The Integumentary System

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The Integumentary

Anatomy and Physiology
• The skin, also called integument, is the largest organ in the body.
Together with its accessory organs (hair, nails, and glands), the skin
makes up the integumentary system.

• It’s a system of distinct tissues includes glands that produce several

types of secretions, nerves that transmit impulses, and blood vessels
that help regulate body temperature.
• It is relatively thin over most areas but is thickest on the palms of the hands and the
soles of the feet.
• The epidermis is composed of several sublayers called strata (only 2 are mentioned
here for their importance).
1. The stratum corneum is composed of dead flat cells that lack a blood supply and
sensory receptors. Its thickness is correlated with normal wear of the area it covers.
2. The stratum basale (deepest) is the only layer of the epidermis that is composed of
living cells where new cells are formed. As these cells move toward the stratum
corneum to replace the cells that have been sloughed off, they die and become
filled with a hard protein material called keratin. The entire process by which a cell
forms in the basal layer, rises to the surface, becomes keratinized, and sloughs off
takes about 1 month.
Functions of keratin:
It prevents body fluids from evaporating and moisture from entering the body due to it’s relative
waterproof characteristics.
Melanocytes are special cells, found in
the basal layer. It produce a black
pigment called melanin.
functions of Melanin
It provides a protective barrier from the
damaging effects of the sun’s ultraviolet
radiation, which can cause skin cancer.
Moderate sun exposure increases the
rate of melanin production and results in
a suntan. However, overexposure results
in sunburn due to melanin’s inability to
absorb sufficient ultraviolet rays to
prevent the burn.
• Production of melanocytes is
genetically regulated and, thus,
• Local accumulations of melanin are
seen in pigmented moles and freckles.
• An absence of pigment in the skin,
eyes, and hair is most likely due to an
inherited inability to produce melanin.
An individual who cannot produce
melanin has a marked deficiency of
pigment in the eyes, hair, and skin and
is known as an albino.
Dermis , also called corium
• The second layer of the skin
• It lies directly beneath the epidermis.
• It is composed of living tissue and contains numerous capillaries,
lymphatic vessels, nerve endings, hair follicles, sebaceous (oil) glands,
and sudoriferous (sweat) glands.
Subcutaneous layer, also called hypodermis
• It binds the dermis to underlying structures.
• It is composed primarily of loose connective tissue and adipose (fat)
tissue interlaced with blood vessels.
• It stores fats, insulates and cushions the body, and regulates
Accessory Organs of the Skin
• Glands
• Two important glands located in the dermis produce secretions: the
sudoriferous (sweat) glands produce sweat and the sebaceous (oil) glands
produce oil.
• These two glands are exocrine glands because they secrete substances
through ducts to an outer surface of the body rather than directly into the
• The sudoriferous glands secrete sweat onto the surface of the skin through
pores. Pores are most plentiful on the palms, soles, forehead, and axillae
(armpits). The main functions of the sudoriferous glands are to cool the
body by evaporation, excrete waste products, and moisten surface cells.
Accessory Organs of the Skin
The sebaceous glands are filled with
cells, the centers of which contain fatty
droplets. As these cells disintegrate,
they yield an oily secretion called
sebum. The acidic nature of sebum
helps destroy harmful organisms on the
skin, thus preventing infection. When
ductules of the sebaceous glands
become blocked, acne may result.
Sex hormones, particularly androgens
regulate production and secretion of

Hair is found on nearly all parts of the body except for the lips, nipples, palms of
the hands, soles of the feet, and parts of the external genitalia. The visible part of
the hair is the hair shaft; the part that is embedded in the dermis is the hair root.
The root, together with its coverings, forms the hair follicle. At the bottom of the
follicle is a loop of capillaries enclosed in a covering called the papilla. The cluster
of epithelial cells lying over the papilla reproduces and is responsible for the
eventual formation of the hair shaft. As long as these cells remain alive, hair will
regenerate even if it is cut, plucked, or otherwise removed.
Alopecia (baldness) occurs when the hairs of the scalp are not replaced because
of death of the papillae (singular,papilla).
Nails protect the tips of the fingers and toes from bruises and injuries.
Each nail is formed in the nail root and is composed of keratinized
stratified squamous epithelial cells producing a very tough covering. As
the nail grows, it stays attached and slides forward over the layer of
epithelium called the nail bed.
This epithelial layer is continuous with the epithelium of the skin. Most
of the nail body appears pink because of the underlying vascular tissue.
The half-moon–shaped area at the base of the nail, the lunula, is the
region where new growth occurs. The lunula has a whitish appearance
because the vascular tissue underneath does not show through.

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