Annual Inventory2016-17

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National Inventory

Hazardous Waste Generation and their

October, 2018


Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
Govt. of India
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................................. 1
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................................... 2
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 5
2. Methodology ............................................................................................................................ 7
2.1 Methodology adopted for Annual Inventory Report ........................................ 7
3. Limitations ................................................................................................................................ 9
3.1 Limitations of the report: ............................................................................................ 9
4. Finding of the National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation
and its Management...................................................................................................................... 11
4.1 Findings............................................................................................................................ 11
5. State-wise Status of Hazardous Waste Management ............................................. 19
5.1 Andhra Pradesh ............................................................................................................ 19
5.2 Andaman & Nicobar .................................................................................................... 20
5.3 Arunachal Pradesh....................................................................................................... 20
5.4 Assam ................................................................................................................................ 20
5.5 Bihar .................................................................................................................................. 21
5.6 Chandigarh ...................................................................................................................... 23
5.7 Chhattisgarh ................................................................................................................... 23
5.8 Daman, Diu and Dadar Nagar Haveli .................................................................... 24
5.9 Delhi .................................................................................................................................. 24
5.10 Gujarat .......................................................................................................................... 25
5.11 Goa ................................................................................................................................. 26
5.12 Haryana........................................................................................................................ 27
5.13 Himachal Pradesh .................................................................................................... 29
5.14 Jharkhand .................................................................................................................... 29
5.15 Jammu & Kashmir .................................................................................................... 30
5.16 Kerala............................................................................................................................ 31
5.17 Karnataka .................................................................................................................... 32
5.18 Lakshadweep ............................................................................................................. 33
5.19 Maharashtra ............................................................................................................... 34
5.20 Madhya Pradesh ....................................................................................................... 35
5.21 Meghalaya ................................................................................................................... 36
5.22 Manipur ....................................................................................................................... 36
5.23 Mizoram ....................................................................................................................... 36
5.24 Nagaland ...................................................................................................................... 37
5.25 Odisha ........................................................................................................................... 37
5.26 Puducherry ................................................................................................................. 38
5.27 Punjab........................................................................................................................... 38
5.28 Rajasthan ..................................................................................................................... 39
5.29 Sikkim ........................................................................................................................... 41
5.30 Tamil Nadu ................................................................................................................. 41
5.31 Telangana .................................................................................................................... 42
5.32 Tripura ......................................................................................................................... 43
5.33 Uttarakhand ............................................................................................................... 44
5.34 Uttar Pradesh............................................................................................................. 45
5.35 West Bengal................................................................................................................ 46
6. Way Forward ......................................................................................................................... 48
The details of all 43 Standard Operating Procedures for utilization of Hazardous
Waste .................................................................................................................................................. 50
The Copy of formats circulated to all SPCBs/PCCs to Obtain information .............. 51
State-wise Status on Hazardous waste Generation & it’s management ................... 51
List of Anthorized Recyclers/Utilizers/Co-processors of Hazardous Waste ......... 52
Details of Available Common Integrated TSDFs with Common Incineration &
Secuted Landfill .............................................................................................................................. 53
National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)


Figure 1: State-wise status of Hazardous Waste Generation .......................................................12

Figure 2: Hazardous waste generation as per annual return ......................................................13
Figure 3: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Andhra Pradesh .........................20
Figure 4: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Bihar ...............................................22
Figure 5: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Chhattisgarh ................................24
Figure 6: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Gujarat ...........................................26
Figure 7: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Goa ..................................................27
Figure 8: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Haryana .........................................28
Figure 9: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Jharkhand .....................................30
Figure 10: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Jammu & Kashmir ...................31
Figure 11: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Karnataka...................................33
Figure 12: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Maharashtra..............................34
Figure 13: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Madhya Pradesh ......................35
Figure 14: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Odisha..........................................37
Figure 15: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Punjab .........................................39
Figure 16: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Rajasthan ...................................40
Figure 17: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Tamilnadu ..................................41
Figure 18: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Telangana...................................42
Figure 19: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Tripura ........................................43
Figure 20: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Uttarakhand ..............................44
Figure 21: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Uttar Pradesh ...........................45
Figure 22: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in West Bengal ..............................46


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)


Table 1: State-wise Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management .....................................14

Table 2: State-wise status of Recycling/Utilization/ Co-processing of Hazardous Waste
Table 3: Availability of Common Integrated Treatment, Storage & Disposal Facilities
(TSDFs) with Common Incinerators & Secured Landfill ...............................................................18
Table 4: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in
Andhra Pradesh .............................................................................................................................................. xi
Table 5: Number & Capacity of Authorized Recycling/utilizing facilities in Andhra
Pradesh ............................................................................................................................................................. xii
Table 6: Quantity of hazardous wastes disposed in Common TSDF in Andhra Pradesh .xiii
Table 7: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in
Assam................................................................................................................................................................ xiv
Table 8: Number and Capacity of Authorized Recycling/Utilizing facilities in Assam ...... xv
Table 9: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in Bihar
............................................................................................................................................................................. xvi
Table 10: Number and capacity of recycling units in Bihar...................................................... xviii
Table 11: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in
Chandigarh ..................................................................................................................................................... xix
Table 12: Number and capacity of recycling units in Chandigarh ............................................. xx
Table 13: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in
Chhattisgarh ................................................................................................................................................... xxi
Table 14: Number and capacity of recycling units in Chhattisgarh ......................................... xxii
Table 15: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in
Gujarat ............................................................................................................................................................xxiv
Table 16: Number and capacity of recycling units in Gujarat ...................................................xxvi
Table 17: Quantity of hazardous wastes disposed in common TSDF in Gujarat ............. xxvii
Table 18: District-wise Hazardous Waste generation & its Management in Goa ............. xxix
Table 19: Number and capacity of recycling units in Goa ........................................................... xxx
Table 20: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in
Haryana .......................................................................................................................................................... xxxi
Table 21: Number and capacity of recycling units in Haryana ............................................. xxxiii
Table 22: Quantity of hazardous waste disposed in common TSDF in Haryana ............ xxxiv
Table 23: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in
Himachal Pradesh .....................................................................................................................................xxxv
Table 24: Number and capacity of recycling units in Himachal Pradesh .......................... xxxvi
Table 25: Quantity of hazardous waste disposed in common TSDF in Himachal Pradesh
....................................................................................................................................................................... xxxvii
Table 26 :District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in
Jharkhand .................................................................................................................................................xxxviii
Table 27: Number and capacity of recycling units in Jharkhand................................................. xl
Table 28: Quantity of hazardous waste disposed in common TSDF in Jharkhand .............. xli


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

Table 29: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in
Jammu & Kashmir ........................................................................................................................................ xlii
Table 30: Number and capacity of recycling units in Jammu & Kashmir ............................. xliii
Table 31: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in
Kerala ...............................................................................................................................................................xliv
Table 32: Number and capacity of recycling units in Kerala ...................................................... xlv
Table 33: Quantity of hazardous waste disposed in common TSDF in Kerala ....................xlvi
Table 34: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in
Karnataka ..................................................................................................................................................... xlvii
Table 35: Number and capacity of recycling units in Karnataka .............................................. xlix
Table 36: Quantity of hazardous waste disposed in common TSDF in Karnataka ................ li
Table 37: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in
Maharashtra ....................................................................................................................................................liii
Table 38: Number and capacity of recycling units in Maharashtra ............................................ lv
Table 39: Quantity of hazardous waste disposed in common TSDF in Maharashtra ......... lvi
Table 40: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in
Madhya Pradesh ...........................................................................................................................................lvii
Table 41: Number and capacity of recycling units in Madhya Pradesh ................................... lix
Table 42: Quantity of hazardous waste disposed in common TSDF in Madhya Pradesh .. lx
Table 43: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in
Meghalaya ........................................................................................................................................................ lxi
Table 44: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in
Manipur............................................................................................................................................................ lxii
Table 45: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in
Mizoram ......................................................................................................................................................... lxiii
Table 46: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in
Nagaland ........................................................................................................................................................ lxiii
Table 47: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in
Odisha ..............................................................................................................................................................lxiv
Table 48: Number and capacity of recycling units in Odisha ...................................................... lxv
Table 49: Quantity of hazardous waste disposed in common TSDF in Odisha ...................lxvi
Table 50: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in
Puducherry .................................................................................................................................................. lxvii
Table 51: Number and capacity of recyclers/co-processor/utilizer in Puducherry ..... lxviii
Table 52: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in
Punjab .............................................................................................................................................................. lxix
Table 53: Number and capacity of recycler/utilizer in Punjab ................................................. lxxi
Table 54: Quantity of hazardous waste disposed in common TSDF in Punjab ................. lxxii
Table 55: District-wise Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Rajasthan ..... lxxiii
Table 56: Number and capacity of recycler/utilizers in Rajasthan ........................................lxxv
Table 57: Quantity of hazardous waste disposed in common TSDF in Rajasthan ........... lxxvi
Table 58: District-wise Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Sikkim .......... lxxvii
Table 59: District-wise Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Tamil Nadu lxxviii


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

Table 60: Number and capacity of recycler/utilizers in Tamil Nadu .................................... lxxx
Table 61: Quantity of hazardous waste disposed in common TSDF in Tamil Nadu ...... lxxxi
Table 62 :District-wise Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Telangana ... lxxxii
Table 63: Number and capacity of recyclers/utilizers in Telangana ................................. lxxxiii
Table 64: Quantity of hazardous wastes disposed in common TSDF Telangana .......... lxxxiv
Table 65: District-wise Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Tripura ......... lxxxv
Table 66: Number and capacity of recyclers/utilizers ............................................................ lxxxvi
Table 67: District-wise Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Uttarakhand
...................................................................................................................................................................... lxxxvii
Table 68: Number and capacity of recyclers/utilizers in Uttarakhand ......................... lxxxviii
Table 69: Quantity of hazardous waste disposed in common TSDF in Uttarakhand .. lxxxix
Table 70: District-wise Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Uttar Pradesh ...xc
Table 71: Number and capacity of recyclers/utilizers in Uttar Pradesh ..............................xciii
Table 72: Quantity of hazardous waste disposed in common TSDF in Uttar Pradesh.... xciv
Table 73: District-wise Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in West Bengal ... xcv
Table 74: Number and Capacity of recyclers/utilizers in West Bengal ................................ xcvi
Table 75: Quantity of hazardous waste disposed in common TSDF in West Bengal ..... xcvii


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)


Hazardous waste is mostly generated from industrial activities and, if not handled and
managed in safe manner, may cause threat to human health and environment. For safe
storage, packaging, transportation, recycling, utilization, treatment, disposal, etc. of
hazardous waste in an environmentally sound manner, Ministry of Environment, Forest
and Climate Change, Govt. of India has notified Hazardous and Other Wastes
(Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016 (HOWM Rules, 2016)
suppressing the earlier Hazardous Waste (Management, Handling & Transboundary
Movement) Rules, 2008, under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. The HOWM
Rules, 2016, lays down provisions w.r.t generation, packaging, storage, transportation,
recycling/reprocessing, utilization, treatment, disposal, etc. of hazardous waste and
obtaining authorization from the concerned State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) /
Pollution Control Committee (PCC) for the same. The SPCB/PCC has been envisaged
with the responsibility of granting the said authorization on being satisfied that the
applicant for the authorization possesses appropriate facilities for collection, storage,
packaging, transportation, treatment, processing, use, destruction, recycling, recovery,
pre-processing, co-processing, utilization, offering for sale, transfer or disposal of the
hazardous and other waste, as the case may be, and after ensuring technical capabilities
and equipment though site inspection.

The HOWM Rules, 2016, also lays down the responsibility of occupier of hazardous
waste for their safe and environmentally sound management following the waste
management hierarchy viz. prevention, minimization, reuse, recycle, recovery,
utilization and lastly safe disposal. The hazardous waste can be disposed at captive
treatment facility installed by the individual waste generator or at Common Hazardous
Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities (TSDFs). The common disposal
facilities may have only secured land fill (SLF) or incinerator or combination of the both.

The recycling and utilization as resource or energy recovery of hazardous waste are
preferential option over disposal of hazardous waste since it conserves resources and
leads to reduction of carbon foot print. Utilization of hazardous waste by co-processing
in cement Kiln has proven a sustainable option because there is a dual benefit in terms
of utilizing the waste as supplementary fuel as well as alternative raw material. The
HOWM Rules, 2016, has stipulated provisions about such utilization of hazardous waste
as resource or energy recovery and emission standards for co-processing of wastes in
Cement Kilnn have been notified vide GSR 497 (E) dated 10.5.2016 under the
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has
published Guidelines for Pre-Processing and Co-Processing of Hazardous and Other
Wastes in Cement Plant as per HOWM Rules, 2016. Further, CPCB has also prepared
guidelines for environmentally sound recycling of commonly recyclable hazardous
wastes such as Used Oil, Waste Oil, non-ferrous metals, etc. listed under Schedule IV of
the under HOWM Rules, 2016. Besides these, CPCB has prepared 43 Standard Operating
National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

Procedures (SOPs) for utilization of 36 different categories of hazardous waste as a

resource or energy recovery. The details of these 43 SOPs are given at Annexure-1 and
the same are available at CPCB website.

The HOWM Rules, 2016, stipulates provisions for maintaining records and filing annual
returns pertaining to hazardous waste generation and their management. As per Rule
20(2) of the HOWM Rules, 2016, the occupier handling hazardous waste and operator of
the disposal facility are required to submit the annual return in the prescribed Form to
SPCB/PCC by 30th June of every financial year about hazardous wastes generation,
storage, recycling, utilization, disposal, etc. Based on which, as per Rule 20(3) of the
HOWM Rules, 2016, SPCBs/PCCs are required to prepare annual inventory of the waste
generated, recycled, utilized, disposed, etc. for the respective State/UT and submit the
same to CPCB by 30th September of every financial year. As per Rule 20(4) of the HOWM
Rules, 2016, CPCB is required to prepare consolidated report on management of
hazardous wastes and submit the same to the Ministry of Environment, Forest and
Climate Change before 30th December once in every year.

This national inventory report on hazardous waste management has accordingly been
prepared based on annual inventory received from SPCBs/PCCs. The inventory report
outlines district wise generation of hazardous waste and their recycling, utilization and
disposal and availability of recycling/utilization facility and common TSDFs during April
2016 – March 2017.


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

In order to comply with the provisions of HOWM Rules, 2016 and for preparation of
National Inventory on Hazardous Waste generation and its management, CPCB prepared
following 04 formats to obtain information from SPCBs/PCCs:
a) Format A: for the submission of district-wise quantity of hazardous waste
generated, recycled, utilized, co-processed, disposed and stored within the
premises of the occupier
b) Format B: details of the recyclers/utilizers/co-processors w.r.t. numbers,
authorized capacity and quantity of hazardous waste recycled/utilized/co-
c) Format C: List of authorized recyclers/utilizers/co-processors and
d) Format D: details of common TSDF pertaining to quantity of hazardous waste

Copy of the above formats are given at Annexure-2. These formats were circulated to all
SPCBs/PCCs vide letter dated 29/07/2016 for submitting information so as to prepare
national inventory of hazardous waste generation and its management. The matter was
also pursued with SPCBs/PCCs for timely submission of annual inventory. However,
most of the SPCBs/PCCs have responded during December, 2017-January, 2018.

A web-portal “SPCB Sanyojan” has also been made available at CPCB website to enable
the SPCBs/PCCs for submission of annual inventory reports.

Except 03 SPCB/PCCs (namely Arunachal Pradesh, Delhi and Daman, Diu and Dadra
Nagar Haveli), 32 SPCBs/PCCs have submitted the annual inventory (based on the
annual returns submitted by the occupiers) on hazardous waste generation and its
management for the year 2016-17 in the prescribed formats. Most of the SPCBs/PCCs
have informed that the said annual returns submitted by the occupiers have been
randomly verified by them.
The annual inventory reports submitted by SPCBs/PCCs were examined by CPCB and
gaps/anomalies were identified and communicated to the respective SPCBs/PCCs.
Commonly observed gaps/ anomalies in the annual inventory reports submitted by
SPCB/PCC were as below:

a) Difference between the quantity of hazardous waste generated and quantity of

hazardous waste disposed/recycled/utilized/co-processed during 2016-
2017and stored by end of March 2017.
b) Mismatch between the quantity of hazardous wastes sent for recycling, co-
processing & utilization (information provided in Format A) and the quantity of
hazardous wastes recycled, co-processed & utilized by the authorized recyclers,
co-processors and utilizers (information provided in Format B).
c) The quantity of hazardous wastes disposed /recycled/utilized/co-
processed/stored is more than that the quantity of hazardous wastes generated


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

d) Some SPCBs/PCCs reported the quantity of hazardous wastes generated,

recycled/co-processed/utilized in numbers also instead of maintain uniformity in
terms of Metric Tonnes.
e) The Quantity of hazardous wastes generation, as per annual return, is reported
more than the authorized quantity in some of the States/UTs.
f) Few SPCBs/PCCs (viz. Manipur, Mizoram and Puducherry) not reported the
quantity of hazardous wastes generation as per annual returns.
g) In few states, the quantity of hazardous wastes generated is reported as nil,
whereas, the quantity of hazardous wastes sent for recycling/co-
processing/utilization/disposal has been reported.
The inventory data were reviewed by SPCBs/PCCs accordingly and it was also learnt
that data mismatch in generation, recycling/utilization/disposal and stored is due to
inter-state movement of hazardous waste for recycling/utilization/disposal and that
there is carryover of stock stored from end of March 2016 to 2016-2017. Based on
replies received from SPCBs/PCCs, a draft inventory report was prepared and circulated
to SPCBs/PCCs in February, 2018, for validation of the annual inventory report
corresponding to respective State/UT. A workshop for SPCBs/PCCs was also organized
in this regard at CPCB, Delhi on March 06, 2018. This annual inventory has been
finalized based on the inventory report validated by SPCBs/PCCs corresponding to their
respective State/UT.


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)



Efforts have been made to resolve gaps/ anomalies as outlined in para 2.1 of the
previous chapter, however, few of the gaps could not be resolved as this being a first
attempt by CPCB and SPCBs/PCCs to prepare the inventory data based on annual
returns submitted by occupiers and operators of disposal/recycling/utilization facility
operators. Thus, this inventory report has few limitations which are given as below:
i. Hazardous waste generation and their management in Arunachal Pradesh and
Daman, Diu & Dadra Nagar Haveli have not been incorporated in this report as
their respective SPCB/PCC did not provide annual inventory information or as
per the said format. Further, Delhi PCC did not provide their annual inventory
information based on annual returns provided by hazardous waste
generators/occupiers and as per the said format. However, the limited
information provided by Delhi PCC has been incorporated in this report.
ii. States like Puducherry, Manipur and Mizoram have not submitted the hazardous
waste generation as per the annual return, however, information on management
of hazardous waste has been provided based on the authorized quantity of
iii. States like Goa, Gujarat, West Bengal, Puducherry, Manipur and Mizoram have
reported that annual return have not been submitted by all the occupiers.
iv. UTs like Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep have reported generation of
hazardous waste as nil, as there is no hazardous waste generating industries.
However, it is expected that hazardous wastes such as used/waste oil, used lead
acid batteries, etc. are generated from automobiles workshops/service
stations/etc. A clarification was sought in this regard and response could not be
provided by PCC of Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep.
v. The details of State/UT wise inter-movement of hazardous waste for
recycling/utilization/disposal and their quantity could not be determined since
such information were not sought through the aforesaid formats.
vi. In order to maintain uniformity in reporting of quantity of hazardous waste
generation in terms of Metric Tonnes, used/ waste oil quantity (which was
reported in KL) has been converted from KL to Metric Tonnes by multiplying
with 01 (assuming specific gravity of used oil and waste oil equivalent to 01)
which was discussed with SPCBs/PCCs during the workshop held on 06/03/2018
at CPCB, Delhi.

Further, States like Himachal Pradesh and Punjab could not report quantity of
some of the hazardous waste such as empty barrels/containers/liners
contaminated with hazardous chemicals/waste, oil filters, etc. in terms of Metric
Tonnes and have reported in terms of numbers. There are wide ranges in sizes of


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

the said such as empty barrels/containers/liners contaminated with hazardous

chemicals/waste, oil filters, etc. and thus wide variations in their weight.
However, to maintain uniformity in reporting, the said numbers have been
estimated into Metric Tonnes by multiplication factor of (100.05/1000). The said
factor has been estimated assuming maximum and minimum weight of empty
barrels as 200kg and 0.1kg and taking average of them followed by applying
factor for conversion of kg into Metric Tonnes. The same comes out to be

To improve upon the inventory information, necessary modifications in the aforesaid

formats for inventory data submission by SPCBs/PCCs for 2017-2018 have been made in
consultation with SPCBs/PCCs during the aforesaid workshop held on 06/03/2018 at
CPCB, Delhi. It is expected that such limitations would be addressed in subsequent
annual inventory.


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)



a) There are 56,350 numbers of hazardous waste generating industries in the country
authorized to generate about 25.46 Million Metric Tonnes (MT) of hazardous wastes.
State-wise details on hazardous waste generation and its management is given in
Table 1 below.
b) As per the annual return submitted by the occupiers, about 7.17 Million MT of
hazardous waste have been generated during April, 2016-March, 2017. The details of
the management of hazardous waste during the said period (i.e. quantity of
hazardous waste disposed, recycled/utilized and stored) are as given below:

1. Quantity of HW disposed 2.84 Million MT (39.65%)

(i) Common SLF : 1.68 Million MT
(ii) Captive SLF : 0.89 Million MT
(iii) Common Incinerator : 0.23 Million MT
(iv) Captive Incinerator : 0.05 Million MT
2. Quantity of HW Recycled/ Utilized 3.68 Million MT (51.30%)
(i) Recycling of commonly recyclable : 1.00 Million MT
hazardous wastes (Schedule IV listed
wastes under the HOWM Rules, 2016)
(ii) Co-processing in Cement Kilns : 0.55 Million MT
(iii) Captive utilization 1.66 Million MT

(iv) Non-captive utilization (other than : 0.47 Million MT

(ii) above) under Rule 9 of the HOWM
Rules, 2016
Quantity of hazardous waste stored at the occupier’s premises are 0.90 Million MT at the
end of financial year i.e. March, 2017. The same has also been represented in Figure 1.
c) Gujarat (39.20%), Rajasthan (10.10%), Odisha (8.30%), Jharkhand (8.07%), Tamil
Nadu (5.34%), Maharashtra (5.32%), Karnataka (4.70%), Andhra Pradesh (3.94%),
Telangana (3.86%) and Uttar Pradesh (2.60%) are the top 10 hazardous waste
generating states, which together contribute about 91% of total hazardous waste
generated in the country. State-wise status of hazardous waste generation is given
in the said Table 1 below.
d) There are 1,733 authorized recyclers for recycling of commonly recyclable
hazardous wastes (used oil/waste oil/non-ferrous scraps/etc.) listed under
Schedule-IV of HOWM, Rules, 2016, having authorized capacity of 6.99 Million MT.
The state-wise details of authorized recyclers/utilizers/co-processors are given in
Table 2. About 1.00 Million MT of hazardous waste has been recycled during 2016-


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

17, of which 75% has been recycled in Gujarat, Tamilnadu, Telangana, Karnataka
and Andhra Pradesh.


23.18 23.37

13.95 7.60 0.73



9,00,092.50 MT of Hazardous Waste stored at occupier premises at the end of March, 2017
Quantity Disposed in Captive SLF
Quantity Disposed through Common SLF at TSDF
Quantity Disposed by Captive Incinerator
Quantity Disposed Through Common Incinerator at TSDF
Quantity Co-processed in cement Kiln
Quantity utilized under Rule 9 other than cement Industry
Quantity sent to recyclers of Schedule-IV Hazardous Wastes
Captive Utilization
Quantity of Hazardous Waste stored at occupier prmises at the end of the year
Figure 1: State-wise status of Hazardous Waste Generation
e) 65 Cement Plants having authorized capacity of 7.22 Million MT are utilizing
hazardous waste in the country by co-processing. Gujarat, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu,
Telangana and Rajasthan together contributes more than 86% of total hazardous
waste co-processed in cement plant in the country and Gujarat leads with about
f) Apart from utilization of hazardous waste in cement plants, there are 224 facilities
for utilization of various categories of hazardous waste as a resource/energy
recovery, having authorized capacity of 2.32 Million MT.
Gujarat, Jharkhand and Odisha together contributes more than 75% of total
hazardous waste for utilization (other than Co-processing in cement plant) in the
country and Gujarat leads with about 28% followed by Jharkhand with about 25 %
g) There are 42 Common Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities
(TSDFs) in 18 States/UT. Of which 18 are integrated TSDFs having both Secured
Landfills and Incinerators; 10 have only common incinerators, and; 14 have only
Secured Landfills. State/UT wise availability of the same is given at Table 3 and it’s
details are provided in Annexure-5.


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

Andaman & Nicobar 0.000 (0%)

Andhra Pradesh 0.282 (3.93%)
Assam 0.029 (0.41%)
Bihar 0.0008 (0.11%)
Chandigarh 0.003 (0.04%)
Chhattisgarh 0.065 (0.91%)
Delhi 0.004 (0.06%)
Goa 0.025 (0.35%)
Gujarat 2.811 (39.20%)
Haryana 0.059 (0.82%)
Himachal Pradesh 0.029 (0.40%)
Jammu & Kashmir 0.001 (0.01%)
Jharkhand 0.579 (8.06%)
Karnataka 0.337 (4.70)
Kerala 0.038 (0.53%)
States in India

Lakshadweep 0.000 (0.00%)

Madhya Pradesh 0.126 (1.75%)
Maharashtra 0.382 (5.32%)
Manipur 0.000 (0.00%)
Meghalaya 0.000 (0.00%)
Mizoram 0.000 (0.00%)
Nagaland 0.000 (0.00%)
Odisha 0.596 (8.30%)
Puducherry 0.000 (0.00%)
Punjab 0.115 (1.61%)
Rajasthan 0.725 (10.10%)
Sikkim 0.001 (0.01%)
Tamil Nadu 0.383 (5.34%)
Telangana 0.277 (3.86%)
Tripura 0.000 (0.00%)
Uttarakhand 0.024 (0.338%)
Uttar Pradesh 0.187 (2.60%)
West Bengal 0.086 (1.2%)
Quantity of Hazardous waste in Million MT (%)

Figure 2: Hazardous waste generation as per annual return


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

Table 1: State-wise Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management

Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity of
No. of Quantity Quantity
of of Disposed Disposed Quantity Hazardous
Hazardo Quantity Disposed Quantity sent to
Hazardous Hazardous through Through Co- Captive Waste stored at
S. us Waste Disposed by utilized recyclers of
State/UT Waste as Waste as Common Common processed Utilizatio occupier
No. Generati in Captive Captive under Rule Schedule-IV
per per Annual SLF at Incinerator in cement n (MT) premises at the
ng SLF (MT) Incinerat 9 (MT) Hazardous
Authorizat Return TSDF at TSDF Kiln (MT) end of the year
Industry or (MT) Wastes (MT)
ion (MTA) (MTA) (MT) (MT) (MT)
1 Andaman & Nicobar 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
2 Andhra Pradesh 2298 976781.2 282266.4 8399.136 140977.4 306.19 3094.476 24775.21 7651.84 51494.899 21555 30282.338
4 Assam 55 INP 29434.64 10075.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27178.38 4983.51 310.82 4764.856
5 Bihar 121 1253.16 7629 0.00 30 0.00 48.35 4386 0.00 93.09 2262.2 9381.429
6 Chandigarh 1167 9733.387 2846.892 0.00 69.294 0.00 11.25 0.00 0.00 2766.35 0.00 0.00
7 Chhattisgarh 264 306430.8 65186.14 1882.991 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20618.2 16141.11 14713.5 11830.651
9 Delhi# 1136 INP 4197.36 INP INP INP INP INP INP INP INP 21,006
10 Goa 1409 82730.7 24796 3499 0.00 14357.3 2695 469.9 8.335 912.5 0.00 1320.35
11 Gujarat 11200 14490351.1 2811925.3 243493.7 708270.5 22339.6 84940.593 289276.1 140467.3 425746.65 468222.3 429149.944
12 Haryana 3941 64896.63 58829.43 687.71 8308.1 4135.4 20459.66 5089.1 3566.246 7458.8725 0.00 9124.1825
13 Himachal Pradesh 3108 506523.1 29029.38 0.00 17804 0.00 0.00 1249.88 10754.38 321.616 0.00 10.67
14 Jammu & Kashmir 213 1043.21 1043.21 0.00 0.00 12.3 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.26 0.00 1026.65
15 Jharkhand 562 772180.6 578788.6 3059.01 0.00 1554.3 0.00 4341.1 0.00 12464.64 550819.3 6550.21
16 Karnataka 3264 1337666.8 336791.6 0 33548.1 20.21 29015.9 57796.38 98321.97 64957.51 0.00 54552.68
17 Kerala 927 40766.69 38466.20 18805 15694.2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3711.04 0.00 253.02
18 Lakshadweep 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
19 Madhya Pradesh 2222 553028.4 125880.7 3613 24879. 2926.0 1400.202 23788.19 1118.624 17452.422 36770.3 22501.81


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity of

No. of Quantity Quantity
of of Disposed Disposed Quantity Hazardous
Hazardo Quantity Disposed Quantity sent to
Hazardous Hazardous through Through Co- Captive Waste stored at
S. us Waste Disposed by utilized recyclers of
State/UT Waste as Waste as Common Common processed Utilizatio occupier
No. Generati in Captive Captive under Rule Schedule-IV
per per Annual SLF at Incinerator in cement n (MT) premises at the
ng SLF (MT) Incinerat 9 (MT) Hazardous
Authorizat Return TSDF at TSDF Kiln (MT) end of the year
Industry or (MT) Wastes (MT)
ion (MTA) (MTA) (MT) (MT) (MT)
20 Maharashtra 6160 2359606 381686.2 0.00 0
296293.1 49211.6 0.00 6066.465 30105.94 0.00 0.00
22 Meghalaya 11 513.83 75.8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 37.25 0.00 309.004
23 Mizoram 28 14.761 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.761
24 Nagaland 2 10 10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 10 0.00 0.00
25 Odisha 184 788974.2 595697.8 2883.786 48692.9 83.368 0.00 31.42 73370.15 5514.889 402729.1 131784.73
26 Puducherry* 127 93575.68 INP 3 0.00 54.8 714 1055.69 14846 10183.19 0.00 71488.7
27 Punjab 3294 221393.3 115490.1 5814.46 20817.4 2246.5 1734.3 418.814 42846.3 27567.01 1150 20586.03
28 Rajasthan* 1046 1140453.8 724663.2 505952.3 58373.5 87.85 4116.854 33655.51 2655.76 30868.322 63089.6 16040.69
29 Sikkim 23 785.472 785.472 0.00 785.47 0.00 785.472 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
30 Tamil Nadu 3615 702861.2 383189.2 77004.18 62850.2 2419.9 4848.24 55829.8 1907.47 118975.86 30117.5 31052.87
31 Telangana 2510 525468.9 277078.5 0.00 138791.6 0.00 5391.3 35769.8 1156 90567.102 32.51 5371.11
32 Tripura 167 270.19 270.19 4.5 0.00 4 0.00 0.00 2.46 238.63 0.00 20.6
33 Uttarakhand 3671 111809.1 24264.09 102.44 3860.3 162.9 3600.6 922.06 342.66 9860.87 4584.8 828.28
34 Uttar Pradesh 2334 229322.6 186591.5 2221.6 53417 1556.8 11734.157 1000 1109.132 46399.417 64588.9 4564.118
35 West Bengal 1036 145322.9 85848.74 0 42303.6 206.36 3227.479 5249.65 16204.52 21698.68 1222.8 17856.2
Total 56,350 25464105 71,72,762 8,87,501 16,75,766 52,473 2,27,029 5,45,102 4,70,192 10,00,535 16,62,168 9,01,671.9
*Data not validated by respective SPCB/PCC and represent as provided by them
# Information not provided as per prescribed format 2016-17. Data shown are not as per annual return by the occupier.
N/A: Not applicable
INP: Information not provided


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

Table 2: State-wise status of Recycling/Utilization/ Co-processing of Hazardous Waste

No of No of
Total Quantity
Facilities Facilities Total Total Quantity Quantity co-
No of authorized recycled(
Authorized Authorized authorized authorized utilized processed
S. Authorized capacity of MT)
State/UT for for co- capacity capacity (MT) under (MT) co-
No. Sc-IV Sc-IV Schedule-
utilization of processing (MT) under (MT) for co- Rule-9 processing
Recyclers Recyclers IV (2016-
HW under of HW under Rule-9 processing (2016-17) (2016-17)
(MT) 17)
Rule-9 Rule 9
Andaman &
1 0.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.00 N/A
2 Andhra Pradesh 54 17 8 341735.9 79318.3 185127 37680.11 60691.2 59744.26
3 Assam 12 0.00 0.00 53200 0.00 0.00 9741.851 0.00 0
4 Bihar 8 0.00 0.00 18939 0.00 0.00 2612.25 0.00 0
5 Chandigarh 3 0 0 0 0 0.00 2292.75 0.00 0
6 Chhattisgarh 25 15 4 123986 37050.6 294162.84 18669.11 910 15121.026
7 Delhi 0.00 0.00
8 Goa 1 3 0 16200 960.3 0.00 472 8.335 0.00
9 Gujarat 250 8 9 1432509.2 365172 0.00 98002.02 31736.51 3881539.3
10 Haryana 124 3 0.00 624411.5 116440 0.00 283503.7 116440 0.00
Pradesh 20 13 2 818045 357000 0.00 321616 10746.87 1249.875
Jammu &
Kashmir 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
13 Jharkhand 9 0.00 1 32173.9 0.00 4341.1 12464.64 0 4341.1
14 Karnataka 123 42 6 468488.39 97440.8 85400 99844.33 49363.36 52319.9
15 Kerala 11 0 0.00 62753.212 0.00 0.00 6359.24 0.00 0.00
16 Lakshadweep 0.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.00 N/A
17 Madhya Pradesh 105 3 2 331380 19695 4003654.03 25784.99 1118.624 23788.1863
18 Maharashtra 370 11 0.00 1174174 46360 0.00 33456.62 0.00 0.00
19 Manipur 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

No of No of
Total Quantity
Facilities Facilities Total Total Quantity Quantity co-
No of authorized recycled(
Authorized Authorized authorized authorized utilized processed
S. Authorized capacity of MT)
State/UT for for co- capacity capacity (MT) under (MT) co-
No. Sc-IV Sc-IV Schedule-
utilization of processing (MT) under (MT) for co- Rule-9 processing
Recyclers Recyclers IV (2016-
HW under of HW under Rule-9 processing (2016-17) (2016-17)
(MT) 17)
Rule-9 Rule 9
20 Meghalaya 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
21 Mizoram 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
22 Nagaland 1 0.00 0.00 10 0.00 0.00 10 0.00 0.00
23 Odisha 15 11 0.00 50071 230706 0.00 2637.835 67721.187 0.00
24 Puducherry 3 0.00 0.00 8400 0.00 0.00 8400 0.00 0.00
25 Punjab 103 10 1 174487.865 83123.41 5000 36470.38 29200.90 145.06
26 Rajasthan 95 4 14 427997.8 2820 1438053.11 67404.94 212.53 109258.55
27 Sikkim 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
28 Tamil Nadu 59 25 7 34860.69 58355.19 239688.94 132449.5 10730.695 64864.62
29 Telangana 45 26 10 194571.715 117915 968428.26 70911.03 41595.5 61576.5
30 Tripura 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
31 Uttarakhand 12 0.00 0.00 161948 0.00 0.00 23151 0.00 0.00
32 Uttar Pradesh 173 25 1 118509.106 701904.57 1000 51444.15 110194.07 1000
33 West Bengal 112 8 0.00 323805 7653.4 0.00 16058.46 1222.769 0.00
Total 1733 224 65 69,92,657.28 23,21,914 72,24,855.2 13,61,436 5,31,892.5 42,74,948.38


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

Table 3: Availability of Common Integrated Treatment, Storage & Disposal

Facilities (TSDFs) with Common Incinerators & Secured Landfill

S. Name of the Integrated TSDFs TSDFs with Only TSDFs with only
No. State/UT (with both SLF Common Common Secured
and Incinerator) Incinerators Landfills
1 Andhra Pradesh 1 - -
2 Gujarat 4 2 3
3 Haryana 1 - -
4 Himachal Pradesh - - 1
5 Jharkhand 1* - -
6 Karnataka - 6 2
7 Kerala - - 1
8 Madhya Pradesh 1 - -
9 Maharashtra 3 - 1
10 Odisha - - 1
11 Punjab - - 1
12 Rajasthan - 1 2
13 Tamilnadu 1 - 1
14 Telangana 1 - -
15 UP 2 1 1
16 Uttarakhand 1 - -
17 West Bengal 1 - -
18 Daman, Diu,
Dadra & Nagar 1 - -
TOTAL 18 10 14

*Commissioning of common incinerator is under progress. Jharkhand PCB has

issued consent to operate


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)



There are 2,298 numbers of hazardous waste generating industries in 12
districts of Andhra Pradesh, authorized to generate 9,76,781 MTA of hazardous
waste. However, based on the annual returns submitted by the occupiers, about
2, 82,266 MT of hazardous waste are generated during 2016-17.

Among 12 districts in Andhra Pradesh, Visakhapatnam has maximum number of

hazardous waste generating industries i.e. 395 which contributes about 63% of
total hazardous waste generation in the State, whereas, Kadapa district
generates lowest quantity of hazardous waste (i. e. 0.007%). The district-wise
quantity of hazardous waste generated and its management is given in Table 4
at Annexure-3.

It was observed that the quantity of hazardous waste

disposed/recycled/utilized/stored is more than the quantity generated which is
due to carry over/ disposal of previous stocks by the occupiers, as reported by
APPCB. Further, due to the interstates movement of hazardous wastes there is a
difference between the quantity of hazardous wastes sent by the generators and
the quantity recycled/utilized/co-processed/disposed by the
recyclers/utilizers/co-processors/facility operators. Management of hazardous
waste in Andhra Pradesh is given below in Figure 3.

In Andhra Pradesh there are 54 authorized Schedule-IV listed wastes recyclers

for the recycling of commonly hazardous wastes like used/waste oil, lead
bearing wastes, brass dross, zinc bearing wastes etc. having capacity of about 3,
41, 736 MTA, however, the quantity recycled is 37,860 MT . Further, there are
05 spent solvents recovery units and 8 units for co-processing of hazardous
wastes in cement kiln. Captive utilization of hazardous waste occurs only in
Visakhapatnam district, whereas, co-processing of hazardous wastes occurs in
Visakhapatnam and East Godavari districts. Details of such
recyclers/utilizers/co-processors are given in Table 5 at Annexure-3.

There is only one integrated common treatment, storage and disposal facility
(TSDF) in Andhra Pradesh namely M/s Coastal Waste Management Project,
Visakhapatnam, for the disposal of hazardous wastes (both landfillable and
incinerable). During the 2016-17, about 1, 39,679 MT of landfillable (i. e. both
direct landfill and landfill after treatment) and 3,385 MT of incinerable
hazardous wastes have been disposed. The details on the quantity received,
stored and disposed by the TSDF are given in Table 6 at Annexure-3.


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

8.78 52.92

30,282.34 MT of Hazardous Waste stored at occupier prmises at the end of March, 2017
Disposed through common and captive SLF
Disposed through common and captive Incinerator
Co-processed in Cement industry
Utilized other than Cement industry
Stored at occupier premises
Figure 3: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Andhra Pradesh


As per the information provided by Andaman & Nicobar PCC, there are no
hazardous wastes generating industries in Andaman & Nicobar Islands,
therefore, the quantity of hazardous waste generated in the Andaman & Nicobar
is reported as Nil.

However, CPCB asked to report the hazardous wastes (viz. used oil/waste
oils/used lead acid batteries/etc.) excepted to be generated from automobiles
repair shops/workshops. However, Andaman & Nicobar PCC has not responded
in this regard.


Arunachal Pradesh PCB has not submitted the Annual Inventory report on
hazardous waste management.

There are 55 numbers of hazardous waste generating industries in 13 districts of
Assam, however, the quantity of hazardous waste authorized to be generated in
these districts have not been reported. Further, based on the annual returns


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

submitted by the occupiers about 29,435 MTA of hazardous waste generated

during 2016-17.

Among the 13 district of Assam, district Chirang generates maximum quantity of

hazardous waste i.e. 25, 661 MT which is about 80% of total generation. The
district-wise quantity of hazardous waste generated and its management in
Assam is given in Table 7 at Annexure-3.

As per the information provided by Assam PCB, there is difference between the
quantities of waste generated and disposed/recycled/utilized which is due to the
carry forward balance of the previous year by various units.

In Assam, there are 12 authorized Schedule-IV recyclers for recycling of

commonly hazardous wastes (i.e used/waste oil and lead bearing wastes) having
authorized capacity of about 53, 200 MTA, however, the quantity recycled by
these recyclers is only 9,742 MT during the year 2016-17. The details of such
recyclers are given in Table 8 at Annexure-3. Further, there is no facility for
utilization/co-processing of the hazardous wastes in the State.

There is no common TSDF facility exists in Assam, therefore, the hazardous

waste generated in the State is either being recycled/utilized(captive)/stored at
occupier’s premises or disposed through captive facilities/other States in
common TSDF.

In Bihar, there are 121 numbers of hazardous waste generating industries in 32
districts which are authorized to generate about 1253 MT of hazardous waste.
However, as per the annual return submitted by the occupiers, the quantity of
hazardous waste generated during the year 2016-17 is reported as 7629 MT,
which is more than the authorized quantity.

Among the 32 districts in Bihar, the maximum number of hazardous waste

generating industries is in District Patna i.e. 25 numbers which contributes only
0.25% of total hazardous waste generation in the State, whereas, district
Begusarai has 18 hazardous waste generating industries which contributes
about 82% of the total hazardous waste generation. The details on district-wise
generation and management of hazardous waste are given in Table 9 at

As per annual inventory submitted by the Bihar Pollution Control Board, there is
difference between the quantity of hazardous waste generated and the quantity
of hazardous waste disposed/ recycled/ utilized/ co-processed and stored which
is reported due to the accumulated waste of the previous year. The detail on the
management of hazardous waste in the State of Bihar is given below in Figure 4.
National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

The quantity of hazardous waste generated in 3 districts namely Bhojpur,

Begusarai and Nalanda is more than the authorized quantity. As per information
provided by Bihar PCB, the quantity of hazardous waste generation provided in
the authorization is granted based on the quantity expected to generated which
is provided by the occupiers , whereas, the quantity of hazardous waste reported
in annual returns is the actual quantity of waste generated. It was ensured that
Bihar PCB will issue amendment to the authorization to such units in this regard.
1% 1%



09,381.429 MT of Hazardous Waste stored at occupier prmises at the end of March, 2017

Disposed through common and captive SLF

Disposed through common and captive Incinerator
Utilized other than Cement industry
Co-processed in Cement industry
Stored at occupier premises
Figure 4: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Bihar

There is no co-processing/utilising facility in Bihar for utilization of hazardous

waste in cement plants, however, about 4,386 MT of hazardous wastes is
reported to be sent for co-processing in the neighboring States.

Further, there are 08 numbers of authorized Schedule-IV recyclers for the

recycling of commonly hazardous wastes like used/waste oil, lead bearing
wastes, brass dross, zinc bearing wastes etc. having authorized capacity of about
18, 939 MTA, however, the quantity recycled is only about 2,612 MT (includes
the quantity of hazardous waste received from other states) during 2016-17.
Details of such recyclers are given in Table 10 at Annexure-3.

There is no Common TSDF available in the State for disposal of hazardous waste,
however, it is reported that about 30 MT of the landfillable hazardous waste is
disposed through common TSDF of other State.


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

There are 1167 numbers of hazardous waste generating industries which have
generated about 2847 MT of hazardous waste during the 2016-17. The details
on hazardous waste generation and its management are given in Table 11 at

About 97 % of hazardous waste generated is recycled by the authorized

recyclers of the other states. As per the information provided by Chandigarh PCC,
numbers of Schedule-IV recyclers (for recycling of zinc bearing wastes,
used/waste oil, e-waste and ink/paint sludge) as given in Table 12 at
Annexure-3, are authorized only for collection and transportation of hazardous
wastes, therefore details on capacity has not been provided.

There is no common TSDF facility in Chandigarh, therefore, the hazardous

wastes generated in the states are either recycled/captive utilized/stored at
occupier’s premises or sent to other states for disposal in common TSDF.

In Chhattisgarh, there are 264 numbers of hazardous waste generating
industries which are authorized to generate 306431 MT of hazardous waste
generates, however, as per annual returns submitted by the occupiers, about
65,186 MT of hazardous waste generated during the year 2016-17.

Among 20 districts in Chhattisgarh, Raipur, Raigarh, Durg and Korba districts

contribute about 98% of total hazardous waste generation in the State. The
district-wise quantity of hazardous waste generated and the quantity of
hazardous waste recycled/utilized/co-processed/stored/disposed is provided in
Table 13 at Annexure-3.

About 32% of hazardous waste generated is utilized as resource or after pre-

processing either for co-processing or for any other use. Further, 25% of the
hazardous waste is recycled by Schedule- IV recyclers, 22% is the captive
utilization, 3% is disposed through captive secured landfill and 18% is stored at
occupier’s premises. The detail on management of hazardous waste in the
Chhattisgarh state is given below in Figure 5.

There are 24 authorized recyclers, for the recycling of commonly hazardous

wastes (i.e for used/waste oil and lead bearing wastes as listed in Schedule-IV of
the said rules), having authorized capacity of about 1,23,986 MTA, however, the
quantity recycled during 2016-17 is 18,699 MT only. Further, there are 15
facilities for the utilization of hazardous waste in Chhattisgarh, out of which 12
units are for the utilization of Aluminum Dross (generated from refining and
casting house of Aluminum smelter units to recover Aluminum Metal) and 04 co-


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

processing facilities for the utilization of hazardous waste in cement plants.

Details of such authorized recyclers/utilizers/co-processors are given in Table
14 at Annexure-3..

3% 0%


11,830.651 MT of Hazardous Waste stored at occupier prmises at the end of March, 2017

Disposed through common and captive SLF

Disposed through common and captive Incinerator
Utilized other than Cement industry
Co-processed in Cement industry
Stored at occupier premises
Figure 5: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Chhattisgarh

There is no common TSDF facility in Chhattisgarh for disposal of hazardous

waste, therefore, the hazardous waste generated in the state is either
recycled/captive utilized/stored at occupier’s premises/ disposed through
captive facilities or sent to other states for disposal in common TSDF.


DDDNH PCB has not submitted the annual Inventory report on generation and
management of hazardous waste for the year 2016-17.

In Delhi, there are about 1,123 units generating hazardous waste (excluding
pickling units which are assumed to be closed by October, 2016). At present, in
Delhi, generated hazardous waste is stored either by individual industrial units
in their premises or stored at CETP sites.

Around 21,000 MT of Hazardous waste/sludge is stored at various CETPs in

Delhi. As per the report submitted by M/s Arcadis India Private Limited, the
consultant selected by DSIIDC for development of TSDF at Bawana, the total
hazardous waste generated in Delhi is approximately 4,197.76 TPA (Tonnes per


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

Annum). Out of this 2,318 TPA is generated from 1,123 industrial units and
1,880.4 TPA is generated from 13 CETPs in Delhi.

Apart from above, approximately 20466 MT of hazardous waste is stock piled in

13 CETPs (till July, 2016) which is ever increasing.

Out of the total 4,197 TPA of HW in Delhi, the sludge from individual ETPs and
CETPs is approximately 2,487 TPA which is approximately 59 % of the total
hazardous waste generated. Used and spent oil is around 885 TPA which
comprises 20% of the total HW generated.

DSIIDC has selected a consultant M/s Arcadis India Private Limited for preparing
feasibility report on the development of TSDF on 10 acres of land available in
Bawana, finalizing the private player for development of TSDF and to supervise
the construction of TSDF. A meeting was called by Hon'ble Minister of Env. And
Forests in this regard on 23/11/17 wherein DSIIDC officials informed that RFP
document/ Tender documents have been prepared. However, it was decided in
the meeting that incineration facility shall also be included in the TSDF facility to
made it self sufficient to tackle any hazardous waste generated in NCT of Delhi.
DSIIDC was requested to therefore modify the RFP documents accordingly
before inviting proposals. As per the latest information from DIIDC, the
proposals have been invited by DSIIDC on the amended documents and technical
bid opening is scheduled on 5th Feb, 2018.

As a parallel exercise, DPCC has issued 'Authorization' under Hazardous and

Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016 to M/s
Uttar Pradesh Waste Management Project (A division of M/s Ramky Enviro
Engineers Limited) and M/s Bharat Oil and Waste Management Ltd. for
Collection, transportation, reception and transportation of the incinerable
hazardous waste generated in NCT of Delhi at their facility in Kanpur duly
authorized by U. P. Pollution Control Board.

There are 11,200 numbers of hazardous waste generating industries in 27
districts of Gujarat which are authorized to generate about 1449035 MT of
hazardous waste. However, based on the annual returns submitted by occupiers,
about 28,11,925 MT of hazardous waste is generated during 2016-17, which
contributes about 40% of the total generation in the Country.

About 68% of the hazardous waste generated in Gujarat is contributed by 07

districts namely Ankleshwar, Bharuch, Jamnagar, Mehsana, Surat, Vapi and
Vatwa districts. The district-wise status on generation and management of
hazardous waste in Gujarat is given in Table 15 of Annexure-3..


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

There are 250 authorized facilities for recycling of commonly hazardous wastes
like used/waste oil, lead bearing wastes, brass dross, zinc bearing wastes etc.
having authorized capacity of about 14,32,509 MTA, however, the quantity
recycled during 2016-17 is 98,002 MT . Further, there are 08 facilities for the
utilization of hazardous waste and 08 for co-processing of hazardous waste in
cement plants which have utilized about 10% of hazardous waste as resource
recovery or after pre-processing either for co-processing or for any other use.
Details of such recyclers/utilizers/co-processors are given in Table 16 at
Annexure-3. Management of hazardous waste in Gujarat is given below in
Figure 6.



4,29,149.95 MT of Hazardous Waste stored at occupier prmises at the end of March, 2017
Disposed through common and captive SLF
Disposed through common and captive Incinerator
Utilized other than Cement industry
Co-processed in Cement industry
Stored at occupier premises
Figure 6: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Gujarat

Gujarat has 09 common treatment, storage and disposal facilities for the
treatment and disposal of hazardous wastes. As reported by Gujarat PCB, about
8,50,393 MT of landfillable (i.e. direct landfill and landfill after treatment) and
74,670 MT of incinerable hazardous waste have been disposed during the year
2016-17. The details on the quantity of hazardous waste received and disposed
in the said TSDFs are given in Table 17 at Annexure-3..

5.11 GOA
There are 1,409 numbers of hazardous waste generating industries which are
authorized to generate 82,731 MTA of hazardous waste. However as per the
information provided Goa PCB, out of 1,409 hazardous waste generating units,
only 221industries have submitted the annual returns for year 2016-17. These


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

221 industries generated about 24,796 MT of hazardous waste. The district-wise

details on the quantity of hazardous waste generation and its management in the
State of Goa is given in Table 18 of Annexure-3.

In Goa, there is only one authorized recycler for recycling of waste oil having
authorized capacity of about 16,200 MTA and 03 facilities for utilization of
hazardous wastes (i.e for recovery of spent solvents and de-contamination of
contaminated barrels/drum). Details of such recyclers/utilizers are given in
Table 19 at Annexure-3. Management of hazardous waste in Goa is given below
in Figure 7.


7.2% 15.8%


843.48 MT of Hazardous Waste stored at occupier prmises at the end of March, 2017

Disposed through common and captive SLF

Disposed through common and captive Incinerator
Utilized other than Cement industry
Co-processed in Cement industry
Stored at occupier premises
Figure 7: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Goa
There is no common TSDF available in Goa, however, as per information
provided by Goa PCB, about 72% of hazardous waste is disposed through captive
secured landfill and captive incinerator.

There are 3941 numbers of hazardous waste generating industries in 23 districts
of Haryana, which generated about 58, 829 MT of hazardous wastes during
2016-17. About 76% of total hazardous waste generations in the State are
contributed by Yamunanagar, Panipat, Gurgaon, Rewari and Faridabad district.
The district-wise quantity of hazardous waste generated and its management is
given in Table 20 of Annexure-3.


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

The quantity of hazardous waste recycled/utilized by the recyclers/utilisers in

the State was observed to be more than the quantities of hazardous waste sent
for recycling/utilization, which is due to reception of hazardous waste from
other States for recycling/ utilisation, as reported by Haryana PCB. Management
of hazardous waste in Haryana is given below in Figure 8.


9,124.19 MT of Hazardous Waste stored at occupier prmises at the end of March, 2017

Disposed through common and captive SLF

Disposed through common and captive Incinerator
Utilized other than Cement industry
Co-processed in Cement industry
Stored at occupier premises
Figure 8: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Haryana

In Haryana, there are 124 numbers of authorized Schedule-IV listed recyclers for
the recycling of commonly hazardous wastes like used/waste oil, lead bearing
wastes, brass dross, zinc bearing wastes, etc. having authorized capacity of about
6,24,412 MTA, however, the quantity recycled during 2016-17 by such recyclers
is 2,83,504 MT. About 13% of hazardous waste generated is recycled in the State.
Further, there are 03 facilities for utilization of hazardous waste, having
authorized capacity of 1,16,440 MTA. The details of such recyclers/utilizers/co-
processors are given in Table 21 of Annexure-3.

There is only one common treatment, storage and disposal facility namely
M/s Gujarat Env. Protection & Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. Pali, Faridabad for the
treatment and disposal of hazardous waste. As per the information provided by
Haryana PCB, about 8,293 MT of landfillable (i.e. direct landfill and landfill after
treatment) and 14,711 MT of incinerable hazardous waste have been disposed
during the year 2016-17. Detail on the quantity of hazardous waste received and
disposed in the said TSDF is given in Table 22 of Annexure-3.


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)


There are 3,108 numbers of hazardous waste generating industries in 10
districts of Himachal Pradesh, which generated about 29,029.38 MT of
hazardous waste during 2016-17.

It was observed that some of the hazardous waste such as empty

barrels/containers/liners contaminated with hazardous chemicals/waste, oil
filters, etc. are reported in terms of numbers also (instead of Metric Tonnes),
since the authorization granted to such units are in numbers only and could not
be converted into Metric tonnes due to wide ranges in the sizes of the said
hazardous wastes, as reported by HPPCB. However, HPPCB has ensured that the
quantity of aforesaid hazardous waste will be converted into MT and accordingly
be reported in MT only. Further, in order to maintain uniformity, the numbers
reported are converted into MT by adopting a multiplying factor of 0.10005 as
explained in Section 3.1 of the report.

Further, as per the information provided by HPPCB, there is difference between

the quantities of hazardous waste sent for recycling/utilization and the quantity
of hazardous waste recycled/utilized by recyclers/utilize in the State, which is
due to the reception of hazardous waste from other States. The district-wise
details on quantity of hazardous waste generated and its management is given in
Table 23 at Annexure-3.

In Himachal Pradesh, there are 20 numbers of authorized recyclers for the

recycling of commonly hazardous wastes (i.e. used/waste oil, lead bearing
wastes, brass dross, zinc bearing wastes etc.) as listed under Schedule IV of the
HOWM Rules, 2016, having capacity of about 8,18,045 MTA, however, the
quantity of hazardous waste recycled by these recyclers is 321616 MT during
2016-17. Further, there are 13 facilities for decontamination of contaminated
drums/barrels and 02 co-processing facilities under Rule 9 of HOWM Rules,
2016. The details of such recyclers/utilizers/co-processors are given in Table 24
at Annexure-3.

There is only one common secured landfill TSDF M/s Shivalik Solid Waste
Management Ltd., Distt. Solan, having secured landfill facility (SLF) only. The
said facility has disposed about 16, 886 MT of landfillable hazardous waste
(direct landfill and landfill after treatment) in SLF during 2016-17 and also sent
1099 MT of hazardous wastes to Cement plants for co-processing . Details of
TSDF are given in Table 25 of Annexure-3..

There are 562 numbers of hazardous waste generating industries in 24 districts
of Jharkhand which are authorised to generate about 7,72,181 MT of hazardous


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

waste, however, as per the annual returns submitted by the occupiers about
5,78,789 MT of hazardous wastes during 2016-17. About 85% of the hazardous
waste generated in Jharkhand is from East Singhbhum district followed by
district Bokaro, which contributes about 13% of the total generation of
Jharkhand State. Districts-wise status of generation and management of
hazardous waste is given in Table 26 at Annexure-3.

There are 09 numbers of authorized Schedule-IV listed recyclers for the

recycling of commonly hazardous wastes like used/waste oil, lead bearing
wastes, brass dross, zinc bearing wastes etc. having authorized capacity of about
32,174 MTA. About 12,465 MT of the hazardous waste recycled during the year
2016-17. Further, there is only one co-processing facility for the utilization of
hazardous waste in cement plant having authorised capacity of 4341 MT. About
95% of generated hazardous waste is utilized by actual users. Details of such
recyclers/co-processors are given in Table 27 at Annexure-3. Management of
hazardous waste in Jharkhand is given below in Figure 9.

0.5% 0.3% 2.2%



6,550.21 MT of Hazardous Waste stored at occupier prmises at the end of March, 2017
Disposed through common and captive SLF
Disposed through common and captive Incinerator
Utilized other than Cement industry
Co-processed in Cement industry
Stored at occupier premises
Figure 9: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Jharkhand

In Jharkhand, there is only one common treatment, storage and disposal facility
namely M/s Adityapur Waste Management Pvt. Ltd, for treatment and disposal of
hazardous wastes. The said common TSDF has started its operation from April,
2018; hence the quantity of hazardous wastes disposed in the TSDF is reported
as nil for 2016-17. Details of the said TSDF is given in Table 28 at Annexure-3.


There are 213 numbers of hazardous waste generating industries which
generated about 1,043 MT of hazardous waste during 2016-17.


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

As per the information provided by J&K PCB, there is difference between the
quantity of hazardous wastes sent to recyclers/utilizers/co-processors and the
quantity of hazardous wastes recycled/utilized/co-processed in the State, this is
due to reception of hazardous waste from other States. The district-wise details
on quantity of hazardous waste generated and its management is given in Table
29 at Annexure-3.

In Jammu & Kashmir, there are 23 numbers of authorized Schedule-IV recyclers

for the recycling of commonly hazardous wastes like used/waste oil, lead
bearing wastes, brass dross, zinc bearing wastes etc. having authorized capacity
of about 76, 135 MTA. Details of such recyclers are given in Table 30 at
Annexure-3. There is no facility for utilization of hazardous waste as resource or
energy recovery or after use in the State. The status on management of
hazardous waste in Jammu and Kashmir is given below in Figure 10.

1.2% 0.0% 0.4%

0.0% 0.0%

1,026.65 MT of Hazardous Waste stored at occupier prmises at the end of March, 2017
Disposed through common and captive SLF
Disposed through common and captive Incinerator
Utilized other than Cement industry
Co-processed in Cement industry
Stored at occupier premises
Figure 10: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Jammu &
There is no common treatment, storage and disposal facility for treatment and
disposal of hazardous wastes in Jammu & Kashmir, therefore, most of the
hazardous wastes generated in the state is stored within the premises of

There are 927 numbers of hazardous waste generating industries which
generated about 38,466 MT of hazardous wastes during 2016-17. Among 14
districts in Kerala, the maximum number of hazardous waste generating
industries is in Do-2, Ernakulam i.e. 159 numbers which contribute about 13%
of total hazardous waste generation in the State, whereas, Kollam district has 45
National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

numbers of hazardous waste generating industries which contributes about 48%

of the total generation. The district-wise quantity of hazardous waste generated
and its management is given in Table 31 at Annexure-3.

In Kerala, there are 11 numbers of authorized Schedule-IV recyclers having

capacity of about 62,753 MTA for the recycling of commonly hazardous wastes
like used/waste oil, lead bearing wastes, brass dross, zinc bearing wastes etc.
However, during the year 2016-17, only 6359.24 MT of hazardous waste is
recycled. Detail of such recyclers is given in Table 32 at Annexure-3.

The State has only one common Secured landfill facility namely M/s Keral Enviro
Infrastructure Ltd., for treatment and disposal of only landfillable hazardous
waste. As per the information provided by Kerala PCB, about 36,821 MT of
landfillable hazardous waste (i.e. both direct landfill and landfill after treatment)
has been disposed during 2016-17. Further, about 49% of the total hazardous
waste generated in the State is disposed in the captive secured landfill facilities
of Kollam and ESC, Ernakulam district. Detail of the TSDF is given in Table 33 at

There are 3,264 numbers of hazardous waste generating industries in 44
districts of Karnataka, which are authorised to generate 13,37,667 MT of
hazardous waste, however, as per the annual returns submitted by the occupiers
only 3,36,792 MT of hazardous waste is generated during 2016-17.

Among the 44 districts of Karnataka, about 61% of total hazardous waste

generated in the State is contributed by the 04 districts namely Sarjapura,
Tumkur, Raichur and Kalaburgi. Further, as per the information provided by
Karnataka PCB, the quantity of hazardous waste generated in three districts
namely Shimoga, Hassan & Haveri is observed to be more than the authorized
quantity. In this regard, Karnataka PCB has ensured that amendment to the
authorization to such industries will be issued.

It was also observed that there is difference between the quantity of waste
generated and utilized/recycled/disposed/stored which is due to carry over/
disposal of previous stocks by the occupiers, interstate movement of hazardous
waste for recycling/utilization/co-processing, as informed by the Karnataka PCB.
District-wise quantity of hazardous waste generated and its management is
given in Table 34 at Annexure-3.

There are 123 numbers of authorized Schedule-IV recyclers having capacity of

about 4,68,488 MTA for recycling of commonly hazardous wastes like
used/waste oil, lead bearing wastes, brass dross, zinc bearing wastes etc.
However, during the year 2016-17, about 99,844.33 MT of hazardous waste has


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

been recycled by these authorised recyclers. Further, there are 42 facilities for
the utilization of hazardous waste having authorized capacity of 97,441 MTA and
06 facilities for the utilization of hazardous waste in cement plant with
authorised capacity of 85400 MTA. Details of such recyclers/utilizers/co-
processors are given in Table 35 at Annexure-3. Further, the status on
management of hazardous waste in Karnataka is given below in Figure 11.

17% 9%


12,760 MT of Hazardous Waste stored at occupier prmises at the end of March, 2017

Disposed through common and captive SLF

Disposed through common and captive Incinerator
Utilized other than Cement industry
Co-processed in Cement industry
Stored at occupier premises
Figure 11: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Karnataka

There are 08 common TSDFs in Karnataka, out of which 01 has integrated facility
(having both secured landfill and incinerator), 01 has secured landfill facility
only and remaining 06 are having only incineration facility. Details of the said 08
TSDFs are given in Table 36 at Annexure-3. As per the information provided by
Karnataka PCB, about 19% of the hazardous waste is disposed through common
secured landfill facilities and 09% are through common incinerators.

Lakshadweep PCC has informed that there are no hazardous wastes generating
industries in the UT, therefore, the quantity of hazardous waste generated in the
Lakshadweep is reported as Nil.

However, CPCB asked to report the hazardous wastes (viz. used oil/waste
oils/used lead acid batteries/etc.) excepted to be generated from automobiles
repair shops/workshops. However, no response has been received in this regard.


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

There are 6,160 numbers of hazardous waste generating industries in 36
districts of Maharashtra which are authorized to generate 23,59,606 MT of
hazardous waste, however, as per the annual returns submitted by the occupiers
about 3, 81, 686 MT of hazardous waste is generated during 2016-17. Among the
36 districts of Maharashtra, 05 districts namely Aurangabad, Nagpur, Palghar,
Raigad and Thane contribute about 71% of total generation. The district-wise
quantity of hazardous waste generated and its management is given in Table 37
at Annexure-3. It was observed that the quantity of hazardous recycled in the
State is more than the quantity of hazardous waste sent to Schedule-IV recyclers,
which is due to reception of hazardous waste from other States, as reported by
Maharashtra PCB. Management of hazardous waste in Maharashtra is given
below in Figure 12.

13% 8%


Hazardous Waste stored quantity at occupier premises at the end of March, 2017 is
reported as nil.
Disposed through common and captive SLF
Disposed through common and captive Incinerator
Utilized other than Cement industry
Co-processed in Cement industry
Stored at occupier premises
Figure 12: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Maharashtra
In Maharashtra, there are 370 recyclers for recycling of Schedule-IV listed
commonly hazardous wastes like used/waste oil, lead bearing wastes, brass
dross, zinc bearing wastes etc. having authorized capacity of about 11,74,174
MTA, however, the quantity recycled during the year 2016-17 is 33,457 MT only.
Further, there are 11 facilities for the utilization of hazardous waste having
authorized capacity of 46,360 MTA. Details of such recyclers and utilizers are
given in Table 38 at Annexure-3.

There are 04 common TSDFs for treatment and disposal of hazardous waste. As
informed by Maharashtra PCB, during the year 2016-17, about 2, 93,586 MT of
landfillable (direct landfill and landfill after treatment) and 53871 MT of
incinerable hazardous wastes has been disposed, which is about 91% of the total
hazardous waste generation in the State. Details of TSDF are given in Table 39.


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)


There are 2222 numbers of hazardous waste generating industries in 52 districts
of Madhya Pradesh authorized to generate 5,53,028 MTA of hazardous waste,
however, as per the annual returns submitted by the occupiers about 1,25,880
MT of hazardous wastes generated during 2016-17.

It was observed that there is difference between the quantities of hazardous

waste sent for recycling/utilization and the quantity of hazardous waste
recycled/utilized by recyclers/utilizer, which is due to interstate movement of
hazardous waste from other states, as reported by MPPCB. Further, about 60% of
hazardous waste generated in the State is contributed by 05 districts namely
Sagar, Pithampur, Dhar, Jhabua, Alirajpur and Singrauli. District-wise status on
hazardous waste management is given in Table 40 at Annexure-3. Management
of hazardous waste in Madhya Pradesh is given below in Figure 13.




22,501.81 MT of Hazardous Waste stored at occupier prmises at the end of March, 2017
Disposed through common and captive SLF
Disposed through common and captive Incinerator
Utilized other than Cement industry
Co-processed in Cement industry
Stored at occupier premises
Figure 13: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Madhya Pradesh

In Madhya Pradesh, there are 105 numbers of authorized Schedule-IV recyclers

having authorized capacity of about 3,31,380 MTA for the recycling of commonly
hazardous wastes like used/waste oil, lead bearing wastes, brass dross, zinc
bearing wastes etc listed under Schedule-IV of the HOWM Rules, 2016 . There are
03 facilities for the utilization of hazardous waste having authorized capacity of
19,695 MTA and 02 facilities for co-processing of hazardous waste in cement
plant having capacity of 40,03,654 MT. About 14% hazardous waste is recycled
and 19% are utilized either for co-processing or resource recovery in the State.
Further, it was also informed by MPPCB that the quantity of hazardous waste co-
processed in cement plants also includes many wastes which are not covered
National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

under hazardous waste like FMCG, Carbon Black (Tyrepyro), RDF, Plastic waste,
Type Fibre etc. Details of such recyclers/utilizers/co-processors are given in
Table 41 at annexure-3.

There is only one common TSDF i.e. M/s Madhya Pradesh Waste Management
Project (having both secured landfill facility and incinerator) for treatment and
disposal of hazardous wastes. The quantity of hazardous waste disposed during
the year 2016-17 in the said TSDF is reported as 25,916 MT of landfillable (i.e
both direct landfill and landfill after treatment) and 4,237 MT of incinerable
hazardous waste. Apart from disposal of hazardous waste in common secured
landfills, 3,613 MT of hazardous wastes are disposed in captive secured landfill
facility of Ujjain district. Details of the said TSDF are given in Table 42 at

There are 11 numbers of hazardous waste generating industries in Meghalaya,
having authorization to generate about 514 MT of hazardous waste, however, as
per the annual returns submitted by the occupiers only 76 MT of hazardous
waste is generated during 2016-17.
Further, there is no facility for the commonly recyclable hazardous waste listed
under Schedule-IV of the HOWM Rules, 2016, therefore, the recyclable hazardous
waste are sent to other states for recycling. Also, as per the information provided
by Meghalaya PCB, due to non-availability of common TSDF in the State, the
landfillable hazardous waste is being stored at the occupier’s premises. District-
wise status on hazardous waste management is given in Table 43 at Annexure-3.
Manipur PCB has informed that there is no hazardous waste generating
industries in Manipur. However, CPCB sought clarification w.r.t generation of use
oil from automobile workshop/service stations/mobile tower which also falls
under the purview of the HOWM Rules, 2016. Accordingly, Manipur PCB has
submitted that there are 255 number of hazardous waste generating units
authorized to generate about 337 MT of hazardous waste, however, the details
on hazardous waste generation (as per the annual returns) and its management
has not been provided. The district-wise detail on numbers of hazardous waste
generating units and its authorized quantity is given in Table 44 at Annexure-3.

As per information submitted by the Mizoram PCB, there are 28 numbers of
hazardous waste generating industries in the Mizoram. These industries are
authorized to generate about 15 MT of hazardous waste, however, the quantity
of hazardous generated during the year 2016-17 has not been reported in the


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

annual report. It was observed that the entire quantity of hazardous waste
authorized to be generated has been stored at occupier’s premises, due to non-
availability of common TSDF in the state, as reported by Mizoram PCB. The
district-wise detail on generation and management hazardous waste is given in
Table 45 at annexure-3.
In Nagaland, there are 02 numbers of hazardous waste generating industries,
which generated about 10 MT of hazardous waste during the year 2016-17.

As informed by Nagaland PCB, the hazardous waste generated in the State is sent
to the Schedule-IV listed recyclers of the commonly recyclable hazardous waste
listed under HOWM Rules, 2016, located in other States. District-wise details on
hazardous waste management are given in Table 46 at Annexure-3.
In Odisha there are 184 numbers of hazardous waste generating industries
which generates about 5,95,698 MTA of hazardous wastes during 2016-17. Out
of 20 districts, 06 districts namely Angul, Jagatsinghpur, Jajpur, Jharsuguda,
Sambalpur and Sundargarh contribute about 92% of total generation in Odisha.
District-wise details on hazardous waste management are given in Table 47 at
Annexure-3. Management of hazardous waste in Odisha is given below in Figure

0.01 8.66


1,31,784.7 MT of Hazardous Waste stored at occupier prmises at the end of March, 2017
Disposed through common and captive SLF
Disposed through common and captive Incinerator
Utilized other than Cement industry
Co-processed in Cement industry
Stored at occupier premises
Figure 14: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Odisha

It was observed in the said annual inventory report that there is difference
between the quantities of hazardous waste sent for recycling/utilization and the
quantity of hazardous waste recycled/utilized by recyclers/utilizer. As informed
National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

by Odisha PCB that the difference between the quantities may be due to that the
units are getting wastes from other states also.

There are 15 numbers of authorized Schedule-IV recyclers for the recycling of

commonly recyclable hazardous wastes like used/waste oil, lead bearing wastes,
brass dross, zinc bearing wastes etc. having authorized capacity of about 50,071
MTA. About 68% of generated hazardous wastes are recycled by such recyclers.
There are 11 units for the utilization of hazardous wastes, under Rule 9, having
authorized capacity of 2,30,706 MTA and utilized about 12% of the hazardous
waste generated in the State. Details of such recyclers/utilizers/co-processors
are given in Table 48 at Annexure-3.

There is only one common TSDF having secured landfill facility namely M/s
Odisha Waste Management Project for treatment and disposal of hazardous
wastes. About 48,884 MT of landfillable (direct landfill and landfill after
treatment) hazardous waste has been disposed during the 2016-17. Apart from
disposal of hazardous wastes in common secured landfill, 2,884 MT of hazardous
wastes are disposed in captive secured landfills and 83 MT of hazardous waste
through captive incinerator. Details quantity of hazardous waste received and
disposed during 2016-17 at common TSDF are given in Table 49 at Annexure-3.

There are 127 numbers of hazardous waste generating industries having
authorized to generate 93,576 MTA of hazardous wastes. The quantity of
hazardous waste generated as per annual return is not provided by Puducherry
PCC. It was observed in the said inventory report that more than 70% of
hazardous wastes are stored at the occupier’s premises due to non-availability of
common TSDF. District-wise status on hazardous waste management is given in
Table 50 at Annexure-3.

It was observed that about 17% of the hazardous generated in the State is sent to
other States for co-processing and utilization of hazardous waste.

In Puducherry, there are 03 numbers of authorized Schedule-IV recyclers for the

recycling of commonly recyclable hazardous wastes like used/waste oil, lead
bearing wastes, brass dross, zinc bearing wastes etc. having authorized capacity
of about 8400 MTA. Details of such recyclers are given in Table 51 of Annexure-3.

There are 3,294 numbers of hazardous waste generating industries which
generates about 1,15,490.1 MTA of hazardous wastes during 2016-17 (as per
annual returns submitted by the occupiers). About 61% of generated hazardous
wastes in the state are contributed by 05 districts namely Hoshiarpur, Ludhiana,


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

SAS Nagar and Roop Nagar, Sangrur and Patiala. District-wise status on
hazardous waste management is given in Table 52 at Annexure-3. Management
of hazardous waste in Punjab is given below in Figure 15.



20,586.64 MT of Hazardous Waste stored at occupier prmises at the end of March, 2017
Disposed through common and captive SLF
Disposed through common and captive Incinerator
Utilized other than Cement industry
Co-processed in Cement industry
Stored at occupier premises
Figure 15: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Punjab
In Punjab, there are 103 numbers of authorized Schedule-IV recyclers for the
recycling of commonly recyclable hazardous wastes like used/waste oil, lead
bearing wastes, brass dross, zinc bearing wastes, etc. having authorized capacity
of about 1,74, 488 MTA, however, the quantity recycled is only 36,470 MT during
the year 2016-17. About 25 % of generated hazardous wastes are recycled by
such recyclers. There are 10 units authorized for utilization of hazardous wastes
other than co-processing, as a resource recovery or any other purpose, having
authorized capacity of 6,43,148 MTA and 01 co-processing facility for utilization
of hazardous waste in cement kiln. Details of such recyclers/utilizers/co-
processors are given in Table 53 at Annexure-3.

There is only one common TSDF, M/s Punjab Waste Management Project for
treatment and disposal of hazardous wastes. About 24,584 MT of landfillable
hazardous wastes (direct landfill and landfill after treatment) are disposed in the
common secured landfill. About 900 MT of incinerable hazardous wastes has
been sent to other state for incineration. Further, 5,814 MT of hazardous wastes
disposed in captive secured landfill in Bathinda district only. Details of TSDF are
given in Table 54 of Annexure-3..

There are 1,046 numbers of hazardous waste generating industries in 33
districts which generates about 7,24,663 MT of hazardous wastes during 2016-


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

17. About 83% of hazardous wastes generated in Rajasthan are contributed by

05 districts namely Alwar, Barmer, Chittorgarh, Bhilwara and Rajsamand.

In few districts, it was observed that the quantity of hazardous wastes generated
is more than the authorized quantity. Further, difference between the quantity of
hazardous waste generated and quantity of hazardous waste
disposed/recycled/utilized/stored has been observed in the report including
mismatch between the quantity of hazardous wastes sent to TSDF operator and
the quantity of hazardous wastes disposed by the facility operator. The aforesaid
gaps were communicated to Rajasthan PCB, however, no response has been
received from the Board. District-wise quantity of hazardous wastes generated
and its management is given in Table 55 at Annexure-3.

In Rajasthan, there are 95 numbers of authorized Schedule-IV recyclers for the

recycling of commonly recyclable hazardous wastes like used/waste oil, lead
bearing wastes, brass dross, zinc bearing wastes, etc. having authorized capacity
of about 4, 27, 998 MTA, whereas, quantity recycled is 67,405 MT. during 2016-
17. There are 04 units for the utilization of hazardous wastes having authorized
capacity of 2,820 MTA and 14 co-processing units for utilization of hazardous
waste in cement kiln. Details of such recyclers/utilizers/co-processors are given
in Table 56 at Annexure-3.

In Rajasthan, there are three common TSDFs (one standalone incinerator and
two secured landfill facility) for treatment and disposal of hazardous wastes.
About 55,735 MT of landfillable (direct landfill and landfill after treatment) and
1,039 MT of incinerable hazardous wastes has been disposed during the 2016-
17. Further, about 70% of hazardous waste generated in the state is disposed in
captive secured landfill facilities of 04 districts (Udaipur, Barmer, Chittorgarh
and Rajsamand) of Rajasthan. Details of the said 03 TSDFs are given in Table 57
at Annexure-3. Management of hazardous waste in Rajasthan is given below in
Figure 16.
9% 78%

7,24,663 MT of Hazardous Waste stored at occupier prmises at the end of March, 2017
Disposed through common and captive SLF
Disposed through common and captive Incinerator
Utilized other than Cement industry
Co-processed in Cement industry
Stored at occupier premises
Figure 16: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Rajasthan
National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

There are 23 number of hazardous waste generating units in Sikkim which
generated about 785 MT of hazardous waste during the year 2016-17. As
informed by Sikkim PCB, the quantity of hazardous waste generated in the state
is sent to the Common Incinerator of other State for treatment/disposal of the
same since there is no common TSDF in the Sikkim. The district-wise details on
the quantity of hazardous waste generated and its management is given in Table
58 at annexure-3.


There are 3,615 numbers of hazardous waste generating industries in
Tamilnadu. About 3,83,189 MT of hazardous wastes generated (as per annual
return) during the 2016-17. Out of 38 districts in Tamilnadu 09 districts
contribute about 60% of hazardous wastes generated in the state. District-wise
quantity of hazardous wastes generated and its management is given in Table
59 at Annexure-3. Management of hazardous waste in Tamilnadu is given below
in Figure 17.

9% 5%
1% 4%


31,052.86 MT of Hazardous Waste stored at occupier prmises at the end of March, 2017
Disposed through common and captive SLF
Disposed through common and captive Incinerator
Utilized other than Cement industry
Co-processed in Cement industry
Stored at occupier premises
Figure 17: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Tamilnadu
In Tamilnadu, there are 59 numbers of authorized Schedule-IV recyclers for the
recycling of commonly recyclable hazardous wastes like used/waste oil, lead
bearing wastes, brass dross, zinc bearing wastes, etc. having capacity of about
3,48,607 MTA, however, the quantity of hazardous waste recycled is 1,32,449
MT. Further, it was observed that there is difference between the quantities of
hazardous waste sent for recycling/utilization and the quantity of hazardous
waste recycled/utilized by recyclers/utilizer. As informed by TN PCB, these units
are getting wastes from other states therefore quantity of hazardous wastes
recycled by such recyclers are higher. There are 25 units for the utilization of
hazardous wastes having authorized capacity of 58,335 MTA and 07 co-
National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

processing unit for utilization of hazardous waste in cement kiln. Details of such
recyclers/utilizers/co-processors are given in Table 60 at Annexure-3.

There are two common TSDFs (one integrated facility having both secured
landfills and incinerator and one having secured landfill facility only) in Tamil
Nadu for treatment and disposal of hazardous wastes. About 67,544 MT of
landfillable (direct landfill and landfill after treatment) and 5,367 MT of
incinerable hazardous wastes has been disposed during the 2016-17. Further,
about 20% of hazardous wastes generated in the state are disposed in captive
secured landfills in 08 districts of Tamilnadu. Details of TSDF are given in Table
61 at Annexure-3.

There are 2,510 numbers of hazardous waste generating industries in Telangana,
which generates about 2,77,079 MT of hazardous wastes (as per annual return)
during the 2016-17. About 58% of hazardous wastes generated in the state are
contributed by 03 districts namely Ranga Reddy-II, Medak I&II. District-wise
quantity of hazardous wastes generated and its management is given in Table
62 at Annexure-3. Management of hazardous waste in Telangana is given below
in Figure 18.




5,371.11 MT of Hazardous Waste stored at occupier prmises at the end of March, 2017
Disposed through common and captive SLF
Disposed through common and captive Incinerator
Utilized other than Cement industry
Co-processed in Cement industry
Stored at occupier premises
Figure 18: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Telangana
In Telangana, there are 45 numbers of authorized Schedule-IV recyclers for the
recycling of commonly recyclable hazardous wastes like used/waste oil, lead
bearing wastes, brass dross, zinc bearing wastes, etc. having capacity of about
1,94,572 MTA, however, the quantity of hazardous waste recycled is 70,911 MT.
The difference between the quantities of hazardous waste sent for


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

recycling/utilization and the quantity of hazardous waste recycled/utilized by

recyclers/utilizer is because the occupiers are receiving wastes from other
states. About 33% of generated hazardous wastes are recycled by these
recyclers. Further, there are 26 units for recovery of solvent from spent solvent
and 10 co-processing units for utilization of hazardous waste in cement kiln.
Details of such recyclers/utilizers/co-processors are given in Table 63 at

There is only one common integrated TSDF in Telangana for treatment and
disposal of hazardous wastes. About 1,38,716 MT of landfillable (direct landfill
and landfill after treatment) and 3,003 MT of incinerable hazardous wastes has
been disposed during the 2016-17. Details of TSDF are given in Table 64 at

There are 167 numbers of hazardous waste generating industries and about 270
MTA of hazardous wastes generated during the 2016-17 which is based on the
annual returns submitted by the occupiers. District-wise quantity of hazardous
wastes generated and its management is given in Table 65 at Annexure-3.
Management of hazardous waste in Tripura is given below in Figure 19.

1% 2% 1%


20.6 MT of Hazardous Waste stored at occupier prmises at the end of March, 2017
Disposed through common and captive SLF
Disposed through common and captive Incinerator
Utilized other than Cement industry
Co-processed in Cement industry
Stored at occupier premises
Figure 19: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Tripura

There is no recycler/utilizer/co-processing unit in Tripura. Therefore, hazardous

wastes are sent to other states for recycling. Further, there is no common TSDF
in Tripura therefore the quantity of hazardous waste generated in the state is
either stored at occupier’s premises or sent to other states for disposal. Details of
such recyclers/utilizers/co-processors are given in Table 66 at Annexure-3.


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

There are 3,671 numbers of hazardous waste generating industries which
generates about 24,264 MT of hazardous wastes (as per the annual returns)
during 2016-17. About 73% of hazardous waste generated in the state is
contributed by Udham Singh Nagar district followed by Haridwar 25%. District-
wise quantity of hazardous wastes generated and its management is given in
Table 67 at Annexure-3.

In Uttarakhand, there are 12 numbers of authorized Schedule-IV recyclers for the

recycling of commonly recyclable hazardous wastes like used/waste oil, lead
bearing wastes, brass dross, zinc bearing wastes, etc. having authorized capacity
of about 1,61,948 MTA, however, the quantity of hazardous waste recycled is
23,151 MT. There is no co-processing unit for the utilization of hazardous waste
in cement kiln, therefore, the quantity of hazardous waste sent to other states for
co-processing. Details of such recyclers are given in Table 68 at Annexure-3.
Management of hazardous waste in Uttarakhand is given below in Figure 20.




828.28 MT of Hazardous Waste stored at occupier prmises at the end of March, 2017
Disposed through common and captive SLF
Disposed through common and captive Incinerator
Utilized other than Cement industry
Co-processed in Cement industry
Stored at occupier premises
Figure 20: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Uttarakhand
There is only one common integrated TSDF (having both secured landfill and
incinerator) in Uttarakhand for treatment and disposal of hazardous wastes.
About 4,662 MT of landfillable (direct landfill and landfill after treatment) and
2,211 MT of incinerable hazardous wastes has been disposed during the 2016-
17. Further, about 102 MT of hazardous wastes are disposed in captive secured
landfill in Haridwar district and 163 MT through captive incinerators in two
districts i.e. Udham Singh Nagar and Haridwar. Details of TSDF are given in
Table 69 at Annexure-3.


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)


There are 2334 numbers of hazardous waste generating industries which
generates about 1,86,592 MT of hazardous wastes (as per the annual returns)
during the 2016-17. About 57% of total hazardous wastes generated in the state
are contributed by 05 districts namely Kanpur Dehat, Hapur, Ghaziabad and
Saharanpur. District-wise quantity of hazardous wastes generated and its
management is given in Table 70 at Annexure-3.

In Uttar Pradesh, there are 173 numbers of authorized Schedule-IV recyclers for
recycling of commonly recyclable hazardous wastes like used/waste oil, lead
bearing wastes, brass dross, zinc bearing wastes, etc. having authorized capacity
of about 1,18,509 MTA, however, the quantity of hazardous waste recycled is
51,444 MT. There are 25 units for the utilization of hazardous wastes having
authorized capacity of 5, 68,086 MTA and 01 co-processing unit for utilization of
hazardous waste in cement kiln. Details of such recyclers/utilizers/co-
processors are given in Table 71 at Annexure-3. Management of hazardous
waste in Uttar Pradesh is given below in Figure 21.




4,563.517 MT of Hazardous Waste stored at occupier prmises at the end of March,

Disposed through common and captive SLF
Disposed through common and captive Incinerator
Utilized other than Cement industry
Co-processed in Cement industry
Stored at occupier premises
Figure 21: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Uttar Pradesh
There are 04 common TSDFs (02 integrated facility, one stand alone incinerator
and one secured landfill facility) for treatment and disposal of hazardous wastes.
About 53,635 MT of landfillable (direct landfill and landfill after treatment) and
12,262 MT of incinerable hazardous wastes has been disposed during the 2016-
17. Further, about 2,222 MT of landfillable hazardous wastes are disposed in
captive secured landfill and 1,556 MT of incinerable hazardous wastes are
disposed through captive incinerator in Amroha district. Details of TSDF are
given in Table 72 at Annexure 3.
National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)


There are 1,036 numbers of hazardous waste generating industries which
generates about 85,848 MT of hazardous wastes during the 2016-17, as per
annual returns submitted by the occupiers. As informed by WB PCB, only 388
hazardous waste generating units have submitted the annual returns for 2016-
17 and the same was compiled and submitted. About 70% of hazardous wastes
generated in West Bengal are contributed by 03 districts namely E. Midnapore,
Hoogly and Kolkata. District-wise quantity of hazardous wastes generated and its
management is given in Table 73 at Annexure-3. Management of hazardous
waste in West Bengal is given below in Figure 22.


17,856.2 MT of Hazardous Waste stored at occupier prmises at the end of March,

Disposed through common and captive SLF
Disposed through common and captive Incinerator
Utilized other than Cement industry
Co-processed in Cement industry
Stored at occupier premises
Figure 22: Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in West Bengal

As per the information provided by WB PCB, difference between the quantity of

hazardous waste sent for recycling/utilization and the quantity of hazardous
waste recycled/utilized by recyclers/utilizer may be due to that the units are
receiving wastes from other states. Further, it was also observed that the
quantity of hazardous waste generated is more than authorized quantity. As
informed by WP PCB, quantity of hazardous waste provided in authorization is
estimated quantity, whereas, the quantity of hazardous waste generated
reported in annual return is the actual generation. WP PCB will issue revised
authorization to such units based on quantity reported in annual return.

In West Bengal, there are 112 numbers of authorized Schedule-IV recyclers for
the recycling of commonly recyclable hazardous wastes like used/waste oil, lead
bearing wastes, brass dross, zinc bearing wastes, etc. having capacity of about
3,23,805 MTA, however, the quantity of hazardous waste recycled is 16,058 MT.
About 25% of hazardous wastes generated in the state are recycled by such
recyclers. There are 03 units authorized for the utilization of hazardous wastes
National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

having capacity of 305 MTA. There is no co-processing unit for utilization of

hazardous waste in cement kiln in West Bengal, therefore, 5,250 MT of
hazardous waste sent to other states for co-processing in cement kiln. Details of
such recyclers/utilizers/co-processors are given in Table 74 at Annexure-3.

There is only one common TSDF (integrated facility having both secured landfill
and incinerator) in West Bengal for treatment and disposal of hazardous wastes.
About 67, 544 MT of landfillable (direct landfill and landfill after treatment) and
3,179 MT of incinerable hazardous wastes has been disposed during 2016-17.
Details of TSDF are given in Table 75 at Annexure-3.


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)


1. 51.29% of hazardous waste generated in the country have been recycled

or utilized as resource or energy recovery and 39.64% disposed through
incineration or secured landfilling. It reveals that hazardous waste were
more recycled/utilized than disposed. However, it shall be endeavour of
waste generators and SPCBs/PCCs to explore further opportunities of
recycling/utilizing wastes than to secured landfilling/incineration so as
to achieve higher recycling/utilization in accordance with provisions
stipulated under the HOWM Rules, 2016.

2. The State Government/Administration and SPCBs/PCCs of the

States/UTs, not having common TSDFs or sharing arrangement for
disposal of their non-recyclable/non-utilizable hazardous waste in other
States, shall prepare integrated plan for effective management of the
same instead of accumulating storage of such waste within premises of
the waste generators. Such States/UTs are Assam, Bihar, Chandigarh,
Chhattisgarh, Goa, Jammu & Kashmir, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram,
Nagaland, Puducherry, Sikkim and Tripura.

3. States/UTs especially Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka,

Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Telangana,
Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal, where more than 3000
Metric Tonnes of hazardous waste have been incinerated during 2016-17,
may explore co-processing of the same in cement plants or other
utilization instead of disposal through incineration.

4. SPCBs/PCCs shall make necessary arrangements within their

organisations so that annual inventory reports on hazardous waste
management of their States/UTs are sent to CPCB within the timeframe of
30th September of every year and national inventory on the same could be
prepared within the timeframe of by 30th December of every year, as
stipulated under Rule 20(3) and 20(4) of the HOWM Rules, 2016.

5. SPCBs/PCCs shall ensure that:

a. Hazardous waste data reported in their annual reports are
based on annual returns filed by occupiers and facility operators
in their State/UT and manifest document with random
verification of the same.


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)

b. Uniformity in waste quantity reporting in terms of Metric

Tonnes instead of Kilo Litre or Numbers in their annual reports.
Further, data reported shall distinctly identify quantity of
wastes being transported to or from other States/UTs for
disposal/recycling/utilization. Necessary modifications have
been made in the annual report reporting formats for 2017-
2018 by CPCB and SPCBs/PCCs shall initiate necessary action to
ensure that annual report data are sent as per the revised


National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)





Sl. Name of HW Source of generation Type of utilization/
No Intended use
1 Spent Solvent (containing Industrial use of solvents, Recovered
Toluene, Xylene, production/formulation of solvents/mixed solvents
Cyclohexane, Acetone, drugs/pharmaceuticals, for Industrial use
Methyl isobutyl ketone, Petrochemical process
Methanol, Isopropyl and pyrolytic operations.
alcohol, Methylene
Dichloride, Tetra Hydro
Furan, Ethyl Acetate, Iso
Propyl Ether, Dimethyl
formamide, Butyl acetate,
Methyl Acetate, Butanol,
Benzene, Ethanol and
Methyl Ethyl Ketone)
2 APCD Dust/ Residue LD Furnace/Electric Arc As Briquettes for further
Furnace (EAF)/Blast use in blast furnace to
Furnace of Steel produce pig iron.
Plant/captive Blast
Furnace and Ferro-Alloy
3 Spent Catalyst containing Petrochemical process Recovery of Precious
precious metals and ETP and pyrolytic operation, metals - Platinum,
Sludge containing petroleum refining, Iridium, Osmium,
platinum production of acids, Palladium, Rhodium,
production of nitrogenous Ruthium, Rhenium,
and complex fertilizers, Gold & Silver
production/formulation of
and ETP sludge
4 Spent H2SO4 Pickling operations of MS Ferrous Sulphate
rods / sheets (Not to be used in
drinking water
purification and to be
used only for industrial
5 Spent Acid - Containing Filament and bulb Molybdenum Trioxide
Molybdenum Industry
6 Spent HCl Metal surface cleaning in Ferric Chloride
steel and rolling industry (Not to be used in
drinking water
purification or
agriculture applications
and to be used only for
industrial purposes)
7 Used Anode butt Aluminum Smelter units Carbon pellets and high
energy coke for use in
8 Used Anode butt Aluminum Smelter units Carbon blended coke/

Sl. Name of HW Source of generation Type of utilization/
No Intended use
electrode carbon
paste/carburizer for use
in Steel or Ferro Alloy
9 Used Anode butt (Pre- Aluminum Smelter units Green anodes for use in
processed) Aluminum Smelters
10 Used Anode butt (Pre- Aluminum Smelter units Carbon Electrode Paste
processed) for use in Ferro Alloy
11 Coal Tar/Tarry Residue Coal gasifier units As supplementary fuel
in furnace of sodium
silicate units
12 Contaminated Container/ Pharmaceuticals, food Cleaned barrel and
barrels/ drums processing, cosmetic, drums for industrial use
textile, paint formulation and/or production of
and beverages industries plastic granules.
13 Process and primary Paper & Pulp Industry Paper Board/ Mill Board
sludge of ETP – Pulp and / Card Board
Aluminium Dross Refining and casting house To recover aluminium
14 of Aluminium smelter metal (captive use)
Aluminium Dross Refining and casting house To recover aluminium
15 of Aluminium smelter metal
Oil based iron sludge Grinding mill section of Ferrous Sulphate
Ball & Roller bearings (Not to be used in
drinking water
16 purification or
agriculture applications
and to be used only for
industrial purposes)
Spent catalyst - Containing Various industry Mercury
17 Mercury and mercury
18 Spent H2SO4 containing Dye and Dye Chemical Gypsum for
organic compounds intermediates units use in cement plants
19 Spent fixer (hypo) solution Photography / X-rays films Silver metal for various
20. Hydro fluoro silicic acid – Single Super Phosphate Recovered Sodium Silico
Acidic scrubber solution manufacturing industry Fluoride (Sodium
fluorosilicate) for use in
Glass industry.
21. Spent Sulphuric Acid Para Nitro Toulene Ortho Ferrous Sulphate
Sulfonic Acid/Oxadiargyl
manufacturing industry
22. Vanadium Sludge Alumina refineries Vanadium metal

Sl. Name of HW Source of generation Type of utilization/
No Intended use
23. Phenolic Waste water Coal Gasifier condensate Quenching of hot gases
water in After Burning
Chamber of Direct-
reduced iron (DRI) kiln
of Sponge Iron Industry
24. Chemical sludge (Primary Pulp & Paper Industry For energy recovery in
sludge) of ETP Atmospheric Fluidized
Bed Combustion (AFBC)
Fluidized Bed
Combustion (PFBC)
Fluidized Bed
Combustion (CFBC)
Boiler for steam or
electricity generation
25. Spent Carbon (Carbon Urea manufacturing plant Quenching of carbon
Slurry) slurry in the reactor for
manufacturing carbon
26. Spent Acid containing Bulb filament Ammonium Molybdate
Molybdenum compound manufacturing industries
27. Resin Waste (mixture of Resin impregnation of For manufacturing of
Bisphenol A and electrical coils High Tension/Low
Epichlorohydrin) power/hydro equipments Tension Insulators
28. Spent Alumina Polymerization in SWING For manufacturing of
unit of Petrochemical Refractory material like
Plant Insulation bricks,
Mortar, Castables, High
Alumina bricks
29. Spent Ion Exchange Resin Demineralization (DM) For energy recovery in
Plant boiler for steam or
power generation
30. Spent Ion Exchange Resin Demineralization (DM) For energy recovery in
Plant Direct-reduced iron
(DRI) kiln of Sponge Iron
31. Tungsten Scrap Metal cutting operation For manufacturing
(using Tungsten carbide Tungsten Carbide
insert), mining tool Powder.
buttons and worn out
32. Spent Pot Lining Duringproduction of As a supplementary
Primary Aluminium from resource for
Alumina Smelting manufacturing of

Sl. Name of HW Source of generation Type of utilization/
No Intended use
Industries Carbon Mineral Fuel

33. Spent Sulphuric Acid During manufacturing of Isolation and

4,4 Diaminobenzene purification of 2-
Sulphanilide NADSFA & 6-Acetyl
34. Coal Tar/Tarry Residue Coal gasifier units As supplementary fuel
in furnace for energy
recovery in Frit
manufacturing units
35. Gasifier Slag containing Nitrogenous Fertilizer For manufacturing of
Nickel & Spent Catalyst Industry Alloy steel ingots and
containing Molybdenum stainless steel ingots
36. Synthetic Oil based Generated from Oil & Road Construction / Oil
mud/drill cuttings Natural Gas Exploration recovery
37. Flue Gas Cleaning Residue Bag filter connected to Zinc Metal
steel scrap melting
induction furnace
38. Spent Sulphuric Acid and Spent Sulphuric Acid For manufacturing of
Spent Sodium (generated during Nitrosyl Sulphuric Acid
Thiosulphate manufacturing of 3, 5- (NSA)
Dichloro Nitro Benzene)
and Spent Sodium
Thiosulphate (generated
during manufacturing of 3,
5-Dichloro Aniline and m-
Chloro Aniline)
39. Spent Phosphoric Acid Generated during Dibasic Calcium
manufacturing of Phosphate
40. Spent Sulphuric Acid Generated during For production of H-
manufacturing of Vinyl acid
41. Waste Dichromate Generated during For production of Basic
Solution manufacturing of Chromium Sulphate
42. Used Waste Thinner Generated during For manufacturing of
cleaning of paint feeding Industrial Primer to be
lines using solvents used as Automotive

Sl. Name of HW Source of generation Type of utilization/
No Intended use
43. Spent Aluminium Chloride Generated during the As a supplementary
production of CPC Green resource to
and 2, 4, 6-Trimethyl manufacture liquid
Benzoyl Chloride Aluminum Hydroxide
Chloride/ Poly
Aluminum Chloride for
further use in ETP (as
coagulant) and paper
industry (as sizing
material) .

National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)





Format-A for Submission of Annual Inventory of Hazardous Waste Management by Occupiers

Name of
_________________________ Year: __________________

Quantity Quantity
Quantity of Quantity
Quantity of Quantity Disposed Quantity Quantity sent to Quantity of
Number of Hazardous Quantity Disposed
Name of Hazardous Disposed by through Co- Utilized Recyclers of Captive HW stored at
HW Waste Disposed through
S. the Waste as per Captive Common processed under Schedule-IV Utilization Occupier
Generating Generated as in Captive Common
No. District authorization Incinerator Incinerator in cement Rule 9 Hazardous (MT) premises at
Industry per Annual SLF (MT) SLF at TSDF
(MTA) (MT) at TSDF kiln (MT) (MT) Wastes the end of the
Return (MTA) (MT)
(MT) (MT) year (MT)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Format-B for Submission of Annual Inventory on Recycling / Utilization/Co-
Processing of Hazardous Waste

Name of SPCB/PCC:
Year: __________________

No of Facilities
authorized for
S. Authorized Quantity Recycled/ Utilized/ Co-
Type of Recycling Facilities recycling /
No Capacity processed (MT)
utilization / Co-
processing of HW

A Commonly Recyclable HW
1 Brass Dross
2 Zinc Bearing Wastes
3 Copper Bearing Waste
Spent catalyst containing nickel, cadmium,
Zinc, copper, arsenic, vanadium and cobalt
5 Lead bearing waste including battery waste
6 E-Waste
7 Paint and ink Sludge/residues
8 Used oil
9 Waste Oil
(Add new rows for other types of wastes)
B Utilization of HW under Rule 9

1 Recovery of solvents from spent solvents

Utilization of APCD Dust / Residue generated

from LD Furnace/EAF/Blast Furnace for
producing cold briquettes for use in Blast
Furnace for production of Pig Iron

Utilization of Spent Catalyst - to recover -

3 Platinum, Iridium, Osmium, Palladium,
Rhodium, Ruthium, Rhenium, Gold & Silver
Utilization of Spent H2SO4 generated form
4 Pickling operations for manufacturing Ferrous
Utilization of Spent Acid containing
Molybdenum generated from filament
industries for producing Molybdenum
Trioxide by heating process
Utilization of Spent HCl generated form steel
rolling mills for producing Ferric Chloride

Utilization of Used Anode Butt to produce

7 Carbon Pellets and High Energy (HE) Coke for
use in Steel furnaces/foundries.
Utilization of Used Anode Butt to produce
Carbon Blended Coke / Electrode carbon Paste
/Carburiser for use in Steel or ferroalloy

Utilization of pre-processed Used Anode Butt
9 to produce Green Anodes through Anode-
Baking Process for use in Aluminium Smelters

Utilization of pre-processed used Anode Butt

generated to produce Carbon Electrode Paste.

Utilization of Coal Tar/Tarry Residue

11 generated from coal gasifier for energy
recovery in sodium silicate industry.

De-contamination of contaminated
drums/containers/ barrels

Utilization of process sludge and primary ETP

sludge generated from Pulp & Paper
Industries for producing Paper Board/ Mill
Board/ Card Board
Captive Utilization of Aluminium Dross
generated from refining and casting house of
Aluminium smelter units to recover
Aluminium Metal
Utilization of Aluminium Dross generated
15 from refining and casting house of Aluminium
smelter units to recover Aluminium Metal
Utilization of Oil based iron sludge of Ball &
16 Roller bearings for producing Ferrous
Utilization of Mercury Waste generated from
various industry for recovering Mercury

Utilization of Spent H2SO4 generated from Dye

18 and Dye intermediates to produce gypsum
suitable for use in cement plants

(Add new rows for other types of wastes)

C Co-Processing in Cement Plants

Format-C for Submission of the List of Authorized Recyclers / Utilizers / Co-processors of Hazardous Waste

Name of SPCB/PCC:
_______________________ Year: __________________

Name and Address of Type of Hazardous Waste Authorized Recycling / Utilization Quantity Recycled/ Utilized/
S. No
the Facility Recycled / Co-Processing Capacity (MTA) Co-processed (MT)

Format-D for Submission of Annual Returns of TSDF Operators

Name of
_________________________ Year: _______

Quantity in Stock at the Quantity of Hazardous Waste Quantity of Hazardous Waste Quantity in Stock at the
beginning of the year (MT) Received (MT) Disposed (MT) Quantity end of the year (MT)
Name and Landfillable
S. For Quantity Processed
Address of For Quantity
No Landfill For Landfilled Quantity for
the TSDF Incinerable Direct Landfilled Landfillable Incinerable
after Incineration after Incinerated utilization
landfill directly
treatment treatment (MT)



Table 4: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in Andhra Pradesh
S. District No. of Quantity of Quantity of Quantity Quantity Quantit Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Captive Quantity
No Hazard Hazardous Hazardous Disposed Disposed y Disposed Co- utilized sent to Utilizationof
. ous Waste as per Waste as in Captive through Dispose Through processed under recyclers of (MT)
Waste Authorization per Annual SLF (MT) Common SLF d by Common in cement Rule 9 Schedule-
Genera (MTA) Return at TSDF (MT) Captive Incinerator Kiln (MT) (MT) IV s Waste
ting (MTA) Inciner at TSDF Hazardous stored at
Industr ator (MT) Wastes occupier
y (MT) (MT) premises
at the end
of the
year (MT)
1 Vizianagaram 95 52829.492 14861.788 689.84 6658.85 0 0 3930.005 0 2094.113 0 178.82
2 Dirst. 118 269817.4 25342 0 10086.89 0 542.2 6061.888 0 608.9 0 104.605
3 Visakhapatnam 395 434697.44 177653 0 97996.5 82.69 1938.1 12084.93 7011.1 8435.65 21555.1 28519.36
4 East Godavari 293 19335 16865.75 0 3928.32 0 96.43 150 640.77 12450 0 241
5 West Godavari 260 152698.28 3920.87 2693 1427.87 0 16.15 543.79 0 2843 0 0
6 Guntur 191 3619 3581 0 3446.15 0 18 42 0 17 0 58
7 Krishna 360 17943.1 17943.1 0 2931.107 223.5 232.46 1022 0 10700.87 0 123.591
SPSR Nellore &
8 Prakasam 329 10528.766 10528 0 9797.43 0 25.058 382.48 0 185.036 0 138.762
9 Kurnool 41 5987.3 5443.016 5016.29 33.28 0 0 76.44 0 317 0 544.3
10 Anantapur 64 1442.775 1321 0 108.695 0 1.5 481.68 0 729 0 121.9
11 Chittoor 125 7777.69 4786.87 0 4562.292 0 224.578 0 0 13094.33 0 252
12 Kadapa 27 105 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0
Total 2298 976781.243 282266.39 8399.13 140977.39 306.2 3094.47 24775.21 7651.8 51494.89 21555.1 30282.338

Table 5: Number & Capacity of Authorized Recycling/utilizing facilities in Andhra Pradesh
No of Facilities Total Authorized Quantity Recycled/
authorized for Capacity (MTA) Utilized/ Co-
S. No Type of Recycling Facilities recycling / utilization / processed (MT)
Co-processing of HW during the year
A Commonly Recyclable HW
1 Brass Dross 1 825 12.32
2 Zinc Bearing Wastes 1 6480
3 Copper Bearing Waste 0 0 0

4 Spent catalyst containing nickel, cadmium, Zinc, copper, arsenic, vanadium and cobalt
1 33.6 37.75
5 Lead bearing waste including battery waste 16 221281.4 7244.2
6 E-Waste 1 480 29.4
7 Paint and ink Sludge/residues 0 0 0
8 Used oil
9 Waste Oil 112635.9 30356.44
Total 54 341735.9 37680.11
B Utilization of HW under Rule 9
1 Recovery of solvents from spent solvents 5 26199.4 20091.2

Utilization of APCD Dust / Residue generated from LD Furnace/EAF/Blast Furnace for

producing cold briquettes for use in Blast Furnace for production of Pig Iron
1 198.9 0
Utilization of Spent H2SO4 generated form Pickling operations for manufacturing Ferrous
Sulphate 1 36000 30600
Utilization of Coal Tar/Tarry Residue generated from coal gasifier for energy recovery in
sodium silicate industry. 1 2920 0
Utilization of process sludge and primary ETP sludge generated from Pulp & Paper
Industries for producing Paper Board/ Mill Board/ Card Board 9 14000 10000
17 79318.3 60691.2
C Co-Processing in Cement Plants 8 185127 59744.26

Table 6: Quantity of hazardous wastes disposed in Common TSDF in Andhra Pradesh

Quantity in Stock at Quantity in Stock at

Quantity of Hazardous Waste Quantity of Hazardous Waste
the beginning of the Quantity the end of the year
Received (MT) Disposed (MT)
year (MT) Pre- (MT)
Name and Address Process
of the TSDF Quantity ed for
For Landfill Quantity utilizatio
For Direct For Land filled Quantity
Landfillable Incinerable after Land filled Landfillable Incinerable
after Incinerated n (MT)

M/s Coastal Waste

Plot No:84/A,
84/B, Road 68530.46 71148.07
1 350.21 1662.698 71249.662 3196.006 68530.47 3384.863 91.325 451.795 1382.52
No:20/5, 5 7
E. Bonangi, JNPC,
Total 350.21 1662.698 68530.46 71249.662 3196.006 68530.47 71148.07 3384.863 91.325 451.795 1382.52

Table 7: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in Assam
S.No. District No. of Quantity of Quantity of Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Captive Quantity
Hazardous Hazardous Hazardous Disposed Disposed Disposed by Disposed Co- utilized sent to Utilizatio of
Waste Waste as Waste as in Captive through Captive Through processe under recyclers n (MT) Hazardous
Generating per per Annual SLF (MT) Common Incinerator Common d in Rule 9 of Waste
Industry Authorizatio Return SLF at (MT) Incinerat cement (MT) Schedule- stored at
n (MTA) (MTA) TSDF (MT) or at Kiln (MT) IV occupier
TSDF Hazardous premises
(MT) Wastes at the end
(MT) of the year
1 Dibrugarh 9 0 5419.82 5175.63 0 0 0 0 0 244.19 0 0
2 Tinsukia 6 0 4427.221 4142.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01
3 Hills) 2 0 3.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11.5
4 Hailakandi 1 0 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
5 Darrang 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 151 0 0
6 Sonitpur 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Goalpara 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Sivasagar 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3215.74 0 0
9 Chirang 1 0 25661.13 0 0 0 0 0 25647.3 0 0 4263.37
10 Golaghat 1 0 1557 29 0 0 0 0 0 1078 0 450
11 Anglong 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0
12 Cachar 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 Kamrup 27 0 2212.262 728 0 0 0 0 1531.01 277.58 310.82 35.976
Total 55 0 29434.64 10075.1 0 0 0 0 27178.4 4983.51 310.82 4764.856

Table 8: Number and Capacity of Authorized Recycling/Utilizing facilities in Assam

No of Facilities Quantity
authorized for Recycled/
S. No Type of Recycling Facilities recycling / utilization Utilized/ Co-
/ Co-processing of processed (MT)
HW during the year
A Commonly Recyclable HW
1 Brass Dross 0 0 0
2 Zinc Bearing Wastes 0 0 0
3 Copper Bearing Waste 0 0 0
Spent catalyst containing nickel,
4 cadmium, Zinc, copper, arsenic, 0
vanadium and cobalt 0 0
Lead bearing waste including battery
waste 6 26100 9041.651
6 E-Waste 0 0 0
7 Paint and ink Sludge/residues 0 0 0
8 Used oil
6 27100 700.2
9 Waste Oil
Total 12 53200 9741.851

Table 9: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in Bihar
S.No. District No. of Quantity of Quantity Quantit Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Captive Quantity of
Hazardo Hazardous of y Disposed Disposed Disposed Co- utilized sent to Utilization Hazardous
us Waste as per Hazardou Dispose through by Captive Through processed under recyclers of (MT) Waste
Waste Authorizatio s Waste d in Common Incinrator Common in cement Rule 9 Schedule- stored at
Generat n (MTA) as per Captive SLF at (MT) Incinerator Kiln (MT) (MT) IV occupier
ing Annual SLF TSDF at TSDF Hazardous premises
Industry Return (MT) (MT) (MT) Wastes at the end
(MTA) (MT) of the year

1 Patna 25 159.71 19.09 0 30 0 48.35 0 0 2.5 0 5.54

2 Bhopur 7 490 1196.12 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.12 1530 196
3 Katihar 2 6.28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Purnea 2 0.228 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Gopalganj 2 1.1825 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.4 0
6 Champaran 4 6.148 3.52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.54 0
7 Samastipur 3 2.3275 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
8 Begusarai 18 35.68 6236 0 0 0 0 4386 0 0 729.26 9036
9 Rohtas 2 0.102 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 Muzaffarpur 14 69.668 13.41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11.03
11 Aurangabad 4 142.6 99.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.2 0 107
12 Munger 4 256.31 2.84 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.27 0 0.589
13 Banka 1 1.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 Bhagalpur 2 27.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 84 0 17.5
15 Vaishali 6 6.358 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 Champaran 4 1.768 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

S. No. District No. of Quantity of Quantity Quantit Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Captive Quantity of
Hazardo Hazardous of y Disposed Disposed Disposed Co- utilized sent to Utilization Hazardous
us Waste as per Hazardou Dispose through by Captive Through processed under recyclers of (MT) Waste
Waste Authorizatio s Waste d in Common Incinerator Common in cement Rule 9 Schedule- stored at
Generat n (MTA) as per Captive SLF at (MT) Incinerator Kiln (MT) (MT) IV occupier
ing Annual SLF TSDF at TSDF Hazardous premises
Industry Return (MT) (MT) (MT) Wastes at the end
(MTA) (MT) of the year
17 Nalanda 4 3.485 28.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.77
18 Sitamarihi 2 0.068 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 Chapra/Saran 2 37.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 Nawada 1 2.618 28.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
21 Darbhanga 1 0.0425 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
22 Gaya 1 0.815 0.22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
23 Saharsa 1 0.425 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
24 Madhubani 1 0.0425 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 Lakhisarai 1 0.0425 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
26 Araria 1 0.0425 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
27 Khagaria 1 0.0425 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
28 Jahanabad 1 0.0857 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
29 Buxar 1 0.0857 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
30 Kishanganj 1 0.0425 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
31 Siwan 1 0.068 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
32 Jamui 1 0.0925 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 121 1253.16 7629 0 30 0 48.35 4386 0 93.09 2262.2 9381.429

Table 10: Number and capacity of recycling units in Bihar

No of Facilities Quantity
authorized for Recycled/
recycling / Utilized/ Co-
S.No Type of Recycling Facilities Authorized
utilization / Co- processed
Capacity (MTA)
processing of (MT) during
HW the year
A Commonly Recyclable HW
1 Brass Dross 1 624 0
2 Zinc Bearing Wastes 1 1380 543.25
3 Copper Bearing Waste 0 0 0
Spent catalyst containing nickel,
4 cadmium, Zinc, copper, arsenic, 0 0 0
vanadium and cobalt
Lead bearing waste including battery
5 3 6270 1114
6 E-Waste 0 0 0
7 Paint and ink Sludge/residues 0 0 0
8 Used oil
3 10665 955
9 Waste Oil
Total 8 18939 2612.25

Table 11: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in Chandigarh
S.No. District No. of Quantity of Quantity of Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantit Quantity Captiv Quantity
Hazardous Hazardous Hazardous Disposed Disposed Disposed by Disposed Co- y sent to e of
Waste Waste as per Waste as per in Captive through Captive Through processed utilized recyclers of Utiliza Hazardou
Generating Authorizatio Annual Return SLF (MT) Common Incinerator Common in cement under Schedule- tion s Waste
Industry n (MTA) (MTA) SLF at (MT) Incinerat Kiln (MT) Rule 9 IV (MT) stored at
TSDF or at (MT) Hazardous occupier
(MT) TSDF Wastes premises
(MT) (MT) at the end
of the
year (MT)
1167 679.786 444.888
(Including 466.377 529.06
1 Chandigarh Authorizatio 9.55 11.25 0 69.294 0 11.25 0 0 2237.29 0 0
n for DG 12.674 69.294
Sets) 8565 1792.4
Total 9733.387 2846.892 0 69.294 0 11.25 0 0 2237.29 0 0

Table 12: Number and capacity of recycling units in Chandigarh

No of Facilities
Quantity Recycled/
authorized for Total Authorized
S.No Type of Recycling Facilities Utilized/ Co-processed
recycling / utilization / Capacity (MTA)
(MT) during the year
Co-processing of HW
A Commonly Recyclable HW
1 Brass Dross 0 0 0
2 Zinc Bearing Wastes 3 0 1792.4
3 Copper Bearing Waste 0 0 0
Spent catalyst containing nickel, cadmium,
Zinc, copper, arsenic, vanadium and cobalt 0 0 0
5 Lead bearing waste including battery waste
0 0 0
6 E-Waste 0 0 44.22079
7 Paint and ink Sludge/residues 0 0 11.25
8 Used oil 0 0 444.888
9 Waste Oil 0 0 0
Total 3 0 2292.75879

Table 13: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in Chhattisgarh
S. No. District No. of Quantity of Quantity of Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Captive Quantity of
Hazardous Hazardous Hazardous Disposed Disposed Disposed Disposed Co- utilized sent to Utilization Hazardous
Waste Waste as per Waste as per in Captive through by Captive Through processed under recyclers (MT) Waste
Generating Authorization Annual SLF (MT) Common Incinerator Common in cement Rule 9 of stored at
Industry (MTA) Return (MTA) SLF at (MT) Incinerator Kiln (MT) (MT) Schedule- occupier
TSDF at TSDF IV premises at
(MT) (MT) Hazardous the end of
Wastes the year
(MT) (MT)
1 Raipur 94 25104.33 11733.74 0 576 6031.858 3783.19 1342.6
2 Bhatapara 7 1802.1 218.2 0 0 216.76 0 1.44
3 Dhamtari 3 6.86 1.07 0 0 0 0.02 1.05
4 Mahasamund 1 10 0.55 0 0 0 0.25 1.2
5 Raigarh 17 8490.24 2404.535 0 0 2333.975 2.86 67.7
6 Bilaspur 16 7870.88 157.065 0 0 61.92 45.358 49.81
7 Janjgir-Champa 5 264 54.76 0 0 41.4 0 13.36
8 Mungeli 1 1.4 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Durg 56 83403.435 6085.458 1882.991 0 2947.02 0 1255.381
10 Balod 3 62.757 26.95 0 0 0 0 0 0 13.9 0 13.05
11 Rajanandgaon 3 1135.25 464.32 0 0 463.18 0 1.14
12 Kabir Dham 1 0.5 0.0125 0 0 0.0125 0 0
13 Surajpur 3 46 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 Surguja 2 25 17.56 0 0 0 0 17.56
15 Korea 2 60.1 60.1 0 0 0 0 60.1
16 Balrampur 2 31.622 31.1 0 0 0 0 31.1
17 Korba 35 177163.61 43587.528 0 20042.2 3839.14 10881.79 8823.9
18 Dantewada 7 395.46 234.49 0 0 178.24 0 56.25
19 Sukma 1 15.3 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 Bastar 5 542.05 108.71 0 0 13.7 0 95.01
Total 264 306430.894 65186.1485 1882.991 0 0 0 0 20618.2 16141.11 14713.47 11830.651

Table 14: Number and capacity of recycling units in Chhattisgarh

No of Facilities authorized Quantity Recycled/

Total Authorized
S. No Type of Recycling Facilities for recycling / utilization / Utilized/ Co-processed
Capacity (MTA)
Co-processing of HW (MT) during the year
A Commonly Recyclable HW
1 Brass Dross
2 Zinc Bearing Wastes
11 11866 879.75
3 Copper Bearing Waste
4 Lead bearing waste including battery waste
Spent catalyst containing nickel, cadmium,
5 7* 36200 2711.36
Zinc, copper, arsenic, vanadium and cobalt
6 E-Waste 0 0 0
7 Paint and ink Sludge/residues 0 0 0
8 Used oil
6 75920 15078
9 Waste Oil
Total 24 123986 18669.11
B Utilization of HW under Rule 9
Utilization of pre-processed used Anode Butt
1 generated to produce Carbon Electrode Paste. 1 9000 Nil

De-contamination of contaminated
2 drums/containers/ barrels 2 350 & 12000 Nos. 300
Utilization of Aluminium Dross generated from
3 refining and casting house of Aluminium smelter 12 26500 610
units to recover Aluminium Metal
35850 & 12000
Total 15 910
C Co-Processing in Cement Plants 4 294162.84 15121.026

District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in Delhi
S. No. District No. of Quantity of Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Captive Quantity
Hazardous Hazardous of Disposed Disposed Disposed Disposed Co- utilized sent to Utilization of
Waste Waste as per Hazardous in through by Captive Through processed under recyclers (MT) Hazardous
Generating Authorization Waste as Captive Common Incinerator Common in cement Rule 9 of Waste
Industry (MTA) per SLF (MT) SLF at (MT) Incinerator Kiln (MT) (MT) Schedule- stored at
Annual TSDF at TSDF IV occupier
Return (MT) (MT) Hazardous premises
(MTA) Wastes at the end
(MT) of the
year (MT)

DPCC has not provided the annual inventory as per the CPCB's format. However, vide letter dated 17/01/2018, it was informed that the
total hazardous waste generated in Delhi is 4197.76 TPA out of which 2318 TPA is generated from industrial units and 1880.4 TPA from
CETPs. Further, about 20456 MT of hazardous waste is stored in CETP's premises. There are 1123 hazardous waste generating units and 13
1 CETPs in Delhi

Table 15: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in Gujarat
S.No. District No. of Quantity of Quantity of Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Captive Quantity of
Hazardous Hazardous Hazardous Disposed Disposed Disposed Disposed Co- utilized sent to Utilization Hazardous
Waste Waste as per Waste as per in Captive through by Captive Through processed under recyclers of (MT) Waste
Generating Authorization Annual SLF (MT) Common Incinerator Common in cement Rule 9 Schedule-IV stored at
Industry (MTA) Return SLF at (MT) Incinerator Kiln (MT) (MT) Hazardous occupier
(MTA) TSDF (MT) at TSDF Wastes premises at
(MT) (MT) the end of
the year
1 Ahmedabad 365 65217.682 6547.466 11.12 3696.697 198.122 43.726 0 28.8 223.072 1012.72 1333.209
2 Anand 187 257405.43 95568.08 0 27626.71 0 23.108 37919.107 7669 1194.587 10401.555 10734.014
3 Ankleshwar 893 1040841.308 462002.5 1087.004 205670 2470.721 42263.282 14776.166 42393.69 89344.372 43888.628 20109.076
4 Bharuch 199 2320407.769 295758.4 121882.7 45735.44 10023.838 7891.016 11335.98 4391.623 62564.831 17391.929 14541.436
5 Bhuj 307 81406.047 73007.04 739.154 12505.48 802.84 2173.7 1973.397 705.742 12051.866 39730.549 2324.309
6 Bhavnagar 225 105250.831 43101.31 0.2 7732.703 206.212 477.655 0 0 7901.941 4686.1 22096.503
7 GandhiNagar 560 178184.529 92578.15 1509.073 12522.48 5.55 80.476 286.23 1667.11 12644.527 41903.605 21940.675
8 Godhra 219 494412.51 19070.91 1076.345 3439.855 17.63 1007.615 9080.727 10.825 2122.553 1816.803 498.559
9 Himmatnagar 136 36530.227 2669.749 49.64 112.475 0 143 0 0 120.088 1053.283 1191.263
10 Jamnagar 278 439779.318 131454.4 9.21 29372.16 41.71 1043.524 536.92 136.87 8162.593 69064.295 23086.594
11 Jetpur 1237 2434.864 640.064 20 137.09 0 0 0 0 0.104 119.655 363.215
12 Junagadh 96 49374.237 18667.93 998.07 2820.605 0 12.61 0 0.01 69.606 14354.153 412.876
13 Kutch West 87 129172.991 35257.62 15.406 209.9 0 473.925 933.085 0 5792.13 410.016 27423.158
14 Mehsana 396 345008.843 155061.7 287.004 22330.95 1.955 1203.562 8628.755 81 69568.025 25568.069 27392.394
15 Morbi 611 20614.627 19878.77 4020.28 3.64 2 1.554 10966.796 3910.459 192.506 279.77 503.068
16 Nadiad 156 63939.634 4341.488 3.36 454.874 1 21.831 1161.485 793.192 250.084 1209.71 444.952
17 Navsari 108 17453.529 7861.301 267.37 1050.03 0 433.815 61.83 0.065 4328.404 1394.238 325.549
18 Palanpur 131 137671.674 51294.34 47210.46 117.775 0 1.394 0 8.24 79.755 1339.84 2536.868
19 Porbandar 78 79465.259 172.381 0.025 0 45.66 17.35 69.04 0 3.655 7.22 29.431
20 Rajkot 449 87262.412 60263.48 0.002 351.936 0 70.596 122.29 317.9 397.667 58784.901 218.184
21 Sanand 609 203405.743 92683.19 109.275 10566.3 276.531 1838.602 2486.689 370.718 12975.515 23743.67 40315.887
22 Sarigam 296 120832.995 55654.13 474.67 24908.25 59.68 6003.765 12667.865 247.863 1956.837 1355.952 7979.249

S.No. District No. of Quantity of Quantity of Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Captive Quantity of
Hazardous Hazardous Hazardous Disposed Disposed Disposed Disposed Co- utilized sent to Utilization Hazardous
Waste Waste as per Waste as per in Captive through by Captive Through processed under recyclers of (MT) Waste
Generating Authorization Annual SLF (MT) Common Incinerator Common in cement Rule 9 Schedule-IV stored at
Industry (MTA) Return SLF at (MT) Incinerator Kiln (MT) (MT) Hazardous occupier
(MTA) TSDF (MT) at TSDF Wastes premises at
(MT) (MT) the end of
the year
23 Surendranagar 212 4780.051 3112.413 41.457 28.066 0 2.622 348 31.405 1.938 1092.514 1566.411
24 Surat 1021 5225552.658 152574.1 4816.989 47097.72 2470.033 2501.079 25648.1 168.766 13299.9 48870.701 7700.799
25 Vadodara 750 1139947.562 224693 2509.85 70655.31 2270.613 4227.493 39255.211 8997.044 42207.269 33833.711 20735.679
26 Vapi 534 626506.206 366255.3 14157.82 56773.45 2239.945 10864.061 87783.566 64122.37 39460.95 20783.704 70069.464
27 Vatwa 1060 1217492.186 341756.1 42197.25 122350.6 1205.556 2119.232 23234.813 4414.684 38831.875 4125.01 103277.122
Total 11200 14490351.12 2811925.31 243493.7 708270.5 22339.596 84940.593 289276.05 140467.4 425746.65 468222.301 429149.944

Table 16: Number and capacity of recycling units in Gujarat

No of Facilities
Quantity Recycled/ Utilized/
authorized for recycling / Total Authorized
S.No Type of Recycling Facilities Co-processed (MT) during
utilization / Co- Capacity (MTA)
the year
processing of HW

A Commonly Recyclable HW
1 Brass Dross
2 Zinc Bearing Wastes 125 572181.2 63548.36
Spent catalyst containing nickel, cadmium,
Zinc, copper, arsenic, vanadium and cobalt
4 Lead bearing waste including battery waste 44 291710 13373.63

5 E-Waste 14 46982 814.028

6 Paint and ink Sludge/residues 1 180 0
7 Used oil 203294 8259
8 Waste Oil 318162 12007
Total 250 1432509.2 98002.018
B Utilization of HW under Rule 9
1 Recovery of solvents from spent solvents
4 5532 1161.51
De-contamination of contaminated
2 drums/containers/ barrels 4 359640 30575
Total 8 365172 31736.51
C Co-processing in Cement Plant
9 3881539.3

Table 17: Quantity of hazardous wastes disposed in common TSDF in Gujarat

Quantity in Stock Quantit Quantity in

Quantity of Hazardous Quantity of Hazardous Waste
at the beginning y Pre- Stock at the end
Waste Received (MT) Disposed (MT)
of the year (MT) Proces of the year (MT)
S. Name and Address of
For Quantity sed for
No the TSDF For For Quantity Quantity
Landfill Inciner Landfill Landfilled utilizati Landfill Incine
Direct Incine Landfilled Incinerat on
able able after after able rable
landfill ration directly ed (MT)
treatment treatment
M/s Ecocare
Infrastructures Pvy. Ltd.,
S.No. 127/1, 127/2, 128,
1 132,1 132/2, 131, 132/2, NA NA 75247.12 Nil NA 75247.12 Nil NA NA Nil NA
125/6, 125/3, Vill
Ghaspur, Tal. Dasada
M/s Bharuch Enviro
Infrastructure Ltd
2 Plot No D-43, Nil NA 35139.57 25642.4 NA 35139.57 25642.4 NA NA Nil NA
M/s Saurashtra Enviro
Projets Pvt. Ltd.
Survey No D-2/CH-135,
3 NA 684.001 NA NA NA NA NA 13570.94 NA NA 473.63
GIDC Dahej Idustrial
Estate, Taluka Vagra
Dist-Bharuch, Surat
M/s Saurashtra Enviro
Projets Pvt. Ltd.
Survey No 415, 417 & 269756.3 27866. 1698.4
4 Nil 836.055 51462.35 269756.359 68885.55 27004.56 NA Nil
418, Village Juna 5 91 1
Katariya, Tal Bhachau
Dist Kutch

M/s Vapi Green Enviro
5 Plot No: 4807, etc. Phase 0 NA 85258.33 0 NA 85528.33 0 NA NA 0 NA
IV GIDC, Vapi, Dist :
Valsad, State: Gujarat.
M/s Nandesari
Environment Control
6 Ltd., 0 94.75 0 0 756.26 61638.27 0 0 185.47 0 233
519-P, GIDC, Nandesari,
Dist. Vadodara
M/s Bharuch Enviro
Infrastructure Ltd.
7 Plot No. 9701-16, GIDC, 0 3450.606 91628.89 128251.351 24870.2 91628.89 128251.351 23065.7 4273.51 0 981.60
M/s Geohybrid Industrial
Solution Pvt. Ltd. Plot
8 No. A-33/35, Gujarat Eco 0 3388.76 0 0 15904.5 0 0 10624.93 3762.11 0 3110.1
Textile Park, Tal Plasana
Dist. Surat
M/s Gujarat Maritime
Solid Waste Site, S.No.
9 0 215.741 4361.605 4313.87 407.43 4361.605 4313.87 404.36 NA Nil 218.81
325/1/1, Manar, Alang
Dist. Bhavnagar (GEPIL
Unit Alang)
Total 0 8669.913 561391.8 209669.971 69805 623300.144 227093.171 74670.49 8221.09 0 6715.6

Table 18: District-wise Hazardous Waste generation & its Management in Goa

S.No Distric No. of Quantity of Quantity Quantit Quantit Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantit Quantity Captive Quantity
. t Hazardou Hazardous of y y Disposed Disposed Co- y sent to Utilizatio of
s Waste Waste as Hazardou Dispose Dispose by Through processe utilized recyclers n (MT) Hazardou
Generatin per s Waste d in d Captive Common d in under of s Waste
g Industry Authorizatio as per Captive through Incinerato Incinerato cement Rule 9 Schedule- stored at
n (MTA) Annual SLF Commo r (MT) r at TSDF Kiln (MT) (MT) IV occupier
Return (MT) n SLF at (MT) Hazardou premises
(MTA) TSDF s Wastes at the
(MT) (MT) end of
the year
1 Goa 648
82730.7 24796 3499.6 0 14357.3 2695.35 467.9 8.335 912.5 0 0
2 Goa 761
Total 1409 82730.7 24796 3499.6 0 14357.3 2695.35 467.9 8.335 912.5 0 0
Annual Returns submitted by only 221 numbers of industries in both districts.

Table 19: Number and capacity of recycling units in Goa

No of Facilities
authorized for Quantity Recycled/
Total Authorized
S. No Type of Recycling Facilities recycling / Utilized/ Co-processed
Capacity (MTA)
utilization / Co- (MT) during the year
processing of HW

A Commonly Recyclable HW
1 Brass Dross 0 0 0
2 Zinc Bearing Wastes 0 0 0
3 Copper Bearing Waste 0 0 0
Spent catalyst containing nickel, cadmium, Zinc,
4 0 0 0
copper, arsenic, vanadium and cobalt
5 Lead bearing waste including battery waste 0 0 0
6 E-Waste 0 0 0
7 Paint and ink Sludge/residues 0 0 0
8 Used oil 0 0 0
9 Waste Oil 1 16200 472
Total 1 16200 472
B Utilization of HW under Rule 9
1 Recovery of solvents from spent solvents 1 360
De-contamination of contaminated drums/containers/
2 barrels 2 6000 nos./month 0

Table 20: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in Haryana
S. No. District No. of Quantity of Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Captive Quantity of
Hazardous Hazardous of Disposed Disposed Disposed Disposed Co- utilized sent to Utilization Hazardous
Waste Waste as per Hazardous in through by Captive Through processed under Rule recyclers of (MT) Waste
Generating Authorization Waste as Captive Common Incinerator Common in cement 9 (MT) Schedule-IV stored at
Industry (MTA) per Annual SLF (MT) SLF at (MT) Incinerator Kiln (MT) Hazardous occupier
Return TSDF (MT) at TSDF Wastes premises at
(MTA) (MT) (MT) the end of
the year
1 Nagar 150 5305.14 4097.84 0 82.545 0 143.095 0 0 509.44 0 3362.76
2 Karnal 83 1486.6 1040.5 0 77.2 0 98.3 0 0 302.12 0 562.88
3 Panipat 363 9679.06 7286.34 0 453.95 0 199.97 0 3566.246 2410.1815 0 655.9725
4 Gurgaon (N) 529 13403.22 12842.99 325 320.07 774 4831.125 5004.1 0 1398.08 0 190.615
5 Mewat 44 362.34 324.12 0 111.695 0 123.405 0 0 89.02 0 0
6 Rewari 223 4435.73 4346.03 362.71 1447.42 413.8 2009.08 0 0 113.02 0 0
7 Mohindergarh 5 0.835 0.815 0 0 0 0.505 0 0 0.31 0 0
8 Sonepat 366 1122.365 852.994 0 494.68 4.68 137.315 0 0 97.281 0 119.038
9 Faridabad 252 1633.16 1633.16 0 828.535 0 431.05 0 0 35 0 338.575
10 Jind 13 24.173 24.173 0 1.38 0 17.29 0 0 0 0 5.503
11 Bhiwani 12 50.612 50.612 0 40.925 0 3.315 0 0 0 0 6.372
12 Kaithal 5 1.192 1.192 0 0.35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.842
13 Panchkula 79 896.83 612.99 0 50.2 0 100.44 0 0 1.25 0 461.1
14 Ambala 54 1245.26 1194.53 0 80.1 0 125.54 0 0 2.64 0 986.25
15 Kurukshetra 25 367.35 329.9 0 13.15 0 40.64 0 0 0.75 0 275.36
16 Gurgaon (S) 638 11890.25 11469.2 0 932.63 18.4 9899.57 85 0 317.1 0 216.5
17 Hisar 62 1439.23 1404.633 0 129.9 0 10.615 0 0 744.65 0 519.468
18 Fatehabad 5 22.53 17.355 0 16.055 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 0.8
19 Sirsa 18 54.68 42.85 0 5.785 0 2.96 0 0 1.3 0 32.805

S. No. District No. of Quantity of Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Captive Quantity of
Hazardous Hazardous of Disposed Disposed Disposed Disposed Co- utilized sent to Utilization Hazardous
Waste Waste as per Hazardous in through by Captive Through processed under Rule recyclers of (MT) Waste
Generating Authorization Waste as Captive Common Incinerator Common in cement 9 (MT) Schedule-IV stored at
Industry (MTA) per Annual SLF (MT) SLF at (MT) Incinerator Kiln (MT) Hazardous occupier
Return TSDF (MT) at TSDF Wastes premises at
(MTA) (MT) (MT) the end of
the year
20 (BLB) 626 4635.81 4474.47 0 1482.95 0 1001.09 0 0 1021.24 0 969.19
21 Palwal 130 1064.19 1027.14 0 340.42 0 229.81 0 0 234.43 0 222.48
22 Jhajjar 167 3814.66 3801.5 0 726.548 2165.2 764.02 0 0 40.72 0 105.02
23 Rohtak 92 1961.416 1954.1 0 671.7 759.4 290.52 0 0 139.84 0 92.652
Total 3941 64896.63 58829.43 687.71 8308.188 4135.48 20459.66 5089.1 3566.246 7458.8725 0 9124.1825

Table 21: Number and capacity of recycling units in Haryana

No of Facilities
authorized for Quantity Recycled/
Total Authorized
S. No Type of Recycling Facilities recycling / Utilized/ Co-processed
Capacity (MTA)
utilization / Co- (MT) during the year
processing of HW
A Commonly Recyclable HW
1 Brass Dross 2 7355 3008
2 Zinc Bearing Wastes 23 180087 112599
3 Copper Bearing Waste 3 38700 4608.81
Spent catalyst containing nickel, cadmium, Zinc,
copper, arsenic, vanadium and cobalt 1 2880 103
5 Lead bearing waste including battery waste 53 207822 104962.753
6 E-Waste 7 59685 2029.71
7 Paint and ink Sludge/residues 0 0 0
8 Used oil 33 120082.5 48392.34
9 Waste Oil 2 7800 7800
Total 124 624411.5 283503.613
B Utilization of HW under Rule 9
De-contamination of contaminated drums/containers/
1 barrels 2 115000 115000
Utilization of process sludge and primary ETP sludge
2 generated from Pulp & Paper Industries for producing
Paper Board/ Mill Board/ Card Board 1 1440 1440
3 116440 116440

Table 22: Quantity of hazardous waste disposed in common TSDF in Haryana

Quantity in Stock at Quantity in Stock

Quantity of Hazardous Waste Quantity of Hazardous Waste
the beginning of the Quantit at the end of the
Received (MT) Disposed (MT)
year (MT) y Pre- year (MT)
Name and
S.N For Quantity Process
Address of
o For Landfill For Quantity Landfille Quantity ed for
the TSDF Landfillabl Incinerabl Landfilla Inciner
Direct after Incinera Landfille d after Incinerate utilizati
e e on (MT) ble able
landfill treatmen tion d directly treatmen d
t t
M/s Gujarat
Env. Protection
(Haryana) Pvt.
1 Near Pali 1.055 8336.9 7277.67 1030.515 20459.66 7277.673 1015.36 14711.302 9568.13 16.21
d Stone
Crusher Zone,
Total 1.055 8336.9 7277.67 1030.515 20459.66 7277.673 1015.36 14711.302 9568.13 16.21 4517.1

Table 23: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in Himachal Pradesh
S.No. District No. of Quantit Quantity Quantit Quantit Quantity Quanti Quantit Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantit Quantity Captive Quantity of
Hazardo y of of y of y of Disposed ty y Disposed Co- utilized y sent to Utilizatio Hazardous
us Hazard Hazardo Hazard Hazard in Dispos Dispose Through processe under utilized recyclers n (MT) Waste
Waste ous us Waste ous ous Captive ed d by Common d in Rule 9 under of stored at
Generat Waste as per Waste Waste SLF (MT) throug Captive Incinerat cement (MT) Rule 9 Schedule- occupier
ing as per Authoriz as per as per h Incinera or at Kiln (MT) (Numbe IV premises
Industry Authori ation Annual Annual Comm tor TSDF rs) Hazardou at the end
zation (Number Return Return on SLF (MT) (MT) s Wastes of the year
(MTA) s) (MTA) (numbe at (MT) (MT)
rs) TSDF
1 Solan 1626 405236 794862 16319 104846 0 15944 0 0 1099.53 0 104846 224.922 0 0
2 Simour 702 4199 110904 735 679 0 691 0 0 0 0 679 44.06 0 0
Una and
3 r 273 5795 2715 1107 1887 0 1101 0 0 0 0 1887 5.728 0 10.32
4 Bilaspur 52 70 104 35 0 0 8 0 0 150.35 0 0 27.41 0 0
5 Mandi 36 63 111 26 3 0 25 0 0 0 0 3 1.32 0 0
6 Spiti 102 3 0 25 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 3.74 0 0.24
7 Kangra 95 3 1420 13 75 0 13 0 0 0 0 75 0.035 0 0
8 Chamba 31 18 15 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.401 0 0.11
9 Shimla 166 30 0 8 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0
10 Kinoor 25 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 3108 415465 910131 18275 107490 0 17804 0 0 1249.88 0 107490 321.616 0 10.67

Table 24: Number and capacity of recycling units in Himachal Pradesh
No of Facilities
Quantity Recycled/
authorized for
Total Authorized Utilized/ Co-
S. No Type of Recycling Facilities recycling /
Capacity (MTA) processed (MT)
utilization / Co-
during the year
processing of HW

A Commonly Recyclable HW
1 Brass Dross 2 10000 0
2 Zinc Bearing Wastes 2 10000 0
3 Copper Bearing Waste 2 10000 0
Spent catalyst containing nickel, cadmium,
Zinc, copper, arsenic, vanadium and cobalt 0 0 0
5 Lead bearing waste including battery waste 11 52585 0
6 E-Waste 0 0 0
7 Paint and ink Sludge/residues 0 0 0
8 Used oil 3 735460 321616
9 Waste Oil 0 0 0
Total 20 818045 321616
B Utilization of HW under Rule 9
De-contamination of contaminated
drums/containers/ barrels 13 357000 107415
Total 13 357000 107415
C Co-Processing in Cement Plants
2 0 1249.875

Table 25: Quantity of hazardous waste disposed in common TSDF in Himachal Pradesh

Quantity in Stock at the Quantity in Stock at

Quantity of Hazardous Waste Quantity of Hazardous Waste
beginning of the year Quantity the end of the year
Received (MT) Disposed (MT)
(MT) Pre- (MT)
Name and
S.No Address of the For Quantity
Quantity Quantity d for
TSDF For Direct Landfill For Landfilled Landfillabl Incinerabl
Landfillable Incinerable Landfilled Incinerate utilization
landfill after Incineration after (MT) e e
directly d
treatment treatment

M/s Shivalik Solid

1 Ltd., Vill. Majra, 356.07 0 3396.841 13306.517 1099.525 3396.841 13489.16 1099.525 0 173.427 0
P.O. Dabhota.
Ten. Nalagarh,
Distt. Solan (HP)
Total 356.07 0 3396.841 13306.517 1099.525 3396.841 13489.16 1099.525 0 173.427 0

Table 26 :District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in Jharkhand
S. No. District No. of Quantity of Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Captive Quantity of
Hazardo Hazardous of Disposed Disposed Disposed by Disposed Co- utilized sent to Utilization Hazardous
us Waste as Hazardou in Captive through Captive Through processed under recyclers of (MT) Waste
Waste per s Waste SLF (MT) Common Incinerator Common in cement Rule 9 Schedule- stored at
Generat Authorizatio as per SLF at (MT) Incinerator Kiln (MT) (MT) IV occupier
ing n (MTA) Annual TSDF at TSDF Hazardous premises at
Industry Return (MT) (MT) Wastes the end of
(MTA) (MT) the year
1 Ranchi 35 80 80 1.63 0 2 0 0 0 66.37 0 10
2 Palamu 7 8.5 8.5 1 0 0 0 0 0 5.5 0 2
3 Garhwa 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.8 0 0.2
4 Latehar 3 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2
5 Lohardaga 2 10.5 10.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 2.5
6 Simdega 4 0.4 0.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 0 0.1
7 Gumla 5 2.5 2.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.4 0 0.1
8 Khunti 3 0.3 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0.1
East 77 681350.49 491560.9 0 0 271.28 0 4341.1 0 3543.74 482546.14 858.64
9 Singhbhum
West 13 4057.05 3162.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 153.59 0 3009.01
10 Singhbhum
11 S. Kharsawan 175 1112.09 993.22 0 0 0 0 0 0 133.29 0 859.93
12 Jamtara 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 Godda 1 108.07 108.07 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 108.07
14 Deogarh 5 21.6 21.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21.6
15 Pakur 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 Sahibganj 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 Dumka 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
18 Dhanbad 108 8757.74 8372.46 0 0 0 0 0 0 7003.32 1369.145 0
19 Bokaro 41 75872.751 73668.8 2263.7 0 1281 0 0 0 1544.13 66904.03 1675.96
20 Hazaribagh 12 253.25 253.25 253.25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

S. No. District No. of Quantity of Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Captive Quantity of
Hazardo Hazardous of Disposed Disposed Disposed by Disposed Co- utilized sent to Utilization Hazardous
us Waste as Hazardou in Captive through Captive Through processed under recyclers of (MT) Waste
Waste per s Waste SLF (MT) Common Incinerator Common in cement Rule 9 Schedule- stored at
Generat Authorizatio as per SLF at (MT) Incinerator Kiln (MT) (MT) IV occupier
ing n (MTA) Annual TSDF at TSDF Hazardous premises at
Industry Return (MT) (MT) Wastes the end of
(MTA) (MT) the year
21 Ramgarh 45 461.87 461.87 461.87 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
22 Giridih 15 24.2 24.2 24.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
23 Koderma 1 26.68 26.68 26.68 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
24 Chatra 1 26.68 26.68 26.68 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 562 772180.67 578788 3059.01 0 1554.28 0 4341.1 0 12464.64 550819.31 6550.21

Table 27: Number and capacity of recycling units in Jharkhand

No of Facilities
Quantity Recycled/
authorized for Total Authorized
S. No Type of Recycling Facilities Utilized/ Co-processed
recycling / utilization / Capacity (MTA)
(MT) during the year
Co-processing of HW

A Commonly Recyclable HW
1 Brass Dross 0 0 0
2 Zinc Bearing Wastes 3 52.1 648.5
3 Copper Bearing Waste 0 0 0
Spent catalyst containing nickel, cadmium, Zinc,
copper, arsenic, vanadium and cobalt 1 1.8 0
5 Lead bearing waste including battery waste 2 3002 512
6 E-Waste 0 0 0
7 Paint and ink Sludge/residues 0 0 0
8 Used oil 3 22310 10925.79
9 Waste Oil 0 6808 378.35
Total 9 32173.9 12464.64
B Utilization of HW under Rule 9
Utilization of APCD Dust / Residue generated from LD
1 Furnace/EAF/Blast Furnace for producing cold briquettes for 0 0 482546.14
use in Blast Furnace for production of Pig Iron
Total 0 0 482546.14
C Co-Processing in Cement Plants
1 4341.1 4341.1

Table 28: Quantity of hazardous waste disposed in common TSDF in Jharkhand

Quantity in Stock at the

Quantity of Hazardous Waste Received Quantity of Hazardous Waste Quantity in Stock at the
beginning of the year Quantity
(MT) Disposed (MT) end of the year (MT)
(MT) Pre-
Name and
S.No Address of the
For Quantity for
TSDF Quantity
For Direct Landfill For Landfilled Quantity utilization
Landfillable Incinerable Landfilled Landfillable Incinerable
landfill after Incineration after Incinerated (MT)
treatment treatment

M/s Adityapur
1 Pvt. Ltd, Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Commissioning of common incinerator is under progress. Jharkhand PCB has issued consent to operate

Table 29: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in Jammu & Kashmir
S. No. District No. of Quantity of Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Captive Quantity
Hazardous Hazardous of Disposed Disposed Disposed Disposed Co- utilized sent to Utilization of
Waste Waste as per Hazardous in through by Captive Through processed under recyclers (MT) Hazardous
Generating Authorization Waste as Captive Common Incinerator Common in cement Rule 9 of Waste
Industry (MTA) per SLF (MT) SLF at (MT) Incinerator Kiln (MT) (MT) Schedule- stored at
Annual TSDF at TSDF IV occupier
Return (MT) (MT) Hazardous premises
(MTA) Wastes at the end
(MT) of the
year (MT)

1 Jammu 17 2.27 2.27 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.55 0 0.72

2 Samba 126 165.53 165.53 0 0 12.3 0 0 0 1.56 0 151.67
3 Udhampur 10 1.26 1.26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.26
4 Kathua 53 823.55 823.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.15 0 823.4
5 Budgam 2 1.35 1.35 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0.35
6 Pulwama 5 49.25 49.25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49.25
Total 213 1043.21 1043.21 0 0 12.3 0 0 0 4.26 0 1026.65

Table 30: Number and capacity of recycling units in Jammu & Kashmir

No of Facilities
Quantity Recycled/
authorized for
Total Authorized Utilized/ Co-
S.No Type of Recycling Facilities recycling /
Capacity (MTA) processed (MT)
utilization / Co-
during the year
processing of HW
A Commonly Recyclable HW
1 Brass Dross 0 0 0
2 Zinc Bearing Wastes 5 37869 5249.82
3 Copper Bearing Waste 2 18900 12825
Spent catalyst containing nickel,
4 cadmium, Zinc, copper, arsenic,
vanadium and cobalt 0 0 0
Lead bearing waste including battery
waste 14 14876 39782.027
6 E-Waste 0 0 0
7 Paint and ink Sludge/residues
0 0 0
8 Used oil 2 4490 523.638
9 Waste Oil 0 0 0
Total 23 76135 58380.485
B Utilization of HW under Rule 9
0 0 0

Total 0 0 0
C Co-Processing in Cement Plants

Table 31: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in Kerala
S. No. District No. of Quantity of Quantity of Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantit Quantity Captive Quantity of
Hazardous Hazardous Hazardous Disposed Disposed Disposed Disposed Co- y sent to Utilizatio Hazardous
Waste Waste as Waste as in Captive through by Through processe utilized recyclers of n (MT) Waste
Generatin per per Annual SLF (MT) Common Captive Common d in under Schedule- stored at
g Industry Authorizati Return SLF at Incinerat Incinerat cement Rule 9 IV occupier
on (MTA) (MTA) TSDF or (MT) or at Kiln (MT) (MT) Hazardous premises
(MT) TSDF Wastes at the end
(MT) (MT) of the year
1 Thiruvananthapuram 33 2537 1876.36 0 1713.5 0 0 0 0 162.86 0 0
2 Kollam 45 5 18318.6 18250 0 0 0 0 0 68.595 0 0
3 Pathanamthitta 14 37.124 37.124 0 0 0 0 0 0 37.124 0 0
4 Alappuzha 8 81.74 81.74 0 7.76 0 0 0 0 73.96 0 0
5 Kottayam 37 360.91 360.91 0 11.78 0 0 0 0 349.13 0 0
6 Idukki 37 86.64 86.64 0 3.2 0 0 0 0 83.44 0 0
7 Do-1, Ernakulam 98 210.345 210.345 0 34.415 0 0 0 0 175.93 0 0
Do-2, Ernakulam 159 6500 5000 0 5000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ESC, Ernakulam 24 1558.87 1415.19 554.82 860.37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Thrissur 67 8601.98 8601.98 0 7190.51 0 0 0 0 1411.47 0 0
9 Malappuram 48 186.91 186.91 0 0 0 0 0 0 186.91 0 0
10 Palakkad 103 4 1006.645 0 705.08 0 0 0 0 301.565 0 0
11 Kozhikode 78 506.619 506.619 0 0 0 0 0 0 506.619 0 0
12 Kannur 136 500.557 752.557 0 167.089 0 0 0 0 333.468 0 252
13 Wayanad 20 0.08546 0.08546 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.08546 0 0
14 Kasargode 20 272.67 24.507 0 0.525 0 0 0 0 19.888 0 1.002
Total 927 40766.69 38466.21 18804.8 15694.2 0 0 0 0 3711.044 0 253.002

Table 32: Number and capacity of recycling units in Kerala

No of Facilities
authorized for Quantity Recycled/
recycling / Total Authorized Utilized/ Co-
S. No Type of Recycling Facilities
utilization / Co- Capacity (MTA) processed (MT)
processing of during the year
A Commonly Recyclable HW
1 Brass Dross 0 Nil Nil
2 Zinc Bearing Wastes Nil Nil
3 Copper Bearing Waste Nil Nil

Spent catalyst containing nickel, cadmium, Zinc,

4 0 Nil Nil
copper, arsenic, vanadium and cobalt

5 Lead bearing waste including battery waste

4 7505.2125 0
6 E-Waste 0 Nil Nil
7 Paint and ink Sludge/residues 0 Nil Nil

8 Used oil 32808

6 6359.24
9 Waste Oil 22440
10 Spent carbon 0 Nil Nil
Total 11 62753.2125 6359.24

Table 33: Quantity of hazardous waste disposed in common TSDF in Kerala

Quantity in Stock at the

Quantity of Hazardous Waste Quantity of Hazardous Waste Quantity in Stock at the
beginning of the year Quantity
Received (MT) Disposed (MT) end of the year (MT)
(MT) Pre-
Name and
S.No Address of
For Quantity for
the TSDF For Quantity
Landfill For Landfilled Quantity utilization
Landfillable Incinerable Direct
after Incineration
after Incinerated (MT)
Landfillable Incinerable
landfill directly
treatment treatment

M/s Keral
1 TSDF Project, 114 NA 29078 8219 NA 28657 8164 NA NA 590 NA
Inside Fact-
CD Campus,
Total 114 0 29078 8219 0 28657 8164 0 0 590 0

Table 34: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in Karnataka
S. District No. of Quantity of Quantity of Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Captive Quantity of
No. Hazardous Hazardous Hazardous Disposed Disposed Disposed by Disposed Co- utilized sent to Utilizati Hazardous
Waste Waste as per Waste as in through Captive Through processed under recyclers on (MT) Waste
Generating Authorization per Annual Captive Common Incinerator Common in cement Rule 9 of stored at
Industry (MTA) Return SLF (MT) SLF at (MT) Incinerator Kiln (MT) (MT) Schedule- occupier
(MTA) TSDF at TSDF IV premises
(MT) (MT) Hazardous at the end
Wastes of the year
(MT) (MT)
1 Bommanahalli 208 661.33 566.75 0 86.3 20.21 59.31 0 0 286.14 0 114.79
2 Doddaballapura 68 4950.77 4051 0 2267.94 0 868.02 0 0 801.2 0 113.84

3 Bengaluru City South 63 3294.84 1485.32 0 132.07 0 663.57 0 0 684.68 0 5

4 Bengaluru City East 172 4553.439 3709.61 0 17 0 41.83 0 0 3409.6 0 241.18
5 Hassan 48 15522.17 16054.08 0 1681.10 0 430.952 0 0 12942.0 0 13
6 Gadag 13 124.41 124.41 0 0 0 11.71 0 0 105.21 0 7.5
7 Yadagiri 9 2.4 2.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.1 0 0.3
8 Chitradurga 26 145.755 60.18 0 0 0 1.67 0 0 38.9 0 20.25
9 Dharwad 104 11248.98 2748.77 0 614.76 0 918.25 810 0 405.76 0 0
10 Belagavi-1 98 1262.17 415.15 0 0 0 246.23 0 0 106.09 0 17.26
11 Davanagere 37 381.22 115.75 0 101.25 0 0.2 0 0 11.55 0 2.75
12 Bagalkote 41 105.29 73.7 0 0 0 6.31 0 0 67.4 0 0
13 Chamarajanagar 7 68.43 45.81 0 0 0 1.68 0 0 44.13 0 0
14 Kodagu 12 56.03 53.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 53.1 0 0.5
15 Ramanagara 139 29786 7591 0 323 0 1776 383 0 4357 0 752
16 Yelahanka 25 5538.25 2524.82 0 18 0 675 365 0 1739.27 0 76.42
17 Kolar 73 134580.98 10765.53 0 5934.04 0 926.36 546.7 0 905 0 2453.43
18 Rajarajeshwarinagar 89 19295.4 5609.31 0 998.7 0 1076.46 0 1254.38 2279.76 0 0
19 Udupi 49 1943.711 1826.28 0 6.1 0 3.3 0 0 1816.83 0 0
20 Bidar 19 6051.025 1351.25 0 668.055 0 0 650.03 0 0.2 0 32.97
21 Chikkodi 43 723 429 0 27 0 266 0 136 0 0

S. District No. of Quantity of Quantity of Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Captive Quantity of
No. Hazardous Hazardous Hazardous Disposed Disposed Disposed by Disposed Co- utilized sent to Utilizati Hazardous
Waste Waste as per Waste as in through Captive Through processed under recyclers on (MT) Waste
Generating Authorization per Annual Captive Common Incinerator Common in cement Rule 9 of stored at
Industry (MTA) Return SLF (MT) SLF at (MT) Incinerator Kiln (MT) (MT) Schedule- occupier
(MTA) TSDF at TSDF IV premises
(MT) (MT) Hazardous at the end
Wastes of the year
(MT) (MT)

22 Karwar 35 3138.55 3138.55 0 0 0 226.32 0 2912.23 0 0

23 Sarjapura 197 38494.04 32575.69 0 91.15 0 1414.24 2.47 25568.8 4400.09 0 1098.36
24 Peenya 244 5077 1505 0 430 0 153 0 801 0 121
25 Chikkaballapura 16 1126.5 155.5 0 118.57 0 4.58 0.03 21.5 0 10.83
26 Mahadevapura 197 6244.85 4298.07 0 951.97 0 1008.95 0 2042.76 0 152.66
27 Nelamangala 95 11024.2 3144 0 608.18 0 2334.43 0 169.88 0 31.71
28 Dasarahalli 95 1977.067 387.24 0 72.1 0 89.89 0 88.67 0 136.57
29 Koppal 33 2416.082 131.25 0 0 0 21.83 13.08 0 96.13 0 0.22
30 Chikkamagaluru 3 4.19 4.19 0 0 0 0 0 4.19 0 0
31 Haveri 18 17.04 66.64 0 0 0 5.35 17.07 38.6 0 5.62
32 Ballari 66 18724 5956 0 560 0 1689 0 3707 0 0
33 Tumkur 70 81609.198 81610.19 0 85 0 7233.75 63957.0 434.8 0 9899.63
34 Mysuru-1 30 11449.19 7249.1 0 508.8 0 81.83 1781.6 2657.12 1439.93 0 779.81
35 Hoskote 56 8931.77 3139.88 0 545 0 2188.87 0 406.02 0 0
36 Mysuru-2 52 32383.08 14268.19 0 4609.73 0 1792.28 1246.76 0 8853.42 0 0.46
37 Raichur 26 501871.82 37559.34 0 89.65 0 608 7.84 0 2127.06 0 34726
38 Vijayapura 31 11391.68 551.83 0 0.2 0 182.36 0 369.27 0 0
39 Mangaluru 134 22137.13 9050 0 4000 0 1250 0 3800 0 0
40 Bengaluru City West 151 640.55 190.56 0 5.6 0 1.27 0 0 148.09 0 35.6
41 Kalaburgi 12 176935.42 52131.45 0 0 0 0 51989.9 0 146.05 0 8.63
42 Mandya 56 1747.96 415.91 0 91.41 0 40.01 136.71 78.97 0 68.84
43 Shivamogga 80 2163.57 3123.15 0 2900.9 0 87.67 0 120.03 0 14.55
44 Anekal 224 157866.31 16536.22 0 5004.54 0 629.42 4730.77 2559.88 0 3611
Total 3264 1337666.79 336791.6 0 33548.1 20.21 29015.9 57796.3 98321.9 64957.5 0 54552.68

Table 35: Number and capacity of recycling units in Karnataka

No of Facilities
authorized for Quantity Recycled/
recycling / Total Authorized Utilized/ Co-
S.No Type of Recycling Facilities
utilization / Co- Capacity (MTA) processed (MT)
processing of during the year
A Commonly Recyclable HW
1 Brass Dross 1 50 62
2 Zinc Bearing Wastes 5 3132.12 1361.08
3 Copper Bearing Waste 9 12875 2491.98
Spent catalyst containing nickel, cadmium, Zinc,
copper, arsenic, vanadium and cobalt
0 0 0
5 Lead bearing waste including battery waste
24 233204.95 63245.1
6 E-Waste 45 30869.85 4858.97
7 Paint and ink Sludge/residues 0 0 0
8 Used oil 27 114182.47 14021.91

9 Waste Oil 12 74174 13803.29

Total 123 468488.39 99844.33
B Utilization of HW under Rule 9

1 Recovery of solvents from spent solvents 21 94716.8 47077.26

Utilization of Spent Acid containing Molybdenum
2 generated from filament industries for producing 1 324 85.54
Molybdenum Trioxide by heating process

De-contamination of contaminated drums/containers/
3 barrels
18 69915.92 1522.56
Utilization of Aluminium Dross generated from refining
4 and casting house of Aluminium smelter units to recover
Aluminium Metal 1 1800 678

Utilization of Oil based iron sludge of Ball & Roller

5 bearings for producing Ferrous Sulphate
1 600 0
(Add new rows for other types of wastes)

42 97440.8 49363.36
C Co-Processing in Cement Plants
6 85400 52319.9

Table 36: Quantity of hazardous waste disposed in common TSDF in Karnataka
Quantity in Stock at the Quantity in Stock
Quantity of Hazardous Waste Quantity of Hazardous Waste Quantity
beginning of the year at the end of the
Received (MT) Disposed (MT) Pre-
(MT) year (MT)
Name and Address of the Process
S.No For Quantity
TSDF For Landfill For Quantity Quantity ed for
Direct Landfille Landfilla Incine
Landfillable Incinerable after Incinerati Landfille Incinerat utilizatio
landfil d after ble rable
treatment on d directly ed n (MT)
l treatment
M/s Mother Earth Environ
Tech Private Limited, Plot No
217, 2nd phase KIADB
1 Industrial Area, Harohalli, 0 0 2044 20360 0 2044 20330 0 0 30 0
Kanakapura Taluk,
Ramanagara Distric,
M/s E Nano Incintech,
Plot No.,342-B, of Harohalli
2 0 15 0 0 1198 0 0 1196 0 0 17
Industrial Area,2nd Phase,
2nd Sector, Ramanagar
M/s Gomti Incinco,
# 3 – B-2, 1st Phase, KIADB
3 Indl Area, Kumbalgodu, 0 7.203 0 0 903.845 0 0 875.28 0 0
Mysore Road, Bangalore –
560 074
M/s Karnataka Waste
Management Project
( A Division of Ramky 4639. 634.9
4 669.54 634.97 16778 0 4639.742 16599.57 141.273 0 178.5
EEL)KIADB,Industrial Area, 742 7
Dobbaspet, Nelamangal Tq,
Bangalore RuralDistt-562111

M/s Bangalore Eco Park (P)
Ltd. No 2968, KIADB Industrial
5 Area, Sompura 1st Stage, 0 0 0 0 141.273 0 0 0 0 0
Nidavanda, Nelamangala,
Bengaluru Rural District.
M/s. Century Eco Solution
# 17 A&B, KIADB Indl. Area,
6 0 44 0 0 2148 0 0 1853 0 0 339
Hoskote Taluk, Bengaluru-
M/s Haat Incinerators India
Pvt. Ltd. 39975
7 0 17094.03 0 0 484967.5 0 0 462086 0 0
#35 B&C, Jigani Industrial .53
Area, Bangalore- 560105
M/s Bangalore Incinerator
Pvt. Ltd.,
No. 28, KIADB Industrial
8 0 0 0 0 999.934 0 0 999.934 0 0 0
Area,Kallanayakana Village,
Hobli, Kunigal Taluk, Tumkur
Total 669.54 17795.203 6683.7 37138 490358.5 6683.742 36929.57 467151.5 0 208.5 41143.6

Table 37: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in Maharashtra
S. No. District No. of Quantity of Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Captive Quantity
Hazardous Hazardous of Disposed Disposed Disposed Disposed Co- utilized sent to Utilization of
Waste Waste as per Hazardous in through by Captive Through processed under recyclers (MT) Hazardous
Generating Authorization Waste as Captive Common Incinerator Common in cement Rule 9 of Waste
Industry (MTA) per SLF (MT) SLF at (MT) Incinerator Kiln (MT) (MT) Schedule- stored at
Annual TSDF at TSDF IV occupier
Return (MT) (MT) Hazardous premises
(MTA) Wastes at the end
(MT) of the
year (MT)

1 Ahmednaga 99 11015.5 3407.07 0 2443.06 0 964 0 0 0 0 0

2 Akola 19 1657.29 156.24 0 69.25 0 86.99 0 0 0 0 0
3 Amravati 42 8669.89 374.46 0 352.83 0 21.63 0 0 0 0 0
4 Aurangabad 236 114353.4 21719.8 0 6 0 4329.39 0 0 317.63 0 0
5 Beed 14 2414.13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Bhandara 33 6898.25 1260.32 0 1185.34 0 74.98 0 0 0 0 0
7 Buldhana 15 2412.94 95.23 0 20.28 0 74.95 0 0 0 0 0
8 Chandrapur 99 14506.76 744.71 0 549.36 0 172.95 0 0 22.4 0 0
9 Dhule 29 7723.12 1580.01 0 304.14 0 1275.86 0 0 0 0 0
10 Gadchiroli 4 764 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 Gondia 9 30996.4 5.59 0 2.55 0 3.04 0 0 0 0 0
12 Hingoli 4 27.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 jalgaon 89 93904.28 291.93 0 262.87 0 29.05 0 0 0 0 0
14 Jalna 27 22422.83 78.15 0 29.84 0 48.31 0 0 0 0 0
14831.1 14360.6
15 Kolhapur 185 68019.57 9 0 8 0 470.51 0 0 0 0 0
16 Latur 19 7998.65 567.98 0 555.47 0 12.51 0 0 0 0 0
17 Mumbai 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mumbai 397 182999.8 14178.9 12079.1 1929
18 Suburban 0 0 16.01 154.84 0 0

S. No. District No. of Quantity of Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Captive Quantity
Hazardous Hazardous of Disposed Disposed Disposed Disposed Co- utilized sent to Utilization of
Waste Waste as per Hazardous in through by Captive Through processed under recyclers (MT) Hazardous
Generating Authorization Waste as Captive Common Incinerator Common in cement Rule 9 of Waste
Industry (MTA) per SLF (MT) SLF at (MT) Incinerator Kiln (MT) (MT) Schedule- stored at
Annual TSDF at TSDF IV occupier
Return (MT) (MT) Hazardous premises
(MTA) Wastes at the end
(MT) of the
year (MT)
19 Nagpur 289 79321.86 21349.8 0 4 0 2081.46 0 0 0 0 0
20 Nanded 22 2073.46 105.11 0 97.79 0 7.32 0 0 0 0 0
21 Nandurbar 11 4599.38 3.02 0 3.02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
22 Nashik 274 79330.86 2 0 6871.22 0 3218.13 0 0 17.57 0 0
23 Osmanabad 11 2979.84 36.98 0 27.94 0 9.04 0 0 0 0 0
24 Palghar 598 387570.6 53768.2 0 32960 0 3922 0 0.01 16886.2 0 0
25 Parbhani 5 127.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
26 Pune 927 222152.8 43032.7 0 27991.7 0 12810.48 0 1224.04 1006.48 0 0
27 Raigad 604 377498.3 123706 0 110449 0 11665 0 252 1339.37 0 0
28 Ratnagiri 97 50956.47 9599.97 0 4091 0 820 0 4176.16 512.81 0 0
29 Sangli 74 22946.78 71.48 0 44.27 0 27.21 0 0 0 0 0
30 Satara 153 16372.05 5647.06 0 1337.04 0 948.86 0 376.47 2984.69 0 0
31 sindhudurg 7 2128.86 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
32 Solapur 158 68162.84 1063.3 0 973.94 0 89.35 0 0 0 0 0
33 Thane 1559 459324.1 52071.3 0 41097.6 0 4088 0 21.771 6863.92 0 0
34 Wardha 25 6490.94 1740.91 0 1738.97 0 1.94 0 0 0 0 0
35 Washim 2 86.3 12.04 0 7.32 0 4.72 0 0 0 0 0
36 Yavatmal 24 699.45 79.39 0 54.47 0 24.92 0 0 0 0 0
Total 6160 2359606 381686 0 296293 0 49211.6 0 6066.47 30105.9 0 0

Table 38: Number and capacity of recycling units in Maharashtra

No of Facilities
authorized for Quantity Recycled/
recycling / Total Authorized Utilized/ Co-
S.No Type of Recycling Facilities
utilization / Co- Capacity (MTA) processed (MT)
processing of during the year
A Commonly Recyclable HW
1 Brass Dross
2 Zinc Bearing Wastes 92 209726 6574.065
3 Copper Bearing Waste
Spent catalyst containing nickel, cadmium, Zinc,
copper, arsenic, vanadium and cobalt 23 24740 0
5 Lead bearing waste including battery waste 80 305882 10867.756
6 E-Waste 64 74650 0
7 Paint and ink Sludge/residues 5 15550 0
8 Used oil 65 241976 14387.218
9 Waste Oil 41 301650 1627.579
Total 370 1174174 33456.618
B Utilization of HW under Rule 9
1 Used Food Grade HNP / Rolling Oil 1 1000 0
2 Aluminium Scraps / Dross 5 10820 0
3 Spent Solvent 2 240 0
4 PVC Waste Sealer 1 300 0
5 Copper Scrap / Druid 1 2000 0
6 Tyre Scrap 1 32000 0
Total 11 46360 0

Table 39: Quantity of hazardous waste disposed in common TSDF in Maharashtra
Quantity in Stock at the Quanti Quantity in Stock
Quantity of Hazardous Waste Quantity of Hazardous Waste
beginning of the year ty Pre- at the end of the
Received (MT) Disposed (MT)
(MT) Proces year (MT)
Name and Address of
S.No For Quantity sed for
the TSDF For Quantity Quantity
Incinerab For Direct Landfill Landfilled utilizat Landfill Incinerab
Landfillable Incinerati Landfilled Incinerate ion
le landfill after after able le
on directly d (MT)
treatment treatment
M/s Mumbai Waste
Management Ltd.,
1 Plot No. P-32, MIDC 1040 7053 71447 118171 25121 71447 117584 29037 0 1627 3137
Taloja, Tal: Panvel,
Dist. Raigad- 410 208
M/s Trans Thane Creek
Waste Management
2 Mahape, Plot No. P- 0 0 2302.652 8764.035 0 2302.652 8764.035 0 0 0 0
128, Shil Mahape
Road, Mahape Navi-
Mumbai -400710
M/s Maharashtra
Enviro Power Ltd.
3 Plot No. 56, MIDC 0 10383.81 38805.66 33565.7 26630.16 38805.66 33565.7 21140 0 0
Ranjangaon, Taluka-
Shirur, Dist – Pune.
M/s Maharashtra
Enviro Power Ltd.
Plot No. CHW-01, At
4 Village Mandwa, MIDC 0 1355.77 10364.88 10751.84 3496.65 10364.88 10751.84 3694.42 0 0 1158
Butibori, Taluka-
Hingna Dist –Nagpur-
Total 1040 18792.58 122920.2 171252.6 55247.81 122920.19 170665.6 53871.42 0 1627 20168.9

Table 40: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in Madhya Pradesh
S. District No. of Quantity of Quantity of Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Captive Quantity of
No Hazardo Hazardous Hazardous Disposed Disposed Disposed Disposed Co- utilized sent to Utilization Hazardous
. us Waste Waste as per Waste as per in through by Through processed under recyclers of (MT) Waste stored
Generati Authorization Annual Return Captive Common Captive Common in cement Rule 9 Schedule-IV at occupier
ng (MTA) (MTA) SLF (MT) SLF at Incinerato Incinerato Kiln (MT) (MT) Hazardous premises at
Industry TSDF (MT) r (MT) r at TSDF Wastes the end of
(MT) (MT) the year (MT)
1 Indore 388 4670.788 884.244 0 481.82 0 6.363 139.57 0 207.091 0 46.395
2 Khargoan 33 5819.88 2235.178 0 540.64 0 0 371.6 0 64.563 1053.32 205.054
3 Burhanpur 21 44.152 9.942 0 8.63 0 0 0 0 0.56 0 0.75
4 Khandwa 8 52.94 0.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.8
5 Barwani 6 217.44 72.37 0 0 0 51.3 0 0 7.12 0 13.95
6 Sez. Pithampur 26 5131.95 2503.031 0 770.147 0 304.944 592.24 0 29.072 0 806.628
7 Shahdol 18 2243.1 379.913 0 0 0 0 0 317 16.289 0 46.624
8 Anuppur 26 269.3 93.195 0 1.029 0 0 0 0 79.348 0 12.818
10 Umaria 20 34.55 10.73 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.23 0 3.5
11 Rewa 66 815.13 94.24 0 0 0 0 0 0 94.24 0 0
12 Sidhi 14 513.87 14.58 0 0 0 0 0 0 14.58 0 0
13 Katni 29 2259.182 203 0 0 0.108 0 0 1.6 188.754 0 12.538
14 Sagar 13 161991.556 14210.5 0 158.55 0 0 0 0 162.25 13517 372.7
15 Chhatarpur 8 15.7615 1.44 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.44 0 0
16 Tikamgarh 5 0.5448 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 Damoh 6 126.035 20.463 0 0 0 0 0 0 20.463 0 0
18 Panna 4 23.6305 1.575 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.575 0 0
19 Pithampur 239 110140.114 10749.09 0 3656.67 60 633.454 210.67 800.024 483.933 0 4904.347
20 Dewas 142 13921 2672.09 0 1247.75 393 314.33 0 0 396.02 0 320.99
21 Shajapur 11 13042 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1
22 Guna 18 534.055 169.82 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 169.82
23 Shivapuri 5 131.54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
24 Ashok Nagar 5 0.92 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 Rajgarh 21 2482.492 0.263 0 0.16 0 0 0 0 0.034 0 0.069
26 Bhopal 149 5180.672 1962.237 0 117.31 0 0 0 0 1689.77 0 155.157
S. District No. of Quantity of Quantity of Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Captive Quantity of
No Hazardo Hazardous Hazardous Disposed Disposed Disposed Disposed Co- utilized sent to Utilization Hazardous
us Waste Waste as per Waste as per in through by Through processed under recyclers of (MT) Waste stored
Generati Authorization Annual Return Captive Common Captive Common in cement Rule 9 Schedule-IV at occupier
ng (MTA) (MTA) SLF (MT) SLF at Incinerato Incinerato Kiln (MT) (MT) Hazardous premises at
Industry TSDF (MT) r (MT) r at TSDF Wastes the end of
(MT) (MT) the year (MT)

27 Raisen 72 15272.94 5939.4788 0 3680.93 0 0 777.316 0 1431.342 27.566 22.3245

28 Hoshangabad 23 382.869 315.775 0 19.545 0 0 0 0 150.97 15.1 130.16
29 Betul 14 144.635 132.995 0 0 11.865 0 0 0 54.84 0.8 65.49
30 Vidisha 24 12233.8 288.0565 0 55.955 0 0 0 0 231.526 0.5755 0
31 Sehore 9 10964.88 6304.995 0 4300.45 0 0 1425.45 0 170.978 0 408.117
32 Harda 5 3.185 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
33 Dhar 26 23070.876 10298.915 0 1968.76 64.72 26.3 6014.52 0 2.12 2119.06 103.5
34 Jhabua Alirajpur 20 80519.411 18379.15 4850.15 0 13521 0 8
35 Ujjain 28 10300.67 8138 3613 302 2064 0 0 0 2151 0 8580
36 Ratlam 19 3435.729 2074.015 0 1065 234 6.8 359 0 206 0 203.215
37 Mandsaur 9 1474.22 290 0 290 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
39 Neemuch 15 1314.519 95.91 0 14.35 0 0 0 0 1.68 0.048 79.8312
40 Jabalpur 122 6733.83 2803.19 0 86.3 0 0 219.55 0 2496.38 0 0.96
41 Mandla 35 71.98 19.17 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0.17
42 Narsinghpur 47 60.23 1.77 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.77 0 0
43 Balaghat 12 32.39 42.26 0 0 0 0 0 0 42.26 0 0
44 Seoni 39 48.72 7.91 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.91 0 0
45 Satna 57 7184.18 819.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 705.11 0 114.09
46 Gwalior 187 457.138 140.0975 0 100.96 0 0 0 0 38.626 0 0.5115
47 Bhind 57 8965.295 4826.367 0 1082.21 0 12.36 157.27 0 3504.89 0 69.628
48 Morena 42 196.047 59.424 0 18.674 0 0 0 0 21.469 0 19.419
49 Sheopore 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50 Datia 16 15.675 1.524 0 1.19 0 0 0 0 0.02 0 0.314
51 Singrauli 33 38810.44 28375.94 0 0 0 44.35 0 0 2690.56 20036.8 5604.21
52 Chhindwara 29 1671.2 233.92 0 60.23 98.32 0 0 0 56.637 0 18.73
Total 2222 553028.46 125880.76 3613 24879.4 2926.01 1400.20 23788.9 1118.62 17452.42 36770.2 22501.81

Table 41: Number and capacity of recycling units in Madhya Pradesh

No of Facilities authorized Quantity Recycled/

Total Authorized Capacity
S.No Type of Recycling Facilities for recycling / utilization / Utilized/ Co-processed
Co-processing of HW (MT) during the year

A Commonly Recyclable HW
1 Brass Dross 2 900 0
2 Zinc Bearing Wastes 7 11040 1179.29
3 Copper Bearing Waste 6 5130 405
Spent catalyst containing nickel,
4 cadmium, Zinc, copper, arsenic,
vanadium and cobalt 1 2000 543
Lead bearing waste including
battery waste 61 149190 14058.829
6 E-Waste 2 13020 133.272
7 Paint and ink Sludge/residues 1 4500 350.02
8 Used oil 15 97300 6028.525
9 Waste Oil 9 33300 1087.06
10 Spent Catalyst 1 15000 2000
Total 105 331380 25784.996
B Utilization of HW under Rule 9
Recovery of solvents from spent
1 solvents 2 1695 1118.624
Utilization of Spent HCl generated
2 form steel rolling mills for producing
Ferric Chloride 1 18000 0
Total 3 19695 1118.624
Co-Processing in Cement
Plants 2 4003654.03 23788.1863

Table 42: Quantity of hazardous waste disposed in common TSDF in Madhya Pradesh

Quantity in Stock at the Quantity in Stock at

Quantity of Hazardous Waste Quantity of Hazardous Waste Quantity
beginning of the year the end of the year
Received (MT) Disposed (MT) Pre-
(MT) (MT)
Name and Address Processed
S.No For Quantity
of the TSDF For Quantity for
Landfill For Landfilled Quantity utilization Landfillabl Incinerabl
Landfillable Incinerable Direct Landfilled
after Incineration after Incinerated (MT) e e
landfill directly
treatment treatment
M/s Madhya
Pradesh Waste
1 0 103.1 3909.08 22006.76 3612.43 3909.08 22006.76 4236.86 0 0 469.67
Plot No. 104,
Industrial Area-II,
Pithampur, Dist.:
Dhar (M.P.)
Total 0 103.1 3909.08 22006.76 3612.43 3909.08 22006.76 4236.86 0 0 469.67

Table 43: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in Meghalaya
S. No. District No. of Quantity of Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Captive Quantity
Hazardous Hazardous of Disposed Disposed Disposed Disposed Co- utilized sent to Utilization of
Waste Waste as per Hazardous in through by Captive Through processed under recyclers (MT) Hazardous
Generating Authorization Waste as Captive Common Incinerator Common in cement Rule 9 of Waste
Industry (MTA) per SLF (MT) SLF at (MT) Incinerator Kiln (MT) (MT) Schedule- stored at
Annual TSDF at TSDF IV occupier
Return (MT) (MT) Hazardous premises
(MTA) Wastes at the end
(MT) of the
year (MT)
1 Ri-Bhoi 5 458.65 41.45 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.45 0 309.004
2 East Khasi 1 17.8 13.35 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0
3 East 5 37.38 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 21.8 0 0
Total 11 513.83 75.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 37.25 0 309.004

Table 44: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in Manipur
S. No. District No. of Quantity of Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Captive Quantity
Hazardous Hazardous of Disposed Disposed Disposed Disposed Co- utilized sent to Utilization of
Waste Waste as per Hazardous in through by Captive Through processed under recyclers (MT) Hazardous
Generating Authorization Waste as Captive Common Incinerator Common in cement Rule 9 of Waste
Industry (MTA) per SLF (MT) SLF at (MT) Incinerator Kiln (MT) (MT) Schedule- stored at
Annual TSDF at TSDF IV occupier
Return (MT) (MT) Hazardous premises
(MTA) Wastes at the end
(MT) of the
year (MT)
1 Imphal East 24 35.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 West 102 223.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Thoubal 39 20.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Chandel 10 1.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Senapati 11 27.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Tamenglong 5 1.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Ukhrul 5 12.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Churachand 22 9.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Bishnupur 37 5.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 255 336.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table 45: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in Mizoram
S. No. District No. of Quantity of Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Captive Quantity
Hazardous Hazardous of Disposed Disposed Disposed Disposed Co- utilized sent to Utilization of
Waste Waste as per Hazardous in through by Captive Through processed under recyclers (MT) Hazardous
Generating Authorization Waste as Captive Common Incinerator Common in cement Rule 9 of Waste
Industry (MTA) per SLF (MT) SLF at (MT) Incinerator Kiln (MT) (MT) Schedule- stored at
Annual TSDF at TSDF IV occupier
Return (MT) (MT) Hazardous premises
(MTA) Wastes at the end
(MT) of the
year (MT)
1 Aizwal 28 14.761 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14.761
Total 28 14.761 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14.761

Table 46: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in Nagaland
S. No. District No. of Quantity of Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Captive Quantity
Hazardous Hazardous of Disposed Disposed Disposed Disposed Co- utilized utilized sent to Utilization of
Waste Waste as per Hazardous in through by Captive Through processed under under recyclers (MT) Hazardous
Generating Authorization Waste as Captive Common Incinerator Common in cement Rule 9 Rule 9 of Waste
Industry (MTA) per SLF (MT) SLF at (MT) Incinerator Kiln (MT) (MT) (Numbers) Schedule- stored at
Annual TSDF at TSDF IV occupier
Return (MT) (MT) Hazardous premises
(MTA) Wastes at the end
(MT) of the
year (MT)

1 Dimapur 1 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0
2 Mon 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 2 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0

Table 47: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in Odisha
S. District No. of Quantity of Quantity of Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Captive Quantity of
No Hazardo Hazardous Hazardous Disposed Disposed Disposed Disposed Co- utilized sent to Utilization Hazardous
. us Waste as per Waste as per in Captive through by Captive Through processe under recyclers of (MT) Waste stored
Waste Authorization Annual SLF (MT) Common Incinerator Common d in Rule 9 Schedule-IV at occupier
Generati (MTA) Return (MTA) SLF at (MT) Incinerat cement (MT) Hazardous premises at
ng TSDF (MT) or at Kiln (MT) Wastes (MT) the end of
Industry TSDF the year (MT)
1 Angul 14 105324.992 85234.511 49 3057.49 33.26 0 0 240 234.803 71871.71 9797.256
2 Balasore 8 3488.234 2404.0798 0 91.205 22.062 0 0 0 47.195 2233.141 11.7728
3 Bargarh 2 54.0502 18.342 0 0 0 0 0 0 18.33 0 0.012
4 Bhadrak 2 2574.2 1952.87 0 0 0 0 0 0 9.885 1939.349 2.736
5 Bolangir 2 319.48 211.98 0 90.31 0 0 0 0 0 0 121.67
6 Cuttack 12 5284.15 5864.987 0 0 0 0 0 0 26.935 5827.639 17.4205
7 Dhenkanal 7 6617.745 30397.645 0 1751.38 0 0 0 0 136.37 28502.004 7.95
8 Ganjam 3 41.35 78.742 0 0 0 0 0 0 20.7 0 58.122
9 Jagatsinghpur 8 24198.12 77174.149 761.15 0 0 0 0 0 70.527 76160 206.609
10 Jajpur 15 136511.23 50385.579 0 39088.2 0 0 0 293.98 189.346 16992.04 59.995
11 Jharsuguda 16 350292.345 165618.237 721.136 1617.39 16.939 0 0 10665.8 284.706 135318.93 72102.6878
12 Keonjhar 38 12583.389 4092.7068 0 7.92 0 0 0 297.67 276.4862 161.443 3375.1943
13 Khurda 12 71.8825 90.72 0 62.02 0 0 0 0 10.161 14.034 6.1015
14 Koraput 3 6608.1 511.087 0 0 0 0 0 0 544.249 3.207 97.888
15 Kalahandi 1 3099 1141.16 0 0 0 0 0 0 589.3 0 1650.76
16 Malkangiri 1 13.5 6.615 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 Nabarangpur 1 9.313 8.95 7.15 0 0 0 0 0 0.36 1.44 0
18 Rayagada 4 3166.8 1786 429.5 0 0 0 0 0 70.31 1068.226 16.88
19 Sambalpur 7 103164.731 96103.335 0 2886.87 0 0 0 27429.3 2496.46 62283.582 8080.617
20 Sundargarh 28 25551.668 72616.1966 915.85 40.125 11.107 0 31.42 34443.4 488.7657 352.355 36171.062
Total 184 788974.28 595697.892 2883.786 48692.9 83.368 0 31.42 73370.2 5514.8889 402729.10 131784.73

Table 48: Number and capacity of recycling units in Odisha

No of Facilities authorized for Quantity Recycled/

Total Authorized Capacity
S.No Type of Recycling Facilities recycling / utilization / Co- Utilized/ Co-processed
processing of HW (MT) during the year

A Commonly Recyclable HW
1 Brass Dross 0 0 0
2 Zinc Bearing Wastes 1 3000 0
3 Copper Bearing Waste 0 0 0
Spent catalyst containing nickel, cadmium,
4 0 0 0
Zinc, copper, arsenic, vanadium and cobalt
5 Lead bearing waste including battery waste 1 1800 0
6 E-Waste 0 0 0
7 Paint and ink Sludge/residues 0 0 0
8 Used oil
13 45271 2637.835
9 Waste Oil
Total 15 50071 2637.835
B Utilization of HW under Rule 9
1 Zinc Skimming/ Zinc Ash/ Zinc Dross 0 0 0
2 Used Anode Butt 3 80966 21471.83
3 Aluminium Dross 5 49320 7197.95
4 Spent Pot Lining (SPL) 2 29520 3423.9
5 Flue gas dust 1 70900 35627.507
Total 11 230706 67721.187

Table 49: Quantity of hazardous waste disposed in common TSDF in Odisha

Quantity in Stock at
Quantity of Hazardous Waste Quantity of Hazardous Waste Quantity Quantity in Stock at the
the beginning of the
Received (MT) Disposed (MT) Pre- end of the year (MT)
Name and year (MT)
S.No Address of the
For Quantity for
TSDF For Quantity
Landfillab Landfill For Landfilled Quantity utilization
Incinerable Direct Landfilled Landfillable Incinerable
le after Incineration after Incinerated (MT)
landfill directly
treatment treatment

M/s Odisha Waste

Plot No 420/648/1,
1 0 0 7036.45 41848.006 0 7036.45 41848.006 0 NA NA NA
Near Village
Kanchichuan PO
Distt- Jajpur

Total 0 0 7036.45 41848.006 0 7036.45 41848.006 0 0 0 0

Table 50: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in Puducherry
S. No. District No. of Quantity of Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Captive Quantity of
Hazardo Hazardous of Disposed Disposed Disposed Disposed Co- utilized sent to Utilization Hazardous
us Waste as per Hazardous in through by Captive Through processed under recyclers (MT) Waste stored
Waste Authorization Waste as Captive Common Incinerator Common in cement Rule 9 of at occupier
Generati (MTA) per Annual SLF (MT) SLF at (MT) Incinerator Kiln (MT) (MT) Schedule- premises at
ng Return TSDF at TSDF IV the end of the
Industry (MTA) (MT) (MT) Hazardous year (MT)

1 Puducherry 118 87447.08 0 3 0 54.8 714 1055.69 14846 4055.69 0 71487.6

2 Karaikal 7 128.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 127.5 0 1.1
3 Yanam 2 6000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6000 0 0
4 Mahe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 127 93575.68 0 3 0 54.8 714 1055.69 14846 10183.1 0 71488.7

Table 51: Number and capacity of recyclers/co-processor/utilizer in Puducherry

No of Facilities
authorized for Quantity Recycled/
Total Authorized
S.No Type of Recycling Facilities recycling / Utilized/ Co-processed
Capacity (MTA)
utilization / Co- (MT) during the year
processing of HW
A Commonly Recyclable HW
1 Brass Dross 0 0 0
2 Zinc Bearing Wastes 2 6000 6000
3 Copper Bearing Waste 1 2400 2400
Spent catalyst containing nickel, cadmium, Zinc,
copper, arsenic, vanadium and cobalt 0 0 0
5 Lead bearing waste including battery waste 0 0 0
6 E-Waste 0 0 0
7 Paint and ink Sludge/residues 0 0 0
8 Used oil 0 0 0
9 Waste Oil 0 0 0
Total 3 8400 8400

Table 52: District-wise Status on Hazardous Waste Generation & its Management in Punjab




Quantity Co- processed

Waste Generated as per

Waste Generated as per




recyclers of Schedule-IV

recyclers of Schedule-IV
Quantity Utilized under

Quantity of HW Stored at

Quantity of HW Stored at

Quantity disposed by

Quantity Utilized under


Quantity of Hazardous




Occupier premises at the

Occupier premises at the

through Common SLF
Quantity of Hazardous

Quantity of Hazardous

Quantity of Hazardous

Incinerator at (Number)

Hazardous Wastes (MT)

Annual Return Numbers

captive incinerator (MT)

Captive Utilization (MT)

Authorization Numbers

Annual Return (MTA)

Quantity Disposed

end of the year (MT)

Authorization (MTA)
Name of the District

Generating Industry

Incinerator at (MT)

in cement kiln (MT)



rules 9 (Number)
Captive SLF (MT)



rules 9 (MT)











1 Hoshiarpur 36 34765.197 0 10572.4 0 0 632.138 0 283.46 0 184.77 9252.75 0 216.199 0 0 3.12
4 0
Shaheed 20 19115.45 0 4986.76 0 0 3697.22 590.39 6.25 0 18.03 267.45 0 354.367 0 0 53.019
Nagar 0
2 Ludhiana-1 471 3433 13567.3 0
13567.31 34330 0 4095.8 0 45.93 0 0 0 9253.12 31926 0 172.46 2404
0 1
3 Ludhiana-2 394 16350.29 75000 7106.04 27320 0 3501.62 114.6 50.56 0 0 27320 2732.06 0 707.2 0
4 Ludhiana-3 230 1191.06 5431 918.9 2800 0 795.78 0 27.107 0 0 0 0 77.4 2000 0 19.05 800
5 Ludhiana-4 296 4323.542 20039 2677.48 19979 0 699.72 89.85 14.71 0 0 1548 0 220.996 17800 0 104.207 2179
6 Faridkot 10 188.474 0 137.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 136.584 0 0 0.966 0
Moga 15 1394.862 0 555.734 0 0 47.80 0 0 0 0 0 0 409.414 0 0 98.52 0
Ferozepur 5 151.892 0 198.326 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 197.600 0 0 0.726 0
Fazilka 3 8.2 0 8.125 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- 0 0 8.125 0
7 Bathinda 35 5590.39 0 7694.36 0.00 5814.4 9.46 208.8 9.74 0 0 295.13 0 1343.63 0 0 13.14 0
Mansa 8 320.07 0 319.63 0 0 0 0 0.56 0 0 55.44 0 171.16 0 0 92.47 0
Sri Muktsar 15 1072.915 0 1076.45 0 0 4.441 0 0 0 0 900 0 169.11 0 0 2.905
Sahib 0



Name of the District






SAS Nagar
and Roop
Number of HW


Generating Industry

Quantity of Hazardous
Waste as per
Authorization (MTA)



Quantity of Hazardous
Waste as per




Authorization Numbers
Quantity of Hazardous
Waste Generated as per
Annual Return (MTA)





Quantity of Hazardous
Waste Generated as per



Annual Return Numbers
Quantity Disposed in
Captive SLF (MT)


Quantity Disposed
through Common SLF



20817.35 Quantity disposed by

captive incinerator (MT)




Quantity disposed
through Common

Incinerator at (MT)




Quantity disposed
through Common



Incinerator at (Number)
Quantity Co- processed
in cement kiln (MT)



Quantity Utilized under

rules 9 (MT)



Quantity Utilized under

rules 9 (Number)


Quantity sent to
recyclers of Schedule-IV
Hazardous Wastes (MT)




Quantity sent to
recyclers of Schedule-IV



Hazardous Wastes
Captive Utilization (MT)



Quantity of HW Stored at
Occupier premises at the
end of the year (MT)




Quantity of HW Stored at
Occupier premises at the



end of the year

Table 53: Number and capacity of recycler/utilizer in Punjab

Quantity Recycled/
No of Facilities authorized for recycling / Total Authorized
S.No Type of Recycling Facilities Utilized/ Co-processed
utilization / Co-processing of HW Capacity (MTA)
(MT) during the year

A Commonly Recyclable HW
1 Brass Dross 1 2250 0
2 Zinc Bearing Wastes 34 85216.7 20988.654
3 Copper Bearing Waste 0 0 0
Spent catalyst containing nickel, cadmium,
Zinc, copper, arsenic, vanadium and cobalt 0 0 0
5 Lead bearing waste including battery waste 54 36431.165 8367.997
6 E-Waste 0 0 0
7 Paint and ink Sludge/residues 1 150 26.3
8 Used oil 12 49240 6919.431
9 Waste Oil 1 1200 168
Total 103 174487.865 36470.382
B Utilization of HW under Rule 9
1 Recovery of solvents from spent solvents 1 2100 910
Utilization of Spent Acid containing
Molybdenum generated from filament
industries for producing Molybdenum Trioxide
by heating process 1 165 152.37
De-contamination of contaminated
drums/containers/ barrels 3 622273 190119
Pulp and paper 5 18600 9117.13
Total 10 643138 200298.5
C Co-processing 1 5000 145.06

Table 54: Quantity of hazardous waste disposed in common TSDF in Punjab
Quantity in Stock at the
Quantity of Hazardous Waste Quantity of Hazardous Waste Quantity Quantity in Stock at the
beginning of the year
Received (MT) Disposed (MT) Pre- end of the year (MT)
Name and (MT)
S.No Address of For Quantity
For Quantity for
the TSDF Landfill For Landfilled Quantity
Landfillable Incinerable Direct Landfilled utilization Landfillable Incinerable
after Incineration after Incinerated
landfill directly (MT)
treatment treatment
M/s Punjab
Vill.:- Nimbua
PO:- Rampur
1 304.63 11.54 1425.099 25474.473 1001.404 1381.454 23202.2 899.991 Nil 2620.5 112.95
Mohali Pb)
Chemtech Ltd.
Total 304.63 11.54 1425.099 25474.473 1001.404 1381.454 23202.2 899.991 0 2620.5 112.95

Table 55: District-wise Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Rajasthan

S.N District No. of Quantity of Quantity Quantit Quantit Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantit Quantity Captive Quantity
o. Hazardo Hazardous of y y Disposed Disposed Co- y sent to Utilizatio of
us Waste as Hazardous Dispose Dispose by Through processe utilized recyclers n (MT) Hazardous
Waste per Waste as d in d Captive Common d in under of Waste
Generat Authorizatio per Captive through Incinerat Incinerat cement Rule 9 Schedule stored at
ing n (MTA) Annual SLF Commo or (MT) or at Kiln (MT) (MT) -IV occupier
Industry Return (MT) n SLF at TSDF Hazardou premises
(MTA) TSDF (MT) s Wastes at the end
(MT) (MT) of the
year (MT)
1 Bharatpur 4 136.92 55.58 0 42.355 0 0 0 0 0 0 13.225
2 Dholpur 18 37331 391.367 0 33.378 0 0 0 0 0 0 357.989
3 Karauli 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Madhopur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Nagaur 3 122.825 17.684 0 8.1 0 0 0 0 9.584 0 1.2
6 Ajmer 20 1050.155 202.627 0 0.516 0 15.15 0 0 197.418 0 9.947
7 Tonk 4 138.802 454.627 0 16.067 0 0 259.47 0 176.105 0 6.585
8 Jodhpur 30 22032 19103.686 0 14166.3 0 180 0 0 59.77 0 1652
9 Jaislmer 1 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 Alwar 273 92461.78 23792.73 0 6812.9 49.85 1367.29 13263.22 125.05 948.73 451.62 1019.1
11 Udaipur 67 154960.13 74793.65 30005.3 1920.96 0 0 48.633 0 166 37398.3 5469
12 Dungarpur 1 450 200.93 0 177.69 0 0 0 0 0 0 23.24
13 Jaipur 335 17970.77 10389.797 0 527.18 0 1566.194 1613.756 2460.25 2828.553 1037.51 245.4289
14 Dausa 2 37.3 17.439 0 0.14 0 0 17.299 0 0 0 0
15 Bikaner 8 61.7 11.58 0 0.205 0 0 0 0 0 0 12.075
16 Sriganganagar 17 493.802 10.096 0 2.226 0 0 0 0 3.78 3.75 0.34
17 Hanumangarh 10 28.525 2.014 0 0.513 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.501
18 Barmer 44 55318.1 25587.7 4878 13102.2 38 0 335.4 10.68 5005 0 2773.396
19 Chittorgarh 16 393462 307634.78 269726 640.24 0 0 227 0 13713.85 22914.7 1564.36

S.N District No. of Quantity of Quantity Quantit Quantit Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantit Quantity Captive Quantity
o. Hazardo Hazardous of y y Disposed Disposed Co- y sent to Utilizatio of
us Waste as Hazardous Dispose Dispose by Through processe utilized recyclers n (MT) Hazardous
Waste per Waste as d in d Captive Common d in under of Waste
Generat Authorizatio per Captive through Incinerat Incinerat cement Rule 9 Schedule stored at
ing n (MTA) Annual SLF Commo or (MT) or at Kiln (MT) (MT) -IV occupier
Industry Return (MT) n SLF at TSDF Hazardou premises
(MTA) TSDF (MT) s Wastes at the end
(MT) (MT) of the
year (MT)
20 Bansawara 6 2594.5 3834.94 0 3706.65 0 0 125.51 0 2.78 0 0
21 Pratapgarh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
22 Pali 29 21786.98 9704.05 0 6870.82 0 0 1675.23 0 40.363 0 1329.491
23 Sirohi 25 1008.175 362 0 317.185 0 0 0 0 44.32 0 0.695
24 Jalore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 Kota 56 5864.31 1107.9 0 619.779 0 0 0 0 447.47 209.175 6.178
26 Bundi 3 370 77.84 0 60.61 0 0 0 0 14.1 0 8
27 Baran 4 646.5 35.097 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.715 6 1.8
28 Jhalawar 1 60 36 0 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
29 Bhilwara 57 77748.61 39808.090 0 9263.99 0 988.22 16089.99 59.78 1936.334 142.54 1454.846
30 Rajsamand 6 253894.775 206962.55 201342 0 0 0 0 0 5262.63 905.13 89.8
31 Sikar 5 219 68.3 0 47.53 0 0 0 0 2.82 20.7 0.5
32 Churu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
33 Jhunjhunu 1 5.2 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0
Total 1046 1140453.86 724663.25 505952 58373.6 87.85 4116.854 33655.51 2655.76 30868.32 63089.63 16040.69

Table 56: Number and capacity of recycler/utilizers in Rajasthan

No of Facilities
authorized for Quantity Recycled/
Total Authorized
S.No Type of Recycling Facilities recycling / Utilized/ Co-processed
Capacity (MTA)
utilization / Co- (MT) during the year
processing of HW
A Commonly Recyclable HW
1 Brass Dross 1 1070 0
2 Zinc Bearing Wastes 9 15212.6 4805.62
3 Copper Bearing Waste 2 2040 585
Spent catalyst containing nickel, cadmium, Zinc, copper,
arsenic, vanadium and cobalt 2 3050 482.5
5 Lead bearing waste including battery waste 51 230869.2 48475.23
6 E-Waste 7 15706 142.76
7 Paint and ink Sludge/residues 1 18000 0
8 Used oil 20 105050 11392.83
9 Waste Oil 2 37000 1521
Total 95 427997.8 67404.94
B Utilization of HW under Rule 9
1 Recovery of solvents from spent solvents 2 2300 125.03
Utilization of Spent Catalyst - to recover - Platinum,
2 Iridium, Osmium, Palladium, Rhodium, Ruthium,
Rhenium, Gold & Silver 2 520 87.5
Total 4 2820 212.53
C Co-Processing in Cement Plants 14 1438053.11 109258.55

Table 57: Quantity of hazardous waste disposed in common TSDF in Rajasthan
Quantity in Stock at the Quantity in Stock at
Quantity of Hazardous Waste Quantity of Hazardous Waste Quantity
beginning of the year the end of the year
Received (MT) Disposed (MT) Pre-
(MT) (MT)
Name and Address of Processe
S.No For Quantity
the TSDF For For Quantity Quantity d for
Incinerabl Landfill Landfilled Landfillabl Incinera
Landfillable Direct Incinera Landfilled Incinerat utilization
e after after e ble
landfill tion directly ed (MT)
treatment treatment
M/s Balotra Waste
Management Project
(Div of Ramky Enviro
Engineers Ltd) Survey No. &
1 178.835 0 3500.77 31340.632 0 3500.77 31476.997 0 Nil 42.47 0
Plot No-1114/274/13
Barmer (Rajasthan)
M/s Rajasthan Waste
Management Project (M/s
Ramky Enviro Engineers
Ltd) Survey no. 1018/13,
2 1366.935 0 4381.662 15157.791 0 4499.809 16257.261 0 Nil 149.318 0
Vill-Gudli,Tehsil-Mavli, Zinc
Choraha to Debari Railway
Station Road, Dist-Udaipur
M/s Continental Petroleum
Ltd., Plot No. A-166 & 162-
3 0 10.671 0 0 1050.682 0 0 1039.164 0 0 22.189
RIICO Industrial Area,
Behror - 301 701 , Distt-
Total 1545.77 10.671 7882.432 46498.423 1050.682 8000.579 47734.258 1039.164 0 191.788 22.189

Table 58: District-wise Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Sikkim

S.No. District No. of Quantity of Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Captive Quantity
Hazardous Hazardous of Disposed Disposed Disposed Disposed Co- utilized sent to Utilization of
Waste Waste as per Hazardous in through by Captive Through processed under recyclers (MT) Hazardous
Generating Authorization Waste as Captive Common Incinerator Common in cement Rule 9 of Waste
Industry (MTA) per SLF (MT) SLF at (MT) Incinerator Kiln (MT) (MT) Schedule- stored at
Annual TSDF at TSDF IV occupier
Return (MT) (MT) Hazardous premises
(MTA) Wastes at the end
(MT) of the
year (MT)
1 Distt. 14 630.164 630.164 0 630.164 0 630.164 0 0 0 0 0
2 Distt. 9 155.308 155.308 0 155.308 0 155.308 0 0 0 0 0
Total 23 785.472 785.472 0 785.472 0 785.472 0 0 0 0 0

Table 59: District-wise Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Tamil Nadu

S.N District No. of Quantity Quantity Quantit Quantit Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantit Quantity Captive Quantity of
o. Hazard of of y y Disposed Disposed Co- y sent to Utilizatio Hazardous
ous Hazardou Hazardou Dispose Dispose by Through processe utilizedrecyclers n (MT) Waste
Waste s Waste s Waste d ind Captive Common d in under of stored at
Generat as per as per Captive through Incinerat Incinerat cement Rule 9 Schedule- occupier
ing Authoriza Annual SLF Commo or (MT) or at Kiln (MT) (MT) IV premises at
Industr tion Return (MT) n SLF at TSDF Hazardous the end of
y (MTA) (MTA) TSDF (MT) Wastes the year
(MT) (MT) (MT)
1 Ambattur 323 26868.7 15869.2 0 2668.2 0 600 40 0 12561 0 0
2 Chennai 126 2436.6 823.06 0 227.61 0 31.86 8.3 0 555.29 0 0
3 Maraimalainagar 315 25642.34 16200 0 6822.3 0 350 395 0 8632.7 0 0
4 Sriperumbudur 339 113076 29433 1997 5518.25 338.2 1482 5856.62 0 14202.15 0 38.26
5 Thiruvallur 84 15798.62 15798.62 0 1950.56 0 270.22 152.62 0 13425.2 0 0
6 Gummidipoondi 134 50477.48 25000 184 3244.35 0 600 0 0 20971.65 0 0
7 Trichy 62 4723.08 4014.62 0 2013.84 0 44.26 0 0 1956.53 0 0
8 Ariyalur 24 4112.82 159.79 0 0 0 11.15 0 0 137.1 0 11.53
9 Pudukottai 47 686.37 352.98 0 113.59 0 11.01 0 0 185.92 0 42.46
10 Thanjavur 35 162.98 162.98 0 84.9 0 3.57 0 0 73.08 0 1.44
11 Nagapattinam 35 866.33 866.33 0 124.67 0 2.25 0 0 739.41 0 0
12 Cuddalore 53 28100.75 11596.25 0 2148.9 0.01 163 733.09 0 6999.14 0 1552.1
13 Dindigul 38 1784.75 1784.75 0 551.6 0 384 196 0 653.15 0 0
14 Vellore 119 34403.75 24892.46 13656.0 1793.87 0 256 150 0 3616.26 0 5420.25
15 Villupuram 28 984.68 984.68 0 696.61 0 34 0 0 164.07 0 0
16 Hosur 128 27129.16 23841.32 2706 9052.35 0 400 8785.08 0 1687.89 0 1210
17 Thiruvannamalai 22 1091.58 1091.58 0 247 0 0 0 0 814.49 0 30.09
18 Vaniyambadi 185 49958.94 15051.59 11400.9 524.74 0 0 0 1907.47 1615.4 0 1510.53

S. District No. of Quantity of Quantity of Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity sent Captive Quantity of
No. Hazardous Hazardous Hazardous Disposed Disposed Disposed by Disposed Co- utilized to recyclers Utilization Hazardous
Waste Waste as per Waste as in Captive through Captive Through processed under of Schedule- (MT) Waste stored at
Generatin Authorizatio per Annual SLF (MT) Common Incinerator Common in cement Rule 9 IV Hazardous occupier
g Industry n (MTA) Return SLF at (MT) Incinerator Kiln (MT) (MT) Wastes (MT) premises at the
(MTA) TSDF (MT) at TSDF (MT) end of the year
19 Dharmapuri 14 53.88 43.11 0 0.1 0 200 0 0 43.01 0 0
20 Coimbatore
North 117 2546.23 6237.3 0 1562.62 0 0 947.08 271.03 0 3456.57
21 South 136 8563.99 8071.6 0 2184.93 0 0 85.2 0 4471.46 0 1130
22 Tiruppur North 199 7350 7400 0 1816 0 0 5184 0 0 0 400
23 Tiruppur South 46 8903.78 7903.78 0 0 0 0 4220.94 0 53.8 0 3629.04
24 Ooty 17 671.4 671.4 600.3 0 16 0 0 0 55.1 0 0
25 Madurai 92 2056.65 1393.63 0 1110.97 0 2.16 0 0 273.71 0 6.79
26 Theni 16 12448.17 7048.17 12 0 0 0 7012.3 0 20.465 0 3.39
27 Sivagangai 16 122.16 84.7 0 0 0 0 32.3 0 14.5 0 37.9
28 Ramanathpuram 15 38.64 32.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 19.95 0 12.55
29 Erode 227 9905.32 9000 0 2501.3 0 0 4810.21 0 1262.69 0 425.8
30 Namakkal 14 280.74 272.74 0 22.32 0 0 0 0 117.42 0 133
31 Perundurai 162 12079.49 7603.89 0 1098.06 0 0 4195.58 0 0 0 2310.24
32 Salem 104 17260.25 17230.96 13183.7 203.33 2062.77 0.81 489.82 0 545.68 0 744.83
33 Karur 68 27226.94 27226.94 0 8386 0 0 10352.02 0 0 0 8488.92
34 Kumarapalayam 117 31734.6 31450.81 18 921.89 0 0 72.77 0 144.59 30116 177.56
35 Tirunelveli 46 5235.24 5235.24 0 10 0 0 2094.87 0 2876 0 254.37
36 Thoothukudi 51 166082 56362.44 33246.1 5000 2.95 1.96 16 0 18095.14 0 0.24
37 Nagercoil 20 174.555 174.56 0 0 0 0 0 0 173.02 1.54 0
38 Virudhunagar 41 1822.257 1822.257 0 249.39 0 0 0 0 1547.872 0 25
Total 3615 702861.2 383189.2 77004.2 62850.3 2419.93 4848.25 55829.8 1907.47 118975.9 30117.54 31052.86

Table 60: Number and capacity of recycler/utilizers in Tamil Nadu

Quantity Recycled/
No of Facilities authorized for recycling / Total Authorized Capacity
S.No Type of Recycling Facilities Utilized/ Co-processed
utilization / Co-processing of HW (MTA)
(MT) during the year

A Commonly Recyclable HW
1 Brass Dross 0 0 0
2 Zinc Bearing Wastes 3 3070 952
3 Copper Bearing Waste 3 17394.48 561.92
Spent catalyst containing nickel,
4 cadmium, Zinc, copper, arsenic,
vanadium and cobalt 0 0 0
Lead bearing waste including battery
waste 21 200530 87983.17
6 E-Waste 0 0 0
7 Paint and ink Sludge/residues 3 22716 2538.15
8 Used oil 22 79815.55 33970.12
9 Waste Oil 7 25080.66 6444.096
Total 59 348606.69 132449.456
B Utilization of HW under Rule 9
Recovery of solvents from spent
solvents 6 11820 3128
De-contamination of contaminated
drums/containers/ barrels 7 7382 5932
Oily sludge/emulision 8 39037.49 1541.898
Spent clay containing oil 4 115.7 128.797
Total 25 58355.19 10730.695
C Co-Processing in Cement Plants 7 239688.94 64864.62

Table 61: Quantity of hazardous waste disposed in common TSDF in Tamil Nadu
Quantity in Stock at the Quantity in Stock at
Quantity of Hazardous Waste Quantity of Hazardous Waste Quantity
beginning of the year the end of the year
Received (MT) Disposed (MT) Pre-
(MT) (MT)
Name and Address Processe
S.No For Quantity
of the TSDF For Quantity d for
Incinerabl Landfill For Landfilled Quantity Landfilla Incinerabl
Landfillable Direct Landfilled utilization
e after Incineration after Incinerated ble e
landfill directly (MT)
treatment treatment
M/s Tamilnadu Waste
Management Ltd (M/s
Ramky Agencies,
1 66 1208 24279 36358 4848 24279 36137 5367 Nil 287 688
Gummidpoondi in
Thiruvallur District
M/s Tamilnadu Waste
Management Ltd
(M/s Ramky
Agencies)S.F. No-135-
2 Nil Nil 4981.38 2203.98 Nil 4923.97 2203.98 Nil Nil 57.41 Nil
Total 66 1208 29260.38 38561.98 4848 29202.97 38340.98 5367 0 344.41 688

Table 62 :District-wise Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Telangana

S.No District No. of Quantity of Quantity Quantit Quantity Quantit Quantity Quantity Quantit Quantity Captive Quantity
. Hazardo Hazardous of y Disposed y Disposed Co- y sent to Utilizatio of
us Waste as Hazardou Dispose through Dispose Through processe utilized recyclers n (MT) Hazardou
Waste per s Waste d in Common d by Common d in under of s Waste
Generati Authorizatio as per Captive SLF at Captive Incinerat cement Rule 9 Schedule stored at
ng n (MTA) Annual SLF TSDF (MT) Inciner or at Kiln (MT) (MT) -IV occupier
Industry Return (MT) ator TSDF Hazardou premises
(MTA) (MT) (MT) s Wastes at the
(MT) end of
the year
1 Nizamabad 102 1509 33.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 33.2 0 0
2 Adilabad 66 246 102 0 0 0 0 0 0 102 0 0
3 Warangal 246 124.243 124.243 0 24.25 0 24.58 0 0 75.41 0 0
4 Khammam 162 817.623 817.623 0 119.31 0 1.01 0 0 697.303 0 0
5 Karimnagar 90 1143.35 802.659 0 11.17 0 0 0 0 791.489 0 0
6 Nalgonda 198 105691.4 30535.41 0 14341.305 0 410.95 5754.84 0 9520 0 508.27
7 Hyderabad 36 1182 29315.49 0 29195.54 0 119.95 0 0 0 0 0
8 ar 188 57133.31 24159.59 0 2949.9 0 246.9 381.82 0 20581.65 0 0

9 Ranga Reddy-I 274 53570 29571.48 0 4818.82 0 156.36 3846.3 0 20750 0 0

Ranga Reddy-II 582 86153.58 76004.21 0 35001.743 0 2320.87 2630 0 35776.98 0 274.62
Medak-I 88 102925.3 40755.98 0 28361 0 1268.4 8243.69 0 230.87 0 2651.99
Medak-II 478 114973.2 44856.67 0 23968.6 0 842.28 14913.2 1156 2008.2 3251 1936.23
Total 2510 525469 277078.6 0 138791.63 0 5391.3 35769.85 1156 90567.1 3251 5371.11

Table 63: Number and capacity of recyclers/utilizers in Telangana

No of Facilities
authorized for Quantity Recycled/
Total Authorized
S.No Type of Recycling Facilities recycling / Utilized/ Co-processed
Capacity (MTA)
utilization / Co- (MT) during the year
processing of HW
A Commonly Recyclable HW
1 Brass Dross 0 0 0
2 Zinc Bearing Wastes 5 24312 4497
3 Copper Bearing Waste 0 0 0
Spent catalyst containing nickel, cadmium, Zinc, copper,
arsenic, vanadium and cobalt 1 200 0
5 Lead bearing waste including battery waste 25 96760.465 60428.335
6 E-Waste 0 0 0
7 Paint and ink Sludge/residues 0 0 0
8 Used oil
14 73299.25 5985.7
9 Waste Oil
Total 45 194571.715 70911.035
B Utilization of HW under Rule 9
1 Recovery of solvents from spent solvents 26 117915 41595.5
2 Total 26 117915 41595.5
C Co-Processing in Cement Plants 10 968428.26 61576.5

Table 64: Quantity of hazardous wastes disposed in common TSDF Telangana

Quantity in Stock at the

Quantity of Hazardous Waste Quantity of Hazardous Waste Quantity Quantity in Stock at the
beginning of the year
Received (MT) Disposed (MT) Pre- end of the year (MT)
Name and (MT)
.No Address of the
For Quantity for
TSDF Quantity
For Direct Landfill For Landfilled Quantity utilization
Landfillable Incinerable Landfilled Landfillable Incinerable
landfill after Incineration after Incinerated (MT)
treatment treatment
1 104.85 1634.51 34128.238 104635.66 5413.73 34128.238 104588.132 3003.35 2829.21 152.378 1215.68
Total 104.85 1634.51 34128.238 104635.66 5413.73 34128.238 104588.132 3003.35 2829.21 152.378 1215.68

Table 65: District-wise Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Tripura

S.No District No. of Quantity of Quantity Quantit Quanti Quantity Quanti Quantity Quantit Quantity Captive Quantity
. Hazardou Hazardous of y ty Disposed ty Co- y sent to Utilizatio of
s Waste Waste as Hazardou Dispose Dispos by Dispos processe utilized recyclers n (MT) Hazardou
Generatin per s Waste d in ed Captive ed d in under of s Waste
g Industry Authorizatio as per Captive throug Incinerat Throug cement Rule 9 Schedule stored at
n (MTA) Annual SLF h or (MT) h Kiln (MT) (MT) -IV occupier
Return (MT) Comm Comm Hazardou premises
(MTA) on SLF on s Wastes at the
at Inciner (MT) end of
TSDF ator at the year
1 Gomati 24 18.45 18.45 0 0 0 0 0 0.56 14.54 0 3.35
2 Tripura 10 3.67 3.67 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0.67
3 Unokuti 13 4.12 4.12 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0.12
4 Tripura 18 8.94 8.94 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0.94
5 Dhalai 8 2.12 2.12 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0.12
6 Khowai 8 2.15 2.15 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0.15
7 Sepahijala 22 87.6 87.6 0 0 0 0 0 1.04 79.46 0 7.1
8 Tripura 64 143.14 143.14 4.5 0 4 0 0 0.86 125.63 0 8.15
Total 167 270.19 270.19 4.5 0 4 0 0 2.46 238.63 0 20.6

Table 66: Number and capacity of recyclers/utilizers

No of Facilities
authorized for Quantity Recycled/
Total Authorized
S.No Type of Recycling Facilities recycling / Utilized/ Co-processed
Capacity (MTA)
utilization / Co- (MT) during the year
processing of HW
A Commonly Recyclable HW
1 Brass Dross Nil Nil Nil
2 Zinc Bearing Wastes Nil Nil Nil
3 Copper Bearing Waste Nil Nil Nil
Spent catalyst containing nickel, cadmium, Zinc,
4 Nil Nil Nil
copper, arsenic, vanadium and cobalt
5 Lead bearing waste including battery waste Nil Nil Nil
6 E-Waste Nil Nil Nil
7 Paint and ink Sludge/residues Nil 238.63 238.63
8 Used oil Nil Nil Nil
9 Waste Oil Nil Nil Nil
Total 0 238.63 238.63
B Utilization of HW under Rule 9
De-contamination of contaminated
1 Nil
drums/containers/ barrels 2.46 2.46
Total 0 2.46 2.46

Table 67: District-wise Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Uttarakhand

S.No District No. of Quantity of Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantit Quantity Captive Quantity
. Hazardous Hazardous of Dispose Dispose Disposed Disposed Co- y sent to Utilizatio of
Waste Waste as per Hazardou d in d by Captive Through processe utilized recyclers n (MT) Hazardou
Generatin Authorizatio s Waste Captive through Incinerato Common d in under of s Waste
g Industry n (MTA) as per SLF (MT) Commo r (MT) Incinerato cement Rule 9 Schedule- stored at
Annual n SLF at r at TSDF Kiln (MT) (MT) IV occupier
Return TSDF (MT) Hazardou premises
(MTA) (MT) s Wastes at the
(MT) end of
the year
1 Nagar 953 64074.41 17790.81 0 1332.85 122.37 2522.44 759.64 333.06 7497.49 4584.87 638.09
2 Haridwar 2141 45247 5986.19 102.44 2317.01 40.53 1009.25 162.42 0 2332.54 0 22
3 Nainital 165 30.002 29.36 0 1.72 0 0 0 9.6 0 0 18.04
4 Almora 49 1.91 1.91 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.91
5 Bageshwar 20 0.99 0.99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.99
6 Pithorgarh 8 0.23 0.23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.23
7 t 12 0.21 0.21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.21
8 Dehradun 150 2371.91 397.52 0 207.41 0 67.93 0 0 12.39 0 110.74
9 Pouri 82 30.49 4.89 0 1.37 0 0.98 0 0 1.42 0 1.12
10 Tehri 44 41.52 41.52 0 0 0 0 0 0 13.43 0 28.09
11 Champoli 20 5.7 5.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.6 0 2.1
12 Rudrapryag 11 3.52 3.52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.52
13 Utterkashi 16 1.24 1.24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.24
Total 3671 111809.1 24264.09 102.44 3860.36 162.9 3600.6 922.06 342.66 9860.87 4584.87 828.28

Table 68: Number and capacity of recyclers/utilizers in Uttarakhand

No of Facilities
authorized for Quantity Recycled/
Total Authorized
S.No Type of Recycling Facilities recycling / Utilized/ Co-processed
Capacity (MTA)
utilization / Co- (MT) during the year
processing of HW
A Commonly Recyclable HW
1 Brass Dross 0 0 0
2 Zinc Bearing Wastes 0 0 0
3 Copper Bearing Waste 0 0 0
Spent catalyst containing nickel, cadmium, Zinc,
4 0 0 0
copper, arsenic, vanadium and cobalt
5 Lead bearing waste including battery waste 6 128940 20578
6 E-Waste 5 30208 2343
7 Paint and ink Sludge/residues 0 0 0
8 Used oil 1 2800 230
9 Waste Oil 0 0 0
Total 12 161948 23151
B Utilization of HW under Rule 9 342.66*
C Co-Processing in Cement Plants 922.06*

Table 69: Quantity of hazardous waste disposed in common TSDF in Uttarakhand
Quantity in Stock at the
Quantity of Hazardous Waste Quantity of Hazardous Waste Quantity Quantity in Stock at the
beginning of the year
Received (MT) Disposed (MT) Pre- end of the year (MT)
Name and (MT)
S. Processed
Address of For Quantity
No For Quantity for
the TSDF Landfill For Landfilled Quantity
Landfillable Incinerable Direct Landfilled utilization Landfillable Incinerable
after Incineration after Incinerated
landfill directly (MT)
treatment treatment
M/s Bharat
Oil & Waste
1 Nil 54.036 3863.644 798.526 2213.53 3863.644 798.526 2210.953 Nil Nil 56.621
Laskar Road,
Total 0 54.036 3863.644 798.526 2213.53 3863.644 798.526 2210.953 0 0 56.621

Table 70: District-wise Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in Uttar Pradesh
S.No. District No. of Quantity of Quantity of Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantit Quantity Quantity Captive Quantity of
Hazardo Hazardous Hazardous Dispose Disposed Disposed Disposed y Co- utilized sent to Utilization Hazardous
us Waste as per Waste as d in through by Captive Through process under recyclers (MT) Waste stored
Waste Authorizatio per Annual Captive Common Incinerato Common ed in Rule 9 of at occupier
Generati n (MTA) Return SLF (MT) SLF at r (MT) Incinerator cement (MT) Schedule- premises at
ng (MTA) TSDF at TSDF Kiln IV the end of the
Industry (MT) (MT) (MT) Hazardous year (MT)

1 Kanpur Nagar 354 9184.05 9184.05 0 7621.13 0 104.1 0 0 1349.62 0 109.2

2 Farrukhabad 21 6.5 6.5 0 5.95 0 0 0 0 0 0.55 0
3 Kanpur Dehat 32 15858.61 14442.415 0 6 11.65 2990.48 0 0 489.41 0 669.215
4 Jhansi 10 245.41 245.41 0 0.9 0 80 0 0 159.21 0 5.3
5 Lalitpur 2 1.104 1.104 0 0 0 0.604 0 0 0 0 0.5
6 Jalaun 3 71.74 71.74 0 60 0 11.5 0 0 0 0 0.24
7 Hamirpur 4 98.88 98.88 0 95.48 0 0 0 0 0 3.4 0
8 Meerut 96 1837.992 1837.992 0 1034.62 0 500 0 0 0 287.025 16.341
9 Bagpat 27 28.172 28.172 0 25.368 0 0 0 0 0 1.82 0.984
10 Muzaffar Nagar 80 2646 2646 0 882 0 6 0 0 0 18 1740
11 Shamli 10 324.7 324.7 0 306 0 13.2 0 0 0 5.5 0
12 Bulandshahar 83 272.881 272.881 0 272.881 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 Badaun 2 2.4 2.4 0 2.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 Agra 49 26.197 26.197 0 18.607 0 0 0 0 6.91 0 0.68
15 Aligarh 16 77.715 77.715 0 73.175 0 0.8 0 0 0 0 3.74
16 Etah 2 0.7 0.7 0 0.525 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.175
17 Kasganj 1 1.2 1.2 0 0.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.3
18 Hathras 6 193.44 193.44 0 134.44 0 0 0 0 59 0 0
19 Mathura 104 449.345 449.345 0 404.345 0 0 0 0 45 0 0
Gautam Budh
20 Nagar 281 1752.737 1752.773 0 1031.42 0 87.611 0 0 541.967 0 91.774

S.No. District No. of Quantity of Quantity of Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Captive Quantity of
Hazardou Hazardous Hazardous Disposed Disposed Disposed Disposed Co- utilized sent to Utilization Hazardous
s Waste Waste as per Waste as per in Captive through by Captive Through processe under Rule recyclers of (MT) Waste stored at
Generatin Authorization Annual SLF (MT) Common Incinerator Common d in 9 (MT) Schedule-IV occupier
g Industry (MTA) Return (MTA) SLF at (MT) Incinerator at cement Hazardous premises at the
TSDF (MT) TSDF (MT) Kiln (MT) Wastes end of the year
(MT) (MT)
Gautam Budh
21 Nagar (Noida) 147 7210.513 5440.976 0 3009.73 0 1584.89 0 0 430.341 0 416.009
22 Hapur 32 16339.15 10526.15 0 1460.19 0 438 0 0 8616.96 0 11
23 Ghaziabad 357 80291.33 39239.274 0 5696.40 0 1723.852 0 0 30472.1 26.46 1320.459
24 Allahabad 11 5575.677 5575.677 0 475.677 0 0 0 100 0 5000 0
25 Fatehpur 11 2675 2675 0 2675 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
26 Lucknow 21 1611.481 1611.481 0 1602.08 0 0 0 0 9.4 0 0
27 Barabanki 8 355.712 355.712 0 11.712 0 342 0 0 0 2 0
28 Barabanki 8 179.65 179.65 0 150.02 0 0 0 0 6 23.63 0
29 Lakhimpur 9 42.84 42.84 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 42.84 0
30 Raibareli 8 599.917 599.917 0 1.68 0 0 0 0 598.237 0 0
31 Amethi 12 360.16 360.16 0 51.96 0 0 0 0 308.2 0 0
32 Sultanpur 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
33 Hardoi 11 934.75 934.75 0 869.8 0 0 0 0 61 3.95 0
34 Unnao 90 5299.72 9264.6 0 9218 0 7.5 0 0 38.5 0 0
35 Varanasi 4 48.6 48.6 0 48.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
36 Bhadohi 39 29 29 0 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
37 Jaunpur 6 31 31 0 27 0 0 0 0 0 4 0
38 Chandauli 10 576.5 576.5 0 6.5 0 0 0 540 0 30 0
39 Faizabad 5 730.77 730.77 0 42.7 0 0 0 0 680.07 8 0
40 Ambedkarnagar 3 47.514 47.514 0 0 0 0 0 0 44.514 3 0
41 Gonda 8 18.233 18.233 0 0.032 0 0 0 0 0 18.201 0
42 Bahraich 6 6.8 6.8 0 3.8 0 0 0 0 0 3 0
43 Basti 3 49.7 49.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49.7 0
44 Sant Kabir nagar 2 3303.96 3303.96 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3303.96 0
45 Balrampur 4 36.9 36.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36.9 0
46 Firozabad 4 5.24 5.24 0 5.24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

S.No. District No. of Quantity of Quantity of Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantit Quantity Quantity Captive Quantity of
Hazardo Hazardous Hazardous Dispose Disposed Disposed Disposed y Co- utilized sent to Utilization Hazardous
us Waste as per Waste as d in through by Captive Through process under recyclers (MT) Waste stored
Waste Authorizatio per Annual Captive Common Incinerato Common ed in Rule 9 of at occupier
Generati n (MTA) Return SLF (MT) SLF at r (MT) Incinerator cement (MT) Schedule- premises at
ng (MTA) TSDF at TSDF Kiln IV the end of the
Industry (MT) (MT) (MT) Hazardous year (MT)
47 Etawah 2 0.1 2.2 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
48 Azamgarh 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0
49 Mau 3 3.956 3.956 0 0.085 0 0 0 0 0 3.871 0
50 Deoria 7 44.1 44.1 0 0 0 35.5 0 0 0 8.6 0
51 Gorakhpur 16 763.9 763.9 0 1.2 0 398.7 0 0 364 0 0
52 Kushinagar 5 28.2 28.2 0 1.8 0 0 0 0 0 26.4 0
53 Mahrajganj 2 10.2 10.2 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 4.2 0
54 Amroha 29 5125.77 5125.77 2221.6 290.67 1545.2 0 0 0 0.5 1067.2 0.6
55 Bijnor 27 1536.2 1536.2 0 0 0 9.4 0 0 0 1526.8 0
56 Moradabad 94 31.52 31.52 0 23.2 0 0.2 0 0 0.95 7.35 0
57 Rampur 9 72.312 72.312 0 68.062 0 0 0 0 0.2 4.05 0
58 Sambhal 4 477 477 0 471 0 0 0 0 0 6 0
59 Bareilly 31 1294.547 1294.145 0 992.345 0 0 0 0 120 12.8 169
60 Pilibhit 8 0 3945.2 0 475.1 0 3400 0 0 0 70.1 0
61 Shahjahanpur 24 6505.96 7204.36 0 969.76 0 0 0 0 200 6026.6 8
62 Sonbhadra 17 6634.87 5344.35 0 2100.19 0 0 1000 448.832 1795.32 0 0
63 Mirzapur 22 5204.7 5204.7 0 184.4 0 0 0 20.3 0 5000 0
64 Saharanpur 30 42146.45 42146.45 0 196.45 0 0 0 0 0 41950 0
Total 2334 229322.7 186591.58 2221.6 53417.4 1556.85 11734.34 1000 1109.13 46399.4 64588.91 4563.517

Table 71: Number and capacity of recyclers/utilizers in Uttar Pradesh

No of Facilities authorized Quantity Recycled/

Total Authorized
S.No Type of Recycling Facilities for recycling / utilization / Utilized/ Co-processed
Capacity (MTA)
Co-processing of HW (MT) during the year
A Commonly Recyclable HW
1 Brass Dross 5 3756.66 2253.95
2 Zinc Bearing Wastes 17 10810.66 4708.95
3 Copper Bearing Waste 12 3940.37 2437.68
Spent catalyst containing nickel, cadmium, Zinc, copper,
arsenic, vanadium and cobalt 1 197.6 196.6
5 Lead bearing waste including battery waste 103 67576.8 33977.42
6 E-Waste 10 2771.5 1532.393
7 Paint and ink Sludge/residues 0 0 0
8 Used oil 16 26627.02 3949.142
9 Waste Oil 9 2828.496 2388.02
Total 173 118509.106 51444.155
B Utilization of HW under Rule 9
1 Recovery of solvents from spent solvents 1 0 0
Utilization of pre-processed Used Anode Butt to produce
2 Green Anodes through Anode-Baking Process for use in 1 54491 54491
Aluminium Smelters
De-contamination of contaminated drums/containers/
3 14 512500 110500
Utilization of Aluminium Dross generated from refining and
4 casting house of Aluminium smelter units to recover
Aluminium Metal 4 20.3 20.3
5 Chrome Bearing Sludge 5 1074.6 1074.6
Total 25 568085.9 166085.9
C Co-Processing in Cement Plants 1 1000 1000

Table 72: Quantity of hazardous waste disposed in common TSDF in Uttar Pradesh
Quantity in Stock at the
Quantity of Hazardous Waste Quantity of Hazardous Waste Quantity Quantity in Stock at the
beginning of the year
Received (MT) Disposed (MT) Pre- end of the year (MT)
Name and Address Processed
S.No For Quantity
of the TSDF Quantity for
For Direct Landfill For Landfilled Quantity Landfilla
Landfillable Incinerable Landfilled utilization Incinerable
landfill after Incineration after Incinerated ble
directly (MT)
treatment treatment
M/s Bharat Oil &
Waste Management
1 463.22 1284.652 8527.0204 5216.04 8496.833 5360.275 8600.62 8600.62 0 36.25 1180.915
Gate No. 672, Vill.
Kumbhi, NH-2,
Kanpur Dehat (UP)
M/s Uttar Pradesh
Waste Management
Project (A Div. of
Rmaky Enviro
Engineers Ltd. ) Plot
2 0 49 6417 24039 3668 6417 24039 3661 0 0 55
No. 672, Sikandra
Road, Village -
Kumbhi the
Akbarpur District -
Kanpur Dehat
M/s Industrial
Services (India) Ltd.
3 0 0 9218 0 0 9218 0 0 0 0 0
UPSIDC Leather
Technology Park
Banthar, Unnao.
M/s Bharat Oil
company (India)
4 Information Not Provided
Leather Technology
Park, Banthar,
Total 463.22 1333.652 24162.02 29255.04 12164.833 20995.27 32639.62 12261.62 0 36.25 1235.915

Table 73: District-wise Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management in West Bengal
S.No. District No. of Quantity of Quantity of Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Captive Quantity of
Hazardous Hazardous Hazardous Disposed Disposed Disposed by Disposed Co- utilized sent to Utilization Hazardous
Waste Waste as per Waste as in Captive through Captive Through processed under Rule recyclers of (MT) Waste
Generating Authorization per Annual SLF (MT) Common Incinerator Common in cement 9 (MT) Schedule-IV stored at
Industry (MTA) Return SLF at TSDF (MT) Incinerator Kiln (MT) Hazardous occupier
(MTA) (MT) at TSDF (MT) Wastes (MT) premises at
the end of
the year
1 24 pgs (N) 159 18958.99 4522 0 226.746 76.963 544.24 4350.104
2 24Pgs(S) 122 4833.54 934.23 0 1263.433 71.859 4993.108 675.54
3 Bankura 11 1494.85 210.1965 0 40.58 9.32 0 87.96
4 Birbhum 3 27.995 19.167 0 0 0 0 18.21
5 Burdwan 72 7722.336 659.358 0 448.335 359.115 0 467.26
6 Cooch Behar 5 32.21 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Darjeeling 12 105.375 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 E. Midnapore 37 35862.17 38705.11 0 26447.98 714.175 342.2 4437.64
9 Hoogly 72 13238.7 11542.62 0 3748.298 294.267 1637.85 1318.07
10 Howrah 246 48949.25 14442 0 7883.458 563.75 6465.69 7650.91
206.368 5249.65 1222.769 17856.2
11 Jalpaiguri 24 418.869 226.629 0 121.895 49 80 7.45
12 Kolkata 190 4911.665 10028.16 0 502.306 196.035 2141.43 715.1
13 Malda 5 27.278 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 Murshidabad 3 37.52 4.8 0 0 1.96 0 2.6
15 Nadia 30 3537.155 2288.19 0 822.713 186.825 0 134.81
16 Dinajpur 1 0.84 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 Purulia 8 49.86 0.395 0 0 3.84 0 0.335
18 Midnapore 36 5114.26 2265.89 0 797.855 700.37 0 1832.69
Total 1036 145322.9 85848.74 0 42303.6 206.368 3227.479 5249.65 16204.52 21698.68 1222.769 17856.2

Table 74: Number and Capacity of recyclers/utilizers in West Bengal

No of Facilities
Quantity Recycled/ Total
authorized for
Total Authorized Utilized/ Co- Authorized
S.No Type of Recycling Facilities recycling /
Capacity (MTA) processed (MT) Capacity
utilization / Co-
during the year (Nos.)
processing of HW
A Commonly Recyclable HW
1 Brass Dross 1 36 0
2 Zinc Bearing Wastes 23 28963 3456.7
3 Copper Bearing Waste 9 91358 7.3
Spent catalyst containing nickel, cadmium, Zinc,
copper, arsenic, vanadium and cobalt 4 4592 322.55
5 Lead bearing waste including battery waste 62 124006 3584.25
6 E-Waste 0 0 0
7 Paint and ink Sludge/residues 0 0 0
8 Used oil 8 25600 5527.95
9 Waste Oil 5 49250 3159.71
Total 112 323805 16058.46
B Utilization of HW under Rule 9
De-contamination of contaminated
drums/containers/ barrels 2 0 18000
Utilization of process sludge and primary ETP
sludge generated from Pulp & Paper Industries
for producing Paper Board/ Mill Board/ Card
Board 1 304.8 0
Total 3 304.8 0 18000

Table 75: Quantity of hazardous waste disposed in common TSDF in West Bengal

Quantity in Stock at the

Quantity of Hazardous Waste Quantity of Hazardous Waste Quantity Quantity in Stock at the
beginning of the year
Received (MT) Disposed (MT) Pre- end of the year (MT)
Name and (MT)
S.No Address of the
For Quantity for
TSDF Quantity
For Direct Landfill For Landfilled Quantity utilization
Landfillable Incinerable Landfilled Landfillable Incinerable
landfill after Incineration after Incinerated (MT)
treatment treatment
M/s West
Bengal Waste
J.L. no. -103,
1 0 775.168 10951.325 31371.449 4398.45 10951.325 56592.688 3178.528 0 0 591.438
P. S. -Sutahata
Dist- Purba
Haldia- 721
635 (W.B.).
Total 0 775.168 10951.325 31371.449 4398.45 10951.325 56592.688 3178.528 0 0 591.438

National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)




List of the Authorized Recyclers/ Utilizers / Co-processer of Hazardous Waste in Andhra Pradesh
Type of
Recycling / Quantity
S. Hazardous
Name and Address of the Facility Utilization / Co- Recycled/Utilized Co-
No. Waste
processing Capacity processed (MT)
M/s. BDJ Oxides Private Limited. Plot Zinc
1 No.IO. Atttvaram (V). Industrial Park. Dross/Scrap/ 6480 TPA 1156.236
OziH Mandai. SPS Nellore District skimming's
M/s. Samana Industries, Plot No. 2,3 Copper
2 & 4. Block. No: 39,lDA. Autonagar, Dross/Brass 900 TPA
Guntur. Guntur District Dross
M/s. Arora Mathew Ltd .. Plot No.581
3 B. IN Pharmacity, Parawada 33.6 37.75
M/s. Bipasa Trade Link Private
Old lead acid
4 Limited. Plot No. 0- I. IDA. Nellimarla 15000 2306.555
(V & M). Viz.ianagaram District
M/s Visakha Melting Company Ltd. Sy
no. 24/11 & 12, Taituru (V), Old lead
5 4696 249.556
Bheemunipatnam batteries
M/s. Rzass Industries.
Lead Acid
6 Dcwelaiswaram. 1650 200
Rajahmundry. East Godavari District
M/s Amaravati Metals and Alloys,
7 Sy.No.216 & 226, Chetlamaliapuram Used batteries 2860 1095
(V). Kallur (M). Kurnool District
Mis. Deccan Power On. Sy,No.25-1l.
Coaly Road. Rajiv Colony (CP).
8 Used batteries 150 90
M/s. Gravtta India Ltd. Sy No. 233.
9 Anathapuram (V), Chittoor MandaI. Used batteries 45.500 TPA 1169.48 TPA
Chittoor District. A.P
M/s. NILE Limited, Plot No: 36 & 40.
APIIC Industrial Park.
10 Used batteries 60.000 TPA 4837 TPA
Gajulamandyam village, Renigunta
Mandai, Chittoor District
M/s. Pondy Oxides & Chemicals
Limited, Plot No: 788, APIIC
Scrap Lead
11 Industrial Park. Gajulamandyam 20.000 TPA 5547 TPA
Renigunta Mandai. Chittoor District
M/s. Meloy Metals Pvt Ltd.
Lead Scrap &
12 Plot NO,78C. IP. Gajuiamandyam. 28,950 TPA Nil
remelted Lead
M/s. Santana industries, Plot No. 2.3
& 4, Block. No: 39, IDA. Autonagar. Lead acid
13 2100 TPA 31.7 TPA
Guntur. Guntur District batteries
Lead acid
M/s. Aman Industries. Phase-H. Plot Plates/ Lead
14 No: 47, Autonagar, Guntur, Cuntur slagl 700 TPA 31.2 TPA
Dist Ash/Lead
Used Lead
Acid Batteries Used Lead Acid
M/s. Powertrek Industries (Unit - J) & Lead Batteries & Lead
Phase - III. Industrial Estate, Auto bearing bearing scrap-
15 4287.024 TPA
Nagar. Guntur. Guntur District scrap-2700 2700TPA
TPA Lead Lead Scrap-
Scrap- 6600TPA
M/s. Azeezlya Industries. Plot No. Lead Ash(30 Lead Ash(30
485. Phase I & II. Industrial Estate. TPA) &Used TPA) & Used
16 53.792 TPA
Autonagar, Guntur, Guntur District Batteries Batteries (84
Used Lead
Acid Used Lead Acid
M/s. Fathima Battery Industry, Plot
Batteries Batteries
17 No: 220, Phase -J & If. Autonagar, 84,3 TPA
plates/Lead plates/Lead
Guntur, Guntur Dist
Scrap-240 5crap-240 TPA
Lead Acid
Lead Acid Battaries
Battaries PJates& Scrap-
M/s. Powertrek Industries (Unit -II)
Plates& Scrap- 5000 TPA &
18 Phase -IV. Industrial Estate, Auto 0
& Lead scrap Lead scrap
Nagar, Guntur, Guntur District
conforming conforming ISRJ
ISRI RAPS RAP5 etc-13200
M/s. RML Metal and Alloys Private
Limited, Sy. No. 37/4. 6 & 7.
Used scrap &
19 MarripaJle Gopasamudram (Y). 9600 TPA 4500 Tons
used batteries
Podalakur (M). SP5R Nellore District

M/s.Green Waves Environmental

20 Solutions, Sy.No.43/1. Mindi(V). E-waste 480 29.4
Gajuwaka(M). Visakhapatnam District
M/s. Sri Srinivasa Lubricants. Plot No: 540TPA (2 9 TPA
21 Used oil
E4 & E5, I.E, Proddutur. Kadapa Dist KL/day) (10 KL/A)
M/s. Indo Petro Products. Plot No: 3240 TPA(3.600 360 TPA(400
22 Used oil
101-B,IDA. Cuddapah, Cuddapah Dist KL/Annum) KL/A)
M/s. Trj - G- Oil & Waxe. Plot No.4.
23 APIle,' Industrial Park. Menakur (V), Used oil 13.050 TPA 3.0 TPA
Naidupet (M), SPSR Nellore District
Godavari Lubricants,
972 TPA / 1080 972 TPA /
24 Kadimipcthavaram (V), Pinapaka Waste Oil
Pest, G.Konduru (M). Krishna Disl
M/s Gopala Krishna Lubricants
713 TPA /
25 Lubricants). Plot No.54F. IDA. Waste Oil 713 TPA /792 KLPA
792 KLPA
Kondapalli (V),lbrahimpatnam
(M),Krishna Dist
M/s jyothi Lubricants. Plot No, 166-
259 TPA / 268 259 TPA /
26 8. IDA. IDA. Kondapalli Waste Oil
(V)lbrahimpatnam (M).Krishna Dist

M/s Konark Petro Chemicals, Plot No.

324TPA /360 324TPA/
27 221.Block No. 10, 6th Road, Auto Waste Oil
nagar, Vljayawada.Krtshna Dist

M/s Lakshmi Lubes, Shed No.8, Phase

324 TPA / 360 324 TPA /
28 - 2.Auto nagar, Vijayawada,Krishna Waste Oil
M/s Mahalakshmi
1620 TPA / 1620 TPA /
29 Industries.Tempalli Waste Oil
1800 KLPA 1800 KLPA
Gannavaram (M),Krishna Dist
M/s Manohar Lubricants. Plot No.
324 TPA /
223/A. BJ No. 8-10. Nagar, Kanuru 324TPA / 360
30 Waste Oil
(V) Penamaluru KLPA
360 KLPA
(M),Krishna Oist
M/s Ramaa Industries. Plot No, 55-
972 TPA / 1080 972 TPA /
31 a,IDA, Kondapalli Waste Oil
(V),lbrahimpatnam (M).Krishna Dist,
M/s Roopika Petrochemicals,
(formerly Sri Slddhlvinayaka
324 TPA/360
Agencies), Plot No. 126. Block No, A-9. 324TPA /
32 Waste Oil KLPA
Autonagar. New Auto Nagar. 360 KLPA
(V)Penamaluru (M),Krishna Dist
M/s Sravanthi Lubricants, Plot No.
57D.IOA, Kondapalli, 324 TPA/ 360 324 TPA 1
33 Waste Oil
lbrahimpatnam (M),Krishna Disl KLPA 360 KLPA

M/s Sri Balaji Petro Chemicals, Plot

3240 TPA 1
No, 2. Block No, A- New Autonagar, 3240 TPA /
34 Waste Oil
Kanuru (V).Penamaluru (M),Krishna 3600 KLPA
3600 KLPA
M/s Sri Sai Ram Lubricants. Plot No.
162 TPA /
69, Block No. 8•5, Autonagar,New 162 TPA/180
35 Waste Oil
Autonagar. Kanuru (V). KLPA
180 KLPA
Pcnamaluru (M),Krlshna Dist
M/s Sri Siva Sal Petro Products. Plot
No.2 & 3, Block Autonagar, New 324 TPA / 360 324TPA /
36 Waste Oil
Auto Nagar, Kanuru (V)Penamaluru KLPA 360 KLPA
(M),Krishna Dist
M/s Vijay Lubricants. Plot No, 54-E,
713 TPA / 792 713 TPA /
37 IDA. Kondapalli (V).lbrahimpatnam Waste Oil
(M). Krishna DistKrishna Dist
M/s Vljaya Oils (formerly K.V.R. Oils). 324 TPA 1 360 324TPA /
38 Waste Oil
Plot No. S7C, IDA, IDA KondapaJli (V), KLPA
lbrahimpatnam (M).Krishna Dist 360 KLPA
M/s. 5.R. Petro Products. Plot
No.195/8. APIIC.
39 Base Oil 1800 NIL
Growth Center. Bobbili (V & M),
M/s. Sri BaJaji Lubricants. Lubricating
Plot NO.5 C.IDA. Nellimarla (Y) & (M). Oil
40 1.685 16
Vizianagaram District Light Oil
M/s. Navya Waste and Used Oil Re-
refintng and Recycling Industry, Plot Waste oil 9500 480
41 No. 30. Industrial Park, Block-F.
Autonagar, Visakhapatnam District- Used oil 1500 100
M/s. ARC India Petroleum Private
Limited (Formerly ARC Industrial Waste oil 30000 2448
42 Agencies Pvt Ltd.,). Sy. No. 291/1-38
ofKumarapuram (V), Payakaraopeta Used oil 10800 1573
(M), Visakhapatnam District- 531127
M/s. Zen Waste Oil Recycling
Industry, Plot No, 62/8. Block-E.
43 Waste oil 4320 1076
Autonagar, Gajuwaka.
vlsakhanatnam- 530 012
M/s. Sri venkateswara Lubricants, Waste oil 1800 550
44 Plot No. 70, E- Block, IDA Autonagar,
Gajuwaka, Visakhapatnam Used oil 180
Used oil &
45 No. E-24. AlE Pedagantvada, 6750 240.1
Waste Oil
Visakhanatnam District
M/s. Ramakrishna Lubricants. Sy. No.
290/2. Bapulametta. Sagaram (V). V.
46 Used oil 360 154
Madugula eM), Visakhaoatnam
District- 531 027
M/s, Zen Lubs. Plot No. 62. IDA,
47 Block-E. Used oil 613.44 312
Autonaear Visakhaoatnam
M/s. Sri Durga Industry, R.Sy,No, Waste oil 6750
48 183/38. Kotapadu (Y). Rangampeta
(M). East Godavari District Used oil 2835
M/s. Royal Lubricants R.Sy,No. 74/1, Waste oil 3300 990
49 [agapathinagaram (VJ, Kirlampudi
(M), East Godavari District Used oil 2970 890
M/s. Sri Lakshmi Narayana Waste oil 5616 4000
50 R.Sy.No.433/1. 433/2. Pldimgoyyi
(Y). Used oil 2775.6 1800
Rajahmundry Rural.
M/s SAP petroleunms, Plot No. 204, Waste oil 1800 720
51 APIIC, Auto Nagar, Sarvparam (V),
Kakinada Rural Used oil 1620 650
M/s. NSR Industries, RSy.No.84{),
Used Oil /
52 Spent 1080
Plot No.83 & 84, Peddapuram.
East Godavari District
M/s.Avighna Industries (Formerly Used Oil I
53 630 200
M/s.Rajavardhan Industries) Spent oil
R.Sy.No.Bl/3, velanka Village,
Kirlampudi Mandai, East Godavan
M/s. Gaurav Lubricants Pvt Limited, Reclamation
RSy,No. 15. BhaJabhadrapuram of 3000 1000
54 Village. Biccavolu Mandai, East used oil
Godavari District Reclamation
9000 2000
of waste oil
M/s Balaji Industries, APIIC, Growth
55 Center, Bobbili (V 5220 5200
recovery plant
& Ml. Vizianazaram District
M/s. Visakha Solvents Limited. IN
56 Pharmacity. Parawada. 9125 6370.3
recovery unit
M/s. Saptha Industries,
Recovery of
Shed No.i i. APIIC Growth Centre.
57 the spent 7400 7200
Thumukunta, Hindupur, Anantapur
M/s Hepta Chern & Pharma (India)
Recovery of
Private limited. Sy.Na.l13A.
58 Madhavaram Road, Isvi(V). Adoni 3000 180
spent solvents
Kurnoal Dist

M/s Bromokem, Plot No: 68-A, I.DA, Solvent

59 1454.4 1140.85
Ga•ulamandyam, Chittoor Dt recovery unit

M/s.Berry Alloys Ltd., Plot No.368,

60 APIIC, Growth Centre, Bobbili rV&Ml. Ferro alloy 198.9
Usage of spent
M/s. R.S Mineral Works.
sulphuric acid
Sy.No.83/2, 8ugganipalle [V),
61 for the 36000 30600
Betamcherla (M). KurnooI District
of Gypsum
M/s. Steel Exchange India Limited.
Malliveedu & Sreerampuram Villages.
62 Steel plant 2920
LKota(M), vrzlanagaram
M/s. Shanti Egg Trays, Rayudupakala
63 (V), Ralahmundrv (M), East Godavari 1800 1500
of Egg Trays
M/s. Ramakrishna Handmade Paper Hand Made
64 Board. Pyna (V), Pedapudi (M), East Paper Board 200 150
Godavari District unit
M/s. Avenue Pulp Packs, R.Sy.No.
694/3, Manufacturing
65 RayudupakaJa. Kolamuru Gram of Handmade 2000 1500
Panchayath. Rajahmundry Rural. East Paper Board
Godavari District
M/s. Padmavathl Packing Produces,
R.Sy.No.333. Duppalapudi (V),
66 of Egg Trays 3000 2500
Anaporthi (M), East Godavari
M/s. Sri Satya Lakshmi Ganapathi Egg Egg Tray
67 1000 800
Tray Industries, R.Sy.No.412, Kothuru manufacturing
(V), Anaparthy (M). East Godavari unit.
M/s. Sri Sai Charan Card Board Manufacturing
Industries. R.Sy.No.53/2. of Sundry
68 1000 700
Kondagunturu Village, Rajanagaram Paper
Mandal, East Godavari District Boards
M/s. Lakshmi Sirisha Egg Trays, Near
69 HPCL Gas Terminal. Gokavaram EGG Trays 3000 2000
(V&M). East Godavari District
M/s. Sri Sai Charan Card Board
Industries, R.Sy.No.S3/2. Handmade
70 1000 500
Kondagunturu Village. Rajanegaram paper Boards
Mandai, East Godavari District
M/s. Ramakrishna Handmade Paper
71 Board, Pyna (V). Pedapudi (M). East 1000 350
paper Boards
Godavari District
Co-processing in cements plants* 8 185127 59744.26
*Note: The quantity indicated includes the waste received by the cement industries for co-processing from the
neighbouring states also
List of the Authorized Recyclers/ Utilizers / Co-processer of Hazardous Waste in Assam
Type of Recycling /
S. Name and Address of the Recycled/Utilized
Hazardous Utilization / Co- Remarks
No. Facility Co-processed
Waste recycled processing Capacity
M/s. Modern Lube Industries,
Barsapara Industrial Area, 1000KLA
Used Oil 69.12KLA
1 (Behind 1000 KLA
Waste Oil 46.08 KLA
Bajrang Ispat Ltd.), Guwahati-
M/s. Progressive Industries,
500 KLA
Rani Industrial Area, Dist.: Used Oil
2 1000 KLA 85 KLA
Kamrup, Waste Oil
Mis. East End Petro Chemicals
(P) Not in
3 Used Oil 600 KLA
Ltd., Naoholia, Dibrugarh, operation
Mis. Allied Industries, P.O.:
Not in
4 Makum Junction, Digboi, Dist.: Waste Oil 15000 KLA
Tinsukia, (Assam).
M/s. Purbanchal Chemicals,
Used Oil
5 ViiI.: Gauripur, P.O.: College 3000 KLA 500 KLA
Waste Oil
Nagar, Dist.: Kamrup (Assam).
M/s. North East
Petrochemicals, Not in
6 Waste Oil 5000 KLA
Kamarkuchi, Sonapur, Dist.: operation
M/s. Royal Industries, is"
Mile, Lead Acid
7 ViiI.: Burni, P.O.: Jorabat, Battery Plates 900 MTA 35.81 MTA
Dist.: & Lead Scrap
Kamrup, (Assam).
M/s. Nirman Industries, 0-7,
Lead Acid
DICC Campus Numalijalah,
8 Battery Plates 1200 MTA 198.220 MTA
& Lead Scrap
Dist.: Kamrup, (Assam).
Mis. S.R. Battery Works,
Lead Acid
Murmuria Gaon Na-Pamua, Not in
9 Battery Plates 2400 MTA
Mariani Road, operation
& Lead Scrap
Cinnamora, Jorhat, (Assam).
Mis. Anubhav Industries,
Lead Acid
Growth Centre, Chaygaon,
10 Plates & Lead 9600 MTA 2026.116 MTA
Chattabri, P.O.: Chaygaon,
Kamrup, (Assam).
M/s. Shree Sai Vamika
Industries, Lead Acid
Gauripur, Near Shiv Sai Steel, Battery Plates
11 9600 MTA 4797.505 MTA
North Guwahati, Dist.: & Lead Scrap
M/s. Kamakhya Power
Lead Acid
12 is" Mile, ViiI.: Burni, P.O.: 2400 MTA 1984 MTA
Plates & Lead
Dist.: Karnruo, (Assam).
List of the Authorized Recyclers/ Utilizers / Co-processer of Hazardous Waste in Bihar
Type of Recycling /
S. Recycled/Utilized Co-
Name and Address of the Facility Hazardous Utilization / Co-
No. processed
Waste recycled processing Capacity
M/s Unision Lubricants India Pvt. Ltd., 16 KLD
1 Used Oil 438
Industrial Growth Centre, Aurangabad (4800 MTA)

M/s Essel Lubricants & Chemicals Pvt.

2 Used Oil 1155+2310 KLA 517
Pvt. Eyari Road, Aurangabad

M/s Shristi Lube (India) Pvt. Ltd. NH-

3 Used Oil 2400 KLA Unit closed
28, Barauni, Begusarai
Used Lead Acid
M/s Bhagwati Metalloys Pvt. Ltd., Batteries 15 TPD(4320
4 1114
Industrial Area, Fatuha, Patna (ULABs) and MTA)
Lead Scraps
Used Lead Acid
M/s Jyoti Electro Chemicals, Industrial Batteries 1.5 TPD No information/
Area, Fatuha, Patna (ULABs) and (450 MTA) Annual Return
Lead Scraps
Used Lead Acid
M/s Mahesh Engineering Works, Batteries Unit non-
6 1500 MTA
Industrial Area, Bela, Muzaffarpur (ULABs) and operational
Lead Scraps
M/s Bharat Organics, Industrial Area,
7 Zinc ash 900 MTA 543.25
Bela, Muzaffarpur

M/s S.M. Industries, Industrial Growth Zinc ash 480 MTA No information/
Centre, Gigha, Bhojpur Annual Return
Brass dross 624 MTA
List of the Authorized Recyclers/ Utilizers / Co-processer of Hazardous Waste in Chhattisgarh
Recycling /
S. Name and Address of the Type of Hazardous Recycled/Utilized
Utilization / Co-
No. Facility Waste recycled Co-processed
processing Capacity
M/s Columbia Petro Chemicals
1 Used oil/Spent oil 3200 KL/Annum 82.245 KL
22 VA Bhanpuri Raipur (C.G)
M/s Accumulator lndustries
Lead Acid Battery
2 Near Hindustan Tiles VA 568 MTA 191.263 MT
Plates/Lead Scrap
Bhanpuri Raipur
M/s Refracast Metallurgicals Spent catalyst
(P) Ltd., containing nickel,
3 23 Industrial Area, Post Spent catalyst 3000 MTA 715.098 MT
Birgaon, containing Cobalt &
Raipur Vanadium
M/s Refracast Metallurgicals Spent catalyst
(P) Ltd. (Unit-2), containing nickel,
4 23 Industrial Are4 Post Spent catalyst 3000 MTA 1299.381 MT
Birgaon, containing Cobalt &
Raipur Vanadium
Spent catalyst
5000 MT/Year 295 MT
containing Vanadium
Spent catalyst
1500 Tonne/Year 326.5 MT
containing Nickal
Spent catalyst
containing Cobalt
M/s Arth Metallurgicals Zinc ash & Residues 900 Tonne/Year, 600
5 P\4. Ltd., Village-Lalpur, including zinc alloy Tonne/Year 27 MT
Dharsiwa, Dist. -Raipur residues in
Lead acid battery
plates & other Lead
100 Tonne/Year 21.118 MT
scrap/ ashes/
Spent catalyst
containing Copper,
Spent catalyst
containing Nickle,
M/s Refmet Technologies Prt.
Spent catalyst
6 Ltd., Satya Vihar, Pached4 1000 MTA
containing Zinc,
Tehsil- Arang, District- Raipur
Copper Reverds,
Cakes, Residues &
Slag from Copper
M/s R. K. Industries, Ring
Lead acid battery
7 Road No.-2, VillageGondwara, 300 MT/Year 185.54 MT
plates & lead scrap
District- Raipur
Brass dross
150 MT/Year
M/s Shivam Motors, [ndustrial Copper dross 150 MT/Year
8 Area - Birkoni, District
Mahasamund Lead acid battery
700 MT/Year 150 MT
plates & lead scrap
Zinc dross hot dip
galvanizers slab, Zinc
dross- bottom dross,
zinc ash/skimming
M/s Madhav Agro Chem Pvt. arising from
Ltd.,24 ,Industrial Area galvanizers &
9 Bhanpuri, diecasting 5500 MT/Year
District- Raipur operations,
zinc bearing wastes
arising from smelting
& refining
M/s Om Chemical Industries,
10 Industrial Area- Urla, District Zinc ash 400 MTA 94 MT
Total from MCC-PTA
( Mixture of process
2403.18 MT
Utility sludge)
M/s Ambuja Cement Eastem 8000 MT/Year
Ltd (Cement Plant) PO - (Oil Soaked Cotton
2.86 MT
11 Rawan , Distt Balodabazar- Waste)
Bhatapara (PTA Contaminated
2.1 MT
(Co-Process Liner)
( Scrap PTA) 986.435 MT
Waste Mix from
Syngenta at
19000 MT/Year 96.22 MT
( Chemical Sludge
from ETP)
Waste mix solid
M/s Lafarge India Pr4.Ltd
Sonadih Cement Plant PO
& resin & 55216MT 8059.791 MT
12 Rased
waste/low density
Distt - BalodabazarBhatapara
solid waste),
(C.G.) (Co-Processor)
waste mix liquid 49245 MT 3085.57 MT
Spent Catalyst/Spent
Carbon of Pharma 200 MT/Dav
Liquid Organic Spent
Solvent of
Pharmaceutical 276MT/Dav
Industries (Spent
M/s Rawan Cement Works
Organic Solvents)
(Unit of Ultra Tech Cement
Solid Organic Spent
13 Ltd.)Grasim Vihar, Rawan
Sovent Of
Distt Balodabazar-Bhatapara
Pharmaceutical 267 MT lDav
Industries (Spent
Organic Solvents
Paint Sludge
Generated From
Automobile Sector 450 MT/Day
rocess Wastes,
Residues & Sludge
Phosphate Sludge
Of 48 MT/Day
Automobile Industry
Grinding Dust From
Automobile Industry
Oily Rags Generated
From Automobile 7 MT/Day
ETP Sludge Of
185 MT/Day
(Chemical Sludge
From Waste Water
ETP sludge of textile
industries (Chemical
185 MT/Day
Sludge From Waste
Water Treatment)
Spent Catalyst
Generated From Oil 95 MT/Day
Refinery sludge (oily
450 MT/Day
ETP Bio-Solid waste
generated from soft
drink industries
(Spent 65 MT/Day
ion exchange resin
containing toxic
WTP sludge
from soft drink
industries (Spent ion 71 MT/Day
exchange resin
containing toxic
Spent Carbon
generated from soft
drink industries
(Spent 73 MT/Day
ion exchange resin
containing toxic

Process waste &

of 95.54 MT/Day
chemical industries
Chemical ETP sludge
of Pesticide/agro 23.8 MT/Day
chemical industries

Date expired
disearded and off
specification 23.5 MT/Day
drugs/medicines of
Pharma industries
residues and wastes
l20 MT/Day
Pharma industries
Dismantled lube/fuel
oil filter of Diesel loco
27 MT/Day
(sludge from
and filters & filter
material of polymer
81 MT/Day
and hardness
Acid tar sludge (M/s
Bhilai steel plant,
5l MT/Day
Durg/iron and steel
Spent pot Lining
(from IWs Balco,
Korba./primary l7 MT/Dav
Aluminium smelter
Refinery sludge 15000 T/Year
Spent catalyst
generated from oil 6000 T/Year
Grinding dust
generated from 2628 T/Year
automobile industry
M/s Ultra Tech Cement Oily rags generated
Limited Hirmi Cement Works from automobile 972TlYear
Hirmi, Disn - Balodabazar- industry
Bhatapara (Co-Processor) Phosphate sludge of
automobile 4000 T/Year
Paint sludge
generated from 12000 T/Year
automobile sector
Spent carbon of
4000 T/Year
pharma industries
Liquid and Solid
organic spent solvent
15000 T/Year
of pharmaceutical
ETP Sludge from
12000 T/Year
and textile industries

ETP Bio-solid waste,

WTP sludge and
Spent carbon 12000 T/Year
generated from soft
drink industry

Date expired,
Discarded &
offspecification 3974T/Year 219.87 MT
drugs/medicines of
pharma industries
residues and wastes
20304 T/Year
pharma industries
PTA waste mix from
Iv{/s MCC PTA india
4579 T lYear
corporation Pvt. LTd.,
West Bengal
Process waste &
16186 T/Year
chemical industries

Chemical ETP sludge

of agro chemical 4032 T/Year

Dismantled lube/fuel
oil filter of IWs Diesel 4608 T/Year
loco shed
(sludge from
13709 TlYear 265 MT
and filters & filter
material of polymer
Spent pot lining
2880 T/Year
from IWs Balco,
Acid Tar Sludge (fiom
Bhilai steel
6000 T/Year
and steel industries)
M/s P.K. Industries, Dhan containers/
Laxmi Nagar. Bhanpuri. barrelV liners
15 350 MT/Year 300 MT/Year
P.O.Birgaon, contaminated with
Distt.- Raipur haz arous chemicals/

M/s Nikita Metallurgicals Pvt.

Drosses and waste
Ltd., Shed No.- 06, PhaseJ,
16 from heatment of salt 4350 MT/Year 610 MT/Year
Industrial Area Siltara
M/s Shivam Metallurgicals Drosses and waste
P\4. Ltd., plot No. 16/1, from treatment of
17 600 MT/Year
Industrial Are4 Siltara, Raipur, salt
Distt.- Raipur sludge

M/s Godawari Power & Ispat Organic Residues

Ltd., Plot No.- 428/2, Phase-I (Phenolic Waste
18 1980 KL/ Year 576 KL/ Year
Siltara Industrial Area, Water Containing
Distt.Raipur Organic Residues)

M/s K.K. Lubes Prt. Ltd., Plot 4.Use/Spent Oil (5.1) 3000 KL/Year 347.0
No.- 4 (Part), Sector- B,
Industrial Area Sirgitti, 5. Waste/ Residue
Distt.Bilaspur 3000 KL/Year Nil
Containing oil (5.2)

M/s Shri Ram Industries, Plot

No. 27-A, Rani Durgawati Drosess and waste
Industrial Are4 Anj ani, from treatment of
20 1600 MT/Year Nil
Pendraroad, salt
TehsilPendraroad, sludge (Cat.-11.5)
M/s Shiv Metal Industries,
Maharana Pratap Nagar, Drosess and waste
Ghuru from treatment of
21 3000 MT/Year Nil
Ameri Road, Ph. No. 24, salt
Klnsra No. 62015, Bilaspur, sludge (Cat.-11.5)
Distt.-Bilaspur (C.G.)
lWs Kejriwal Metal Casting,
Drosess and waste
74-G, Sector-B, Industrial
from treatment of
22 Area" Sirgitti, Bilaspur, 2800 MT/Year 711.835 MT
sludge (Cat.-11.5)

Oily sludge emulsion

M/s Golcha Chemicals (Wax (Cat.-1.3)
23 18000 KL/Year Nil
46, Heavy Industrial Area,
Bhilai Distt. Durg. Slop oil from waste
water (Cat.-1.8)
Oil containing cargo
residue, washing
water and sludge

Sludge and filters

contaminated with

Slop oil (Cat.-4.3)

Waste / residues
contaning oil (Cat.s.2)

Used/spent oil
1200 KL/Year

Used oil (Cat.-s.1) 9000 KL/Year 3750 KL/Year.

containing oil

Oily sludge emlusion


Slop oil from waste

water (Cat.-1.8)

Oil containing cargo

residues washing 12000 MT/Year 10750 MTA
M/s Supreme Petro Synth water and sludge
Specialities, (Clat.-3.1)
l5lB, Heavy Industrial Area,
Hathkhoj Bhilai, Distt. Durg.
Sludge & filter
contaminated with
Spent solvent
Oil & grease
skimming residue
Tarry residue (Cat -
Decanter tank tar
sludee (Cat.- 13.3) 3000 MT/Year Nil

Tar storage tank

residue (Cat.-13.4)
Benzol acid sludge
Used/spent oil (Cat -
3200 KL/Year 148.6 MT/Year
M/s. G.N. Chemicals, 5.1)
25 123/A, Light Industrial Area, Waste/residues
Bhilai Distt. Durg. containing oil 320KL/Year Nil
Used/spent oil (Cat -
M/s. Sejal Sales Corporation, 8000 KL/Year Nil
Plot no., 1 1/S, Heary
26 Waste/residues
Industrial Area, Hathkhoj,
Bhilai, Distt. Durg. containing oil 12000 KL/Year Nil
Used lead acid
including grid plates
and other lead scrap/ 1000 MT/Year 100.28 M.T./Year
asheV residues
(Schedule - IV/ -
Insulated copper
M/s Power Pack Indusstries,
27 32lD, Light Industrial Area
scrap or copper with
Bhilai, Distt. Durg.
PVC sheeting
including lSRI code
material namely 150 MT/Year Nil
"Druid" (Cat.schedule
and Jelly field copper
Copper &oss, Brass
dross, insulated
M/s Shreyansh Industries,
copper wire scrap,
14/A, Light Industrial Are4
28 lead acid battery 3 l0 MT/Year 13 1 .55 MT/Year
plates and other lead
Distt. Durg.
scrap (Schedule-IV, S.
No. 1,2,7, l7)

Non Ferrous metal

bearing sludge and
2.0 MT/Year Nil
residue (Schedule-I

M/s. Sobhawat Metal Bross dross

Industries, 200 MT/Year Nil
29 (ScheduleJV S.No.-l)
Pulgaon, Balod Road, Durg
Distt. Durg.
Copper dross
50 MT/Year Nil
(Schedule-lV S.No.-2)

Copper wire scrape 100 MT/Year

6.0 MT/Year
(ScheduleJV S.No.-7)
Zinc dross & bottom
dross (Schedule-IV 50 MT/Year Nil

M/s Rover Ferro Tech P!'t

Spent catalyst
Ltd. Plot No. 05G/A, Heavy
30 containing Vanadium 1200 MT/Year 48.383 MT/Year
Industrial Area Hathkhoj
(Schedule-IV SNo.10)
Bhilai ,Distt. Durg.

Aluminum Dross
M/s ADV Metal Combine (P) (Waste from
Ltd., Shed No. 09, Boarai Treatment of salt slag
31 250 MT/Year Nil
Industrial Growth Centre, and black drosses)
Rasmada, District- Durg (C.G.). (Schedule - I, Cat.No.1

Insulated copper
scrap or copper with
PVC sheeting
including ISRI code
material namely
"Druid" (Schedule 1800 MT/Year Nil
M/s Simhagiri foundry works )
Pvt. Ltd. plot no 126 Zone B
32 industrial Gro*th Center
Borai, Rasmada, Distic - Durg Jelly field copper
(c.G.). cables

Brass dross
36 MT/Year Nil
Copper dross
(Schedule-IV S.No.-2)

M/s Shri Shyam Steels,plot Empty barrels/Liners

No.- 78, Fouzi Nagar, contaminated with
33 12000 No./Year Nil
Industrial Estate, Bhilai, Hazardous
Distt.Durg Wastes/Chemicals

Drosses and waste

M/s Jai Maa Rani Sati Metal from treatment of
34 Industries, Vill.- Kharmora, salt 2800 MT/Year Nil
Teh.- Korba, Distt.- Korba sludge(Schedule - I,
Cat.No.- 1 1.5)
Drosses and waste
M/s Gajanand Metal
from treatment of
Industries, Plot No.- 47,
35 salt 3000 MT/Year Nil
Industrial Area Korba,
sludge(Schedule - I,
Cat.No.- I 1.5)

Drosses and waste

M/s Sarvamangla Metal from treatment of
36 Industries, Vill.- Kharmora, salt 900 MT/Year Nil
Tehsil Korba sludge(Schedule - I,
Cat.No.- 1 1.5)

Drosses and waste

M/s Matriachhaya Industries,
from treatment of
Plot No. 57 B, Industrial Area,
37 salt 3600 MT/Year Nil
Rajagamar Road, Korba,
sludge(Schedule - I,
Distt.- Korba
Cat.No.- 1 1.5)

M/s Bansal Metachem, Plot Drosses and waste

No.- 81/B, Industrial from treatment of
38 600 MT/Year Nil
Area,Raj agamar Road, Korba, salt
Distt.- Korba sludge

Drosses and waste

lWs Trade Well lndustries, Plot from treatment of
39 No. 81 A, Industrial salt 3000 MT/Year Nil
Are4Korb4 Distt.- Korba sludge(Schedule - I,
Cat.No.- 11.5)
M/s Weston Electro Carbon &
Graphite Products, UnitJI, Plot
40 Used Anode Butts 9000 MT/Year Nil
No. 62-63, Industrial Area,
Distt.- Korba
Spent catalyst
10000 MT/Year
containing Vanadium
M/s R.R. Ferro Alloys (P)
Spent catalyst
41 Ltd., 65 lndustrial Are4 4000 MT/Year Nil
containing Nickel
Distt.- Korba
Spent catalyst
4000 MT/Year
containing Cobalt

M/s Shiva Industies, T2& 73 Spent catalyst

42 800 MT/Year Nil
Industrial Area Distt.- Korba containing Vanadium

M/s Shree NLA Industries,

Spent catalyst
43 Plot No. 78, Industrial Area, 1200 MT/Year Nil
containing Vanadium
Rajgamar Road, Korba, Dist

Lead acid battery

M/s Surya Pigments, Plot No.
plates and others
44 28 A, Industrial Area, Kurandi, 300 MT/Year Nil
Jagdalpur, Distt.- Bastar
List of the Authorized Recyclers/ Utilizers / Co-processer of Hazardous Waste in Goa
Sl. Name and Address of the Type of Authorized Quantity Recycled
No. facility Hazardous Recycling/Utilization/Co- Utilized/Co-processed
waste Recycled processing capacity (MT)
M/s Canacona
Hydrocarbons, Plot No.
Waste oil Category
1 87 & 89, Canacona 16200 KL/annum 472 MT
industrial Estate,
Canacona Goa

M/s Ashutosh Industries,

Spent solvents
C/o Shri Allabaksh M.
(20.2) Spent
2 Fakir, Plot No. A-40, 30 MT/Month 8.335 MT
Organic Solvent
Madkaim Industrial
Estate, madkaim Goa
List of the Authorized Recyclers/ Utilizers / Co-processer of Hazardous Waste in Gujarat
S. Name and Address of Type of Authorized Apri July Octo Jan Quantity
No. the Facility Hazardous Recycling/ l to to to To Utilized
Waste Recycled Utilizers/ June Sep Dec March (MTPA)
1 M/s Atlas Chemical
Zinc Ash & Zinc
plot no. 1005A, phase
Skimming, Zinc 28.8MTPA 6.75 4.6 6 3.5 20.85
IV, GIDC, Naroda,
Dross, Residue
Ahemdabad - 382330
2 M/s Shanti Agro Zinc ash, Zinc
Products plot no. C1- skimming,
B-13, old GIDC, Copper oxide
Kabilpore, navsari - mill scale,
396445 Copper cakes
and Residue, 7776 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
Zinc Bearing
waste arising
from smelting &
Re-Refining, Zinc
Ash/ Residue
3 M/s Swagat Agro
Tech. 1038, Zinc Ash, Zinc
nr. P.A.Patel oil mill, Scrap, Brass
2970 MTPA Nil Nil Nil Nil 0
Chattral, kadi road, at- Scrap and Zinc
chhatral, tal. Kadi, dist. dross
4 M/s Siddhi Agro
Chemicals Plot no. C
Zinc Ash / 2062.44
1/38, GIDC estate, 200 154 76 200.15 630.15
Skimmings MTPA
kalol, distt.
Gandhinagar - 382725
5 M/s Maruti chemicals 1) Copper Dross,
plot no J-2318, phase Copper oxide
III, GIDC Estate, vapi- scale, Copper
396195, Distt. Valsad waste , Copper
and copper alloy 1) 480
0 0 0 0 0
2) Zinc Dross, 2) 200
Zinc Ash/
skimming Zinc
6 M/s Super Sulphates Copper Dross,
plot no. 702/9, GIDC Copper Oxide
estate, vapi - 396195, mill scale,
distt. Valsad Copper reverts
cake and
Residue, waste
750 MTPA Nil Nil Nil Nil 0
copper ane
copper alloy in
dispersible form,
spent cleared
matel ctalyst
copper and slag
from copper
7 M/s Tarunkumar
Copper Scrap,
Industries plot no:
copper Dross, 33.2 24.2 23.5
132, 133, &134, 450 MTPA 83.882 164.926
Copper Oxide 76 4 28
Gozariya, GIDC, Tal-
mill sale
Dist. Mehsana
8 M/s Shine Cera
plot no 44, gidc estate,
67.3 17.8
motipure, gidc office, Zinc Dross 2000 MTPA 16.5 26.37 128.08
6 5
himmat nagar, dist-
sabar kantha-383001
9 M/s Gujarat Terce
Laboratories Ltd.(Old
name- Hariom Metal
Industries) Copper Dross 300 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
plot no. 140/P, moje-
ramnagar, Ta. Kalol,
Distt, Gandhinagar
10 M/s Mohit Industries 1.)600
1. Zinc
plot no. 106/2, GIDC, MTPA 410. 593. 419. 4000.1
skimming & Ash, 5423.345
kalol - 382721, Distt. 2) 540 19 44 535 8
2. Zinc dross
Gandhinagar MTPA
11 M/s Navkar Chemicals Copper Reverts,
plot no. C-1, 41-2, GIDC Copper Residue,
estate, kalol(N.G.)- Copper Slag,
240 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
382725 Spent Catalyst
12 M/s Kissan Agro Zinc ash, Zinc
Fertilizers shed Skimming &
no-a-2/2219,3rd other Zinc
phase, gidc, vapi- Bearing waste,
54.3 55.5 54.7
396195 Copper Oxide 450 MTPA 51.307 215.89
45 07 31
Mill scale,
xopper alloy &
waste copper in
dispersible form
13 M/s Shree Krishna
Industries plot no.
414, GIDC, Phase II, Zinc Dross 1800 MTPA 0 0 0 380.684
Dared, jamnagar-
14 M/s Zinco Chemicals
plot no. A2, 22/2 & 23, Zinc Ash 3000 M.T. 60 0 0 104.55
GIDC estate, kalol,
Distt. Gandhinagar
15 M/s Panchvati
Corporation plot no. Zinc ash, Zinc
C/1B, 25/7, GIDC dross, Brass 1200 MTPA Nil Nil Nil Nil 0
estate, kalol, Distt. Dross
16 M/s Balaji Chemicals 525, opp. Nirma
ltd. Vill. Chhatral, tal. Zin Ash 3000 MTPA 250 125 Nil 120 495
Kalol, distt.
17 M/s Surya Agro
Plot no 3066, GIDC
Zinc Ash 4800 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
Phase III, Dared Distt
18 M/s Dharti Zinc
Plot no. 35 GIDC,
Motipura, 365. 315. 117. 118.74
Zinc Dross 2000 MTPA 917.771
Himmatnagar - 714 52 797 1
383001 distt. Sabar
19 M/s Uttam Industries Zinc dross, Zinc
907/2, GIDC, Sector- Ash/ Skimming
28, Gandhinagar other zinc
bearing wastes 104. 73.1 113.49
4500 MTPA 79.3 370.114
arising from 14 81 3
smelting and
refining , zinc
ash/ residue
20 M/s IFFCO
14550 2673 1826 463. 2469.4
Kandla, Po Kandla, Zinc ash 7432.598
MTPA .495 .6 08 2
21 M/s Shreeji Metal
Finishing Products S.
No. 162 Nr. Ashirvad Zinc Dross, 660 MTPA ,
0 0 0 0 0
Plastic, S.I.D.C. Road, Copper Dorss 12 MTPA
( Sapar),RAJKOT
22 M/s Tarunkumar Zinc Ash, Zinc
Corporation Skimming, Zinc
plot no: 132, 133, Dross, Bottom
&134, Gozariya, GIDC, Dross, Brass
Ta-Di: Mehsana 2160 MTPA 66 71 38 189 364
Dross, Copper
Dross, Copper
Reverts cake &
23 M/s Shree Nagbai
Chemical & Fertilizer
plot no 4624, Phase III,
Zinc dross 1800 MTPA Nil Nil Nil Nil 0
GIDC, Dared, Tal.
Jamnagar, distt.
24 M/s Nahar Granites Zinc Dross-hot
P.Ltd plot no. 16/1, dip galvanizer
GIDC estate, kalol, dist. slab, Zinc Dross-
Gandhinagar Bottom dross,
Zinc ash/ 1017 1123
9600 MTPA 1150 1162 4453.13
skimming arising .23 .9
from galvanizing
die casting
operations, Zinc
ther zinc bearing
wastes arising
from smelting &
refining, Zinc ash
including zinc
alloy residues in
dispersible form,
zinc containing
25 M/s J.D Metal
Industries plot ni-
162/b, kadi Zinc Ash 1000 MTPA 0 Nil 0 36.34
road,Dhanot , chattral,
Dist- Gandhinagar
26 M/s Sai Krupa Agro
Zinc ace,Zinc 52.3 67.0 59.2
Plot No-A-2/112, 3312 MTPA 0 178.69
dross 6 9 4
Phase-II, GIDC Estate,
27 M/s Sun Agro Products Brass Dross,
Plot no 136-137-1-2-3, Copper Dross,
GIDC Kalol(N.G), Distt. Copper oxide
Gandhinagar - 382721 mill Scale,
Copper reverts-
cake & residue,
spent catalyst Nil Nil Nil Nil 0
copper & Zinc
Zinc skimming,
waste copper &
copper alloy in
dispersible form
28 M/s Plutus Products Zinc ace, Zinc
S.No.3903, W Road, skimming, Zinc
GIDC, Phase-III, Dared, 1500 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
process residue,
JAMNAGAR Zinc dross
29 M/s Gayatri Agro 1) Zinc sh, Zinc
Pl- No. 31,32,33, GIDC skimming, Zinc
Eatate Kukarwada,Tal- bearing waste
Vijapur MAHESANA arising form
1) 1800
smelting &
refining Nil Nil Nil Nil 0
2) 2172
2) Copper cake &
residue, copper
dross, waste
copper in
dispersible form.
30 M/s Vishal Industries
1383-1D-P2 Near Core Copper ace,
Healthcare, Vill-Rajpur Copper reverts, 1440 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
Ta-Kadi, MEHSANA Copper residue
31 M/s Saniya Traders
Plot No.30/B, Mamsa Copper ace,
19.4 31.2
Ind. Plot, Nr.Mamsa Copper reverts, 1500 MTPA 48.2 43.99 142.89
7 3
Patiya, At-Mamsa, Ta- Copper residue
32 Khodal Agro Tech Zinc ace, Zinc
Plot No-4332, Road-A, skimming, Zinc
GIDC, Phase-III, Dared, residue, Zinc 960 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
JAMNAGAR dross, Brass
33 M/s Titan Agro
Plot No.3494, Ph IV, 3240 MTPA
GIDC Estate, Chhatral, Zinc Ash 31.5 0 0 0 31.5
504 MTPA
Tal-Kalol, Gandhinagar
34 M/s Clean Agro
Zinc ace, Zinc
Industries plot no
skimming, Zinc
148/1, Dhanot, Nr.
residue, Zinc 3600 MTPA 24.5 48.5 40 130 243
Ankhol Patiya,
dross, Copper
Chhatral-kadi Road,
gandhinagar, Gujarat
35 M/s Bharat Agro
Industries Plot Zinc ace, Zinc
No. 3536/4, Phase - skimming, Zinc
520 MTPA Nil Nil Nil Nil 0
4,G I D C Estate, residue, Zinc
Chhatral, Ta. Kalol, dross
36 M/s Dutt Industries
Zinc Ash/ Zinc
Jalaram Mandir road,
Skimming/ Zinc
Dross/ Zinc
Residue/ Copper
dist-kheda. Nadiad
Ash/ Copper
Dross/ Copper
Oxide Mill Scale/
325 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
Copper Reverts,
Cake & Residue/
Waste Copper/
Copper Alloys/
Copper Slag/
Insulated Copper
Wire Scrap
37 M/s Raj agro Zinc Ash/ Brass
Plot no. 3-4, GIDC, Dross/ Zinc
894. 1380 534. 103.73
Gojariya, Tal. Vijapur, Dross/ Zinc 6500 MTPA 2912.965
082 .7 433 8
Distt. Mehsana Residue/ Copper
38 M/s Mukesh Traders Copper ace,
Plot No-103, GIDC, Copper dross / 158 / 720
1 1.7 1.2 1.05 4.95
Highway, Limdi, Zinc ash, Zinc MTPA
39 M/s Ace Inorganic Pvt
Ltd vijay industrial
19.7 15.4
estate, padra road, Zinc dross 720 MTPA Nil 0 35.21
85 25
samiala - 391410, distt.
40 M/s Matrix Industries
Plot No-221/22, GIDC,
Rafaleshwar, National zinc dross 348 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
Highway 8-A, Morbi,
41 M/s Jay Bhawani Metal
plot no:-211-212, Road
Copper Druid 9290 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
no,6f, new estate,
udhyognagar, udhna,
42 M/s Sairam Industries
plot no. 316, Phase I, Zinc Ash Zinc
1200 MTPA 43 44 34 79 200
GIDC Estate, chhatral, Skimming
distt. Gandhinagar
43 M/s Choksi Metal
Copper Druid,
Copper Residue,
road no. 11, udhana 2000 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
Copper reverts &
udhyognagar, udhana,
distt. Surat
44 M/s Gujarat Chlorides Zinc Ash, Zinc
GIDC Plot no 190/191, Skimming, Zinc
Nandesari, 391340 Bearing wastes
Distt. Bharuch arising from
Smelting and
Refining, Zinc 94.8 117. 101.
1000 MTPA 82.73 397.14
Ash & Zinc 2 8 79
including Zinc
Alloys residues
in dispersible
45 M/s Roxul Rockwool
Insulation India PVT.
LTd. Plot NO. Z/4, SEZ Coppr Slag 250 MT/M 0 0 0 0 0
Dahej, Ta. Vagra,
46 M/s Eurecat India Spent Catalyst
Catalyst Services Pvt. Containing
Ltd. Nickel, Copper, 383. 432. 238.
3000 MTPA 185.29 1240.103
Plot NO:1, GIDC, Cadmium, Zinc, 21 73 869
Jhagadia, BHARUCH Arsenic,
47 M/s Nimisha Chemical 1) Zinc Dross/
Plot no. 148/149, GIDC Zinc Ash/ Zinc
estate, nandesari, Skimming 20.7 36.8
5844 MTPA 68.7 29.619 155.919
vadodara Residue. 6 4
2) Containing
Nickel, Zinc.
48 M/s R. J. Indutries Copper Dross,
Plot no 233, road no. Copper Oxide
6/E, new industrial Mill Scale,
750 MTPA 3.19 8.05 0 0 11.24
estate, udhna- 394210 Copper Reverts,
Distt. Surat Cakes &
49 M/s Krishna Raj Zinc ash & Zinc
Fertichem Pvt. Ltd., Dross ,Brass
15000 343. 823.47
Plot No.5/6, Gozariya dross,Zinc 381 254 1801.699
MTPA 225 4
GIDC, MEHSANA. residue, Copper
50 M/s Lavti Fertilizers & Brass Ash/ Zinc
Chemical Pvt. Ltd. Plot Ash/ Zinc
No.3261 to 3270 & Skimming/ Zinc
3300 to 3308, GIDC, Residue/ Brass
Phase-III, Dared, Residue/ Zinc
Jamnagar Dross/ Copper
Residue/ Copper 15000 207. 209. 132.
99.505 648.511
Skimming/ MTPA 65 05 305
Copper Ash/
Copper Dross/
Brass Dross/
Spent catalyst
containing Zinc
51 M/s Sulfozyme Agro Brass Ash/ Zinc
(I) Pvt. Ltd. Plot No.58 Ash/ Zinc
to 63, B/h. Ashok Ley Skimming/ Zinc
Land, GIDC Phase-II, Residue/ Brass
Dared, Jamnagar Residue/ Zinc
Dross/ Copper
12.7 63.1
Copper 6000 MTPA 55.2 37.51 168.619
7 39
Copper Ash/
Copper Dross/
Brass Dross/
Spent catalyst
containing Zinc,
52 M/s Amar Agro 1) Zinc Ash/ Zinc
Industries Skimming/ Zinc
Survey No. 35p2, Dross/ Brass
Rabarika Road, Near Dross/ Zinc
Maruti Processors, Vill- Residue/ Spent
1) 2160
Jetpur navagadh, Catalyst
MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
Jetpur Containing/
2) 84 MTPA
Copper/ Zinc.
2) Copper Ash/
Copper Dross/
Copper Cake/
Copper Residue.
53 M/s Jay Shree Agro
Product, Survey
No.856, Plot No.13/P,
Radha Raman Zinc Ash 1134 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
Industrial Zone,
Rabarika Road, Jetpur-
54 M/s Shri Jalaram 1) Zinc Ash/ Zinc
Agriculture, Shed Residue/ Zinc
No.55, GIDC Estate, Skimming/ Zinc
Modasa, Dist – Dross/
Sabarkantha, Dist – 2) Copper
1) 1800
Himmatnagar Dross/ Copper
MTPA 135.
Residue/ Copper 0 0 0 135.23
2) 1200 23
Cake/ Waste
Copper/ Slag
from Copper
processing for
55 M/s Gurukrupa Zinc Ash/ Zinc
Industries Residue/ Zinc
S.No.84, At. Merwada, Skimming/ Zinc
Post. Ratanpur, Dross/ Brass
Abu-Ambaji Highway, Dross/ Copper
Ta. Palanpur, 35.3 76.7
Residue/ Copper 4800 MTPA NIL 26.2 138.305
Dist. Banaskantha 65 4
Cake/ Copper
Dross/ Spent
containing Zinc,
56 M/s Shivam Alums &
Zinc dross, Zinc
Chemicals Plot 418. 709. 752.
Ash, Zinc 9300 MTPA 635.85 2515.985
No.7603, GIDC Estate, 32 78 035
57 M/s Astron Zinc
Industries, Godown-2,
Block No-985, Vill-
Zinc Dross 8400 MTPA Nil 0 0 0 0
Berna, Tal-
Dist – Sabarkantha,
58 M/s Maruti Chemicals, Zinc Dross/ Zinc
B/h. Vrundavan Ash/ Zinc
Plastic, Skimming/
Opp. Arihant Marble, Copper Dross/
Old Port Road, Copper Slag/
1200 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
Bhavnagar – 364001 Copper Reverts,
Cakes &
Residue/ Druid
Cables/ Waste
59 M/s Option Oxides,
Plot No.827/1, GIDC, 1) Zinc Dross/
Jhagadia, Dist: Zinc Ash/ Zinc
Bharuch. Skimming/ Zinc
Residue/ Zinc
1) 1644
Alloys residue in
dispersible form 0 0 0 0 0
2) 504
2) Copper Oxide
Mill Scale/
Copper Reverts,
Cake & Residue/
Copper Slag

60 M/s Shanti Metal 1) Zinc Ash/ Zinc

Industries Residue/ Zinc
Plot No.1 & 2, Hapa Skimming/
Industrial Estate, Waste from
B/h. BSNL Godown, Smelting and
1) 450
Jamnagar refining
2) Copper Cake/ 75.9 188. 237. 167.84
360 MTPA 669.738
Mill Scale Wate 14 23 753 4
3) 186
3) Spent Catalyst
Cadmium Zinc
61 M/s Hitech Extrusion Brass Dross/
LLP Plot No. 3003- Copper Dross/
3007, GIDC Phase-III, Zinc Dross/
Dared, Jamnagar – Insulated Copper
361004 Wire Scrap/
7560 MTPA Nil Nil Nil Nil 0
Copper with PVC
including ISRI
code material
namely Druid
62 M/s Bluestone
Inorganic Pvt. Ltd.,
Survey No.61/P1, Plot
Zinc Dross, 20.4 7.64
No.40-41, Tarang 3500 MTPA Nil 0 28.072
Copper Dross 28 4
Industrial, Village-
Hadamtala, Ta-Kotda
Sangani, Dist. Rajkot
63 M/s I N K,
Plot No.321, GIDC Insulated copper
Phase-II, Nr. Vishal wire 2000 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
Chow, Dared, scrap/Druid
Jamnagar - 361004
64 M/s Rubamin Limited, 1). Spent catalyst
Plot no: 13 & 23, 37, containing nickel
38, 40 to 43, 45 to 48, , Zinc, Copper, 22452
113 to 115, Shri Laxmi Cobalt, MTPA 2442 2351
Industrial Estate, 0 3171.2 7964.497
Vanedium, 34139 .2 .08
Village Dunia, Ta: Cadmium MTPA
Halol, Panchmahal – 2) Zinc Residue/
389350 Zinc Dross
65 M/s Rency Chemicals,
Zinc ash/Zinc
Plot No.1309, Kerala 2137
skimming/Zinc 3240 MTPA 0 0 0 2137.96
GIDC, Ta.Bavala, .96
66 M/s Rubamin Ltd.
Plot No.100 & C-1-B- Zinc Ash/ Zinc
113, Nandesari Residue/ Zinc 20160 601. 255. 831. 585.94
Notified Area, GIDC, Skimming and MTPA 277 13 371 5
Nandesari -391340, Brass Dross
67 M/s Global Metall 1). Spent catalyst
Chemie containing nickel
Plot No.15, GIDC 2) Copper Dross,
Sojitra, Copper reverts 1)607 MTPA
Sojitra-387240, Dist- 14.9 20.2 12.7 124.55
cake, 2) 631 172.577
Anand 77 96 5 4
Residue,Slag MTPA
from copper
processing &
68 M/s Chlorides India, Zinc Dross/Zinc
Plort No. E-533 & 534, Ash/Zing
GIDC Industrial Estate, skimming/ other
Dahej, Dist: Bharuch. Zinc bearing
waste arising 14.9
2336 MTPA Nil Nil Nil 14.97
from smelting 7
and refining/
Zinc ash &
Residue/ Zinc
69 M/s Pavan Agro,
Junagdh Road, Near
Marketing yard, Zinc Ash 143 MTPA Nil 0 0 0 0
Jetpur, Rajkot 360370.
70 M/s Gujarat Refilling
Centre, Plot No: 1st 160000
Floor, 951/5, GIDC, Toner cartridge 0.48 0.29 0.25
Nos.per 0.45 1.484
Makarpura, Opp. ERDA recycling 1 9 4
House, Vadodara.

71 M/s Solvex Copper Cake/

Technology, Copper Waste/
Plot No.26 & 27, Copper Druid/
Survey No.395/1 & 2, Slag/ Residue/
New Ahmedabad Copper Dross/
Industrial Estate, Reverts from
Sarkhej-Bavla Copper 16.1 42.3 51.9
1260 MTPA 529 639.549
Highway, Moraiya, Tal- Processing for 72 9 87
Sanand further
processing and
refining/ Spent
containig Copper
72 M/s Ace Chemie
Plot No.1011, NCWI Zinc Ash, Dross, 301. 256. 216.
3456 MTPA 267.9 1042.9
Zone, Near GEB Power Residue 8 9 3
House, GIDC, Sarigam-
396155, Dist-Valsad
73 M/s Swet Chemical 1. Zinc Ash/ Zinc
Industries Shed No. skimming/ Zinc
C1/B 25/1, 25/5 & Dust/ Zinc
26/2 GIDC Estate, residue/ Zinc
Kalol, Dist. Dross, Zinc Oxide
Gandhinagar – 6600 MTA
2 . Copper Ash/ 1) 6000
100. 44.7
Residue/ MTA 13.3 Nil 158.869
83 4
Reverts/ Dross/ 2) 420 MTA
Mill scale/ Spent
cleared metal
copper cake –
420 MTA
74 M/s Shree Brahmani
Enterprise. Revenue
Survey No 293/1 Plot
No -40-1 Shayona Zinc Ash 4920 MTPA 13.3 0 0 0 13.3
Industrial Estate
Ramol Road
75 M/s Shree Metalloy “Insulated
Ltd., Copper Wire
Plot No.1, Godown Scrap/ Copper
No.1, with PVC
2400 MTP 0 0 0 0 0
NaghediLakhaBaval, Sheathing
Dist. Jamnagar including ISRI
Code material
namely “Druid”
76 M/s Atlas Mineral &
Chemical Mfg. Co., Plot
Zinc Ash & Zinc
no. 1005/2, Phase II, 90 MTPA 6.75 4.64 5.95 12.16 29.5
GIDC Naroda,
77 M/s Sara Chemicals,
1. Zinc Ash &
Plot No. 3205/B, GIDC
Residue, Copper
Estate, Ankleshwar,
Residue 1800 MTPA,
Dist. Bharuch- 393002 Nil Nil Nil Nil 0
2. Spent Catalyst 1200 MTPA
Copper & Zinc
78 M/s Madhu Zinc Ash/
Processors, Block No. Residue/ Zinc
227, Talaja Road, Opp. Skimming/ Zinc
Sartanpar Patia, Bearing waste
Ukharla, Tal- Godha, arising from
Dist. Bhavnagar smelting and
refining/ Zinc 14.6
4200 MTPA 0 7.87 Nil 22.485
dross/ Spent 15
containing Zinc
& Nickel, Copper
Copper Cakes,
Copper Dross
79 M/s Balaji Agro & 1. Zinc
Fertilizers, Plot No. skimming, zinc
3583, GIDC, Phase III, ash & residue
Dared, Jamnagar including zinc
alloy & residue
in dispersible
form, Zinc dross
1) 420
2. Copper dross,
MTPA 2) 0 0 0 98.139 98.139
copper oxide
120 MTPA
mill scale,
copper reverts,
cake & residue,
spent cleared
metal catalyst
80 M/s Prayag Agro P. Zinc Ash,
Ltd. A-21/22, GIDC Skimming, dust
Estate, Kalol, Dist. residue, zinc
Gandhinagar bearing waste
from smelting
and refinery,
zinc dross, zinc
oxide, copper
1920 MTPA Nil 0 0 0 0
residue reverts
mill scales, spent
containing zinc &
copper, copper
cake copper
dross brass
81 M/s Gujarat Agro
Industries, Plot no. 4,
Rajeshwari Industrial Zinc Ash 3600 MTPA 0 0 Nil 56.34
Area, Kansumra Road,
Jamnagar- 385004
82 M/s Arihant Metal
“Zinc Skimming/
Zinc Ash/ Zinc
Plot No.223, GIDC, 1800 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
Dross @ 1800
Phase-II, Dared,
83 M/s Transpek Silox
Industry Ltd.,
Survey No.627 to 629
& 633, Kalali Road, Zinc Ash 1080 MTPA Nil Nil Nil Nil 0
Distt.Vadodara, Gujarat
– 391 440
84 M/s Astron Zircon Pvt
Block No.104/2, Vill: Zinc dross 11000MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
Sarkhej, Ta.Kathlal,
Dist. Kheda
85 M/s Everest Fertilizers
and Chemicals Pvt.
Survey No.178, Zinc dross, Zinc
National Highway-8, Ash, Zinc 2000MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
Opp-Microwave Skimming .
Station, Vill-Veraval
Sangani, Dist-Rajkot
86 M/s New India Brass Dross,
Extrusion Pvt. Ltd., Copper Dross/
Plot No.307, GIDC Ash, Copper
Umbergaon-396171, Reverts, Cake &
Ta.Umbergaon, Residues, Mill
Dist.Valsad Scale, Waste
Copper and
3150 MTPA Nil Nil Nil Nil 0
Copper Alloys,
Druid Cables,
Jelly Filled
Copper Cables,
Zinc Dross, Zinc
Ash, Skimming,
87 M/s Shyam Chemical, Zinc Ash/ Zinc
Sr. No.222, Ramgadh, Skimming/ Zinc
Post: Derol, Taluka: Residue/ Zinc
Himatnagar, bearing waste
Dist: Sabarkantha- arising from
383220 smelting and
refining/ Zinc
Dross/ Spent
Cleared Metal
containing Zinc/ 1500 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
Copper Dross/
Copper Revert/
Copper Oxide
Mill Scale/ Spent
Cleared Metal
Copper/ Copper
Cake/ Brass
88 M/s Demosha Zinc Bottom
Chemicals Pvt. Ltd., Dross, Zinc
82, GIDC, Gundlav- Bearing waste 197. 125. 145.
2400 MTPA 112.1 580.5
396035, arising from 2 5 7
Dist: Valsad smelting and
89 M/s G. G. Zinc Bottom
Manufacturer, Dross, Zinc
Plot No.439/6, GIDC Bearing waste 38.8 60.0
3500MTPA 56 0 154.94
Estate, arising from 9 5
Odhav, Dist: smelting and
Ahmedabad-382415 refining
90 M/s JAS Chemical
Industries, Plot
no.2412, GIDC Zinc Ash 480 MTPA 137 144 141 125 547
Sarigam, Dist : Valsad
– 396155
91 M/s Manglam
Plot No.36-37, GIDC
Estate Lakhtar, Zinc Dross 360 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
Tal: Lakhtar, Dist:
92 M/s Jay Somnath
Brass Dross, Zinc
Ingots, Zinc
Survey No.426/P2,
Residue, Spent 82.5 157. 55.0
Hitachi-Indrad Road, 1500 MTPA 75.193 370.143
cleared metal 6 38 1
Indrad-382715, Tal:
containing Zinc
Dist: Mehsana
93 M/s Mani Agro 1. Zinc Ash/ Zinc
Industries., Skimming/ Zinc
Plot No.06, GIDC Residue Zinc
Matar, bearing waste
Dist-Kheda-387530 arising from
smelting and
refining/ Zinc
Dross/ Spent
containing Zinc
1.350 MTPA,
2. Copper Ash/ Nil Nil Nil 0.1 0.1
2.660 MTPA
Copper Reverts,
Cakes &
Residues /
Copper Dross/
Copper Mill
Scale, Spent
Copper, Brass
94 M/s Asian Alloys, Copper with PVC
Survey No. 312 Paiki, sheathing
Opp. Gate No.1 of GIDC including ISRI
112. 27.4
Panoli, N.H. No. 8, code material 4800 MTPA 2.17 238.38 380.305
3 6
Bakrol, namely Druid &
Ankleshwar-394116 Jelly Filled
Copper Cables
95 Bravo Agro Tech., 1. Zinc Ash/ Zinc
Plot No: 200, Phase 2, Skimming/
GIDC Estate, Residue/ Dross,
Ambawadi, Spent cleared
Wadhwan-363035 metal catalyst
Dist: Surendranagar containing Zinc,
Brass Dross
2. Copper Dross 1. 4200
38.9 111. 84.4 258.86
/ Copper MTPA 2. 493.66
95 36 4 5
Reverts, Cakes & 2400 MTPA
Residues /
Copper Oxide
Mill Scale, Spent
cleared metal
96 M/s Canary Smelters Zinc Ash/ Zinc
Industries, Skimming/ Zinc
Plot No. E-122, Phase Residue/ Zinc
II, Dross- Bottom
Dared, Jamnagar- Dross/ Spent
361004 catalyst
containing Zinc,
Copper Dross/
46.6 143. 78.4 178.79
Copper Reverts, 1800 MTPA 447.267
86 3 85 7
Cakes &
Insulated copper
wire druid, Spent
Copper, Brass
97 M/s Sunlite Industries, nsulated Copper
Plot No.1, Survey Wire
No.267, Chhatha Mile, Scrap/copper
Vill-Dantali-387370, with PVC
Dist:Kheda sheathing
including ISRI-
code material 6000 MTPA Nil Nil 0.285 13.453
namely Druid,
Jelly filled
copper cable,
Copper reverts &
Residue, Copper
98 M/s Galaxy Metals & Zinc Dross- Hot
Minerals, Dip Galvanizers
Survey No.273, Paikky, SLAB, Zinc
Plot No.7, Opp. Century Dross- Bottom
Tiles, Dross, Zinc Ash/
At & Po: Gadhoda, Skimming
Ta: Himmatnagar arising from
galvanizing & die
operations, Zinc
1920 Nil Nil Nil Nil 0
ash/ skimming/
other zinc
bearing wastes
arising from
smelting &
refining, Zinc ash
& residues
including zinc
alloy residues in
dispersible form
99 M/s Rishika Agrochem Zinc dross Hot
Plot No. 131, GIDC, dip Galvanizers
Gozariya, SLAB, Zinc
Dist: Mehsana Dross-Bottom
Dross, Zinc Ash/
arising from
Galvanizing and
die casting
operations, Zink
ther zinc bearing
wastes arising
from smelting
64.4 48.5 76.1
and refining, 1200 MTPA 69.775 258.889
6 48 06
Zinc Ash and
Residues include
Zinc Alloys
residues in
dispersible form,
Copper Dross,
Copper oxide
mill scale,
Copper Reverts,
Cake and
Residue, Spent
containing Zinc
& Copper
100 M/s Jasmine Chemical, “(1) Zinc Ash/
Old Name: Abbey Dross, Skimming,
Chemicals Pvt. Ltd., Residue. (2)
Plot No.1088/B-1, Copper Dross/
Lamdapura Road, Copper Oxide
Manjusar, Ta-Savli, Mills Scale,
1. 350
Dist: Vadodara Copper Cake and
MTPA, 2.
Residue, Waste 38.5 0 0 0 38.5
1000 MTPA
Copper and
3. 550 MTPA
Copper Alloy,
Slag from copper
processing. (3)
Spent Catalyst
101 M/s Samruddhi Agro Zinc Ash, Zinc
Tech, Plot No.54,55,56, skimming, Zinc
GIDC Estate, Kalol, Dross-Bottom
Dist: Gandhinagar- Dross, Zinc
382725 Residue, Brass
Dross, Copper
14400 46.6
Dross, Copper Nil Nil Nil 46.68
Oxide Mills scale,
Copper Revert,
Cake & Residue,
Spent catalyst
containing Zinc
and Copper
102 M/s Diamond Zinc dross hot
Industries, dip galvanizers
Plot No. 152, GIDC SLAB, zinc dross-
Industrial Estate, bottom dross,
Waghodia, Dist. Zinc ash/
Vadodara skimming arising
from galvanizing
and die casting
operations, Zink
28.6 28.7 162. 259.96
ash/skimming/o 1620 MTPA 479.992
05 45 676 6
ther zinc bearing
wastes arising
from smelting
and refining, zinc
ash and residues
include zinc
alloys residues
in dispersible
103 M/s Upper India Zinc Dross-hot
Inorganic Industries dip galvanizer
Ltd. slab, Zinc Dross-
S.R.No. 241 paikee, Bottom dross,
Chadasna Village road, Zinc ash/
B/H Torrent skimming arising
pharmaceutical Ltd. from galvanizing
Mehsana die casting
operations, Zinc
168. 377. 168. 339.83
Ash/skimming/o 5700 MTPA 1054.546
605 61 493 5
ther zinc bearing
wastes arising
from smelting &
refining, Zinc ash
including zinc
alloy residues in
dispersible form,
Brass dross, etc
104 M/s Shree Bhavani
Brass Dross,
Survey No.82, Plot 56.9 179. 120. 196.61
Copper Dross, 6000 MTPA 553.4
No.1, 6055 4 4232 68
Zinc Dross
Vill: Kansumara,
Dist: Jamnagar
105 M/s Sarjay Chemicals
Pvt. Ltd.
Zinc Ash,
PLOT NO.D-2/CH/397, 10800 94.8
Skimming, 0 0 0 94.82
GIDC Dahej II, Ta: MTPA 2
Residue, Draoss
Dist: Bharuch
106 M/s RHJ Tubes Pvt. Brass Dross or
Ltd., Zinc Dross, Zinc
Plot No. J-281/1, J- Skimming, Zinc
282/2, Ash or Copper
800 MTPA Nil 0 0 0 0
J-282/1, 282/3 & Dross, Copper
281/3 Residue, Copper
GIDC Estate, Druid, Copper
Umbergaon Mill Scale
107 M/s Singhal Sheets &
Foils Pvt Ltd.,
Plot No.03,04, RS Waste Copper
No.57A, and Copper Alloy
4200 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
Shiv Industrial in Dispersible
Infrastructure Park, Form
Ta: Savli, Dist:
108 M/s Mehlana Metal Insulated Copper
Trading Co., Plot Wire Scrap/
No.3447, GIDC, Phase- Copper With PVC
III, Dared, Jamnagar sheating 2000 MTPA 0 0 0 28.605
including ISRI
code material
namely Druid
109 M/s S.J.Coating Inds., Zinc bearing
Bl.No.227, Talaja Road, wastes, Copper
Near Modern bearing waste,
Const.Co., Ukharla, Spent catalyst
Ghogha, Bhavnagar- containing
750 MTA 0 4.85 43.016 47.866
364050. nickel, cadmium,
vanadium and
110 M/s. Anandmangal
Udyog Kalash LLP.,
P. No.A/35, Opp. Euro
Dross/Oxide mill
Food, Ichchhapore,
Scale/Reverts/ 1200 Nil 0
Residues/ Slags
Tal: Chorasi, Dist:
111 M/s JAY JALARAM Zinc bearing
EXTRUSIONTS wastes, Copper
PLOT NO. 457, GIDC, bearing waste,
Shanker Tekri, Spent catalyst
Udyognagar, Jamngar - containing 71.7
6000 MTPA Nil 71.72
361004, Gujarat nickel, cadmium, 2
vanadium and
112 M/s. Jay Jalaram
Plot No.: 457, G.I.D.C. Zinc Dross, Brass
Estate, Shanker Tekari, Dross, Copper 6000 0
Udyognagar, Opp. SBI Dross
Bank, Jamnagar – 361
113 M/s. Zinco Fine
116, National Highway Zinc Dross 1800 0
8-A, Sartanpur, Tal-
Wankaner, Dist:Morbi
114 M/s DVG Chemicals Zinc
S. No.123, Gadi Cross ash/skimming
Road, arising from
Himmatnagar Talod galvanizing die
Road, casting
Prantij, Himmatnagar operations, Zinc
ther zinc bearing
wastes arising
from smelting
and refining,
Zinc ash residues
including zinc
alloy residues in 2040 0
dispersible form,
Brass Dross, Zinc
Dross, Spent
containing Zinc,
Copper reverts,
cake and
residue, Copper
dross, copper
oxide mill scale,
Spent catalyst
115 M/s Keshav Fertilizers 1.Brass Dross, 2.
Shed No.03, Block Zinc
No.169, Ash/Skimming/
Keshav Industrial other Zinc
Estate, Bearing Waste
Mandali, Dist: Mehsana arising from
Smelting and
Refining of Zinc
Dross, Zinc
Residue, Spent
containing Zinc,
1. 7200
3. Copper Dross,
2.4800 Nil Nil Nil Nil 0
Copper Oxide
Mill Scale Waste
Copper and
Copper Alloy,
Copper Reverts,
Cake & Residue,
Slag from Copper
processing for
processing Spent
116 M/s Rubamin Ltd., Zinc Ash,
Plot No.17, GIDC, Skimming, Zinc
Nandesari, Bearing Waste
Dist: Vadodara arising from
Smelting and
Refining, Spent
Cleared Metal
Catalyst 13136 6892.251
containing Zinc,
Zinc Bearing
Waste arising
from Galvanizing
and Die Casting
operation, Zinc
117 M/s Astron Zircon Pvt
96, GIDC Estate, Zinc Dross, Zinc
18240 0
Motipura, Ash
Dist: Sabarkantha
118 M/s. Mahakali Copper Reverts
Enterprise, Cakes & Residue,
90, Nilkanth Industrial Spent catalyst
Park, containing
B/H. GIDC-Dediyasan, Copper, Copper
City: Dediyasan, Dist: Oxide Mill Scale,
Mehsana, Spent catalyst
12000 0
Copper, Zinc Ash,
Zinc Skimming,
Zinc Residue,
Zinc Dross, Brass
Dross @ 1200
119 M/s. Super Impex,
Plot No.348, 349/B, Brass Dross,
Phase-II, Dared, Copper Dross, 6000 0
Jamnagar Zinc Dross

120 M/s. Ratna Chemicals, 1. Copper Oxide

Sr. No.248 P 1, Opp. mill Scale/
Asian Tube, Dhanali Copper Reverts,
Road, Vill: Tundali, Cakes/ and
Dist:Mehsana-382732 Residues, Spent
containing 0
2.Spent catalyst
Nickel, Copper
Dross @ 1440
121 M/s. Tirupati Agro Copper Dross,
Industries, Plot Residues, Spent
No.136, Gozariya GIDC, catalyst
1200 0
Dist:Mehsana-382825 containing
Copper, Brass
122 M/s. Punia Zinox Pvt
Zinc Ash, Zinc
Sr. No.179/2, Near
Skimming, Zinc
Essar Petrol Pump, 1018 807. 478.87
Residue, Spent 7800 1266 3570.231
City: Dhaneti, Tal: .152 22 6
containing Zinc
Dist:Kutch West-
123 M/s Shravan 1}“Zinc Ash,
Chemoxide Pvt Ltd., Skimming
A-1/1819, Panoli GIDC, Residues, Zinc
Tal: Ankleshwar, Dist: Dross, Zinc
Bharuch Scrap, Zinc
Bearing Waste,
Zinc Alloys,
Residue in
dispersible form
@ 3930 MTPA”, 1. 3930 2.
{2} “Copper 720
reverts, cake and
residue, Copper
Dross, Copper
oxide mill scale,
Waste Copper
and Copper
Alloys In
Dispersible From
@720 MTPA
124 M/s. Suraj Udyog, Zinc Ash arising
Sr. No.1069, from Galvanizing
Chhatral-Kadi Road, and Die Casting
Dist: Gandhinagar Operations, Zinc
Ash and other
Zinc Bearing
Waste arising
from Smelting
and Refining, 6060 0
Spent Catalyst
containing Zinc,
Zinc Scrap, Zinc
Dross-Hot DIP
Zinc Dross-
Bottom Dross @
9600 MTPA
125 M/s. Jay Jalaram
Plot No.: 457, G.I.D.C. Zinc Dross, Brass
Estate, Shanker Tekari, Dross, Copper 6000 0
Udyognagar, Opp. SBI Dross
Bank, Jamnagar – 361
126 M/s. Anandmangal
Udyog Kalash LLP.,
P. No.A/35, Opp. Euro
Dross/Oxide mill
Food, Ichchhapore,
Scale/Reverts/ 1200 0
Residues/ Slags
Tal: Chorasi, Dist:
127 M/s Aadi Oil Pvt. Ltd.,
SUR NO-141, Paiki,
Waste oil 27000 KLPA 1378.357
Mundra, SEZ, Ta-
Mundra. Dist- Kutch
128 M/s Alicid organic
Industries Ltd., Plot
no: 208, Hanuman
1. Used oil 2. KLPA
Henduva, opp. 4352.553
Waste oil 2.18000
Gujcomasol, Nr. Khari
River, Highway, Post:
Palavasana, Mehsana-2
129 M/s Karim
157/35-C, Good luck
Used oil 84 KLPA 36.6
market, Opp. Chandola
lake, Narol road,
Ahemdabad - 380028
130 M/s Deepak
Petrochem Ltd.,
56/2, rameshwar road, Waste Oil/ Used 50,400
vill. Vasenti, nr. Baska, oil KLPA
tal. Halol, panchmahal
- 389350
131 M/s Concept
S.No. 249A, Plot No:
Waste Oil 12000 KLPA 530.65
41/A, Vasna Iyava, Vill.
Sanand, Dist.
132 M/s Karam petroleum
product p. ltd., Plot
no.1915, gidc, sarigam, Used oil 420 KLPA 20.6
ta:-umbergaon, dist-
valsad, gujarat,
133 M/s Mazda Industrol, 1. 4320
Plot No.- 349 Vill- 1. Used oil KLPA
Sahol Bharuch 2.Waste Oil 2.4800
134 M/s Alka Enterprises,
1. 3600
Plot No.- 10,Panjetini
1. Used oil KLPA
Estate. Opp. P.W.D. 171.14
2.Waste Oil 2.7800
Stores, Danilimda
135 M/s Jodhpur Oil
Panjetani Estate Opp
PWD-Stores. Near Used oil 2880 KLPA 181.4
Chandola Lake
136 M/s Bombay Oil
Company, Sur-
Used oil 3420 KLPA 110.4
Paiki,Plot No-14 & 24
Vill-Vatwa, Ta. Dascroi,
137 M/s Tawakkal Traders,
Plot no-15,jagannath
maharaj farm, nr-
Used oil 2040 KLPA 0
sikandar market,
138 M/s Amafhh
Used oil 3000 KLPA 45
60, GIDC, Vartej,
139 M/s Shree Bhagwati
Petrochem, Plot
1. 5280
no. 3, Survey Np. 211, 1. Used oil 2.
KLPA 2. 0
Sihor-Ghanghli Road, Waste oil
3120 KLPA
Vill. Ghanghli, Ta.
Sihor, Bhavnagar
140 M/s Shana Petrochem,
Opp. PWD stores, nr.
Eagle traders, chandola Used oil 3960 KLPA 117.9
lake, narol road,
Ahemdabad - 382028
141 M/s Jawrawala
Petroleum, Plot 1. 4800
No:200/33, B/H 1. Used oil 2. KLPA
Kashiram Textile Mill, Waste oil 2.9000
Narol, Ahmedabad - KLPA
142 M/s Jay Yogeshwar
Petro Chemicals,
200, block no. 157, plot
Used oil 1500 KLPA 0
no 2/2, vill. Malpar tal.
Ghogha, distt.
143 M/s Suraj barrel
supply co.,
Opp. D.W.D, nr.
Goodluck barrel Used oil 2700 KLPA 162
market, chandola lake,
narol highway,
ahemdabad - 380028
144 M/s Suzlon Enterprise,
Plot No.3488/2, Phase- 1. Used oil 2.
IV, GIDC, Chhatral, Ta- 5000 KLPA 690
Waste oil
Kalol, Gandhinagar
145 M/s Shana oil process,
New good Market, opp.
P.W.D. Stores, Used oil 910 KLPA 200
Chandola lake, Narol
road, Ahmedabad - 28

146 M/s Virat Petroleum,

Plot No.19 D,
Used oil 7200 KLPA 0
Ind.Estate, Vill moriya,
Ta Sanand,
147 M/s Navkar
Block no. 185/186, vill.
Waste Oil 4800 KLPA 20.869
Chachrvadi, vasna, tal.
Sanand, distt.
Ahemdabad - 382210
148 M/s One-Ten Impex,
1. 2400
Survey No.72-P1,
1. Used oil 2. KLPA
Trapaj-364240, Alang 1068
Waste oil 2.3600
Road, Ta-Talaja, Dist-
149 M/s Power Gold
Petrochem Pvt. Ltd., 1. 10800
Plot No.508/B/2, S. 1. Used oil 2. KLPA
No.436, Waste oil 2.2400
Por-Utiya Road, Por, KLPA
150 M/s A N Lubricants,
Plot no. 45, GIDC,
Bhatpore-ichhapore- 1. 6000
1. Used oil 2.
nr. GAIL colony, KLPA 2. 0
Waste oil
Bhatpore, Tal. 6000 KLPA
Choryaci, Dist. Surat -
151 M/s Priyansi
1. 2400
Shed no- c-1,805 to 1. Used oil 2.
KLPA 2. 0
806,GIDC, Bamanbore, Waste oil
2880 KLPA
Ta- Chotila, Di-
152 M/s United Shipping
1. 1200
Company, Plot No- 1. Used oil 2.
KLPA 2. 16.8
69 & 70, Gadhidham, Waste oil
6000 KLPA
153 M/s Amar
Hydrocarbon Pvt Ltd., 1. 3600
Plot No.36, Sr. 1. Used oil 2. KLPA
No.165/1 to 180, 1 & 2, Waste oil 2.18900
Tal. Sanand, Dist. KLPA
154 M/s Goodluck
Petroleum, Plot
No.118, GIDC,
Used oil 1440 KLPA 0
Limdi Highway Road,
Ta-Limdi, Dist-
155 M/s Western India
Petrochem Industry,
1. Used oil 2. KLPA
Plot No-50, 51, GIDC 228
Waste oil 2.11100
Estate, Village Gozaria,
156 M/s Shibl Lubricant,
Block no.90, Plot No.1-
Used oil 7200 KLPA 66
2-3, Karanj, Modvan
Patia, Mandvi, Surat
157 M/s R K Steel,
Pl-No-21 GIDC Estate
Used oil 4320 KLPA 0
Ph-1 Narmadanagar,
158 M/s Atlas Organics (P)
Ltd, Survey No:1469/2,
Village : Rajpur,Ta: Waste Oil 21600 KLPA 2028.86
Kadi, Dist :Mehsana
159 M/s Reliance Barrel
Supply co.,
1. 8280 KLA
200/34, B/H-Kashiram 1. Used oil 2.
2.9000 1215.5
Mill, Narol, Waste oil

160 M/s Noorani

1. 2160
1. Used oil 2. KLPA
Plot No.57/58, GIDC, 150
Waste oil 2.2820
Matar, Ta-Dist: Kheda
161 M/s Star International
Plot No.175, Vill-
Used oil 3150 KLPA 0
Narol-Vasna Road,
162 M/s Unity Petroleum
Opp: PWD Store,
Used oil 600 KLPA 320
Nr. Chandola Lake,
163 M/s. A One Lube
Plot No.458, New GIDC, Used oil 3120 KLPA 16.8
Nasilpore, Dist.
164 M/s.Oasis Industries,
Plot No.267/P-1,
Katpur Marhaniya
Road, Used oil 2700 KLPA 0
Patan-384365, Ta-Dist:

165 M/s ABC Organics &

Chemicals, Plot no.
Used oil 1500 KLPA 379.7
605, GIDC Estate,
Panoli, Bharuch
166 M/s R.R. Industries,
Plot no. 19, GIDC, Used Oil 2880 KLPA 64
Matar, Kheda
167 M/s Power Petrochem,
Plot no. 33, Raja Rao Used Oil / 2160 KLPA
Industrial Area, 28.65
Waste Oil /2820 KLPA
Navagam, Dist. Rajkot
168 M/s Welknown
Plot No. 43, S.No 396,
New Ahmedabad
1. Used Oil 600 KLPA 435.4
Industiral Estate,
Bavala – Sarkhej
highway, Moraiya,
Sanand, Ahmedabad.
169 M/s Ashish Coating
Technologies Pvt Ltd.,
Plot No.431, GIDC Paint Sludge 120 KLPA 0
Dist. Vadodara-391760
170 M/s. Vadiawala
Plot No.24, New
Ahmedabad Industrial
1. Used Oil 2400 KLPA 0
Estate, Bavla – Sarkhej
Highway, Vill- Moraiya,
Tal- Sanand, Dist:
171 M/s. Hindustan Oils
Shed No.282, A-I, Sec-
III, 1. Used Oil 12000 KLPA 1762.927
Kandla SEZ,
172 M/s Rajasthan
115-A/2/2, Shree Hari
Saw Mill Compound,
Used oil 6000KLPA 0
Narol Road, Opp-
Bombay Hotel,
Danilimda, Dist:
173 M/s Shine Petrochem,
Survey No.21, Vill:
Jakshi-382150, Ta: Waste Oil 12000 KLPA 0
Viramgam, Dist:
174 M/s Aman Petroleum,
Plot No.34, (Sr.
Opp: PWD Store, Waste Oil 1350 KLPA 8.68
NR. Bhavna Textiles,
Chandola Highway,
175 M/s R. V. Biocoal,
Survey No.205/P,
National Highway – 8B,
Alakh Hotel, Vill – Waste Oil 26250 KLPA 0
Gomta, Ta – Gondal,
Dist: Rajkot-360311
176 M/s Liva Lubricant Pvt.
Plot No.3, Block
Used oil 2160 KLPA 0
Village: Karanj, Ta:
Mandvi, Dist: Surat
177 M/s Raza Oil Co.,
Survey No.57/P, Plot
1.Waste Oil 2. KLPA,
No.7, At: Mamsa, Ta: 138.178
Used Oil 2.2160
Gogha-364060, Dist.
178 M/s ShriParth
1. 1200
Survey No.146/147, 1. Used oil 2.
KLPA 2. 310.45
At-Anjesar, Waste oil
1200 KLPA
Post-Tundav, Savli,
179 M/s Kutch Petrochem
P. Ltd., Plot No.12-14 &
1. 2400
23-25, Survey 1. Used oil 2.
KLPA 2. 1060.894
No.105/1, Vill: Padana, Waste oil
10800 KLPA
Ta: Gandhidham, Dist:
180 M/s Bombay Barrel
Supply Co.,
Survey No.313, Paiki 4
& 5, Barrel Market, Used oil 600 KLPA 200
Danilimda, Chandola
Highway, Ahmedabad-
181 M/s S.R. Lubricant,
Plot No.22, Jaganath
Maharaj Farm, Used oil 2880 KLPA 72
182 M/s Gujarat Oil
1. 3000
Recycler, S.No.867/A, 1. Used oil 2.
KLPA 2. 87.015
Villl: Vasna-Buzarg, Waste oil
2160 KLPA
183 M/s. Rajdeep
Enterprise 246,
Plot No.5, Opp. Galaxy
Bearing Ltd, Rajkot Used oil 3600 KLPA 0
Gondal Road, Tal-
Kotda Sangani, Dist-
184 M/s Mercury
Enterprise, Plot
no:2106 / 7,Phase-III, Used Oil 480 KLPA 144
Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
185 M/s. Concpet Energy &
Plot No.215, Nr. NH-08,
Waste Oil 12000 KLPA 0
Kanrera-Sarsa Road,
Vill: Kanrera, Dist:
186 M/s Raj Enterprise,
Plot no: 1, Exiloan Ind
Estate, ( Block no: 192
& 211 Paiki) Moje : Used Oil 2160 KLPA 0
Chancharwadi, Ta :
Sanad, Dist :
187 M/s. S. S. Industries,
1. 2160
Plot No.51-52, GIDC 1. Used Oil 2.
KLPA 2. 0
Estate, Waste Oil
2820 KLPA
Matar, Dist: Kheda
188 M/s. Unique Industries
S. No.35, Plot No.13, 1. 4320
1. Used Oil 2.
Vill: Derala, Dist: Morbi KLPA 2. 0
Waste Oil
4800 KLPA

189 M/s. Jensen

International Corp
1. 2880
S. No.30/P/2, Tagadi- 1. Used Oil 2.
KLPA 2. 0
364001, Waste Oil
2880 KLPA
Tal: Gogha, Dist:
190 M/s. Jetani
S. No.179 paiki 1/ paiki
2, 1. Used Oil 2. 1. 702 KLPA
Mota Khokhara- Waste Oil 2. 702 KLPA
Tal: Ghogha, Dist:
191 M/s. Fine Refiners Pvt
Ltd., 1. 2400
1. Used Oil 2.
P. No.40, Vill: Vartej, KLPA 2. 0
Waste Oil
GIDC Vartej, Dist: 12000 KLPA
192 M/s. Gujarat Mobil Pvt
Ltd., 1. 2208
1. Used Oil 2.
P. No.62/P, Vill: KLPA 2. 0
Waste Oil
Mamsa, Tal: Gogha, 5160 KLPA
Dist: Bhavnagar
193 M/s Sitaram Metals,
Kadvani forging street,
Opp. Kisan auto ltd.,
waste lead 2050 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
Plot no. G/1388, Gate
no 3, GIDC Metoda, Tal.
Lodhika, Distt. Rajkot
194 M/s Sabnam
Enterprise, 13.8 25.5 47.5
waste lead 1800 MTPA 60.408 147.402
plot no:87, GIDC Anjar 9 46 58
- 370110, Kutch
195 M/s Aahnaa Alloys
Lead Acid
(Formerly Lion
Battery Plates,
Smelters P.Ltd.), Plot 18720
Lead ash, Lead 0 0 0 0 0
No.- 1647,GIDC MTPA
residue and Lead
Sarigam Dist-
196 M/s Ravi Metals,
Plt no. 1505,1506, Lead Acid
15600 116. 221.
GIDC Sarigam- 396155 Battery Plates & 170 235.34 743.24
MTPA 3 6
Dist. Valsad, tal- Lead Scrap
197 M/s Shyam Metal,
Plot no 170,
Mahagujarat Industrial
Lead Acid
Estate, Morria Farm,
Battery Plates 600 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
nr. Priyal
and Lead Scrap
Sarkhej Bavla Road,
198 M/s Keyur Impex. Pvt.
Ltd., Block no.
388, changodar Lead Acid
industrial estate, plot Battery Plates 1440 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
no 55/57, vill. and Lead Scrap
Changodar, tal. Sanand,
distt. Ahemdabad
199 M/s Hi-Tech Metal,
S.No-306/2/P2 Opp-
Aman Cement Product,
Lead battery
At & Po-Mahi, Ta- 1320 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
plates (dry only)
Vadgam Dist-
200 M/s Green Metal
Plot no.285, GIDC - Lead acid 15.7
6120 MTPA Nil 9.93 41.26 66.935
Talod, At. PO.Talod, ,Battery Plates 45
Himmatnagar /
201 M/s Bharat Metal
Plot no 171/A,
Mahagujarat Industrial Lead battery
21.8 63.1 93.9 112.78
Estate, Morria Farm, plates (dry) and 1680 MTPA 291.696
47 46 22 1
nr. Priyal Lead Scrap
Sarkhej Bavla Road,
202 M/s Maruti Metal,
Lead acid
Plot no. 606-607-608,
,Battery 34.3 28.6
Dholka GIDC, vill. 1920 MTPA 72.1 44.83 179.93
Plates(dry) and 1 9
Dholka, Distt.
Other lead scrap
203 M/s Mahesh Metals,
Plot no. 192/193, Lead acid
Ambica ind. Estate, ,Battery 35.8 53.8
1920 MTPA 59.6 32.14 181.43
Post - lyava-vasana, Plates(dry) and 3 6
Tal- sanand, Dist. Other lead scrap
204 M/s NRG Alloys, Lead acid
Shed No-C1/B-715, 12000
,Battery 0 0 0 0 0
205 M/s S.K Alloys Inds.
Survey No. 217 Plot
Lead acid
No. 12 Veraval 14400
,Battery 54 49 34 18 155
(shapar) Rajkot- MTPA
Gondal Highway ,
Rajkot (Gujarat)
206 M/s Metenere Limited
Lead acid
(Formerly Met Trade
India Ltd.), 150000 874.
Plates(dry), Lead 1852 1653 564.1 4943.719
S.No. 590,591,593, Vill. MTPA 62
scrap, Lead Ash,
Bhimasar, Ta. Anjar,
Lead Residue
207 M/s Malhotra Alloys,
Plot No-1022, GIDC Lead Acid
Estate, Kerala, Ta- 2400 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
208 M/s Axis Alloys Lead Acid
Industries, Battery Plates/ 900 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
Plot no. 4708, Phase Lead Scrap
III, GIDC, Dared,
209 M/s Gold Star Battery
Lead Acid
Ltd., B/H. Ravi Petrol
Battery 21600 1107 1648 216.
Pump, Rajkot Road, 128.64 3100.95
scrap/other MTPA .286 .9 119
Hapa-361120, Dist-
Lead Scrap
210 M/s White Gold Metal
Industries, Plot
No. 14, GIDC
Lead Acid
Bamanbor, 2460 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
Battery Scrap
At Po. Bamanbor, Ta.
Dist. Surendranagar
211 M/s S.K.Metal,
Sr. No: 206, plot no: 1,
Veraval(Shaper) Lead Acid
3300 MTPA 53 57 34 0 144
Rajkot-Gondal Battery Scrap
Highway, Ta: Kotda
Sangini Distt. Rajkot
212 M/s Arba Metal,
Plot No.C-1-B/619,
Lead Acid
Opp. SIA Office, GIDC, 3600 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
Battery Scrap
Sarigam-396155, Dist-
213 M/s Rajkot Industries,
Nr. Shree bavishi
Used Drained
weigh bridge, Aji GIDC 72.8
Lead Acid 4800 MTPA 0 0 0 72.88
main road, Plot no - 8
0379-A, rajkot -
214 M/s Vishal alloys,
Plot no: 1902, phase I, Lead Acid
600 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
GIDC, Chhatral, Dist: Battery Scrap
215 M/s Kaycee Industries,
Lead Scrap 4800 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
216 M/s Shivam Metal
Lead acid
Industries Plot No. 204 56.9 38.4
,Battery Plates 4800 MTPA 0 0 95.375
GIDC Kerala Tal- Bavla 55 2
and other Scrap
Dist- Ahmedabad
217 M/s Mateshwari
Metals, Plot No 50 /62 Lead acid
Block No 501 Jay Maa ,Battery Plates 5000 MTPA 0 0 0 1015.52
Kali Ind Estate Oppad and Lead Scrap
Tal- Olpad Dist -Surat
218 M/s Shreeji Lead Acid
Enterprises, Plot No C- Battery plates
5000MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
13B/7/14 GIDC Estate and Lead Ash/
Sarigam Dist Valsad Residue
219 M/s Shree Mahakali
Enterprise Lead Acid
Plot No. 77, Aslali, Battery
Varukas Chowkdi, 1200 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
Kheda-Tarapur Road, Lead Scrap
Taluka- Matar, Kheda
220 M/s. Global Associates, Lead Acid
Pl.No-3001, GIDC, Battery
1200 MTPA 39 42 12 20 113
Panoli, scrap/other
Dist- Bharuch Lead Scrap
221 M/s. Blaze Metal
Plot No-20, Maha
Lead Acid
Gujarat Industrial
Estate, 1560 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
Sarkej-Bavla Road, Vill-
Lead Scrap
222 M/s. Navdha Metal
Trade India,
Plot No.43,44, Village: Lead Acid 3.29 1.45 0.64
5400 MTPA 0.648 6.048
Mithirohar, Taluka: Battery 4 8 8
Gandhidham, Dist:
223 M/s. Jay Ambe Metals.,
Plot No.40-1, Lead acid
Ashwamegh Estate, ,Battery Plates 3000MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
Changodar-382213, Scrap
Dist: Ahmedabad
224 M/s. Shital Metalloys
(India) Pvt. Ltd.,
Survey No.36/P1,
37/P1, 38/P,
Plot No.86/87/88/89, Lead Acid
3900MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
Vill Bharudi Kishan Battery
General Industrial,
Ta: Gondal, Dist: Rajkot
225 Eco Phil Metals Private
Limited, Lead Ash/
Plot No.4-B-1, Residues and
Synefra Engineering any other
1800 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
SEZ formerly Suzlon component
SEZ, contaminated
Alva, Tal - Vaghodia, with Lead
Dist - Vadodara
226 M/s. Gravita India
Plot No.322,
Lead acid ,Plates
MithiRohar Industrial 21700 723. 727. 108.
Other lead scrap 55.542 1615.142
Estate, Vill: MTPA 21 47 924
Ash Residues
MithiRohar, Tal:
Dist: Kutch-370240
227 M/s. Shree Krishna
Old & Used Dry
Alloys Industries,
Lead Batteries & 30.2
Plot No.1551 Sr 3000 MTPA. 0 0 0 30.242
other Lead 42
No.240, Vill: Limbasi,
Scrap/ Ash
Ta. Matar, Dist. Kheda
228 M/s. Recmet Alloys P. Lead Acid
Ltd , Battery Plates,
Sr No.21, Lead ash, Lead
Moje : Sardarpura , Ta: Scrap and Lead
9000 MPTA 0 0 0 0 0
Jambusar, Dist : residue not
Bharuch covered under
Battries (m&H)
229 M/s. Asian Overseas
Plot No. 3417/2,
Lead Battery
3418/2, Phase-IV, 10800 27.6 55.5 52.2
Scrap, Lead 15.71 151.19
GIDC Estate, Chhatral- MTPA 9 3 6
382729, Dist.
230 M/s. Shiv Shakti Mtal & Lead Acid
Alloys, Plot No.1202, Battery Plates &
GIDC Estate, Kerala, Lead Scrap/
Ta-Bavla, Dist- Lead Ash/ Lead 78.3
4000 MTPA 0 0 0 78.33
Ahmedabad Residue not 3
covered under
Battries (m&H)
231 M/s. HJM Metals LLP,
Plot No.1213, Dholka Battery Scrap
GIDC, Dholka-Kheda and Battery 9620 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
Road, Dholka, Plates
232 M/s Sharad
Enterprises Lead Acid
Plot No. 5 & 6, Raj Battery Plates
Industrial Park- II, 7200 MTPA 0 0 0 0 0
and other Lead
Vil: Karchiya, Tal: Savli, Scrap
Dist: Vadodara
233 M/s Singoda Industries Lead Acid Battry
827/5, Jhagadia Plates and other
85.8 80.4 60.4
Industrial Estate, Dist- Lead 9000 MTPA 14.895 241.605
6 4 1
Bharuch Scrap/Ashes/
234 M/s. Harsan
Enterprises, Lead Acid
59, Plot No.: 46, Vill- Battery Plates 1200 0
Mamsa, and Lead Scrap
235 M/s. Shree Krishna
Metal Industries,
Plot No.792, Moti
Lead Acid
Battery Plates 2040 0
Nr. E-Coli, City: Moti
and Lead Scrap
Tal: Kalol, Dist:
236 M/s. Blaze Metal
Lead Acid
Plot No.20,
Battery Plates 9600 0
Mahagujarat Ind.
and Lead Scrap
Estate, City: Moraiya,
Dist: Ahmedabad
237 M/s. Maruti Enterprise Contaminated
Plot No.C1/B-42, 2/3, Drums/ 2744 1344.2
GIDC Nandesari, 5400 5400 1685 1685
Containers/ .733 94
Dist: Vadodara Barrels
238 M/s. Bharuch Enviro
Infrastructure Ltd,
Plot No.D-43, GIDC-
Drums/ 2102
Dahej, 210240 0 0
Containers/ 40
Dahej-392130, Tal-
239 M/s. Anas Green
Environment Pvt Ltd., Contaminated
Plot No.A 2/1231, Drums/ 57600 5760 1191
GIDC Estate Sarigam, Containers/ (Nos/Year) 0 4
Tal: Umergaon, Dist: Barrels
240 M/s. Mohmmed Yunus
& Sons, Plot Contaminated
86400(Nos/ 8640 2889
No.176/3B, Phase-II, Barrels/ Drums/ 28890
Year) 0 0
GIDC Estate, Vapi- Containers
241 M/s. Acquire
Plot No.7901/D, Nr. 1200(Nos/Y 917.
Spent Solvent 1200 917.2
Dhiraj Canco. Ltd., ear) 2
GIDC Ankleshwar,
Dist: Ankleshwar
242 M/s. Bliss Chem Tech,
C/1B/121/19, GIDC
1512(Nos/Y 94.6
Kalol, Spent Solvent 1512 94.659
ear) 59
Dist: Panchmahal
243 Shree Bhavani
Organics Pvt Ltd.,
Plot No.12-15, Saket
Ind. Estate, Sarkhej- Spent Solvent 300 300 149.65
Bavla Highway,
Dist: Ahmedabad
244 Prathna Chem.,
Plot No.117, Maha
Gujarat Ind. Estate, Spent Solvents 2520 2520 72 72
Moraiya, Sanand,
Dist: Ahmedabad
245 M/s E-Coli Waste
management Pvt. Ltd.
P1-90 to 92, Sabar
industrial Park E-waste 6012 5532 79.89
Pvt.Ltd., Vill-Asal, Tal-
Bhiloda, Dist:
246 M/s ECS Environment
Ltd. ECS House, 11-12,
Garden View,
Opp.Auda Garden, E-waste 4999.92 75.025
Sindhu Bhavan road,
Bodakdev, Dist:
247 M/s Pruthavi E-
Recycle Pvt. Ltd.
Address: P 131-32,
Golden Indistrial area, E-waste 450 233.262
Near Rolex Industries,
Vill- Kothariya, Dist-
248 M/s E-Process House
Plot No. 136/F-1, 2nd
E-waste 350 46.481
Phase, GIDC, Dist:
249 M/s Earth E-waste
Management Pvt.Ltd.
Block No. 63,Sagun
Ind. Estate, Type-A
E-waste 6000 53.534
paiky 11- A, Plot no. 1
to 5 & 10-D, Vill-
Atlodara, Tal. Olpad,
Dist. Surat
250 M/s Gujarat Refilling
E-waste 100 0.8
1st Floor, 951/5, GIDC,
Makarpura, Vadodara
251 M/s Green caM/s
Green care E-recycle
Survey No.
98/1/P1/P2, Plot No. E-waste 237 0
32/1, J.K. Industrial
(Green), Kothariya –
360002, Dist: Rajkot
re E-recycle Company
252 M/s Felix IndM/s
Felix Industries Pvt.
Ltd. (Old Name: M/s
PSM Overseas)
E-56, Electronic Estate,
E-waste 6000 269.806
GEZIA, G.I.D.C., Sector-
ustries Pvt. Ltd.(Old
Name: M/s PSM
253 M/s Recotech E-waste
Recotech E-waste
Plot No. 36-37, E-waste 2501 2.307
Aashirwad Industrial
Estate, Udhana -Sachin
Road, GIDC Naka,
Sachin, Surat.
254 M/s. M/s. E-front line
recycling Pvt. Ltd.
Shed No. C1B-905/9,
GIDC, Panoli, Tal:
Ankleshwar, Dist: E-waste 3600 33.915
Bharuch, Gujarat-
E-front line recycling
Pvt. Ltd.
255 M/s Dron E-waste
Plot No. 56, G.I.D.C.,
E-waste 3012 18.241
Gozariya, Tal & Dist:
Mehsana, Gujarat
256 M/s Eximo Recycling
Pvt. Ltd Plot No. 5/3,
E-waste 1200 0.767
Raj Industrial Estate,
Tal: Savli, Vadodara
257 M/s. Sayona Industries
Plot No. 36, 37, 42, Vill:
Changda, Tal: Tarapur, E-waste 12000 0
Dist: Anand
Sayona Industries
258 M/s. Galaxy Recycling
Sr. No. 36/P1, P2,
37/P2, 38/P2, Plot No.
52 & 53, Near Tirth E-waste 521 0
agro. Pvt. Ltd., At:
bharudi, Tal: Gondal,
259 M/s. Ambuja Cements
Plot.No.321 to 350,
282, 284, 285, 288, Co-processing in 15,14,82
Gajambuja Unit, Cement Plant 3
Ambujanagar, Ta:
Kodinar, Dist-Gir-
260 M/s. Ultratech Cement
Co-processing in 9,09,717.
Sr. No. 164, 268 & 270,
Cement Plant 8
Vill: Kovaya,
Ta. Rajula, Dist. Amreli
261 M/s. Sanghi Industries
Co-processing in 3,49,527.
PO: Sanghipuram,
Cement Plant 2
Tal:Abadasa, Dist:
262 M/s. Ultra Tech
Cement Ltd.
Unit- Narmada
Cement, Co-processing in 1,26,023.
Jafarabad Works, Cement Plant 5
Ta : Jafrabad, Dist:
263 M/s. Ultra Tech
Cement Ltd.
Co-processing in
Unit- Sewagram 3,88,976
Cement Plant
Cement Works
264 M/s. Gujarat Sidhee
Cement Limited,
Sidheegram, Off
Veraval-Kodinar Co-processing in
Highway, Cement Plant
Dist: Junagadh – 362
265 M/s. Shree Digvijay
Cement Co. Ltd.,
S.R. No.
44,43,28,23,4249,48,4 Co-processing in 1,46,136.
546,47,5051/1, Cement Plant 6
51/2,52,53, Digvijay
Gram, At- Sikka,
Ta & Dist: Jamnagar
266 M/s. Saurashtra
Cement Ltd., Co-processing in 2,79,509.
Ranavav, Tal: Ranavav, Cement Plant 2
Dist Porbandar
267 M/s. Hi-Bond Cement
(India) Pvt. Ltd.,
Hi Bond Nagar, Survey
Rajkot-Porbandar Co-processing in
Highway, Cement Plant
Gomta Chokdi, At:
Patidad – 360311,
Tal: Gondal, Dist:
List of Authozied Recyclers/Utilizers/Co-processors of Hazarous Waste in Haryana
Sr. Name and Address of the Facility Type of Hazarous Waste Authorized Quantity
No. Recycled Recycling/ Recycled/Utilized/
Utilization/ Co- Co-processed (MT)
Capacity (MTA)
1 M/s Om Enterprises, B-9, Prem
Lead acid battery plates 3000 242
colony, Kundli
2 M/s Rana Enterprises, VPO Firozpur
Bangar, Tehsil Kharkhoda, Distt. Lead acid battery plates 9000 0
3 M/s V.B. Holding Pvt. Ltd., Khasra No. Lead Acid Battery Plates &
4200 4000
23//21/2, Vill. Liwaspur, Sonepat other lead Scrap/ Residue
4 M/s D.B. Steel, Plot No. 408, HSIIDC, Lead acid battery plates, lead
14400 450
Barhi, Sonepat scrap, lead ash etc.
5 M/s Varun Enterprises (India), Prem
Lead scrap/ lead acid battery
Colony, Aggarwal Industrial Area, 5000 248.5
Kundli, Sonepat
6 M/s D.D Pigments,Kh.No.59/21,Vill Lead Ingots and Red Oxide
age-Saidpur,Tehsil-Kharkhoda, Powder, Lead Scrap & Lead 2700 1000
Distt. Sonepat acid Battiers plates
7 M/s HVR Industries P. Ltd.,59/20,
Vill.- Saidhpur, Teh.Kharkhoda, Battery Scrap 10000 2000
8 M/s Reliance Lube Oils & Greases
Corp., Piao- Maniyari, Narela Road, Used oil & waste oil 4224 20.91
Kundli, Distt. Sonepat.
9 M/s Shri Giri Raj Oil Co., Ferozpur
Bangar, Teshil Kharkhoda, Distt. Used oil & waste oil 6000 234
10 M/s Om Petro Fines, Pio-Maniyari,
Used oil & waste oil 6000 0
Kundli, Sonepat.
11 M/s Divya Petro Product, Vill. Jat
Used oil & waste oil 1000 25
Joshi, Bahalgarh, Road, Sonipat
12 M/s M.V.Recyclers India (P) Insulated Copper Wire Scrap
Ltd., Plot No. 396,Sec-57, HSIIDC, or copper with PVC sheathing
Phase-IV, Kundli,Sonepat including ISRIcode material 2880 103
namely “Druid” and Jelly filled
Copper cables
13 M/s Shiv Shakti Enterprises, Brass Dross, Copper Dross,
Plot No. 252,Phase-I, Barhi, Waste Copper &
Sonepat Copper Alloys,Zinc
3600 50
DrossBottom, Zinc
Ash/skimming,Zinc Bearing
14 M/s Haryana Metal, Plot no. 32,
Lead Acid Battery Scrap 900 800
HSIIDC, Hansi Road, Jind
15 M/s Ridhi Sidhi Dhoop & Metal
Lead Acid Battery Scrap 1200 1100
Industries, Plot No. 21, Jind
16 M/s Jyoti Metals, Plot No. 65, HSIIDC,
Lead Acid Battery Scrap 900 800
17 M/s Guru Jyot metal, Plot No. 34,
Lead Acid Battery Scrap 900 200
HSIIDC, Hansi Road, Jind
18 M/s Relsons Engineers, 2 km Stone,
Lead Acid Battery Scrap 900 800
Dhand Road, Kaithal
19 M/s Luxmi Enterprises, Village Jui,
Used oil and waste oil 2500 2000
20 M/s Guru Jyot metal, Plot No. 35,
Lead Acid Battery Scrap 300 200
HSIIDC, Hansi Road, Jind
21 M/s B.N. Concast P Ltd, 18, HSIIDC
used oil 3000 300
Complex, Barwala, Panchkula
22 M/s Mittal Battery, Plot NO. 349. IA,
lead ingots, copper ingots 700 230.41
Phase-1, Panchkula
23 M/s Cosmo Zincx Industries, #401,
zinc dross/ash/sceeming 3950 2345.8
IA, Phase-1, Panchkula
24 M/s Floorex Tiles, Plot No. 198, IA,
zinc ingots 2880 911.036
Phase-1, Panchkula
25 M/s Fertichem Enterprises Pvt. Ltd,
zinc ingots, brass ingot 4500 570.41
404, IA, Phase-2, Panchkula
26 M/s Stalwart Alloys India Pvt.
Industries, Vill. Yari, adwa Road, lead unit 10000 3508
Sahabad Markanda, Kurukshetra
27 M/s Parul Foods Specialities P Ltd.,
167KM Stone, GT Road, Khanpur lead unit 7500 520
Koilan, Kurukshetra
28 M/s GDM Industry, Vill. Dukheri
lead unit 210 28.5
Road, Mohra, Ambala
29 M/s Shree ram Metals, Vill. Tabar,
zinc scrap, aluminium scrap 5000 3600
30 M/s S.S Batteries, Lead P. No. 150, Lead acid, battery plated
240 Dismantled
HSIIDC, IE, Barwala, Panchkula. scrap, ashes/residues
31 M/s GM Admixture, Plot No. 189, IA,
Phase-I, Panchkula zinc ash/skimming/dross 6000 5100

32 M/s Cosmo Agromet Industry, P. Nio.

zinc ash/skimming/dross and
409, IA, Phase-I, Panchkula 10000 10000
brass dross

33 M/s Indian Petro Chemicals Village

Used Oil 3000 2945
Sikri, Ballabgarh, Faridabad
34 M/s Satyam Petrochemicals, Plot No.
Used Oil 360 349.5
5, Sector 4, Faridabad
35 M/s E-Waste Solutions, Industrial
Shed IA, Industrial Estate, Sec-6, E-Waste 1000 1000
36 M/s Goel Oil Containers, Plot No. 745, 60,000 Nos.
Cleaning of Drums & Canes 60,000 Nos. /year
Sector-58, Faridabad /year
37 M/s Bharti Oil & Containers Co. 1B
Sector-5 Northen India Compound , Cleaning of Drums & Canes 55,000 Nos./Year
38 M/s Bhagwati Industries, Plot No.
Lead Acid Battery Scrap 10200 10200
126, Sec 27, 28 Hisar
39 M/s Chandigarh Chemicals, Jamalpur
Zinc bearing waste 7500 7500
Road, Tohana
40 M/s Grover Metal Industries, Alipur,
Lead Acid Battery Scrap 1500 1500
Titukhera, Sirsa
41 M/s Haryana Petro Oils, 31 Phase-III,
Used oil 1350 1350
Industrial Area, Sirsa
42 M/s Hindustan Metal, P. No. 209, Sec Lead Acid battery plates and
27-28, Hisar other lead scrap/ashes/ 30 30
43 M/s Hinudstan Metal & Chemical, 9 Zinc Ash/Skimming/ other
2500 2500
K.M. Stone, Delhi Road, Hissar Zinc
44 M/s Jainco Industries, Plot No. 203,
Lead Acid Battery Scrap 700 700
Sec 27, 28, Hisar
45 M/s K. P. Enterprises, P. No. 31, Sec Lead Acid battery plates and
27-28, Hisar other lead scrap/ashes/ 240 240
46 M/s Mahesh Chemical & Allied
Zinc bearing waste 4000 4000
Industries, 24 Industrial Area, Sirsa
47 M/s National Chemical, Barwala
Used oil 2700 2700
Road, Talwandi Rana, Hisar
48 M/s Rajiv Metal opp. J.S. Industry,
Lead Acid Battery Scrap 900 900
Barwala Road, Hansi, Hisar
49 M/s Ridhiu Sidhi Alloys Pvt. Ltd. 103,
Zinc bearing waste 6000 6000
Sec 28-A, Hisar
50 M/s Sandley Chem. India Pvt. Ltd. 32
Zinc bearing waste 3000 3000
Udyog Nagar Hisar
51 M/s Sandley Industries, 29 Udyog
Zinc bearing waste 3000 3000
Nagar, Hisar
52 M/s Shakti Industries, 9th KM Stone,
Zinc bearing waste 1700 1700
Rajagarh Road, Tokas, Hisar
53 M/s Shree Balaji Oil Industries, Vill.
Used Oil 1800 1800
Nalwa, Hisar
54 M/s Shri Krishna Alloy, Plot No. 223,
Lead Acid Battery Scrap 2400 2400
Sec 27, 28, Hisar
55 M/s Shri Ram Agro Chemical Pvt. Ltd.
Zinc bearing waste 3600 3600
Simbol Road, Tohana
56 M/s Singhal Industries, 78, Sec. 28, Zinc Ash, Zinc Dross scrap Zinc
1200 1200
Hisar (HR). Skimming .
57 M/s Singla Metals, Plot No. 78, Sec
Zinc bearing waste 3000 3000
28, Hisar
58 M/s Tirupati Chemical, Tosham Zinc bearing waste 1500 1500
Road, Village Kanwari, Hisar
59 M/s 3 R RECYCLER,Plot No. 266,
E-Waste 1800 496.11
Sector - 8, IMT Manesar, Gurgaon
60 M/s Deshwal Waste Management Pvt
LtdPlot No. 292, Sector-7, IMT E-Waste 1000 224.6
Manesar, Gurgaon
LTDPlot No. 100, Sector - 5, IMT E-Waste 2160 180.7
Manesar, Gurgaon
62 M/s Green Vortex Waste
Management Pvt LtdPlot No 177, E-Waste 1500 127
Sector 7, IMT Manesar
544- D, First Floor, Sector -37, Pace E-Waste 47225 1.3
City - II, Gurgaon (Haryana)
64 M/s Abhishek Industries, P. No. 116- lead bearing waste including
330 260
117, IDC, Distt. Rohtak. battery waste
65 M/s Baba Metal Company, Village
lead bearing waste including
Baland, Distt. Rohtak 1200 745
battery waste

66 M/s Brown Inds. Vill-Khairpur, Distt. lead bearing waste including

0 0
Jhajjar battery waste
67 M/s Chetna Enterprises, P. No. 119,
lead bearing waste including
IDC, Rohtak 0 0
battery waste

68 M/s Hindustan Enterprises, Vill-

lead bearing waste including
Khairpur, Distt. Jhajjar 0 0
battery waste

69 M/s Arora Enterprises, Plot No. 24,

lead bearing waste including
IDC, Rohtak 2250 1260
battery waste

70 M/s Balaji Enterprises, P. No. 184,

lead bearing waste including
HSIIDC, Distt. Rohtak. 1200 735
battery waste

71 M/s Bharat Chemical Industries, P.

lead bearing waste including
No. 25, IDC, Rohtak 2500 130
battery waste

72 M/s Chirag Enterprises, Vill-

lead bearing waste including
Khairpur, Distt. Jhajjar 5000 2600
battery waste

73 M/s Deep Metal, Vill-Baland, Distt.

lead bearing waste including
Rohtak 1080 755
battery waste

74 M/s Durga Industries, P. No. 262,

lead bearing waste including
HSIIDC, Rohtak 3000 1450
battery waste
75 M/s D.R. Industries, Jonti Road, Vill-
lead bearing waste including
Kanoda, Distt. Jhajjar. 3120 200
battery waste

76 M/s Guru Nanak Enterprises,

lead bearing waste including
Singhpura Road, Distt. Rohtak 1400 850
battery waste

77 M/s Giriraj Metal, P. No. 39, HSIIDC,

lead bearing waste including
Rohtak 2500 1350
battery waste

78 M/s Kailash Industries, P. No. 152,

lead bearing waste including
HSIIDC, Kutana, Distt. Rohtak 4416 200
battery waste

79 M/s Leading Metals (P) Ltd, P. No. 35,

lead bearing waste including
Sec-16, HSIIDC, Bahadurgarh 14400 10050
battery waste

80 M/s Master Metal, Vill. Baland, Distt.

lead bearing waste including
Rohtak 1800 930
battery waste

81 M/s Nav Durga, Plot No. 199, HSIIDC,

lead bearing waste including
Rohtak 3000 1260
battery waste

82 M/s Odhav Met Trade (P) Ltd, Vill-

lead bearing waste including
Ismaila, Sampla, Distt. Rohtak. 6000 3240
battery waste

83 M/s Om Hari Om Enterprises, Village

lead bearing waste including
Sidhipur, Distt. Jhajjar 1950 750
battery waste

84 M/s Shri Ram Industries, P. No. 94,

lead bearing waste including
HSIIDC, Distt. Rohtak 2400 1260
battery waste

85 M/s Shri Balaji Enterprises, Vill-

lead bearing waste including
Khairpur, Distt. Jhajjar 3366 210
battery waste

86 M/s Shri Guru Nanak Auto Indl.

lead bearing waste including
Corpn., P. No. 169, IDC, Hissar Road, 1400 850
battery waste
Distt. Rohtak
87 M/s Sonu Metal, Vill. Baland, Distt. lead bearing waste including
1080 750
Rohtak. battery waste
88 M/s Santosh Industry, P. No. 142, lead bearing waste including
1050 720
HSIIDC, Rohtak battery waste
89 M/s Bhagwati Inds, P. No. 59, IDC,
used oil 4800 3150
Hissar Road, Distt. Rohtak.
90 M/s Bharat Oil & Grease Co. C-4/15,
used oil 2880 1625
M.I.E., Bahadurgarh
91 M/s G.S. Bharat Oil Refinery, P. No.
used oil 3000 1700
351 MIE-A, Bahadurgarh
92 M/s Global Natural Petro Industries,
used oil 4959 2250
D-R Road, Vill-Sankhol, Distt. Jhajjar.
93 M/s Haryana Industrial Oil Co.,
used oil 3000 1240
Nazafgarh Road, Bahadurgarh.
94 M/s Haryana Oil Processors, Sampla,
used oil 9000 2725
95 M/s Mahavira Udyog, Bhiwani Road,
used oil 5000 2125
96 M/s Om Industries, VPO-Titoli,
used oil 3000 1800
97 M/s Power Link Oil Refinery, P. No.
used oil 3070.5 1700
18, 19, 55 & 59, MIE-A, Bahadurgarh
98 M/s Raghav Enterprises, P. No. 1379
used oil 6000 2700
& 1350, MIE, Bahadurgarh
99 M/s Raj Transoils, P. No. 1744, MIE,
used oil 2100 810
100 M/s Shiv Oil Refinery, Kharkhoda
used oil 4800 2210
Road, VPO Kheri Sampla, Rohtak
101 M/s Shiva Petroleum, Vill-
used oil 1200 400
Hassanagarh, Distt. Rohtak
102 M/s Shruti Petrochem Industries,
used oil 5000 2435
Vill-Loharheri, Distt. Jhajjar.
103 M/s Sumit Chemicals, P.No. 60, IDC,
used oil 5000 1800
104 M/s Sunrise Industries, Vill-Rohad,
used oil 10800 3500
Distt. Jhajjar.
105 M/s Sunderam Industries, Vill-Naya
used oil 5100 2150
Bans, Tehsil Sampla, Distt. Rohtak
106 M/s Metal & Chemicals, MIE-B, Red
zinc 3000 1925
Cross Road, Bahadurgarh
107 M/s Sun Agrozinc (P) Ltd, P. No. 6,
Ruhil Inds, Area, Vill-Kablana, Distt. zinc 3600 2025
108 M/s Green World International (P)
E-Waste 5000 0
Ltd, Ganpati Dham, Bahadurgarh
109 M/s Diwakar Enterprises (P) Ltd., P Lead Scrap/Lead acid battery
12500 132.643
No. 7, Sec-3, HSIIDC, Bawal, Rewari plates
110 M/s Punia Udyog, Delhi Road, rewari Zinc Dross and ash 2697 895.29
111 M/s M.K. Industries, Vill. Balana,
used oil 2199 3.172
112 M/s Rajdev Intertrade (P) Ltd., W-9,
Industrial Area, Jagadhri, Yamuna zinc
43200 43200
Nagar ash/dross/skimming/residues

113 M/s Shree Narayana

Zinc 3560 3560
Industry,Sahabad, Adoya Road,
V.P.O.Thana Chhapar,Yamuna Nagar
Brass 3755 2958
114 M/s Jai Hind Metal Industry, #1519,
Zinc 38250 3472.4
Near Kali Mandir, Old Chhachhrauli
Road, Jagadhri
Copper 28350 2304

115 M/s Shiv Metals, Gulab Nagar Chowk, Zinc 12450 3472.4
Bilaspur Road, Jagadhri.
Copper 10150 2304
116 M/s Upper India Smelting & Refinery
Works, 11-E, Industrial Area, 20000 14400
Yamuna Nagar
117 M/s Ballarpur Industries Limited,
Unit of Shree Gopal, Industrial Area, Utilization of process sludge 1440 1440
Yamuna Nagar
118 M/s Carewell Lubricants Industry,
used oil 1500 1500
Vill Sandhir, Nilokheri, Karnal.
119 M/s Haryana Petro Chemicals,
used oil 1200 1200
Village Sheikpura, Meerut Road
waste oil 4200 4200

120 M/s Universal Hydrolubes, Vill. used oil 1440 1440

Darar, Indri Road, Karnal
waste oil 3600 3600

121 M/s Quantech Metalloys Ltd., Panauli

Road, Gharaunda, Karnal Lead Scrap/ashes/residues 14400 14400

122 M/s Vasu Alloys P. Ltd., Vill.

Kunjpura, Distt. Karnal Lead Scrap/ashes/residues 28000 28000

123 M/s Friends Petro Chemicals & Allied

Industries, Village Rare Kalan, Used Oil 3100 4.76
Assandh Road, Panipat
124 M/s Shri Banke Bihari Metals, M-9,
Lead Acid 900 177.581
Industrial Area, Panipat
Total 642091.5 307021.022
List of Authorized Recyclers/Utilizers /Co-processors of Hazardous wast in Himachal Pradesh
Sr. Name and Address of Type of Authorised Authorised Quantity Quantity
No. Industry Hazardous Recycling / Recycling / Recycled/ Recycled/
Waste Utilisation / Utilisation / Utilised/ Co- Utilised/ Co-
Recycled Co-processing Co-processing processed processed
Capacity Capacity (MT/A) (Nos/A)
(MT/A) (Nos/A)
Lead acid
M/s Rama Metal Company,
Village Johron, Behind DIC,
1 plates and 550 589.624
Industrial Area, KaLa Amb,
other lead
Distt. Sirmour (HP)
scrap/ residue
M/s Radha Krishna Lead acid
Industries, Village Meerpur battery plates
2 10500 140
Gurudwara, KaLa Amb, and other lead
Distt. Sirmour (HP scrap
Lead acid
M/s Sri Balaji Smelters,
Plot No. 90, Industrial Area
3 plates/ lead 7000 500
Lodhimajra, Tehsil Baddi
scrap/ ashes/
District Solan (HP)
M/s Sai Industry, Plot No.
4 22, Trilokpur Road, IA, Kala Battery Scrap 4800 86.043
Amb, Distt. Sirmour (HP)
M/s Ras Industry, Plot No.
5 22, Trilokpur Road, IA, Kala Battery Scrap 4800 119.224
Amb, Distt. Sirmour (HP
Brass dross,
M/s Neel Kanth
Copper dross,
Industries, Plot No. 38,
6 Zinc dross, Zinc 4000 0
Sector-5, Parwanoo,
ash & Zinc
Distt Solan (HP) skimming
M/s SK Engineers, Village
Lead acid
Johron, Trilokpur Road,
7 battery plates 1200 516.233
Kala Amb, Tehsil Nahan,
& Lead scrap
Distt. Sirmour (HP)
M/s Span India
Scaffoldings, Village Lead acid
8 Johron, PO Kala Amb, battery plates, 1200 488.15
Tehsil Nahan, Distt. Lead scrap
Sirmour (HP)

M/s Ekta Enterprises, Plot

Lead acid
No. 43, Trilokpur Road, Ind.
9 battery plates, 5000 493
Area, Kala Amb, Tehsil
Lead scrap
Nahan, Distt. Sirmour (HP)
Lead acid
M/s Geon International,
battery plates,
Plot No. 65, Bhatoli kalan,
10 Lead scrap, 12000 6544.018
Industrial Area, Baddi,
Lead ash and
Distt. Solan (HP)
Lead residue
Zinc ash, Zinc
Dross/ Zinc
Scrap; Brass
scrap; Copper
M/s Indo Plast (P) Ltd., Plot
11 No. 46-48, Sector-5, 6000 0
Parwanoo, Distt. Solan (HP)

Lead acid
M/s Sarika Industries, Plot
battery plates,
12 No. 111, HPSIDC, Industrial 5500 121
Lead scrap/
Area, Baddi

Lead acid
M/s Rama Krishna Ind., Vill.
including grid
13 Jattan, Kala Amb. Distt. 27700 150
plates and
Sirmour, HP
other lead
Lead acid
M/s K.K. Enterprises, VPO Authorisation
battery plates
13 Daslehra, Tehsil Jhandutta, 35 granted on
and other lead
Distt.Bilaspur, HP 19/12/2017

M/s M Rauf Enterprises

Cleaning &
Khasra No 1747 -53
Washing of
14 Morepen Road, Vill. & P.O. 28800 Nos. 27321 Nos.
Thana Tehsil Baddi Distt
Solan (HP)

M/s Enviro Enterprises Plot Cleaning &

No 18 C Ind Area Washing of
15 28800 Nos. 4591 Nos.
Lodhimajra Tehsil Nalagarh Contaminated
Distt Solan Drums
Cleaning &
M/s Gulshan Trading Co.,
Washing of
16 Village Gullerwala, P.O. 43200 Nos. 840 Nos.
Baddi, Distt. Solan, H.P.

Cleaning &
M/s Him Trading Co Village
Washing of
17 Sheetalpur Tehsil Baddi 28800 Nos. 3019 Nos.
Distt Solan (HP)

Cleaning &
M/s Lucky Enterprises Plot
Washing of
18 No 42 Ind Area Lodhimajra 21600 Nos. Not Submitted
Tehsil Baddi Distt Solan HP

Cleaning &
M/s Salam Traders Co
Washing of
19 Village Dattowal Tehsil 38400 Nos. Not Submitted
Nalagarh Distt Solan HP
Cleaning &
M/s Super Trading Co Vill
Washing of
20 Gullerwala Sai Raod Tehsil 21600 Nos 7064 Nos.
Baddi Distt Solan (HP)

M/s Kamal Enterprises Cleaning &

Village Kotla PO Barotiwala Washing of
21 43200 Nos. 25542 Nos.
Tehsil Baddi Distt Solan Contaminated
(HP) Drums

M/s Shiv Shakti Enterprises

Cleaning &
Mauja Chakjangi Khasra No
Washing of
22 42 Vill Chakjangi Baddi 43200 Nos. Not Submitted
Tehsil Nalagarh Distt Solan
Cleaning &
M/s Balaji Trading Co Vill
Washing of
23 Suraj Majra Tehsil Baddi 9000 Nos. 4187 Nos.
Distt Solan (HP)
Cleaning &
M/s KK Enterprises
Washing of
24 Sheetalpur Road Baddi 21600 Nos. 8049 Nos.
Tehsil Baddi Distt Solan HP

M/s Shivalik Solid Waste Cleaning &

Management Ltd. Village Washing of
25 28800 Nos. 26802 Nos.
Majra, PO Dhabhota, Tehsil Contaminated
Nalagarh Drums
List of Authorized Recyclers/Utilizers /Co-processors of Hazardous wast in Jharkhand
Sl. Name and Address of Type of Authorized Quantity Recycled
No. the facility Hazardous Recycling/Utilization/Co- Utilized/Co-processed
waste Recycled processing capacity (MTA) (MT)
M/s Mangalam Recycling Capacity
Quantity Recycle
Lubricants Pvt. Ltd., Used Oil-16650KL/annum.
Used oil-
At.-Ranchi Khunti i. Used Oil, Waste Oil- 7400KL/annum.
1 2689.497KL/annum.
Road, Po-Hardag, Dist.- ii waste Oil Registration certificate no.-
Waste Oil-
Ranchi- 835221 B29016(44)1(Reg.)/09HMMD,
M/s Tirupati
i. Zinc Ash
Chemicals and Zinc Ash Powder and Zinc Zinc Ash Powder and Zinc
2 Powder
Industries, At.+Po- Dross- 3.6TPD Dross- 600-700MT/annum
ii. Zinc Dross
Mahilong, Dist.-Ranchi.
M/s Poddar Agrotech, 1. Lead Metal
At.-Tupudana From Scrap
Lead-2.0MTD Lead-2.0MTD
3 Industrial Area, Po- Battery
Lead Sludge/Ash-120TPA Lead Sludge/Ash-12TPA
Hatia, Dist.-Ranchi. 2. Lead
M/s ACC Ltd,
4 At- Jhinkpani, W. - 23500 MT/y 4341.12 MT
M/s Jamshedpur
5 Lubricant6th-phase, Used oil 4000 KL/y 86.670 KL
AIA, S. Kh
M/s Bolbum
6 Petroleum Used oil 3600 KL/y 1800 KL
3rd-phase, AIA, S. Kh
M/s Jamshedpur
7 Lubricants (P) Ltd, 6th- Zink Ash 32.5 MT/d 32.5 MT/d
phase, AIA, S. Kh
M/s Choudhary
8 Briquette, At- 2nd- Spent pot lining 1.8 MT ---
phase, AIA, S. Kh
M/S Anmonl Agrifarm
Zinc Bearing
9 Input Pvt Ltd, Jasidih, 16 T/A 16 T/A
Weste Mud
M/s. Trident Metal
Energy Pvt. Ltd, Lead metal from
10 3000 510
At+PO- Karharia,Dist- scrap Batteries

(i) Total numbers of hazardous waste generating units= 562
(ii) Total quantity of hazardous waste generated= 7,71,983.39 TPA
(iii) Total numbers of TSDF=1
List of Authorized Recyclers/Utilizers /Co-processors of Hazardous wast in Karnataka
Authorized Quantity
Type of
Sr recycling/utilizati Recycled/Uti
Name and Address of Facility Hazardous waste
No on/Co-processing lized/Co-pro
capacity(MTA) cessed (MT)

M/s Rashi E Waste Solutions Pvt Ltd SW 51,

1 shed no 26, Phase II, Doddaballapura Apparel E-Waste 300 6.68
Park, Doddaballapura Tq

2 M/s JSA Web solutions E-Waste 436.8 86.46

M/s SA E-waste Recyclers B 4, KSSIDC

3 Industrial Estate, Yellupura Village, E-Waste 360 _
Doddaballapura taluk, Bangalore rual dist.

M/s Tech Logic Unit -2, No. 36, PID No. 36,
4 139, 63, 2nd Main, Ranganthpur,Bangalore - E-Waste 240 69.89

M/s Regenersis India Pvt Ltd (Formerly

Digicomp Complete Solutions Limited,)No.
5 E-Waste 180 1.3
86, Ground Floor, 3rd Cross, NTY layout,
Mysore Road, Bangalore-26

M/s.. Ewardd & Company, No.11, Muthachari

6 industrial area, Nayandanahalli, Mysore road, E-Waste 600 198
Bangalore - 560039.

M/s. Eco-E Waste Recyclers India Ltd.,

7 No.41/42, Muttachri Indl Estate, Nayandhalli E-Waste 300 198
Post, Bangalore
M/s. Ash Recyclers (Unit-I), No.94,
8 E-Waste 120 -
Thimmaiah Road, Bangalore-560001

M/s Concavity Solutions, No.158, 1st Floor,

9 7th Main, 80 Feet Road, Subbayanapalya, E-Waste 12 -
Banaswadi, Bangalore- 560043

M/s. Royal Touch, No.3/2, 2nd Cross, Ezakiel

10 Industrial Estate, K.G.Halli, Nagavara Main E-Waste 90 5.74
Road, Bangalore-560045

M/s Merlyn hydrocarbons pvt ltd, plot no

11 Waste Oil 4500 350.97
366, Kiadb industrial growth centre , hassan

M/s Merlyn hydrocarbons, plot no 3b7, Kiadb

12 Used Oil 7200 1095
industrial growth centre, hassan

M/s. Special Oils, Sy.No 202/2,

13 Kuruvinakoppa Village, Kalaghatagi-Ta, Used Oil 700 81.3
Shantadurga Petro Chemicals, Sy. No. 701
14 Shedegali post Mantulaga Tal: Khanapur Dist: Used Oil 500 135
M/.s. JK Cement Works, Muddapur Village, Co-Processing in
15 400 330
Modol Taluk Cement Plants
M/s Metcorp, Plot No.172, Harohalli
16 Industrial Area, I Phase, Kanakapura Taluk, Brass dross 50 62
Ramanagara District
M/s Metcorp, Plot No.172, Harohalli
Zinc bearing
17 Industrial Area, I Phase, Kanakapura Taluk, 400 155
Ramanagara District
M/s Metcorp, Plot No.172, Harohalli
Copper bearing
18 Industrial Area, I Phase, Kanakapura Taluk, 1640 483
Ramanagara District
M/s Veera Narayana Metal Industries Pvt
Lead bearing
Ltd., Sy.No.81/2, Badrapura, Laldcenahalli
19 waste including 1800 678
Village, Solur (H), Magadi Tq, Ramanagara
battery waste
M/s Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Traders, Plot No.252,
Lead bearing
Harohalli Industrial Area, II Phase, Harohalli.
20 waste including 240 69.89
Hobli, Kanakapura Taluk, Ramanagara
battery waste

M/s Shiva Enterprises, Plot No.311-A, Lead bearing

21 Bankuppe Road, 2nd Phase, Harohalli Indl waste including 180 1.3
Area, Kanakapura Tq, Ramanagara Dist. battery waste

M/s Durga Metal Industries, Plot No.325Q1, II Lead bearing

22 Phase, KIADB Industrial Area, Kanakapura waste including 600 198
Tq, Ramanagara Dist. battery waste

M/s K.G Nandini Enterprises, Sy. No. 46/4,

23 Bilakempanahalli, Bidadi Hobli, Ramanagara E-Waste 300 198
Tq & Dist.
M/sEco Globe E waste Recyclers, Plot No.87,
24 Bidadi Industrial, Bidadi Hobli, Ramanagara E-Waste 330 45
Taluk and District

M/s Bharani Refineries, Plot No.324/P, 2nd

25 Phase, Harohalli Indl Area, Harohalli, Used Oil 3600 520
Kanakapura Tq, Ramanagara Dist.

M/s Alfa Refineries, Plot No.310-H, II Phase,

26 KIADB Indl Area, Kanakapura Tq, Used Oil 6000 214.75
Ramanagara Dist.
M/s Panchamukhi Pharma Chem, Plot No.94
Recovery of
& 97, I Phase, KIADB Industrial Area,
27 solvents from 1200 141.27
Harohalli, Kanakapura Taluk, Ramanagara
spent solvents
M/s Hajira Enterprises, Plot No.324-T, KIADB
of contaminated
28 Indl Area, Harohalli, Kanakapura Tq, 120 ---
Ramanagara Dist.
M/s SA Traders, Plot No.325-L, Harohalli Indl of contaminated
29 12 ---
Area, Kanakapura Tq, Ramanagara Dist. drums/containers
M/s V.J. Traders, Plot No.239-C, Harohalli Indl of contaminated
30 90 5.74
Area, Kanakapura Tq, Ramanagara Dist. drums/containers

M/s Khawja Petioluium Pet Ltd., Industries

31 plot, No. 3, Dangarpct Industrial Area, Used Oil 1200 45
Bangarpet Taluk, Kolar District.

M/s Chloride Metals Ltd. (Previously Chloride

Alloys India Limited) (M/s Leadage Alloys
Lead bearing
India Limited)
32 waste including 96000 00 28900
Sy.No.60/1 & 2, Seethanayakanahalli, Malur-
battery waste
Hosur Road, Lakkur Hobli, Taluk, Kolar
M/s Jayvel Enterprises Lead bearing
33 Plot No. 26A, KIADB Industrial Area Malur waste including 6000 2455
Taluk, Kolar District, battery waste
M/s Sandeep Lead Alloys India Private
Lead bearing
34 waste including 18000 521
Plot No.19 KIADB Industrial Area 1st Malur
battery waste
Taluk, Kolar District,

M/s Creasent Smelting Alloys & E-waste Lead bearing

management waste including 6000 213
Plot No: 107, Part- 1, 4th Phase, Malur KIADB battery waste
35 Industrial Area, Kolar District.
M/s Ganapathi Enterprises, Plot No. 11, 1st Lead bearing
Phase, Malur Industrial Area, Malur Taluk, waste including 3600 405 00
36 Kolar District battery waste

Lead bearing
M/s Enviro Green Alloys Inc. waste including 7200 2056
37 Plot No. 32, KIADB Industrial Area, 1st battery waste
37 Phase, Malur Taluk, Kolar District.
M/s Cerebra Integrated Technologies Limited
Sy. No. Parts of 22 and 23, Appasandra
E-Waste 2076 00
Village, Narasapura Industrial Area,
38 Narasapura Hobli, Kolar Taluk & District. ---

Recovery of
M/s Banashankari Chemicals Private Limited, solvents from 9000 6240
Plot no. 200- 203, KIADB Industrial Area , spent solvents
39 Malur Taluk, Kolar District,
M/s Banashankari Industries Private Limited Recovery of
Plot No. 197, KAIDB Industrial Area, Malur solvents from 3000 2808
40 3rd Phase, Kolar District spent solvents
M/s Suraj Chemicals
Plot No. 318-C, 3rd Phase, Malur Industrial Zinc Dross 1080 400
41 Area, Malur Taluk, Kolar District
M/s M.R Industries(Unit 1), Plot No.14 G, 2nd
Main, 2nd Phase, Kumbalgodu Industrial
Used Oil 3025.3 557.16
Area, Kumbalgodu, Bangalore 560084 (used
42 oil reprocessing unit)

M/s M.R Industries(Unit 2), Plot No.14 G, 2nd

Main, 2nd Phase, Kumbalgodu Industrial Used Oil 5076.5 234.6
Area, Kumbalgodu, Bangalore 560084 (waste
43 oil reprocessing unit)
M/s Century Copper Corp,Katha No. 522/A, Copper Bearing
Old No. 522, Kengeri Town, Kengeri Hobli, 7200 ---
44 Blore-60

Copper Bearing
M/s Sai Shakthi Chemicals, No.1/8, Kodipalya 60 150.3
45 Road, CVR Main Road, Kengeri, Bangalore-60

Copper Bearing
M/s RPN Industries, Plot No. B2, KSSIDC Ind' 560 33.87
46 Area, Kumbalgodu, Mysore Road, Bangalore
M/s Eco Bird Recycling company Pvt Ltd,
No.185, Azeez Sait Industrial Area, E-Waste 350 57.88
47 Nayandahalli, Mysore Road, Bangalore-39

M/s E-Friendly waste Recyclers, No.17, Azeez E-Waste 300 38.63

48 Sait Ind! Area, Nayandahalli, Bangalore-39
M/s HMG Eco Care Recycling Pvt Ltd, C-22,
3rd Cross, KSSIDC Indl Estate, Kumbalgodu, E-Waste 300 40.11
49 Bangalore-79
M/s Trackon E-Waste Recycling, No.28,
Gerupalya, 2nd Phase, Kumbalgodu Indl Area, E-Waste 300 25.43
50 Bangalore
M/s KH E-Waste Recyclers, No.104, Azeez
Sait Industrial Area, I main, 4th Cross, E-Waste 300 13.04
51 Nayandahalli, Bangalore-39
M/s RPN Industries, Plot B2, KSSIDC
52 Industrial Area, Kumbalgodu, Mysore Road, E-Waste 360 17.15
M/s Intro Tech Recyclers, No.0 50/1, First
53 Floor, KSSIDC Indl Estate, Kumbalgodu, E-Waste 300 20.08

M/s R.N Traders, Plot No.I01, Kumbalgodu

54 E-Waste 300 ---
Village, Kengeri Hobli, Bangalore
M/s Sai Shakthi Chemicals, No.1/8, Kodipalya
55 E-Waste ---
Road, CVR Main Road, Kengeri, Bangalore

M/s Northern Operating Services Pvt Ltd, Sy 20

No. 15/16, Mylsandra Village, Kengeri Hobli,
56 E-Waste 0.17
Global Village, RVCE Post, Mysore Road,
M/s SLV Enterprises, No.45/7,
57 Thagachaguppe Village, Kumbalgodu Post, E-Waste 25 ---
Kengeri Hobli, Bangalore-39

M/s Gomti Resins & Polymers, Plot No: 36/38 Recovery of

58 , C-25, KSSIDC Indl. Area, Kumbalgodu, solvents from 3000 1125 44
Bangalore South, Bangalore Urban - 560074 spent solvents

Recovery of
Manjunatha Chemicals, Shed No: D17,KSSIDC
59 solvents from 1500 0.66
Indl Estate, kumbalgodu, Bangalore 560074
spent solvents
Recovery of
Sonia Industries, D-15, Kssidc Industri al
60 solvents from 1800 34.33
Estate, Kumbalagodu, Bangalore 560074
spent solvents
Aldochem, Plot No. 20/E, Sy. No. 37, Recovery of
61 Kumbalagodu Indl Area, Kumbalgodu Village, solvents from 9600 ---
Kengeri Hobli, Bangalore-58. spent solvents
M/s RNZ Recycling Industries, No.10,
of contaminated
62 Sy.No.120, Ground Floor, Kumbalgodu Village 336 ---
(lndl.Area), Kengeri Hobli, Bangalore-74
M/s Affan Enterprises, No. 52, Site No115,
of contaminated
63 Azeez Sait Indl Town, Nayandahalli, Mysore 504 00 94.11
Road, Bangalore - 39
Utilization of Oil
based iron sludge
M/s. Nandi Inorganics, Maradi, Shivapur, of Ball & Roller
64 600
Gokak Taluk, Belagavi District barings for
producing Ferrous
M/s Evershine Smelting Alloy Private
Lead bearing
Limited, Plot No. 15-C, II Zone, Industrial
65 waste including 24 22
Area, Anekal Taluka, Bangalore Urban
battery waste
District- 562107
M/s Southern Batteries Private Limited, No.
Lead bearing
30, Bommasandra Industrial Area, I Phase,
66 waste including 4 4
Anekal Taluk, Bangalore Urban District- 560
battery waste
M/s Sakthi Accumulators Pvt Ltd, Plot. B-59,
Lead bearing
KSSIDC Industrial Estate, Bommasandra
67 waste including 0.05 0.03
Industrial Area, Hosur Road, Bengaluru-560
battery waste
M/s Balaji Refineries, B No:B-5,6,
68 Veerasandra, Anekal Taluka, Bengaluru Used Oil 1100 1000
Urban District
M/s Bharath Lubricants, Taluk, Bengaluru
Urban District Plot No:B-36, KSSIDC Indl
69 Used Oil 6000 5500
Estate, Veerasandra, Hosur Road, Anekal
Taluk, Bengaluru Urban District.
M/s Lube Tech Petro Chemicals, Shed No. C-
76, KSSIDC Industrial Estate, Veerasandra,
70 Used Oil 1498 1400
Hosur Road, Anekal Taluk,Bengaluru Urban

M/s Balaji Refineries,

71 B No:B-5,6„ Veerasandra, Anekal Taluk, Waste Oil 1100 1000
Bengaluru Urban District

M/s Bharath Lubricants,

Plot No:B-36, KSSIDC Indl Estate,
72 Waste Oil 9000 8500
Veerasandra, Hosur Road, Anekal Taluk,
Bengaluru Urban District

M/s Lube Tech Petro Chemicals, Shed No. C-

76, KSSIDC Industrial Estate, Veerasandra,
73 Waste Oil 1560 1500
Hosur Road, Anekal Taluk,Bengaluru Urban
M/s Biocon Ltd. Survey Nos. 46/1, 46/2, 46/3
Rocovery of
43/6A, 47/3A, 47/1 & 47/2, 20th K.M.,
74 solvents from 4758 4500
Hebbagodi, Anekal Taluk, Bangalore Urban
spent solvents
Rocovery of
M/s BSK Pure Chem, 127/A, KIADB Industrial
75 solvents from 4500 4000
Area,Bommasandra, Bangalore
spent solvents
M/s MVR Chemicals & Oil, Sy. No. 400, Rocovery of
76 Sarjapura, Attibele Main Road, Anekal Taluk, solvents from 18000 15000
Bangalore Urban Dist. spent solvents

M/s Adityaa Chem Pharma, Sy. No. 288, Rocovery of

77 Bommasandra Village, Bommasandra Indl. solvents from 2500 2000
Area, Atibele Hobli, Anekal Taluk, Bengaluru spent solvents

M/s Archana Enterprises No. C 9, 2nd Stage,
of contaminated
78 Veerasandra Anekal Taluk, Bengaluru Urban 84 67.2
M/s MVR Chemicals & Oil, Sy. No. 400,
of contaminated
79 Sarjapura, Attibele Main Road, Anekal Taluk, 1.68 1.68
Bangalore Urban Dist.
Rocovery of
M/s Shalini Enterprises, No. 6A, III Stage, PIE,
80 solvents from 12000 32.85
spent solvents
M/s Shalini Enterprises, No. 6A, III Stage, PIE, of contaminated
81 912 128
Bengaluru-560058 drums/containers
M/s Arun Ind. No. B-64, III Statage, PIE,
82 Unsed Oil 360 357
Lead bearing
M/s Mekala Metal Works No. B-152, II Stage,
83 waste includig 3000 131
PIE, 560058
battery waste
M/s Sri Varu Acid & Chemical No. 134, III
84 Copper Oxide 300 131
Phase, PIA, Bengaluru- 560058
M/s Multiplex Agricare Pvt. Ltd. No. 454, IV
85 zinc ash 499 96
Phase, PIA, Bengaluru-560058

M/s Afeefa Spectro Alloys, Sy No. 289/1, Site

86 e-waste 4500.05
No. 655, Nagaragere Chikkaballapura Dist.

M/s Sri Lakshmi Refineries Industries, No. IP-

87 34, Kudumalakunte, KIADB Idustrial Area, Used Oil 7520.8 217.76
Gowribidanur (T), Chikkaballapura (D).

M/s Supraveni Chemicals Private Limited,

Recovery of
Plot No. 8-C 1 & 8C2, 2nd Cross, KIADB
88 solvents from 76.8
Industrial Area, Kadugodi, Off Whitefield
spent solvents
Road, Bengaluru 560 067

M/s Sri Rama Chemicals, No. 91/2, Subbanna

Copper bearing
89 Ind! Area,Garudacharpalya, Whitefield roa, 5
Mahadevpura PostBangalore East Taluk

M/s Shariff Enterprises, No.360,
of contaminated
90 Thippasandra Road, Varthur,Bangalore East 60000
91 M/s E-parisara, Nelamangala E-Waste 8820 1867.5
M/s S.R. Smelter, Plot No.53, KIADB Indl Lead bearing
92 Area, Sompura Hobli, Nelamangala Taluk, waste including 6000 214.75
Bangalore Rural District-562 111. battery waste

M/s Newtek Recyclers, No 124,Byreveshwara

93 Industrial Estate,Andhrahalli Main E-Waste 300 99
Road,Peenya 2nd stage,Bangalore-560091

M/s Vans Chemistry Pvt Ltd., No.94/5, Shed

94 E-Waste 720 0
No.13R14, SSR Layout, Kannalli, Bangalore

M/s E-Scrappy Recyclers, No.106,

Andhrahalli Main Road, Byraveshwara
95 E-Waste 720 115
Industrial Estate, Peenya 2nd Stage,
M/s I-Seven, No.9/4 Kachohalli, Near Saibaba
96 Temple, Lakshmipura post, Bangalore- E-Waste 300 34

M/s Tes-Amm India Pvt Ltd, Sy. No. 118 Site

97 No. 8, Mookambika Temple Rd, Machohalli E-Waste 1440 488
Forest Gate, Magadi Rd, Bangalore

M/s Sonal Metacop, No. 5, 5/1, Kachohalli,

98 E-Waste 720 0
Laxmipura Post, Bangalore

M/s Premier comprint, No.33/3, Abbigere,

99 Pipeline Rd, Hanumanthaiah lndl.compound, E-Waste 300 0.56
Near Lakshmi Temple, Bangalore-560090
Utilization of
Aluminium dross
generated from
M/s Sri Balaji Metal Works, No. 41/1A2, refining and
100 Karihobanahalli Village, Maruthi Industrial casting house of 1800 678
Town, Peenya 2nd stage, Bangalore-560058 Aluminium
smelter units to
Aluminium Metal
M/s. Ramco Industries Limited, Karuru residues and
101 10.07 10.07
Village, Ranibennur Taluk, Haveri District dust/particulates
from exust gas
Lead bearing
M/s. AR Industries, Plot No. 3, Sanklapura
102 waste including 806.9 720
Ind! Area, Ballari Road, Hospete.
battery waste
M/s Mahalakshmi Industries Plot No. 218
103 KIADB Industrial Area, Vasanthnarasapura Used Oil 275.78 572.43

M/s MD Enterprises, Plot No. 154, Road No.

104 Used Oil 377.1 105.37
02, 2nd Phase , KIADB Ind! Area, Tumkur

M/s A.S. Refinery Pl. No. 97-B, VIA, Tumkur

105 Used Oil 1008 0
M/s V.B.S. Petro chemicals HIA, Tumkur
106 Used Oil 28380 0
Hirahalli Tumkur
M/s Nakoda Petro Chemicals Plot No.8,
107 KIADB Indl. Area, Satyamangala . Used Oil 2039 50.94
Sathyamangala Tumkur
M/s Sri Nandi Chemicals, Plot No.28, 3rd
108 Cross, 2nd Phase, Antharasanahalli Industrial Copper Dross 2510 1268.9
area Tumkur
Utilization of
Spent acid
generated from
M/s Top Note Aromatics, Plot No. 97, KRS
109 filament 324 85.54
Road, Mysore-570016
industries for
de by heating

M/s Himalaya Oxides Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. 231a,

110 zinc dross 960 670
Hebbal Industrial Area, Mysore-570016

M/s Global Rasayan, Plot No. 176, Hebbal

111 Copper Dross 600 424.86
Industrial Area, Mysore-570016
M/s Sri Chamundi Metal Works Plot No.
112 33/A-1, Bannimantap Industrial Area, zinc 193.12 40.08
M/s SMZ Industries, Unit-II, Shed NO. C-202 of contaminated
113 336 137.62
KSSIDC Industrial Estate Mysore drums/containers
M/s Century Refiners NO. 17-1 & J, KIADB
114 Indl. Area, Hoskote Taluk, Bengaluru Rural Used Oil 10992 91
M/s Century Refiners NO. 17-1 & J, KIADB
115 Indl. Area, Hoskote Taluk, Bengaluru Rural Waste Oil 10992 0
M/s Coral Waters, No. 8#, KIADB Industrial
116 e-waste 1440 345
Estate, Bengaluru Rural Dist.
M/s Ash Recyclers, Shed No. 3, Hoskote
117 e-waste 120
Industrial Estate, Bengalore Rural Dist.
Recovery of
M/s Ind. Pure Chem No. 8 KIADB Indl. Area,
118 solvents from 4500 3000
Hoskote Taluk, Bengaluru Rural Dist.
spent solvents
Recovery of
M/s Bhavana Agencies No. 58C-4, KIADB Indl.
119 solvents from 31200 3480
Area, Hoskote Taluk, Bengaluru Rural Dist.
spent solvents
M/s Karnataka Agro Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Plot Recovery of
120 No. 93, Hoskote Industrial Estate, Bengaluru solvents from 3168
Rural Dist. spent solvents
M/s Sadhguru Chemcals Sy No. 36, Part C,
121 KSSIDC Indl. Area, Pillagumpe, Hoskote Taluk, Copper Recovery
Bangaluru Rural Dist.
M/s Shobith Ind. No. B-4, KSSIDC Indl. Estate
122 E-waste 800 0.25
Nanjangud, Mysore
M/s Shobith Ind. No. B-4, KSSIDC Indl. Estate of contaminated
123 1012 103.88
Nanjangud, Mysore drums/containers
M/s Balaji Enterprises Plot No. 33, KIADB
124 Used Oil 5400 91
Aliybad Indl. Area, Vijayapur
M/s Balaji Enterprises Plot No. 33, KIADB
125 Waste Oil 5400 10.92
Aliybad Indl. Area, Vijayapur
M/s Karnataka Traders,
of contaminated
126 Plot No. 23/A, karnad Industrial Area, 126 112 4.03
Mulki, Mangaluru Taluk, D.K District.
M/s Jonas Petro Products Private
127 127 Limited, Plot No. 277, Baikampady Waste oil 12000 1328
Industrial Area, Mangalore- 575011
M/s Falcon Impex Corporation, Plot No.
of contaminated
128 10A/9A & 9B, KIADB Industrial Area, 80.64 4.23
Mangalore, D.K District
M/s Haji U. Hasanabba & Sons, Plot No. 89 &
of contaminated
129 90, Baikampady Industrial Area, Mangaluru, 67.2 25.36
D.K District -575011
M/s Eswari Global Metal Industries Pvt. Ltd., Lead bearing
130 Unit-I. No. 101 A & B, Baikampady Industrial waste including 40000 22000
Area, Mangaluru battery waste
M/s. Eshwari Metal Industries Unit-II Plot No. Lead bearing
131 96 & 97, Baikampady Industrial Area, waste including 5000 1987.7
Mangalore-575011 battery waste
M/s Moogambigai Metal Refineries (Unit-2),
of contaminated
132 (Plastic Division), Plot No. 124 A Industrial 5400 793.94
Area, Baikampady, Mangaluru- 575 011
M/s E. Hasiru, No. 168/13, 1st Floor, 7th
133 Main Road, 3rd Phase, Peenya Industrial E-Waste 300 0.01
Area, Bangalore-58
M/s Prakruthi Recycling Pvt Ltd., Sy. No. 22,
134 Flat No. 103, 5th Block, 5th, Cross, SSI Area, E-Waste 150 0
Rajajinagar, Blore
135 M/s H.N.Petrochem, Kalaburagi Used oil 13800 383
136 M/s K.M.Oils Kalaburagi Waste oil 19500 280
M/s Rajashree Cement Ltd., Malkhed Villge,
Tq: Sedam, Dirt: Kalaburagi
M/s Vasavadatta Cements Pvt. Ltd., Sedam,
Dist: Kalaburagi
M/s Chettinadu Cements Pvt. Ltd. Kallur Coprocessing
139 85000 51989.9
village, Tq: Chincholi, Dist: Kalaburagi units
M/s Kalaburagi Cements Ltd. Chatrasala
Village, Tq: Chincholi, Dist: Kalaburagi
M/s ACC Cements, Wadi, Tq: Chithapur, Dist:
M/s Shree Suchem Industry, Plot No.4L-2, Recovery of
142 Somanahalli Ina Area, Maddur Taluk, Mandya solvents from 1800 136.71
District. spent solvents
M/s. S.M.Enterprises, No.4911, M.C.Road,
143 Used oil 4200 420
Beside Fire Station, Mandya-571402
M/s Sampath Refinery Pvt. Ltd,
144 Plot No.64A-65D, KIADB Industrial Area, Used oil 3600 85.7
Tubinakere, Mandya District
M/s Mandya Refineries, Plot No. 59, Part - IIA,
145 Phase, KIADB Industrial Area, Tubinakere, Used oil 7200 38.4

M/s Sri Sal Industries, Recovery of

146 Plot No.12-D, KIADB Indl. Area, Somanahally- solvents from 2500 4
571428, Madduar Taluk, Mandya District spent solvents

M/s Aptus Recycling Pvt. Ltd., NO. 241/4B,

147 Magnur Village, Kirgavalu Hobli, Malavalli E-Waste 300 ---
aluk, Mandya District.
M/s Sampath Refinery Pvt. Ltd, Plot No.64A-
148 65D, KIADB Industrial Area, Tubinakere, Waste Oil 3600 ---
Mandya District
M/s Mandya Refineries, Plot No. 59, Part IIA,
149 Phase, KIADB Industrial Area, Tubinakere, Waste Oil 3600 6.9
M/s Sapthagiri Metal Refinary, Plot Np.37,
Lead bearing
KIADB, Indl. Area, Mandli, Shivamogga.,
150 waste including 850 ---
MandliKallur Industrial Area, Shivamogga-
battery waste
M/s Anupama Industries, Plot No.62-P, Lead bearing
151 KIADB Industrial Area, Machenahalli, waste including 9600 ---
Shivamogga District.-577 222. battery waste
M/s Balaji Industries, Plot No.20/A, KIADB
152 Indl. Area, Machenahalli, Shivamogga- 577 Used Oil 1200 ---
M/s Maha Guru Resources, Plot No. 132,
Lead bearing
Bommasandra Jigani Link Road, Sy No. 25,
153 waste including 2800 446.6
Part, Bandenallasandra Village, Jigani Hobli,
battery waste

M/s Sri Ponni Industries, Plot No. 24, 4th Lead bearing
154 Phase, Bommasandra Industrial Area, Anekal waste including 5000 90.83
Taluk, Bangalore Urban District- 560 099 battery waste

Lead bearing
M/s Chetan Industries., Shed No. D-8, KSSIDC
155 waste including 2500 150
Industrial Estate, Jigani , Bangalore
battery waste
M/s Microlite Industries, Plot No. 98/Q, Jigani
Lead bearing
Industrial Area, 2nd Phase, Sy No. 113 & 114,
156 waste including 18000 ---
Jigani Hobli, Anekal Taluk, Bengaluru - 562
battery waste
M/s Earth Sense Recycle Private Limited,
157 Industrial Plot No. SPLI4, Jigani 2nd Stage, Jigani Village, Jigani E-Waste 300 40.1
Hobli, Anekal Taluk, Bangalore

M/s E-Green Recycling, Plot No. 86-B, Jigani

158 1st Phase, Industrial Area, Anekal Taluk, E-Waste 500 3
M/s SB Refinaries, Plot No. 81, Bommasandra
- Jigani Link Road Industrial Area, 4th Phase,
159 Used Oil 1800 65
Anekal Taluk, Bangalore Urban District- 560
M/s Ganapathy Refineries Pvt Ltd., Shed No.9,
& 10 , Dr B. R. Ambedkar Ind] Estate, 2nd
160 Used Oil 1122 761.5
Ciuss, KSSIDC, Jigani Indl Area, 1st Phase,
Jigani, Anekal Taluk, Bangalore.
M/s Sathya Fuel Chemtech (SFC), Plot No. No. Recovery of
161 184, Bandenallasandra Jigani Link Road, solvents from 6000 4300
Bangalore spent solvents
M/s Sathya Industries, No.142/145,Jigani Recovery of
162 Industrial Area, Dr. B.R Ambedkar Estate, 1st solvents from 9000 74
Phase, Bangalore spent solvents
Recovery of
M/s Shine Chemical Industries, No.SP-165,
163 solvents from 1314 200
JIE, Jigani, Bangalore
spent solvents
M/s New kanimar Enterprises, Jigani Indl 1st of contaminated
164 590.8 146.38
Phase, Jigni,Anekal Tq, Bangalore drums/containers
M/s NV Trading Company, Plot No. 302, De-contamination
Bommasandra - Jigani Link Road Industrial of contaminated
165 56 2.04
Area, 4th Phase, Anekal Taluk, Bangalore drums/containers
Urban District- 560 /barrels

M/s Roshan Enterprises, ; PI.No.87-F(P), De-contamination

Jigani Industrial Area, 1st phase, Sy.No., of contaminated
166 201.6 8.35
166Part of 128 & 127, Jigani Hobli, AnekalTw, drums/containers
Blore. /barrels

M/s SB Refinaries, Plot No. 81,

Bommasandra - Jigani Link Road
167 Industrial Area, 4th Phase, Anekal Waste Oil 1800 65
Taluk, Bangalore Urban District- 560
M/s Ganapathy Refineries Pvt Ltd., Shed
No.9, & 10 , Dr B. R. Ambedkar Indl. Estate,
168 2nd Cross, KSSIDC, Jigani Indl Waste Oil 1122 761.5
Area, 1st Phase, Jigani, Anekal Taluk,

M/s Nobel Technology, No.46, 14th cross, IV

169 e-waste
Phase. PIA Bengaluru-560 058

M/s Arrow Systems, No.SM-3, Ill Stage, PIE,

170 e-waste
Bengaluru-560 058
1120 845
M/s E-Parisara Pvt Ltd., Unit-2, Unit-2, No P
171 e-waste
10(A), III Stage, PIE, Bengaluru-560 058

M/s 4R Recycling Pvt Ltd., Shed No, A-5, Ill

172 e-waste
Stage, PIE, Bengaluru-560 058
List of Authorized Recyclers/Utilizers /Co-processors of Hazardous wast in Kerala
Type of Recycling / Quantity Recycled/
S. Name and Address of the
Hazardous Utilization / Co- Utilized Co-processed
No. Facility
Waste recycled processing (MT)
Capacity (MTA)
M/s Southern Refineries Ltd.,
Annual Return Not
Kauzhinjanvila, Parassala P.O, Used Oil/ Waste Used Oil 13500 KLA
1 Submitted (Unit not
Thiruvanthapuram - 695 502 Oil Waste Oil 6000 KLA
M/s Cee Jee Lubricants VI/592,
Industrial Development Area, Used Oil/ Waste Used Oil 3000 KLA Annual Return Not
Edayar, Binanipuram P.O Oil Waste Oil 6000 KLA Submitted
Aluva - 683 502
M/s Excel Petrochemical
Koonamthai Changampuzha Used Oil Annual Return Not
3 Used Oil
Nagar P.O Kochi Kerala - 683 (transformer oil) Submitted
033 1200 KLA
2.18 t/day of used
M/s Best Smelters VIII/1208, Used Lead & lead and battery for
production of 1.63 Annual Return Not
4 NIDA Kanjikode, Palakkad - battery Lead
t/day of lead ingots Submitted
678 621 ingots
and 12.5 Kg/day of
calcium sulphate

M/s K.J Lubes SIDCO Industrial

Annual Return Not
5 park Athani, Thrissur - 680 Used Oil Used Oil 4000 I/d

M/s T.S Lead Refiniers, Plot

Scrap Battery (for
No. 103, KINFRA Small Annual Return Not
6 Scrap Battery producing refined
Industries Park, seethamgoli Submitted
lead 4t/d)
M/s Peejay Enterprises, Lead acid Used lead acid
Annual Return Not
7 Kutoor P.O, Thiruvalla, Kerala - batteries Lead batteries and lead
689 106 Scrap scrap 3000t/annum
M/s APJ Refinieries Pvt. Ltd.
Puduserry Central Village, New Used Oil sed Oil 40 t/d Annual Return Not
I(ndustrial, Development Area, Waste Oil Waste Oil 24 t/d Submitted
Kanjikode - 678 621
Cu & Zn materials
M/s Aaron International, Plot
8t/day for Annual Return Not
No. 10 Industrial Development
9 Cu & Zn materials producing Cu Submitted (Unit not
Plot, Parakulam, Anakkara P.O
cathode 1 t/d Zinc functioning)
Palakkad - 679 551
Sulphate 4 t/d
M/s Petroliv Petroleums
Used Oil Used Oil 3600 KLA Annual Return Not
10 (Angels group), Erikulam P.O.
Waste Oil Waste Oil 3600 KLA Submitted
Madikkai, Nileshwar, Kasargod
M/s Perfect Alloys, IDPO -
Annual Return Not
11 16, Mundencavu Chengannaur, Lead Lead 1650 t/Annum
Alappuzha - 689
List of Authorized Recyclers/Utilizers /Co-processors of Hazardous wast in Maharashtra
Used and Waste Oil
Sr. Name and Address of Industry Type of Authorised Quantity Recycled/
No. Hazardous Waste Recycling / Utilised/ Co-
Recycled Utilisation / Co- processed (MT/A)
Capacity (MT/A)
1 M/s. Daya Lubricants Pvt. Ltd. Used Oil 3000
Building No. 11, Waliv Phatta , Prime
Industrial Estate, Sativali Road, Village
Valiv Phata, Vasai (E) Thane, (D)-401 208,
Waste Oil 14400
Maharashtra E-Mail :
[email protected]
2 M/s. Deepak & Company Used Oil 1800
B-20, Road No. 16,
Wagle Indl. Estates, Thane, Maharashtra-
400 604
3 M/s. Shiva Petro Synth Specialities Ltd. Waste Oil 7500
Plot No. 2/3, Shah & Diwan Indl. Area,
Opp. BIDCO Used Oil 7500
Studio, Vill Mahim, Palghar Dist. Thane

4 M/s. Meghani Enterprises Waste Oil 8400

H-14, Shaah & Diwan Industrial Complex,
Udyognagar Chintupada, Mahim Village, Used Oil 4500
Dist. Thane Maharashtra

5 M/s. North East Lubrica Pvt. Ltd. Used Oil 9000

S. No. 404, Abitghar,
Taluka Wada, Dist. Thane - 421 303
Waste Oil 9000
6 M/s. RHJ Petrochem P. Ltd. Used Oil 6000
Gut. No. 10, Vill. Vardha, Post Uchat, Tal.
Wada, Dist. Thane Waste Oil 18000
7 M/s. Meher Petro Chem Pvt. Ltd. Used Oil 3000
Plot No. 17, KPD Indl. Estate, Mamor-
Wada Road, Vill.:Homrapur,
Dist. Thane-421 303 Waste Oil 12000
8 M/s. Sai Om Petro Specialities Ltd. Waste Oil 15000
Plot No. 209, Village Khapari, Bhiwandi
Wada Road, Tal. Wada, Dist. Thane

9 M/s. Industrial Esters & Chemicals Used Oil 6000

Plot No.A-10, M.I.D.C Industrial Area
Ambernath,Distt.Thane, Maharashtra Waste Oil 8550
10 M/s. Ishvar Petrochem Pvt. Ltd. Used Oil 650
G.U.T. No. 147/P, Village Sapraonde, P.O.,
Ta-Wada, Dist. Thane-412312,

11 M/s. Al Ali Mohammed Industries Waste Oil 18000

Sr. No. 57-1/2, Village Ghatesh Khurd,
Khanivali Road, Tal-Wada, Dist. Thane- Used Oil 6000
12 M/s. Poonam Petrochem Pvt. Ltd. Used Oil 3000
Gut No.459, Dinkarpada Vill. Kondle, Tal.
Wada, Distt.Thane-421 312
[email protected] Waste Oil 6000
13 M/s. Plus Lubricants Used Oil 7500
Gut No.228(P1), S.No.43
Abithghar, Tal. Wada, Dist.Thane,
Waste Oil 7500
14 M/s. Meet Petro Products Pvt. Ltd. Gut Used Oil 2000
No: 177, Konsai Village, Post: Nehroli,
Tal: Wada, Dist: Thane
Waste Oil 1000
15 M/s. ABC Petro Chem Pvt. Ltd. Used Oil 6000
Gat No: 10, Village: Vardha, Post Uchat,
Tal: Wada,
Waste Oil 18000
Dist: Thane
16 M/s. Star Petrochem Industries, Waste Oil 6000
G. No. 421/422, Vill. Usar, Post. Uchat,
Tal. Wada, Dist. Palghar Used Oil 6000

17 M/s. Naaz Enterprises Used Oil 800

Gat. No, 691, Bhupi Phata, Jadhavwadi
Haveli, Dist. Pune, Maharashtra Waste Oil 400
18 M/s. R. R. Scrap Merchant Used Oil 350
203/1, Chikhali-Moshi Road, Chikhali, Waste Oil 1500
Tq.Haveli, Distt.Pune-412114
19 M/s. Ameet Lubricants and Chemicals Used Oil 2160
S. N. 584/1 and 2,
Garde Road, Saswad, Distt. Pune
Waste Oil 2000
20 M/s. Samarth Petroleum Used Oil 3600
Gut No. 653/1/C/211/2, Kumbhari Tal.
Solapur, Dist. Solapur, Maharashtra

21 M/s. Shriya & Shristi Associates Used Oil 1500

Gut No.156/157, Phulare Wasti,
Chimbaligaon, Waste Oil 900
Pune-Nashik Road Chakan, Tal.Khed
22 M/s. Metro Lubes Pvt. Ltd. Used Oil 3600
Plot No. A-69, MIDC Kurkumbh, Tal-
Daund, Dist. Pune,

24 M/s. Patidar Industries Used Oil 8400

Plot No. A-74 MIDC Kurkumbh Tal.
Daund, Pune-413 105 Waste Oil 8400
25 M/s. Super Lubes Used oil 900
Gat no: 116, Dehu- Alandi Road, Waste Oil 1800
Chikhali, Pune -14
26 M/s. Blitz Industries, Waste Oil / Used 4680
Plot No. 177 & 178, Ranjhe of Kondapur oil
Road, Near Pune Satara Highway, Pune
27 M/s. Aditya Industries Used oil 4800
Plot No. A-73,MIDC, Pune - Solapur Road,
Kurkumbh – 413105,
Dist. Pune

28 M/s. Trimurti Enterprises Used oil 1000

B/G-6, MIDC, Bhosari, Pune - 411026

29 M/s. Navgire Petrcohemicals Used Oil 1680

Gut no: 69 and 73 A/p: Gatachi Wadi, Tal:
Barshi Dist : Solpaur
30 M/s. Alchemist Oil Pvt. Ltd. Waste Oil 4800
G. No. 15/2, Tal. Haveli, Dist. Pune
Paint Sludge 4800
31 M/s. Radiant Lubes P. Ltd. Waste Oil 19740
Plot No. C-8 & C-9,
MIDC Gutibori, Tal. Hingana, Dist. Nagpur, Used Oil 5225
32 M/s. Nova Lubes Pvt. Ltd. Used Oil 2160
187/4 Mahurjhiri Village, Katol Road,
Distt. Nagpur
33 M/s. Highrise Transformers Waste Oil 960
A-28, MIDC Industrial Area
Tal.Karanja Distt.-Wardha-442 203

34 M/s. Globle Techniqurs Re-Refining & 600

Plot No. C-70, MIDC Umred, Tal. Umbred, Waste Oil
Dist. Nagpur
35 M/s. Midland Oil Co. Ltd. Used Oil 600
Sr. No. 46/2, Vil. Aalagondhi, Tal. & Dist. Waste Oil 5300
Nagpur, Post. Rama- 441 108
36 M/s. Ambika Lube Industries Used Oil 1320
Plot No. 67, Wanjara Layout, Kamptee
Road, Nagpur
37 M/s. Ranjana Group of Industries Used oil 5000
Plot No. B-95, MIDC, Butibori, Dist.

38 M/s. Lucky Petroleum Used Oil 1200

Plot No. E/11, MIDC, Ghugghus Road,
39 M/s. Sourabh Oils Used Oil 3000
E-30-31, MIDC, Ghugus Road,
442406 Maharashtra
40 M/s. Panjatani Oil Refinery, Used Oil 8640
Sr. No. 173/2, Village Saigata, Tal.
Bramhapuri, Dist. Chandrapur Waste Oil 10560

41 M/s. Tax Oil Lubricants Pvt. Ltd. Waste Oil 12960

R-591, MIDC Industrial Area, Rabale, Navi
Mumbai-400 701

42 M/s. Balaji Rang Udyog Pvt. Ltd. Waste Oil 1500

Plot No.44, MIDC Taloja Industrial Area
Chemical Zone) Taloja-410 208, Distt.

43 M/s. Shree Pooshp Hans Chemical, Plot Waste Oil 36000

No.W/186, MIDC, Taloja Tal.-Panvel,
Dist.Raigad-410 208

44 M/s. Desmo Exports Ltd. Used Oil 2500

Plot No: C-108, C-108/1, TTC Pavane, Waste Oil 2500
MIDC, Navi Mumbai
45 M/s. Subhadra Petrochemicals Pvt. Ltd. Used Oil 7020
Plot No. F-2, MIDC, Kupwad Block,
Sangali-416 436

46 M/s. P Square Industries Ltd. Used Oil / Waste 2400

Plot No. J-4, MIDC, Gokul Shirgaon, Oil
47 M/s. Patel Petro Pvt. Ltd. Used Oil 7200
Plot No. H-4, Behind Eurotex Industry,
MIDC Gokul Shrigaon, Kolhapur-416234

48 M/s. Vipro Industries Used Oil 7000

Plot No. D-2/2, MIDC Gokul Sirgaon, Waste Oil 5000
Kolhapur-416 234
49 M/s. Bana Refinery Pvt. Ltd. Used Oil 2000
H-15, MIDC, Gokul Shirgaon, Kolhapur- Waste Oil 2000
416 234
50 M/s. Maharashtra Ester & Ketones Pvt. Dra Therm 3600
B-52/2, MIDC Industrial Area, Lote
Parshuram, Tal. Khed, Dist. Ratnagiri

51 M/s. Amol Oils Waste Oil 3600

92, Ajanta Road, Chincholi, Jalgaon Used Oil 3000
52 M/s. Garg Distillaries Pvt. Ltd. Used Oil 6000
Survey No. 26/2, 26/2-A, Village-Asali,
Post Bhorkheda, Taluka- Sirpur, Dist.- Waste Oil 6000
53 M/s. Samarth Industries Used Oil 3600
Plot No. N-22, MIDC, Jalgaon-425 003

54 M/s. Insotech Refineries Used Oil 2520

Plot No.1, Gut No.114/7, Post-Burudgaon,
Daurid Road, Next to Kinetic Engineering
Ahmednagar-414 006

55 M/s. Ravi Industries Used Oil 3000

G-45, M.I.D.C Area, Jalgaon , Maharashtra Waste Oil 1800
56 M/s. Paras Petrochem Used Oil 3000
229, Village: Daregaon, Malegaon, Nashik
57 M/s. Nikhil Lube Used Oil 1000
Gat No. 347/1, Chandrapuri, Tal.
Malegaon, Dist.
58 M/s. India Petrochem Used Oil 3000
S. No.: 59/2, Plot No. 31/2, Chokwala
Estate, At. Bedkipada, Ta. Navapur, Dist.
59 M/s. Ekta Oil Lubricant Used Oil 221
Gat. No. 361, Plot No. 1, A/p.
Talegaon, Tal. Dindori, Nashik
60 M/s. 3 S Reclaimers Used Oil 900
Plot No. G-13/3, MIDC,
61 M/s. Lube Tech Oil Company Used Oil 600
Plot. No. F-96, MIDC, Ambad, Tal & Dist.
62 M/s. Kapilo Petrochem (P) Ltd. Used Oil 3000
T-60, MIDC Nanded, Maharashtra-
63 M/s. Kanchan Chemicals Used Oil 8640
Plot No.B-25, MIDC, Osmanabad – 413
64 M/s. Global Lubrication Used Oil 500
Gut No. 94, Village
Chitegaon, Tq. Paithan, Dist. Aurangabad -

65 M/s. Ajanta Transpower Equipments Pvt. Used Oil 1560

Ltd. (Transformer Oil)
Plot No. K-6, MIDC Area, Dist. Aurangabad

66 M/s. Sagar Industries, Used Oil 3000

Plot No. E-16, Phase-II, MIDC, Jalna

67 M/s. K. K. Lubrication, Used Oil 2000

G. No. 07, Jawatapur, Tal. & Dist.
68 M/s. Global Techniques, Waste Oil 600
Plot No. C-70, MIDC Umred, Tal. Umred,
Dist. Nagpur
69 M/s. Tribo Lubes Pvt. Ltd. Waste Oil 9000
Takai Adoshi Road,
Village Honad, Post Saigaon, Survey No. Used Oil 7500
13/7A, 14/3, 15/6, Taluka Khalapur, Dist.
70 M/s. Lubstar Petro-Chem Industries Used Oil 1800
C-29, MIDC, Mahad, Dist. Raigad

71 M/s. Rebon Lubricants Used Oil 1000

Sr. No. 56, Hissa No. 5, Vill. Honad, Tal. Waste Oil 1600
Khalapur, Raigad
72 M/s. Lubricon India Used Oil 250
Plot. No. 20, Emrald Industrial Estate, Vill.
Dheku, Tal. Khalapur, Raigad

73 M/s. A.G. Astavinyak Petrochem Pvt. Ltd. Used Oil 1800

S.No: 222, Village : Hedwali, Tal: Waste Oil 1800
Sudhagad-Pali Dist: Raigad
74 M/s. Premier Petrochem, Waste Oil 9000
Plot No. 1, G. No. 185, KIDC, Vill. Dheku,
Dist. Raigad
75 M/s. Shree Laxmi Refinery Used oil 6000
Plot No: C-19, Additional MIDC Nandgaon
Peth, Amravati Dist: Amravati

Sr. Name and Address of Industry Type of Authorised Quantity Recycled/
No. Hazardous Waste Recycling / Utilised/ Co-
Recycled Utilisation / Co- processed (MT/A)
Capacity (MT/A)
1 M/s. Sai Pharma, Used Food Grade 1000 MT/A
Plot No. B-45, MIDC Wai, Tal. Wai, Dist. HNP / Rolling Oil
2 M/s. Sanket Chemicals, Spent Solvent 240 KLA
Plot No. D-18/6, TTC MIDC Turbhe, Navi
3 M/s. Bombay Metal Works, Aluminium Dross 5000 MT/A
S. No. 183, H. No. 5/2, Dahisar Road, & Scrap
Pimpri, Thane
4 M/s. EFTEC (India) Pvt. Ltd. PVC Waste Sealer 300 MT/A
G-9, MIDC Ranjangaon, Tal. Shirur, Dist.
Pune 412220
5 M/s. Sigma Electric Manufacturing Copper Scrap / 2000 MT/A
Corporation Pvt. Ltd. Druid
Unit 1, Gat No. 154/155, Mahalunge,
Chakan Talegaon Road, Chakan, Tal.
Khed, Dist. Pune

6 M/s. Vidhi Industries Aluminium Dross 3600 MT/A

S. No. 106, Village Sheurg, Tal. Panvel, and Skimming
Dist. Raigad
7 M/s. Shree Laxmi Metal Industries, Scrap / Dross / 1200 MT/A
G. No. 62, 64, Vill. Chindwadli, Wada Milk Scale /
Shahapur Road, Wada, Dist. Palghar Residue of Copper,
Copper Oxide,
Copper Druid 600 MT/A
Dross / Scrap of 960 MT/A
Zinc Dross / Zinc 720 MT/A
Scrap / Ash
Aluminium Scrap
9 M/s. Delta Finochem Pvt. Ltd., Spent Solvent 3600 KL/A
Gat No. 504/507, Plot No. 18/19, Gonde
Dumala, Tal. Igatpuri, Dist. Nashik

10 M/s. Moonlight Metal Industries Pvt. Ltd. Aluminium Scrap 1200 MT/A
Sr. No. 6, Kaman Road, Sativali Village,
Vasai East, Dist. Palghar
11 M/s. Vishal Metal Industries, Aluminium Scrap 300 MT/A
A/13, Patel Estate, Near Flora Hotal, Vasai
Kaman Road, Decdol, Vasai East, Dist.
Palghar 421202

12 M/s. Tinna Rubber & Infrastructer Ltd. Tyre Scrap 32000 MT/A
Gut No. 113/2, 115, Village Pali, Tal.
Wada, Dist. Palghar

Lead Scrap
Sr. Name and Address of Industry Type of Authorised Quantity Recycled/
No. Hazardous Waste Recycling / Utilised/ Co-
Recycled Utilisation / Co- processed
M/s. Saurabh Metal Refinery Lead Acid Battery 1440
1 Gut No. 143 Plot No. B/4 At. Sapronda, Plates and Lead
P.O. Kudus Tal. Wada, Dist. Thane Scrap
M/s. Sharda Metal Refinery Lead Acid Battery 1440
2 Gut No. 434, Dinkarpada, Vill. Kondle, Tal. Plates and Lead
Wada, Dist. Thane Scrap
M/s. Oswal Resins Pvt. Ltd. Scrap Lead Acid 2400
3 Plot No. M-58, Additiona Murbad MIDC, Batteries and Lead
Murbad, Thane Scrap
M/s Krishna Metal Refinery Lead Acid Battery 3000
Plot No. 143/1-2, Sapronde Village P.O. Plates and Lead
Uchat, Taluka – Wada, Distt. Thane – 421 Scrap
M/s. Sharshi Metals Lead Acid Battery 1200
5 S.N. 28/1, Part Village Sharshi, Taluka – Plates and Lead
Wada, Dist. Thane Scrap
M/s. Ranchal Industries Lead Acid Battery 1200
Gut No.49, Village-Gunj (Kudus), Post- Plates and Lead
Kupari, Taluka – Wada Scrap
Distt.Thane-421 312
M/s. R.K. Metal Refinery Lead Acid Battery 4800
Gut No.293 & 294, Village-USAR, Kondla Plates Plates /
7 Road, P.O.-Kudus, Tal. Wada, Distt. Thane Lead Scrap
- 421 312
M/s D.K. Metal Works Lead Acid Battery 4250
Gut No. 100, At: Kondla Road Village- Plates /Lead Scrap
8 Kudus
P.O. Kudus Taluka-Wada Dist. Thane
M/s Kothari Metallurgical Export Pvt. Ltd. Lead acid battery 7200
56 At. Post – Chaindvali plates/Lead Scrap
Wada – Shahpur Road, Taluka-Wada, Dist.
Thane – 421 303

M/s Shakti Metal Industries Lead Acid Battery 5000

10 S.No.261, Village-Abidghar, Taluka: Wada Plates & Lead
Distt. Thane Scrap
M/s Ajay Metal Refinery Lead Acid Battery 2800
Gut No.390/6, S.No.1060, Village- Plates and Lead
Kondhle, Post-Kondhle Scrap
Tal.Wada, Distt. Thane
M/s. S. S. Enterprises Lead Acid Battery 4800
Gut No.98, Kondla Road, Village-Kudus, Plates/Lead Scrap
12 Taluka – Wada, Distt. Thane - 421 312

M/s. Deshmukh Lead Pvt. Ltd. Lead Acid Battery 8000

S.No.63/4/1B, Wada – Manor Road, At Plates & Lead
Post Scrap
Varale, Taluka – Wada, Distt. Thane – 421

M/s. G.N. Metal Refinery Lead Acid Battery 2880

Survey No.125, Ghonsai Plates/Lead Scrap
Tal. Wada, Distt. Thane – 421 312

M/s. Indore Metal Corporation Lead Acid Battery 3600

Survey No.397/p, Dinkar Pada, Kondla Plates/Lead Scrap
15 Road, KUDUS Taluka– Wada, Distt. Thane

M/s. Samrat Udyog Lead Acid Battery 3000

Plot No.147, Village – Sapronda, Post: Plates/Lead Scrap
Kudus, Tal: Wada, Distt: Thane

M/s. Samico International Lead Acid Battery 2400

Plot No. 155, Village Sapronda, Post Plates & Lead
Kudus Scrap
Tal. Wada, Dist. Thane
M/s. Sarita Metal Refinery Lead Scrap, Lead 2000 1000
Gut No:53, Village: Supande, Post: acid Battery Scrap
18 Kanchad, Tal. Wada, Dist: Thane

M/s. S.H. Metal Works Lead Acid Battery 1500

Plot no: 4, Gut no: 495 & 498 Village: Scrap/Plates, Lead
19 Kondale, Post: Kudus, Tal: Wada, Dist: Dross &
Thane Concentrate of the
M/s. Raj Metal Refinery Lead Acid Battery 2400
Gut no: 143, Plot no: 5, Uchat Road, Scrap/Plates, Lead
20 Village: Dross &
Sapronde, Tal: Wada , Dist: Thane Concentrate of the
M/s. S. K. Metal Works Lead Acid Battery 1500
Plot No. 5, Gut No. 495 & 498, Village Plates & Lead
21 Kondale, Scrap
Post Kudus, Tal. Wada, Dist. Thane

M/s. Welcome Metal Refinery Lead Acid Battery 1500

Gut No. 420, Village: Usar, Post: Kudus, Plates/Lead Scrap
22 Tal. Wada, Dist.Thane

M/s. Nobel Metals Processing (I) Pvt. Ltd. Lead and Lead 1500 MT/A
Sr. NO. 225, Plot No. 05, Village Bilavali, Ingots
Tal. Wada, Dist. Thane

M/s. M. D. Industries, Lead Acid Battery 1000

G. No. 409 & 411, Vill. Usar,
Motyachapada, Tal. Wada, Dist. Thane

M/s. Hans Enterprises Lead Acid Battery 1800

1 Meera Golani Complex Opp. Vasai Plates & Lead
25 Vajreshwari Road Vasai (East), Dist. Scrap
Thane - 401 208

M/s. Simplex India Lead Acid Battery 600

4 Sativali Nagar, Khakhami Indlustrial Plates and Lead
26 Complex Ahmedabad Bombay Highway Scrap
Vasai Dist. Thane
M/s. N.V. Metals and Alloys Lead Acid Battery 600
Plot No. 310, Near Shri Hari Fabric Plates and Lead
Village, Scrap
Umroli, Taluka Palghar (Palghar Baiser
Dist. Thane - 401 404, Maharashtra

M/s. Nikhil Metals Works Lead Acid Battery 720

At. Village Umroli, Taluka Palghar, Boisar Plates & Lead
28 Road, Plot No. 313, Near Shri Hari Fabrics Scrap
Dist. Thane

M/s. Jarsons Metal Lead acid battery 6000

18 Ganesh Industrial Estate, National plates/Lead scrap
Highway No. 8, Walive Tungar Fhata, Post
29 Sativali Vasai (East), Dist. Thane – 401

M/s. Mahalaxmi Metal Works & Alloys Lead Acid Battery 2200
Plot No.127, Savroli, Tal. Talsari, Distt. Plates and Lead
Thane Scrap

M/s. Shanti Metal Refinery Lead Acid Battery 1500

Near Service Station, Kaman Road, Plates & Lead
31 Sativali, Scrap
Vasai(East), District – Thane – 401 202

M/s. Mahalaxmi Metal Works & Alloys Battery Scrap, Tin 1200 MT/A
Pvt. Ltd. All types of Lead
32 S. No. 108, Village Pali, Tal. Wada, Dist.
and Lead alloys
Palghar scrap, Antimony &
M/s. MRJS Lead Pvt. Ltd. Lead Acid Battery 1500
GAT No. 72 Village Dhanore, Behind PCS Plates and Lead
Industries Ltd., Alanddi - Markal Road, Scrap
Tal. Khed, Dist. Pune-412 105

M/s. Chloride Metal Ltd. Lead Acid Battery 72000

Gat No.1241, 1242, Markal Taluka- Khed, Plates Lead Scrap
Distt. Pune- 412 105 Lead Ashes and
M/s. Sakshi Auto Parts Pvt. Ltd. Lead acid battery 10,000
Gat. No. 1427/1-2, Shikrapur, Tal. Shirur, plates/Lead scrap
Dist. Pune
M/s. S.K. Naik and Sons Lead Acid Battery 1800 MT/A
S.No. 50/15, Narhe Viallge, Tal: Haveli, Scrap/lead Copper
Dist: Pune Alloy

M/s. Pranam Enterprises, Lead Acid 3000 MT/A

S. No. 286/1/6, Next to Bodhe Batteries
37 Warehouse, Village Vavli, Devachi, Tal.
Haveli, Dist. Pune

M/s. Tandon Metal Pvt. Ltd. Lead Acid Battery 24000

Gat No.1242, Markal Plates Lead Scrap
Taluka-Khed, Distt.Pune Lead Ashes and
Maharashtra-412 105 Residues
M/s. Shah Battery Industries, Scrap Lead Acid 2000
39 Plot No. C-16, MIDC Baramati, Tal. Battery
Baramati, Dist. Pune
M/s. P. B. Melters, Scrap Lead Acid 1200 MT/A
40 G. No. 123, Kurli, Mohiroad, Tal. Chakan, Battery
Dist. Pune
M/s. Sigma & Electric Manufacturing Copper Scrap / 2000 MT/A
Corporation Pvt. Ltd. Druid
Unit 1, Gat No. 154/155, Mahalunge
41 Chakan- Telegaon Road, Chakan, Tal.
Khed, Dist. Pune

M/s. Nayan Metal Pvt. Ltd. Lead Acid Battery 960

D-6 MIDC, Lote Parshuram, Tal. Khed, Plates/ Lead Scrap
Dist. Ratnagiri-415 722

M/s. Sterling Lead Pvt. Ltd. Lead acid battery 7200

Plot No. A-210, A-217, Kagal – plates/Lead Scrap
43 Halkanangate Five Star Indl. Estate,
Halasavade Tal. Karveer, Dist. Kolhapur

M/s. Rohini Metal Alloys Lead Scrap 960

B-56, Kagal, Hatkangale Industrial Area, (excluding lead
Kolhapur acid batteries)

M/s. Dev Metal Refinery Lead acid battery 5000

Plot No. B-35, MIDC, Lote Parshuram, Tal. plates/Lead scrap
45 Khed, Dist. Ratnagiri

M/s. Sangli Metal Industries Lead Acid Battery 3600 MT/A

Plot No. 11, Gat No. 29 to 37, Sanjay Indl. Scrap/Plates /
Estate, Madhavnagar, Sangali - 416406 Lead Scrap
M/s. Maharashtra Metal Industries Lead Acid Battery 3600
Plot No.14, Arkosh Industrial Estate, Plates/Lead
Village: Dheku, Tal: Khalapur, District – Scrap

M/s. Vinowas Alloys LLP, Lead Acid Battery 14400 MT/A

48 S. No. 9, Gorthankhurd, Tal. Khalapur, / Scrap
Dist. Raigad
M/s. New Metal Refinery Lead acid battery 3000
Arvind Brothers, Compound Ganpati plates/Lead
Pada, Old Thane - Belapur Road, Dighe, scrap
Navi Mumbai– 400 065

M/s. S.K. Agency Lead Acid Battery 800

S.R.No,152/1, Plot No.41 Plates/Lead Scrap
Chatanaya Nagar Basmath, Tq. Basmath,
Distt. Hingoli

M/s. Bharat Industries Lead Acid Battery 1200

51 Plot No. L-135, MIDC Area Dist. Ahmad Plates and Lead
Nagar Scrap
M/s. Star Metal Lead Scrap, Lead 1200
Plot No: W-15,MIDC Parbhani acid Battery Scrap
M/s. T. K. Metal Lead Plates, Lead 2000 MT/A
53 Plot No. C-46, MIDC, Omerga, Osmanabad Scrap, Lead Scrap
- 413 604 Acid Batteries
M/s. Dolphin Battery Lead Acid 1800 MT/A
Recycler Pvt. Ltd. BatteryScrap /
54 Plot no: C-27, MIDC Khanapur, Tal: Plates / Lead
Deglure , Dist: Nanded Scrap

M/s. Mohan udyog Scrap Lead Acid 1800 MT/A

Plot No. D-51, MIDC Area, Krushrer, Tal. Battery
Naigaon, Dist. Nanded

M/s. Bidada Industries Pvt. Ltd. Scrap Lead Acid 6000 MT/A
Plot No. C-34, 35, 36, MIDC Ausa, Tal. Batteries
Ausa, Dist. Latur

M/s. Pooja Pigments Lead Acid Battery 2100

Khasra No.100, Behind Kalmna Kamptee Scrap and Lead
Octroi Kalmna, Nagpur Scrap

M/s. Satwai Industries Lead acid battery 360

E-38 MIDC Hingna Nagpur plates/Lead scrap
M/s. Singh Metal Works Lead Acid Battery 100
59 Khasra No.64, Old Khasala, Tal. Plates & Lead
Kampatee, Distt. Nagpur Scrap
M/s. Shree Balaji Metals Lead Acid Battery 4200 MT/A
110, Maa Umiya Audyogir Sahari Vasahat Plates & Lead
60 Maryadit Kopsi (BK), Tal. Kamptse, Dist. Scrap

M/s. Shree Ram Metals Lead Acid Battery 360

Plot No.B-4/14, MIDC Butibori, Thasil – Plates/Lead Scrap
61 Hingna, Distt. – Nagpur Maharashtra

M/s. Shree Metals (Mujbi) Private Ltd. Lead Acid Battery 4932
Plot No.312/2, At Mujbi, P.O.- Bela Tah./ Plates & Lead
62 Dist. Bhandara-441 904 Scrap

M/s. Sethi Pigments Pvt. Ltd. Lead Acid Battery 840

Plot No.39, Wanjra Layout Kamptee Road Plates/ Lead Scrap
, Nagpur– 400 026

M/s. Rishabh Meta Process Lead Acid Battery 1800

Gut No.27/1, Village: Jamni (Dhaba), Plates & Lead
Station Scrap
Road, Tah + Distt. Bhandara – 441 904

M/s. Guru Storage Batteries Lead Scrap, Lead 720

65 Plot No: 122, Vanjara Layout, Pili nadi Inl acid Battery Scrap
Area, Nagpur
M/s. Nagraj Alloys Pvt. Ltd. Lead Acid Battery 6400
Survey No.41, P.H. No. 20, Village Asoli, Plates & Lead
Mouza Mahalgaon, Tal. Kamptee, Dist. Scrap

M/s. Shree Ram Metals Lead Acid Battery 2400

Plot No: 28, Survey Plates & Lead
no: 04, Kapsi Kurdh, Tal: Kamptee, Dist: Scrap
M/s. Harsh Metal Industries Lead Acid Battery 5000
Plot No. 59/3, Mouza Bhowari, Tal. Plates
Kamptee , Dist. Nagpur
Other Lead Scrap 1200
M/s. Sai Industries, Lead Acid Battery 800 MT/A
69 Plot No. C-77, MIDC Butibori, Dist. Nagpur
M/s. Swastik Industries Lead Acid Battery 1160
Plot No. 27 S.N. 161/1 Sahkari Audyogik Plates and Lead
Vasahat Marydit, Bhusaval Scrap

M/s. Kadri Metal Refinery Lead Acid Battery 600

Plot No. E-94, MIDC Awdhan & Lalling Plates and Lead
Dhule- Scrap
424 311
M/s. RHT Steel (India) Pvt. Ltd. Lead Acid Battery 9600
GAT No.40/12, A.B. Road, Village-Ajande, Plates & Lead
(Kh) Taluka - Shirpur, Distt. Dhule-425 Scrap
M/s. Nashik Metal Refinery Lead Acid Battery 900
73 S.No. 429/430, Village – Gonde, Tq. Plates and Lead
Igatpuri, Distt. Nashik Scrap
M/s. Ameya Metal Industries Lead Acid Battery 2400
Gut No. 206 Village Pimpalnare, Khatwad Plates/Lead
Phata, Tal. Dindori, Nashik Scrap/Lead Dross

M/s. Success Metal Refinery Lead Acid Battery 750

Gut No. 81/2, Newasa Khadka Road, Tal. Plates/Lead Scrap
Newasa, Dist.
M/s. Shri Ganesh Metal Scrap Lead Acid 3600 MT/A
76 Plot No: 154, MIDC, Malegaon, Sinnar, Battery
Dist. Nashik
M/s Shri Anand Battery Lead Acid Battery 600
Plot No E-80, MIDC Jalgaon, Tal. & Dist. Scrap
Jalgaon /plates/Lead
M/s. Vaishnavi Industries Lead Acid Battery 1500
Plot No: F-34, MIDC, Scrap/Plates/
Jalgaon, Tal: Dist: Jalgaon Lead Scrap

M/s. Rohini Metal Industries, Scrap Batteries 18000

79 S. No. 71/2, P. H. 53, Vill. Sawdi, Tal. Kuhi,
Dist. Nagpur
M/s. Shree Mahalakshmi Metals, Plot No. Dry Lead Acid 360 MT/A
C-122, STICE, Musalgaon, Tal. Sinnar, Scrap Batteries
Dist. Nashik

Non Ferrous
Sr. Name and Address of Industry Type of Authorised Quantity Recycled/
No. Hazardous Waste Recycling / Utilised/ Co-
Recycled Utilisation / Co- processed (MT/A)
Capacity (MT/A)
M/s. Bharti Rubber Lining and Allied Copper Druid 10000
Service P. Ltd. Copper Dross
Plot No. C-49, TTC Indl. Area Pawane Copper Residues
Village, Navi Mumbai Copper Oxide Mill
1 Scale Brass Dross
Zinc Ash Brass
Scrap Copper
Scrap and Zinc
M/s. Beetachem Industries Spent Catalyst 60
W-177, TTC, Pawana Village, Thane Containing Copper
2 Belapur & Spent Catalyst
Road, Navi Mumbai Containing Nickel

M/s. Accent Metals Pvt. Ltd. Copper Druid 4900

Plot No. C-46, TTC Industrial Area, MIDC Copper Dross and
3 Pawane, Navi Mumbai - 400 708 Brass Dross

M/s Nizalco Metals P. Ltd. Copper Druid 3600

Plot No.C-353, TTC Industrial Area, MIDC Copper Dross
Turbe, Navi Mumbai Brass Dross &
Zinc Scrap
M/s. R. K. Manufacturing Company Copper Druid 2700
Plot No. A-395, TTC MIDC, Mahape, Navi Copper Dross
Mumbai-400710 Copper Scrap
Copper Oxide Mill
Scale Copper
Reverts Cakes
and Residues
Brass Scrp Brass
Dross Zinc Scrap
and Zinc Dross
M/s. Maurya Metal Pvt. Ltd. Brass Scrap, Scrap 4800
Plot No. A-762, TTC Industrial Area MIDC, Brass, Dross
Khairane, Navi Mumbai – 400 709 Copper Scrap,
Maharashtra Copper Dross,
Copper Residues,
Copper Druid, Zinc
Scrap, Zinc Dross,
Zinc Ash &
Skimmings and
Zinc Residues
M/s. B. R. Steel Products Pvt.Ltd. Copper residue 1300
Plot No.C-39(B&C) Near Krishna Steels, Cakes Copper
Pawane Village TTC Industrial Area, dross Brass
Mhape, Turbhe, Navi Mumbai-400 705 dross Zinc dross
Zinc skimming
Zinc ash and
spent catalyst
containing Nickel
M/s. Sigma Chemical Industries Zinc Ash & Zinc 500
Plot No. H-6, MIDC Taloja, Tal-Panvel, Waste
8 Dist.- Raigad

M/s. Aryavart Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Spent Nickel 300

Plot No.G-14/3, MIDC Taloja, Tal-Panvel, Catalyst
Dist-Raigad Copper Reverts & 100
M/s. Sunshine Laboratories (I) Pvt. Copper Scrap, 10,000
Ltd. Brass Scrap, Zinc
Plot No. D-63, MIDC, TTC, Turbhe, Navi Scrap and
Mumbai Copper Druid
Brass, Copper &
Zinc (Dross, druid,
Slag, Scrap, ash,
Dross, Slag, Scrap,
Ash, Residue and
Druid of Copper,
Brass & Zinc
M/s. Reliable Metal Refinery Brass Scrap & 1800
W-185, TTC, MIDC, Pawane Village, Dross, Zinc Scrap,
Thane-Belapur Road, Navi Mumbai- Dross, Ash,
400705 Residue and
Skimming and
Copper Scrap,
Dross, Residue &
M/s. Tean Eleven Metchem Technology Copper Scrap 900
Pvt. Ltd. Zinc Ash 300
Shed no. W- 73(11), MIDC area, Taloja, Spent Ni Catalyst 1350
Tal. Panvel, Dist. Raigad
M/s. Rohini Metal Alloys Copper Scrap 100
B-56, Kagal Hatkangale Industrial Area
13 Kolhapur, Maharashtra
M/s. Astron Engineers (I) Pvt. Ltd. Copper Scrap, 4500
GAT No. 131, Near Lavale Phata, Tal. Brass Scrap, Zinc
Mulshi, Dist. Pune Scrap and
Copper Druid
M/s. Hamirani Metals P. Ltd. Copper Druid 3000
10/3/4, Village Kiwale, New Mumbai Copper Scrap Zinc 2160
15 Bangalore Highway, Kiwale -412 101
Scrap & Brass
M/s. Monika Metal Corporation Copper Dross 2400
S. No. 79, Plot No. B, Opp. Bhairav Nath Copper Druid
Temple, Kudulwadi, Copper Residues
Chikali, Pune – 412 114 Copper reverts
Copper Cakes Zinc
Skimmings Brass
Scrap & Brass
M/s. HSR Enterprises Copper Scrap, 1000
GAT No. 799, Pawar Vasti, Vishnu Nagar, Copper Druid, Jelly
Near Kohinoor Weigh Bridge, Chikali, filed Copper cables
17 Dist. Pune- 412114 and Brass Scrap

M/s. Bharat Industries Brass Scrap & 500

Plot No. 46, Phase-II Ramtekadi Industrial Copper Scrap
18 Estate, Hadapsar, Pune-411013

M/s. Variety Metals Pvt. Ltd. Brass Scrap, 980

Plot No. 21/22, Block D-1, MIDC, Copper Scrap,
19 Chinchwad, Pune – 411 019 Waste Copper,
Copper alloys &
Zinc Scrap
M/s. Kushal Metal Pvt. Ltd. Waste Copper, 2400
Gat No. 245,246,247, 249 /2, Plot No. 5,6, copper scrap,
Kharbwadi, Chakan, Pune- 410501 dross,
copper cables, Zinc
scrap, brass scrap,
M/s. Laxmi Foundry Copper Lead Scrap 360
21 S. No. 10, H.No:2/1, 2/2, Kharadi, Tal. Waste
Haveli, Pune
M/s. Trimurti Chemicals Zinc Ash, Copper 720
Plot no: A-37, MIDC Tembhurni Tal: Ash, Brass Ash and
Madha Dist: Solapur Spent Nickel
M/s. Makaney Metals Copper alloy, 5000
G. No. 1259 Sanaswadi Tal. Shirur, Dist. Bronze alloy,
Pune copper cables,
23 copper dross,
aluminium alloy,
tin alloy, tin dross,
tin scrap
M/s. High-Tech Recycling Pvt. Ltd. Copper David, 650
Gut No. 42, Plot No. 657, A/p. Bhukum, Copper Wire
24 Tal. Mulshi, Dist. Pune

M/s. Pranam Enterprises, Insulated Copper 2100

S. No. 286/1/6, Next to Bodhe Wire, Jelly filled
25 Warehouse, Village Vavli, Devachi, Tal. copper cable
Haveli, Dist. Pune

M/s. Gold Star Alloys, Zinc Dross, Scrap 2400

Plot No. 276, Sec-7, PCNTDA, Bhosari, Aluminium Dross, 1200
Dist. Pune 411026 Scrap

M/s. Surchem Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. a) Copper waste 5000

Plot No: F-12/3, MIDC , Tarapur, Boisar, containing cable,
Dist: Thane- 401506 spent
catalyst, dross,
cake, mill scale,
reverts, ETP
b) Zinc Waste
containing spent
c) Cobalt Waste
27 containing spent
PTA Catalyst,
Scrap, ash & ETP
d) Molybdenum
waste containing
catalyst, scrap,
residue, ash & ETP
e) Nickel Waste
Containing spent
residue, sludge,
spent Raney Nickel

M/s. J.K. Corporation Zinc Ash Zinc 2700

Gali No. 9 & 10, Walia Indl. Area, Village Residues & Zinc
28 Sativali, Vasai(E), Dist. Thane-401 208 Scrap

M/s. Metal Care Alloys Pvt. Ltd. Scrap, Dross and 10800
Plot No. 36, 37, Angaon Industrial Area, Skimming of Brass
Tal. Talasari, Dist. Palghar Copper, Zinc and
copper Drid
Copper Amide mill
scale copper
everst, copper
cokes and residue
M/s. Arihant Chemical Company Zinc dust / Dross, 3730
Plot No. S-29, MIDc Tarapur, Tal. & Dist. Zinc Ash, Zinc
Palgahar hydroxide, zinc Tin
Waste, Zinc Scrap,
Copper Scrap /
Dross / Oxide,
30 Epoxy powder
containing copper,
Spent Catalyst
containing copper,
ETP Sludge (Metal
Hydroxide Sludge)
Mill Scale, Nickel
Scrap, Spent
Catalyst containing

M/s. Dhasnirt Recycling Industries Ltd. Non Ferrous 3600

Plot No. G-4, MIDC Tarapur, Tal. & Dist.

M/s. Vijay Chem Industries Zinc Ash 1250

Survey No. 150 A/2, Saparonde Village,
Kondala Road, Dist. Thane

M/s. Rajkob Industries Copper Scrap 720

Plot No. N-41, MIDC Tarapur, Boisar, Dist. Copper Dross
Thane – 401 506 Spent Catalyst
containing Copper
Copper Oxide Mill
33 Scale
Nickel Scrap Spent
Nickel Zinc Dross
and Zinc Scrap
M/s. Vineeth Chemicals Spent Nickel 250
Unit No. I, Agarwal Industrial Estate No. 3, Catalyst & Nickel
34 Sativali Road, Vasai(E), Dist. Thane Scrap

M/s. Vineeth Precious Catalyst (P) Ltd. Spent Nickel 250

9 & 10, Estate No. 3, 15 to 18 Building No. Catalyst & Nickel
8, Agarwal Udyog Nagar, Sativali Road, Scrap
35 Vasai(E), Dist. Thane- 401208

Copper Scrap and 150

Zinc Scrap
M/s. R.T.Jain & Co. Brass scrap, 100
Plot No.F-1/19, MIDC Copper scrap,
36 Tarapur, Boisar , District Thane Copper Slag, Zinc
Ash, zinc
M/s. A.I.C. Chemical Private Ltd. Brass scrap, 3000
Mohan Mill Compound copper scrap,
37 Kolshet Road, Thane(West) copper slag, zinc
ash, zinc
M/s. Mardia Tubes Ltd. Copper Scrap, 2900
Plot No. J-56, MIDC, Tarapur, Brass Scrap, Zinc
Tal. Palghar, Dist. Thane Scrap,
38 Copper Dross,
Brass Dross, Zinc
Dross, Zinc
Ash & Skimming
M/s. Salema Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Zinc 720
Plot No: T-10, MIDC Tarapur, Dist: Thane Waste/Scrap/Zinc

M/s. Karan Metals Zinc ash skimming, 3000

Plot No: S-6, MIDC Zinc Dross, Zinc
Tarapur, Dist:Thane Scrap, Copper
dross, Copper Mill
Scale, Brass Dross
and Brass scrap
M/s. Indian Metal and Chemicals Zinc Dross and 480
Corporation Plot no: T-5, MIDC Tarapur zinc ash
Boisar, Dist: Thane

M/s. Balaji Chemicals Zinc Ash, Copper 720

Plot no: W-159, MIDC Tarapur , Dist : Ash, Brass Ash and
Thane Spent Nickel
M/s. C. S. Trading, Scrap Nickel 50
Plot No. 188, MIDC, Tarapur, Tal. Palghar,
Dist. Thane

M/s. Pooja Chemicals Zinc Scrap, Copper 2100

44 Plot No. N-176, MIDC, Tarapur, Tal. & Scrap
Dist. Palghar
M/s. Metallica Industries, Copper, Brass, Zinc 2220
Unit No. 1, Gala No. 17, 18, 19, 25, S. I. E. Scrap, Copper and
Vill. Vasai, Thane Brass dross

M/s. Uttam Chemicals Spent Catalyst, 160

Plot No. T-87, MIDC Tarapur, Tal. Palghar, Containing, Nickel,
Dist. Thane Zinc, Copper,
Dross & Zinc Dross
M/s. Indian Scrap Traders Zinc Scrap & Zinc 170
Sr. No. 11, Hissa No. 3/A, Ghusiya Market, Ash, Brass Scrap,
Vill. Pimpri, Dahisar Mori, Tal. & Dist. Copper Scrap,
47 Thane Copper Druid,
Copper Cables,
Copper Dross,
Copper Reverts
M/s. KVB Processors Pvt. Ltd. Zinc Dross, Zinc 16440
Plot No. 24/25, S. No. 441/2, 4, 64, Vill. Scrap, Zinc
48 Mahim, Tal. & Dist. Palghar Skimming

M/s. Umicore India Pvt. Ltd. Ceramic / Metallic 15

Plot No. 150/152, Ayesha Compound, / Cake catalyst
Beside Konark Construction, Chincholi waste (Part of
Bhiwandi Road, Ahed of Kaman Village, Catalytic
49 Vasai E, Thane 401208 Convertors)

M/s. Metalloy Linkers, Copper, Brass, Zinc 1000

Gut No. 92p/2, 93p/2, Village Kudus, Tal. & Aluminium
Wada, Dist. Palghar

M/s. Kothari Enterprises Zinc Ash Zinc 1600

Mujbi, P.O. Bela, Tah. Dist. Bhandara Dross Zinc Scrap
and Zinc
M/s. Dhatu Nigam Zinc Scrap & Zinc 192
Village Tekadi, Jabalpur Road, P.O. Ash
Kanhan –
441 401, Nagpur
M/s. Gaurav Industries Zinc Ash 540
U-152, MIDC Estate,
Hingna Road, Nagpur-440016,
M/s. Vidarbha Nicel Pvt. Ltd. Spent Nickel 1020
C-33, MIDC Hingna, Nagpur-440028 Catalyst

M/s. Shree Metals (Mujbi) Private Zinc Dross Zinc 4795

Limited Ash & Zinc
Plot No.312/2, At. Mujbi P.Bela, Tah./Dist. Residues
55 Bhandara-441 904
Brass Dross 560

Copper Scrap 720

M/s. Govind Metal Industries Brass Dross, 876
Khasra No.60/1, Station Road, Bhandara Copper Dross, Zinc
Dross and
Zinc Ash
M/s. Rishabh Meta Process Zinc Ash, Zinc 10000
Gut No.27/1, Village: Jamni (Dhaba), Dross, Copper
Station Road, Tal. + Dist. Bhandara- Dross, Brass
57 441904 Draoss, Copper
Oxide Mill Scale,
M/s. Shakti Industries Spent Nickel 1000
58 B-44, MIDC, Kalmwshwar, Dist. Nagpur - Catalyst
M/s. Nagraj Alloys Pvt. Ltd. Copper Scrap/ 600
Survey no: 41, P.H. No: 20, Village: Asoli, jelly filled copper
59 Mouza, Mahalgaon, Tal: Kamptee, Dist: cables
Brass Dross Scrap
M/s. Ganaraj Alloys Pvt. Ltd. Spent Nickel 720
C-4, MIDC, Kalmeshwar, Nagpur Catalyst and Spent
M/s. Shree Ram Metals Copper Scrap 600
61 Plot No: 28, Survey No: 04, Kapsi Kurdh, Brass Scrap 600
Tal: Kamptee, Dist: Nagpur
M/s. Rohini Metal Industries, Scrap & Copper 6000
S. No. 71/2, P. H. 53, Vill. Sawdi, Tal. Kuhi, cable, Copper
Dist. Nagpur Dross, Jelly filled
copper cable,
copper dride,
residue & Coke
Copper alloys 3300

Braas sacrp Dross 1500

Zinc Dross
M/s. ABN Metal Industry Copper catalyst & 1450
Plot No. C-103, MIDC Butibori, Dist. Residue, Nickel
Nagpur Catalyst & Residue,
Catalyst & Residue,
63 Cobalt Catalyst &
Residue, Tungsten
Catalyst & Waste,
Precious Metal
Catalyst & Zinc
M/s. Metal Press India Copper Scrap. 450
146 BCD, Industrial Estate, Charkop Brass Scrap & Zinc
64 Kandivli (W), Mumbai – 400 067 Scrap

M/s. Arjandas Metals Industries Pvt. Ltd. Brass Scrap Brass 8100
Saki Vihar Road, Arjandas House, Dross Copper
65 Sakinaka , Mumbai - 400 072 Scrap and
Copper Dross

M/s. Shri Hari Extrusion Ltd. Brass Dross 9000

Ashok Nagar, A.C. Road, Copper Dross Zinc
Near Bank of Baroda, Kandivali (East), Dross and
Mumbai Copper Cable i.e.
Dried Copper
Residues Zinc
Scrap and Zinc Ash
& Skimming
M/s. S. P. Chemicals Spent Nickel 600
Gate No. 84, Vikram Road, Erundal 425- Catalyst and Nickel
109, Dist. Jalgaon, Maharashtra Scrap

M/s. Aditya Industries Copper Scrap Zinc 1000

474, Naigaon Road, At Shinde Village, Ash & Zinc Dross
Nashik-422002, Maharashtra

M/s. Suhans Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Spent Catalyst 610

D-46/5, 46/4, MIDC Area Jalgaon-425 containing Nickel

M/s. S.M. Malik Zinc Ash, Zinc 1200

S. No. 5/1, 2, 3/4, At. Po. Vilholi, Tal. & Dross
Dist. Nashik 2400
Copper Ash,
copper dross,
copper dust
M/s. Adityas Impex, Copper Druid 360
Plot No. D-101, MIDC Ahmednagar, Tal. & (Only for
71 Dist. Ahmednagar separation of
copper and PVC by
peeling process
M/s. Raniganj Chemical Works Zinc Ash & Zinc 140
Plot No. A-12, MIDC Chemical Zone, Scrap
Kalyan Badlapur Road, Ambernath, Dist.
72 Thane -421501

M/s. Parag Sulpha Chemicals Spent Catalyst 160

Tech Shed No.-18, Chemical Zone MIDC containing Copper
Ambernath, Dist-Thane, Maharashtra Scrap, Copper
73 Oxide Mill Scale
and Copper

M/s. Heena Metal Pvt. Ltd. Scrap / Dross of 1800

Mumbai Nashik Highway, Wad Village, Brass Copper,
Khativali, Tal. Shahapur, Dist. Thane Insulated copper
wire with PVC
sheeting including
ISL Code, Brass
Ash / Skimming /
Residues / Copper
Ash / Skimming /
M/s. Muby Chemicals Zinc Ash Zinc 860
W-105, Behind Hamilton Cycles, Residues Zinc
75 MIDC Ambernath-421 501, Distt. Thane Dross & Zinc

M/s. Monarch Catalyst Pvt. Ltd. Spent Catalyst 2000

Plot No.A-94 & F-1/2, MIDC Phase-1, containing Nickel
Dombivili (E), Distt. Thane-421 203

M/s. Om Balaji Inorgo Metal Pvt.Ltd. Spent Nickel 350

W-71/B, MIDC Chikhloli, Ambernath, Dist. Catalyst
77 Thane-421 505
Spent Catalyst 100
containing copper
M/s. Kam-Vit Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Spent Catalyst 2880
Gut No.45-46 & 47 containing Nickel,
Village: Kambre, Wada, Copper, Copper
Distt. Thane, Tal. Wada -421 303 Reverts, Cakes and
78 Residue, Waste
Copper and
Copper alloys in
dispersible forms,
spent cleared
metal catalyst
containing copper

M/s. Ashok Chemical Industry Zinc Ash 1200

Village Parivali, Post-Angaon, Wada Road,
79 Tal. Bhiwandi,
Dist. Thane

M/s. Metal Chem Spent Catalyst 360

Plot No. F-1/16, MIDC Badlapur, P.O. containing Nickel
Kulgaon, Dist. Thane-421 503

M/s. Agni Industries Lead / Copper / 6000

Gut No. 81, 179-P, Village Lakhmapur, Residue / Dross /
Tal. Wada, Dist. Thane Battery Scrap, All
81 grades & Brass
Scrap, Copper
Scrap, Zinc Scrap,
Aluminium Scrap
M/s. Aashumi Chemicals P. Ltd. Copper Dross 2000
169-B, Village Nangathane, Tal. Wada, Copper Oxide Mill
Dist. Thane, Maharashtra Scale Copper
Reverts Cakes &
Residues Copper
Copper Druid
Copper slags Zinc
Scrap Brass
Dross Brass Scrap
and spent Catalyst
Containing Copper
M/s. Devang Industry Inc. Zinc Dross, Zinc 1800
S. No. 217, Plot No. 12-15, Khupri, Tal. ash, Zinc ore, Zinc
Wada, Dist. Thane scull,
Zinc residue, Zinc
Zinc (Dross, druid,
Slag, Scrap, ash,
M/s. Shri Hari Extrusion Ltd. Scrap, ash, residue, 5000
Plot No. 63 -70, Gut No. 984(Part), Village dross of Copper,
Shirgaon, Tal. Palghar, Thane Brass, and Zinc
84 dross, slag. Scrap
,ash, residue
,dross, of copper,
brass , and zinc
M/s. Green Tech Metal Recyclers Pvt. Ltd. Copper Scrap 600
85 Gat No: 41, Village: Cobalt Scrap 90
Bavali, Tal: Wada, Dist: Thane Nickel Scrap 138
M/s. Grishma Metal Technology Spent catalyst 1000
Gut No. 107, Vill. BIlavali, Tal. Wada, Dist. containing
Thane molybdenum and
M/s. Sunalco Alloys Pvt. Ltd. Brass Dross, 10800
Gut No. 74, 76, 78(pt), Vill. Lakhampur, Copper Dross,
Tal. Wada, Dist. Thane Reverts, copper
druid and zinc
dross, Zinc Ash,
Zinc Skimmimgs,
copper cabels
M/s. Evonik Catalysts India Pvt. Ltd. Spent Nickel 2000
F-1/2, MIDC Dombivali Phase-1, Catalyst
88 Dombivali E, Dist. Thane 800
Spent precious
catalyst B-1120
M/s. Shree Laxmi Metal Industries, Scrap / Dross / 1200 MT/A
G. No. 62, 64, Vill. Chindwadli, Wada Milk Scale /
Shahapur Road, Wada, Dist. Palghar Residue of Copper,
Copper Oxide,
Copper Druid 600 MT/A
Dross / Scrap of 960 MT/A

Zinc Dross / Zinc

Scrap / Ash
M/s. Shree Gurudutt Chemicals Zinc Dross & Zinc 1440
Gut No. 378, Aurangabad-Pune Road, Tal. Ash Scrap
90 Gangapur, Dist. Aurangabad

M/s. Mercury Metal Industries Copper Dross, 450

Plot No. D- 48, MIDC Mahad, Raigad Scrap, Zinc Ash
and Druid of
Copper, Brass and
Zinc for the

92 M/s. Aqsa Stamping, Copper Scrap, 2400

Plot No. 55, Rangara Industrial Estate, Copper Druid,
33/35, Kiravali (Adivali), Tal. Panvel, Dist. Copper Cables,
Raigad Copper Dross,
Copper Reverts,
Grinding Dust,
Aluminium Scrap,
Zinc Scrap & Zinc
Ash, Brass Scrap


Sr. Name and Address of Industry Type of Hazardous Authorised Quantity Recycled/
No. Waste Recycled Recycling / Utilised/ Co-
Utilisation / Co- processed (MT/A)
Capacity (MT/A)
1 Paint sludge mixed
with thinners
M/s. Surekha Industrial processors
reprocessing /
Plot no: G-126/G-129 MIDC Baramati 1000
recycling of paint
Dist: Pune
sludge mixed with
M/s. Suraj Coats Reprocessing of
MIDC Bhosari, Pune from SRO Pimpri Paint Sludge 750
Chinchwad, MPCB, Pune /Residue

M/s. ACE Industries, Recovery of
S. No. 30, H. No. 18-B, Unity Industrial Thinner from paint 3000
Estate, Dhigodi, Tal. Haveli, Dist. Pune sludge

M/s. Maharani Innovative Paints Pvt. Ltd.
Gat No. 627, 1/1B, Pune Nashik Highway,
Paint Sludge 6000
Opp. Kishor Pump, Village Kuruli, Chakan,
Tal. Khed, Dist. Pune

M/s. Alchemist Oil Pvt. Ltd.
Paint Sludge 4800
G. No. 15/2, Tal. Haveli, Dist. Pune

Sr. Name and Address of Industry Type of Hazardous Authorised Quantity Recycled/
No. Waste Recycled Recycling / Utilised/ Co-
Utilisation / Co- processed (MT/A)
Capacity (MT/A)
M/s. Earth Sense Recycle Pvt. Ltd.
A-7, Gala No: 1, 2 & 3, Ground Floor,
Prerana Complex, Anjur Phata, Dapoda
1 E- Waste 360
Road, Village: Val, Bhiwandi, Dist: Thane

M/s. Just Dispose Recycling Pvt. Ltd.

Unit No: 103,110,119, Arvind Industrial
2 Estate, E- Waste 500
Navghar, Vasai (E), Dist: Thane

M/s. Eco Recycling Ltd. Eco House, Near

Top Glass Enclave, Bhoi Pada, Sativali
3 Road, Vasai E- Waste
(E), Dist: Thane

M/s. Antony Revive e Waste Pvt. Ltd.

W-154, TTC, Pawane Village, Navi
4 E- Waste 1000
Mumbai – 400 710

M/s. Just Dispose Recycling Pvt. Ltd.

A-103,104,110,119, Arvind Industrial
5 Estate, Navghar , Tal: Vasai, Dist: Thane 500

M/s. Mercury Metal industries

6 Plot no. D-48, MIDC Mahad, Tal:-Mahad, 500
Dist:- Raigad, Maharashtra Dismantling

M/s. Shabbir Traders

Plot No.999(7), Kiravali Narayan Kutir
7 Udyog Mandal, Village Adivali, Tal. 500
Panvel, Dist. Raigad

M/s. E- Recon Recycling

Gut No.: 94, Paithan Road Chitegaon, Tal: E-Waste
8 1000
Paithan, Dist: Aurngabad Dismantling

M/s. Kesariyaji Recyclers

9 Plot No. A-16, Pritesh Complex, Vill. 600
Owali, Tal-Bhiwandi
M/s. Ecocentric Management Pvt. Ltd.
Plot No. 17, Universal Industrial Estate,
10 Vill. Sajgaon, Tal. Khalapur, Dist. Raigad 2500

M/s. Arihant E-Recycling Ltd.

Gat no: 307/1, Shada Road, Dodaiacha E-waste
11 360
Tal: Sindkheda Dist: Dhule Dismantling

M/s. Z-Tronics Infratel Pvt. Ltd.

Survey no: 103, Gala no: 538, 539 At
12 Village : Pimpari, Post; Dahisar, Tal & 4000
Dist: Thane

M/s. Hari International

Shree Parasnath Complex, Unit no: 6, Bldg
13 no: D-4, Anjur Phata , Dapoda Road, Vill: 300
Val , Tal: Bhiwnadi Dist: Thane

M/s. Green world Recycling

Pritesh complex , Building no: B-12, Gala
no: 7-8, Anjur Phata , Dapoda Road, Val: E-waste
14 1000
Village, Tal: Bhiwandi, Dist : Thane Dismantling

M/s. E-Recon Recycling Gat no: 94,

Chitegaon, Tal: Paithan, Dist: Aurnagabad E-waste
15 1000

M/s. ECO Friend Industries E-waste Recycling

Plot no: A-205, TTC Industrial Area, MIDC - precious metal
16 Pawane, Navi Mumbai-400710 recovery - Gold , 240
Silver , Copper and
M/s.Evergreen Recylekaro (I) Pvt. Ltd.
17 63/4, vill: Varle, Tal: Wada, Dist : E- Waste 2400
M/s. Suritex Pvt. Ltd. Plot no: B-111,
MIDC Butibori, Dist : Nagpur E-Waste
18 360

M/s. M. I. Lokhandwala (I) Pvt. Ltd.

Plot No. 1/A, Mohite Industrial Estate,
19 Vill. Butibori, Tal. Hangna, Nagpur 1000
M/s. CBS E-Waste Recycling Ind.
Gut No. 18/63/2, At. Khnapur, Tal. Alcole, E-Waste
20 2500
Dist. Ahmednagar Dismantling

M/s. Nagraj E-Waste Recycling

S. No. 41/2, Village Asoli, Mouza
21 Mahalgaon, Tal. Kamptee, Dist. Nagpur 2000

M/s. Arihant E-waste Recycling Pvt. Ltd.

Gut no: 307/1, shahda Road, Dondaicha , E-Waste
22 360
Dist : Dhule Dismantling

M/s. ECO Centric Management Ltd.

Vill: Dheku, Tal: Khalapur Dist : Raigad E-Waste
23 2500

M/s. R.T. Corporation 377, Hissa no:

24 2, Village: Palsai, Tal: Wada, Dist: Thane 7500

M/s. Envirocare Recycling Pvt. Ltd.

Unit no: 8 /C-I Actual Industrial Complex
, Uchat, Road, Village : Magathane, Tal : E-Waste
25 7500
Wada Dist : Thane Dismantling

M/s. E-incarnation Recycling Pvt. Ltd.

Plot no: J-56, MIDC Tarapur, Dist: Thane
26 E- Waste 3000

M/s. AQSA Stamping

55 Rangara , Industrial Estate , 33/35,
Kirwali (Adivali) , Old Thane-Pune Road E-Waste
27 500
Tal: Panvel Dist: Raigad Dismantling

M/s. Green Valley E-waste Management

Pvt. Ltd.
Pritesh Complex, Bldg no: A-7, Gala no:7, E-Waste
28 240
Anjurphata Dapoda village: Val, Tal: Dismantling
Bhiwandi Dist : Thane

M/s. Go-Green Recycling

Plot no: 32, service, Industrial Area E-Waste
29 500
Sector 1 A Koparkhriane Navi Mumbai – Dismantling
M/s. Indian Scrap Traders
Ghusia Market, E-Waste
30 200
Gala no: 661, Vill: Pimpari, Post : Dahisar Dismantling
Dist: Thane
M/s. Clean Tech
B/8, Gala no: 3, Parasnath indl Estate,
31 Anjurphata Road, vill: Val, Tal: Bhiwandi 2000
Dist: Thane

M/s. Hi tech Recycling India (Pvt.) Ltd.

Gat no: 42, Plot no: 657, A/p, Bhukum Tal
32 : Mulshi Dist: Pune 1000

M/s. Mahalaxmi E- Recyclers Pvt. Ltd.

Plot no: J-5 (part), Gokul Shirgaon MIDC
Area Dist: Kolhpaur
33 E-waste E-Waste Dismantling of the 720

M/s. V. M. Traders
Sr. no: 296 (2), At Kondgaon, Post: E-Waste
34 10
Sakhrapa, Tal: Sangmeshwar Dist: Dismantling
M/s. R. K. E-Recycling Industrial
Gala No. 2, Tirupati Industrial Park,
Dismantling of E-
35 Sativali Road, Waliv, Tal. Vasai, Dist. 300

M/s. Shree Mohantara Solutions

G. No. 1290, 10th Mile, Pune Satara Road,
Dismantling of E-
36 Wadki, Tal. Haveli, Dist. Pune 450

M/s. Anand Computer Systems

20160B, Sadashiv Peth, Swanipuran
Dismantling of E-
37 Building Shop. No. 7, 8, 9, Pune 500

M/s. E-Waste Recycling

Nirhsas Compound, Near Agarwal Naka, Dismantling of E-
38 500
Sativali Road, Waliv, Vasai, Dist. Thane Waste

M/s. Krishna Metal Refinery,

Unit-II, Plot No. 2/143, Soparpada, Vill. Dismantling of E-
39 750
Wada, Dist. Thane Waste
M/s. Eco-Tech Recycling
C/6(5), Sagar Industrial Estate, S. no. Dismantling of E-
40 1000
46/4, Bhunal Nagar, Vasai E, Dist. Thane Waste

M/s. Green India E-Waste & Recycling

OPC Pvt. Ltd.
41 E-Waste Recycling 300
S. No. 74, H. No. 1/A, At. Po. Dahisar, Tal.
& Dist. Thane
M/s. High-Tech Recycling Pvt. Ltd.
Gut No. 42, Plot No. 657, A/p. Bhukum,
Recycling of E-
42 Tal. Mulshi, Dist. Pune

M/s. Green IT Recycling Centre Pvt. Ltd.

D-222, MIDC Ranjangaon, Tal. Shirur, Dismantling of E-
43 500
Dist. Pune Waste

M/s. Shree Recyclers

S. No. 208-2, Ap. Bhori- Bhotak, Dismantling of E-
44 180
Chandarwadi, Tal. Daund, Dist. Pune Waste

M/s. Retseh Emirstech Pvt. Ltd.

Plot No. G-A, MIDC Taloja, Tal. Panvel, Dismantling of E-
45 1000
Dist. Raigad Waste

M/s. S. K. Enterprises
Plot No. 134, Ahmednagar Indl. Co-op. Dismantling of E-
46 3600
Society Ltd. Nashik Waste

M/s. Spas Computers Pvt. Ltd.

7 & 12, Hema Industrial Estate, Premises,
Dismantling of E-
47 Cos Ltd. Sarvodaya Nagar, Rajmata Jijai 500
Road, Jogeshwari E

M/s. Asni E-Waste IndustriesG-1/10,

Ground Floor, Jai Jalaram Complex, Vill. Dismantling of E-
48 120
Pimplas, Tal. Waste

M/s. Pakeaza Traders,

Plot No. 406, 407, 408, At. Soyapur, Tal. & Dismantling of E-
49 4800
Dist. Aurangabad Waste

M/s. Computronics Solutions

Dismantling of E-
50 Gut No. 679/2/2, Kuruli, Chakan, Tal. 1200
Khed, Dist. Pune
M/s. Kalko Recycling
Plot No. 144, Ganesh Nagar, Phursungi, Dismantling of E-
51 180
Tal. Haveli, Dist. Pune Waste

M/s. Solapur Eco Recyfine

Dismantling of E-
52 Plot No. K-47, MIDc Chikholi, Tal. Mohol, 750
Dist. Pune
M/s. Envirocare Recycling Pvt. Ltd.
Unit No. 8/C-1, Actual Industrial Complex, Dismantling of E-
53 7500
Uchat Road, Vill. Mangathane, Tal. Wada, Waste
Dist. Thane
M/s. Avni E-Waste Solutions
G1/10, Ground Floor, Jai Jalaram
Dismantling of E-
54 Complex, Vill. Pimplas, Tal. Bhiwandi, 120
Dist. Thane

M/s. Recycling Future,

E-Waste (As per E-
S. No. 169, Bhangarpada, Post
55 waste (M) Rules, 500
Kundevahll, Tal. Panvel. Dist. Raigad

M/s. JRS Recycling Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Gala No. 428, S. No. 74, Hissa No. 2A, E-Waste (As per E-
56 Garib Nawaz Estate, Old Mumbai Pune waste (M) Rules, 300
Road, Dahisar, Dist. Thane 2016)

M/s. Bharat Steels,

E-Waste (As per E-
S. No. 154, Hissa No. 0, Vill. Dhansar, Tal.
57 waste (M) Rules, 300
Panvel, Dist. Raigad

M/s. Sahara Enterprises,

Dismantling of E-
58 G. No. 65, Dehu Alndi Road, Tal. Haveli, 1000
Dist. Pune
Plot No. P-128, TTC MIDC Indl. Area, Near
Recycling of E-
59 LFT Infotech Shil Mahape Road, Mahape, 300
Navi Mumbai 400710

M/s. Green E-Bin Electronic Solutions

Plot No. 18, MIDC Chikalthana, Dismantling of E-
60 500
Aurangabad Waste

M/s. Sahyadri E-Recycler

Plot No. 108, 5 Star MIDC Kagal, E-Waste
61 300
Hatkanangale, Tal. Kagal, Dist. Kolhapur Dismantling

M/s. J. S. Enterprises,
Dismantling of E-
62 G. No. 132, Khalumbare, Tal. Khed, Dist. 150
M/s. Shabbir Traders
Plot No. P/15 & 16, Sr. No. 119/120/121,
Balaji Industrial Park, Behind Hindalco,
63 E-Waste 300
Vill. Tondre, Tal. Panvel, Dist. Raigad

M/s. Greenbay Enterprises,

4550, S. No. 13, H. no. 3A, Behind Star
64 Weigh Bridge, Manatawadi, Urali Devachi, E-Waste 600
Pune 412203

Spent Catalyst
Sr. Name and Address of Industry Type of Authorised Quantity Recycled/
No. Hazardous Waste Recycling / Utilised/ Co-
Recycled Utilisation / Co- processed (MT/A)
Capacity (MT/A)
M/s. Beetachem Industries Spent Catalyst 60
W-177, TTC, Pawana Village, Thane Containing Copper
Belapur & Spent Catalyst
Road, Navi Mumbai Containing Nickel
M/s. B. R. Steel Products Pvt.Ltd. Copper residue 1300
Plot No.C-39(B&C) Near Krishna Steels, Cakes Copper
Pawane Village TTC Industrial Area, dross Brass
Mhape, Turbhe, Navi Mumbai-400 705 dross Zinc dross
Zinc skimming
Zinc ash and
spent catalyst
containing Nickel
M/s. Aryavart Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Plot Spent Nickel 300
3 No.G-14/3, MIDC Taloja, Tal-Panvel, Dist- Catalyst
M/s. Tean Eleven Metchem Technology Copper Scrap 900
Pvt. Ltd.
Shed no. 73(11), MIDC area, Taloja, Tal. Spent Ni Catalyst 1350
Panvel, Dist. Raigad
a) Copper waste
containing cable,
M/s. Surchem Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. catalyst, dross,
5 Plot No: F-12/3, MIDC , Tarapur, Boisar, cake, mill scale,
Dist: Thane- 401506 residue,
reverts, ETP
M/s. Surchem Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. b) Zinc Waste 5000
Plot No: F-12/3, MIDC , Tarapur, Boisar, containing spent
Dist: Thane- 401506 catalyst
c) Cobalt Waste
containing spent
PTA Catalyst,
Scrap, ash & ETP
d) Molybdenum
5 waste containing
catalyst, scrap,
residue, ash & ETP
e) Nickel Waste
Containing spent
residue, sludge,
spent Raney Nickel
M/s. Rajkob Industries Copper Scrap 720
Plot No. N-41, MIDC Tarapur, Boisar, Dist. Copper Dross
Thane – 401 506 Spent Catalyst
containing Copper
Copper Oxide Mill
6 Scale
Nickel Scrap Spent
Nickel Zinc Dross
and Zinc Scrap
M/s. Vineeth Chemicals Spent Nickel 250
7 Unit No. I, Agarwal Industrial Estate No. 3, Catalyst & Nickel
Sativali Road, Vasai(E), Dist. Thane Scrap
M/s. Vineeth Precious Catalyst (P) Ltd. Spent Catalyst 250
9 & 10, Estate No. 3, 15 to 18 Building No. containing Nickel
8, Agarwal Udyog Nagar, Sativali Road,
Vasai(E), Dist. Thane
M/s. Balaji Chemicals Zinc Ash, Copper 720
Plot no: W-159, MIDC Tarapur, Dist : Ash, Brass Ash and
Thane Spent Nickel
M/s. Uttam Chemicals Spent Catalyst, 160
Plot No. T-87, MIDC Tarapur, Tal. Palghar, Containing, Nickel,
Dist. Thane Zinc, Copper,
Dross & Zinc Dross
M/s. Vidarbha Nicel Pvt. Ltd. Spent Nickel 1020
11 C-33, MIDC Hingna, Nagpur-440028 Catalyst
M/s. Shakti Industries Spent Nickel 1000
12 B-44, MIDC, Kalmwshwar, Dist. Nagpur - Catalyst
M/s. Ganaraj Alloys Pvt. Ltd. Spent Nickel 720
C-4, MIDC, Kalmeshwar, Nagpur Catalyst and Spent
M/s. S. P. Chemicals Spent Nickel 600
14 Gate No. 84, Vikram Road, Erundal 425- Catalyst and Nickel
109, Dist. Jalgaon, Maharashtra Scrap
M/s. Suhans Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Spent Catalyst 610
15 D-46/5, 46/4, MIDC Area Jalgaon-425 containing Nickel
M/s. Parag Sulpha Chemicals Spent Catalyst 90
Tech Shed No.-18, Chemical Zone MIDC containing Copper
Ambernath, Dist-Thane, Maharashtra Scrap, Copper
Oxide Mill Scale
and Copper
M/s. Monarch Catalyst Pvt. Ltd. Spent Catalyst 2000
17 Plot No.A-94 & F-1/2, MIDC Phase-1, containing Nickel
Dombivili (E), Distt. Thane-421 203
M/s. Om Balaji Inorgo Metal Pvt.Ltd. Spent Nickel 350
W-71/B, MIDC Chikhloli, Ambernath, Dist. Catalyst
Thane-421 505 Spent Catalyst 100
containing copper
M/s. Kam-Vit Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Spent Catalyst 2880
Gut No.45-46 & 47 containing Nickel,
Village: Kambre, Wada, Copper, Copper
Distt. Thane, Tal. Wada -421 303 Reverts, Cakes and
Residue, Waste
19 Copper and
Copper alloys in
dispersible forms,
spent cleared
metal catalyst
containing copper
M/s. Metal Chem Spent Catalyst 360
Plot No. F-1/16, MIDC Badlapur, P.O. containing Nickel
Kulgaon, Dist. Thane-421 503
M/s. Aashumi Chemicals P. Ltd. Copper Dross 2000
169-B, Village Nangathane, Tal. Wada, Copper Oxide Mill
Dist. Thane, Maharashtra Scale Copper
Reverts Cakes &
Residues Copper
Copper Druid
Copper slags Zinc
Scrap Brass
Dross Brass Scrap
and spent Catalyst
Containing Copper
M/s. Grishma Metal Technology Spent catalyst 1000
Gut No. 107, Vill. BIlavali, Tal. Wada, Dist. containing
Thane molybdenum and
M/s. Riddhi Siddhi Steels & Alloys, Spent Catalyst 1000
Plot No. B-44, MIDC, Kalmeshwar, Nagpur containing Nickel
List of Authorized Recyclers/Utilizers /Co-processors of Hazardous waste in Madhya Pradesh
Authorised Recycling
Type of Quantity Recycled/
Sr. Name and Address of / Utilisation / Co-
Hazardous Waste Utilised/ Co-
No. Industry processing Capacity
Recycled processed (MT/A)
M/s. Manglam Petro
Used oil 1000 18.85
Sagarrad, Vidisha
Waste oil 6000 138.886
M/s. Universal Petro
2 Chemicals, Sagaroad, Used oil 3600 71.64
Vidisha (M.P.)
M/s. Mansapuran
Petrochemical Pvt.
Ltd.,205/A, New
3 Used oil 3600 846.13
Industrial Area-II,
Mandideep, Dist.
Raisen (M.P.)
M/s. Jaital Chemicals Used oil 900 113.837
IndustryGwalior Waste oil 900 12.595
M/s. Sarvvyapi Used oil 2500 1073.899
5 Petrochemicals,
Malanpur, Dist. Bhind Waste oil 3000 53.235
M/s. Rewa Refinery
Pvt. Ltd.,Plot No.
6 Used oil 4500 0
04, Industrial Area,
Waidhan, Singrauli
M/s. Diviya Refineries
7 Pvt. Ltd., Jignagat, Used oil 4150 500
Aadi Chemtrade Pvt.
Waste oil 5000 0
Ltd., Plot No.
8 404 , Sector-3,
Industrial Area Used oil 1000 63.428
,Pithampur, Dhar
Shri Agrasen Refinary Waste oil 1200 138.22
9 Limited, Plot No.
Sector-3, Industrial Used oil 1000 103.599
Area ,Pithampur, Dhar
Shree Nakoda
Industries, Plot No.
10 93. Sector-1, Used oil 900 107.1
Industrial Area
,Pithampur. Dhar
Shikhar Oils Pvt. Ltd., Used oil 4800 60
Plot No. 695 .
11 Sector-3, Industrial
Waste oil 4800 0
Area ,Pithampur,
M/s. Kamla
12 Chemicals, Richhai Waste oil 810 0
M/s. Bhaskar
Lubricant pvt. Ltd.,
13 Used oil 2810 47.6
Industrial Area,
Richhai, Jabalpur
M/s. Shri Rang
Petrochem Industries,
14 Waste oil 12000 0
Industrial Area,
Meghnagar, Dist.
M/s. P20 Green
15 Refinery Ltd., K.No. Used oil 50,000 0
225, Dewas
M/s. Suraj Lubricant
Plot No. 379, Sector-
16 Used oil 900 0
III, Pithampur, Dist.
M/s. Swam Lubricant Used oil 10,000 0
Pvt. Ltd., Plot No. 695,
17 Sector-III, Industrial
Waste oil 10,000 0
Area, Pithampur, Dist.
M/s. Nakoda
Used or spent
18 Plot No. 992/1 , jawad 3000 0
Phanta, Bharbhadia,
Dist. Neemuch
M/s. M.M. Metal
Lead Acid
7-B Sector-B,
19 battery plates 3000 191.459
Industrial Area,
& Lead scrap
Dist. Raisen (M.P.)

M/s. EM-ES Battery &

Lead Acid
Products Ltd.,A-42,
20 battery plates 600 32.94
Industrial Area,
& Lead scrap
Mandideep, Dist.
Raisen (M.P.)

M/s. M.M.
Enterprises, Lead Acid
21 32- B, Sector-C, battery plates 6000 200
Industrial Area, & Lead scrap

M/s. Preeti Industries,

Lead Acid
22 battery plates 3600 0
Sector-F, Sanwer
& Lead scrap
Road, Indore

M/s. Chabbi
Lead Acid
Industries, Plot No.
23 battery plates 300 50
59- B/1, Industrial
& Lead scrap
Area, Dewas
M/s. Aastha
Industries, Lead Acid
24 Plot battery plates 5000 40
No. 96, Industrial & Lead scrap
Area, Dewas

M/s. Aastha
Industries, Lead Acid
25 Plot battery plates 500 25
No. 96, Industrial & Lead scrap
Area, Dewas
M/s. Swastic
Lead Acid
' Plot
26 battery plates 330 10
No. 101-B, Industrial
& Lead scrap
Area No.1, A —
B Road. Dweas
M/s. G.S. Metals, Plot
No. 40 - 41 Lead Acid
27 /10, Industrial Area, battery plates 750 7
Phase - I, A - B & Lead scrap
Road, DEWAS (M.P.)

M/s. Swami Metals, Lead Acid

28 Gram Singawada, battery plates 1000 4
Ujjain Road, Dewas & Lead scrap

M/s. Sarthak Vyapar

Industries, Plot Lead Acid
29 No. 12, D-1, Industrial battery plates 4500 0.8
Area No.1, A -- & Lead scrap
B Road, Dewas,

M/s. Vaishnav Sai

Industry, Plot No. Lead Acid
30 101-A, Industrial Area battery plates 5000 0.6
No. 3, A — B & Lead scrap
Road. Deaws

Lead Acid
31 M/s. Priya Industries, 310 0.5
battery plates

Lead Acid
M/s. A.K. Industry,
32 battery plates 600 40
& Lead scrap

M/s. Shivshakti Iron Lead Acid

33 & Metal Industry battery plates 1600 86.495
Gwalior & Lead scrap
M/s. Krishna Iron & Lead Acid
34 Metal Industry battery plates 800 32.75
Gwalior & Lead scrap

Lead Acid
M/s. Shanti Metal
35 battery plates 500 0
Industry Gwalior
& Lead scrap

M/s. Piyush Metal

Lead Acid
Industry (Banke
36 battery plates 900 0
Bihari Industry),
& Lead scrap

Lead Acid
M/s. S.P. Metal
37 battery plates 1700 109.93
Industry, Morena
& Lead scrap

Lead Acid
M/s. Mahaveer Metal
38 battery plates 1600 203.75
& Lead scrap

Lead Acid
M/s. Gwalior Metal
39 battery plates 3600 218.24
Industry Gwalior
& Lead scrap

Lead Acid
M/s. R.K. Industry,
40 battery plates 3600 0
& Lead scrap

M/s. Shanti Prakash Lead Acid

41 Power Industry, battery plates 900 0
Gwalior & Lead scrap

M/s. S.P. Plastic Lead Acid

42 Industry, battery plates 1500 0
Banmore, Morena & Lead scrap

M/s. B.G.S.
Lead Acid
43 battery plates 1800 0
& Lead scrap
Banmore, Morena,

M/s. Mark Metal Co.

Lead Acid battery
Plot No. 38-B, Sector-
44 C, Sanwer 2500 0
& Lead scrap
Road, Indore
M/s. Pratik
Industries, Plot Lead Acid
45 No. 249. Sector-F, battery plates 1000 0
Sanwer Road, & Lead scrap

M/s. Paliwal Metals

Plot Lead Acid
46 No. 235, Sector-F, battery plates 4200 0
Sanwer Road, & Lead scrap

M/s. Balaji Industries,

Lead Acid
47 battery plates 850 0
Chawani, A — B Road,
& Lead scrap

M/s. Vijay Metal

Lead Acid
Industries, Plot
48 battery plates 670 0
No. 5, Industrial Area,
& Lead scrap

M/s. Ganpati Metals

Lead Acid
S.No. 308, Vyas
49 battery plates 4000 0
Khedi Road, Mangliya,
& Lead scrap

M/s. A.M. Industries

Plot Lead Acid
50 No. 96-B, Sector-F, battery plates 2000 0
Sanwer Road, & Lead scrap

Agarwal Metal
Lead Acid
Industries, Plot No.
51 battery plates 2000 145.57
251/A, Sector-E,
& Lead scrap
Sanwer Road, Indore

Aman Enterprises, P.
Lead Acid
No. A-10, Sec-
52 battery plates 5000 155.82
E, Sanwer road,
& Lead scrap

Balkrishna Industries, Lead Acid

53 212-C„ Sector- battery plates 960 0
F, Sanwer Road,Indore & Lead scrap
R. K. Industries, Plot
No. e-16 B, E- Lead Acid
54 17A,E-17A1, Sector-C, battery plates 900 0
Sanwer Road & Lead scrap
I adore

Hemal Industries, Lead Acid

55 299, Sector-F, battery plates 3000 121.12
Sanwer Road, Indore & Lead scrap

Krishna Metal Agency,

Lead Acid
Plot No.
56 battery plates 1800 215.327
158/B, Sector-F,
& Lead scrap
Sanwer Road,Indore

M. S. Metals, Sec. F Lead Acid

57 Sanwer road I/A battery plates 3600 722.88
P. no 300, Indore & Lead scrap

Mahamaya Batteries,
Lead Acid
Sector-C, P. No.
58 battery plates 3600 2
32,I/A sanwer road,
& Lead scrap

Manoj Industries, Sec.

Lead Acid
C Sanwer road
59 battery plates 720 120
I/A P. no DI6-17,
& Lead scrap

Neha Industries,
Lead Acid
Sector -F, plot no.
60 battery plates 3600 155.82
327-328, Sanwer
& Lead scrap
road, Indore

Noble Industries,
Lead Acid
P.No. 296-B, Sector-
61 battery plates 3000 983.588
F, I/A,Sanwer road,
& Lead scrap

Sameer Industries, Lead Acid

62 Sec. F Sanwer road battery plates 4200 1782.275
I/A P. no 131, Indore & Lead scrap
Varun Enterprises,
Lead Acid
Plot No. 290- D
63 battery plates 5000 4558.65
303, 304, Sec-E,
& Lead scrap
Sanwer Road, Indore

Payal Industries, Plot

No. 30, Lead Acid
64 Industrial Area, battery plates 2550 0
Katkut Road, & Lead scrap

Maa Vaishno
Industries, Plot No.
Lead Acid
65 battery plates 5000 0
Sec-5, Katkut Road,
& Lead scrap
Industrial Area,

Shivalik Vyapar Pvt.

Ltd., Khasra No. Lead Acid
66 69/1/1/2, 69/1/2/2, battery plates 5000 495.358
Gram Pancdaria, & Lead scrap

Naman Industries,
Lead Acid
319/A-3, Sec-F,
67 battery plates 3700 255.019
Industrial Area,
& Lead scrap
Sanwer Road, Indore

M/s Singhai Metal,

Lead Acid
Plot No. 68-B, 69-A,
68 battery plates 3600 24.5
Sec-F, Sanwer Road,
& Lead scrap

Lead Acid
M/s. A.P. Metal
69 battery plates 1200 70
Industries, Jabalpur
& Lead scrap

M/s. Calcutta metal

Lead Acid
70 battery plates 310 55
Industrial Area,
& Lead scrap
Adhartal, Jabalpur

M/s. Indore Metal

Lead acid
71 Corp. Richhai, 3000 0
battery scrap
M/s. Laxmi Vilas
Metal Enterprises
Lead acid
72 Pvt. Ltd., Industrial 3600 0
battery scrap
Area, Boregaon,

Mis. Yuvika Alloys Lead acid

73 Industrial Area, battery, Brass 1200 280
Maneri, Dist. Mandla & Zinc Scrap

M/s. Padwal
Lead Acid
Industries, Plot
74 battery plates 450 0
No. 12, Industrial
& Lead scrap
Area, Jhabua

M/s. Shivam
Lead Acid
Vill. Mordongri,
75 battery plates 900 0
Nagpur Road,
& Lead scrap
Pandhurna, Dist.

M/s. OMS Metal,

Plot No. 287/1/2, Viii. Lead Acid
76 Pangura, battery plates 1200 0
Tehsil Uchara, Distt. & Lead scrap

M/s. Kanti Metal

Industries, Plot Lead acid
77 No. 2, Industrial Area, battery plate 510 0
Tehsil scrap
Mudwara, Dist. Katni

M/s Savitri
Enterprises. Plot No.-
Zinc Dross
78 B, Laxmibai Nagar fort 300 70
& Zinc Ash
Area, Indore, Distt.-
M/s Uttam Organics
Fertichem Pvt.
Ltd. Khasra No. 415. Zinc
79 8400 1109.29
Industrial Area , Sulphate
Nimrani A.B. Road,
Distt. Khargoan

M/s Vyanktesh Metals

& Alloys PVT.
Ltd., Plot No.-, 203,
80 Sector- E 2000 543
Industrial Area,
Sanwer Road, Indore,
Distt.- Indore.

M/s Raj Ratan

Technique &
81 Ink Sludge 4500 350
Pvt. Lid. Plot No.
11/1, Pipliyarao,
Bholaran Ustad Marg

M/s Sugam
Chemicals, Plot No. Organic
341 , solvent (by
82 600 233
Sector-3, Industrial waste solvent
Area ,Pithampur, recovery)

Copper scrap
500 0
Copper alloys
M/s. Cables
83 Processors India Ltd., Insulated
Maneri, Mandla copper wire
1500 0

M/s Shloak Chemicals

India Pvt Ltd, Plot
Spent organic
84 No. 21 , Sector-3, 240 31.55
Industrial Area
,Pithampur, Dhar
Mix solvent
M/s Tanishi Organo
Chem, Plot No.49-B ,
85 Sector-2, Industrial 240 110
Area ,Pithampur,

M/s Krasoma Bio Ferric

Chem Pvt. Ltd., Plot Chloride (by
No. re-preocessing
86 18000 8116.68
254 , Sector-3, of spent
Industrial Area Hydrochloric
,Pithampur, Dhar Acid)
List of Authorized Recyclers/Utilizers /Co-processors of Hazardous waste in Manipur

Authorized Quantity Recycled/

Name and Address of Type of Hazardous recycling/utilization/co- Utilized/ Co-processed
the Facility waste recycled processing capacity(MTA) (MT)
List of Authorized Recyclers/Utilizers /Co-processors of Hazardous waste in Mizoram

Authorized Quantity Recycled/

Name and Address of Type of Hazardous recycling/utilization/co- Utilized/ Co-processed
the Facility waste recycled processing capacity(MTA) (MT)
List of Authorized Recyclers/Utilizers /Co-processors of Hazardous waste in Nagaland
Sl. Name and Address Type of Authorized
Quantity Recycled
No. of the facility Hazardous Recycling/Utilization/Co-
waste Recycled processing capacity
M/s. IOC Guwahati
1 Contaminated 10 MTA 10 MTA
With Oil
List of Authorized Recyclers/Utilizers /Co-processors of Hazardous waste in Odisha
S.No Name and Address of the Type of Hazardous Authorized Quantity
Facility Waste Recycled Recycling / Recycled/
Utilization / Co- Utilized / Co-
Processing Capacity processed (MT)

M/s Chemical & Metallurgical

Co., Shed Used Oil 720 No.
1 Used Oil 720
S/111-24, industrial Estate,
Kalunga, Rourkela
M/s N. S. Chemicals, Plot No.-
E/72, :Chhend Colony,
2 Used Oil 936
Rourkela, Sundargarh

M/s Ratna Industries, At-

Jamunanki, Po- 1Kuarmunda,
3 Used Oil 750 118
Dist-Sundargarh- 770039

M/s Raj Lubricants, At/ P.0-

4 Janug nj, Dist- Balasore, Used Oil 1500 442.721

M/s Susim Enterprises, At-

154/F & G,New Industrial
5 Used Oil 1200 160
Estate, Jagatpur, Dist- Cuttack,

M/s Gouri Shankar

Lubricants, AtGurujang,
6 Used Oil 600
Po- Talcher, Dist- Angul,
Odisha - 759100

M/s Asian Petro Chemicals, At

7 Po.-Barada, Used Oil 960 48.96

M/s Shree Durga

Petrochemicals, Plot No. 89A,
Used lubricating oil
8 New Industrial Estate, Phase- 2160
/Transformer oil
11, Jagatpur, Dist - Cuttack,
Odisha - 754021

M/s Swaraj Lubricants, At-

9 Gobinda, PoHaldipada, Used Oil &Waste Oil 1500 334.834
Dist-Balasore, Odisha
M/s Purbanchal Petroleum
Private Limited, At Kalagada,
10 Po - Jadupur,I Dist - Used Oil/Spent Oil 3650 0
Kendrapara, Odisha - 754213

M/s Shriya Metals &

Chemicals, At-, Khairbandh,
11 PO- Ranto Birkera, Waste Oil 7350
PSBramhanitarang, Dist -
Sundargarh, Odisha - 770037

M/s N. C Oil Refinery Pvt. Ltd.,

V l- Soya, Po-Osakana,
12 Waste Oil 3500
Balikuda, Dist-

M/s Agrawal Rasayan, At/PO-

13 Jayantpur, P.S: Jujumura, Dist- Waste Oil 2400 0
Sambalpur, Odisha

M/s Dhan Shree Smelters, At-

Lead acid battery
Plot No. 154/C & D, New
14 plates and other lead 1800 0
Industrial Estate, ,Jagatpur,
Dist- Cuttack, Odisha
M/s East Coast Biotech
Project, At -Paniora (Near
Sungranite Exports Ltd.), PO- Zinc Skimming / Zinc
15 3000 0
Palaspur, Dist- Khurda, Ash / Zinc Dross

M/s Omm Cee Business, At-

IDCO Plot NO. 3,
16 5anabramanitarang, Used Anode Butt 3300 560.34
Industrial Estate, Kalunga,
Dist - Sundargarh, Odisha

M/s Metacast International,

17 At/Po -1‘atapali, Dist- Used Anode Butt 10,080
Sambalpur, Odisha
M/s Metakani Resources,
18 Used Anode Butt 47040 3521.38
Kabrapali, Dist - Sambalpur,
M/s Hindalco Industries
Limited, Hirakud Complex,
19 Hirakud-768 01.6, Dist Aluminium Dross 3960
Sambalpur, Odisha

M/s Aditya Aluminum

Smelter & CPP, Plot
20 No.1450 & 1655/1, Balanda, Used Anode Butt 20,546 17390.11
at-ilapangs, Sambalpur

M/s A K Enterprises, Plot No.

- 7, Khordha Industrial Estate,
21 Dist Aluminium Dross 8400 3580
-Khorda, Odisha

M/s Gaurav Aluminium,At-

/Po- Hirma Dist - jharsuguria,
22 Aluminium Dross 12000 3452

M/s Hirakud Metallics,

23 Nuakhurigaon, Alunimium Dross 15000 0
Po-Sason, Dist-Sambalpur

M/s Shree Sai Metallik, At -

24 PO - Badaposhi, VIA - Alunimium Dross 9960 165.95
Dist- Keonjhar„Odisha

M/s Green Energy Resources, Spent Pot Lining

Shanti Nagar Road, Near (SPL)
25 25200 2075.87
Furniture Point, Budharaia, to manufacture
Samlialpur Carbon Fuel

M/s Subhra Chemicals, Plot Spent Pot Lining

26 No.10, Old Industrial Estate, (SPL) Carbon Portion 4,320 1348.03
Jagatpur, Cuttack

Flue Gas Dust / Gas

Cleaning Plant (GCP)
Sludge of LD Furnace
M/s Suraj Products Ltd., At-
/Electric Arc Furnace
Barapali, Post- Kesharmal,
27 (EAF) Blast Furnace 70900 35627.507
Rajgangpur, Dist -
of Steel Plant /
Sundargarh, Odisha
Captive Blast Furnace
GCP Sludge of Ferro
Allov Plant
List of Authorized Recyclers/ Utilizers/ co-Processors of Hazrdous Waste in Punjab
Authorized Authorized Quantity Recycled /
Type of
Recycling/ Recycling/ Utilized / Co-processed
Sr. Name and Address of the hazardous Utilization / Co- Utilization / Co- (MT)
No. Facility Waste
Processing Processing
Capacity (MTA) Capacity (NoS)
Nil, as the industry is lying
M/s "Jyoti Chemicals & closed for the last 1.5 year
1 skimmings/ 3200
Fertilizers, as informed by the
zinc ash
M/s The Malwa Industrial Nil, the industry has
& Marketing Ferti-chem Co. temporarily stopped the
Operative Society Ltd. ( processing of hazardous
2 skimmings/ 810
Lessee Parry Fertilizer waste.
zinc ash
India Ltd.,)Vill. Dugal Lehra
Road, Patran, Distt. Patiala
Lead acid
M/s Shiv Shankar battery plates Nil, as the unit is yet not
3 Enterprises, 38, Industrial and other lead 305 taken in operation by the
Estate, Rajpura scrap/ashes/re PP.
M/s Navjyoti Chemical &
Fertilizer Ltd., PATIALA Nil, as the industry is lying
4 skimmings/ 1260
ROAD, Samana, Distt. temporarily closed.
zinc ash
M/s Balaji Industries, C-3A,
5 Focal Point- Kotkapura, Zinc Ash 2160 Nil
Distt. Faridkot
M/s Sardar Chemfert
6 Industries, Seed Farm Zinc Ash 1080 432
Road, Abohar, Distt. Fazilka
lead acid
M/s S.K. Metal, Near Focal
7 Point, Kotakpura, Distt. 120 Nil
lead acid
M/s Sukhwindra Industry,
8 Near Focal Point, 288 280
Kotakpura, Distt. Faridkot.
lead acid
M/s Shubham Power Pack
9 Products, VPO Khosa 180 165.55
Pando, Distt. Moga.
M/s Aggarwal
Manufacturing company,
Oil recovery
10 Plot no. 10, Friends 1200 KL/Y 168 KL/Y
Industrial Estate, Opp.
Aarti Steel, Focal Point
11 Ingots/Pure 1950 38.769
M/s Arihant Chemicals,
12 Lidhana Jikka Road, Bnaga, Zinc Ash 22.5 16.85
SBS Nagar
M/s Shreayns Industries ETP Sludge
13 Ltd., Vill. Banah, Tehsil from paper 300 287.7
Balachaur, distt. SBS Nagar manufacturing
M/s Kauntaum Paper Ltd.,
ETP Sludge
Village Saila Khurd, Tehsil
14 from paper 31025 (Wet) 7505.47 (Dry)
Garhshankar, Distt.
M/s Aastha Refinery,
15 Tajpur Road, Bhamina Spent Oil 60 -
Kalan, Ludhiana
M/s The Shivom Gram
16 Udyog Smiti, E-17-18, Focal Lead Scrap 1200 28.615
Point Mandi Gobindgarh
M/s New Power Metals &
Alloys, Near Aastha Mill,
17 Lead Scrap 5000 21.544
Ambey Majra, Mandi
M/s New Power Inds. Focal
18 Lead Scrap 300 29.445
Point, Mandi Gobindgarh
M/s Bishamber Nath &
19 Sons, Sirhind Side, Mandi Lead Scrap 210 104.86
M/s BRS Lubricants, D-57,
20 Focal Point, Mandi Used Oil 6000 219.816
M/s Mahadev
Petrochemicals, Plot no. D-
21 116, Focal Point, Mandi Used Oil 4800 141.738
Gobindgarh, Distt.
Fatehgarh Sahib
M/s Dashmesh Batteries
Lead Bearing
and Metals Works, D-90,
22 waste including 600 MTA 16.13MT
Focal Point, Khanna,
battery waste
M/s Dashmesh Industries,
Lead Bearing
B-1228/27, Sua Road,
23 waste including 720 MTA Closed
Dhandari Kalan, Ind Area-
battery waste
C, Ludhiana
M/s Guru Metal Works, Lead Bearing
24 Industrial Area-C, Dhandari waste including 600 MTA 3.6MT
Kalan, Ludhiana battery waste
M/s Jyoti Industries, Lead Bearing
25 Industrial Area-C, Dhandari waste including 720MTA 86.83MT
Kalan, Ludhiana battery waste
M/s Sapra Industries, Lead Bearing
26 Industrial Area-C, Dhandari waste including 200 MTA Closed
Kalan, Ludhiana battery waste
M/s Amar Battery Lead Bearing
27 Industries, Dhandari kalan, waste including 240 MTA 137.2MT
Ludhiana battery waste
M/s Jospatro Unit-2, Vill
Recycling of
28 Jugiana, G.T. Road, 1860MTA 564 MT
used oil
M/s Lucky Steel Works, 72- contamination
29 R, Industrial Area-B, of contaminated 27320 MT
Ludhiana drums/containe
M/s D.D.Agro Industries
Zinc Bearing
30 ltd., Mittal Kanda Lane, 7300 MTA 1924.30MTA
Industrial Area-C, Ludhiana
M/s Om Udyog, E-403,
Used oil (Cat 2000 KL/Annum
31 Focal Point Phase-6, Used oil @ 1440 KL
5.1) (5.1)
M/s Satkar Oil Company,
Used oil (Cat
32 D-177, Phase-6, Focal 900 KL/Annum 108 KL
Point, Ludhaian
M/s Vass International,
Lead bearing
33 Phase-7, Focal Point, 1200 MT/Year 99 MT/year
waste (Cat 9.1)
M/s Om Udyog, E-403, Empty
34 Focal Point Phase-6, Containers 0 -
Ludhiana (33.1)
M/s Raja Enterprises, Lead Bearing
35 Industrial Growth Centre, waste including 1500 900
Mansa Road, Bathinda battery waste
M/s Shiva Electronics,
36 Ramdittewala Road, Tehsil --do-- 500 22.5
& Distt. Mansa
M/s Sant Metal Industries,
37 Seikhu Road,Malout, Distt. --do-- 500 250
Sri Muktsar Sahib
M/s S.S. Udyog, Plot no B-
38 91, Focal Point,Malout, --do-- 500 250
Distt. Sri Muktsar Sahib
M/s Shiv Shakti Udyog,
39 Seikhu Road,Malout, Distt. --do-- 500 250
Sri Muktsar Sahib
M/s Dhamija Metals
Industries, D-34, Focal
40 --do-- 1500 250
Point,Malout, Distt. Sri
Muktsar Sahib
M/s Alloys & Allied
Enterprises, S-48, Focal
41 --do-- 1500 0
Point,Malout, Distt. Sri
Muktsar Sahib
M/s Om Shakti Smelters,
42 Lambi Road, Gidderbaha, --do-- 1500 400
Distt. Sri Muktsar Sahib
M/s R.V. Metals Industries,
43 Village Kotli Devan, Distt. --do-- 700 0
Sri Muktsar Sahib
M/s Sant Mix Board,
44 Pharwahi Road, Bhikhi, --do-- 3600 3027.5
Distt. Mansa
M/s Lakhdata Petro
Chemicals, Refinery Road, Used Oil &
45 4900 KL/Year 400 KL/Year
Village Ramsra, Distt. Waste Oil
M/s. Lalit Chemicals & Zinc Dross/
46 Fertilizers Industries, Skimming/Ash 3000 0
Lehragaga, Distt. Sangrur. (Catg. No. 6.2)
M/s Green Globe
Chemicals, Village Ganota,
47 Tohana Road, PO Rampur 2400 732
g/Ash (Catg. No.
Gujran, Moonak, Tehsil
Sunam, Distt. Sangrur
M/s. Indian Phosphate & Zinc
Carbonates Mfg co, Pawara Dross/Skimmin
48 2000 1740.273
Road, Moonak, Distt. g/Ash (Catg. No.
Sangrur. 6.2)
M/s. Shri Ram Chemicals
49 Industries, Sangrur Road, 5000 509
g/Ash (Catg. No.
Dhuri, Distt. Sangrur.
M/s. Bhoomi Sudhar
50 Chemicals Industries, Focal 7000 1927.904
g/Ash (Catg. No.
Point, Sangrur .
M/s. Gupta Smelters (P) Zinc Dross- 4500
Dross/Skimmin Zinc Dross- 1361.002
51 Ltd., C-48 , Industrial Focal Brass Dross-
g/Ash (Catg. No. Brass Dross- Nil
Point, Sangrur. 2250
6.2) and Brass
M/s. Shree Ram Agro,
52 Bagrian Road, Dhuri, Distt 750 108
g/Ash (Catg. No.
Luxmi Agro Chemicals, Dross/Skimmin
53 1200 0
Longowal Distt. Sangrur g/Ash (Catg. No.
M/s. Suraj Fine Chemical
54 Mfg. Co., Papran Road, 3750 1360.788
g/Ash (Catg. No.
Moonak, Distt. Sangrur.
M/s. Moonak Fertilizer,
55 Dehla Road, Moonak, Distt. 2170 1792.093
g/Ash (Catg. No.
M/s. Ganesh Fertichem Zinc
India Pvt. Ltd., D/51-52, Dross/Skimmin
56 6000 526
Industrial Focal Point, g/Ash (Catg. No.
Sangrur. 6.2)
M/s. Ganesh Chemical & Zinc
Fertilizers VPO Rampura, Dross/Skimmin
57 1200 0
Bhawanigarh, Distt. g/Ash (Catg. No.
Sangrur 6.2)
M/s. Malwa Fertilizers,
58 Pawara Road, Moonak, 2000 1615.273
g/Ash (Catg. No.
Distt. Sangrur.
Ganesh Zinc Industries Pvt. Zinc
Ltd., Plot no. 3,4,5 Focal Dross/Skimmin
59 8700 1780.259
Point, Sunam Road, g/Ash (Catg. No.
Sangrur 6.2)
M/s. Ganesh Agro B-7 Dross/Skimmin
60 3780 1424.747
Focal Point, Sangrur. g/Ash (Catg. No.
M/s. Moonak Chemical
61 Industries, Dehla Road, 400 853.385
g/Ash (Catg. No.
Moonak, Distt. Sangrur.
M/s. Laurus Industries Pvt. Zinc
Ltd. (previously Gupta Dross/Skimmin
62 6000 1164.96
Agri Care) , B-12/13 Focal g/Ash (Catg. No.
Point, Sangrur. 6.2)
M/s. Ganpati Agro Care, Zinc
63 Mannwala Road, Village Dross/Skimmin 9000 807.27
Benra, Tehsil Dhuri, Distt. g/Ash (Catg. No.
M/s. Menon Board Mills, Paper ETP
64 Sangrur Road, Sunam, sludge (Catg. 12000 3205.63
Distt. Sangrur. No. 32.3)
M/s. Dirba Paper Paper ETP
65 Production Pvt. Ltd., Dirba, sludge (Catg. 3000 2681.2
Distt. Sangrur. No. 32.3)
M/s. Asha Metal Industries,
Lead Battery
66 Bhaini Jassa Road, 750 76.4
Handiaya, Distt. Barnala.
M/s. Luxmi Metal,Saroud
Lead Battery
67 Road, Malerkotla, 2375 0
M/s. Nipun Metal
Industries , C-23 , Lead Battery
68 750 22.4
industrial Focal Point, Plates
M/s. Shiv Shakti
Enterprises, C-45 , Lead Battery
69 1800 120.6
industrial Focal Point, Plates
M/s. Puneet Refinery C-4 Used/Spent oil
70 3600 273.122
Focal Point, Sangrur (Catg. No. 5.1)
Dashmesh Metal, Village Lead Battery
71 Jammu Kulian, Tehsil & Plates/Lead 720 108.675
Distt. Pathankot Scrap
Kay Chemical Industries,
72 Zinc Ash 15 5.88
430, Focal Point, Amritsar
B.B. Chemical Industry,
73 Zinc Ash 18 9.38
Batala Road, Amritsar
Shambu Nath Chemicals
Works, Seth Jagat Bandhu
74 Zinc Ash 5.3 1.34
Road, Old Jail Road,
Jay Jay Chemical, 262-East
75 Zinc Ash 1.5 0.5
Mohan Nagar, Amritsar
Kissan Zinc (P) Ltd, East
76 Zinc Ash 9 3.85
Mohan Nagar, Amritsar
Randeep Paper Board Mills
77 (Chemical Divisions) Tarn Zinc Ash 12.4 5.2
Taran Road, Amritsar
Sardar Agro Industry, 261,
78 Zinc Ash 4.5 1.75
Focal Point, Amritsar
Noor Chemical Industries,
79 Village- Bal Kalan, Majitha Zinc Ash 1.5 0.65
Road, Amritsar
G.R.P. Industries, Plot No. Lead Battery
80 E-60, New Focal Point, Plates / Lead 1.2 0.48
Mehta Road, Amritsar Scrap
Lead Battery
Hero Battery Inds, 358-
81 Plates / Lead 0.6 0.25
Focal Point, Amritsar
Shiv Shakti Enterprises,
Lead Battery
Dhapai Road, Near-
82 Plates / Lead 0.015 0.01
Chaudhry Farm House,
Lead Battery
M.T. Metal, Ibban Kalan,
83 Plates / Lead 1.2 0.8
Chabhal Road, Amritsar.
Standard Engg, (Now
Lead Battery
Known as Standard
84 Plates / Lead 0.15 0.05
Smelters) Fatehgarh
Churian Road, Amritsar
B.B Industries., Village Lead Bearing
5 TPD (1500 Nil (industry is yet to be
85 Bhagwanpur, Tehsil Dera waste including
TPA) commissioned)
Bassi, Distt. SAS Nagar. battery waste
Recovery of
J.C. Chemicals ,Village
86 solvents from 2100 KLPA 910 KLPA
Saidpura, Tehsil Dera Bassi
spent solvent
Golden Petro, C-45. IFP, Recycling of
87 2400KLPA 494.449 KL/A
Chanalon used oil
500 drums/day
Enviro clean, #129, Phase of contaminated
88 0 (150000 85584 drums
9, Mohali drums/
M/s M.S Polymers, E-104,
Pant and ink
89 Focal Point, Chanalon, 150 MTA 26.3 MTA
sludge/ residue
Utilisation of
spent acid
generated from
M/s Philips Electronics
90 filament 165 KLA 152.37 KLA
India Ltd, Phase 9, Mohali
industries for
trioxide by
heating process
M/s Ambuja Cement,
91 in Cement 5000 MT/year 142.48 MT
M/s J.K Trading Co. D-51-
92 52 Sports & Surgical used Oil 2400 KL 1800 KL
Complex, Jalandhar
M/s United Petrochem
Industries, Sangal Sohal
93 used Oil 18700 KL 1500 KL
road, Basti Peer Dad Khan,
M/s Priya Chemicals and
94 allide industry, Suranussi, used Oil 1620 KL 500 KL
G.T Road jalandhar
M/s A.K INDUSTRIES.,8/3 Lead bearing
95 INDL. ESTATE, waste including 250 MT 208.16 MT
JALANDHAR batteries waste
Lead bearing
96 waste including 300 MT 240.5 MT
batteries waste
Lead bearing
97 waste including 250 MT 178.6 MT
batteries waste
M/s ACTION BATTERIES, Lead bearing
98 UNIT II,D-79, FOCAL waste including 500 MT 360.45 MT
POINT, JALANDHAR batteries waste
INDUSTRIES,50-A, Lead bearing
99 INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, waste including 300 MT 210.6 MT
PATHANKOT ROAD, BYE batteries waste
Lead bearing
100 waste including 300 MT 200.8 MT
batteries waste
Lead bearing
101 waste including 250 MT 206.8 MT
batteries waste
Lead bearing
102 waste including 250 MT 210.6 MT
batteries waste
Lead bearing
103 waste including 500 MT 370.8 MT
batteries waste
INDUSTRY UNIT Lead bearing
104 II,BACKSIDE FOCAL POINT waste including 250 MT 180.4 MT
TRANSPORT batteries waste
M/s PARAMOUNT ALLOY Lead bearing
105 COMPANY,,VILLAGE waste including 300 MT 210.7 MT
DHOGRI JALANDHAR batteries waste
M/s Raj Dev Lead bearing
106 Industries,Globe Colony, waste including 300 MT 180.8 MT
Jalandhar batteries waste
M/s S.K.
Lead bearing
107 waste including 300 MT 150.6 MT
batteries waste
Udyog Nagar, VPO. Lead bearing
108 Randhawa Masanda waste including 300 MT 210.8 MT
Backside Focal POint, batteries waste
109 CORP., CANAL ROAD, INDL. waste including 300 MT 206.6 MT
AREA, JALANDHAR batteries waste
M/s J.S Metal Works,Streel Lead bearing
110 no.5 Near Shubh Kanda, waste including 300 MT 218.7 MT
VPO Gadaipur, Jalandhar batteries waste
Lead bearing
M/s Charan Industry F-8,
111 waste including 300 MT 180.4 MT
Focal Point, Jalandhar
batteries waste
Joginder Elelctricals & Auto
Lead bearing
Parts VPO. Panjdhera,
112 waste including 250 MT 140.6 MT
Goindwal Road, Phillaur
batteries waste
M/s Sethi Brothers
Lead bearing
Industrties, Street No. 9
113 waste including 500 MT 380.8 MT
VPO. Randhawa Masanda
batteries waste
Zinc beairng
114 CHEMICALS) 82-AMAR 162 MT 128 MT
List of Authorized Recyclers/Utilizers /Co-processors of Hazardous waste in Rajasthan
Type of Authorised Recycling /
Sr. Hazardous Utilisation / Co-
Name and Address of Industry Utilised/ Co-
No. Waste processing Capacity
Recycled (MT/A)

M/s Arham Industries, G-I/43-44.

1 .1211C0 Industrial Area. P.o Spent Catalyst 2400 MTA 482.50 MTA
Deeg, Bharatpur

M/s Hindustan Petroliutn

2 Corporation Ltd. Viii. Dhormui Oily Sludge 0.80 KL/A Nil
(Jaghina), Bharatpur

M/s Bharat Petrolium Corporation

3 Ltd., Vill. Dhormui (Jaghina), Oily Sludge 1400 Ltr./Year Nil

M/s Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.,

4 Vill. Dhormui (Jaghina), Oily Sludge 4.0 KLA Nil

M/s Kaysons Pigment Pvt.Ltd. G-

5 24. RIICO Industrial Area, Lead Bearing 5000 MTPA 4335.546 MTPA
Odela Road, Dholpur

M/s Rajasthan Explosive &

6 Chemicals Ltd, Near Maehkund, NA 0 0

M/s Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut

7 Utpadan Nigm Ltd, Near Purani NA 0 0
Chhawani, Dholpur

M/s R.P Industries. B-81/A, RIICO

8 Industrial Area, Odela Road, Lead Bearing 3000 MTPA 458.811 TPA
Near Bhole Baba Dairy, Dholpur

M/s Jai Kaila Maa Industries, G-79,

9 RIICO industrial Area, Odela Lead Bearing 500 TPA 135.111 TPA
Road, Dholpur

M/s Hindustan Industries, G-434,

10 Ext. Growth centre RIIC() Lead Bearing 2850 TPA 38.237 TPA
Indiustrial Area, Dholpur
M/s S.B.J & Co., F-137, Growth
11 centre RIICO Indiustrial Area, E-Waste 876 MTA 14.8 TPA

M/s Dixit Battery Centre. G-1/20.

12 RIICO Industrial Area. Odela 0 0 0
Road, Dholpur

M/s Shivani Paper & Board

13 industries. G-1/19, Growth centre 0 0 0
RIICO Indiustrial Area, Dholpur

M/s K.G Metalloys F-37, 38. RIICO

14 industrial Area. Odela Lead Bearing 22000 MTPA 4770.646 MTA
Road, Dholpur

M/s S.N Metal Products, F-39, 40.

Zine bearing
15 RIICO Industrial Area, Odela 600 MTA 72.595 MTPA
Road, Dholpur

M/s B.B Petro Chemicals F-5B,

16 RIICO Industrial Area. Odela 0 0 0
Road, Dholpur

M/s Mona Batteries & Chemicals.

17 G-1/16, RIICO Industrial Area, 0 0 0
Odela Road, Dholpur
M/s Balaji Overseas, F-99, Growth Chemical
18 centre RIICO Indiustrial Area, Sludge from 0 0
Dholpur ETP

M/s Shri Shyam Industries, G-13,

19 RIICO Industrial Area, Odela 0 0 0
Road, Dholpur

M/s WECYCLE. INC, E-72, Growth

20 centre RIICO Indiustria 0 0 0
Area, Dholpur

M/s Rajasthan Iron & Steel

21 Corporation, RIICO Industrial Area 0 0 0
Near Railway Station, Dholpur
M/s Vardhaman Metals. 11-65.
22 RITCO Industrial Area, Odela Roar 0 0 0

M/s Shukla E-waste Processors, H- E-Waste (S4,

23 480 29.517
309(B), RIA, Bhiwadi Alwar 17)

M/s Dhruv Techengineers Pvt Ltd,

E-Waste (S4,
24 0-1209, Rampur Mundana 9940 98.44
RIA Bhiwadi Alwar

M/s Eco Management and

Paint Sludge
25 Protection Servcies. F-33, RI 18000 0
(SI, 21.1)
Kahrani Alwar

Zinc Ash/Zinc
M/s V.K.Metcast Pvt. Ltd., F-60, Dust/Zinc
26 6000 3641
RIA, Chopanki Alwar Skimming
(S1. 6.3)
Zinc Ash/Zinc
M/s Interact Auto Pvt. Ltd., F-1017. Dust/Zinc
27 1800 83.1
RIA Khuskhera Alwar Skimming
(SI, 6.3)
Zinc Ash/Zinc
M/s Hitesh Enterprises. II-1-794, Dust/Zinc
28 1440 256.26
RIA, Chopanki Alwar Skimming
(SI, 6.3)

M/s New Lubrisales India Pvt. Ltd,

Used or Spent
29 F-192, RIA, Khushkhe 18000 1041.36
Oil (SI, 5.1)

M/s Shiv Shakti Oil & Lubricants, F-

Used or Spent
30 557, RIA, Chopan 3600 468.58
Oil (SI , 5.11
Bhiwadi, Alwar

Lead bearing
M/s Pilot Industries Ltd, A-44. RIA, waste including
31 12000 8914.91
Kahrani Alwar battery
waste (S4, 18)
Lead bearing
M/s Sumetco Alloys Pvt. Ltd., 0-
waste including
32 740 Phase-11, RIA, Bhiwadi 5000 510.54
waste (S4, 18)
Lead hearing
M/s Exclusive Lead Alloys Pvt. Ltd.,
waste including
33 0-1-690, Phase-11, R1A, 5000 2028.85
Bhiwadi Alwar
waste (S4, 18)
Lead bearing
M/s Lotus Alloys, G-1-669, RIA, waste including
34 3000 125.85
Chopanki Alwar battery
waste (S4. 18)
Lead bearing
M/s Rohan Metal Pvt.Ltd &733. waste including
35 27000 1817.37
Phase-11 R1A, Bhiwadi Alwar battery
waste (S4, 18)
Lead bearing
M/s Arya Alloys Pvt. Ltd., B-824, waste including
36 29400 3003
RIA, Bhiwadi Alwar battery
waste (S4, 18)
Lead bearing
M/s Ashish Pigments and Alloys
waste including
37 Pvt. Ltd, G-1-691, R1A, 4500 1500
Bhiwadi. Alwar
waste (S4, 18)
Lead bearing
M/s Exclusive Food Product Pvt.
waste including
38 Ltd., G-I-678, RIA. Bhiwadi 3000 0
waste (S4, 18)
Sludge from
M/s SRF Ltd., Village & Post
39 waste water 500 125.03
Jhiwana Alwar
treatment (S1,

M/s Ojhas MetaIH-1-344 MIA,

40 Battery recycle 1300 TPA 35 TPA

M/s Rohan IndustriesG1-556,MIA,

41 Battery recycle 8000 TPA 449 TPA TPA

M/s Surendra Metal IndustriesIlL

42 Battery recycle 1500 TPA 0
1-135, MIA, Alwar

M/s Balaji Metal Ind II sries11-1-

43 Battery recycle 450 TPA 0
756, MIA, Alwar

M/s Gulab Singh and Son0-23 I-A,

44 Battery recycle 200 TPA 0
MIA Alwar

M/s Sri Om Sai MetalH-1-

45 Battery recycle 1500 TPA 150 TPA

M/s Sunil IndustriesF-1-551

46 Battery recycle 2560 TPA 80 TPA
(South extension), MIA Alwar

M/s Rishab MetalI1-630(B), MIA,

47 Battery recycle 1400 TPA 0
M/s Aditi IndustriesH-1, 960, MIA,
48 Battery recycle 1800 TPA 0

M/s Kushbu Metal WorksH-1-767,

49 Battery recycle 1350 TPA 0
MIA, Alwar

M/s Rama MetaIH- I -755, MIA

50 Battery recycle 1350 TPA 0

51 M/s Ente visesF-24A, MIA Alwar . Battery recycle 1000 TPA 0

M/s Pragati Udhyog11-1, 630 (A),

52 Battery recycle 5000 TPA 0
M.I.A. A 1 w ar

M/s Ramesh Kumar Yadavl 1-1-

53 Battery recycle 1350 TPA 37.8 TPA
738, MIA Alwar

M/s Shivam Metal 11-1-956, MIA,

54 Battery recycle 1200 TPA 61.43 TPA

55 M/s Vasoo N a1G-287, MIA Alwar Battery recycle 4000 TPA 180.59 TPA

M/s Ritu Metal Industries. G1-557,

56 Battery recycle 1350 TPA 98.5 TPA
MIA, Alwar

M/s Shri Sidhhi Vinayak. Metal

57 Industries, H1-739-748, MIA, Battery recycle 1650 TPA 0

M/s Greenscape Eco management,

58 E-waste 600 TPA 116.316 TPA
01-584-585, MIA Alwar

M/s Greenscape Eco Management.

59 E-waste 60000 TPA 10657 TPA
0-588-591, MIA Alwar

60 M/s Vasoo Metal Unit -iii Alwar E-waste 525 TPA 448 TPA

61 M/s Sri Krishna Addedtives. Alwar E-waste 1560 TPA 0

62 M/s Shri Balaji Lubricant Alwar used Oil 2700 KLA 26 KL

63 M/s Shri Shyam Lubricant Alwar used Oil 6750 KLA 0

Copper and
Zinc Bearing
64 M/s Prime Metal Alwar 950TPA 50 TPA

M/s Zinc-o- India, Village Zinc bearing

65 950 TPA 508.27 TPA
Kesarpura, Alwar residue

M/s Zinc-o- India, Village Zinc bearing

66 1200 TPA 131 TPA
Kesarpura, Alwar residue

M/s Jyoti Petro Chemical Ind., B-4

67 Oil Waste 114 8.254
pratap nagar Jodhpur

M/s Bharat oil marudhara indus.

68 used oil 4344 4200
Area Jodhpur

M/s Siyarco industry F 540B basni

69 lead ash 1.84 0.69
2nd phase Jodhpur

M/s Shankar udhyog E 99 basni

70 lead slag 0.5 0.5
2nd phase Jodhpur

M/s Shruti dye industry boranada

71 lead ash 132 4.84

Zinc ash and

other Zinc
bearing wastes
arising from
M/s M/s. Swastik Zinc Pvt., F- & refining- 2.
1700 & 1800 MTPA
72 268, Mewar Industrial Area, Copper 1115(670+ 445)
(Purchased 1442 MTPA)
Road No. 12, Madri, Udaipur oxide mill
scale, Copper
rivets, Cake
& residue
waste copper
alloys and
Zinc Ash, Zinc
M/s Mis. West India Chemicals, F-
73 24 -25. Mewar Indl. Area, 1070 MTPA 0
Dross - Copper
Road No. 4, Madri, Udaipur
dross, Bmss
Lead Acid.
Battery Plates
M/s Precicious Metals Recycler. G- and Lead
74 1. 199, Gudli Industrial Area Scrap, 20000 MTPA 1200
Udaipur Secondary
production of

M/s M/s Jainam Industries (P) Ltd.

Plot No. 90,91,107 & 108
75 ste Oil 12000 KL/A 1,521
RI1C0 Industrial Area Sanwar, Tah.
Mavli. Distt. Iidaipur

M/s Raj Industries, G1-201, RIICO Copper cake &

76 240 MTPA 140
Industrial Area Gudli. Udaipur residue

M/s Charnunda Petrochemicals used oil- Waste 15000 KLPA

77 0
Pvt. Ltd. Udaipur oil- 25000 KLPA

M/s Ravindra Heraeus Pvt. Ltd.A-

78 196 (A), F-Road, MIA, Madri. Spent Catalyst 260 MTPA 30.841

M/s Choksi Heraeous Ltd, A 195 -

196 F Road Madri Industrial
79 Spent Catalyst 260 MTPA 56.66
Area Madri, Udaipur, Rajasthan

M/s Udaipur Cement Works Ltd

80 Zerosite 500 MTPA 48,633
(J.K. Udaip;ur Udyog Ltd.,

M/s Anil Petro Lathe Pvt. Ltd.,

81 Dhani Purohitan, Khoda Ganesh Used Oil 3300 KLA 3050 KL
Road. Kishangarh

Lead Acid
M/s Shree Swastik Pigments, Batteries/Plate
82 1500 TPA 225 MTA
Parbatpura, Ajmer s/Lead

Lead Acid
M/s Shree Mahaveer Industries, F-
83 13, R11(.0 Ind. Area, 3000 MTA 675 MIA
Parbatpura, Ajmer

Lead Acid
M/s Anjeneya Metal Corp., Batteries/Plate
84 1800 TPA 0
Parbatpura, Ajmer s/Lead
Lead Acid
M/s Shree Balaji Metal Works,
85 Village-Sendariya, Parbatpura, 900 TPA 0
250 KLA (It has been
Used Oil 14.910 KL
converted into MT/A)
Sludge from 18000 MT/A (It has been
655.43 MT
waste water converted into MT/A)

Organic residue 3600 TP/A (It has been

M/s Shree Cement Ltd, Andheri 56.92 MT
from process converted into MT/A)
Deori, Beawar

Spent clay 640 TPA (It has been

38.01 MT
containing oil, converted into MT/A)
Sludge from
600 MT/A (It has been
Effluent 852.53 MT
converted into MT/A)
Plant, Bhiwadi

M/s Ganpati Metalloys Pvt I,td., E-

34 (A), Industrial Area,
87 Growth Centre, Hamirgarh Tehsil: LEAD INGOTS 2900 MTA 173.4

Lead bearing
M/s Om Industries, Nal Badi, waste including
88 2500 96.75
Bikaner battery
Lead bearing
M/s Dinesh Battery Industries. A
waste including
89 28 Phase 1,"RIICO Industrial 800 14.325
Area Hanumantarh
Lead bearing
M/s Soka Industries.Chak 18 NW wasteincluding
90 1500 45
D, teh-Rawatsar Hanumangarh battery
Lead bearing
M/s Pawan Foundary Works, F- waste including
91 500 0
243, Udyog Vihar Shriganganagar battery
Lead bearing
M/s Gagan tidyog, G-1-120. Udyog waste including
92 40 0
Vihar Shriganganagar battery
Lead bearing
M/s Magnum Metals, G-1-144 C, waste including
93 1160 0
Udyog Vihar Shriganganagar battery
Lead bearing
M/s Ganpati Udyog, G-1/119 A
waste including
94 Phase L Udyog Vihar 1000 0
Lead bearing
M/s Shri H.I. Industries, G--1- waste including
95 500 8.996
13,11dyog Vihar Shriganganagar battery
Lead bearing
M/s Shree Ganesh Udyog, F 160
waste including
96 RIICO Industrial Area 960 229.114
Lead bearing
M/s Shivam Enterprises, G-53,
waste including
97 Phase-1, Udyog Vihar 1000 4.6

Lead hearing
M/s Kataria Metal Industries
waste including
98 (11/142 B. Phase I. Udyog Vihar , 900 0

Hazardous mix waste

solid- 2180.874
24000 TPA
Hazardous waste Mix
M/s Nuvoco Vistas Corp. Ltd. Liquid 262.47
(formerly Lafarge India Limited) and solid- 80 TPD
99 NA
Chittor Cement Plant ,Village- TDI Tar waste RSPCB
Bhawaliya Chittaurgarh permission- 6200 TPA 1205.997

Cairn drill cutting waste -

9000 0
T.D.I. Tar Waste 6000.00
Metric T/A 0

Process Wastes, residues

M/s Birla Corporation
sludges (Plastic Waste)
Limited,Chanderiya Cement 0
100 NA 15000.00 Metric
ETP sludge (Textile
5000.00 Metric
Sludge for Common
Treatment Plant, Bhiwadi 0
5000.00 Metric
Tyre Chips 2000.00
Metric 0
FMCG (Maggie, Shampoo,
Rejected/Expired eatable)
3000.00 Metric
Waste Mix Solid 10000.00

Plastic waste- 1200 TP/A

Carbon Black-
Carbon black -54000

Waste Mix
liquid 18000 TP/A

Waste mix Solid 96000


Waste mix Solid

& Liquid 700 TPM

ETP sludge of
M/s J. K. Cement Works, Mangrol. textile unit 12000 TPA
101 NA
Lead Zinc Slag 30000 TPA 0

Agro waste. Biomass - 150

TPD Agro waste- 4253
Tyre Chips- 100 TPD

waste (category
20.3 -100 TPA
28.1- 552. 600 TPA
28.3- 10 TPA,
28.5-0.512 TPA

Gypsum 39600 TP/A
Waste Mix
M/s J. K. Cement Works, liquid 9600 TP/A
102 NA
Nimbahera, Chittorgarh
Waste mix
liquid and 0
solid 8400 TP/A
Waste mix
Solid 18000 TPA

ETP sludge ofi

textile unit 12000 TPA

Lead Zinc Slag 30,000 TPA 0

Agro waste/ Bio mass 150

Carbon Black
Tyre chips/ Carbon Black

Contaminated 0
plastic waste 100 TPM

PIP Sludge (Cat.35.3)

20000 17117
Contaminated Plastic
waste 5828
M/s Aditya Cement Works, (Cat. 21.1) 45000 MT
103 NA
Chittorgarh Process residue & waste
(Cat. 1496
28.1) 7500 MT
ent Solvent
(cat.28.5/28.6) 183
10000 MT

M/s Shyam industries, E-150, 151 Lead Acid Battery

104 A, Industrial Area, Nmbahera, NA Plates/Lead 2100
Chittorgarh Scrape- 3000 MTA

M/s MIs Shau lubricants, 6-71,

105 RIICO lnd.Area, Bargru Used Oil 3600 150
Extra. Jaipur.

M/s Mis Modi Chemicals , G-70.

106 Used Oil 2100 155
RIICO Ind.Area Bagru. Jaipur.

M/s M/s Poddar Hydrocarbons, G-

107 1-125. RIICO Ind.Area. Bagru, Used Oil 3000 349.6
M/s M/s Khandelwal Lubes Pvt.
108 Ltd. F-12, RIICO Ind.Area, Used Oil 600 495
Didwana, lalsot Dausa

Lead batters
M/s M/s Gravita (India) Ltd,,
scrapiplates &
109 Saurabh Farm, Harsuliya Mod 27600 14854.199
other lead
Pha i Jai ur

M/s Malpani Petro Chem Pvt.

Ltd.,c-60 A, Road No. 1 C,
110 Used Oil 1200 382.69
Vishwakarma Industrial Area ,

M/s Mahashwari Petro

Chemicals,G-68I, Road No. 9 F
111 Used Oil 3600 216
2,Vishwakarma Industrial Area ,

M/s Mahabir Chemicals

Industries,0-680, Road No. 9 F
112 Used Oil 3600 315
2,Vishwakarma Industrial Area

M/s Om Industries,C-60 A. Road

No. 1 C, Vishwakarma
113 Used Oil 3600 255
Industrial Area Tehsil:Jaipur
District:JAIPUR ,

M/s Shri Tirupati Industries,G-

114 491,Road No.9A,Vishwakarma Used Oil 3600 240
Industrial Area .Jaipur

M/s Indomax Chemical

115 Used Oil 1200 464
Area Jaipur

M/s Bharat Industrial Oil

116 Company,S-758 (I), Road no. 9-F-1, Used Oil 3600 461.17
VKIA Jai .ur ,

M/s S.S.Metals,G 1-141, RIICO Lead Acid

117 Industrial Area. Jhotwara Extn. Battery 4500 141.75
Sarna Dungar Jaipur recycler
M/s Shakti Metals,E-l47 RIICO
Lead Acid
Industrial Area Sarna Doonger
118 Battery 420 4.5
Jai ur

M/s Premier Metals (Old Name-

Dinesh Engineering Corp.),G- Lead Acid
119 1/85, RIICO Industrial Area, Sarna Battery 4500 199.28
Doongar Phase I , recycler
Jhotwara Jaisur

Lead Acid
M/s Premier Metals.E-113, RIA,
120 Battery 4500 227.74
Sarna Doongar, Jaipur

M/s Radhey Industries, KHASRA

NO.274/279,DISA ROAD, Lead Acid
121 NEAR RIICO KALADERA , Battery 1500 0
KALADERA Tehsil:Amber recycler

M/s Murliwala Pigment,G-1-209.

Lead Acid
122 Battery 5000 130
Telisil:Chomu District:Jaipur

M/s Shri Balaji Batteries Pvt. Ltd.,

Lead Acid Unit comissioned
G-374(B) Jhatwara Extn.
123 Battery 1526 after March
Phase-IInd Jhotwara
recycler 2017

M/s R.K.Enterprises, Plot no.h- unit

Lead Acid
220(a), RIICO industrial commissioned
124 Battery
areajhotwara (ext.), sarna doongar after
, Jaipur March 2017

M/s Shri Balaji Industries, G- Lead Acid

125 374,Jhotwara Ext. , Sama Dot gar Battery 3000 192.85
Tehsil:Jaipur District:Jaipur recycler

M/s Ultra Tech Cement Ltd (Unit

Kotputli Cement
126 CETP Sludge 220000 5994.82
Works),Village -1V1ohanpura,
'Kotputli, jAIPUR
M/s ETCO E-waste Recycler
Private Ltd, SB-23, Shilp Bari,
127 Road, No. 14, VKI Area, , Jaipur E-Waste 525 0

Paint Sludge 1131.25

Grinding Muck 90.04
Waste Residue
oil Containing
M Rauf 45.63
Trade Reject 253.3
Sugar Sludge 47.9
FRP 47.12
Plastic Waste
RDF Platic 353.21
Carbon Black 12740
M/s Ambuja Cements Limited, Petcoke Ash 1532
128 Unit: Rabriyawas. Tehsil.-Jaitaran, Rubber waste 192000
Dist.,-Pali, Rajasthan 76.04
Kiln Mustard
Juliflora 11548
Iron Sludge 91.85
Boiler Bed Ash 1013
BF Dust 74.49
Paint Sludge 1131.25
Grinding Muck 90.04
Waste Residue
oil Containing
M Rauf 45.63
Trade Reject 253.3
50 TPD 167.46
residues and 150 TPD 3415,44
M/s Shree Cement Limited, Village- (21.1)
129 Ras, 'Fehsil.-Jaitaran, Dist.,- "Chemical
Pali, Rajasthan sludge from
waste water 50 TPD 4008.99
Used / spent
300 KLA 0
500 TPD 0
s containing

oil (Grinding
200 TPM 936.83

s containing

oil (Oil soaked

200 TPM
cotton) 691.266
Oily Rags 5.2) 100 TPM
500 TPM 0

Plastic Waste 36.5 32.78


Bharuch & 6,600 0
130 Waste Mix
SIROHI 18,000 0
Waste Mix
18000 0
Waste Mix
Solid low 12,000 0
M/s Anna Petrochem, Abu Road
131 Used /spent oil 30000 KLA 3334.515
M/s Tanwar Rajput & Company. Zink Bearing
132 640 1.364
10- Industrial Easte, Kota Wastes
M/s SS Polychemicals Pvt Ltd, E-
Zink Bearing
133 218. Indarprasth Industrial Area, 903.6 0.85
M/s Krishna Enterprises, G-225
Zink Bearing
134 (F), Road No.-5. indarprasth 2003 0.9
Industrial Area, Kota
M/s Mittal Pigments Pvt. I,td., A-
Zink Bearing
135 203 Indarprasth Industrial Area, 126 79.546
Spent catalyst
M/s Barium International. Plot No.- nickel,
136 A-1 14. Indraprasth Industrial cadmium, Zinc, 650 0
Area, Kota copper. arsenic.
vanadium and
Lead bearing
M/s Raj Industries, G-I-512 (IV),
waste including
137 Road No. 7, Indarprasth 13.2 4.082
Industrial Area, Kota
Lead bearing
M/s Mittal Pigments Pvt. Ltd., A-
waste including
138 203 Indarprasth Industrial Area, 900 0
Recovery of
M/s Universal Chemicals, F-191,
solvents from
139 Road No. 5. Indarprasth 1800 0
Industrial Area, Kota
M/s ACC Ltd.. Lakheri, Tehsil-
140 in Cement 149000 24.6
lndergarh, Distt.- Bunch
M/s Mangalam Cement Ltd. (Unit - Co-Processing
141 D. Morak, Tehsil- in Cement 4100 0
Ramganjmandi, Distt.- Kota Plants
M/s Mangalam Cement Ltd. (unit-
II) (old name Neer Shree
142 in Cement 4100 0
Cement Ltd.), Morak, Tehsil-
Ramganjmandi. Dist', Kota
M/s M/s Shree Shyam Industries
Cat. 35.3 and
143 G-274, RIICO Industrial Area, 40 20
Palsana, Sikar
List of Authorized Recyclers/Utilizers /Co-processors of Hazardous waste in Sikkim

Sl. Name and Type of Hazardous Authorized

No. Address of the waste Recycled Recycling/Utilization/Co- Quantity Recycled Utilized/Co-
facility processing capacity processed (MT)
1 N/A N/A N/A N/A
List of Authorized Recyclers/Utilizers /Co-processors of Hazardous waste Tamil Nadu
Authorised Quantity
Type of Recycling / Recycled/
Sr. No. Name and Address of Industry Hazardous Waste Utilisation / Co- Utilised/ Co-
Recycled processing processed
Capacity (MT/A) (MT/A)
Chennai Zone
Chennai Nil
Ambattur Nil
M/s. Trigel Petro chem. (P) Ltd72,
Sidco Industrial
1 Waste oil 360 360
Estate,Kakkalur,Tiruvallur Taluk &

M/s.Mega petro Products, No.60

2 Sidco Industrial Estate Waste oil 3420 3420
Kakkalur,Tiruvallur Taluk & District.

M/s. EL Tech Power System Private

Limited, S.F.No. 106 part, Waste lead acid
3 1800 1800
Thirumazhisai Village, Poonamallee batteries
Taluk, Tiruvallur District.

M/s. Southern Power Industries D.P.

No: 3 –Electrical Industrial Estate, Lead and Lead
4 1200 1200
Kakklaur Village, Tiruvallur Taluk & components

M/s.POCL Enterprises Limited, G-47

5 SIDCO Industrial Estate, Kakkalur, Lead Battery 5600 5600
Tiruvallur taluk & District.

M/s. Perms Gold, S.F.No. 147/11,

Waste lead Acid
6 Melandur Village, Uthukottai Taluk, 1080 1080
Tiruvallur District.

M/s.Chennai Used Drums Barrels Re-

7 cond, G-5 7 SIDCO Industrial Estate, 450 450
container / Barrel
Kakkalur, Tiruvallur Taluk & District
M/s.Muthu Barrels Trading Company
DP 179 Sidco Industrial Discarded
8 1000 1000
Estate,Thirumazhisai, Poonamallee container / Barrel
Taluk, Tiruvallur Dt - 600 124.


M/s. Supreme Petro Products (used

Oil), S.F.No. 225 /1A 2J,225/1A2/c
1 Eguvarpalayam Village, Used oil 6200 6200
Gummidipoondi Taluk, Tiruvallur

M/s.Supreme petro Products (Waste

Oil) S.F.No.225/1AJ,225/1Ak
2 Eguvarpalayam Village, Waste oil 10800 10800
Gummdipoondi Taluk, Tiruvallur

M/s. Roshan Metal, SF No. 863/2,

Used Lead Acid
3 Sirupuzalpettai, Gummdipoondi 2280 2280
Taluk, Tiruvallur District.

M/s. GMT Alloys, B25 Sipcot

Industrial SF.No.351 Pappankuppam, Used Lead Acid
4 2400 2400
Gummdipoondi Taluk, Tiruvallur Battery

M/s. Sree Sumangala Metals and

Industries pvt ltd, Plot no. B-51/1,
Used Lead Acid
5 SIPCOT Industrial Complex, 27600 Nil
Gummidipoondi and Taluk, Tiruvallur


Used Lead Acid
6 INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, 51000 17990
Gummidipoondi and Taluk, Tiruvallur

M/s Quality Lube Products Limited,

No.35A, SIDCO Industrial Estate
7 Used oil 3600 KL/A 251 KL/A
Vichoor, Ponneri Taluk, Tiruvallur
Quality Zinc Chem NO. 231/4,
8 Vichoor Village, Ponneri Taluk, Zinc Bearing Waste 1500 Nil
Tiruvallur district

Shri Sabhari Smelter Pvt ltd, No.

Used Lead Acid
9 280pt, 281pt Vichoor Village, Ponneri 7560 875
Taluk, Tiruvallur Dt.

Jadge India Pvt ltd, Sf no. 256/1a1,

10 Kollur village, Ponneri Taluk, E-Waste Recycler 720 Nil
Tiruvallur Dt

Priya Petro Products, No. 123 SIDCO

11 Industrial Estate, Vichoor, Ponneri Used oil 2600 KL 2500
Taluk, Tiruvallur Dt

M/s Shri Raam Recycling, DP 29,

SIDCO Infudytial Estate, SIPCOT E-Waste
12 504 500
Industrial Complex, Gummidipoondi, Dismantler
Tiruvallur Dt

M/s Virogreen India pvt ltd, S No.

297/1B-2, Pappankuppam Village,
13 S.R.Kandigai Road, S.R.Kandigai 15000 726
Post,Gummidipoondi Tk,Tiruvallur
Dt-601 201


K.F. Lubes, No. B4/30,

Pudhumaipithan Salai, CMDA
1 Industrial Complex, Maraimalai Used Oil 2722 KL 2570 KL
Nagar, Chengalpattu Taluk,
Kancheepuram District 603 209

POCL Enterprises Limited,

S.F.No.360,Nennakarai Village,
2 Lead scrap/battery 3000 2450
Chengalpattu Taluk,Kancheepuram

Plot No. A18, SIPCOT Industrial
1 Growth Centre, Oragadam, E-Waste 10387 9054.05
Sriperumbudur Taluk,
Kancheepuram Dist.
LIMITED, 147/A,Neervallur village,
Kancheepuram Tk, kancheepuram Dt.


LTD, Plot No.G17-19,G30-32,SIPCOT
2 Lead 36000 35402
Indl Park, Sriperumbudur Po and Tk,
Kancheepuram Dt. Pin.602 105

Copper, Nickel &

Zinc containing
3 village, Rajakulam Po, Kancheepuram 17390 561.44
wastes & catalysts
Tk, Kancheepuram Dt. Pin.631 561

Recycling / Quantity Recycled/
Type of Hazardous
Sr. No. Name and Address of Industry Utilisation / Co- Utilised/ Co-
Waste Recycled
processing processed (MT/A)
Capacity (MT/A)
Trichy Zone

M/s Trichy Metal Stores, S.F. NO. 319- unit was not in
B4-Lead and Lead
1 4B, 5B, Itchikamalapatty, Kulathru 600 operaton for more
Taluk, Pudukottai District than 2 years

M/s Andavar Alloys, S.F. No. 134/1A, unit was not in

B4-Lead and Lead
2 135/3B, Vadakkan Mndaiyur Village, 600 operaton for more
Kulathur Taluk, Pudukottai District than 2 years

M/s Prakash Alloys Industries, S.F.

NO. 77/5A, 5C, Vadugapatti Village, B4-Lead and Lead
3 1350 205
Illupur Taluk, Pudukottai District - components
621 316

M/s Power Tech Industries S.F. No.

40, Plot No. 1-D/2, SIPCOT Industrial B4-Lead and Lead
4 400 81.5
Complex, Nathampannai, Pudukottai components

used/spent oil 1350 13520

waste oil - -
Tarry residues 1800 1800
M/s Sasi Industries,
Spent solvents 3600 3600
5 Balakrishnapuram Villagw, Dindigul
East Taluk, Dindigul District Oil containing
cargo residue
washing water and
sludge and filters
contaminated with 600
Ballasr water
containing oil from 600 600
6000 Nos/Year 6000 Nos/Year
contaminated with

M/s The Ramco Cements Limited,

6 Govindpuram, Ariyalur Taluk, ETP sludge 6000 904.3
Ariyalur District

M/s The Ramco Cemts Ltd, Alathiyur

7 Works, Cement Nagar PO, Sendurai ETP sludge 6800 96.2
Taluk, Ariyalur District

M/s Dalmia Cement (B) Limited, Solid Waste Mix 17500 146
8 Palaganatham Village, Ariyalur Taluk
ETP Sludge 45000 3176
& District
M/s Dalmia Cements (B) Ltd, Solid Waste Mix 15200 1451
9 Thamaraikulam Village, Ariyalur
ETP Sludge 45000 1636
Paint sludge 22610 2452
Oily cotton Waste 360 3548
M/s Ultra Tech Cement Ltd (Unit-I) ETP Sludge 105000 30078
10 Reddipalayam Village, Ariyalur Taluk Spent Carbon 10055 6.7
& District liquid Spent
13832 54
FRP Waste 865 24

M/s The India Cements Limited,

11 Dalavai Works, Sendurai Taluk, ETP Sludge 6800 85.5
Ariyalur District

M/s Chettinadu Cement Corporation Solid Waste Mix 2400 16.9

12 Limited, Keelapalur Village, Ariyalur
ETP sludge 7300 205.5
Taluk & District

M/s Chettinad Cement Corporation

Ltd, Karikkali & Dholipatti Village,
13 ETP sludge 7200 539.5
Vedasandur Taluk, Dindigul District -
624 704
List of Authorized Recyclers/Utilizers /Co-processors of Hazardous waste Telangana
Type of Recycling / Quantity Recycled/
Name and Address of
S.No. Hazardous Waste Utilisation / Co- Utilised/ Co-processed
Recycled processing (MT/A)
Capacity (MT/A)
M/s. Sri Sai Lubricants, Plot
No. 74, Rampur (V), Reprocessing of
1 Dharmasagar (M), Warangal used oils and 438 0
District waste oils

M/s Virani Company, Sy. No.

Used oil / waste
2 849, Medchal (V&M), 3300 70
Rangareddy District.
M/s Supreme Lubricants Pvt.
Ltd., Plot
Used oil / waste
3 No. 45, IDA, Medchal, 21600 139

M/s Sai Lakhsmi Oil & Lubes

Industry, Lankasagar Cross
Processing of used
4 Road, 540 50
oils or waste oils
Mandalapadu (V), Penuballi
(M), Khammam Dist

M/s Sri Satya Sai Lubricants,

No. 11 (Part), Industrial Processing of used
5 270 200
Estate- oils or waste oils
Paloncha, Paloncha (V&M),
Khammam Dist.
M/s. Ranm Petro Chemicals, Refining of used
6 IDA, Kodad (M), oils of various 3744 2250
Suryapet District. grades
M/s. Sri Manasa Lubricants,
Sy No. 503, Devulamma
7 Nagaram (V), Oil reprocessing 1423.5 625
Choutuppal (M), Yadadri
M/s. Bhadradri traders,
Sy.No. 290NU & 290/E,
8 Malkapur Oil reprocessing 1423.5 590
(V), Choutuppal (M), Yadadri
M/s. MMRR Petro Chem,
Malkapur (V), Choutuppal
9 Oil reprocessing 1770.25 840
Yadadri District.
M/s Lucky Oil Company, Plot
Used Oil & Waste
10 33/A, IDA Mankhal, 28,800 309.1
Mandal, Rangareddy Dist.

M/s New Shamas Lubricants,

Sy. No. 212/al ,
11 Ramanannaduda, Nyalata (V), Waste Oil 900 8.6
Chevella (M), Rangareddy

Nas Oil & Fuel, Sy. No. 121/a,

Choulapally (V), Faroocinagar
12 Used oil 4200 617
Mahaboobnagar District

Sri Saiganga Lubricants, Plot

No. 13/3, Shed No. 4, IDA,
13 Used oil 900 190
Kothur (M), Mhaboobnagar

M/s.Smart Lubricants, Plot

No.18 & 19, APIIC Industrial
14 Waste Oil 3990 97
Park, Kucharam, Toopran (M),
Medak DT.

Lead recycling

M/s. H.K. Industries, Plot No.

10, IDA Rampur, Lead extraction
1 1095 48.13
Dharmasagar (M), Warangal activity
Urban District

M/s. Anantha Lead Private

Limited, 148-150, IE Medchal, Used Lead Acid
2 18000 1224
R,R, District, Telangana - 501 Batteries
Zinc bearing
waste, spent
catalyst containing
M/s. HBL Power Systems Ltd.,
Lalgadi Malakpet (V),
3 Cadmium, Zinc, 420 97.5
Shameerpet (M), Rangareddy
Arsenic, Vanadium
M/s. Gochem Metals & Alloys,
Sy. No. 384/13/1,
Lead recovery &
4 Bonthugutta (V), H/o. 8.4 3.5
Chinthapally (V), Miryalaguda
(M), Nalgonda District.
M/s. Nile Ltd., (Non-Ferrus
division) Lead
5 Panthangi (V), Choutuppal manufacturing 43082 40483.1
(M), unit.
Yadadri District.
M/s. Akash Metal Industries,
Sy No. 625 & 626,
6 Narayanagiri (V), Lead recovery 186 98
Pochampally (M), Yadadri

M/s. J.R.Gotech Accumulator

Ltd., Narayanagiri (V),
7 Battery unit 0.005 0.005
Pochampally (M),
Yadadri District

M/s. Shiva Shakthi

Battery plates,
8 Lead & Lead 0.6 0.5
Sy No. 31/E, Hanmapur (V),
Bhongir (M), Yadadri District.

M/s. Balaji Enterprises.,

Recovery of Lead
Mahaboobpet (V),
9 from waste 109.5 86
Yadagirigutta (M), Yadadri

Shree Ram Battery Industries,

Lead and Lead
Sy. No. 339/A, Bhootpur
10 Oxide by recycling 1800 1200
of used lead acid
Mahaboobnagar District.

Sri Padmavathi Energy

(India) pvt. Ltd., Sy. No.
lead bearing waste
11 including battery 3529 2541
515/U, 515/A, 515/AA &
Udityal (V), Balanagar (M),
Mahaboobnagar District.

Supreme Batteries (P)

Limited Sy. No. lead bearing waste
12 76/A & 76/B, Raikal (V), including battery 7200 6128
Shadnagar waste
(M), Mahaboobnagar District.
HBL Nife Power System Ltd., Ashes/Residues
Sr. No. 64-67, & 77-81, Lead Acid Battery
13 Nandigaon (V) Kothur (M) Plates and Lead 18000 6659
Mahaboob Nagar, Dist. - 509 Scrap /
223 (A.P). only

Galaxy Pigments Pvt. Ltd.,

Lead acid
14 (V), Balanagar (M), 2000 1200

Baba Metal Industry,

Scrap Lead Acid
15 (V), faroognagar (M), 306 200

CCL Metal, 120 (aa),

Chevulapally Scrap Lead Acid
16 306 150
(VO, Faroognagar (M), Batteries
Mahaboobnagar District.

Etasha Batterys,,
U (part-
Scrap Lead Acid
17 II), Teegapur vill, Kothur Mdl. 60 27

Hyderabad Pigments Ltd,plot

Lead ash bag
18 Part, IDA, Kothur, 0.5 0.3
Fillter dust

Mittal Batteries
APIIC, Industrial Park, Scrap Lead Acid
19 300 158
Kothur(V) & Batteries
(M) , Mahabubnagar

Mohit Traders (Formerly Sai

Lead slag from
20 Sneha 6 1.5
Industries),Sy. No. 121/A,

Prakash Metal IndustriesPlot

No: Scrap Lead Acid
21 90 36
18/A, Sy.No: 103, IDA Kothur, Batteries
S.,R. Traders, sy no 758
chattanpalle(V) Scrap Lead Acid
22 0.73 0.4
faroognagar(m) Batteries
Rangareddy Dist-509216

Scrap Lead Acid
23 no 758 chattanpalle(V) 0.73 0.4
Rangareddy Dist-509216

Shree Unik Industries

Deepak Battery Industries, Sy
Scrap Lead Acid
24 38/A, 39/A & /2 /40,Gunded 200 50
Balanagar (M) ,

Maurya Industry Unit II,,
25 Annaram (V), Faroocinagar Lead dross 60 36
Rangareddy District.

Zinc Recycling

M/s.Syno Chem India, Plot No.

1 CIE (Expansion), Zinc bearing waste 512 3
Balanagar, RR dist

M/s Shilpa Metal Udhyog, Plot

No. 3100,
Sy. No. 799, Ankireddy Palli
2 Zinc bearing waste 500 0
Keesara (M), Rangareddy

M/s Bhagyanagar India ltd.,

Plot No.
3 inc bearing waste 3600 1220
P/14 A & B, IDA, Nacharam,
Rangareddy District
M/s Ambica Industries, Plot
No. 162
4 & 163/A, IDA Mallapur, Zinc bearing waste 3700 3013

Gemtek Industries, Sy. No.

Zinc bearing
waste, waste oil
5 Annaram (V), Faroocinagar 16000 261
and used lead acid
Mahaboobnagar District.
Vanadium recycling

M/s Premier Alloys &

Chemicals Pvt.
Ltd., Plot No. F-19/B, Phage-I,
1 Vanadium Sludge 200 0
Jeedimetla, Rangareddy

Solvent Recovery
M/s. Sarvodaya Solvents Pvt
(Formerly M/s. Reliance
1 Spent Solvent 1440 940
Industries), Plot No.52, Phase
— I, IDA
Cherlapally, Rangareddy
M/s. TCR Chemicals
Industries is
2 Spent Solvent 1080 690
located at Pl. No.153, IDA
Cherlapally, R.R. District
M/s. Jayanth Pharmaceuticals
(P) Ltd., Plot No.4A, Phase —
3 Spent Solvent 3600 1800
Cherlapally, Rangareddy

M/s. Sesha Sai Chemicals Pvt.

4 Plot No. 51, Phase — I, Spent Solvent 6960 3880
IDA Cherlapally, Rangareddy
M/s. Norton Chemical
5 D-28, Phase-V, Spent Solvent 7200 2800
IDA, Jeedimetla,
Rangareddy District
M/s. Maha Sai Fine Chemicals
6 (P) Ltd., Plot No. 38 & 39, IDA, Spent Solvent 3120 2520
Bhongir (V&M),
Yadadri Bhuvanagiri District.

M/s. The Trishla Chemsol,

7 IDA, Bhongir (V&M), Spent Solvent 5880 1920
Yadadri Bhuvanagiri District.

M/s. Balaji Formulations Ltd.,

Sy No. 208/35,
Ramalingampally (V),
8 Spent Solvent 5000 341
Bommalaramaram (M),
Bhuvanagiri District.
M/s. N.K. Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.,
9 No. 143/1, IDA Mallapur, Spent Solvent 17874 650
M/s. Pinakini Lifesciences

10 Spent Solvent 1800 500

(Unit — II)), Plot No.174, IDA
Mallapur, Medchal District
M/s. Murali Chemicals, Plot
No.172/B, IDA Mallapur,
11 Spent Solvent 3600 782.512
M/s Lakshmi Saraswathi
Chemicals &
Organics Pvt Ltd.,
Plot No. 8-17, Sy. No.
12 Spent Solvent 3650 944.42
296/7/7, IDA,
Bollaram, Jinnaram Mandal,

M/s Srujit Chemicals,

Sy. No. 296/4/AA, IDA
13 Spent solvents 9125 1346.71
Jinnaram Mandal, Medak
M/s. Trident Fine Chem &
Laboratories, Unit-II
(Formerly M/s,
Srinivasa Chemicals), Sy No.
14 Spent solvents 7300 161.61
296/7/3, IDA Bollaram,
Mandal, Medak District.

M/s Maha Sai Laboratories,

M/s Adarsh Finechem India
Pvt Ltd.,),
15 Sy. No. 182/A, Gummadidala Spent solvents 7300 6016.036
Gummadidala Mandal,

M/s Spar Labs Pvt Ltd.,
Sy. No. 79, Alinagar,
16 Spent Solvent 3650 0
Village, Gaddapotharam (GP),
Jinnaram (M), Medak

M/s Sruthi Labs (P) Ltd.,

Sy. No. 409/2, Donthi Village,
17 Spent Solvent 730 350
Shivampet Mandal, Medak

Prateek Industreis Plot No.

253, Phase
18 II,IDA Pashamylaram, Spent Solvents 3720 3361.926
District, Telangana

KKS Organics Ltd., B-6, IDA,

19 Patancheru, Sangareddy Spent Solvents 1096 1061.5

Snehaa Solvents, IDA,

20 Pashamylaram, Spent Solvents 2160 1781.43
Sangareddy District


NO: 240/C, IDA, Distillation of

21 PASHAMYLARAM, Spent / Mixed 9360 MT 3786.6
Sri Sri Solvents, Sy.No.328-
22 330, TK 1080 886
Pur (V), Hatnoora

Surabhi Industries, Plot No

134, Phase.
III, IDA Pashamylaram,
23 Patancheru Spent Solvents 10950 425.16
(M), Sangareddy (Dist)

24 2300 1461

Vega Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd.,

Plot No.
25 Spent Solvents 3650 2499.3
D-15, 16, IDA Pashamylaram,
Sangareddy District.

Vijetha Labs Pvt. Ltd., Plot

26 Spent Solvents 3650 690.4
Phase-II, IDA Pashamylaram,
Sangareddy District


Organic Waste-
1200 TPM
1 FACTORY, BASANTNAGAR, 16800 2400.48
Spent Carbon 200
Peddapally Dist.

M/s Orient Cement

Orient Cement,(Prop. : Orient
Paper & Industries
2 Carbon black 60000 0
Ltd.,)}Devapur Cement
Works (PO), Devapur Village,
Kasipet Mandal, Mancherial
District D8

M/s. The India Cements Ltd.,

(Plant &
Waste Heat recovery Power
3 Plant), Orgnanic waste 61840 3280.225
Vishnupuram, Wadapally (V),
Damarcherla (M), Nagonda
M/s. Sagar Cements Ltd.
4 Orgnanic waste 16036 0
Mattampally (M),
Suryapet District.

M/s. NCL Industries Ltd.

5 Division), Mattapally (V), Orgnanic waste 19204.2 0
Mattampally (M), Suryapet

M/s. My Home Industries (P)

(Unit 1, II & III), (PLANT)
6 Orgnanic waste 575195.6 12208.6
Mellacheruvu (V&M),

M/s. Keerthi Industries Ltd.

7 (Suvarna Cements Ltd), Orgnanic waste 24000.36 2518
(V&M), Suryapet District.

M/s. Zuari Cements Ltd., (Sri

Cements Ltd.,) (Plant),
8 Sitapuram, Orgnanic waste 36002.1 13441.195
Dondapadu (V),
Chintalapallem (M),
Suryapet District.

M/s. Anjani Portland Cements

9 (Plant), Sy No. 226, Orgnanic waste 123350 25450
(V&M), Suryapet District.


Spent Carbon,
Liquid Organics
10 Spent Solvents & 36000 2278
Solid Organics
Spent Solvents
List of Authorized Recyclers/Utilizers /Co-processors of Hazardous waste in Tripura
S.No Name and Address Type of Hazardous Authorized Quantity Recycled/ Utilized
of the Facility Waste Recycled Recycling / / Co-processed (MT)
Utilization / Co-
Capacity (MTA)
M/s Assam Petro (1) Discarded (1) 2.46 MTA (2) 238.63 MTA
Chem, Containers
Zoo Narengi Road,
2 No.Matgharia, (2) Waste oil/Used
Guwahati oil)
1 781020
Total 241.09 MTA
List of Authorized Recyclers/Utilizers /Co-processors of Hazardous waste Uttar Pradesh
S.No Name and Address of the Facility Type of Hazardous Authorized Quantity
Waste Recycled Recycling / Recycled/
Utilization Utilized /
/ Co- Co-
Processing processed
Capacity (MT)
1 M/s Everest Lubes India, Village-Kaneta, Used Oil 2 2
Chandausi Road, Bahjoi, District-Sambhal.
2 M/s K. Nandini Refineryries, 6/1 Used oil- 1500 1500 1500
Hetamdandi, Amriya, Pilibhit. KL/Annum 1500 1500
Waste oil- 1500
3 M/s Vintek Metal Alloys, T-7, Industrial Lead Scrap/Scrap 2400 1000
Area Parsakhera, Bareilly Battery – 2400 MTA 600 600
Copper Reverts, Wastes
Copper, Copper Dross,
Copper Druid and
Copper Cable Scrap –
600 MTA
4 M/s Dhawan Metal Industries, T-8, Lead Scrap/Scrap 1500 1000
Industrial Area Parsakhera, Bareilly Battery – 1500 MTA

5 M/s A.R.METAL, B-13 DADA NAGAR Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 240 6

6 M/s AJAI ENTERPRISES, E-21 SITE-5 Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 135 4.8
7 M/s AJAI ENTERPRISES, G-8 SITE-5 IND. Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 75 2.4
8 M/s AKHILESH METAL, F-24 SITE-5 Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 112.5 3.6
9 M/s Amar Enterpriese , F-38 PANKI SITE-5, Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 60 1.56
Panki, Kanpur
10 M/s AMAR METAL, F-38 PANKI SITE-5, Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 150 4.8
Panki, Kanpur

11 M/s Anandeshwar Metal, D-38 Site 5 Panki , Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 150 4.8

12 M/s ANIL MEATL WORKS (KRISHNA Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 150 4.8

13 M/s ANIL METAL, MTC D-21 PANKI SITE-3 Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 165 5.4

14 M/s ANIL METAL, D-4 SITE-3 IND.AREA Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 150 4.8

15 M/s BADDKAU, A-1 DADA NAGAR Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 60 1.56

(NAHARIYA), Kanpur
16 M/s BANSAL & BANSAL, F-63 SITE-5 Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 165 5.4

17 M/s Bhatia Metal, G-16 Site5, Panki , Kanpur Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 240 6

18 M/s CHAHAT METAL WORKS, 2 Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 150 4.8


19 M/s DINESH METAL CO., G-117SITE-3 Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 150 4.8

20 M/s DURGA METAL, B/2-13 DADA NAGAR Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 150 4.8

21 M/s GOLD BATTERY, D-24 SITE-5 Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 270 7.2

22 M/s GURUDEV INTERPRISES, A-1/7 DADA Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 105 3


23 M/s HARSH BAT. & METAL, A-1/37 DADA Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 150 4.8

24 M/s HARSH METAL, MTC D-5 PANKI SITE- Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 150 4.8
3, Kanpur

25 M/s Harshit Metal Ind., G-34 Site 1 Panki , Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 105 3

26 M/s HARSHIT BATTERY & METAL, D-5, Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 112.5 3.6

27 M/s Krishna Metal works, F- 8, Site--3 panki Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 330 9.6
, Kanpur

28 M/s KUMAR BATTERY, G-66 SITE-3 Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 240 6


29 M/s Laxmi Ind., F 71 Site 5 Panki , Kanpur Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 90 2.4

30 M/s LAXMI METAL, D-113,114 SITE-5 Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 240 6


31 M/s LUCKY BATTERY WORKS(VEEJA), G-64 Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 150 4.8

32 M/s M.T.V. METAL., MTC D-26 PANKI SITE- Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 240 6
3, Kanpur

33 M/s MADAN METAL, B-33 DADA NAGAR Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 240 6
34 M/s MAHENDRA INTERPRISES, E-64 PANKI Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 165 5.4
SITE-5, Kanpur

35 M/s MANOJ METAL IND., K-14,15SITE-3 Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 1200 36


36 M/s MAYANK METAL CO., D-82 SITE-5 Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 240 6

37 M/s NARYAN METAL CO., G-40 SITE-3 Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 90 2.4

38 M/s Niraj Ind. , E-83 Site 5 Panki , Kanpur Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 90 2.4

39 M/s OOMMI, A-1 DADA NAGAR Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 90 2.4

(NAHARIYA), Kanpur

40 M/s PATEL AND SONS, MTC-D-16 PANKI Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 112.5 3.6

41 M/s PATEL METAL CO., MTC -135 PANKI Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 112.5 3.6
42 M/s RAGHAV IND., MTC D-6 PANKI SITE-3 Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 112.5 3.6

43 M/s RAJ & SONS, A-1/34 DADA NAGAR Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 112.5 3.6

44 M/s Raj Brothers, G-11 SITE- 5 IND.AREA Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 165 4.8

45 M/s RAJENDRA JAISWAL, A-1 DADA NAGAR Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 112.5 3.6

46 M/s RAJENDRA METAL WORKS, G-7 SITE-5 Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 240 6

47 M/s RAM LAL, A-1 DADA NAGAR Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 240 6

48 M/s RAMA METAL CO., E-63 SITE-5 Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 240 6

49 M/s RAMA METAL IND., J-30 SITE-3 Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 240 6

50 M/s RAMESH INTERPRIES, E-83 B SITE-5 Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 240 6


51 M/s S.R. (SURAJ ) METAL WORKS, G-32 Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 90 2.4

52 M/s S.S.INTERNATIONAL, D-103 SITE-5 Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 112.5 3.6

53 M/s SAHARA METAL WORKS , SITE-5 Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 165 4.8

54 M/s Sai Metal works, H-59 Site-1 ,Panki , Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 180 5.4

55 M/s SANJAY METAL, MTC D-26 PANKI Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 135 4.2

56 M/s SANJAY METAL, D-38 SITE-5 IND.AREA Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 660 18

57 M/s SANJAY METAL WORKS, G-5 SITE-5 Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 660 18

58 M/s SARVESH METAL, D-108 SITE-5 PANKI Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 112.5 3.6

59 M/s LAXMI IND (SATGURU CHEMICAL), E- Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 240 6


60 M/s SHANKAR METAL WORK, F-19 SITE-5 Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 240 6

61 M/s SHANTI METAL, D-88 SITE-5 Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 90 2.4


62 M/s SHARDA BATTERY, G-65 SITE-3 Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 90 2.4


63 M/s SHIV SHAKTI(SUBHASH) METAL, G-31 Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 90 2.4


64 M/s SHIWAM BATTERV, MTC D-15 PANKI Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 180 5.4

65 M/s SIHIV SNANKER BATTERY, D-18 Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 180 5.4

66 M/s SONY PRODUCT, D-42 SITE-4 Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 240 6


67 M/s SHARDA METAL WORKS, SITE-5, Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 270 7.2

68 M/s SURENDRA METAL WORKS, D-75 SITE- Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 165 4.2

69 M/s VIJAY METAL WORK, F-30 SITE-5 Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 180 5.4

70 M/s VINOD PRAJAPATI, A-1 DADA NAGAR Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 105 3

71 M/s VIRENDRA METAL, E-70 SITE-5 Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 150 4.2
72 M/s YADAY METAL, A-1 DADA NAGAR Schedule 4 (S.No. 17) 150 4.2

73 M/s Miniral Oil Corp., Site 1, Panki, Kanpur Schedule 4 (S.No. 20) 366 135

74 M/s Bharat Oil Corp., Site 1, Panki, Kanpur Schedule 4 (S.No. 20) 330 121.5

75 M/s Jajmau Petro Chem, Jajmau, Kanpur Schedule 4 (S.No. 20) 0.36 0.36

76 M/s Venus Oil Corp., Site 3, Panki, Kanpur Schedule 4 (S.No. 20) 1.2 1.2

77 M/s Phonix Oil Corp., Site 3, Panki, Kanpur Schedule 4 (S.No. 20) 0.36 0.36

78 M/s Hari Metal & Chemical Industries, Schedule 4 (S.No. 14) 600 0.5
Bandi Mata Road, Chaubeypur, Kanpur

79 M/s Bhagwati Metal & Chemicals, H-16, 22, Schedule 4 (S.No. 14) 4000 0.5
Site-1, Panki Ind. Area, Kanpur

80 M/s M/s Hindalco Industries Ltd. Renukoot, 11.6 54491 54491


81 M/s S.K.I. Carbon Black India Pvt. Ltd. 5.1 0.550 0.550
(Formaly HI-TECH Carbon Ltd.)Renukot

82 M/s U N Metal Industries,Vill 6.2 0.350 0.350

Rausaura,Maheva Ghat Mirzapur 8.3 0.350 0.350
83 M/s B K Brothers Lohandi Kala vindhyachal 6.2 72.00 72.00
Mirzapur 8.3 36.00 36.00
84 M/s Sundari Metal Udyog, Haura Kotvan 6.2 5.00 5.00
Mirzapur 7.2 5.00 5.00
8.3 5.00 5.00
85 M/s Agreesen metal works, Mirzapur 6.2 0.350 0.350
8.3 0.350 0.350
86 M/s Heeralal Vinod Kumar Mirzapur 6.2 24.00 24.00
8.3 24.00 24.00
87 M/s Kunj Bihari Lal Radhey Shyam 6.2 10.00 10.00
Danghar Nai Basti, Mirzapur. 8.3 10.00 10.00
88 M/s Mirzapur metal Associates, Mirzapur 6.2 2.300 2.300
7.3 2.300 2.300
11.5 2.300 2.300
89 M/s Suresh Nath satish kumar , Chandai 11.5 18.00 18.00
pur, Mirzapur

90 M/s Meerut Agro Chemical Industries Process waste residue, 0.18 0.18
Ltd.Ind.Area. Partapur chemical residue
containig pesticide,
91 M/s Prakash Metal Industries, Mohkampur Lead ash, residue 9.2 9.2

92 M/s Daurala Organics Ltd. Daurala. Disposal of barrels, 500 500

pharma drugs residue

93 M/s Maheswari Wire Pvt Ltd, Mohakampur, Copper ething residue 0.05 0.05

94 M/s Bharat Agro Molecules, Ferrous sulphate 10 10


95 M/s Raj Sneh Auto India Pvt. Waste/residue 1.5 1.5

Ltd.210,Mohakampur,Delhi Road,Meerut. containing oil

96 M/s Tirupati Balaji Fertilizer Ind., Udyog Sludge and filter cake 18 18
puram,Meerut. cpntaing zinc residue

97 M/s Nandi Chemicals, Mohakampur,Meerut Sludge and filter cake 0.04 0.04
cpntaing zinc residue

98 M/s Sansperials Green Land, Gangol Pesticide bearing waste 0.08 0.08

99 M/s Sarthak Organics, Dheerkheara, Meerut Industrial solvents

100 M/s Win Medicare Pvt.Ltd. Residue from 1.9 1.9

101 M/s Modi Mundi Pharma Ltd. Modipuram Residue from 0.072 0.072
102 M/s Paswara Chemicals Ltd. Petroleum refining 150 150

103 M/s Agro care, Udyogpuram Process waste residue, 0.005 0.005
chemical residue
containig pesticide,

104 M/s Maci Organics Ltd. Ind.Area. Partapur Process waste residue, 0.02 0.02
chemical residue
containig pesticide,

105 M/s Mawana Sugar Works, Mawana Waste/residue 9.3 9.3

containing oil
106 M/s Paramount Pesticides Pvt.Ltd. Process waste residue, 0.005 0.005
Mohkampur chemical residue
containig pesticide,

107 M/s U.P.State Sugar Corpn.Ltd.Unit- Waste/residue 1.5 1.5

Mohiuddinpur, containing oil

108 M/s IPL(U.P.State Sugar Corpn.Ltd.)Unit- Waste/residue 0.5 0.5

Sakauti Tanda, containing oil
109 M/s Daurala Sugar Works, Unit-Sugar, Waste/residue 0.6 0.6
Daurala containing oil

110 M/s Pecific Orgochem, Ind.Area, Process waste residue, 0.3 0.3
Dheerkhera, chemical residue
containig pesticide,

111 M/s Reidel India Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. Process waste residue, 0.15 0.15
Ind.Area, Dheerkhra chemical residue
containig pesticide,

112 M/s Jayco Chemical India, Ind.Area, Process waste residue, 0.15 0.15
Dheerkhera chemical residue
containig pesticide,

113 M/s Shree Ram Agro Chemicals, Ind.Area, Process waste residue, 0.15 0.15
Dheerkhera chemical residue
containig pesticide,

114 M/s Green Care Chemical, Ind.Area. Process waste residue, 0.15 0.15
Dheerkhera, chemical residue
containig pesticide,

115 M/s Golden Agro Chemical, Ind.Area, Process waste residue, 0.15 0.15
Dheerkhera chemical residue
containig pesticide,

116 M/s Bajaj Hindustan Ltd. Sugar Unit, Waste/residue 6 6

Kinauni containing oil

117 M/s Amvec Agriscienceses, Ind.Area, Process waste residue, 0.14 0.14
Dheerkhera, chemical residue
containig pesticide,

118 M/s Continental India Ltd..,.Modipuram, Waste/residue 30 30

Meerut containing oil

119 M/s Mateswari Pesticides, Partapur, Meerut Process waste residue, 0.15 0.15
chemical residue
containig pesticide,

120 M/s New India Pesticides, Sardhana Process waste residue, 0.18 0.18
Road,Meerut chemical residue
containig pesticide,

121 M/s Trans Yamuna Fertilizers, Process waste residue, 0.72 0.72
Dheerkhera,Meerut chemical residue
containig pesticide,

122 M/s Shimac Organics, Dheerkhera, Meerut Process waste residue, 0.18 0.18
chemical residue
containig pesticide,

123 M/s Naglamal Sugar Complex, Meerut Waste/residue 3 3

containing oil
124 M/s Paswara Impex (P)Ltd., Udyog puram, Petroleum refining 100 100

125 M/s Olympic Fastner Pvt.Ltd. Ind.Area, closed __ __


126 M/s H.M.Polytex, Shyam Nagar Pilokhari closed __ __


127 M/s Maruti Nandan Steels Pvt.Ltd. Sivaya closed __ __

128 M/s Perk Pharma. Ltd. Ind.Area, Partapur closed 0.05 0.05

129 M/s Stonex Organics & Chemical Pvt.Ltd. closed __ __

Mohkampur Ind.Area

130 M/s Dollar Sales Corporation, Sardhana closed __ __


131 M/s Jamila Ismail & Sons, Fitkari, Mawana closed __ __


132 M/s Ideal Laminates,Gangol Road,Meerut. closed __ __

133 M/s Tan Chem Industries, Garh Road, closed __ __


134 M/s Batla Industrial Corporation, Meerut closed __ __

135 M/s Dewan Enterprises Ltd,Meerut closed __ __

136 M/s Shri Ganesh Enterprises,Meerut closed __ __

137 M/s Jai Bharat Insecticides, Dheerkhera, closed __ __

138 M/s Vidyut Carbon Products, Dheerkhera, closed __ __

139 M/s Spectrum India, Partapur, Bye-Pass closed __ __

140 M/s Indo Aeromatics Pvt.Ltd. Mohkampur, closed __ __

141 M/s Palash Alumes Pvt.Ltd. Mawana Road closed __ __

142 M/s Sivaya Lamination Pvt.Ltd.Sivaya Closed __ __

143 M/s D.K.Textile ShyamNagar,Meerut Closed __ __

144 M/s Abhishek Febrices Pvt.Ltd.Janta Nagar Closed __ __

Garh road
145 M/s Kisan Gramodyog Sansthan,Mawana Closed __ __

146 M/s M.R.Enterprises, Vill. Daulatpur, Lead ash, residue 0.06 0.06

147 M/s The Baghpat Sugar Mills Ltd. Waste/residue 0.5 0.5
containing oil
148 M/s Ahlawat Agro Chemicals, Delhi Road, Pesticide 0.012 0.012

149 M/s S.B.E.C.Sugar Ltd. Malakpur, Baraut Waste/residue 0.5 0.5

containing oil
150 M/s Ramala Sehkari Chini Mills Ltd. Ramala Waste/residue 0.7 0.7
containing oil

151 M/s Heema Pesticides, Bijrol Road, Baraut Closed 0.12 0.12

152 M/s Jon Mohammad S/o Shri Salmu Vill.- Closed __ __

Daulatpur, Baghpat

153 M/s M.H.Metal Works (Formerly Hashim & Closed __ __

Sons) Vill. Daulatpur, Baghpat

154 M/s Ramkumar Tyagi S/o Shri Dayanand Closed __ __

Tyagi Vill. Daulatpur, Baghpat

155 M/s Tayba Laghu Gramodyog (Formerly Closed __ __

Iliyas Udyog) Vill. Daulatpur, Baghpat

156 M/s M.A.Enterprises, Vill. Daulatpur, Closed __ __


157 M/s Akash Pesticides, Baraut,Baghpat Closed __ __

158 M/s Unique Insecticides, Baraut Closed __ __

159 M/s. Sundar Lal Mittal, Mandu Road, Used oil 900 900
Hathras. Waste Oil 900 900
160 M/S Indo-lube Refineries , G-21,Industrial Used Oil 2400 2400
Area, Gorakhpur

161 M/STripurari Lubricants, A-2/22, Sec.-15, Used Oil 2400 2400

GIDA, Gorakhpur

162 M/S S.P.Chemical Works, D-1/4 A, Sec.-13, Used Oil 2372.5 2372.5
GIDA, Gorakhpur
163 M/S Deevan Industries Ltd., E-46,Industrial Used Oil 2400 2400
Area, Gorakhpur

164 M/s Prakash metal house, Gali Karvan, Ferrous/ Non Ferrous 1500 1500
Lohamandi, Agra Scrap etc.

165 M/s Seema Oil Mill, Foundry Nagar, Agra Used Lube Oil 60 60

166 M/s Seiko Chemical Pvt.Ltd. Amausi Used Oil 2400 8

Nadarganj, Lucknow

167 M/s Amnuja Cement, Greater Noida Oily and Paint sludge 845.867 (Generation
waste only, sent
in other
states for
168 M/s J.P. Cement Factory, Dalla, Sonbhadra Oily and Paint sludge 1000 1000

169 M/s Diamond Cement, Jhansi Oily and Paint sludge 4.11 4.11
170 M/s Bharat Oil Co. (I) Regd., E-18, Site-IV, Used Oil/ Spent Oil, 10000 293.27
Sahibabad Industrial Area, Ghaziabad- E-Waste
201010, U.P 4000 17.393
171 M/s DEE KAY INDUSTRIES, F-9, B.S. ROAD. USED OIL /Spent Oil 1800 62

172 M/s IFP PETRO PRODUCT P LTD, 16/2C, USED OIL /Spent Oil 6000 505
SITE-4, SBD., Ghaziabad

173 M/s STEAM OIL & GEN IND.,C-187, B.S. USED OIL /Spent Oil 3600 253.845
ROAD, Ghaziabad.

174 M/s BAJAJ INDUSTRIES,F-7,S.S. OF GT. RD., Lead bearing waste 600 360
Ghaziabad including battery waste

175 M/s K.B. METALSF-5,S.S. OF GT. RD., Lead bearing waste 900 540
Ghaziabad including battery waste

176 M/s BALAJI PIGMENTS P LTD.,A-6/17-19, Lead bearing waste 1500 900
S.S. OF G.T. ROAD, Ghaziabad including battery waste

177 M/s MAHA LAXMI METALSD-16, KAVI Lead bearing waste 600 360
NAGAR IND. AREA, Ghaziabad. including battery waste

178 M/s SHRI HARIOM METAL WORK (SUNIL Lead bearing waste 345 207
PT)D-23, B.S. ROAD., Ghaziabad. including battery waste
179 M/s SHIV METAL WORK(RAHEJA Lead bearing waste 720 432
BATTERYC-111, B.S. ROAD., Ghaziabad. including battery waste

180 M/s B.D. ENTERPRISES(D.V. METAL)D-3, Lead bearing waste 336 202
B.S. ROAD., Ghaziabad. including battery waste

181 M/s PATEL ENTERPRISES5/28, S.S. OF G.T. Lead bearing waste 900 540
ROAD, Ghaziabad. including battery waste

182 M/s R.K. METALSG-5, UDYOG KUNJ, DASNA, Lead bearing waste 600 360
Ghaziabad. including battery waste

183 M/s HINDUSTAN BATTERYG-25, UDYOG Lead bearing waste 600 360
KUNJ, DASNA, Ghaziabad. including battery waste

184 M/s L.M. PRODUCTSF-293 & 294, M.G. Lead bearing waste 1200 720
ROAD I.A., Hapur. including battery waste

185 M/s SHIV SHAKTI METALSKH-545, Lead bearing waste 540 324
SIKHERA RD, MODI NAGAR, Ghaziabad. including battery waste

186 M/s ANKUR BROTHERS23-A, S.S. OF G.T. Lead bearing waste 540 324
ROAD, Ghaziabad. including battery waste

187 M/s BALAJI METAL INDUSTRIESC-99, B.S. Lead bearing waste 3000 1800
ROAD IND. AREA, Ghaziabad. including battery waste

188 M/s NEW DURGA ENTERPRISESKH-109, Lead bearing waste 300 180
SIKHERA ROAD, MODI NGR, Ghaziabad. including battery waste

189 M/s SHRI BANKEY BIHARI METAL118, Lead bearing waste 450 270
SIKHERA ROAD, MODI NAGAR, Ghaziabad. including battery waste

190 M/s N.K. PRODUCTSG-58 & 59, M.G. ROAD Lead bearing waste 600 360
IND. AREA, Hapur. including battery waste

191 M/s PATEL INDUSTRIESF-12, UDYOG KUNJ Lead bearing waste 540 324
IND. AREA, Ghaziabad. including battery waste

192 M/s SHREE BALAJI INDUSTRIESG-37, Lead bearing waste 540 324
UDYOG KUNJ, DASNA, Ghaziabad. including battery waste
193 M/s NEON PIGMENTS CORPN.KH-112, Lead bearing waste 7500 4500
SIKHERA ROAD IND. AREA, MODI NGR, including battery waste

194 M/s VERDEEN CHEMICAL P LTD.D-11, M.G. Lead bearing waste 9000 5400
ROAD IND. AREA, HAPUR including battery waste

195 M/s HINDUSTAN METALSF-636, M.G. ROAD Lead bearing waste 2820 1692
IND. AREA, Hapur. including battery waste

196 M/s GUPTA METAL WORKS,C-1, S.S. OF Lead bearing waste 3900 2340
G.T.RD., Ghaziabad. including battery waste

197 M/s KAVITA OVERSEAS P Lead bearing waste 14000 8400

LTD.(SUNSHIN56, PANDAV NAGAR, B.S. including battery waste
Road, Ghaziabad.

198 M/s ELCON ALLOYS P LTDKH-252, 256, Brass 230 138.3

PARSON, HAPUR ROA Dross/Zinc/Copper 230 138.3
Bearing Wastes 230 138.3
199 M/s TRIDENT METAL CHEM P LTD.D-139 Brass 400 240
IND. AREA, B.S. ROAD. Dross/Zinc/Copper 400 240
Bearing Wastes 400 240
200 M/s VINAYAK TRANSKO LTDMAJ. Brass 2500 1501.66
ASHARAM TYAGI RD.MODINAGA Dross/Zinc/Copper 2500 1501.66
Bearing Wastes 2500 1501.67
VIHAR,SIKARA RD.MODI NGR Dross/Zinc/Copper 26.66 16.66
Bearing Wastes 26.67 16.67
202 M/s R.P.L. INDUSTRIES PVT. LTDC-12, SEC- Brass 600 357.33
22, MEERUT ROAD I.A. Dross/Zinc/Copper 600 357.33
Bearing Wastes 600 357.34
203 M/s PARARA UDYOG,F-195 & 196, M.G. RE-CONDITIONING OF 12000 2400


65, S.S. OF G.T. RD. I.A.,GZB. DURMS


206 M/s U.P. DRUM SUPPLY CO.F-193 & 194. RE-CONDITIONING OF 200000 45000



208 M/s MAHA LAXMI METALLOYS(INDIA) P Collection, Segration & 600 -

LTD.KH-92, 91/1 & 87, SIKHERA ROAD, Dismentling of E Waste


LTD., F-637-638, M.G .ROAD IND. AREA,

210 M/s N.K. PRODUCTS58, 59, M.G. Road Ind. Collection, Segration & 9000 -
Area, Hapur. Dismentling of E Waste

211 M/s Platnet Green Recycling P Ltd.,G-129, Collection, Segration & 1500 -
M.G. Road Ind. Area, Hapur. Dismentling of E Waste

212 M/s Rocket Sales, I-12, M.G. Road Ind. Area, Collection, Segration & 300 -
Hapur. Dismentling of E Waste

213 M/s Arsh Recycling P Ltd.,F-203, M.G. Road, Collection, Segration & 9000 -
Ind. Area, Hapur. Dismentling of E Waste

214 M/s Adharsh Agro Chemicals, Moradabad Process waste residue, 0.05 0.05
chemical residue
containig pesticide,

215 M/s Shakti Agro Chemicals (India) Ltd., Process waste residue, 0.02 0.02
Moradabad chemical residue
containig pesticide,

216 M/s Milk Foods Ltd. Waste Oil 0.9 0.9

217 M/s Indian Oil Corporation Schedule 4 (S.No. 20) 0.2 0.2

218 M/s Star Paper Mill, Saharanpur Process sludge 42059 42059
List of Authorized Recyclers/Utilizers /Co-processors of Hazardous waste Uttarakhand
S.No. Name and Address of the facility Type of Authorized Quantity
Hazardous Recycling/Utilization/Co- Recycled/Utilized/Co-
Waste Processing Capacity processed (MT)
Recycled (MTA)
1 M/s Vimal Petrothin Pvt Ltd, Plot Lead 24900 7070.41
No IP-15A, Raipur Sahakari Recycling
Audhagyik Kshetra, Bhagwanpur
2 M/s Tanya Engineers, Khara No Lead 4800 103.94
204, Raipur, Bhagwanpur Recycling
3 M/s Sahid Metal Alloys, Plot No Lead 3000 496
353, Raipur Industrial Area, Recycling
4 M/s Jay Ace Technology Ltd, Lead 24000 Not in operation in
Khasra No 92-95, Raipur Industrial Recycling 2016-17
Area, Bhagwanpur
5 M/s Prince Metal Industry. Khasra Lead 240 Not in operation in
No 269 Lakeshwari Bhagwanpur Recycling 2016-17
6 M/s Attero Recycling Pvt Ltd, E-Waste 12000 1320 MTA
Raipur, Bhagwanpur 251448 Nos per
7 M/s Bharat Oil and Waste E-Waste 10008 66 MTA
Management Ltd, Lakshar, Roorkee 190 Nos per Annum
8 M/s Resource E-Waste Solution Pvt E-Waste 6000 324 MTA
Ltd, Plot No 97, Industrial Area,
9 M/s Scatro Metal recycling Plat, E-Waste 1000 256 MTA
Khasra No 314, Mehwar Khurd,
10 M/s Anmol Paryavaran Sarakshan E-Waste 1200 377 MTA
Samiti, Daulatopur, Budhwa 1468 Nos per Annum
Saheed, Haridwar
11 M/s Pilot industries Ltd, IIE Pant Lead 72000 12908
Nagar Recycling
12 M/s Global Environment Solution, Used Oil 2800 230
Gadarpur, Kashipur
List of Authorized Recyclers/Utilizers /Co-processors of Hazardous waste West Bengal
Recycling / Quantity Recycled/
Type of Hazardous
S.No. Name and Address of the facility Utilisation / Co- Utilised/ Co-processed
Waste Recycled
processing (MT/A)
Capacity (MT/A)
M/s Abdul Salam & Co., Dharala,
Lead acid battery
1 Panagarh, Budbud, Dist- 1200 MTA CLOSED
plates/ scrap
Burdwan, Pin-713 148
M/s Associated Pigments,
MouzaKanakpur, Lead Acid Battery
2 P.0.-Naranda, P.S. Plates and Lead 63000 MTA Lead Scrap 330.8
Panskura-721 139, Dist-Purba Scrap

M/s Azad Metal Works, 158-B, Used lead acid

Battery Scrap
3 Picnic Garden Road, Kolkata - battery plates / lead 300 MTA
(Auction)=140 MT
700 039. scraps

Used Lead Acid

M/s Bijay Metal Works, 76, Canal
4 Battery Plates / Lead 200 MTA NOT SUBMITTED
Circular Road, Kolkata-700054
Used Oil (Industry,
M/s Bristol Petroleum Pvt. Ltd., Used Oil 8400
Ships)= 1334.45
26/5/D-E, A.M. Ghosh Road, KLA ,
5 Used Oil& Waste Oil Waste Oil (Industry,
Budge-Budge, 24 Pg (S), Pin700 Waste Oil 15000
Ships)= 2793.04 MT
137 KLA
TOTAL= 4127.49 MT
M/s Salts & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. merged
with Cross Point Chemical Industries],
6 Zinc ash/Zinc dross 400 MTA NOT SUBMITTED
P.O. Sugandha, Hooghly - 712 102 Salts
& Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.
M/s India Metal Industries,
used Lead
Santrapara, Delhi Per Dankuni, Scrap Battery
7 Acid/Battery 470 MTA
Road, P.0.-Dankuni Coal (Auction)= 6.65 M
Complex, Hooghly, Pin-712310
M/s J.G. Chemicals Pvt. Ltd., 189
Zinc scrap/Zinc
8 GirishGhosh Road, Belur, 1200 MTA Zinc dross: 1246.8 MT
i) Zirrc
i) Zinc Dross/Scrap Dross/Scrap
ii) Zinc Ash/ ii) Zinc Ash/
M/s Kamala Metachem, Vill.- Kulai , skimmings)
Lead scrap (import) :
9 P.O.- Bikihakola, P.S.-Panchla, Lead, Lead Acid
219.85 MT.
NH6, Dist.- Howrah Acid Batterry Plates - Batterry
2000 MTA Lead Plates - 2000
Scrap MTA
Lead Scrap

M/s Kashi Metal Works, 157A, Picnic Lead acid battery

Garden Road, P.O. Tiljala, Kolkata - 39 plates

M/s Leadstone Energy Ltd., NH-2, Lead acid battery

11 Delhi Road, P.0.-Rajhat, Dist- plates and Lead 3300 MTA NOT SUBMITTED
Hooghly, Pin-712 123 scrap
M/s Metacon Industries, P-153,
12 Zinc Skimmings/Ash 1000 MTA NOT SUBMITTED
Beneras Road, Howrah
M/s Rajnath Metal Works, 158B,
Used lead acid
13 Picnic Garden Road, Kolkata - 300 MTA NOT SUBMITTED
battery plates
700 039.

M/s Panchwati Metal Works, B- Lead acid battery Battery Scrap, Ash,
8C/H/8, plates/lead Dross (Auction &
14 160 MTA
Jagodyan Lane, P.O. scrap/lead ash/lead Private
- Kankurgachi, Kolkatta 54. residue Company)=2.81 MT

M/s Pigments & chemicals

15 Industries Pvt. Ltd., West Zinc dross 2000 MTA NOT SUBMITTED

M/s Raj Finoxides (P) Ltd., Village plates and other lead
16 Kharial, P.O. - DCC, Distt. scrap 7800 TPA NOT SUBMITTED
Hoogly, Pin - 712 310 Lead acid battery

Lead acid battery

M/s Rama Shankar Daya Shankar, 8-
17 C/H/17, Jagodyan Lane, P.O. 170 MTA NOT SUBMITTED
scrap/lead ash/lead
Kankurgachi, Kolkata - 54.

M/s Ranjan Industries, Vill.-Kulai,

Lead acid battery
18 P.0.-Bikihakola, P.S.-Panchla, 1800 MTA NOT SUBMITTED
plates / Lead Scrap
Dist-Howrah, Pin-711 322.

Lead Acid Battery Battery Scrap, Lead

M/s Samta Metal Industries, 76,
Plates / Lead Scrap / Scrap, Ash, Dross
19 Canal Circular Road, Kolkata- 480 MTA
Lead Ash / Lead (Auction & Private
Residues Company)=5.119 MT

M/s Shiw Shakti Metal Works; Lead slag/Dust

Used lead acid
20 157A, Picnic Garden Road, 300 MTA (Manufacturer)= 4.63
battery plates
Kolkata 700 039 MT

M/s Shiv Shankar Metal Works, 157

Used lead acid Battery Scrap
21 A, Picnic Garden Road, P.O. 150 MTA
battery plates (Tender)=111.033 MT
- Tiljala, Kolkata 39.
M/s Shree Ganesh Metal Works,
Used lead acid
22 157A, Picnic Garden Road, P.O. 150 MTA Lead Scrap = 31 MT.
battery plates
Tiljala, Kolkata-700 039.

M/s Shri Vishnu Industries, P.O.- Zinc

23 Biprannapara (Near NH 6), P.S.- Ash/Skimmings/Scra 1800 MTA NOT SUBMITTED
Domjur, Howrah -711 411 p/Dross

M/s Singh Metal Company, 157A,

Used Lead Acid Battery Scrap (Govt.
24 Picnic Garden Road, Kolkata - 450 MTA
Battery Plates Auction)=13.1 MT ,.
M/s Synotex Industries, 1/4C ,
25 Zinc ash/Zinc dross 350 MTA NOT SUBMITTED
KhagendraChatterjee Road,
Cossipore, Kolkata-2 [closed
since may,2014]

M/s Tarak Metal Industries, 76, Used-Lead Ash / Lead dross, Lead ash
26 Canal Circular Road, Kolkata - Lead 250 MTA .(Manufacturer)=124.3
700054. Acid Battery Plates 9 MT

M/s Sylvan Chemicals, 40/1, A

Zinc Ash/Zinc
27 Road, Bamungachi, Salkia, 540 MTA NOT SUBMITTED
Used lead acid
M/s Ram Dular& Bros, 157A, Picnic
28 batteries plates / 150 MTA NOT SUBMITTED
Garden Road, Kolkata-700 039.
lead scraps
M/s Vermillion Petrochem Pvt. Ltd.,
Used Oil (Different
29 28/1, Salkia School Road, Used oil 1000 KLA
Industries)= 837 KL
Howrah-711 106.
M/s J.G.ChemicalsPvt. Ltd., Unit-II,
Jalan Industrial Complex, P.0.-
30 Zinc dross 3240 MTA Zinc dross: 1246.8 MT.
Biprannapara, P.S.-Domjur,
M/s Eastern Metal, ViIl.-Khamar, Used lead acid
Battety scrap= 119.91
31 P.0.-Bishnupur, 24 Pgs (N), Pin- battery plates / Lead 450 MTA
743510 scrap
Used lead acid
M/s Sajta Metal Works, Chandmari,
32 battery plates / lead 150 MTA NOT SUBMITTED
Danesh Sheikh Lane, Howrah-9

M/s Sajta Metal Works (Unit-II), VIII Used lead acid

Battery Scrap=
33 & P.O.: Kanduah, P.S.: Sankrail, battery.plates / lead 420 MTA
108.300 MT
Howrah- 711 302. scrap

M/s Ambica Chemical & Industrial

Zinc Ash/Skimming -
Corporation, 68, Debendra
34 1600 MTA, Zinc 400 MTA NOT SUBMITTED
Chandra Dey Road, P.O. & P.S.-
Dross/Zinc Scrap
Tangra, Kolkata — 15.

M/s Sunflower Industries, Vill.-Pipli, Zinc Ash/Skimmings Zinc Ash

35 Jagdishpur, Domjur, Howrah- - 100 MTA (Purchased)=203.88M
711328. 500 MTA, Zinc dross T

M/s Rawalsia Strips Pvt: Ltd.,

Dankuni Coal Complex, VIII.- Waste Copper and
Chakundi, P.O.- DCC, Dankuni, Copper Alloys
Dist.- Hooghly.
M/s Gem Chemical Industries, 21/A,
Zinc Ash Skimming/Zinc ash:
37 Mirpara Road, Bhattanagar, 350 MTA
(skimmings) 74.058 MT.
Liluah, Howrah, Pin-711203.
Brass scrap 36
M/s Golden Metal Industries, Copper scrap,Brass
38 265/A/1/A, G.T. Road, Liluah, scrap , ' Zinc NOT SUBMITTED
Zinc scrap 12
Howrah, Pin-711204 scrap
M/s BA-MA Oil Industries,
Panchayat Road, Vill. Kharial, USED OIL: 218.16 MT
39 Used oil 3000 KLA
P.0.-Dunkuni, Hooghly- 711 Waste oil: 35.6MT.

M/s Singh & Sons Manufacturer, Lead Acid Battery

40 Chandmari, DaneshShaikh Plates and Lead 150 MTA NOT SUBMITTED
Lane, P.S.-Sankrail, Howrah Scrap

M/s Pinkto Chemicals, 455, B. T. Zinc Ash / Zinc

41 Road, P.O.-Sukchar, 24 Pgs(N), Skimmings / Zinc 720 MTA Zinc ash: 401.3 MT.
Pin - 700 115 Dross

M/s Vee Aar Industries, 4,

42 RatanHaldar Lane (Patua Para), Zinc ash/skimming 540 MTA NOT SUBMITTED
Liluah, Howrah-711204

Battery Scrap
M/s Panchwati Metal Works, Vill. &
Lead Acid Battery (Auction), Battery Ash
43 P.O. Angori, P.S. Sankrail, Dist. 900 MTA
Plates / Scrap & Dross (Private
Howrah-711 302
Company)= 5.11 MT

Copper Cable /
M/s Vinod Metal Industries, Copper Dross / Brass
Mouza& Village - Argori (NH-6), Dross - 420 MTA
P.O. Argori, P.S.-Sankrail, Lead Acid Battery
Howrah-711302 Plates / Lead Scrap
400 MTA

M/s MaaBhagwati Metal Industries, Battery Scrap, Ash,

Vill. &Mouza - Argori, P.O.- Lead Acid Battery Dros (Private
45 800 MTA
Argori, P.S.-Sankrail, Dist. Plates / Lead Scrap Company & Auction)=
Howrah-711302 1.126 MT

M/s Shiwshakti Metal Works,Unit II,

Lead Dross/Dust
Jalan Industrial Park, Vill: Plates and Lead
(Manufacturer)= 4.63
46 Jaladhulagur, P.O. Dhulaguri, Scrap 450 MTA
P.S. Snakrail, Dist: Howrah, Lead Acid battery

Scale /Copper
Copper Scrap /
M/s Eastern Dye Chem (P) Ltd., P.O.
Copper Oxide / Mill
East Udairajpur
47 Residue / Waste 500 MTA NOT SUBMITTED
Madhyamgram, Kolkata-700
Copper and Copper
Alloys, Copper Slag
and Copper Dross -

M/s Kundu Refinery Works,

Durgapur Highway Express, Vill. Used Oil & A Waste 3600 KLA Waste Used oil: 8.12 KL
Joykrishnapur, P.O. Begampur, oil oil: Waste Oil : Nil.
Dist. Hooghly-712 306.
M/s Skylub Battery Co., Vill. & P.O. Lead Acid Battery
49 Raghudevpur, P.S. Uluberia, Plates and Lead 490 MTA NOT SUBMITTED
(NH-6), Dist. Howrah-712 306. Scrap

M/s AdarshGalaiUdyog, Dag No.

1250, Khatian No. 1819, 1862, Lead Acid Batterry
Dhulagori Industrial Park, Plates / Lead Scrap

M/s Balaji Metal Corporation, 5 Raj Lead Acid Batterry

51 Krishna Kumar Street, Belur Plates, Lead Scrap 600 MTA NOT SUBMITTED
Math, Dist. Howrah-711 202. and Lead Ash

M/s Azad Metal Works, Unit-II, Vill.

Lead Acid Battery
52 jaladhulagori, P.O. Dhulagori, 450 MTA Battery scrap: 168 MT
Plates / Lead Scraps
P.S. Sankrail, Howrah.
M/s Star Metal Industries, Debgram
Industrial Estate, Satellite Lead Acid Battery
Township, P.S. Rajganj, Dist. Plates / Lead Scraps

M/s R.K. Products, Vill. & Post - Zinc Ash, Zinc

54 Mahishrekha, P.S. Uluberia, Skimming and Zinc 14001 MTA NOT SUBMITTED
Dist. Howrah-711 303. Dross

M/s Parana International, 40/1 'A' Zinc Ash (Authorised

Zinc Ash and Zinc
55 Road, Bamangachi, Salkia, 1500 MTA Waste Generator)=
Howrah-711 106. 511.2 MT

M/s Sakti Enterprises, Dotala, Zinc Ash, Zinc

56 Jhilpur, Vill. & Post - Bankra Skimming and Zinc 1200 MTA NOT SUBMITTED
Dist. Howrah-711 403. Dross

M/s Usha Metal Industries, 26/5/B, Lead Acid Battery

Battery Scrap
57 A.M. Ghosh Road, Budge Plates and Lead 500 MTA
(Auction)= 39.6 MT
Budge, 24 Parganas (5). Scraps

M/s Shama Metal Industries, Vill. Lead Acid Battery

Battery Scrap= 7.349
58 &Mouja - Kendua, P.O. Kendua, Plates, Lead Scrap 1080 MTA
P.S. Sankrail, Howrah-711 302. and' Lead Ash

M/s Sunflower Metal Industries, Zinc Dross = 21.05

Lead Acid Battery
Vill. &Mouja - Dhulagorhi, MT.
59 Plates and Lead 336 MTA
Kandua, P.O. Bhagabatipur, P.S. Zinc Ash = 270.341 MT
Sankrail, Howrah-711 302. Total = 291.39

M/s N.K. Company, J.R. Industrial

Estate, Haran Molla Road, Vill. Waste Oil (Sludge)
60 Banagram, P.O. Rasapunja, P.S. Waste Oil 11000 KLA Ports & Factories=
Bishnupur, Dist. South 24 721.212 MT
M/s Bachhelal Metal Industries, Lead Acid Battery Battery Scrap (South
61 22G, Shivkrishna Daw lane, P.S. Plates, Lead Scrap 360 MTA Railway, Tata Motor,
Phulbagan, Kolkata-700 054 and Lead Ash Sacl)= 80 . 870MT

M/s Mahabir Chemicals, Clipcon

Complex, N.H.No. 6, Zinc Dross = 114.13
62 Zinc Dross 720 MTA
JalaDhulagori, Sankrail, Dist. MT
Howrah-711 302
M/s Jaiswal Metal Industries, 16G,
Lead Acid Battery
Debgram Industrial Estate, P.O.
63 Plates and Lead 480 MTA NOT SUBMITTED.
Satellite Township, Dist:

Lead Acid Battery

M/s R.B. Enterprise, Vill. Bodai,
Plates, Lead Scrap,
64 P.O.-Jugberia, P.S. Ghola, Dist. 480 MTA NOT SUBMITTED
Lead Ash and Lead
24 Parganas (N)
Residue - 240 MTA

M/s Dolphin Enterprises, Bombay

High Road, Vill. BhagbatiPara,
Lead Acid Battery Battery Scrap etc
P.0.-Chaturbhujkali, Dhulagori,
65 Plates, Lead Scrap 1200 MTA (Govt Auction)=7.142
65. P.S. Sankrail, under Kandua
and Lead Ash MT
Gram Panchayet, Dist. Howrah-

M/s Raj Metal Industries, Lead Acid Battery Scrap Battery Type
66 66. MouzaMajukshetra, P.S. Plates, Lead Scrap 4400 MTA Metal Lead Dross
Jagatballavpur, Dist. Howrah and Lead Ash - (Auction)=10.338 MT

M/s Jai Shambho Metal Company, Lead Acid Battery

67 67. 157A, Picnic Garden Road, P.O. Plates and Lead 312 MTA NOT SUBMITTED
Tiljala, Kolkata-700 039. Scrap

M/s BalmerLawrie& Co. Ltd.,

68 68. Grease Division, P-43 Hide Used Oil 1000 KLA Used Oil = 1000 KL
Road Extn, Kolkata-700 088.
M/s VedikVanijya Private Limited,
68 Palm Village, Bhasa, PO. &
69 Copper Druid 60,000 MTA NOT SUBMITTED
PS. Bishnupur, Dist. 24
Parganas (South).
M/s Infinity Electric Private Limited,
Shed Nos. III & I/III, Sector-2,
70 70. SEZFaIta, PO. Falta, PS. Copper Druid 22,500 MTA NOT SUBMITTED
Ramnagar, Dist. 24 Parganas
M/s Sun Metal Industries, Post
Lead Acid Batterry LA Battery scrap=
71 Sugandhya, Delhi Road, P.S. 1500 MTA
Plates / Lead Scrap 320.8 MT
Polba, Dist. Hooghly.

M/s Global International, Vill. & PO. Lead Acid Battery

72 Lakshmanpur, PS. Domjur, Dist. Plates, Lead Scrap 564 MTA NOT SUBMITTED
Howrah-711 114. and Lead Ash
M/s Krishna Metal, Vill. & PO. Lead Acid Battery
73 Lakshmanpur, PS. Domjur, Dist. Plates and Lead 384 MTA NOT SUBMITTED
Howrah - 711 114. Scrap

M/s ARM Industries, & PO.

Zinc Ash, Zinc
DakshinGouripur, FS.
74 Skimming and Zinc 936 MTA Zinc ash-- 309.100 MT
Bishnupur, Dist. 24 Parganas
M/s DRK Metallurgical Pvt. Ltd.,
Sector-II, Falta Special Economic Zone,
Spent Ni catalyst : 15C
75 P0. Panarhat, Spent Nickel Catalyst 2000 MTA
PS. Falta, Dist. 24
M/s Mega Energy Private Limited,
Lead Acid Battery
76 Vill. Gotu, PO. Sugandhya, PS. 1500 MTA Lead Scrap = 291 MT
Plates & Lead Scrap
Polba, Dist. Hooghly.
M/s Inspec Oils Limited, B/122,
77 Used Oil 3300 KLA Used oil =11.8 KI.
Phase-III, Kalyani, Dist. Nadia.
M/s Indian Oil Corporation Limited,
Haldia Refinery, P.O. Haldia
78 Waste Oil 21000 KLA NOT SUBMITTED
Refinery, Dist. Purba

M/s Aleadco Batteries, 49/2, T.N. Lead Acid Battery

79 89. Mukherjee Road, Plates and Lead 150 MTA NOT SUBMITTED
Raghunathpur, Dist.- Hooghly Scrap

Used Lead Acid

M/s Jai Matadi Enterprises, 58/3,
Battery Plates, Lead
80 NetajiSubhas Road, Liluah, 900 MTA NOT SUBMITTED
Dross, Lead Ash and
Lead Scrap

Used Lead Acid

M/s Raj Enterprise, 58/3,
Battery Plates, Lead
81 NetajiSubhas Road, Liluah, 900 MTA NOT SUBMITTED
Dross, Lead Ash and
Howrah-711 204
Lead Scrap

Used Lead Acid

M/s Nagendra Prasad & Brothers,
Battery Plates, Lead
82 58/3, NetajiSubhas Road, 900 MTA NOT SUBMITTED
Dross, Lead Ash and
Liluah, Howrah-711 204
Lead Scrap

Lead acid battery

M/s Amit Metal Works, Mouza-
83 JalaDhulagori, J.L. no. 2, 1450 MTA NOT SUBMITTED
scraps/lead ash/lead
Sankrail, Howrah
dross :

M/s Diach Chemicals & Pigments LA battery

84 3600 MTA
Pvt. Ltd. scrap/plates
M/s Bengal Metal Industry, Khamar,
Rajarhat, P.O. & P.S.: Rajarhat, Lead scrap & Lead
85 3000 MTA Battery scrap: 11.7MT.
Bishnupur, 24 Parganas (N). Pin acid battery scrap :
- 743 510.
Copper scrap, copper
dross, copper ash,
waste copper &
M/s Eastern Copper Manufacturing
copper alloyS,
Co. Pvt. Ltd., Baniara Industrial
insulated copper
86 Estate, Jalan Complex, 0 NOT SUBMITTED
wire, scrap/copper
Jangalpur, P.O.: Baniara, P.S.:
with PVC sheathing
Domjur, Howrah- 711 411.
including ISRI Code
material mixed non
ferrous metal

i) Spent Copper Spent Ni Catalyst

M/s Ganesh Steel & Alloys Ltd., NH2,
catalyst : 360 :231.85 MT.
Delhi Road, VIII: DalshinRajyadharpur, i) Spent Copper
MTA Gasifire Slag(Ni)= .318
87 P.O.: catalyst ii) Spent
ii) Spent Nickel MT
Mallickpara, P.S.: Serampur, Nickel Catalyst .
Catalyst : 2232 Spent Mo Catalyst =
Hooghly- 712 203.
MTA 0.052 MT..

i) LA battery
/ ashes /
i) LA battery plates / residues /
ashes / residues / scraps : 4000
scraps ii) Cu MTA
dross/Druid/jelly ii) Cu
filled Cu dross/Druid/jelly
cables/waste Cu filled Cu
M/s J.S.PigmentsPvt. LtJ., VIII &
alloys/Cu residue : cables/waste Cu Lead = 6.5 MT, Copper
88 P.O.: Jarura, P.S.:Polba , Delhi
iii) Brass dross scrap alloys/Cu residue = 7.3 M.T.
Road , Pin - 712 138.
: :
Zinc dross / 1488 MTA iii)
ash/skimming/ Brass
residue and zinc dross scrap : Zinc
alloy : dross
residue and zinc
alloy : 1005 MTA

Used Oil = 500

KL/nrionth Used oil : 516.42 MT
89 M/s Lubrina Recycling Pvt. Ltd. Used oil & Waste oil
Waste Oil = 250 Waste oil : 326.95 MT

M/s Grade Enterprises

Dhulagarh Industrial Park, Lead Scrap = 350 LA battery scrap
90 LA Battery scrap
Mouza: Kendua, P.S.: Sankrail, MTA. , auction): 21.65 MT.
M/s Ansh Metal Works LA Battery plastes,
Vill & P.O.: Islamptir, P.S.: lead acrap/lead Lead Scrap = 900
Jagatballavpur, Howrah. Pin711 residues and lead MTA.
401. ash
M/s Standard Metal Industries
Lead Scrap =160 LA battery scrap38.09
92 Vill & P.O.: Tentulkulli, P.S.: LA battery scrap etc.
Domjur, Howrah. Pin- 711 409.
M/s Sun Metal Industries
Lead Scrap = 320. 8
93 MORE, P.S.-Polba, P.O. BAG FILTER DUST Dead dust
SUGANDHYA, Dist.-Hooghly,
M/s Lotus
Lead Battery : Lead Dross = 6.351
94 10th Lane, P.O& P.S. : Jagatdal, LA Battery Scrap
100 MT. MT.
24 Pgs(N), Pin : 743125
Insulated copper
M/s Sumo MetalicksPvt. Ltd.,
wire scrap/ copper
Bhagabatipur, Chaturbhujkati,
95 with PVC sheathing 5000 MTA NOT SUBMITTED
Sankrail, Andul, P.O.& P.S.:
including ISRI-CODE
Sankrail, Howrah-711 302.
material :
M/s Banshidhar Chemicals .
Tarry Residue 1.2
96 P.S.-Md. Bazar, P.O.-Md.Bazar Tarry Residue Tan Residue = 0.95 MTA
T.S., Dist.-Birbhum, PIN731132
LA Battery Scrap =
97 M/s Eastern Metal Works LA battery scrap etc 0
119.91 MT.
M/s BMI Oxides Pvt.
98 Ltd. [formerly: Brightma n 0 0 Leas Scrap = 10.5 MT
Industry (Unit-II)]
M/s Gem Batteries
99 0 0 Zinc Scrap=75.38 MT.
2/24, Podder Nagar, Kolkata-68
M/s Skipper Ltd. (Uluberia Unit)
N. H. - 6, Vill. Madhavpur, PO. Zinc Galvanizing
100 0 Lead Scrap = 56.46 MT
Mahishrekha, PS. Uluberia, PIN. operation
Oily sludge = 3
Spent clay
M/s Siyaram Petrochem
Used / Waste oil containing oil =
101 NH-6, PO&PS: Sankrail, Howrah Zinc Ash = 186.09 MT
reprocessor 0.3
711 302 -
ETP Sludge =
M/s Kundu Refinary Works
Durgapur Expressway, Used oil 3600
102 Refining of used oil Used Oil = 8.12
Jaykrishnapur, PO. Begumpur, MTA
PS. Chanditala, PIN. 712306
Lead Dross =
M/s Accumulator Manufacturing
24, Bediadanga Masjid Bari Lead acid battery ry Lead Scrap = 0.114
103 Waste Waste
Lane, PO. Tiljala, PS. Kasba, mfg. MT.
Paper = 0.1
Kolkata- 700039.
Sludge = 0
M/s N. K. Company
Reprocessor of Waste Oil = 721.212
104 Panerara, Galgirghat Road, 11000 KLA
Waste Oil MTA
Thakurpukur, Kolkata- 63
List of Authorized Recyclers / Utilizers / Co-processors of Hazardous Waste in Candigarh
S.No. Name and Address of the Facility Type of Hazardous Waste Authorized Quantity
Recycled Recycling / Recycled /
Utilization / CO- Utilized / Co-
Processing processed (MT)
Capacity (MTA)
M/s Ramky Enviro Engineers Limited,
Opposite Vardhman Chemtech Ltd., Collection & transportation of
1 Village-Nimbua, PO.-RampursainiaS, ETP Sludge, Chemical Sludge (*) 69.294
Tehsil-Derabassi, District-Mohali, etc.
Bharat Oil Company (I) Regd., E-18, Collection & transportation of
2 Sahibabad Industrial Area, Site-IV, Used Oil AND Incinerable 17.85
Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. Waste
M/s B.N. Concast (P) Limited, HSIDC
Collection & transportation of
3 Complex, Plot No. 18, Industrial Area, 13.09
Used Oil
Alipur, Barwala, Panchkula, Haryana
M/s Golden Petro, Plot No. C-45,
Collection & transportation of
4 Industrial Focal Point, Chanalon, 158.996 kl
Used Oil
District- SAS Nagar, Punjab.
M/s Haryana Petro Chemicals, Village
Collection & transportation of
5 Shekhpura Meerut Road, Karnal 0
Used Oil
M/s J.B.R Technology (P) Ltd, Opposite
Collection & transportation of
6 Nexo Industries, Kohara Machhiwara 470.67
Acid residue
Road, Kohara, Ludhiana East ,Punjab

M/s Bhagwati agro Industries, Tosham Collection & transportation of

7 57.39
road, VPO balawas, Hisar Acid Residue

M/s Mahadev Petrochemicals, #D-

Collection & transportation of
8 116(P), Indl. Focal point, Mandi 267.20kl
Used Oil

(*) The capacity could not provided beacause all the above mentioned units have been authorized for collection &
transportation of hazardous waste from Chandigarh to their facility located in the nearby states.
List of Authorized Recyclers / Utilizers / Co-processors of Hazardous Waste in Puducherry

Quantity Recycled
Sl. Name and Address of the Type of Hazardous Recycling/Utilization/Co-
No. facility waste Recycled processing capacity

M/s R.K.Industries, 3/5,

1 Lingareddipalayam, Waste oil/Used oil 2400 1080.9

M/s. A.V.R. Zinc Products (P)

Ltd., Unit – I
2 Zinc Dross 3000 3000
Yanam – 533 4 64

M/s. A.V.R. Zinc Products (P)

Ltd., Unit –II
3 Zinc Dross 3000 3000
Sri Ram Nagar, Adavipolam,
Yanam – 533 4 64

M/s Rishab Intermediates

Pvt. Ltd.,
4 A-70, Indl., Estate, Dichromate Solution 10800 10800
Puducherry 605 111.

M/s. Karthik Chemical

Plot No. A-61, PIPDIC
5 A5 0.9 0.9
Industrial Estate,
Mettupalayam, Puducherry –
605 009

M/s. Premier Chemicals

6 S.F. No. 123/8B, 9A, A3 20 20
Thuthipet, Puducherry
National Inventory Report on Hazardous Waste Generation and Its Management (2016-17)




S.NO State Name and Address of Common TSDF Facility Type
M/s Coastal Waste Management Project,
Andhra Plot No:84/A, 84/B, Road No:20/5, Integrated Facility (Both
Pradesh E. Bonangi, JNPC, Parawada(M), Secured landfill and Incinerator)
Lankelapalem, Visakhapatnam.
M/s Saurashtra Enviro Projets Pvt. Ltd.
Integrated Facility (Both
2 Survey No 415, 417 & 418, Village Juna
Secured landfill and Incinerator)
Katariya, Tal Bhachau Dist Kutch
M/s Bharuch Enviro Infrastructure Ltd.
Integrated Facility (Both
3 Plot No. 9701-16, GIDC,
Secured landfill and Incinerator)
Ankleshwar-393002 (Gujarat)
M/s Bharuch Enviro Infrastructure Ltd
4 Secured land fill facility
Plot No D-43, GIDC,Dahej-392130 Gujarat

M/s Nandesari Environment Control Ltd., Integrated Facility (Both

519-P, GIDC, Nandesari, Dist. Vadodara Secured landfill and Incinerator)
M/s Vapi Green Enviro Ltd.
6 Plot No: 4807, etc. Phase IV GIDC, Vapi, Dist : Secured land fill facility
Valsad, State: Gujarat.
M/s Gujarat Maritime Board,
Integrated facility (Both Secured
7 Solid Waste Site, S.No. 325/1/1, Manar, Alang
landfill and Incinerator)
Dist. Bhavnagar (GEPIL Unit Alang)
M/s Geohybrid Industrial Solution Pvt. Ltd. Plot
No A 33/35, Gujarat Eco Textile Park,
8 Standalone Incinerator
Palsana Crossing NH-8, District Surat–394 315,
M/s Eco Care Infrastructures Pvt. Ltd. S. No.
9 127/1, 127/2, 128, 132/1, 132/2, 131, 132/2/2, Secured land fill facility
125/6, 125/3, Village-Ghaspur, Tal-Dasada,
M/s Saurashtra Enviro Projets Pvt. Ltd.
10 Survey No D-2/CH-135, GIDC Dahej Idustrial Standalone Incinerator
Estate, Taluka Vagra Dist-Bharuch, Surat
M/s Gujarat Env. Protection & Infrastructure
(Haryana) Pvt. Ltd. Integrated Facility (Both
11 Haryana
Near Pali Mohhabatabad Stone Crusher Zone, Secured landfill and Incinerator)
Pali, Faridabad, Haryana
M/s Shivalik Solid Waste Management Ltd.,
12 Vill. Majra, P.O. Dabhota. Ten. Nalagarh, Distt. Secured land fill facility
Solan (HP)
M/s Adityapur Auto Cluster (Ramky Enviro
Engineers Ltd.) Plot No.-43, Khata No-529, Integrated Facility (Both
13 Jharkhand
Dungi Mouza, District-Saraikela-Kharswan, Secured landfill and Incinerator)
S.NO State Name and Address of Common TSDF Facility Type
M/s Karnataka Waste Management Project
( A Division of Ramky EEL)KIADB,Industrial
Secured land fill facility
Area, Dobbaspet, Nelamangal Tq, Bangalore
14 RuralDistt-562111
M/s Mother Earth Environ Tech Private
Plot No 217, 2nd phase KIADB Industrial Secured land fill facility
Area, Harohalli, Kanakapura Taluk,
15 Ramanagara Distric, Bangalore-562112
M/s Haat Incinerators India Pvt. Ltd. Standalone Incinerator
#35 B&C, Jigani Industrial Area, Bangalore-
16 560105
Standalone Incinerator
M/s. Century Refineries (P) Ltd.
# 17 A&B, KIADB Indl. Area, Hoskote Taluk,
17 Karnataka
M/s Gomti Incinco, Standalone Incinerator
# 3 – B-2, 1st Phase, KIADB Indl Area,
Kumbalgodu, Mysore Road, Bangalore – 560
18 074
M/s Bangalore Incinerator Pvt. Ltd., Standalone Incinerator
No. 28, KIADB Industrial Area,Kallanayakana
Village, Huthridurga
19 Hobli, Kunigal Taluk, Tumkur
M/s Bangalore Eco Park (P) Ltd. No 2968, Standalone Incinerator
KIADB Industrial Area, Sompura 1st Stage,
Nidavanda, Nelamangala, Bengaluru Rural
20 District.
M/s E Nano Incintech, Standalone Incinerator
Plot No.,342-B, of Harohalli Industrial
Area,2nd Phase, 2nd
21 Sector, Ramanagar
M/s Kerala Enviro Infrastructure Ltd.,
Common TSDF Project, Inside Fact-CD
Kerala Secured land fill facility
22 Ambalmedu, Kochi-682 303
M/s Madhya Pradesh Waste Management
Madhya Project, Integrated Facility (Both
Pradesh Plot No. 104, Industrial Area-II, Pithampur, Secured landfill and Incinerator)
23 Dist.: Dhar (M.P.)
M/s Maharashtra Enviro Power Ltd.
Integrated Facility (Both
Plot No. CHW-01, At Village Mandwa, MIDC
Secured landfill and Incinerator)
24 Butibori, Taluka-Hingna Dist –Nagpur-441122
M/s Maharashtra Enviro Power Ltd.
Integrated Facility (Both
Plot No. 56, MIDC Ranjangaon, Taluka-
Secured landfill and Incinerator)
25 Shirur, Dist – Pune.
S.NO State Name and Address of Common TSDF Facility Type
M/s Mumbai Waste Management Ltd.,
Integrated Facility (Both
Plot No. P-32, MIDC Taloja, Tal: Panvel, Dist.
Secured landfill and Incinerator)
26 Raigad- 410 208
Maharashtra M/s Trans Thane Creek Waste Management
Secured land fill facility
Mahape, Plot No. P-128, Shil Mahape Road,
27 Mahape Navi-Mumbai -400710
M/s Odisha Waste Management Project,
Odisha Plot No 420/648/1, Near Village Kanchichuan Secured land fill facility
28 PO Mangalpur,Sukinda, Distt- Jajpur
M/s Punjab Waste Management Project
Vill.:- Nimbua PO:- Rampur sainia
Punjab Secured land fill facility
(Derabasi)Distt.:- Mohali Pb)
29 Opp.:- Vardhman Chemtech Ltd.
M/s Rajasthan Waste Management Project
(M/s Ramky Enviro Engineers Ltd) Survey no.
1018/13, Vill-Gudli,Tehsil-Mavli, Zinc Secured land fill facility
Choraha to Debari Railway Station Road,
30 Dist-Udaipur (Rajasthan)
M/s Balotra Waste Management Project
(Div of Ramky Enviro Engineers Ltd) Survey
No. & Plot No-1114/274/13 Secured land fill facility
31 Pachpadra,Dist-Barmer (Rajasthan)
M/s Continental Petroleum Ltd., Plot No. A-
166 & 162-165,
Standalone Incinerator
RIICO Industrial Area,
32 Behror - 301 701 , Distt- Alwar
M/s Tamilnadu Waste Management Ltd (M/s
Integrated facility (Both Secured
Tamil Nadu Ramky Agencies, Hyderabad) Gummidpoondi
landfill and Incinerator)
33 in Thiruvallur District
M/s Tamilnadu Waste Management Ltd
(M/s Ramky Agencies)S.F. No-135-140,143-
Tamil Nadu Secured land fill facility
148,152 Undurmikidakulam, Tiruchuli-TK,
34 Virudhunagar-626129
M/s Hyderabad Waste Management Project,
Integrated Facility (Both
Telangana Survey No.684/1: Dundigal Village;
Secured landfill and Incinerator)
35 Qutbullapur Mandal; R.R.Distt-43
M/s Bharat Oil & Waste Management Ltd.
Integrated Facility (Both
Gate No. 672, Vill. Kumbhi, NH-2, Kanpur
Secured landfill and Incinerator)
36 Dehat (UP)
M/s Uttar Pradesh Waste Management
(M/s Ramky Enviro Engineers Ltd.,) Plot No. Integrated Facility (Both
672, Village – Kumbhi, Tehsil: Akbarpur, on Secured landfill and Incinerator)
Sikandara Road-
37 NH –2, Dist – Kanpur Dehat (U.P.)
S.NO State Name and Address of Common TSDF Facility Type
M/s Industrial Infrastructure Services (India)
Secured land fill facility
UPSIDC Leather Technology Park Banthar,
38 Unnao,
M/s Bharat Oil Company (India) Regd.,
E-18, Site IV, Sahibabad Industrial Area, Standalone Incinerator
39 Ghaziabad, UP 201010,
M/s Bharat Oil & Waste Management Ltd.
Integrated facility (Both Secured
Uttarakhand Mauza Mukimpur, Roorkee-Laskar Road,
landfill and Incinerator)
40 Roorkee, Haridwar
M/s West Bengal Waste Management Ltd.
J.L. no. -103, Mouza- Shrikrishnapor, P. S. - Integrated facility (Both Secured
West Bengal
Sutahata Dist- Purba Midnapore, Haldia- 721 landfill and Incinerator)
41 635 (W.B.).
Daman, Diu, M/s Gujarat Enviro Protection &
Integrated facility (Both Secured
Dadra & Infrastructure (D&NH) Pvt Ltd, Survey no.
landfill and Incinerator)
42 Nagar Haveli 9/1, Mota Randha Village,Silvassa-396230

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