Tome Commission Agreement

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tome ‘TEAM NAME: Maytomee - Version 4.0 PROPOSAL FOR TEAM (COMMISSION & SPIFF): EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2023 commission: ‘+ Commission Scheme: flow percentage tale for Probationary and Reguler Rae (see below payout age) Dollar eet to 45 pesos 70% wil be released upon sale and 30% willbe on hold \d Terms and Conditions: ‘330% wil be reeased by Rill amount once the projects uiled (Ex: Stand Alon Sorices Fy 1, ovwitbe dsvmutedin staggered scheme wih 10% (f the ttal on hold amount) {elenzed foreach project completed. (Examgle,Booksior Display wih 3 Guarariced + POWER HOUR: Oncein a month specal event to Dollar o Peso (al services that is not Stand Alon) ‘ering ontop of thelr commis. tb encourage, create hype and close sales ona space day. Terms, freifthey can close fl price only. Applicable oly tothe st agent who can close the sale. + BDA’ Sales Target: 1 Regular $8,999, 3 Probationary - $4,990, = | siomne- sx. co sso as Cavern Fed) seeLeuATION: COUECTIONS are not counted on your Monthy Gusts COLECTION- isnot basso the percentage ofthe amount for you Commision “TERMS AND CONDITIONS, 1. Acallction come counted i hiss dane on the same month for our QUOTA. xample: © Author (Mee | Wabate Setup | installment | $200 First payment | Nov 2022 athe MR | Wabate Setup | lnstalment | $299 Remaining Balance | Now 28,2022 © Teal Amounts $49.00 ‘olection on the next month willbe crete BOA (Business De Assoc) Hits PERSONAL QUOTA. Example: ‘© BDA§S,0n0.00 MTD (Month tate) DECEMBER 2022 © Callin om previusinstallmert NOVEMBER 2022 with ttl $1,000 00 = (PAY OU TERS wl apy 108 $2.50.00§MTO Moh to at) DeCENEE Coleeon rom previous installne NOVEMER 202 witha otal $0000 = PAY OUT TERMS wl pp hs ‘atlas HOLD Ul BOA can recoupon he nest month (UAMUARY 202) ‘Maximum of2memhson HOLD te which te DAs ot ented othe caeton, Note: Colected payments / count echoes is ot ented fora aes so 2 ‘ale won shouldbe approved by QA and pszed QA mets veld fichingwlatons) an wl be subject 8 <@cipnar action acosing to Company Code of Bisping. He 200% ot yur target wil getthe rest of he month of wh pay sotendanc sing ate 3% ‘NoVacaton Leaves ae allowed forthe month. xcept thos who wilt 100% ef har month quota Subject te0ICs opr, | roe tem nes 5200.00 x efore heady of he month fee breakable fr he whole team a | Tutt PapS0 per person, whol ss eam indudg seer team, Prepared:

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