ICSE Class 10 English 1998 PDF

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General Instructions

1. Attempt all four question.

2. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets].
3. You are advised to spend not more than 35 minutes in answering Question 1
and 20 minutes in answering Question 2.

Question 1
(Do not spend more than 35 minutes on this question.)
Write a composition (350-400) words) on any one of the following: [30]

(a) What, in your opinion, best contributes to the making of a happy and successful

(b) You are sleeping in your bedroom. Someone knocks at your doom You wake up
and see a bay standing. He says that he has come from outer space. You are
thrilled. Write an account of what he tells you about his life in space.

(c) Set out briefly but clearly the arguments for and against animals being used in
public and street performances.

(d) You had a remarkable train journey. You detected a bomb in the compartment
evacuated and rescued the passengers and in the confusion lost your baggage.
Give a detailed account of your adventure.

(e) Study the picture given below. Write a story or description or an account of what
the picture suggests to you composition may be about the subject of the picture or
may take suggestions from it, but there must be clear connection between the
picture and the composition.

Question 2
(Do not spend more than 20 minutes on this question.)
Select one of the following: [20]
(a) A relative of yours has suggested that you leave school in order to work with him
and later become a partner in his firm. you, however would prefer, to stay at school
and later enter a college for further education. Write a letter thanking him for his
suggestion and outlining your future plans.

(b) Write a letter to the manager of your local bus depot, pointing out that there are
very few buses on your route in the morning and these are invariably late, thereby
causing great inconvenience to many daily passengers.

Question 3
Read the passage given below and then answer the questions (a), (b) and (c) that
follow: [5]

An elephant's scene is acute, but his vision poor. It was not till the hyenas were in
the camp that Gajpati saw them. The sight made him rage angrily, straining his
bonds. He stepped back and then lunged froward at a fast stride. Slam-bang went
the chain as it squeaked a groove into the bark of the tree etc. Into the leg too. Raw
wood began to show, and also flesh. The elephant grumbled 5 and blew

All this time he knew exactly where the baby was, beneath him, sometimes under
his belly, and sometimes between his forelegs. The hyenas were nonplussed. One
sat down out of reach and fixed his bulging nocturnal eyes on the child. The others
began to circle round behind. 10 Gajpati wheeled to face this lot, and the sitting one
edged a little closer.

In sudden exasperation, the elephant put his forehead against the tree, and braced
the whole of his giant strength against it to break it down. It was a big wild mango
with a noble girth, and he did not succeed, but the tree groaned at the roots. 15

Gajpati swung back and made for the sitting encroaching hyena, which sprang
smartly away.

The ones behind him darted at the baby, so he wheeled towards .them instead.
They jumped out of reach again. Ah, if he had not been tethered. 20

He attacked the tree again. It shrieked as he strove against it, but now the baby was
yelling too, at the top of his lungs, and blindly trying to crawl away anywhere, so
Gajpati gave it up, He backed and shook his head, and gathered the baby to him.

Changing his tactics, he then stood perfectly still, close to the now leaning 25 tree
and watched. He struck his trunk on the ground with a sound of coins as wild
elephants do to warn of danger.

The hyenas were hungry, bold, and not prepared to play this game all night. They
began to close in.
They were watching the elephant with respect, but they did not interpret the 30 lifted
foreleg, nor the muscles tightening inside the loose skin. They did not allow for the
slack of the chain.

Next moment Gajpati struck. Although so huge and slow, he moved like lightning,
and in a moment he'd got one hyena fighting under his forefeet. Almost at once the
struggle was over, the body stamped to a pulp. With a squeal 35 of triumph and
rage, Gajpati threw the smelly carcass aside.

It scattered the others, who made off, leaving elephant and baby in peace for an
hour or two.

Pillowed in dust, and exhausted by hunger, the little boy lay half-sleeping, half-
sobbing, and sucked at the stub of sugarcane which Gajpati had again 40 offered
him. He swallowed the syrup, dust and all. Then, warmed by the elephant's sweet
breath, he slept.

Gajpati relaxed above him. False peace reigned around them - the centre of the
storm. An elephant sleeps mostly standing, and a little after midnight Gajpati dozed.

Presently - the baby stirred sat up, and began to crawl away. He was already out - of
reach when the elephant also woke. In the grey of early morning, Gajpati saw the
hyenas coming back, and the baby several yards away.

He forged out to the full length of his range. Iron links into his flesh 50 where he had
already worn it raw, Blood poured down. The hyenas saw their chance and darted

At the same moment the great tree gave, and with the crack of parting tendons, it
smashed down upon elephant and baby together. Breaking branches rushing leaves
obliterated them both. 55

The violence and destruction sent the hyenas off in a flash. Pink twilight was
warming into day and they did not return. When Karim and his wife ran gasping into
camp, they saw only the fallen tree and Gajpati under it. 60

Their baby?

They tore their way into the leaves and branches. Beneath it all, the child lay
sleeping in the curl of the e1ephant's trunk; and his mother, in tears, snatched him
Question 3
(a) Five words or phrases are given below Give the meaning of each as used in the
passage. one word answers or short phrases will be accepted:

i. nocturnal (line.10)
ii. exasperation (line.12)
iii. encroaching (line.16)
iv. the slack of the chain (line.32)
v. gave (line 53)


i. List TWO characteristics of elephants that the author mentions in the

passage. [4]
ii. How did Gajpati strike and kill a hyena? [2]
iii. The word 'nonplussed means 'puzzled' What do you think, puzzled the
hyenas? [2]
iv. What did Gajpati offer the little boy? How did he consume it? [2]
v. Why does the author describe the 'peace' in line 43 a 'False' peace? [2]
vi. Where was the baby when the hyenas came back? [2]
vii. When Karim and his wife returned, where did they find their baby? [2]

(c) Describe, in not more than 60 words of your own, how Gajpati finally saved
Karim's baby from the hyenas when they returned "in the grey of early morning." [10]

Question 4
(a) Rewrite the following sentences correctly according to the instructions given after
each. Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning
of each sentence. [10]

i. Amazing discoveries have been made by explorer.

(BEGIN : Explorers .................. )
ii. The team consisted of six batsmen, four bowlers and a wicket keeper.
(USE : 'comprised')
iii. Unfortunately, he failed in the first attempt.
(USE 'succeed' instead of failed)
iv. This should be of the greatest value to mankind.
(BEGIN : Nothing .................... )
v. The boy was ill. He went to school.
(Combine both the sentences using ‘though’)
vi. Do they believe in the existence of God?
(End with : 'exists')
vii. Who replaced the player after he was injured?
(Use 'substitute' instead of 'replaced')
viii. It has not only lengthened life but it has deepened its quality.
(BEGIN : Besides : ......................... )
ix. She said, "I am never going to believe you again.”
(BEGIN : She said that ...................... )
x. The price of milk has risen recently.
(End with : 'milk')

(b) In each of the following sentences there is a blank space which can be filled in by
a SINGLE word. Fill in each blank with the word which is appropriate. (Do Not write
the sentences): [5]

i. She is a year older _______ I am.

ii. They could not elicit any information _______ the prisoner.
iii. She did not play the piano, because _______ a septic thumb.
iv. A basket was provided _______ the disposal of waste paper.
v. This fabric is superior _______ that one.

(c) Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable form of the word given
in brackets: [5]

i. If he _______ the money, he would buy it now. (have)

ii. He has always _______ faithful to me. (be)
iii. The storm which had been _______ since mid-day, at last broke with great
fury. (threat).
iv. A man of high principles never _______ his word. (break)
v. She _______ her homework before she left for the film show. (finish)

General Instructions

1. Section A is compulsory. All questions from Section A are to be attempted.

2. Answer any two questions from Section B,answer any two questionsfrom
Section C and Section D. The intended marks for questions or parts of
questions are given in brackets.

Attempt all questions from this Section.

Question 1
Study the extract of the Survey of India Map Sheet No. 45 D/ 7 and answer the
following questions.

(a) What are the conventional signs located at the points, the six-figure grid
references of which are:
i. 992824
ii. 989775. [2]

(b) What is the area (in square kilometres) of the region enclosed by Eastings 92
and 96; Northings 78 and 82? [2]

(c) What is the compass direction of Bantawada (9978) from Arniwada (9481)? [1]

(d) Give a reason, why the streams in grid square 9478 do not join the river? [1]

(e) Generally, in which direction does the Balaram Nadi flow? Which bank of the
main river does it join? [2]

(f) What special feature is depicted by the contour pattern in the following grid

i. 9185;
ii. 9785;
iii. 9977. [3]

(g) Name the geographical feature represented by the brown dots in the southern
region of the map extract. [1]

(h) Why is there no habitation in the North-West Corner of the map? [1]

(i) In what way is the pattern of settlement in grid square 9886 different from that in
grid square 9580? [1]

(j) Measure in kilometres the length of the cart-track linking Arniwada to Juvol from
the point, the six-figure grid reference of which is 944816 to the point grid reference
of which is 923826. [1]

(k) What difference do you observe in the pattern of drainage in grid square 9684
and the drainage in grid square 9782? [2]

(l) In grid square 9379, there is the number 217. What does this indicate? [1]

(m) What is the general land use of:

i. Uneven ground,
ii. Even ground? [2]

Attempt any two questions from this Section.
Question 2
On the outline map of Asia provided:

(a) Mark and name the Caucasus Mountains. [1]

(b) Mark and label the river Irrawaddy. [1]

(c) Shade and name the Sea of Okhotsk. [1]

(d) Mark and name the Kunlun Mountains. [1]

(e) Shade and name the Northern Lowlands. [1]

(f) Shade and label the Caspian Sea. [1]

(g) Shade and name the Deccan Plateau. [1]

(h) Mark and name the river Ob. [1]

(i) Shade and name the country Japan. [1]

(j) Mark and name the Great Plain of China. [1]

Question 3
On the outline map of Asia provided:
(a) Shade and label the Philippines. [1]

(b) Mark and name the Euphrates River. [1]

(c) Mark with a bold line and label the Elburz Mountains. [1]

(d) Shade and label the Tarim Basin. [1]

(e) Mark with an arrow and label Vietnam. [1]

(f') Label the river Lena. [1]

(g) Shade and name the South China sea. [1]

(h) Mark and name the Arakan Yoma range. [1]

(i) Print MN over an area which has a Monsoon type of climate. [1]

(j) Print JV over Java. [1]

Question 4
On the outline map of Asia provided:
(a) Mark in brown and name the Ural Mountains. [1]

(b) Label the river Indus. [1]

(c) Shade and label the Arabian Sea. [1]

(d) Label the river Mekong. [1]

(e) Indicate with an arrow and name the island of Borneo. [1]

(f) Print CONIFEROUS over an area where this type of forest covers a large
territory. [1]

(g) Mark and name the plateau of Iran. [1]

(h) Mark with a dot and name Singapore. [1]

(i) Shade and label the largest region of Hot desert type of climate. [1]

(j) Shade and name the Indo-Gangetic Plain. [1]

Attempt any two questions from this Section.

Question 5
On the outline map of the Indian sub-continent provided:
(a) Shade and name the Rann of Kutchh. [1]

(b) Mark and name the Nilgiris. [1]

(c) Mark and label the Narmada river. [1]

(d) Shade and label the Aravalli Hills. [1]

(e) Mark and name the Bombay High Oil Field. [1]

(f') Shade an area of rubber cultivation in India. [1]

(g) Mark and name a coalpeld in Orissa. [1]

(h) Mark with a dot and name Delhi. [1]

(i) Write SP over an area in North-East India which is sparsely populated. [1]

(j) Mark with a dotted line and name the Tropic of Cancer. [1]

Question 6

(a) Give the latitudinal and longitudinal extent of the Indian sub-continent. [2]

(b) Give two reasons why Jaipur has a higher annual range of temperature than
Mumbai. [2]

(c) (i) Which winds are responsible for the rainfall experienced over the greater part
of the Indian sub-continent? [1]
(ii) During which months ofthe year is this rainfall experienced? [1]

(d) (i) What are 'Western Disturbances'? [1]

(ii) Name two states that experience these 'Western disturbances'. [1]

(e) What is meant by Kal Baisakhi? [2]

Question 7

i. Why is laterite soil unsuitable for agriculture? [1]

ii. Name one state where this soil is found. [1]

(b) (i) Which soil do you associate with the Deccan trap? [1]

(ii) State one of the advantages of this soil. [1]

(c) State two methods of soil conservation. [2]

(d) (i) Name two regions where the Tropical Evergreen Rain Forests are found. [1]

(ii) Name two important trees of this forest. [1]

(e) (i) Name two states in India where Thorn and Scrub vegetation is found. [1]

(ii) In what rainfall conditions are these forests found? [1]

Attempt any two questions from this Section.

Question 8
(a) Name the months when the Kharif crops are: [1]

i. Sown,
ii. Harvested.

(b) (i) Give two geographical requirements for growing Jowar in India. [2]

(ii) Name the state that leads in the cultivation of Jowar. [1]

(c) What two conditions favour the growth of tea in the Nilgiris? [1]

(d) State the soil and water requirements of Jute and name the state which is the
leading producer of jute. [2]
(e) (i) Give two main varieties of tobacco cultivated in India. [1]

(ii) Which state is the largest producer of tobacco in India? [1]

Question 9
(a) [2]

1. Name two Iron and Steel Plants which have been set-up in India by two
different foreign collaborators.
2. Name the regions from where coal and iron ore are obtained by these two
steel plants named by you.

(b) Name the raw materials required for the cement industry. [2]

(c) Name four important products of the Heavy Chemical Industry. [2]

(d) Name one commercial product obtained from each of the following: [2]

i. Bagasse
ii. Molasses.

Question 10

(a) Give two reasons why the cotton textile industry has developed around Mumbai.

(b) State one town famous for each of he following cottage industries: [1]

i. Woollen shawls
ii. Bidriware.

(c) Name two states where tube-wells are used extensively. [2]

(d) Name two important canal systems each in U .P. and Punjab. [2]

(e) Name the four important dams of the Damodar Valley project. [2]

(f) (i) Mention two non-conventional sources of power. [1]

(ii) Name two centres of nuclear power generation in India. [1]

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