Training Contract

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Welcome to Puptown Dog Training!

We are thrilled you have decided to join our team of trainers. Let's work together to build
the very best network of dog trainers around! Our passion is to provide dog owners with
the quality trainers they deserve. You have been selected to help us on our mission to
reach as many dogs as possible!

Puptown Dog Training was started because we recognized there is a lack of information
for many people seeking dog training. There are many programs available that do not
deliver results, and many dog owners who end up frustrated with their dog instead of
enjoying them. We know first hand how difficult that can be and want to ease that for our
friends, family, and community members. You are a critical part of that equation, and we
can't wait to help you, and your expertise, reach more dogs.

One of the most important things in this industry is assuring dog owners that we can help
them. Many have tried everything and they are at their wits end, and some are starting
fresh with puppies and know nothing about puppy rearing - we are here to help!

Please know that we stand behind you to deliver the best experience to our clients as
possible. Our team will support your needs to be the best trainers you can be. Cheers to
you for joining our team and helping us share the joy of dog ownership!


The Puptown Dog Training Team

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This Independent Contractor Agreement (this “Agreement”) is made and entered into
as of __________
2021-12-27 (the “Effective Date”) between Puptown Houston LTD Co, a Texas
limited liability company (“Puptown Dog Training”) and the trainer identified below


Type of Entity Individual / DBA LLC Corporation

Business Name (if applicable):


City, State, Zip:



a. Puptown Dog Training provides private and in-home training services for dogs, as well as
overnight boarding and board and train services.
b. Puptown Dog Training wishes to engage Trainer for Trainer’s special and unique dog
training skills for the term of this Agreement.
c. Trainer possesses the skills, equipment, and training experience necessary to provide
services to Puptown Dog Training.

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d. Trainer agrees to be engaged only as needed to perform specific training tasks as an
independent contractor and that there is no term of employment except the initial 90
day commitment.


1. Scope of Work. Puptown Dog Training hereby engages the services of Trainer for
the purpose of performing the following services (the “Services”): private and in-home
training services for dogs, and/or overnight boarding or board and train services, as fully
outlined in the Puptown Dog Training Protocol Manual.
2. Trainer Responsibilities and Warranties. Trainer, as an independent contractor,
agrees to work diligently and with best efforts in providing the Services. Trainer warrants
a. Trainer will provide Puptown Dog Training proof of Trainer’s business insurance
and auto insurance sufficient to insure Trainer in Trainer’s performance of the

3. Trainer will perform the Services efficiently and in a high quality, professional, and
workmanlike manner in accordance with accepted industry standards;
4. Trainer will not hire, engage, employ, contract, or otherwise utilize any individuals or
third parties in any performance of the Services without the express written permission
from Puptown Dog Training;
5. Trainer will abide by all Puptown Dog Training policies, as well as all applicable state,
local, and federal laws, rules, and regulations;
6. Trainer will endeavor to perform the services in a sound, safe, and responsible
7. Trainer will conduct themself so as to maintain or increase the goodwill and
reputation of Puptown Dog Training;
8. At all times, Trainer is responsible for all personal expenses, including, but not limited
to, automobile, travel, insurance, food, lodging, license fees, dues, income taxes,
withholding taxes and the like, which may result from

Trainer’s performance of the Services or compliance with this Agreement.

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a. Before beginning to perform the Services, Trainer will complete a Form W-9;
b. Review, sign, and comply with all training materials provided by Company including the
Puptown Dog Training Protocol Manual provided to Trainer; and
c. Agree to a criminal background check.
d. Term. The term of this Agreement shall be twelve (12) months from the Effective Date
(the “Term”) and shall automatically renew each year, unless modified by a written
agreement signed by both Parties or unless earlier terminated as provided herein.
e. Termination. The Term may be terminated by either Party: (a) at any time with advance
notice of 45 days upon a material breach by the other Party of any of his, hers, or its
obligations under this Agreement; or (b) upon fortyfive (45) days written notice to the
f. Compensation.
a. Pay if Paid. Trainer expressly agrees that Puptown Dog Training is under no
obligation to pay Trainer until Puptown Dog Training has been paid for the
Services. Trainer expressly agrees and assumes the risk that Trainer will not be
paid for work performed by Trainer if Puptown Dog Training, for whatever reason,
is not paid.
b. Commission. Puptown Dog Training shall compensate Trainer according to the
Puptown Dog Training commission structure outlined on Exhibit A, attached
hereto, and incorporated by reference.
c. Tips. Trainer is entitled to 100% of the tips earned by Trainer.
d. Referral Credit. Puptown Dog Training will pay Trainer a $50 referral credit for
anyone that signs on as a new client with Puptown Dog Training during the Term
of this Agreement.
g. Supplies and Equipment. Except to the extent that Puptown Dog Training may
determine it to be more convenient for Independent Contractor to use equipment and
supplies already owned by Puptown Dog Training at site(s) where Contractor is
performing services, Trainer is responsible for furnishing, at Trainer’s own expense, all
equipment, materials, and supplies necessary for the Provision of the Services, including
without limitation a vehicle, spare dog leashes, dog treats, dog toys, waste bags, first aid
supplies, and equipment to ensure safe transportation of dogs.
h. Expenses. Trainer shall be responsible for paying all reasonable and necessary travel or
related expenses associated with providing the Services or otherwise complying with
Trainer’s responsibilities under this Agreement.

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i. Confidential Information. Trainer recognizes and acknowledges that Puptown Dog
Training possesses certain Confidential Information that constitutes a valuable, special,
and unique asset. For the purposes of this Agreement, “Confidential Information” means:
client lists, business plans, pricing strategies, teaching techniques, training programming,
trade secrets, financial data, customer identities and characteristics, customer lists,
customer leads, potential customers, trademarks, and service marks and like information.
Confidential Information shall be defined broadly and shall also include the following: any
information that has commercial value or other utility in the business of either Puptown
Dog Training or its clients/customers, regardless of whether such information is identified
as Confidential Information.
j. Non-Disclosure of Confidential Information. Trainer agrees that all Confidential
Information is and shall continue to be the exclusive property of Puptown Dog Training,
whether or not prepared in whole or in part by Trainer and whether or not disclosed to or
entrusted to Trainer’s custody. Trainer agrees that Contractor shall not, at any time
following the execution of this Agreement, use or disclose in any manner any Confidential
Information of Puptown Dog Training. Contractor acknowledges that any disclosure or
unauthorized use of Confidential Information will constitute a material breach of this
Agreement and cause substantial harm to Puptown Dog Training for which damages
would not be a fully adequate remedy and, therefore, in the event of any such breach, in
addition to the other available remedies, Puptown Dog Training shall have the right to
obtain injunctive relief.

10.Non-Circumvention. Trainer agrees they will not disrupt Puptown Dog Training’s
relationship with its customers, potential customers, agents, vendors, or representatives.
Accordingly, Trainer agrees that it will not, directly or indirectly, or in conjunction with any
other person, partnership, corporation, or entity, divert or take away, or attempt to divert
or take away, call on, solicit or attempt to solicit, the business or patronage of any of
Puptown Dog Training’s customers, patrons, suppliers, existing or potential.

11.Non-Solicitation. In the course of performing the Services and Trainer’s relationship

with Puptown Dog Training, Trainer may develop a relationship with Puptown Dog Training’s
clients, and that the relationship of Puptown Dog Training with its established clientele will
therefore be placed in the Trainer’s hands in confidence and trust. Accordingly, Trainer
makes the following promises,

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which Trainer agrees are fair, reasonable, and necessary for the protection of Puptown Dog
Training’s legitimate interests in its Confidential Information and client relationships:

a. Trainer promises that while performing any work for Puptown Dog Training and for
twelve (12) months immediately after termination of the Services or this Agreement for
any reason, Trainer shall not, directly or indirectly, and regardless of the reason for the
working arrangement’s termination:

i. Solicit, induce, or persuade, whether directly or indirectly, any client of

Puptown Dog Training to cease to do business with or to reduce the
amount of business that any such client has customarily done or is
reasonably expected to do with Puptown Dog Training, whether or not
the relationship between Puptown Dog Training and such client was
originally established in whole or in part through the efforts of Trainer;
ii.Employ as an employee, hire as an independent contractor, or
retain as a consultant, any person who is then or was at any time during
the year preceding the date of the termination of the Services performed
by Trainer or this Agreement an independent contractor, trainer, or
employee of Puptown Dog Training, or persuade or attempt to persuade
any independent contractor, trainer, or employee of Puptown Dog
Training to leave Puptown Dog Training or to go to work for anyone other
than Puptown Dog Training;
iii. Or render to or for any current or previous client of Puptown Dog
Training any services of the type rendered by Puptown Dog Training.
b. Injunction. Trainer acknowledges that any disclosure or misappropriation of any of the
Confidential Information, or other breach of Paragraph 8 through Paragraph 11 is a material
breach of this Agreement that may cause Puptown Dog Training irreparable harm. The
amount of damages caused by the irreparable harm may be extremely difficult, if not
impossible, to ascertain. Puptown Dog Training shall be entitled, in addition to such other
relief as may be proper, including economic relief, to all types of equitable relief, including
without limitation, the issuance of an injunction and/or temporary restraining order.

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13.Indemnification. In addition to equitable relief, Puptown Dog Training may pursue
damages and seek indemnification against any and all losses, damages, claims, or expenses
incurred or suffered by as a result of a Trainer’s negligent acts or omissions, or Trainer’s
breach of this Agreement. This indemnification provision includes, but is not limited to, the
reasonable attorney’s fees and litigation costs incurred by Puptown Dog Training in the
prosecution or defense of any legal action. This indemnity extends to any failure (actual or
alleged) by Trainer to satisfy any of Trainer’s tax or withholding obligations and to any (actual
or alleged) infringement or misappropriation of any rights of any third party. Trainer further
agrees that claims made against Puptown Dog Training as a result of Trainer’s performance of
the Services shall be paid Trainer alone, and Puptown Dog Training may withhold payments to
Trainer until such claim has been paid in full.
14.Tax Matters. Puptown Dog Training and Trainer agree that Trainer shall be treated as
an independent contractor, and not as an employee of Puptown Dog Training, with respect to
the Services performed hereunder. All fees payable to Trainer hereunder shall be paid in full,
without any withholding, deduction, or offset of any Federal, state, or local income taxes,
employment taxes, or other withholdings, except to the extent Puptown Dog Training
reasonably determines that any such withholdings, deductions, or offsets are required by
applicable law. Trainer hereby covenants and agrees that Trainer shall be solely responsible
for all income taxes, payroll taxes, and other withholdings (both employer and employee
portions) with respect to all fees paid by Puptown Dog Training hereunder, and agrees to
indemnify and hold Puptown Dog Training harmless from and against any and all loss, liability,
claim, cause of action, suit, fine, damage, judgment, cost or expense (including reasonable
attorneys’ fees) arising out of or in connection with any tax liability or other tax obligations
relating to payments made to Trainer pursuant to this Agreement, including, without limitation,
any such taxes and withholdings imposed as a result of any claim or determination by any
taxing authority or otherwise that Trainer is not an independent contractor with respect to the
15.Relationship of Parties. Trainer is an independent contractor of Puptown Dog Training.
Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as created an employer-employee relationship or
as a guarantee of future employment or engagement. Trainer controls and directs the manner
and means by which the Services will be performed, subject only to Puptown Dog Training’s
specification of the results to be achieved in conformity with Puptown Dog Training’s needs
and the terms of this

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Agreement. Trainer has no authority to enter into contracts or agreements on behalf of
Trainable K9. The parties did not agree to create a partnership between Trainable K9 and
16.Disputes. Any controversy, claim or dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement
or the relationship, either during the existence of the relationship or afterwards, between the
Parties hereto, their assignees, their affiliates, their attorney, or agents, shall be decided solely
in arbitration and pursuant to the rules of the Arbitration Service of Portland, with any such
arbitration hearing to be held exclusively in Portland, Oregon. Each party (1) submits to the
jurisdiction of such court, (2) waives the defense of an inconvenient forum, and (3) agrees that
valid consent to service may be made by mailing or delivery of such service to the party at the
party’s last known address, if personal service delivery cannot easily be effectuated. EACH

17. Miscellaneous.
a. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
the laws of the State of Oregon without regard to conflict of law principles.
b. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement and understanding
between the parties hereto and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous written or oral
agreements, representations, and warranties between them respecting the subject
matter hereof.
c. Amendment. This Agreement may be amended only by a writing signed by Trainer and
Trainable K9.
d. Severability. If any term, provision, covenant or condition of this Agreement, or the
application thereof to any person, place or circumstances, shall be held to be invalid,
unenforceable or void, persons, places and circumstances shall remain in full force and

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e. Non-Waiver. No failure or neglect of either Party in any substance to exercise any right,
power, or privilege under this Agreement or under the law shall constitute a waiver of any
other right, power, or privilege. All waivers by either party must be contained in a written
instrument signed by the party to be charged and, in case of Trainable K9, by a person
authorized by Trainable K9.

Terms Accepted and Agreed to by:

Trainable K9, LLC Trainer

Print name:

Director of Operations / Co-Owner Business name:

Commission Structure

Puptown Dog Training pays a very straightforward commission structure to help reward our
trainers! All trainers will earn a 80% commission pay out of their packages sold/training
package completed.

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Trainable K9 Protocol Manual

Protocols are in place for the safety of the dogs in our care, and to ensure clients that
our trainers are in 100% compliance with our standard of care policies. *Depending on
the training package, keep in mind some protocols may not be applicable.

Representation of the Trainable K9 Brand

1. All trainers should be in compliance with this protocol manual to positively
represent the brand of Trainable K9.
2. When meeting with a client our trainers should dress professionally for the role
and have good hygiene.
3. Trainer will provide Trainable K9 with proof of trainer’s business insurance and
auto insurance sufficient to insure trainer’s performance of services.
4. We encourage use of social media, however we expect that representation of the
Trainable K9 brand will be highest priority - this means no unprofessional images
or language.
5. Recommended for social media use: #TrainableK9 and @TrainableK9

1. Scheduling is to be initially completed by the Trainable K9 administration team.
2. Subsequent training sessions will be scheduled directly between trainer and client
to complete a training package.
3. All training sessions must be added to the company calendar so the
administration team has visibility.
4. Trainer’s personal calendar should be up to date and reflect on Trainable K9’s
company calendar so scheduling doesn’t conflict or cause double bookings for
the trainer.

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Payments for Services
1. All payments will be made to Trainable K9 and will be processed by the Trainable
K9 administration team.
2. Trainable K9 will only accept debit & credit card payments. No cash or check
payments will be accepted.

Pick Up Day (Applicable to Board & Train Packages)

1. Payment must be made in full prior to picking up a dog for training.
2. Trainer should come prepared with proper kennel for transporting (kennel must
be cleaned/disinfected between dogs).
3. Trainer should provide the client and the Trainable K9 administration team with an
update and photo of the dog once they have arrived at their destination for
4. If applicable, please communicate to the Trainable K9 administration team any
injuries, scrapes, scratches, ailments a dog has upon pick up for liability

Contacting the Client after Pick Up

1. Clients should be contacted a minimum of 2x/week for updates and photos from
their trainer. Texting or calling is an acceptable means of communication.
2. The Trainable K9 administration team will have clients full contact information
should a trainer need to contact the client for an emergency.
3. All emergency contacts should be made directly to the Trainable K9
administration team before contacting the client.

Communication with Clients

1. All communication of photos and updates to clients will be done via the email address provided or via cell phone.
2. Client communication should always be prompt and professional. Failure to

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comply with these instructions may result in termination of the contract with
Trainable K9.
3. Please keep in mind that clients may be stressed sending their dogs away for
training and it is important that we reassure them and keep them in the loop to
increase their comfort entrusting their dog to us.

Problems with Clients

1. Should a problem arise with a client please contact the administration team
immediately. In most cases, the administration team will handle an unhappy
2. If a client needs to be fired, the administration team will take care of that
3. Trainers must always feel comfortable and safe in the presence of a client. If a
trainer does not feel comfortable and safe please let the administration team
know immediately.
4. We recommend that if a trainer does not feel comfortable in a client's home to
stick to public places for training or let the administration team know that they do
not wish to continue working with the client.

Allowance for Training Equipment

1. All trainers for each dog will be given a $20 allowance for specific equipment that
needs to be sized and picked based on the specifications of the dog.
2. Allowance can only be used to cover prong collars or other specialty collars that
can be sent home with the client (allowance is not for e-collars).
3. Allowance should never be used for treats or toys (trainers are required to provide
their own treats and toys.
4. For board & train dogs, equipment bought with allowance money is required to be
given to the client when training is complete.
5. For dogs that are doing 1:1 sessions, equipment bought with allowance should

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stay with the dog so the client can work on training exercises between lessons.
6. Equipment used by the trainer outside of the allowance money will stay with the
trainer. Trainer should recommend to the client what they should purchase.

Exercise Requirements
1. Dogs should be intentionally exercised a minimum of 2x daily.
2. Trainers need to be conscientious of interaction between dogs when more than
one dog is having supervised off leash time.
3. Under no circumstances should dogs be left unsupervised outside of their

Daily Training Requirements

1. Training sessions should take place everyday, 4-5 times/day, consistently under
the supervision of the assigned trainer.
2. Only the assigned trainer should be completing training exercises unless cleared
by the administration team.
3. When on a prong, all dogs should have a back up collar with a safety connected
should a prong come undone.
4. Any training done off leash should be done in an open area where there is open
visibility, also a leash drag is highly advised.

Dogs with Aggressive Tendencies

1. Dogs should always be in a controlled environment.
2. Dogs should wear a “Do Not Pet” collar or harness to prevent unnecessary
attention to the dog.
3. Extra precaution with an aggressive dog interacting with other dogs.
4. In extenuating circumstances, collar may be worn in the kennel if necessary for

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Car Rules & Regulations
1. Client dog should always be transported in a kennel (kennel must be secured and
should not be able to move freely in the event of an accident)
2. Cars must be climate controlled. (X>60• AC, X<59• Heat). Under no circumstance
should the trainer leave dogs in the car with windows up and doors shut without
care locked and climate control.
3. Trainers should have 32 oz of water readily available to client dog via water bowl.
4. Trainers should not leave the car unattended if unlocked.
5. No flat or prong collars should be on dogs in kennels.
6. Dogs should not have direct contact with other dogs when riding in the car
together. Each dog needs to be in a separate kennel.

Home Environment
1. No one but the trainer is allowed to have hands on client dogs, unless proofing
and under direct supervision of the trainer.
2. Dogs should not be allowed on couches or beds.
3. First time introduction to trainer dogs: the client dog must be on leash and
handled with extra precaution.
4. If the client dog is going outside, they should be leashed.
5. If the trainer is using slip lead, the break should be pushed tight and secured prior
to coming out of the kennel.
6. Prong collar— when a client dog is on a prong outside, there should be a safety
clip attached to a flat collar (in case the prong collar fails).

Home Safety Protocols

1. Dogs must be on flea and tick, heart worm, and up to date vaccinations.
2. Dogs must sleep in a kennel.
3. Unsupervised dogs must be kenneled.
4. No flat or prong collars on dogs in kennels.

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5. House temperature should be controlled for comfort and proper health conditions.

Final Stages of Training and Discharge from Board & Train

1. Trainer should provide the Trainable K9 administration team with an update and
photo of the dog once they have arrived back at their home.
2. First and/or only follow up lesson (the “Go Home 1:1 Session”) should be
scheduled within 7 days of going home.
3. There will be 1-3 “Go Home 1:1 Sessions” with packages (depending on the
package bought) so the trainer can help clients with the home integration

Follow Up for Dogs Who Have Completed Training

1. Trainable K9 administration team will contact within 3 months after training for
check in & possible up-sale (trainer will be paired with the same dog when
2. All Trainable K9 clients are to stay indefinitely with Trainable K9 per the Trainer
Contract. Breaking this part of the contract will result in termination of the

Terminating your Contract with Trainable K9

1. We understand that being an independent contractor for Trainable K9 may not
last forever (although we hope to be with you a long time!).
2. Should you determine that you would like to move in a different direction, we ask
that you complete any training sessions that you have already started or have
accepted assignment on.
3. If you are not able to complete your training sessions, please know that you will
be liable to repay Trainable K9 for services that are not completed.

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I have read and understand the terms of this document and agree to abide by the
Trainable K9 Protocol Manual. I understand that failure to follow company
protocols may result in termination of my contract or a probationary period. I
hereby sign into this agreement at my own free will and with a full understanding
of the standard of care expected by Trainable K9 LLC.

Sheena wood
Printed Name:_____________________________________________________



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Training Reminders Checklist
(Some checklist items might not be applicable depending on training package)

• Dogs in training need as many reps as possible while they are in your care. Dogs
are expected to have 4-5 training sessions per day. What those sessions are is
up to you!

• Dogs must be able to hold “place” without being put back for 3 hours; this
includes potty breaks and intermittent rewards.

• Loose leash walk training: dogs must be able to perform a loose leash walk in
public in any store with minimal corrections on prong or e-collar.

• When in a kennel, dogs are expected to be quiet. No whining or barking.

• Dogs in training must be taken out on public outings.

• When riding in the car, dogs must ride in a secured kennel - no exceptions.

• Contact the client with dog updates. The more the merrier!

• If there is a health concern, reach out to the Trainable K9 administration team

immediately and communicate with the client.

• Dogs in training should be able to coexist around other dogs and people without
paying attention to them. DO NOT ALLOW PEOPLE OF DOGS TO SAY “HI” TO

• E-collar must be rotated every 3-4 hours to prevent sores from forming.

• Post on social media using #TrainableK9 and @TrainableK9

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Pricing Sheet
1:1 Sessions

• Evaluation (1-1.5 hours) - $200

This is your time with an expert to see what you and your dog need help with. Our trainer will meet with you at your
home and determine what training package will best suit your dog's needs.

• 3 Lesson Package (3 hours of training) - $750.00

• 6 Lesson Package (6 hours of training) - $1,375.00
• 9 Lesson Package (9 hours of training) - $1,975.00

Puppy Board & Train

• 14 day Board & Train for Puppies - $3,400.00

This is a special puppy training package for dogs that are 6 months of age or younger. Your trainer will work with
your puppy on basic obedience skills, socialization, crate training, and good potty training habits. When your puppy
comes home they will be ready to greet the world with confidence and a neutral state of mind. This is a critical step in
helping your puppy grow into the best dog they can be!

Board & Train Options

• 3 Week Board & Train + 1 Go Home 1:1 Session - $3,600.00

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• 4 Week Board & Train + 2 Go Home 1:1 Sessions - $4,600.00
• 5 Week Board & Train + 2 Go Home 1:1 Sessions - $5,600.00
• 6 Week Board & Train + 2 Go Home 1:1 Sessions - $6,600.00
• 7-8 Week Board & Train + 3 Go Home 1:1 Sessions - $7,600.00

Our Board & Train options are for dogs that are 6 months of age or older. After an Evaluation with your trainer, they
will determine which package will best suit your dog, depending on the goals you have and where your dog is at in
their training. Every dog has a customized program that will include basic obedience training, socialization, and crate
training. If your dog has behavioral issues or aggressive tendencies, your trainer will address those problems as top
priority and may recommend a longer Board & Train to ensure success.

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Trainable K9, LLC

Authorization for Direct Deposit

I hereby authorize Puptown Houston LTD Co. to make deposits (and appropriate debit adjustment
entries) into the account indicated below. It is agreed that these deposits may be made
electronically and authorized the financial institution holding the account to post such entries. This
authorization will remain in effect until written notice of termination is given to the company.

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Please look out for your background check in your email. Also, once all is completed and we receive it, we
will be in touch shortly to get you an email address and make sure you feel comfortable
keeping your schedule up to date on the company calendar.

Welcome to the Trainable K9 Team!

Allison Menashe - Director of Operations
Roland Howard - Director of Technology & Marketing
Brittney Howard - Lead Trainer and Director of Trainer Development

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