IPCC August 3 2022
IPCC August 3 2022
IPCC August 3 2022
Interim showed he was still compliant with insulin administration, however was lost to follow up since he
was asymptomatic and CBG monitoring was discontinued. His diet during this time consisted of mostly
sweets as he would sneak eating candies and chocolates for his snacks.
One week PTA, had decreased activity and was noted to be weak looking with sunken eyeballs. No other
symptoms at that time. CBG was done which was 527 mg/dL hence was given due dose of insulin. No
repeat CBG was done after.
One day PTA, he had four episodes of vomiting of previously ingested food, non bilious, non projectile
amounting to 2 cups in total, with generalized vague abdominal pain. CBG was 293 mg/dL and was
subsequently given his due dose of insulin. No repeat CBG and consult was done.
Nine hours PTA, he had decreased activity and appetite with CBG’s of “HIGH” on 2 successive readings.
Insulin was given and repeat CBG was 500 mg/dL. Still no consult was done.
Two hours PTA, had difficulty of sleeping due to difficulty of breathing hence was brought to the emergency
Review of systems:
• General: (-) fever, (-) weight loss/gain
• Cutaneous: (-) rashes, (-) pruritus
• HEENT: (-) headache, (-) dizziness, (-) eye itchiness, (-) redness, (-) discharge, (-) ear pain, (-) aural
discharge, (-) nasal congestion, (-) epistaxis, (-) sore throat
• Respiratory: (-) cough, (-) colds
• Cardiac: (-) cyanosis (-) easy fatigability
• Gastrointestinal: (-) diarrhea, (-) constipation
• Genitourinary: (-) dysuria, (-) frequency, (-) urgency
• Neurologic: (-) tremors, (-) loss of consciousness, (-) seizure, (-) behavioral change
• Musculoskeletal: (-) limitation of movement, (-) bone, joint or muscle pain
• Hematologic: (-) easy bruisability, (-) gum bleeding, (-) pallor
Claims to be updated until 1 year old with no booster doses at a local health center
Nutritional History
24 Hour Food Recall:
Feeding history: eats homecooked meals but not fond of vegetable. Eats chocolates/sweets at least 2x
per day. Water intake per day is approximately 1 liter.
Family History:
(+) Diabetes mellitus Type 2- maternal grandmother; on Metformin
(-) Hypertension/Cardiovascular diseases
(-) Allergies/Asthma
(-) Tuberculosis
(-) Kidney Diseases
(-) Cancer/Malignancies
(-) Blood dyscrasia
Family Profile:
Age Occupation Health Status
Physical Examination:
General Survey: conscious, coherent, in distress (Kussmaul’s breathing), ill-looking, moderately
dehydrated, undernourished, carried
Vital Signs: BP 90/60 mmHg HR 128 bpm RR 37 cpm Temp 36.9 SpO2 91%
Anthropometrics: Wt 19.6kg (z at -2) Ht 113cm (z below -2) BMI 15.3 (z below 0)
Skin: warm, moist, no active dermatoses
HEENT: (+) sunken eyeballs, pink palpebral conjunctivae, anicteric sclerae, 2-3mm ERTL, (-) tragal
tenderness, nonhyperemic external auditory canal, intact tympanic membrane, septum midline, non-
congested turbinates, no nasal discharge, (+) dry lips and mucosa, (-) sores or ulcers, tonsils not enlarged,
non-hyperemic posterior pharyngeal wall, (+) dental caries
Neck: no palpable lymph nodes, thyroid gland not enlarged
Chest/lungs: symmetrical chest expansion, no retractions, clear breath sounds
Heart: adynamic precordium, (-) heaves/lifts/thrills, (-) murmurs
Abdomen: flat, normoactive bowel sounds, tympanitic on all quadrants, soft, (+) direct tenderness over the
epigastric area
Extremities: warm extremities, pulses full and equal, CRT <2s
Neurologic Examination:
Cerebral: conscious, coherent, oriented to 3 spheres
Cranial Nerves:
CN I – intact
CN II – pupils 2-3 mm, ERTL
CN III, IV, VI – EOMs full and intact
CN V – no sensory deficits on V1 V2 and V3, muscle of mastication intact
CN VII –able to smile, frown, raise eyebrows, no facial asymmetry
CN VIII – gross hearing intact
CN IX, X – uvula midline, (+) gag reflex
CN XI – can shrug shoulders; turn head side to side against resistance
CN XII – tongue midline
Motor: MMT 5/5 on all extremities
Cerebellar: no dysmetria, no dysdiadochokinesia
Sensory: no sensory deficits on all extremities
Reflexes: DTR ++ on both upper and lower extremities
Meningeal: (-) Nuchal rigidity (-) Brudzinski (-) Kernig’s
On the first PICU day, he was conscious, coherent, not in distress and well hydrated. Vital signs were
normal and CBG’s at the 8th to 10th hour of hydration were 113, 131, 98 mg/dL, respectively. Weaning off
O2 was continued as tolerated and insulin infusion was resumed at 0.05 u/kg/hr. Repeat ABG, serum Na
and K, and CBC were done. On the 11th hour of hydration, CBG was 68 mg/dL hence D50W at 1 mL/kg
per slow IV push was given. Repeat CBG after 30 minutes was 190 mg/dL and insulin infusion was stopped.
On the 13th and 14th hour of hydration, CBG’s were 220 and 250 mg/dL respectively, hence insulin infusion
at 0.05u/kg/hr was resumed. The succeeding CBG’s were as follows:
Repeat ABG was done and insulin infusion was shifted to subcutaneous insulijn of 5 units every 6 hours.
Diet was resumed to soft diet and CBG monitoring was decreased to every 2 hours.
On the second PICU day, he was asymptomatic and tolerated soft diet, hence diet was progressed. Repeat
ABG and serum Na and K were done. IVF was shifted to plain 0.45% NaCl at maintenance rate + 40 meqs
KCl (TFR-oral). SC insulin was continued every 4 hours with CBG’s ranging from 95 to 165 mg/dL.
On the 3rd hospital day, he was transferred to the regular ward. CBG monitoring was decreased to every 6
hours with ranges of 101-197 mg/dL. Repeat electrolytes were done and 2 doses of KCl powder was given.
SC insulin was shifted back to insulin aspart 0.9u/kg/day. Repeat electrolytes was done on initial K
correction. Three more doses of KCl powder was given and bananas were included in the diet. IVF was
was then discontinued.
On the 4th hospital day, he referred to the DM center and subsequently discharge stable and asymptomatic
with take home medication of insulin aspart 0.9 mg/kg/day.
Labs on admission:
CXR: Normal
Repeat ABG:
1st PICU day 2nd PICU day
pH 7.363 7.453
BE -12.5 -4.5