3
D) Misoprostol C) 1, 2 and 4
222. The waxy substance derived from the head of sperm whale, D) 2 only
Physeter macrocephalus. 233. Broom, Cytisus scoparius (Fam. Fabaceae) contains this
A) Carnauba alkaloids, which is used for cardiac arrhythmias and as oxytocic.
B) Ambergis A) Lycopsamine
C) Spermaceti B) Sparteine
D) Civet C) Thebaine
223. The most important dietary precursor of the prostaglandins is D) Conline
A) Linoleic acid 234. Which of the following is classified as tropane alkaloid?
B) Linolenic acid A) Scopolamine
C) Arachidonic acid B) Solanine
D) Palmitoleic acid C) Brucine
224. Peanut oil is also known as D) Cephaeline
A) Rapeseed oil 235. Thalleioquine reaction is used to identify this alkaloid.
B) Arachis oil A) Atropine
C) Olive oil B) Caffeine
D) Teel oil C) Morphine
225. The toxic lectin principle of Ricinus communis. D) Ephedrine
A) Ricinine 236. Strychnine and brucine are examples of _________ alkaloids.
B) Ricitin A) Indole
C) Ricin B) Purine
D) Hemagglutinin C) Imidazole
226. These are esters resulting from the condensation of high D) Tropane
molecular weight, straight chain fatty acids and high molecular 237. Mescaline, a psychomimetics, is obtained from
weight, primary straight chain alcohols. A) Psilocybe mexicana
A) Terpenes B) Lophophora williamsii
B) Steroids C) Catha edulis
C) Volatile oils D) Rivea corymbosa
D) Waxes E) Hordeum vulgare
Pharmacognosy and Plant Chemistry PACOP GREEN AND PINK Page 22 of 24
238. This is preferred over caffeine in the treatment of cardiac C) Methysergide
edema and angina pectoris because it has little stimulant action on D) Ergine
the CNS. E) Lysergic acid
A) Theophylline 249. Caffeine is used with this ergot alkaloid to treat migraine
B) Theobromine headaches.
C) Coffee A) Methysergide maleate
D) Aminophylline B) Ergotamine tartrate
E) Xanthine C) Methylergonovine maleate
239. Aside from antihypertensive action, reserpine is also officially D) Ergometrine maleate
used as a/an. 250. Serpasil® is a prescription product of which alkaloids?
A) Cure of dysentery A) Codeine
B) Febrifuge B) Caffeine
C) Antidote for snake bite C) Reserpine
D) Adjunct in psychotherapy D) Ergometrine
E) Anticancer agent E) Physostigmine
240. Atropine, an antidote in poisoning caused by physostigmine 251. Nicotine, an alkaloid from Nicotiana tabacum, is a derivative of
and organphosphate insecticides, is an example of ________ A) Piperidine
alkaloids. B) Nicotinic acid
A) Tropane C) Pyrrolidine
B) Indole D) Tropane
C) Flavonoid E) Tropine
D) Purine 252. This alkaloid contains an indole nucleus
A) Pilicarpine
241. A skeletal muscle relaxant from South American Arrow poison B) Ephedrine
A) Tubocurarine chloride C) Reserpine
B) Atracurium besylate D) Caffeine
C) Physostigmine E) Atropine
D) Sanguinarine 253. This assay provides information about the percent of extractive
E) Berberine representing the total class of plant alkaloid.
242. Which of the following alkaloids exist as a liquid? A) Proximate assay
A) Coniine B) Ultimate assay
B) Lobeline C) Spectrometric assay
C) Atropine D) Chromatographic assay
D) Quinine E) Titrimetry
E) Tubocurarine 254. The chief source of hyoscine
243. The official test animal used to assay curare alkaloids by the A) Atropa belladonna
“head drop” cross-over method. B) Daatura fastuosa
A) Cat C) Hyoscyamus niger
B) Dog D) Datura stramonium
C) Pigeon E) Hyoscyamus muticus
D) Mice 255. This alkaloid is employed in ophthalmology to treat glaucoma.
244. Thorn apple, which yields scopolamine, is called locally as A) Emetine
A) Talong B) Eserine
B) Tambalisa C) Morphine
C) Trompeta D) Reserpine
D) Talampunay E) Strychnine
E) Tangan-tangan 256. An ipecac preparation, which is a component of poison
245. Alkaloid reagents are used to precipitate alkaloids. Which antidote kits
alkaloidal reagent is composed of phosphotungstic acid? A) Ipecac fluidextract
A) Wagner’s reagent B) Dover’s powder
B) Scheilbler’s reagent C) Ipecac syrup
C) Mayer’s reagent D) Emetine HCl
D) Sonneschein reagent E) Powdered ipecac
246. Paracelsus referred to it as the “stone of immortality”. 257. This alkaloidal reagent is composed of mercuric potassium
A) Morphine iodide.
B) Codeine A) Mayer’s reagent
C) Heroin B) Marme’s reagent
D) Opium C) Wagner’s reagent
E) Cocaine D) Dragendorff’s reagent
247. Vinblastine exerts its antineoplastic action by 258. Basic nitrogenous compounds of plant origin that are
A) Interfering with DNA coding and replication physiologically active
B) Preventing the conversion of folinate to tetrahydrofolate A) Glycosides
C) Inhibitng DNA gyrase B) Alkaloids
D) Interfering with the polymerization of tubulin into microtubules. C) Hormones
E) Modulating the immune system D) Terpenoids
248.This substance, which was discovered by A. Hoffman is E) Lipids
considered as the most and most specific hallucinogen known 259. Which of the following local plants yields an alkaloid of the
A) Mescaline pyridine-piperidine type?
B) Lysergic acid diethylamide A) Ambal
Pharmacognosy and Plant Chemistry PACOP GREEN AND PINK Page 23 of 24
B) Anonas 1. An oral vaccine for typhoid is available as an enteric-coated
C) Chichirica capsule
D) Dapdap 2. Meningococcal vaccines are not efficacious in children under 2
E) Ipil-ipil years old
260. Which of the following alkaloidal reagents is composed of 3. Haemophilus B vaccine are used in children less than 18 months
iodine in potassium iodide? of age
A) Wagner’s reagent 4. Pertussis vaccine is usually accompanied by a dose of
B) Mayer’s reagent acetaminophen to reduce the risk of high fever and febrile
C) Dragendorff’s reagent convulsions.
D) Phosphotungstic acid A) 3 only
261. Which of the following pairs are correct? B) 1, 3 and 4
A) Physostigmine- mydriatic C) 1, 2 and 4
B) Morphine- analgesic D) 1, 2 and 3
C) Brucine- central depressant 270. Diagnostic antigens are employed to
D) Atropine- miotic A) Protect an individual from a disease
262. Which of the following alkaloids is classified as an anthelmintic B) Stimulate passive immunity
in veterinary practice? C) Activate active immunity
A) Lobeline D) Determine whether an individual has developed hypersensitivity
B) Nicotine 271. What is used to culture measles virus?
C) Arecoline A) Agar
D) Scopolamine B) Armadillo
C) Monkey
D) Avian embryo tissue
263. Biologics may be classified as 272. An allergic reaction is primarily due to the release of
A) Antigen A) Serotonin
B) Antibody B) Adrenaline
C) Antitoxin C) Bradykinin
D) A and B D) Histamine
264. Active immunity may be acquired through 273. Poison ivy and oak contain a non-volatile phenolic principle
1. Recovery from an infection producing allergic symptoms. This substance is
2. Series of administration A) Urushiol
3. Repeated injections of a toxoid B) Toxicodendrol
A) 3 only C) 3-pentodecylcatechol
B) 1 and 2 D) Exine
C) 1 and 3 274. The toxic component in castor bean
D) 1-3 A) Ricinoleic acid
265. All biologics are dated or carry an expiration date on their label B) Linoleic acid
because C) Lycorine
A) They do not retain their potency for an indefinite period D) Ricin
B) The activity of a biological product is rapidly lost 275. Examples of bacterial vaccines
C) The biologic has its own half life 1. Cholerea vaccine
D) The biologics come from variable sources 2. Plague vaccine
266. The following statements regarding vaccines are true 3. Hepa A vaccine
1. Vaccines are composed of attenuated or live or killed immunity of 4. TB vaccine
an individual A) 3 only
2. Vaccines are given primarily to stimulate the passive immunity of B) 1 and 2
an individual C) 1, 2 and 3
3. Vaccines are used as inoculations to stimulate the productions of D) 1, 2 and 4
antibodies 276. A two-plus (++) designation of a skin test means:
4. Vaccines may be developed using recombinant technology A) Wheal with definite pseudopods and erythema
A) 3 only B) Definite wheal with surrounding erythema
B) 1, 3 and 4 C) Erythema larger than 20mm but no wheal
C) 1, 2 and 4 D) Erythema smaller than 20mm in diameter
D) 1, 2 and 3 277. Weeds associated with pollinosis include members of
267. Which of the following statements regarding polio vaccines is A) Amaranthaceae
TRUE? B) Asteraceae
A) Inactivated polio vaccine is commonly called trivalent oral polio C) Chenopodiaceae
vaccine (TOPV). D) All of the above
B) Inactivated polio vaccine is more commonly referred to as Salk 278. The most common outcome of the igestion of a toxic plant is
Polio vaccine A) Acute dermatitis
C) Polioviruss vaccine inactivated is more commonly known as Sabin B) Hepatitis
vaccine. C) Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea
D. All of the above D) Pneumonia
268. Measles vaccine is recommended for active immunization for 279. Picrotoxin is a
A) Children 15 months of age or older A) Narcotic analgesic
B) Infants under 15 months of age B) Powerful anticonvulsant
C) Children 3 year old and older C) Central depressant
D) Children under 10 years of age D) Terotogenic
269. Regarding bacterial vaccines, which of the following is TRUE? 280. The toxic principle in jequirity beans is
Pharmacognosy and Plant Chemistry PACOP GREEN AND PINK Page 24 of 24
A) Dauricine C) It is an example of a steroidal alkaloid.
B) Abrin D) It is an example of a purine base.
C) Tung oil 293. Theophylline, prepared from the leaves and leaf buds of
D) Gelsemine Camellia sinensis (Theaceae) is an example of a purine base alkaloid.
281. Most poisonous and non-edible mushrooms contain Which of the following statements is correct?
A) Muscarine A) Its astringent property is due to tannin content.
B) Ibotine B) It has smooth muscle relaxant property.
C) Amanitine C) It causes urinary retention
D) A and B D) Only A and B
282. Which is/are teratogenic poison(s)? 294. Which of the following statements is true regarding
A) Capsaicin theobromine?
B) Coniine A) It is known as 1,3-dimethylxanthine
C) Linamarin B) It has little stimulant action on the central nervous system
D) None of the above C) It is preferred over caffeine in the treatment of cardiac edem
283. Toxic cyanogen found in cassava D) A and B
A) Amygdalin E) B and C
B) Jacobine 295. What do you call the active principle of poison ivy,
C) Linamarin Toxicondendron species, which may cause
D) Anabarine dermatitis upon penetration of the epidermis of the
284.Factors contributing to the variability in the concentration of skin?
toxic components in plants may be A) Abrin
A) Plant part used B) Uroshiol
B) Age of plant C) Undecylinic acid
C) Climactic and soil differences D) Ursolic acid
D) All of the above 296. The scientific name of lagundi is
285. Capsaicin, found in different species of capsicum, primarily A) Vitex negundo
causes of what organ of the body? B) Momordica charantia
A) Skin C) Blumea balsamifera
B) Lungs D) Artocarpus heterophyllys
C) Kidney 297. The approved therapeutic use of lagundi.
D) eyes A) Antidiarrheal
286. Which of the following is an example of an imidazole alkaloid? B) Remedy for asthma and cough relief
A) Green and white hellebore C) Hypoglycemic
B) Nicotine D) Relief of stomachaches
C) Pilocarpine 298. Sambong is used as
D) Hydrastis A) Analgesic
287. The coffee family belongs to what type of alkaloidal family? B) Diuretic
A) Pyridine-piperidine C) Anthelmintic
B) Tropane D) Stimulant
C) Quinoline 299. Which of the following has been linked to high rates or
D) Purine oral and esophageal cancer?
288. Which of the following statements is true regarding A) Camellia sinepsis
decaffeinized coffee? B) Quercus infectoria
A) It normally contains 0.08% of caffeine. C) Areca catechu
B) It normally contains 0.8% of caffeine. D) Blumea balsimefera
C) It has a higher price than ordinary caffeine. 300. Which of the following is the carcinogenic constituent
D) Both A and C found in “nganga”?
E) Both B and C A) Tannin
289. Which of the following statements regarding pilocarpine is true? B) Glycoside
A) It is an imidazole alkaloid C) Alkaloid
B) Cholinergic drug used in the treatment of glaucoma D) Volatile Oil
C) Mydriatic
D) All of the above
E) A and B only
290. Which of the following statements is correct about gingko?
A) Contraindicated in diabetes and pregnancy
B) Has a drug-herb interaction with USA
C) Toxic effects include hypertension and cardiac arrest
D) Has a drug-lab interaction with phenelzine
291. Which of the following ergot alkaloids is a component of
A) Ergonovine maleate
B) Methylergonovine maleate
C) Ergotamine tartrate
D) Ergotoxine
292. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding ephedrine?
A) It is a component of a topical OTC preparation
B) It is a cholinomimetic agent that stimulates alpha and beta

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