Simplified Voyage Data Recorder: Instruction Manual

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Thank you for buying JRC JCY-1850 Simplified Voyage Data Recorder (S-VDR).

This equipment helps to detect the cause of marine accident to prevent the recurrence in the
future. The equipment records voyage data, as required by the International Standard, during
the navigation and the hull data of the vessel.

• To ensure your S-VDR provide optimum satisfaction and service, read this manual carefully
before attempting to operate the JCY-1850.

• We recommend you to carefully store the manual for future reference.

• If you have any problems using this product, this manual will surely help you.

In order to detect the cause of marine accident, the S-VDR records hull data and navigation
If an accident has occurred, it is mandatory to preserve the record data immediately.

In case an accident has occurred, please preserve the record data according to the procedure
described in 1.4.4: “Actions to be taken at the time of an accident”
To ensure the proper operation, we recommend you to read the procedure carefully.

S-VDR erases older data that has passed for more than 12 hours and
overwrites new one.
Therefore if you do not operate properly, the recorded data at the time of
accident is erased automatically after 12 hours.

Before Operation

In this manual, and on the product, we use international warning signs
to call your attention to important items that, if not handled correctly,
could present danger to yourself or property.
These warning note classifications are shown below. Understand the
meanings of the signs before proceeding to read the manual.

DANGER Indicates danger items that, if ignored, may result in

serious personal injury or even death.

WARNING Indicates warning items that, if ignored, may result in

serious personal injury or even death.

CAUTION Indicates cautionary items that, if ignored, may result in

personal injury or physical damage.

Examples of Symbol Marks

The symbol indicates that it calls for a caution or even a

Electric The illustration in the symbol indicates what should be watched out
shock for. In this case, you have to pay attention to electric shock.

The symbol indicates prohibition.

What is prohibited is depicted in or around the symbol. The sign in

Disassembly the left indicates that disassembly is prohibited.

The symbol z indicates a specific action to be taken or an

instruction to be followed, which is depicted in the symbol.

The sign in the left requests you to disconnect the electrical plug
Plug from the outlet.

Warning Labels
Do not remove, damage, or alter the labels attached to the equipment.

Before Operation

Never short-circuit the + and – pins. Never disassemble, modify, destroy, throw
into fire, heat, use with non-specified applications and use after the expiry date.
Above acts may cause leakage of fluid, generation of heat, fire, explosion,
destruction, or injury by heat.

The Power Supply Unit (NBL-327) of this equipment incorporates a battery.

The battery contains dilute sulfuric acid. When the leaked liquid of the battery
had a direct contact with your clothes or skin, wash off with clean water. When
the liquid infringes into your eye, wash with clean water immediately then go to a

Do not disassemble or remodel this equipment.

Such an action may result in a fire, an electric shock, or fault of the equipment.
Do not use any power supply voltage other than the specified ones.
Such an action may result in a fire, an electric shock, or an equipment fault.

Turn off the power supply switch before connecting or disconnecting the cable to
any external equipment.
Ignoring the caution may result in a fire or an electric shock.

If the power supply cable is damaged, please ask for the replacement to the Sales
Department, the nearest branch company, branch office, sales office, or any agent
of Japan Radio Co., Ltd.
The use of damaged cable may result in a fire or an electric shock.

Before Operation

If water enters into the equipment, turn off the power supply switch, pull out the
plug from the outlet, and contact the Sales Department, the nearest branch
company, branch office, sales office, or any agent of Japan Radio Co., Ltd.
The water inside the equipment may result in a fire, an electric shock, or a fault.
Do not attempt checking or repairs on the internal part of the equipment by
Checking or repairs by anyone other than qualified maintainer may result in a fire
or an electric shock.
Ask for internal check or repairs of the equipment to the Sales Department, the
nearest branch company, branch office, sales office, or any agent of Japan Radio
Co., Ltd.
If a fault has occurred, turn off the power supply of the equipment, pull out the
plug, and contact the Sales Department, the nearest branch company, branch
office, sales office, or any agent of Japan Radio Co., Ltd.
The continuous use of the equipment may result in a fire or an electric shock.
The Recording Control Unit (NDV-1850) of this equipment incorporates a battery.
The battery needs to be replaced periodically. Continuous use of a life-expired
battery may result in a fire.
Never replace the battery by yourself.
Replacement by anyone other than qualified maintainer may result in a fire, an
electric shock, or a fault.
For battery replacement, contact the Sales Department, the nearest branch
company, branch office, sales office, or any agent of Japan Radio Co., Ltd.

The Recording Control Unit (NDV-1850) of this equipment incorporates a battery.

Used batteries are to be recycled. Regarding the replacement and recycle, contact
the Sales Department, the nearest branch company, branch office, sales office, or
any agent of Japan Radio Co., Ltd. and ask them the replacement and recycle.

The Main Control Board (CDJ-2304) and the Underwater Acoustic Beacon on the
PCU of this equipment incorporate a lithium battery.
Used batteries are to be recycled. Regarding the replacement and recycle, contact
the Sales Department, the nearest branch company, branch office, sales office, or
any agent of Japan Radio Co., Ltd. and ask them the replacement and recycle.
When disposing of this unit, abide the local laws and regulations. Contact the
Sales Department, the nearest branch company, branch office, sales office, or any
agent of Japan Radio Co., Ltd. and ask them to replace it without discarding the

Before Operation

Do not remove, damage, or alter the labels attached to the equipment.

Do not install the equipment, if the location is infringed by water, humid, dusty, or
with soot.
Ignoring the caution may result in a fire, an electric shock, or a malfunction.

Hands off the equipment if your hand or glove is wet either with freshwater or
Ignoring the caution may result in a fire, an electric shock, or a fault.

Be sure to hold the power supply plug when pulling it out from the outlet.
Pulling the electric cable without holding the plug could damage the cable,
resulting in a fire or an electric shock.

Do not remove or insert the power supply plug with wet hand.
Ignoring the caution may result in an electric shock.

Although the UTILITY OUTLET looks like the one of AC100V, the input voltage of
the Recording Control Unit directly comes out from it.
i.e; In case the 220VAC is supplied, the same voltage comes out from UTILITY
OUTLET. Ignoring the caution may result in failures.

If the FAN ABNORMAL LED lights up, either of the two fans of the Power Supply
Unit is out of order and needs to be replaced. Ignoring the caution may result in
failures. Contact the Sales Department, the nearest branch company, branch
office, sales office, or any agent of Japan Radio Co., Ltd. and ask them to replace it.

If the equipment is splashed either with seawater or fresh water, wipe it dry
immediately. Ignoring the caution may result in failures or operational

Do not use organic solvent such as thinner or benzine to clean the surface. These
agents damage the surface coating.
Be sure to remove dirt and dust, if any, from the surface and wipe it with a clean
dry cloth.

Outlook of system components

Recording Control Unit Protective capsule Unit Operation Panel Unit



Preface ............................................................................................................................................. i
Precautions Before Operation .......................................................................................................ii
Outlook of System Components.................................................................................................... vi
Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................ ix
Glossary .......................................................................................................................................... x

1. Operation.................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Outline of the Equipment ................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Configuration....................................................................................................................... 1
1.2.1 System Diagram ........................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Starting and Stopping the System ..................................................................................... 4
1.3.1 Starting the System ..................................................................................................... 4
1.3.2 Stopping the System .................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Operational Description ...................................................................................................... 7
1.4.1 To Stop Recording Data onto the Protective Capsule Unit ........................................ 7
1.4.2 To Restart Recording Data onto the Protective Capsule Unit.................................... 7
1.4.3 Backing Up the Data of the CF CARD ........................................................................ 7
1.4.4 Actions to be taken at the time of an accident (Guidelines)....................................... 8
1.4.5 Stopping the Audible Alarm on the Operation Panel Unit......................................... 9
1.5 Recording Control Unit (NDV-1850)................................................................................. 10
1.5.1 Names of Parts of the Recording Control Unit (NDV-1850)..................................... 10
1.5.2 Power Supply Unit ..................................................................................................... 12
1.5.3 Data Processor Unit ................................................................................................... 15
1.6 Operation Panel Unit (NCG-169) ..................................................................................... 19
1.6.1 Names and functions of each part of the External Operation Board....................... 19
1.6.2 How to operate the Operation Panel Unit (Normal mode)....................................... 21
1.6.3 How to operate the Operation Panel Unit (on NSK mode) ...................................... 26

2. Specification ........................................................................................................................... 27
2.1 Protective Capsule Unit: PCU (NDH-317) ......................................................................... 27
2.2 Recording Control Unit: RCU (NDV-1850)......................................................................... 28
2.2.1 Operation panel (Internal)............................................................................................ 28
2.2.2 Data Processor Unit ...................................................................................................... 28
2.2.3 Power Supply Unit: PSU .............................................................................................. 30
2.2.4 External interface ......................................................................................................... 30
2.2.5 Environmental condition .............................................................................................. 30
2.2.6 General specification..................................................................................................... 30
2.2.7 NSK interface................................................................................................................ 31
2.2.8 Radar switching recording function ............................................................................. 31
2.3 Operation Panel Unit: OPU (NCG-169) ............................................................................. 33
2.4 Microphone Unit (NVT-161)................................................................................................ 33
2.5 Connection Box (NQE-3163) ............................................................................................... 34
2.6 Waterproof Microphone Unit (NVT-162) ............................................................................ 34
2.7 Radar Interface Unit (NWP-46) -Option- ..................................................................... 34


2.8 General Environmental Condition ................................................................................... 35

2.8.1 Location ...................................................................................................................... 35
2.8.2 Power supply environment ........................................................................................ 36
2.8.3 Environment............................................................................................................... 36

3. Maintenance and Inspection ......................................................................................................... 37

3.1 Daily Maintenance ............................................................................................................ 37
3.1.1 Cleaning...................................................................................................................... 37
3.1.2 Check of the expiry date of the battery ..................................................................... 37
3.2 Periodic Inspection ............................................................................................................ 38
3.3 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................. 38
3.3.1 The Recording Control Unit (NDV-1850) .................................................................. 38
3.3.2 The Operation Panel Unit (NCG-169)....................................................................... 40

4. After-sales service ......................................................................................................................... 43

4.1 To request the service ........................................................................................................ 43
4.2 Disposal of unit .................................................................................................................. 45
4.3 Disposal of used battery .................................................................................................... 45

5. Outline Drawings ........................................................................................................................... 47

5.1 Recording Control Unit: NDV-1850 .................................................................................. 47
5.2 Operation Panel unit: NCG-169 ....................................................................................... 48
5.3 Protective Capsule Unit: NDH-317 .................................................................................. 49
5.4 Connection Box: NQE-3163 .............................................................................................. 50
5.5 Microphone Unit: NVT-161 ............................................................................................... 51
5.6 Waterproof Microphone Unit: NVT-162............................................................................ 52
5.7 Radar Interface Unit: NWP-46 ......................................................................................... 53

6. Block Diagrams ............................................................................................................................. 55

6.1 Recording Control Unit NDV-1850 ................................................................................ 55
6.2 Operation Panel Unit NCG-169 ..................................................................................... 56
6.3 Microphone Unit NVT-161 ............................................................................................. 57
6.4 Waterproof Microphone Unit NVT-162 .......................................................................... 58
6.5 Radar Interface Unit NWP-46........................................................................................ 59



S-VDR: Simplified-Voyage Data Recorder

IMO: International Maritime Organization
IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission
PCU: Protective Capsule Unit
RCU: Recording Control Unit
CF CARD: Compact Flash Card
FAN ABN. LED: Fan Abnormal LED
FGB: Frame Grabber Board
OPU: Operation Panel Unit
PCMCIA: Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
HDD: Hard Disk Drive
MCB: Main Control Board
PSU: Power Supply Unit
ARB: Audio Recording Board
NMEA: National Marine Electronics Association
NSK: North Stabilized Kit
UPS: Uninterruptible Power Supply
VESA DMTS: Video Electronics Standards Association – Discrete Monitor Timings Standard
rpm: Revolution per minute
BER: Bit Error Rate
RTC: Real Time Clock



MSC.163(78): IMO Performance Standard for S-VDR

IEC61996-2: Performance Requirements for S-VDR
IEC60945: General Requirements
IEC61162: Digital Interfaces Standard
HDT: Heading true sentence header ID of IEC61162-1
VBW: Dual ground/water speed sentence header ID of IEC61162-1
UXGA: Ultra eXtended Graphics Array (1600 x 1200: High resolution pixel)

1. Operation

1.1 Outline of the Equipment

This equipment helps to detect the cause of marine accident to prevent the recurrence in the
future. The equipment records voyage data, as required by the International Standard, during
the navigation and the hull data of the vessel.

1.2 Configuration

The standard configuration of the equipment is shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Standard Configuration

No. Name of Component Type Name Qty Function

1 Protective Capsule Unit NDH-317 1 y Records data on the recording medium in

the recovery Protective Capsule.
y At the time of sinking, the underwater
acoustic beacon helps the searchers to
detect the position of the Protective
Capsule Unit.
2 Connection Box NQE-3163 1 y Connects the Protective Capsule Unit and
the Recording Control Unit with a power
supply cable and a LAN cable.
3 Recording Control Unit NDV-1850 1 y Outputs the recorded data to the Protective
Capsule Unit and the CF CARD.
y Inputs radar images, audio data and
IEC61162-1/-2 data.
y Monitors and controls the conditions of the
y Frame Grabber Board (FGB) for recording
Radar images is an option, FGB is not a
standard component.
3-1 Data Processor Unit NDL-46 1 y Main control processing part with a built-in
backup CF CARD.
3-2 Audio Junction Board CQD-2041 1 y Audio I/F to relay the MIC and VHF
3-3 Power Supply Unit NBL-327 1 y Power supply equipped with a secondary
battery and a charging circuit.
3-4 NSK interface board CHM-378 1 y Interface board for heading in synchro or
step signal and ship’s speed by pulse.
4 Operation Panel Unit NCG-169 1 y Displays the status of S-VDR.
SWITCH, and LEDs are equipped.
5 Microphone Unit NVT-161 3 y Records the conversation in the bridge and
outputs into the Recording Control Unit.


6 Spare Parts for RCU 7ZXJD0080 1 y Spares for the NDV-1850

y Fans, Fuse
7 CF Card adaptor SLCFADU 1 y for record data playback

8 LAN cable KB-10T5-03LBK 1 y 3m

9 Playback software CYC-315 y Only for the use by the Investigation

1 Authorities.
y Attached inside the NDV-1850.
10 Playback Software / CYC-316 y For the User.
1 y Attached inside the NDV-1850.
Real Time Monitor

1. Operation

The options configuration of the equipment is shown in Table 2.

Table 2: Options Configuration

No. Name of Optional Component Type Name Function

1 Microphone Unit NVT-161 y To use an “Exposed” type, remove the flange of

“Built in the ceiling” one.
y Maximum nine sets of microphones can be
installed, inclusive of standard configuration.
2 Waterproof Microphone Unit NVT-162 y Records the conversation in the wing and outputs
into the Recording Control Unit.
y Maximum nine sets of microphones can be
installed, inclusive of standard configuration and
NVT-161 type.
3 Frame Grabber Board Kit 7ZZJD0052 y Kit for recording RADAR image.
y Consists of; CKA-137(FGB), BNC-Dsub15 cable
(1pc.), LAN cable, BNC-JJ (5pc.), BNC connector
for 3C-2V (5pc.)
y Installed in the NDV-1850.
4 Second Video Channel Kit 7ZZJD0055 y Kit for second RADAR video channel.
y Consists of; BNC-JJ (5pcs.) BNC-Dsub15 cable
(1pc.), BNC connector for 3C-2V (5pc.)
y Installed in the NDV-1850.
5 Radar Interface Unit NWP-46 y Required when connecting the radar of UXGA

6 Spare Parts for the RIF 7ZXJD0093 y Spares for the NWP-46
y Fan, Fuse

ATTENTION When radar images cannot be recorded, the output data of AIS must be
recorded instead.

1. Operation

1.2.1 System Diagram

Figure 1 The system diagram of the equipment.

Figure 1: System Diagram

1. Operation

1.3 Starting and Stopping the System

1.3.1 Starting the System

ATTENTION To operate the Recording Control Unit, the front door has to be unlocked and

y To turn on the equipment, after all units are connected, follow the procedure described below.

1. Starting the Recording Control Unit

1) Unlock the front door with the key and open it.
2) Turn on the Power Supply Unit.
3) Then the POWER LED on the Power Supply Unit lights up.
4) The CARD LED on the Main Control Board (MCB) lights up.
5) The REC LED on the Main Control Board (MCB) lights up.

2. Starting the Operation Panel Unit

The Power Supply Unit in the Recording Control Unit supplies power to the Operation Panel
1) When the Power Supply Unit in the Recording Control Unit is turned on, the POWER LED
on the Operation Panel Unit lights up simultaneously.
2) The Recording LED on the Operation Panel Unit lights up after several seconds.

3. Start the Protective Capsule Unit

The Power Supply Unit in the Recording Control Unit supplies power to the Protective
Capsule Unit. When the Power Supply Unit in the Recording Control Unit is turned on, the
Protective Capsule Unit is activated simultaneously.

4. Starting the Microphone Unit

The Audio Recording Board in the Recording Control Unit supplies power to the Microphone
Unit. When the Power Supply Unit in the Recording Control Unit is turned on, the Microphone
Unit is activated simultaneously.

5. Starting the Option Unit

The option unit means Radar Interface Unit. The Recording Control Unit supplies AC power
to the option unit. When the Recording Control Unit is on, the option unit is also turned on.
The power switch of option unit should always be set to ON.

5.1 Radar Interface Unit

Set the POWER SWITCH on the front panel to ON.

1. Operation

6. Checking the System Operation

When the Recording Control Unit, the Operation Panel Unit, the Protective Capsule Unit, the
Microphone Unit and the option unit are all on, and when they operate normally, LEDs on
the Main Control Board, the Power Supply Unit in the Recording Control Unit and the
Operation Panel Unit display as follows.

y LEDs on the Main Control Board of the Recording Control Unit:

1) The REC LED is on.
2) The CARD LED is on.
3) The MEDIA LED is off.

y LEDs on the Power Supply Unit of the Recording Control Unit:

1) The POWER LED is on.
2) The BATT. ABN LED is off.
3) The BATT. OP. LED is off.
4) The FAN ABN. LED is off.

y LEDs on the Operation Panel Unit:

1) The POWER LED is on.
2) The RECORDING LED is on.
3) The ALARM LED is off.
4) The ERROR CODE LEDs are off.

* The four digit LEDs indicate error code when the equipment detects a trouble.

1. Operation

1.3.2 Stopping the System

y To stop the equipment, follow the procedures described below.

ATTENTION To operate the Recording Control Unit, the front door has to be unlocked and

ATTENTION Do not turn off the breaker of the power distribution board while the
system is active. Otherwise, the system is battery-operated by the Power
Supply Unit.

ATTENTION Before turning off the Recording Control Unit, be sure to stop recording data
to the CF CARD by pressing the CARD STOP SWITCH on the Main Control
Board. Otherwise, data may not be recorded to the CF CARD.

1. Stopping the Recording Control Unit

1) Unlock the front door with the key and open it.
2) Be sure to stop recording data to the CF CARD by pressing the CARD STOP SWITCH on
the Main Control Board.
y Make sure that the CARD LED on the Main Control Board is off.
y Be aware that if the Power Supply is turned off while the CARD LED is on, data may
not be recorded to the CF CARD.
3) Turn off the Power SWITCH of the POWER Supply Unit.
4) Then all the LEDs are turned off.

2. Stopping the Operation Panel Unit

If the Power Supply Unit in the Recording Control Unit is turned off, the Operation Panel
Unit is also turned off.

3. Stopping the Protective Capsule Unit

If the Power Supply Unit in the Recording Control Unit is turned off, the Protective
Capsule Unit is also turned off.

4. Stopping the Microphone Unit

If the Power Supply Unit in the Recording Control Unit is turned off, the Microphone Unit
is also turned off.

5. Stopping the Option Units

If the Power Supply Unit in the Recording Control Unit is turned off, the Option Units are
also turned off.

1. Operation

1.4 Operational Description

y In this section the basics of operation are explained.
y The operations can be performed on the Main Control Board of the Recording Control Unit. (To
use the Recording Control Unit, the front door has to be unlocked and opened.)

1.4.1 To Stop Recording Data onto the Protective Capsule Unit

Do not stop recording data into the Protective Capsule Unit unless any of the
ATTENTION followings is arisen.
y The vessel is mooring in a port for maintenance
y The vessel is laid up
y Because of marine accident, it is impossible to continue the voyage

1) Press the REC STOP SWITCH on the Main Control Board.

2) The REC LED on the Main Control Board blinks.
3) After about a minute, the blinking REC LED on the Main Control Board and RECORDING
LED on the Operation Panel Unit are turned off and the recording of the data onto the
Protective Capsule Unit stops.
4) When the Recording Control Unit stops recording to the Protective Capsule Unit, the
Recording Alarm is generated. (Error code: 22__)
5) When the Recording Control Unit starts recording to the Protective Capsule Unit, the
Recording Alarm is canceled. (Error code: 22__)

1.4.2 To Restart Recording Data onto the Protective Capsule Unit

ATTENTION Once recording is halted while in port or dock, make sure to restart
recording when leaving the port. Otherwise, no data is recorded even when
an accident has occurred.

1) Press the REC START SWITCH on the Main Control Board.

2) The REC LED on the Main Control Board lights up.
3) The RECORDING LED on the Operation Panel Unit lights, and the recording of the data
onto the Protective Capsule Unit starts.
4) When the Recording Control Unit starts recording to the Protective Capsule Unit, the
Recording alarm becomes normal.

1.4.3 Backing Up the Data of the CF CARD

1) Make sure that the CARD LED on the Main Control Board is on.
2) Press the CARD STOP SWITCH on the Main Control Board.
3) The CARD LED on the Main Control Board blinks for about 5 seconds.
4) Make sure that the CARD LED on the Main Control Board is turned off. And press the CF

1. Operation

5) Take out the CF CARD. Insert the card with a CARD ADAPTER into the PC that has a
PCMCIA slot and copy the data into the PC.
6) After the copy has been finished, insert the CF CARD into the CARD slot on the Main
Control Board. (Be sure that the JRC-label side is pointing right on the CF CARD.)
7) Make sure that the CARD LED lights up.

ATTENTION When the CARD LED is left turned off for 10 minutes or more, the MEDIA
LED lights up on the Main Control Board and the Operation Panel Unit gives
the alarm with ALARM BUZZER. ALARM lamp and ERROR CODE LEDs will
be blinking. (Error Code: 31__) If a CF CARD is inserted into the CARD slot
in the Main Control Board, the ALARM BUZZER stops and ALARM LEDs will
be off.

ATTENTION If the backup to CF CARD is likely to be made frequently, purchase of one

more card is recommended. (CF Card code: 7HRJD0002)

1.4.4 Actions to be taken at the time of an accident (Guidelines)

When a marine accident occurs, it is necessary to store the record data of hull and
navigation information at that time.
This section shows some guidelines of how to preserve the data.

The actions to be taken at the time of accident depend primarily on how serious the
accident is in the guideline here of some solutions are shown, but the final judgment has
to be made by captain himself. ie. Whether the accident is serious or not has to be
judged by captain persi.
After careful check of the situation of the accident, preserve the data.
The authority requires the submission of the preserved data. If you are not sure how to
do, contact the Sales Department of Japan Radio Co., Ltd.

Case1: Carrying on the voyage is possible as the accident is not serious…

Step. Actions Operation of RCU Ref.

1 Stop recording data onto the CF CARD Press the CARD STOP SWITCH. Section
when voyage is stopped by the accident. Make sure that the CF CARD LED 1.4.3
is turned off.
2 Take out the CF CARD. Press the CARD EJECT BUTTON. Section

3 Copy the recorded data from CF CARD Section

to HDD of PC. 1.4.3
Check the copied data.
(Each folder name shows the date and
time when the data was recorded)
4 Return the CF CARD to RCU after Make sure that the CARD LED Section
copying lights up. 1.4.3

1. Operation

Case 2: Carrying on the voyage is not possible as the accident is serious…

Step Actions Operation of RCU Ref.

1 Stop recording data onto the S-VDR Press the REC STOP SWITCH. Section
when voyage is stopped by the accident. Make sure that the REC LED is 1.4.1
turned off.
2 Stop recording data onto the CF CARD. Press the CARD STOP SWITCH. Section
Make sure that the CARD LED is 1.4.3
turned off.
3 Take out the CF CARD from RCU. Press the CARD EJECT BUTTON. Section

4 Copy the record data from the CF CARD Section

to HDD of PC. 1.4.3
Check the copied data.
(Each folder name shows the date and
time when the data was recorded)
5 Return the CF CARD to RCU after Make sure that the CARD LED Section
copying lights up. 1.4.3

6 Do not restart recording data onto


Case 3: The danger of life to the crew is pressing as the accident is very serious…
Escape from the vessel first. Leave S-VDR as it is.

2 hours after the main power blackout, S-VDR stops recording data automatically.
The capsule will be collected and the and the record data will be recovered

ATTENTION To copy data from a CF CARD, a PC with PCMCIA slot is needed. If the PC
in the ship is not the case, contact us. A standard laptop PC has a PCMCIA

The operation of the REC STOP SWITCH and the CARD STOP SWITCH and the
record media
Switch Record onto capsule Record onto CF CARD Take out CF CARD
REC STOP Stop to record Stop to record Impossible
CARD STOP Continue to record Stop to record Possible

1.4.5 Stopping the Audible Alarm on the Operation Panel Unit

In case the ALARM BUZZER on the Operation Panel Unit sounds:
1) Press the ACK SWITCH on the Operation Panel Unit.
2) Then the ALARM BUZZER on the Operation Panel Unit stops.
3) If more than one alarm are detected, press the ACK SWITCH as many times as the

1. Operation

alarms are detected.

1.5 Recording Control Unit (NDV-1850)

1.5.1 Names of Parts of the Recording Control Unit (NDV-1850)

1) Keyhole

Figure 2: The Recording Control Unit

(The front door is closed)

2) Power Supply Unit

3) Data Processor Unit

4) I/F for connecting external signals

(Connection ports are located herein.)

5) Battery

Figure 3: The Recording Control Unit

(The front door is open.)

1. Operation

Table 3: Names and Functions of the Recording Control Unit

No. Names and Functions
1) Keyhole:
Used for opening and closing the front door.
2) Power Supply Unit:
Incorporated into the Recording Control Unit. It has an external battery
and supplies power to the Protective Capsule Unit, the Operation Panel
Unit and the Microphone Unit in case of a blackout.
3) Data Processor Unit:
The main processing unit of the Recording Control Unit. It has a CARD
slot for a backup CF CARD.
4) I/F for connecting external signals:
• RGB Connector Panel:
RGB connector relay panel for connecting to the RADAR (BNC
• AUDIO Interface Board:
Interface board for connecting to the Microphone Units and VHF
• Terminals:
Terminals for inputting IEC61162-1/2 signals and connecting to the
Protective Capsule Unit and the Operation Panel Unit
• Utility Outlet:
The electricity outlet for maintenance facilities (AC100-240V)
5) Battery:
Battery is connected to the Power Supply Unit.
Supplies DC24V power for 2 hours to the Recording Control Unit, the
Protective Capsule Unit, the Operation Panel Unit and the Microphone Unit.

Although the UTILITY OUTLET looks like the one of AC100V, the input voltage
of the Recording Control Unit directly comes out from it.
i.e; In case the 220VAC is supplied, the same voltage comes out from UTILITY
OUTLET. Ignoring the caution may result in failures.

1. Operation

1.5.2 Power Supply Unit Names and functions of each part of the Power Supply Unit




Figure 4. Names of parts of the Power Supply Unit

Table 4: Names and Functions of the Power Supply Unit

No. Names and Functions

The main power switch of the Recording Control Unit.
2) FUSE:
Glass fuse (5A) for protecting the power supply line from outside.
Lights when the AC power is supplied from outside. It is turned off when
the power is supplied by the Battery at the time of blackout.
Lights up when the Battery is not ready.
Lights up when the Battery is in operation.
Lights up when either of the two fans stops operation.
Used to test the blackout functions. When it is held down, the AC power
from outside is shut out. When it is released, the power is restored.
Used to measure the voltage of the Battery by a multimeter. The charging
voltage can be monitored when the equipment is operated by AC power.
To monitor the battery voltage, be sure that the POWER SWITCH is off.
(Battery voltage: +24V or more)
9) FAN (2 sets: Right side of the Power Supply Unit):
Used to cool down the AC/DC power source. (Its rpm can be monitored)

1. Operation How to operate the Power Supply Unit

1. Starting the power source:

1) Turn on the POWER SWITCH.
2) Then the POWER LED lights up.

2. Stopping the power source:

1) Before turning off the power source, press the CARD STOP SWITCH to stop the
backup of CF CARD.

ATTENTION Before turning off the power source, be sure that the CARD LED on the Main
Control Board is off. Turning off the POWER SWITCH while the CARD LED is
on may result in the physical damage to the CF CARD. Make sure to stop the
backup by pressing the CARD STOP SWITCH.

2) Press the CARD STOP SWITCH on the Main Control Board.

3) Make sure that the CARD LED on the Main Control Board is off.
4) Turn off the POWER SWITCH.
5) Then all the LEDs are turned off.

3. Blackout Test:
1) Hold down the BLACKOUT TEST SWITCH. (While it is held down, AC power
input is cut off.)
2) While the BLACKOUT TEST SWITCH is held down, check the following items. If
they all happen, the Battery is in normal operation.

y The POWER LED of the Power Supply Unit is turned off.

y The BATTERY OP. LED of the Power Supply Unit lights up.
y The ALARM BUZZER of the Operation Panel Unit sounds.
y The ALARM LED and the ERROR CODE LEDs on the Operation Panel Unit
blinks. ( Error Code: 10__ )
yThe POWER LED on the Operation Panel Unit blinks.

3) Release the BLACKOUT TEST SWITCH, then the following happen.

y The POWER LED of the Power Supply Unit lights up.

y The BATTERY OP. LED of the Power Supply Unit is turned off.
y The ALARM BUZZER of the Operation Panel Unit stops sounding.
y The ALARM LED and the ERROR CODE LEDs on the Operation Panel Unit are
turned off.
y The POWER LED on the Operation Panel Unit lights up.

1. Operation

4. If the FAN ABN. LED lights up:

Follow the procedures described in 3.3: Trouble Shooting.

If the FAN ABN. LED lights up, either of the two fans of the Power Supply Unit is
out of order and needs to be replaced. Ignoring the caution may result in failures.
Please contact the Sales Department, the nearest branch company, branch office,
sales office, or any agent of Japan Radio Co., Ltd. and ask them to replace.

1. Operation

1.5.3 Data Processor Unit Names of each part of the Data processor Unit











Figure 5: The Data Processor Unit

Table 5: Names and Functions of each BOARD in the Data Processor Unit

Board name Function

MAIN CONTROL BOARD The main processing module of the Recording Control Unit.
(MCB) Records all the data to the Protective Capsule Unit and the CF
Used to receive the IEC61162-1/2 signals (CH01-CH16) and
AUDIO signals.

FRAME GRABBER BOARD Used to capture the image signals from the RADAR, compress
(FGB) -Option- them, and send them to the Main Control Board via HUB.

1. Operation

Table 6: Names and Functions of the Data Processor Unit

No. Names and Functions

Lights up when the data are being successfully recorded into the Protective
Capsule Unit.
Used to restart recording the data into the Protective Capsule Unit.
Used to stop recording the data into the Protective Capsule Unit.
Lights up when the data are being successfully recorded into the CF CARD.
Turned off when the CF CARD is on operation
Blinks when a CF CARD is not loaded or does not record data correctly.
Used to stop recording the data into the CF CARD.
Used as an alternative record media onto which the same data as the one stored
in the Protective Capsule Unit are recorded.
Used to remove the CF CARD from the system. Confirm that CARD LED is off
then press CARD STOP SWITCH to eject the CF CARD.
Used as a connector through which audio signals that are received from the
Microphone Unit and the VHF radio equipment are input. It is connected to the
Audio Junction Board of the external interface.
10) HUB (MCB):
The HUB Unit with four port switching function.
One of the components of VDR-LAN.
Connected to the external HUB Unit.
Used as a connector through which the image signals from the main RADAR are
input. Cnnected to the RGB connector panel.
Used as a connector through which the image signals from the sub RADAR are
input. Connected to the RGB connector panel.
Connected to the HUB Unit of the MCB.

1. Operation How to operate the Data Processor Unit

1. To stop the recording of data into the Protective Capsule Unit

ATTENTION Do not halt the recording of data onto the Protective Capsule Unit while
the ship is navigating. Otherwise no data would be recorded, even in
case of an accident.

1) Press the REC STOP SWITCH on the Main Control Board.

2) The REC LED on the Main Control Board blinks.
3) After about a minute, the blinking REC LED on the Main Control Board and
RECORDING LED on the Operation Panel Unit are turned off and the recording of
the data into the Protective Capsule Unit stops.
4) When the Recording Control Unit stops recording to the Protective Capsule Unit,
the Recording Alarm is generated. (Error code: 22__)

2. To restart the recording of data into the Protective Capsule Unit

1) Press the REC START SWITCH on the Main Control Board.

2) The REC LED on the Main Control Board lights up.
3) The RECORDING LED on the Operation Panel Unit lights, and the recording of the
data into the Protective capsule Unit starts.
4) When the Recording Control Unit restarts recording to the Protective Capsule Unit,
the Recording alarm stops.

3. To back up the data stored in the CF CARD

ATTENTION Do not remove the CF CARD while the CARD LED on the Main Control
Board is on. It could damage the CF CARD. Make sure that CARD LED is

1) Make sure that the CARD LED on the Main Control Board is on.
2) Press the CARD STOP SWITCH on the Main Control Board.
3) The CARD LED on the Main Control Board blinks for about 5 seconds.
4) Make sure that the CARD LED on the Main Control Board is turned off. And press
5) Take out the CF CARD. Insert the CF CARD with a CARD ADAPTER into the PC
that has a PCMCIA slot and copy the data into the PC.
6) After the copy has been finished, insert the CF CARD into the CARD slot on the
Main Control Board. (Be sure that the CF CARD JRC-label side is pointing right.)
7) Make sure that the CARD LED lights up.
8) Then the recording of data into the CF CARD starts automatically.

1. Operation

9) The old data which had been recorded over 13.5 hours previously in the CF CARD
is erased.

ATTENTION When the CARD LED is left turned off for 10 minutes or more, the
MEDIA LED lights up on the Main Control Board and the Operation
Panel Unit gives the alarm with ALARM BUZZER. ALARM lamp and
ERROR CODE LEDs will be blinking. ( Error Code: 31__ ) If a CF
CARD is inserted into the CARD slot in the Main Control Board, the
ALARM BUZZER stops and ALARM LEDs will be off.

1. Operation

1.6 Operation Panel Unit (NCG-169)

1.6.1 Names and functions of each part of the External Operation Board









Figure 6: Operation Panel Unit

Table 7: Names and Functions of the Operation Panel Unit

No. Names and Functions

Lights when the Recording Control Unit is in normal operation with the power
supplied from outside.
Blinks when there is a blackout during the operation. If the blackout lasts, it is
turned off in 2 hours. (automatic shutdown)
Lights when the output data from the Recording Control Unit is recorded into the
Protective Capsule Unit.
Blinks when an error(s) is (are) detected in the S-VDR. Pressing the ALARM
ACK SWITCH changes it from blinking to lighting.
It is turned off when all the errors detected are restored to normal.
Controls the brightness. Press the switch then the brightness changes cyclically.
Used to stop the ALARM BUZZER. When more than one error are detected,
press the switch as many times as the errors arose.
Sounds when an error is detected in the S-VDR. To stop press the ALARM ACK

1. Operation

No. Names and Functions

Lights when the Operation Panel Unit is operated in NSK mode.
The HEADING LED blinks when the initial value of heading is not registered.
The NSK mode is usable when the NSK-I/F Board is activated.
If the NSK-I/F Board is not activated, the HEADING LED is turned off all the
Lights when the Operation Panel Unit is operated in normal mode.
The ALARM DETAIL LED is always on as long as S-VDR is operated without any
Used to change the operation mode.
Press the switch then the operation mode is changed from normal mode to NSK
mode or vice versa. In case the heading data is supplied in serial format, NSK
mode is not necessary therefore the mode is not changed by the switch.
The four digit LEDs. These stand for ERROR code or HEADING value.
• Normal mode;
ERROR code when the ALARM DETAIL LED lights up.
• NSK mode;
HEADING value when the HEADING LED lights up.
Used to display the next error code when two or more errors are arisen or to set
the initial value of heading.
• Normal mode;
Press the UP/DOWN SWITCH or RIGHT/LEFT SWITCH in order to display
other error codes.
• NSK mode;
Press the RIGHT/LEFT SWITCH to select the digit where the value is to be
Press the UP/DOWN SWITCH to select the heading value that is displayed on
ship’s Gyro.
Used to display the software version or to establish the initial value of heading.
• Normal mode;
When the ENTER SWITCH is pressed on the Normal mode, the operation
mode is changed to the SOFTWARE VERSION display mode.
When the ENTER SWITCH is pressed on the SOFTWARE VERSION display
mode, the operation mode is returned to the Normal mode.
The SOFTWARE VERSION display mode is returned to the Normal mode
automatically in five minutes.
• NSK mode;
The entered heading angle is registered to the S-VDR as an initial value.
The operation mode is returned to the normal mode after entering.

* Refer to the clause 1.6.3 for details of the NSK mode.

1. Operation

1.6.2 How to operate the Operation Panel Unit (Normal mode)

1. If an error is detected:
1) The ALARM BUZZER sounds if an error is detected in the S-VDR.
2) The ALARM LED blinks.
3) The four digit ERROR CODE LEDs blink.
4) Press the ALARM ACK SWITCH until the buzzer stops.
5) Check the contents of the error code referring to table 8.
6) Follow the procedure described in 3.3: Trouble Shooting.

2. If multiple errors are detected:

1) The ALARM BUZZER sounds if a new error is detected in the S-VDR.
2) The ALARM LED blinks.
3) The latest four digit ERROR CODE LEDs blink.
4) Press the ALARM ACK SWITCH until the buzzer stops.
5) When two or more errors are detected at a time, press the switch as many times as the
errors arose.
6) Check the contents of the error code referring to table 8.
• Auto scroll
When multiple errors are detected, different four digit ERROR CODE LEDs light
up every 3 seconds to indicate all the relevant errors.
• Manual scroll
Press the UP/DOWN SWITCH or RIGHT/LEFT SWITCH in order to change the
error code.
7) Follow the procedure described in 3.3: Trouble Shooting.

3. In case of blackout:
1) The ALARM BUZZER sounds in case a power failure happens.
2) Both the POWER LED and ALARM LED blink.
3) The ERROR CODE LEDs blink indicating “10__”.
4) Press the ALARM ACK SWITCH to stop the buzzer. However, during the blackout,
unless the ALARM ACK SWITCH is turned on within 2 minutes, the ALARM BUZZER
stops automatically.
5) At the time of power failure, only the voice from the Microphone Unit is recorded. The
other data are not recorded.
6) If the power failure lasts 2 hours, the Power Supply Unit in the Recording Control Unit
automatically cuts off the power output.
7) If the detected power failure is false, follow the procedure described in 3.3: Trouble

1. Operation

8) If the blackout is restored in less than 2 hours, the Recording Control Unit returns to
normal operation automatically.

4. To adjust the brightness of LEDs:

1) Press the DIMMER SWITCH to adjust the brightness of the LEDs.
2) Press the switch again then the LEDs become darker. The brightness changes
3) Even at the darkest brightness, the LED is still on.

5. To check the version of the software

1) Press the ENTER SWITCH on the Operation Panel Unit.
2) The operation mode is changed to the Software version display mode.
3) The ERROR CODE LEDs show the software version number.
4) When the software version is shown, the ALARM DETAIL LED is blinking.
5) When the ENTER SWITCH is pressed at this stage, the operation mode is returned to
the Normal mode.
6) Even when the ENTER SWITCH is not pressed, the operation mode is returned to the
Normal mode in five minutes.

Table 8: ERROR code table of the Operation Panel Unit (1/3)


0 0 System Initial error

There is a discrepancy in the configuration data between the
Protective Capsule Unit and the Recording Control Unit.
0 1 Initial Heading Angle Unregistered
The initial value of HEADING is not established.
Input the angle.
1 0 PSU Blackout alarm
The Power Supply Unit is in operation using the backup
1 1 PSU FAN alarm
Either of two fans inside the Power Supply Unit is out of order.
1 2 PSU connection alarm
The cable between the Power Supply Unit and the Mother Board
is disconnected.
2 0 Capsule Capsule LAN error
The Recording Control Unit does not communicate with the
Protective Capsule Unit via LAN.
2 1 Bit Error Rate error
The Protective Capsule Unit sensed higher BER than 10-8
during the readout check of the recorded data.
2 2 Recording stop alarm
S-VDR stops recording data as the REC STOP SWITCH on the
Recording Control Unit has been pressed.

1. Operation

Table 8: ERROR code table of the Operation Panel Unit (2/3)


3 0 MCB MCB Initialize error

An abnormality has been detected in the Main Control Board.
3 1 CF CARD alarm
Ten minutes or more has passed since the CF CARD was
taken out.
3 2 CF CARD media error
The CF CARD does not record data correctly.
3 3 Time adjustment error
Time data is not received from GPS, therefore the internal
clock of S-VDR cannot be calibrated.
3 4 RTC error
An internal lithium battery for a Real Time Clock IC has run
out of the life.
3 5 EEPROM check sum error
An abnormal data has been detected in configuration data
registered on the EEPROM of the MCB.
3 6 EEPROM access error
The access to the EEPROM IC on the MCB, where setup data
are registered.
3 7 Flash ROM check sum error
An abnormal data has been detected in configuration data
registered on the Flash ROM of the MCB.
3 8 Wrong data registered to MCB
The value registered to the configuration data of the EEPROM
on MCB is not correct.
4 0 ARB ARB Initialize error
An abnormality has been detected in the Audio Recording
Board on the MCB.
4 1 ARB control error
The MCB did not fetch the audio data from the ARB
4 2 ARB error
The ARB did not compress/decompress the audio signal
5 1 MIC MIC test error
: An abnormality has been detected during the microphone
checkups carried out at the startup of the equipment and
9 every 12 hours during the operation. The second digit (1-9)
identifies the Microphone Unit out of order.
Serial data Serial data (IEC61162-1/2 ) reception error
6 0 * * (NMEA) The input received from the sensor is not normal.
"**" identifies the sensor that has sent the unreadable data.
Refer to table 9.
Serial data (IEC61162-1/2 ) setup error
6 1 * * The setup to receive NMEA serial data is in the wrong.
"**" identifies the equipment. Refer to table 9.

1. Operation

Table 8: ERROR code table of the Operation Panel Unit (3/3)


7 0 FGB CH1 Radar image data error

The FGB does not receive RGB signals from Radar connected
to CH1.
7 1 CH2 Radar image data error
The FGB does not receive RGB signals from Radar
connected to CH2.
7 2 FGB Communication error
The MCB does not communicate with the FGB normally via
7 3 FGB Setup data reception error
The MCB does not receive the setup data of FGB successfully.
7 4 FGB Control error
The MCB did not communicate with FGB successfully.
7 5 FAN alarm of NWP-46
FAN built in NWP-46 (Radar Interface Unit) is out of order.
7 6 FGB Real time monitor data transmission error
The IP address for transmitting image data is not registered in
the FGB yet.

1. Operation

Table 9: The conversion table of a code and equipment

A connection channel is displayed when the equipment which is not defined by the following
table is connected. The codes from 01 to 16 identify connection channel.

6 0/1 4 1 GPS

4 2 AIS

4 3 Speed Log

4 4 Gyro Compass

4 5 Auto Pilot

4 6 Rudder Angle Indicator

4 7 Echo Sounder (Bow)

4 8 Anemometer

4 9 Engine Telegraph

5 0 M/E Remote Control System


5 2 Thruster

5 3 Bow1 Thruster

5 4 Bow2 Thruster

5 5 Stern1 Thruster

5 6 Stern2 Thruster

5 7 Hull Stress Monitor

5 8 Radar

5 9 Echo Sounder(Stern)

6 0 Digital Signal Converter 1 (VDR option unit)

6 1 Digital Signal Converter 2 (VDR option unit)

6 2 Digital Signal Converter 3 (VDR option unit)

6 3 Digital Signal Converter 4 (VDR option unit)

6 4 Digital Signal Converter with optional A/D Converter 1 (VDR option unit)

6 5 Digital Signal Converter with optional A/D Converter 2 (VDR option unit)

6 6 Digital Signal Converter with optional A/D Converter 3 (VDR option unit)

6 7 Digital Signal Converter with optional A/D Converter 4 (VDR option unit)

6 8 NAV-I/F unit (VDR option unit)

6 9 Spare

7 0 External NSK unit (NCT-27)

7 1 Main GPS and Sub GPS with Switcher

7 2 Sub GPS (connection with a CH different from the Main GPS)

7 3 Magnetic Compass

3 3 NSK Interface board for Heading

3 4 NSK Interface board for Ship speed

1. Operation

1.6.3 How to operate the Operation Panel Unit (on NSK mode)

The NSK mode is usable only when the NSK-I/F Board is activated. The board is needed to
receive ship’s heading angle either in Synchro or in step mode or to input log speed in pulse.
When the NSK-I/F Board is not activated, the Operation Panel Unit is not operated in NSK

1. Establish the initial value of HEADING:

2) The ALARM BUZZER sounds as the initial HEADING angle has not been registered
3) ALARM LED and the four digit ERROR CODE LEDs (“01__ “and “6033”) blink.
4) Press the ALARM ACK SWITCH until the buzzer stops.
5) Press the MODE SWITCH, and the Operation Panel Unit is operated in NSK mode.
6) The HEADING LED blinks until the initial value will be registered.
7) Confirm the HEADING angle displayed on ship’s Gyro.
8) Enter the value to the Operation Panel Unit.
• The blinking digit accepts input. Select the digit with RIGHT/LEFT SWITCH.
• Adjust the input value by UP/DOWN SWITCH.
• Repeat above procedure until the HEADING angle is inputted successfully.
9) Press the ENTER SWITCH, and the initial value of HEADING is registered into the
10) The HEADING LED lights up.
11) The four digit LED repeats the heading angle shown on ship’s Gyro.

2. Return to the Normal mode from the NSK mode:

To return to the normal mode follow the next procedure.
• Press the MODE SWITCH.
• The Mode automatically returns back to Normal mode in five minutes.

2. Specification

2.1 Protective Capsule Unit: PCU (NDH-317)

(1) Function:
The Protective Capsule Unit (PCU) is not a float-free type but a fixed type. The PCU
records navigation data, hull data, conversation in the bridge, conversation over VHF
radio, and radar image data to the recording medium in the PCU.
When submerged, the Underwater Acoustic Beacon with PCU, which is battery-powered,
transmits pulsed acoustic signal for capsule searchers.

(2) Performance:
a) Interface:
1) Standard: IEEE802.3 (10Base-T/ 100Base-TX)
2) Protocol: TCP/IP
b) Recording duration and capacity:
1) Duration: 12 hours
2) Capacity: 2.0GB (flash memory)
c) Data Recording Interval:
1) Sensor Data: depends on the input from the sensors (normally 1 second)
2) Audio Data: continuous (1 audio file / minute)
3) Image Data: 1 image per 15 second (Option)
d) Acoustic underwater beacon:
1) Operating frequency: 37.5kHz ±1kHz
2) Operating time: minimum 30 days after submerged in the water
3) Detectable range: 1800m - 3600m
(depends on surrounding environment)
4) Battery life: maximum 5-years

(3) Environmental condition

There shall be neither the damage of the final record media nor the loss of recorded data
under the conditions shown below.
a) Shock: A half sine-wave pulse of 50G, with an interval of 11msec
b) Fire: 10 hours with 260 °C fire
1 hour with 1100 °C fire
c) Deep-sea water pressure: 60 Mpa
(equivalent to 6000m of depth)
General environmental condition
a) Operating temperature: -25°C to +55°C (IEC 60945 exposed type)
b) Storage temperature -55°C to +70°C (IEC 60945 exposed type)
c)Vibration: 2Hz to 13.2Hz ±1.0mm
13.2Hz to 100Hz 0.7G

(4) General specification

a) Input voltage range: 19.5 - 36.5VDC
b) Power consumption: 3W
c) Size: 182(W) x 206.5(D) x 215(H) mm
d) Mass: 8.1kg
e) Color: fluorescent orange

2. Specification

2.2 Recording Control Unit: RCU (NDV-1850)

2.2.1 Operation panel (Internal)

(1) Performance:
a) Button operation:
1) Recording stop: Stop to record data to PCU
2) Recording restart: Restart to record data to PCU
3) Card recording stop: Stop to record data to CF card.
(enables to take out CF card from RCU)
b) LED Indication:
1) Recording status Recording / Recording stop
2) CF card status Recording / Recording stop (enables to take out CF card)
3) CF card Media alarm Access error to CF card

2.2.2 Data Processor Unit

(1) Function:
a) Control of recording navigation and hull data to PCU.
b) Collects data of navigation and hull condition according to IEC61162-1/2.
The data collected are as follows according to the IEC61996-2 4.6 (IMO MSC.163(78) 5.4).
1) Date and Time (UTC)
2) Ship’s position measured by the electronic position fixing system
3) Ship’s speed (over ground/water)
4) Ship’s heading with a gyrocompass or magnetic compass
5) Under keel clearance
6) Main alarms (indicated in the bridge)
7) Rudder order and response data
8) Engine order and response data
9) Hull opening status (for RO-RO passenger ships and ferry ships only)
10) Watertight door / Fire door status
11) Bow acceleration and hull stress data
(only for the ships mandatorily having hull stress indicator)
12) Wind direction / wind speed data
(only when the vessel is equipped with anemometer)
13) AIS data
When radar images cannot be recorded, the output data of AIS must be
recorded as a substitute.
However, JCY-1850 can also record both AIS data and radar images.
If the sensor outputs no data by IEC61162, items 5)-12) are not recorded.
c) Capturing, encoding and recording of conversation audio on the bridge, VHF
communications audio and radar image shown on the display.
d) Copying the recording data to the CF card.
e) Monitoring and control of the system.

(2) Performance:
a) Communication to PCU:
1) Standard: IEEE802.3 (10Base-T/ 100Base-TX )
2) Protocol: TCP/IP
b) Sensor data input :
1) Input channel: up to 16 (channels)
2) Data input interface: IEC61162-1/-2 (RS-422)
3) Recording interval: depends on the input from the sensors (normally 1 second)
2. Specification

c) Bridge audio input:

1) Input channel: up to 9 (channels)
2) Input sensitivity: 6kHz
3) Recording interval: continuous (1 audio file / minute)
d) VHF communications input (audio):
1) Input channel: up to 3 (channels)
2) Input sensitivity: 3.5kHz
3) Input level: 0 dBm 600-ohm balance
4) Recording interval: continuous (1 audio file / minute)
e) Radar image data input (input of No1. X band radar is recommended):
1) Input channel: 2 (channels)
Auto selection of a radar image from both channels
(If the radar is of JRC make, automatic selection of
on-operation radar is possible.)
2) Input interface: analog RGB/Hs/Vs
- RGB: 0.7Vp-p (video signal)
- Hs: TTL
- Vs: TTL
3) Resolution: 640 x 350 – 1600 x 1200 pixel (conforms to VESA
4) Refresh rate: 60 - 85 Hz (conforms to VESA DMTS)
(Resolution 1600 x 1200 pixel 60Hz only)
5) Recording interval: 1 image every 15 seconds
f) Recording data backup:
1) Media: CF card
(Adapter for PCMCIA type-2 is attached to the RCU.)
2) Storage capacity: 2.0GB
g) Blackout processing:
1) Recording duration: 2 hours while blackout
(during the blackout, only the conversation in the
bridge is recorded)
2) Restoration time required: less than 1 minute
(Recovery time from blackout operation to normal
operation on restoration of ship’s generator.)
h) GPS select signal input:
1) Interface: Dry (voltage free) contact closure
(Commonly used with External Contact Input )
2) Operation: Recording GPS selection (active open/close)
i) RADAR select signal input: (Only JMA-9900, JMA-900M, JMA-5300
1) Interface of JRC radar: IEC61162-1 (RS-422)
2) Operation of JRC radar: Active radar selection by JRC original sentence
3) Interface of other radar: Dry (voltage free) contact closure
(Commonly used with External Contact Input )
4) Operation of other radar: Recording RADAR selection by dry contact closure
(active open/close)
j) External Contact Input (dry contact):
1) Number of input: maximum 3 dry contacts (voltage free)
(Commonly used with the input signals which select
2) Output sentences: Registers sentences at the time of their making and

2. Specification

2.2.3 Power Supply Unit: PSU

(1) Function:
a) Power supply to RCU and PCU in normal operation
b) Power supply to RCU and PCU for 2 hours on blackout.

(2) Performance:
a) Input voltage range: 100 - 120VAC +/- 10% 1-phase 50/60Hz +/-5%
200 - 240VAC +/- 10% 1-phase 50/60Hz +/-5%
(Auto switching)
b) Output voltage: 5VDC, 12VDC, 24VDC
c) Maximum power output: 140VA
d) Battery capacity: 24VDC 5Ah
e) Expectant battery age: max 4-years
(Depending on circumstance. This age is based on
ambient operating temperature: 25 deg., load 70%)

2.2.4 External interface

a) External alarm lamp output:

1) Interface: Dry (voltage free) contact closure
2) Operation: System down (normal-close or open)
3) Current: 1A or less at 24VDC / 0.5A or less at 125VAC
b) External alarm buzzer output:
1) Interface: Dry (voltage free) contact closure
2) Operation: System down (normal-close or open)
3) Current: 1A or less at 24VDC / 0.5A or less at 125VAC

2.2.5 Environmental condition

(1) Operating temperature: -15°C to +55°C (IEC 60945 protected type)

(2) Temperature and humidity: +40°C, 93%
(3) Vibration: 2Hz to 13.2Hz ±1.0mm
13.2Hz to 100Hz 0.7G

2.2.6 General specification

(1) Power voltage: 100 - 120VAC +/- 10% 1-phase 50/60Hz (IEC 60945)
200 - 240VAC +/- 10% 1-phase 50/60Hz (IEC 60945)
(2) Power consumption:
(including capsule unit & operation panel unit & microphone phantom power)
90VA in UPS battery charge
50VA in normal operation
(3) Size: 419.5(w) x 250(d) x 480(h) mm
(4) Mass: 21.0kg
(5) Color: N7 semi-gloss texture

2. Specification

2.2.7 NSK interface

(1) Function: Records gyro compass signal (Synchro / Step) and/or

Ship’s speed log signal as IEC61162-1 sentence formatter
(2) Performance:
a) Signal input: Synchro signal for Gyro compass
Ratio: 360X, 180X, 90X, 36X, 1X
Primary voltage: AC50 – 115V, 50/60Hz
Secondary voltage: AC20 – 90V, 50/60Hz
Step signal for Gyro compass
Ratio: 360X, 180X, 90X, 36X, 1X
Voltage: DC24V / 35V / 50V / 70V
Pulse signal for speed log
Pulse number: 200P / 400P / 100P / 160P (Per NM)
Interface: Opto-Isolation / dry contact signal
b) Recoding data: Data type: IEC61162-1
Heading Sentence formatter: HDT
Sip speed Sentence formatter: VBW

2.2.8 Radar switching recording function

Specification of radar switching recording function when connecting two radars is as

(1) Function:
a) The radar screen in operation is automatically identified and recorded.
Automatic identification can be performed by monitoring the operation conditions
of the scanners, which can be judged by the original sentences conforming to
IEC61162 outputted from JRC radars.

b)Switching recording function is only available when JRC radars are connected.
The radars corresponding to this switching recording function are the current
models or newer (JMA-5300, JMA-9900, JMA-900M). The older models do not

(2) Performance:
Radar switching recording function supports for connecting two non-JRC radars
(refer to 2 and 3 below). However, for non-JRC radars, we do not recommend
using switching recording function because automatic identification of the
working radar is not functional under the normal operation conditions.
For using switching recording function in the case of non-JRC radars, read the
following specification for proper recording of the working radar images.

a) Current JRC radars (JMA-5300, JMA-9900, JMA-900M)

Operation conditions of scanners are monitored by the sentences conforming
to IEC61162 outputted from X-band radars. When the scanner of X-band
radar is in operation, the radar image connecting to CH1 will be recorded.
When the scanner of X-band radar is not in operation, the radar image
connecting to CH2 will be recorded.

2. Specification

b) Switching SW connection
Recording modes can be selected by connecting the switching SW of the
following specification to the dry contact input (PI_1 and PI_2 of TB406) of
Recording Control Unit (RCU).
¾ AUTO mode: Images of CH to which the synchronized signals
are outputted are automatically selected and
recorded. If the synchronized signals are
outputted from both CH1 and CH2, CH1 has the
priority to be selected.

¾ CH1 recording mode: Images of CH1 are forced to be recorded.

If no images are inputted to CH1, the image
data will not be recorded.

¾ CH2 recording mode: Images of CH2 are forced to be recorded.

If no images are inputted to CH2, the image
data will not be recorded.

PI_1(TB406) PI_ 2(TB406) RADAR Recording Mode


When in operation by AUTO mode, the objective radar images will

be recorded if the power of nonoperational radar is turned off. If
the nonoperational radar is set standby, outputting radar images is
not stopped and therefore, only the X-band radar screen without
any echoes will be recorded.

c) Continuous AUTO mode

When the switching SW is not connected and two radars are connected,
images will be recorded continuously by AUTO mode.

2. Specification

2.3 Operation Panel Unit: OPU (NCG-169)

(1) Function: Visible indication and audible alarm for VDR system
alarm in the Wheelhouse
Display of the cause of an error
Input of Heading initial value
(2) Performance:
a) Type: Flush mount type or Wall mount type
b) Power supply: Supplied from the Recording Control Unit NDV-1850
c) Indication: LED lighting for alarm indication
4 digit LED for error code indication
Buzzer (mutable by ACK switch)
d) Operation: Alarm acknowledgement
Dimmer of LED
(3) NSK operation: (When the NSK interface board is enabled.)
a) Operation Entry of the initial value of heading
b) Indication Heading value indication
(4) Environmental condition:
a) Operating temperature: -15 deg. to +55 deg. (IEC 60945 protected type)
b) Temperature and humidity: +40°C, 93%
c) Vibration: 2Hz to 13.2Hz ±1.0mm
13.2Hz to 100Hz 0.7G
(5) General specification
a) Size: 145(w) x 50(d) x 165(h) mm
b) Mass: 0.3kg
c) Color: N4 semi-gloss texture

2.4 Microphone Unit (NVT-161)

(1) Function: Acquisition of W/H conversation, Alarms and sounds etc.

in W/H
(2) Performance:
a) Type: Ceiling mount type, wall mount type
b) Device: Electoret condenser microphone
c) Directivity: Hemispherical and omnidirectional
d) Receiving range: 2.5m of radius
e) Power supply: Phantom powered by 12VDC
f) Test device: Built-in speaker for audio acquisition test
(3) Environmental condition:
a) Operating temperature: -15°C to +55°C (IEC 60945 protected type)
b) Temperature and humidity: +40°C, 93%
c) Vibration: 2Hz to 13.2Hz ±1.0mm
13.2Hz to 100Hz 0.7G
(4) General specification
a) Size: 110(w) x 44.5(d) x 160(h) mm
b) Mass: 0.2kg
c) Color: N4 semi-gloss texture

2. Specification

2.5 Connection Box (NQE-3163)

(1) Function: Waterproofed type junction box which connects RCU with
a PCU.
(2) Performance:
a) Connection device: Built-in terminal blocks
(3) Environmental condition:
a) Operating temperature: -25 deg. to +55 deg. (IEC 60945 exposed type)
b) Temperature and humidity: +40°C, 93%
c) Vibration: 2Hz to 13.2Hz ±1.0mm
13.2Hz to 100Hz 0.7G
d) Waterproof grade: IPx6
(4) General specification
a) Size: 170(w) x 176(d) x 87(h) mm
b) Mass: 1.3kg
c) Color: 7.5BG 7/2

2.6 Waterproof Microphone Unit (NVT-162)

(1) Function: Acquisition of wing conversation etc.

(2) Performance:
a) Type: Wall mount type
b) Device: Electoret condenser microphone
c) Directivity: Hemispherical and omnidirectional
d) Receiving range: 2.5m of radius
e) Power supply: Phantom powered by 12VDC
f) Test device: Built-in speaker for audio acquisition test
(3) Environmental condition:
a) Operating temperature: -25°C to +55°C (IEC 60945 exposed type)
b) Temperature and humidity: +40°C, 93%
c) Vibration: 2Hz to 13.2Hz ±1.0mm
13.2Hz to 100Hz 0.7G
d) Waterproof grade: IPx6
(4) General specification
a) Size: 126(w) x 93(d) x 110(h) mm
b) Mass: 1.2kg
c) Color: N7 semi-gloss

2.7 Radar Interface Unit (NWP-46) -Option-

(1) Function: The NWP-46 is required when a high resolution (UXGA)

radar display is connected to the S-VDR.
The NWP-46 is an option unit in order to install a FGB
near the radar, because high resolution RGB signals can
not be extended to the S-VDR,
The Frame Grabber Board (FGB) in the NWP-46 is moved
from the Recording Control Unit.

2. Specification

(2) Performance:
a) Basic performance: It is the same as the Radar image input specification of the
Recording Control Unit.
b) Communication port To the NDV-1850 RCU via Ethernet
(3) Environmental condition:
a) Operating temperature: -15 deg. to +55 deg. (IEC 60945 protected type)
b) Temperature and humidity: +40°C, 93%
c) Vibration: 2Hz to 13.2Hz ±1.0mm
13.2Hz to 100Hz 0.7G
(4) General specification
a) Power voltage: 100 - 120Vac +/- 10% 1-phase 50/60Hz (IEC 60945)
200 - 240Vac +/- 10% 1-phase 50/60Hz (IEC 60945)
b) Power consumption: 10VA
c) Size: 255(w) x 160(d) x 72(h) mm
d) Mass: 1.5kg
e) Color: N4 semi-gloss

2.8 General Environmental Condition

2.8.1 Location

a) Usage Conditions:

Vessels required to carry S-VDR:

Mercantile vessels of 3,000G/T or more that are engaged in
international voyage

b) Unit installation locations:

1) The Protective Capsule Unit: External deck above bridge

2) The Connection Box: External deck above bridge
3) The Recording Control Unit: Bridge (or electric room)
4) The Operation Panel Unit: Navigation space in the Bridge
5) The Microphone Unit: Ceiling or bulkhead
6) The Waterproof Microphone Unit: Wings
7) The Radar Interface Unit: near the Radar

c) Installation methods:

1) The Protective Capsule Unit:

Mounted on the deck
2) The Connection Box: Mounted on the deck
3) The Recording Control Unit:
Hung on the bulkhead
4) The Operation Panel Unit: Hung on the bulkhead or flash
mount on the Console
5) The Microphone Unit: Flash mount on the Ceiling or hung
on the bulkhead
6) The Waterproof Microphone Unit: Hung on the bulkhead
7) The Radar Interface Unit: Mounted on the Radar

2. Specification

2.8.2 Power supply environment

a) AC power supply input range:

1) AC100/110/115/120V ±10%
2) AC200/220/240V ±10%

b) AC power supply frequency fluctuation range:

1) 50Hz ±5%
2) 60Hz ±5%

2.8.3 Environment

a) Exposed type equipment

(Protective Capsule Unit, Waterproof Microphone Unit)
1) Operation temperature range: -25°C to +55°C
2) Storage temperature: -25°C to +70°C
3) Temperature and humidity: +40°C, 93%
4) Vibration: 2Hz to 13.2Hz ±1.0mm
13.2Hz to 100Hz 0.7G
b) Protected type equipment
(Recording Control Unit, Operation Panel Unit, Microphone Unit, Option Unit)
1) Operation temperature range: -15°C to +55°C
2) Temperature and humidity: +40°C, 93%
3) Vibration: 2Hz to 13.2Hz ±1.0mm
13.2Hz to 100Hz 0.7G

3. Maintenance and Inspection

Do not attempt checking or repairs on the internal part of the equipment by
Checking or repairs by anyone other than our professional maintainer may result
in a fire or an electric shock.
Ask for checking or repairs of the inside of the equipment to the Sales
Department, the nearest branch company, a branch office, a sales office, or any
agent of Japan Radio Co., Ltd.

Do not use organic solvent such as thinner and benzine to clean the surface.
These agents damage the surface coating.
Be sure to remove dirt and dust, if any, from the surface and wipe it with a clean
dry cloth.

3.1 Daily Maintenance

The life span of the equipment depends greatly on the quality of maintenance. To keep it
in an optimum operating condition, perform inspections of the equipment regularly.
By the inspection, problems can be identified before they develop into major malfunctions.

3.1.1 Cleaning

If the equipment is splashed with seawater or fresh water, wipe it dry
immediately. Ignoring the caution may result in failures or operational

To remove stains from the equipment, gently wipe it with a soft cloth lightly impregnated
with neutral detergent.

3.1.2 Check of the expiry date of the battery

Check the expiry date of the RCU battery and the underwater acoustic beacon that is
fixed above the capsule.
If the expiration is approaching, contact the Sales Department, the nearest branch
company, branch office, sales office, or any agent of Japan Radio Co., Ltd.

3. Maintenance and Inspection

3.2 Periodic Inspection

Yearly inspections are recommended on the inside of the equipment and on its connections
with the Power Supply Unit and the other devices. For these inspections, you will be
Annual maintenance is requested by the Ship Class, please contact the Sales Department,
the nearest branch company, a branch office, a sales office, or any agent of Japan Radio
Co., Ltd.

3.3 Troubleshooting

If the equipment does not function correctly, check the equipment referring to the list down
below. Take the action recommended in the list. If the malfunction still lasts, contact the
Sales Department, the nearest branch company, branch office, sales office, or any agent of
Japan Radio Co., Ltd.

3.3.1 The Recording Control Unit (NDV-1850)

(1) Symptom Table for The Power Supply Unit (NBL-327)

Symptom Causes Actions to be taken

POWER LED fails to No power is supplied from the Check the switchboard.
light. switchboard.
POWER SWITCH is not on. Turn on the POWER SWITCH.
The AC-line fuse is blown. Check the AC-line fuse in the Power
Supply Unit. If it is blown, replace it
with a spare.
Fault in the Power Supply Unit Contact us.
The BATTERY OP. No power is supplied from the Check the switchboard.
LED lights up. switchboard.
The fuse for the AC power source is Check the fuse for the AC power
blown. source and, if it is blown, replace it
with a spare.
BATTERY The battery cable is disconnected. Contact us.
lights up. The fuse for the battery is blown. Contact us.
The battery is deteriorated. Check the expiry date of the battery.
If the battery has expired, contact
FAN ABNORMAL The fan is not working. Contact us.
LED lights up.

3. Maintenance and Inspection

(2) Symptom Table for The Data Processor Unit (NDL-46)

Symptom Causes Actions to be taken

REC LED fails to The Recording Control Unit is off. Check the switchboard.
light. The power is not supplied to the Turn on the Power Supply Unit.
Protective Capsule Unit.
The recording of data into the Press the REC START SWITCH on
Protective Capsule Unit has been the Main Control Board and restart
stopped manually. the recording of data.
Faulty wiring between the Recording Check the Connection Box.
Control Unit and the Protective Capsule
Fault in the Recording Control Unit Reboot the Recording Control Unit
Fault in the Protective Capsule Unit and see if it works normally. If it
does not work, contact us.
CARD LED fails to The CARD STOP SWITCH is left on. Press the CF CARD EJECT BUTTON
light up. and remove it from the Main Control
Board. Then put it back again.
No CF CARD is loaded. Insert a CF CARD into the CARD
slot of the Main Control Board.
Fault in the Recording Control Unit Reboot the Recording Control Unit
and see if it works normally. If it
does not work, contact us.
MEDIA LED blinks. Fault in the CF CARD Press the CF CARD EJECT BUTTON
and remove it from the Main Control
Board. Then put it back again.
Fault in the Recording Control Unit Reboot the Recording Control Unit
and see if it works normally. If it
does not work, contact us.
No CF CARD is loaded. Insert a CF CARD into the CARD
slot of the Main Control Board.

3. Maintenance and Inspection

3.3.2 The Operation Panel Unit (NCG-169)

All failures of the Recording Control Unit are indicated by the Operation Panel Unit
as an error code.

Symptom Causes Actions to be taken

All LEDs blink and The software of the Recording Control Reboot the Recording Control Unit.
the ALARM BUZZER Unit lost control.
Faulty wiring between the Recording Check the wiring between the
Control Unit and the Operation Panel Recording Control Unit and the
Unit. Operation Panel Unit.
RECORDING LED The Recording Control Unit is off. Check the switchboard.
fails to light. The power is not supplied to the Turn on the Power Supply Unit.
Protective Capsule Unit.
Stop manually the recording of data Press the REC START SWITCH on
onto the Protective Capsule Unit. the Main Control Board in the
Recording Control Unit and restart
the recording of data.
Faulty wiring between the Recording Check the Connection Box.
Control Unit and the Protective Capsule
Fault in the Recording Control Unit Reboot the Recording Control Unit
Fault in the Protective Capsule Unit and see if it works normally. If it
does not work, contact us.
ERROR CODE: Initial value of HEADING is not Enter the initial value of HEADING
“01__” lights up. registered yet.
“31__” lights up. and remove it from the Main Control
Board. Then put it back again.
No CF CARD is loaded. Insert a CF CARD into the CARD
slot of the Main Control Board.
Fault in the Recording Control Unit Reboot the Recording Control Unit
and see if it works normally. If it
does not work, contact us.
“32__” lights up. and remove it from the Main Control
Board. Then put it back again.
Fault in the Recording Control Unit Reboot the Recording Control Unit
and see if it works normally. If it
does not work, contact us.
ERROR CODE: Mismatching in the information Press and hold the REC START
“00__” lights up. between the Recording Control Unit and SWITCH for ten seconds.
the Protective Capsule Unit.
Faulty wiring between the Recording Check the Connection Box.
Control Unit and the Protective Capsule
Fault in the Recording Control Unit Reboot the Recording Control Unit
Fault in the Protective Capsule Unit and see if it works normally. If it
does not work, contact us.

3. Maintenance and Inspection

Symptom Causes Actions to be taken

ERROR CODE: Faulty wiring between the Recording Check the Connection Box.
“20__” lights up. Control Unit and the Protective Capsule
Fault in the Recording Control Unit Reboot the Recording Control Unit,
Fault in the Protective Capsule Unit and see if the symptom persists. If
so, contact us.
ERROR CODE: Fault in recording the data in the The BER ERROR could occur
“21__” lights up. Protective Capsule Unit temporarily.
The error is canceled in less than 2
days automatically.
If the error is not canceled after 2
days, contact us.
ERROR CODE: Fault in sensors Check the sensor equipment shown
“60**” lights up. by error code.
Faulty wiring between the Recording Check the wiring between the
Control Unit and the sensors Recording Control Unit and the
Fault in the Recording Control Unit Reboot the Recording Control Unit.
See if the symptom persists. If so,
contact us.
ERROR CODE: Fault on setting up the Main Control Reboot the Recording Control Unit,
“61**” lights up. Board and see if the symptom persists. If
so, contact us.
ERROR CODE: Fault in the Audio Recording Board Check the wiring between the
“5*__” lights up. Fault in the Microphone Unit Microphone Unit and the Recording
Control Unit.
Alarm was raised due to a large noise. Reboot the Recording Control Unit in
noise-free environment.
ERROR CODE: Power failure Check the power supply in the
“10__” lights up. Recording Control Unit.
No power is supplied from the Check the switchboard.
The fuse for the AC power source is Check the fuse for the AC power
blown. source and, if it is blown, replace it
with a spare fuse.
ERROR CODE: The fan of Power Supply Unit is not Contact us.
“11__” lights up. working.
ERROR CODE: Fault in the Main Control Board Reboot the Recording Control Unit,
“30__” / “35__” / and see if the symptom persists. If
“36__” / “37__” / so, contact us.
“38__” light up.
ERROR CODE: GPS is faulty or setting error on the Check the GPS.
“33__” lights up. Main Control Board If the GPS is error-free, contact us.
ERROR CODE: An internal battery for a Real Time Contact us for exchanging the
“34__” lights up. Clock IC has run out of the life. battery.

3. Maintenance and Inspection

Symptom Causes Actions to be taken

ERROR CODE: Fault in the Audio Recording Board Reboot the Recording Control Unit,
“40__”/“41__”/ and see if the symptom persists or
“42__” lights up. not. If yes, contact us.

ERROR CODE: Fault in RGB signals from a RADAR Check the RADAR.
“70__” / “71__” 70__: CH1 If an image is displayed on the
lights up. screen, check the wiring between
71__: CH2
the RADAR and the Recording
Control Unit.
ERROR CODE: Faulty wiring between the Frame Check the wiring between the
“72__” lights up. Grabber Board and the Main Control Frame Grabber Board and the Main
Board Control Board.
Fault in the Frame Grabber Board Reboot the Recording Control Unit,
Fault in the Main Control Board and see if the symptom persists or
not. If yes, contact us.
ERROR CODE: Fault on setting up the Frame Grabber Reboot the Recording Control Unit,
“73__” / “76__” Board and see if the symptom persists or
lights up. not. If yes, contact us.
ERROR CODE: Fault in the Frame Grabber Board Reboot the Recording Control Unit,
“74__” lights up. and see if the symptom persists or
not. If yes, contact us.
ERROR CODE: The fan of NWP-46 is out of order. Contact us.
“75__” lights up.
ERROR CODE: Faulty wiring between the Power Reboot the Recording Control Unit,
“12__” lights up. Supply Unit and the Main Control Board and see if the symptom persists or
not. If yes, contact us.

4. After-sales service

4.1 To request the service

If you suppose the product might be out of order, read section 3 and take the action
recommended thereof.
If the equipment would still be out of order, you are advised to stop the operation and
contact the Sales Department, the nearest branch company, branch office, sales office,
or any agent of Japan Radio Co., Ltd. immediately.

1) Repair within the warranty period

If any failure occurs on the product during the normal operation in accordance
with the instruction manual, the dealer or JRC will carry out the repair free of
charge. In case the trouble was caused by user’s misuse, faulty operation,
negligence or force ma-jeure such as natural disaster and fire, the repair shall
be charged.

2) Repair after the warranty period

The service after the warranty period is Not Free. It is charged.

3) Let us know the Helpful information for service engineer

a) Product name, model, manufacturing date and serial number
b) Trouble conditions (as detailed as possible. Refer to “S-VDR Failure Check
List” in the next page)
c) Name of shipping company/organization, address and telephone number

For further details of after-sales service, contact the JRC Offices in the list at the end
of this manual.

4. After-sales service

S-VDR Failure Check List

When placing an order for repair of the product, you are kindly requested to check “Yes”
“No” boxes on the list shown below and send the sheet back to our office.
If there is any unclear items, contact the vessel on which the product is installed, and make
the uncertainly clear.

Ship Name: Phone: Fax:

Model: Date of Manufacture: Serial Number:

1) Check the following items in the order of the number, and mark the applicable answer
like “√”. If you are not sure to give answer, explain in detail in the item (7), “Others”.
2) If item (1) or (2) is Yes, check the fuse of RCU and the Switch Board for S-VDR.

No. Check Items Results

Yes No
(1) The Power LED on the OPU is off.
(2) The Power LED on the OPU is blinking.
(3) The Recording LED on the OPU is off.
(4) The Alarm LED on the OPU is on.
(5) The OPU is not operative.
(6) The Error Code LEDs on the OPU displays any error code.
(7) If item (6) is marked as Yes, fill at following space all error code.


4. After-sales service

4.2 Disposal of unit

When disposing of this unit, abide the local laws and regulations. Contact the
Sales Department, the nearest branch company, branch office, sales office, or any
agent of Japan Radio Co., Ltd. and ask them to replace it without discarding the

4.3 Disposal of used battery

Never short-circuit the + and – pins. Never disassemble, modify, destroy, throw
into fire, heat, use with non-specified applications and use after the expiry date.
Above acts may cause leakage of fluid, generation of heat, fire, explosion,
destruction, or injury by heat.

The Recording Control Unit (NDV-1850) of this equipment incorporates a battery.

Used batteries are to be recycled. Regarding the replacement and recycle, contact
the Sales Department, the nearest branch company, branch office, sales office, or
any agent of Japan Radio Co., Ltd. and ask them the replacement and recycle.

The Main Control Board (CDJ-2304) and the Underwater Acoustic Beacon on the
PCU of this equipment incorporate a lithium battery.
Used batteries are to be recycled. Regarding the replacement and recycle, contact
the Sales Department, the nearest branch company, branch office, sales office, or
any agent of Japan Radio Co., Ltd. and ask them the replacement and recycle.

4. After-sales service

This page is intentionally left blank

5. Outline Drawings

5.1 Recording Control Unit: NDV-1850

The Outline Drawing of the Recording Control Unit

5. Outline Drawings

5.2 Operation Panel unit: NCG-169


The Outline Drawing of the Operation Panel Unit

5. Outline Drawings

5.3 Protective Capsule Unit: NDH-317




The Outline Drawing of the Protective Capsule Unit

5. Outline Drawings

5.4 Connection Box: NQE-3163

The Outline Drawing of the Connection Box

5. Outline Drawings

5.5 Microphone Unit: NVT-161

The Outline Drawing of the Microphone Unit

5. Outline Drawings

5.6 Waterproof Microphone Unit: NVT-162


The Outline Drawing of the Waterproof Microphone Unit

5. Outline Drawings

5.7 Radar Interface Unit: NWP-46


The Outline Drawing of the Radar Interface Unit

5. Outline Drawings

This page is intentionally left blank

6. Block Diagrams

6.1 Recording Control Unit NDV-1850

The Block Diagram of Recording Control Unit

6. Block Diagrams

6.2 Operation Panel Unit NCG-169


The Block Diagram of Operation Panel Unit

6.3 Microphone Unit

1 MIC-
- BLUE MIC AMP Board 2
3 SP+

4 SP-

TB1:WAGO 255 Series

The Block Diagram of Microphone Unit

Microphone Unit (NVT-161)Connection Diagram
6. Block Diagrams
6. Block Diagrams

6.4 Waterproof Microphone Unit NVT-162


The Block Diagram of Waterproof Microphone Unit

6. Block Diagrams

6.5 Radar Interface Unit NWP-46


The Block Diagram of Radar Interface Unit


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