Chap 3-Integumentary System

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The Integumentary System

Dr. Ali Ebneshahidi

The Skin
• The integument system consists of the skin (cutaneous
membrane) and its accessory organs.
• The skin is composed of three layers of tissue: the
outer epidermis (made of stratified squamous
epithelium ), the middle dermis (made of fibrous
connective tissue ), and the inner subcutaneous layer
or hypodermis (made of adipose tissue and loose
connective tissue).
• Accessory organs include the hair (hair root and hair
shaft) , hair follicle , pili arrector muscle, sebaceous
gland , sudoriferous gland , nails , and mammary
Functions of the Integumentary system

1. protection
a) chemical factors in the skin:
Sebum (or oil) from the sebaceous glands is slightly
acidic, retarding bacterial colonization on the skin
Sweat from the sudoriferous glands is slightly
hypertonic and can flush off most bacteria on the skin
Melanin (skin pigment ) from melonocytes avoids
excessive ultraviolet radiation from penetrating the
skin layers .
b) physical factors in the skin:
Stratified squamous epithelium in the epidermis
layer provides a large number of layers of cells,
preventing most bacteria invasion.
Keratinized cells in the stratum corneum layer of
the epidermis provides a physical barrier against
most invasion.
c) biological factor in the skin:
White blood cells such as macrophages destroy
most invaded bacteria and other foreign
2. Excretion
waste materials such as ammonia , urea , and excessive
salt are eliminated from sweating .

3. Body temperature regulation

Sweating by the sweat glands promotes evaporation ,
resulting in a loss of excessive body heat.
Vasoconstriction by arterioles (small arteries ) in the
dermis layer provides a smaller surface area in the
blood vessels, resulting in less heat loss .
Vasodilatation by arterioles in the dermis layer
provides a larger surface area in the blood vessels ,
resulting in greater heat loss .
4. Cutaneous sensation
Nerve receptors in the dermis layers detect
sensations such as heat, cold, pain, pressure, and
touch, allowing the body to be aware of these
5. Vitamin D synthesis
Ultraviolet radiation in the sunlight activates a
series of chemical reactions in the epidermis
layer, resulting in the synthesis of vitamin D
from the modification of cholesterol for the
absorption of calcium.
Functions of the skin
• maintains homeostasis.
• prevents the body from the penetration of harmful
• Prevents water loss(desiccation) .
• help to regulate body temperature .
• contains nerve receptors for various sensations .
• synthesizes chemical substances such as keratin,
melanin, and vitamin D.
• excretes waste materials such as ammonia , urea , and
• produces skin pigment (melanin) in the epidermis and
hair to avoid excessive penetration of UV radiation .
• Being made of stratified squamous epithelium , there is no blood
vessels to supply nutrients to its cells.
• Nutrients from the arterioles in the dermis layer diffuse upward
into the epidermis layer, especially to the stratum basale and
spinosum layers.
• Cuboidal cells at the stratum basale (stratum germinativum)
layer receive most of the nourishment . These cells reproduce
rapidly using mitosis . New daughter cells will be pushed upward
into higher layers , and they become flattened as they move
upward .
• Squamous cells moving upward in the epidermis receive less and
less nutrients as diffusion distance increases. By the time they
form stratum corneum , the cells are dead and will be shed off
from the skin .
• Epidermal cells in stratum granulosum and stratum corneum
undergo “keratinization " to produce a protein called keratin,
allowing these cells to be tough and waterproof. These cells are
now called " karatinocytes " where they develop desmosomes
between the cells and allow the epidermis to become a stronger
physical barrier .
• Four layer of cells are found in the epidermis of the body surface:
stratum basale , stratum spinosum , stratum granulosum , and
stratum corneum. In the palms and soles , an extra layer beneath
stratum coruneum is formed , called stratum Lucidum.
• Specialized cells called melanocytes in the stratum basale layer
produce the skin pigment, melanin. The number of melanocytes
and the amount of melanin production are genetically inherited .
• made of fibrous connective tissue that contains
arterioles for supplying nutrients (i.e. oxygen ,
glucose , water , and ions ) to its structures and to the
epidermis .
• also contains pili arrector muscles (made of skeletal
muscle, under involuntary control) to wrinkle the skin
and erect the hairs .
• contains nerves and nerve receptors to detect the
sensations of heat, cold, pressure, touch, and pain .
• also contains hair follicles to develop the hair .
• contains sebaceous gland to secrete sebum onto skin
surface, and sudoriferous glands to secrete sweat.
– Made of adipose tissue and loose connective
– Collagen and elastic fibers in the loose connective
tissue are continuous with the fibers in the dermis
– Adipose tissue serves as a heat insulator against
cold climate and as a fat storage.
– Loose connective tissue allows the skin to be
bound with underlying muscles.
– Also contains large blood vessels (arteries and
Accessory structures of the skin
1. Hair
– produced by epithelial cells at the hair papilla .
– made of keratinized cells .
– consists two regions: hair root (in the hair follicle
, embedded in the dermis layer), and hair shaft
(protruded through the epidermis to the outside).
– Hair pigment (melanin) is produced by
melonocyets in hair papilla .
– Hair growth is affected by nutrition and hormones
(i.e. testosterone).
2. pili arrector muscle
• made of skeletal muscle ,
but under involuntary
• attached to each hair
follicle, for erecting the
• situations such as extreme
emotions or extreme
temperatures can activate
its involuntary contraction
, resulting in hair erection
or skin wrinkling.
3. Sebaceous gland
• Oil gland that is made of
modified cuboidal epithelium.
• Occurs all over the body
except in the palm and sole.
• Attached to each hair follicle,
so that sebum can be secreted
into the hair root and diffuse
upward .
• Sebum helps the skin and hair
to be waterproof, and retards
bacterial growth on skin
surface(due to its acidity).
4. Sudoriferous gland
• sweat gland that secretes
sweat to promote
• found all over the body
except the lips, nipples,
and external genitalia.
• referred to as "tubular
gland" where it is a long
tubule coiled in the
dermis layer , and uses a
long duct to release
sweat onto skin surface
through a pore.
5. Nails
• scale like
modification of
epithelial cells in the
• made of keratin.
• Protect ends of fingers
and toes and prevent
over sensitization of
the never receptors in
• Growing cells are
derived form a region
at base of nail called
• First degree burns: only the epidermis is
damaged with redness and swelling .
• Second degree burns: epidermis & upper
region of dermis is involved. There is Redness,
swelling, and blisters.
• Third degree burns: all layers of skin burned
(most severe). Skin graft is necessary to repair.
Skin looks cherry red or blacken
Skin Cancer
• Most skin tumors are benign
• Cause of cancer is unknown, but probably due to
overexposure to ultraviolet radiation in the sunlight .
• Three main types of skin cancer :
• Basal cell carcinoma
• The most common type of skin tumor; usually benign.
• Cells of stratum basale are affected , as a result they
cannot form keratin and begin to invade into the
• Surgical removal (given that early detection is done)
is 99% successful .
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
• arises form keratinocytes in stratum spinosum .
• mostly in the scalp , ears , or hands.
• grows and migrates rapidly.
• early detection is critical for successful treatment.

Malignant Melanoma – most dangerous

• cancer of the melanocyets in stratum basale.
• only 5% of all skin cancer , but the frequency is increasing.
• grow and migrates extremely rapidly .
• usually deadly.

Note: To avoid these skin tumors , it is advised that we should stay

away from the sun during its most intense period: from 10 am to 2
pm .
Clinical Terms
• Albinism – inherited, melanocytes do not produce melanin.
• Boils and carbuncles – inflammation of hair follicles and
sebaceous glands, infection spread to dermis .
• Contact dermatitis – itching and redness and swelling forming
blisters. It is caused by chemical burns.
• Psoriasis : characterized by reddened epidermal lesions
covered by dry silvery scales.
• Roscea : redness of skin around eyes and nose accompanied by
rash – like lesions, It gets worse with alcohol , hot H2O, and
spicy food .
• Vitiligo : skin pigmentation disorder caused by loss of melan-
octyts and uneven dispersal of melanin (unpigmented skin
surrounded by normally pigmented areas) .

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