Patel Public School: Affiliated To ICSE, New Delhi. Subbaihnapalya, Bangalore-33

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Affiliated to ICSE, New Delhi.

Subbaihnapalya, Bangalore-33.
First Term Examination-2018 Max. Time: 2 hrs
Grade 6 ENGLISH LANGUAGE Max.Marks:80+20

Question: 1 [10]
Do not spend more than 35 minutes on this question)
A. Write a composition (175-200 words) on any ONE of the following:
i. Television addiction is killing the joy of family/social life. Express your view on it with
a few striking examples around you.
ii. “No other subject taught in school is as important as moral science”.
Express your view either for or against this statement.
iii. Write about your favourite game. And also explain why you like it.
B. Study the picture given below. Write a story or a description or an account of what it suggests
to you. Your composition may be about the subject of the picture or you may take suggestion
from it, however there must be a clear connection between the picture and your composition

Question: 2. [10]
(Do not spend more than 20 minutes on this question.)
Select one of the following:
a. Your hearts moves when you find a number of children begging on the city roads and public
places. Write a letter to the editor of a famous newspaper expressing your views on the
beggar problem. Give your suggestions too.

b. Write a letter to your friend describing your thrilling experience when you boarded an
aero plane for the first time in your life. Give details of your wonderful air-flight and also
mention what made it an unforgettable for you.
Question: 3
a. Your School is going to organize an Inter-House Debate competition. Write a letter for the
school notice board to invite students for participation. Give necessary details. [5]

b. Your School is conducting a science exhibition. Write an e-mail to the Principal of a

neighbouring School inviting her and interested students to witness the exhibition.
Mention the date, time, venue and other relevant details of the event. [5]
Question: 4
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

There were four elderly ladies. Miss Marple took note of them first so, as it were, to clear them out
of the way. Two were travelling together. Miss Marple put them down as about seventy. They
could roughly be considered as contemporaries of her own. One of them was very definitely the
complaining type, one who would want seats at the front of the coach or else would make a point of
having them at the back of the coach. Would wish to sit on the sunny side or could only bear to sit
on the shady side. Who would want more fresh air? They had with them travelling rugs and knitted
scarves and quite an assortment of guide books. They were slightly crippled and often in pain from
feet or backs or knees but were nevertheless of those whom age and ailments could not prevent
from enjoying life while they still had it…….

The other two elderly ladies were apparently separate travelers. Both of them were about sixty.
One was a well preserved, well-dressed woman of obvious social importance in her own mind, and
probably in other people’s minds as well. Her voice was loud and dictatorial. She appeared to have
in tow a niece, a girl of about eighteen or nineteen who addressed her as Aunt Geraldine. The niece
Miss Marple noted, was obviously well accustomed to coping with Aunt Geraldine’s bossiness. She
was a competent girl as well as being an attractive one.

Across the aisle from Miss Marple was a big man with square shoulders and a clumsy looking body
looking as if he had been carelessly assembled by an ambitious child out of chunky bricks…..He had a
thick head of grayish hair and enormous bushy eyebrows which moved up and down to give point to
what he was saying. He shared his seat with a tall dark foreigner who moved restlessly in his seat
and gesticulated freely……..

The seat in front of them was occupied by the other woman of about sixty, a tall woman, possibly
over sixty, but a woman who would have stood out in a crowd anywhere. She was still a very
handsome woman with dark grey hair coiled high on her head…..and a low, clear, incisive voice.

A. Read the above passage and answer the questions below:

a. How many people did Miss Marple observe? [1]
b. What were they travelling in? [1]
c. Who was sitting across the aisle from her? [1]
d. Approximately how old do you think Miss Marple was? [1]
e. What was Aunt Geraldine like? [1]
f. What did Miss Marple think of Aunt Geraldine’s niece? [1]
g. Who sat next to the clumsy-looking man? [1]
B. Make sentences with the following phrases: (Change tense where required):
a. Make a point of view. [2]
b. Had in tow. [2]
c. Coping with. [2]
d. Accustomed to. [2]
e. Stood out in a crowd. [2]

Question: 5
a. Complete these compound nouns with the help of the clues in brackets: [1x3=3]
i. foot --------------- (a route or track for walking on).
ii. ----------------bridge (a bridge that can be raised and lowered).
iii. grass ----------(an insect that jumps high).

b. Rearrange these words and phrases to make meaningful sentences: [1x4=4]

i. She / most nights /herself /to sleep / would read.
ii. has made / to/ this time /everyone /a contribution /the charity.
iii. these / take/ one/ I will/ please/ of.
iv. is /theirs /big / suitcase/ black/ us.

c. Rewrite these sentences by using the adjectives to brackets in the correct order: [1x5=5]
i. She brought a dress for the event. (green, long, silk).
ii. Brownie is a dog. (well-trained, highly-skilled).
iii. Anita liked the table. (square, wooden, old).
iv. We saw a boat. (blue, sailing, beautiful).
v. I saw a bowl in the shop yesterday.(intricately, designed, serving, lovely, porcelain)

d. Complete these sentences using the verbs in brackets in the simple present, [1x5=5]
present continuous, simple part or past continuous tenses:
i. Jeevan Raj------------(wave) his bat. He looks happy.
ii. Ananya------always------------(complain) about work.
iii. The stadium was packed and the crowd-------------(shout).
iv. Yesterday, they ----------(work) all the day and night.
e. Underline all the verbs in these sentences. Write F if they are finite and NF if they are non-finite
i. I feel very nervous when I have to make a speech.
ii. I heard him singing a melodious song.
iii. The minister knows my father.
iv. I’m afraid to cross the road on my own.
v. The boy who lives next door broke the window pane.


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