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WL10/2-C, vers. Z

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Weishaupt oil burners

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Installation and operating instructions

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83055602 - 1/2002

Info for engineers

Conformity Certification
to ISO/IEC Guide 22
Confirmed by: Max Weishaupt GmbH

Address: Max Weishaupt Straße

D-88475 Schwendi

Product: Oil burner with fan

Type: WL10/2-C, Vers. Z

The product described above conform to

Document No.: EN 267

EN 292
EN 50 081-1
EN 50 082-1
EN 60 335

In accordance with the guidelines

EMC 89/336/EU
LVD 73/23/EU
EED 92/42/EU
MD 98/37/EU

these products are labelled as follows

CE- 0036 333/02

Schwendi 09.04.2002

ppa. ppa.
Dr. Lück Denkinger

The burners were type tested at an independent testing

station (TÜV Bau und Betriebstechnik, Munich) and
certified by DIN CERTCO.

Registration No.: 5G988/02

Comprehensive Quality Assurance is ensured by a

certified Quality Management System to DIN ISO 9001.

1 General instructions 4

2 Safety instructions 5

3 Technical description 6
3.1 Permissible application 6
3.2 Basic function 7

4 Installation 9
4.1 Safety notes on installation 9
4.2 Delivery, transport and storage 9
4.3 Preparation for installation 9
4.4 Oil supply 9
4.5 Burner installation 11
4.6 Electrical connection 12
4.7 Nozzle selection 12

5 Commissioning and operation 13

5.1 Safety notes on initial commissioning 13
5.2 Preparation for initial commissioning 13
5.3 Initial commissioning and setting 14
5.4 Shut down periods 16
5.5 Sequence of operation and basic wiring 17
5.6 Operating the W-FM10 19

6 Fault conditions and procedures for rectification 20

7 Servicing 24
7.1 Safety notes on servicing 24
7.2 Servicing plan 24
7.3 Removing and refitting nozzle 25
7.4 Setting the ignition electrodes 25
7.5 Setting the mixing head 26
7.6 Removing and refitting nozzle assembly 27
7.7 Removing and refitting housing 27
7.8 Service position 28
7.9 Removing and refitting oil pump, fan motor,
and fan wheel 28
7.10 Cleaning air housing and air damper 29
7.11 Removing and refitting air damper angle drive 29
7.12 Removing and refitting oil pump filter 30
7.12 Replacing internal fuse (W-FM10) 30

8 Technical data 31
8.1 Burner equipment 31
8.2 Capacity graphs 31
8.3 Permissible fuels 31
8.4 Electrical data 31
8.5 Permissible ambient conditions 31
8.6 Dimensions 32
8.7 Weights 32

Combustion analysis 33
Notes 34

1 General information
These installation and operating instructions Hand-over and operating instructions
• are an integral part of the equipment and must be kept The contractor is responsible for passing the operating
permanently on site. instructions to the plant operator prior to hand-over. He
should also inform the plant operator that these
• are to be used by qualified personnel only. instructions should be kept with the heating appliance. The
address and telephone number of the nearest service
• contain the relevant information for the safe assembly, centre should be entered on the reverse of the operating
commissioning and servicing of the equipment instructions. The plant operator must note that an agent of
the contractor or other suitably qualified person must
• are for the attention of all personnel working with the inspect the plant at least once a year. To ensure regular
equipment. inspections, -weishaupt- recommends a service contract.

Explanation of notes and symbols The contractor should instruct the plant operator in the use
This symbol is used to mark instructions, of the equipment prior to hand-over and inform him as and
which, if not followed, could result in death or when necessary of any further inspections that are
serious injury. required before the plant can be used.

DANGER Guarantee and liability

Weishaupt will not accept liability or meet any guarantee
claims for personal injury or damage to property arising as
This symbol is used to mark instructions, a result of one or more of the causes below:
which, if not followed, could result in life
threatening electric shock. • Failure to use the equipment as intended
• Improper assembly, commissioning, operating or
DANGER servicing of the equipment.
• Operating the appliance with defective safety
equipment, or with non-recommended or non-
This symbol is used to mark instructions, functioning safety and protection devices
which, if not followed, could result in damage • Failure to follow the information in the Installation and
to, or the destruction of the equipment and Operating Instructions
environmental damage. • Alterations made to the construction of the equipment
ATTENTION by the plant operator
• Fitting additional components not tested or approved
for use with the equipment.
• Alterations made to the equipment by the plant
☞ This symbol is used to mark procedures, operator (e.g. motor ratio - rating and speed)
which you should follow. • Alterations made to the combustion chamber, which
hinders constructive, predetermined flame formation
1. Procedures with more than one step are • Inadequate monitoring of parts liable to wear and tear
2. numbered. • Improperly executed repairs
3. • Acts of God
• Damage caused by continued use despite the
❑ This symbol is used when you are required to occurrence of a fault
carry out a test. • Use of incorrect fuel
• Obstruction or damage of the supply lines
• This symbol is used to list points. • Use of non-original -weishaupt- spare parts

Tab. Table
Ch. Chapter

2 Safety information
Dangers when using the equipment Electrical safety
Weishaupt products are manufactured in accordance with • Work on the electrical supply should be carried out by
the relevant existing standards and guidelines and the a qualified electrician.
recognised safety laws. However, improper use of the • Electrical components should be checked during
equipment could endanger life of the user or a third party, servicing. Loose connections and heat damaged
or result in damage to the plant. cables should be dealt with immediately.
• Should it be necessary to carry out work on live parts, a
To avoid unnecessary danger, the equipment is only to be second person should be present to switch off the
used: mains supply in an emergency.
• for its intended purpose
• under ideal safety conditions Maintenance and fault rectification
• with reference to all the information in the installation • Necessary installation, service and inspection work
and operating instructions should be carried out at the specified time.
• in accordance with inspection and service work • Inform the operator before beginning any service work.
• For all service, inspection and repair work, electrically
Faults, which could affect the safe operation of the burner, isolate the equipment and ensure the mains switch
should be rectified immediately. cannot be accidentally switched back on. Cut off the
fuel supply.
Personnel training • If, during servicing or testing, control seal joints have to
Only competent personnel may work on the appliance. be opened, these have to be thoroughly cleaned to
Competent personnel according to this operating manual ensure tight sealing when re-assembling.
are persons who are familiar with the installation, Damaged seals must be replaced. Carry out a
mounting, setting and commissioning of the product and soundness test!
have the necessary qualifications such as:- • Flame monitoring devices, limit controls, correcting
• Training, instruction or authorisation to switch electrical elements and all other safety devices must be
circuits and electrical devices on and off, to earth them commissioned by, and may only be replaced by, the
and to mark them in accordance with the safety manufacturer or an authorised agent.
standards. • Screwed connections, which have been loosened,
must be re-tightened without cross-threading.
Organisational measures • Following service work, all safety devices should be
• Everyone working on the plant should wear the tested to ensure they are functioning correctly.
necessary protective clothing.
• All safety devices should be checked regularly. Alterations to the construction of the equipment
• No alterations to the equipment are to be made without
Informal safety measures the approval of the manufacturer.
• In addition to the installation and operating instructions, All conversions require written confirmation from Max
local codes of practice should also be adhered to. Weishaupt GmbH.
Special attention should be paid to the relevant • Any parts not in perfect working order should be
installation and safety guidelines given. replaced immediately.
• All safety and danger notices should be kept in a • No additional components may be fitted, which have
legible condition. not been tested for use with the equipment
• Use only -weishaupt- replacement and connection
Safety measures in normal operation parts. Parts from other manufacturers are not
• Only use the equipment when all the safety devices are guaranteed to be suitable to meet the necessary
fully functional. operational and safety requirements.
• At least once a year the equipment, including the safety
devices, should be checked for signs of visible damage Alterations to the combustion chamber
and to ensure that the safety devices are operating • No alterations are to be made to the combustion
correctly. chamber, which hinder constructive predetermined
• More frequent safety check may be required depending flame formation.
on plant conditions.
Cleaning of the equipment and waste disposal
• All materials used should be handled and disposed of
correctly, with due regard to the environment.

3 Technical description
3.1 Permissible applications
The Weishaupt oil burner WL10 is suitable for: Type designation:
• heat exchangers complying with EN303-2 or
DIN4702-1 Typ
• for warm water installations with intermittent or W L 10 /2 -C, vers. Z
continuous run (combustion manager switches off
once in 24hrs.) Two stage
• air heaters
Construction type
Any other use is only permissible with the written
agreement of Max Weishaupt GmbH. Ratings range
• The burner must only be operated with oil to DIN
51603-EL-1, fuel oil EL to ÖNORM-C1109 or stan- Size
dard fuel oil, Euro quality to SN 181 160-2 or prefer-
ably Öko fuel oil, CH quality to SN 181 1602 L = Fuel oil EL
• Permissible ambient conditions see Ch. 8.5
• The burner must not be used outside. It is only suited to Weishaupt burner type W
inside operation.
• The burner must not be used outside of its capacity
range (see capacity graphs, Ch. 8.2). Note: The burner in its delivered condition is not
• To ensure low emission combustion heat exchangers of factory pre-set, and requires to be
the three pass principle and combustion chamber commissioned.
dimensions to EN 267 are recommended.

3.2 Basic function
Burner type Function schematic
• Fully automatic oil atomising burner with fan
• Two stage operation
➀ ➃
Digital combustion manager
Main points: ➁
• Safety via internal fuse
• Control and monitoring of all burner functions ➂
• Safety via two microprocessors (reciprocal monitoring)
• Data bus connection (eBUS)
• Signal lamp to show operational status (see also
Ch. 6):
Green Burner operating
Flashing green Burner operating with weak
flame signal
Orange Burner start, internal test WL10/2-C, vers. Z:
Flashing orange Ignition phase ➀ Normally closed solenoid valve
Red Burner lockout ➁ Normally open solenoid valve (full load)
Flashing orange / red Low voltage or internal safety ➂ Oil pump with two integral solenoid valve
fault ➃ Nozzle assembly with one nozzle
Flashing green / red Extraneous light
2 x flashing red / Over-voltage
orange, short pause
Flickering red Optical data transfer
(not used)

Electric servomotor
Setting of the individual operating points is carried out by
the limit and auxiliary switches on the servomotor (Ch. 5.3)

Flame sensor
Monitors the flame signal at each operating phase. If the
flame signal does not concur with the sequence of
operation, a safety shutdown is initiated.

Nozzle assembly
• The total oil throughput required is provided by a single
• The diffuser is set as required with the setting screw.

Sequence of operations
Demand for heat from the appliance’s controller:
• Fan start - pre-purge of the combustion chamber
• Ignition on
• Servomotor drives to partial load
• Solenoid valve stage 1 opens after prepurge - fuel
• Flame formation
• Depending on the heat required, the servomotor drives
to full load following a waiting time of approx. 5
seconds, opens the air damper and releases solenoid
valve 2.
• After 24 hrs. of continuous operation a controlled
shutdown is carried out.

Controlled shut down:

Solenoid valve closes
• Post-purge of the combustion chamber
• Burner switches off - Standby

Oil pump AT2 45C Oil Pump AT2 45C
• Pump for distillate oil EL
• Two ratings ranges
• Two integral pressure regulating valves
• One normally closed solenoid valve ➄ (stage 1); and
one normally open solenoid valve ➇ (stage 2)
• Bypass plug for conversion from two pipe to single ➇ ➄
pipe system

Technical data AT2 45C: ➃

Pump pressure range _____________________8 to 25 bar
Supply rating ________________________________50 l/h ➅ ➂
Factory setting ______1st stage 10 bar, 2nd stage 22 bar

Setting the atomising pressure +

Pressure regulating screw ➅ for stage 1: 8 to 15 bar

Pressure regulating screw ➆ for stage 2: 12 to 25 bar
Clockwise rotation = pressure increases +

Anticlockwise rotation = pressure decreases ➈

Priming the pump
The pump primes itself automatically on two-pipe
installations. On one-pipe installations it is only possible to ➀ ➁
prime the pump via the nozzle line or pressure test
connection ➄, when the solenoid valve ➃ is open.
➀ Return connection ➅ Pressure regulating
Oil hoses ➁ Suction connection valve partial load
Technical data: ➂ Nozzle supply ➆ Vacuum gauge con-
Pressure class A, DIN 4798-1 ➃ Pressure gauge con- nection G 1/8”
DN ____________________________________________ 4 nection G 1/8” ➇ Solenoid valve stage 2
Length ______________________________________ 1200 ➄ Solenoid valve stage 1 (normally open)
Pump side connection* ______________________ G 1/8” (normally closed) ➈ Pressure regulating
Installation side connection nipple ______________ G 3/8” screw full load
Nominal pressure____________________________ 10 bar
Test pressure ______________________________ 15 bar
Operating temperature ______________________ 70° C

* Fitting 6x1 with M10x1 union nut

Converting pump (AT2 45C)

Two pipe system One pipe system

(standard supply)


Closing plug
4 Installation
4.1 Safety notes on installation
Electrically isolate the plant
Prior to installation switch off the mains switch
and the safety switch.

Failure to comply could cause death or

DANGER serious injury by electric shock.

4.2 Delivery, transportation and storage

Check delivery Storage
Check the delivery to see that it is complete and that there Be aware of the permissible ambient conditions when
has been no damage in transit. If the delivery is incomplete storing (see Ch. 8.5).
or damaged, contact the deliverer.

For the burner weight see Ch. 8.7.

4.3 Preparation for assembly

Check burner plate Space requirement
❏ The burner rating must be within the operating range of For burner dimensions see Ch. 8.6.
the heating appliance. The ratings given on the burner
plate are the minimum and maximum possible firing
rates of the burner.
See capacity graphs Ch 8.2.

4.4 Oil supply

The operational safety of oil-fired plant is only guaranteed
when the installation of the oil supply is carried out
carefully. The plant must comply with DIN 4755 as well as
all local regulations.

• Do not use cathode protection systems with steel • Max. flow pressure to the pump: < 2.0 bar
tanks • Max. suction vacuum at the pump: < 0.4 bar
• Select pipes of correct nominal bore
• Joints must be oil tight A suction vacuum > 0.4 bar can damage the
• Avoid sharp bends pump
• Influence of the length of the suction line
• Pressure loss at the filter
• Difference in height (H) between lowest oil level in the
tank and the oil pump, max 3.5 m
• Avoid placing oil tanks outdoors and in areas subject to • The oil supply line must be fitted close to the burner so
frost. that the oil hoses can be connected tension free.
With oil temperatures < 0°C, the separation of paraffin • Install oil filter before the pump. (Recommended mesh
can cause oil lines, filters and nozzles to become size: 70 µm).
blocked with wax. • After the oil lines have been installed; carry out a
pressure test (see DIN 4755).
The burner must not be connected during the test!

Where the oil tank installation is at a higher elevation Basic diagram of oil supply (typical only)
than the burner, please note:
Some local Codes of Practise may stipulate a shut off ➁ ➁

valve to stop the gravity flow of oil into the supply line

4,6 m

4,6 m
max. 20 m
max. 20 m
max. 4·6

max. 4·6
during burner shut down.

-weishaupt- recommend the use of a solenoid valve ➁ in

+H ➀ +H ➀
the supply line. The solenoid valve must be slow closing
so as to relieve any oil pressure back to the oil tank.
Control of the solenoid valve see Ch. 5.5

3,5 m
3,5 m

max. 3·5
max. 3·5
Ring main operation –H
When operating several burners, or with larger distances, -
weishaupt- recommends the oil is supplied via a pumped ➂ ➂
ring main. For installation and operational drawings see
technical worksheets.
One pipe system Two pipe system
Oil supply pump
If the permissible suction vacuum is exceeded, an oil ➀ Oil pump on burner
supply pump must be used. Note: ➁ Solenoid valve (slow closing)
• Maximum supply pressure of 2 bar to the oil pump on or shut off valve to stop siphonic flow
the burner. ➂ Oil tank
• Operation of the oil supply pump is generally in
conjunction with the heat demand of the burner.

Pipeline lengths dependent on:

• Elevation difference (H) between pump and tank
• Oil throughput / pump type
• Pipe line diameter (DN)
The pressure losses of additional fittings are not included
in the following selection table showing pipeline diameters.

One pipe system

Oil throughput DN H [m]
[kg/h] [mm] 4·0 3·5 3·0 2·5 2·0 1·5 1·0 0·5 0 -0·5 -1·0 -1·5 -2·0 -2·5 - 3·0 -3·5

Up to 2·5 4 93 90 87 83 77 72 66 60 55 49 43 38 32 26 21 14
6 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 94 85
8 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

2·5 to 6·3 4 44 41 39 36 34 31 29 26 24 21 19 16 13 11 8 6
6 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 93 84 71 59 33 20
8 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Two pipe system

Pump DN H [m]
[mm] 4·0 3·5 3·0 2·5 2·0 1·5 1·0 0·5 0 -0·5 -1·0 -1·5 -2·0 -2·5 -3·0 -3 ·5

AT2 45 C 6 26 24 23 22 20 19 18 16 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 –
8 88 77 73 68 64 60 55 51 47 42 38 32 27 21 15 9
10 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 93 82 67 53 38 24

4.5 Burner installation

Prepare heating appliance Refractory and drilling dimensions

The diagram shows the refractory for a heating appliance
without a cooled front. The refractory can be flat faced, or Refractory d4
take a conical shape (≥ 60°). Refractory may not be d2
required on boilers with water-cooled fronts, unless the
Flange gasket
manufacturer gives other instructions. The refractory must
not project beyond the end of the combustion head. 45°
d1 d5
Combustion Dimensions in mm
Fill the air gap with
head d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 I1 resilient refractory
insulation material
W10/2-C 99 M8 150 110 120 132 (do not make solid) I1 d3

Installation steps ➀ to ➅


Note when installing the nozzle and diffuser: Danger of getting burned
• Nozzle selection, see Ch. 4.7 Some burner parts (e.g. flame tube, burner
• Distance between nozzle and diffuser, see Ch. 7.5 flange, etc.) become hot during burner
• Setting the ignition electrodes, see Ch. 7.4 operation and should be allowed to cool
DANGER prior to service work being carried out.
Note Change the nozzle as described in Ch. 7.3.
Installation of burner rotated through 180°
The burner can also be mounted turned through 180°. In
Connecting the oil hoses doing so the oil line must be changed (oil line available as
If the oil hoses are connected incorrectly, the an accessory).
oil pump can run dry and thus become ☞ Turn the oil pump through 180° and fit new oil line
damaged. (accessory)
ATTENTION Note the directional supply and return arrow ☞ Turn the nozzle head and diffuser so that the ignition
indications on the oil pump and filter when electrodes are uppermost.
connecting the hoses.
Ensure the hoses are not kinked and are
tension free.

4.6 Electrical connection
☞ Check polarity of the connection plugs. Electrical connection
Wiring diagram see Ch. 5.5.

☞ Connection to the mains supply should be carried out

to the wiring diagram relevant for the type of unit.

Notes for Austria

Electrical isolation with a minimum of 3 mm contact gap,
acting on all poles, must be fitted adjacent to the burner.
Possibilities are:
• Switch (without micro-contacts) with required
separation characteristics
• Circuit breaker
• Contactor
• Screw in type fuse with clearly recognisable

4.7 Nozzle selection

The ratings division (partial and full load-stages 1&2) of the Oil throughput changes at pressures of 10 to 24 bar
burner are carried out via pressure changeover on the Nozzle Partial load
pump. size 10 bar 12 bar 14 bar
Recommended Partial load: 10…12…14 bar (USgph)* kW kg/h kW kg/h kW kg/h
pump pressure Full load: 20…22…24 bar
0·65 – – – – 34·5 2·9
0·75 – – 36·9 3·1 40·5 3·4
The load is divided according to site conditions. Usually 0·85 38·1 3·2 41·7 3·5 45·2 3·8
stage 1 supplies approx. 65% of the maximum oil 1·00 45·2 3·8 50·0 4·2 53·6 4·5
throughput. 1·10 50·0 4·2 54·7 4·6 – –

Full load
Nozzle Characteristic Firing rate 18 bar 20 bar 22 bar 24 bar
make kW kg/h kW kg/h kW kg/h kW kg/h

Fluidics, 45° S, 45°H 35 - 70 kW 0·65 – – 41·7 3·5 44·0 3·7 46·4 3·9
0·75 45·2 3·8 47·6 4·0 50·0 4·2 52·4 4·4
0·85 51·2 4·3 54·7 4·6 57·1 4·8 59·5 5·0
Danfoss, Steinen 60° S, 60°H 35 - 70 kW 1·00 60·7 5·1 64·3 5·4 66·6 5·6 69·0 5·8
1·10 66·6 5·6 70·2 5·9 – – – –

Conversion of the firing rate in [kW] to the oil The table is based on information supplied by the nozzle
throughput in [kg/h]: manufacturers.
Oil throughput [kg/h] = firing rate [kW] / 11·9 *referenced to 7 bar

For nozzle size 1·00 the use of Fluidics or Danfoss

nozzles is recommended.

Example of nozzle selection for WL10/2-C, vers. Z

Required firing rate QF = 57 kW

Full load: 57 kW
Partial load (65%): 57 kW x 0·65 = 37 kW

The nozzle selection to table Oil throughput is achieved

with reference to the recommended pump pressures:

Full load: 22 bar / 57·1 kW➂

Nozzle size 0·85 gph
Partial load: 10 bar / 38·1 kW➃
Values for air damper setting (Ch. 5.3)

Values for diffuser setting (Ch. 5.3)

5 Commissioning and operation
5.1 Safety notes on initial commissioning
The initial commissioning must only be carried out by the Furthermore the correct fusing of the circuits and the
supplier, manufacturer or their appointed agent. At this measures for contact protection of electrical equipment
time, all the control and safety equipment must be and of all wiring must be checked.
checked to ensure correct operation and, if it can be
adjusted, it should be checked that it has been set

5.2 Preparations for initial commissioning

Venting the suction line Connect instruments
The suction line must be fully filled with oil and
vented prior to the initial commissioning. Oth-
erwise, the pump can become seized as a re- Refit closing plug
sult of running dry. once measurement
☞ Vent by hand using a suction pump. has been taken.

Connect ➀ manometer
For measuring the fan pressure into the mixing head whilst
the burner is being adjusted.

Connect ammeter ➁
To measure sensor current during setting (use test adaptor
No. 13; order No. 240 050 12 04/2).
Response limit for extraneous light: _____________ <15µA ➀
Response limit for operation: __________________ >30µA
Recommended sensor current range: _______ 40 - 100µA ➁
Max. achievable sensor current: _____________ ca. 120µA

Connect a pressure gauge to the oil pump

1. Connect pressure gauge (see Ch. 3.2).
2. Connect vacuum gauge (see Ch. 3.2).
Pressure gauge on the oil pump (for commissioning)

Checklist for initial commissioning

❏ The heating appliance must be assembled ready for ❏ Thermostat, pressure switch and other safety devices
operation. must be in operating position.
❏ The operating instructions of the heat exchanger must ❏ There must be a heat demand.
be followed. ❏ Fuel lines must be purged of air.
❏ The whole plant must be wired correctly. ❑ The correct nozzle must be selected and fitted
❏ The heating appliance and the heating system must correctly (see Ch. 4.7)
be sufficiently filled with heating medium. ❑ The distance between the diffuser and nozzle must be
❏ Flues must be free from obstructions. set correctly (see Ch. 7.5).
❏ The ventilators on air heaters must work correctly. ❑ Ignition electrodes must be set correctly (see Ch.
❏ Sufficient fresh air must be available. 7.4).
❏ The required test points for combustion analysis must
be available. Note Dependent on site requirements, further
❏ Ensure soundness of the heat exchanger and the flue checks may be necessary. Note the
gas section up to the test point to avoid extraneous air instructions for the individual items of plant
from falsifying the test results. equipment.
❏ Water level controls must be set correctly.

5.3 Commissioning and setting

Initial setting values for diffuser and air damper Generally, CO2 values between 12.0% and 13.0% are
The burner can be preset for first commissioning using the achievable at the presetting stage. Presetting does not
scale values for setting the diffuser and the air damper. replace the necessary flue gas measurements and
The setting values are based on maximum combustion combustion optimisation.
chamber resistances in accordance with EN 303. The
settings need to be adjusted to suit the actual combustion Note Combustion heat rating is dependent on
chamber resistance in order to optimise combustion. nozzles used (see Ch. 4.7)!

Setting the diffuser Setting the diffuser

The diffuser is set depending on the full load selected and
it is also valid for partial load.
Turn setting screw until scale shows the preset value at
indicating bolt.
Indicating bolt
Note When diffuser setting is 0 the setting scale is
flush with the housing (ie. scale is not visible).
Setting screw

Example diffuser setting WL10C/2-C, vers. Z Basic diffuser setting values

Firing rate (QF) at 22 bar 11

Diffuser setting X [mm]

full load pump pressure: 57·1 kW

This results in a diffuser setting of : 7·6 8
kW 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75

kg/h 3 3·5
3,5 4 4·5
4,5 5 5·5
5,5 6
Combustion heat rating

Full load (ST2) pre-setting: Set air damper
Determine air damper setting using the full load curve in
the diagram and set full load limit switch (ST2) accordingly.

Partial load (ST1) pre-setting

Determine air damper setting using the partial load curve
in the diagram and set partial load auxiliary switch (ST1)

MV2-Oil ST1 ST2 ST0


Pre-set switch point for the full load solenoid valve


Set the switch point to approx. 1/3 of the setting
movement between ST1 and ST2.

Set servomotor

30 0°

0 30
60 30 33°

0 30
60 30 18° ST0 Limit switch closed
ST2 Limit switch full load
0 30 ST1 Auxiliary switch partial load
MV2 Auxiliary switch full load solenoid valve
60 30 23°

0 30

Example air damper setting WL10/2-C, vers. Z Basic setting values air damper
Firing rate (QF)
Full load pump pressure (22 bar): 57·1 kW 45
Partial load pump pressure (10bar): 38·1 kW
Air damper setting [°]

ll loa
This results in an air damper setting 35
for full load (ST2) of: 33°
for partial load (ST1) of: 18° 30

Switch point for the full load solenoid valve (MV2) 25 ad

tial lo
33° (ST2) - 18° (ST1)
20 Pa
= 5° 15
3 kW 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
+ air damper setting partial load (ST1) 18°
kg/h 3 3·5
3,5 4 4·5
4,5 5 5·5
5,5 6
= switch point (MV2) 23° Firing rate

Guide values for fan pressure into the mixing head Pressure guide values into the mixing head
For the first commissioning the burner is set as per the
setting values given in the diagrams, the given guide 5·5
values for the fan pressure into the mixing head will result, Full load
depending on the combustion chamber resistance of the 5·0

Pressure [mbar]

Danger of explosion!
CO build-up due to incorrect setting of the 3·5
Partial load
burner. Check CO levels and carry out a
smoke number test.
DANGER When there is a CO increase or smoke, 2·5
optimise combustion. CO should not exceed kW 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
50 ppm. Smoke number < 1.
kg/h 3 3,5
3·5 4 4,5
4·5 5 5,5
5·5 6

Combustion heat rating

Danger of getting burned
Some burner parts (e.g. flame tube, burner
flange, etc.) become hot during burner
operation and should be allowed to cool prior
DANGER to service work being carried out.

Commissioning Optimising combustion

❏ The air damper and diffuser must be preset in • Increase air pressure and mixing rate:
accordance with the required combustion heat rating. ☞ Turn the diffuser setting screw to the left (-)
❏ There must be a demand for heat from the appliance. Diffuser to head gap is decreased.
☞ As the excess air is reduced, increase the air
Note: If during commissioning, a re-adjustment to damper opening angle.
the air damper is required to a lower position,
the specific setting point has to be reset, i.e.
the new air damper setting for full load must Possibilities for improving stability
be carried out with the burner in partial load, • Reduce mixing pressure at the diffuser:
and then driven up to the new setting point. ☞ Turn the diffuser setting screw to the right (+).
Diffuser gap is increased.
Procedure ☞ As the excess air is increased, decrease the air
1. Unplug 4 pole connection plug and replace with plug damper opening angle.
switch (order No. 130 103 1501/2). • Fit the next smaller size of nozzle and increase the
pump pressure.
2. Establish a power supply to the burner. • Change nozzle manufacture.
Mains and safety switch ON.
Burner starts according to its sequence of operation Note After every alteration, recheck the combustion
(see Ch. 5.5). figures and adjust settings as necessary (see
3. Pre-set pump pressure for partial load during prepurge
with the pressure regulating screw (see Ch. 3.2).
Final tasks
4. Start full load via switch plug and set pump pressure Pressure measuring devices such as
for full load with pressure regulating screw. Carry out manometers and gauges can be damaged by
combustion test (see appendix), and, whilst observing continuous use, causing an uncontrolled oil
the pump pressure, optimise combustion by adjusting leak.
the air damper setting (ST2) or the diffuser setting. DANGER
After setting the burner, remove pressure-
5. Start partial load, check preset pump pressure and measuring equipment. Close connection
adjust if necessary. points.
Carry out combustion test and optimise combustion
with the air damper setting (ST1) observing the fan ☞ Measure and record monitoring current
pressure. ☞ Record flue gas measurements on the commissioning
If the diffuser setting has to be adjusted, steps 4 and 5 sheet.
will have to be repeated. ☞ Visually check the installation for soundness, and oil
lines for leaks.
☞ Mount burner cover on burner.
☞ Advise operator on use of the equipment.

5.4 Shutdown periods

For short breaks in operation During longer shutdown periods
(e.g. flue cleaning etc.) ☞ Isolate the burner from the power supply.
☞ Isolate the burner from the power supply. ☞ Close all fuel cut-off devices.

5.5 Sequence of operations and wiring diagrams
Sequence of operations diagram

Boiler control Open partial load Demand partial Post purge

ON solenoid valve load
Pre-purge/pre- Partial load Full load solenoid
ignition operation valve CLOSED
Air damper on
End of waiting Demand full load
partial load
Full load Full load
solenoid valve solenoid valve

Boiler control
Burner motor
Ignition unit
Flame signal

Partial load
Full load valve

Anti siphon
Servomotor ST2



Switch times
Start waiting time (test) TW 3·5 secs.
Pre-ignition time TVZ 10 secs.
Post ignition time TNZ 4 secs.
Safety time TS 5 secs.
Waiting time partial load TVK 5 secs.
Post purge time TN 2·5 secs.

Servomotor run time in operation

full scale movement 0° to 90° approx. 3 secs.

K3 K2

K3 K4 K5

Wiring diagram WL10/2-C, vers. Z

L PE N T1 T2 S3 B4 B5 T6 T7 T8


X6 X7


M1 M
P M ~

Y20 C1 T1 B1 Y11 Y12 Y14

Combustion managers Installations deviating from the

are safety devices. wiring diagram are not permitted

Do not open!
S1 H1 P1 H3 P2
16A A1 W-FM10 combustion manager with plug P2 Hours run meter full load (optional) X6 + X7
connectors S1 Main switch
B1 Flame sensor S2 Remote reset (optional)
230V 1/N/PE 50/60Hz
C1 Motor capacitor T1 Ignition unit
Earthing and neutral to 5
F1 External fusing (max. 16A slow) X3 Plug console
local regulations. F7 Internal fuse (max. 6·3A slow) X4 Printed circuit boards - direct plug 1
F2 Temperature / pressure limit controller (stepping motor) 4
F3 Temperature / pressure control X5 Printed circuit boards - direct plug 6
F4 Temperature / pressure control full load (Bus/S2) 11
H1 Fault lamp X6, X7 Burner connection plug 3
H2 Operation lamp Y11 Solenoid valve partial load 12
H3 Operating lamp full load Y12 Solenoid valve full load 13

M1 Burner motor Y14 Anti siphon valve / tank valve (optional)

P1 Hours run meter (optional) Y20 Air damper servomotor
5.6 Operating the W-FM 10

The illuminated push button integrated into the W-FM 10 Accidental operation of the push button for less than 1
has the following functions: second:
• Resetting at burner lockout. Code stops flashing, combustion manager remains in the
• Supplying an optical diagnostic code (see Ch. 6) off position.
• Optical data transfer (not used).

Depending on the existing conditions (burner operating or Press illuminated push button only lightly until
burner lockout) the illuminated push button has to be the switch point can be felt. Pressing the push
pressed 1 or 5 seconds to start the required function. button too hard can damage the combustion

Burner operation ➱ switch off Burner lockout ➱ reset

green orange green red orange green

~ 1 sec. ~ 1 sec.

On On Off On

Burner lockout ➱ diagnostic code ON Burner lockout ➱ diagnostic code OFF

red orange flashing red* flashing red* orange green

~ 5 sec. ~ 1 sec.

Off Off On

* Assignment diagnostic codes see Ch. 6

6 Fault conditions and procedures for rectification
The burner is found either out of operation, in lockout To avoid damage to the plant, do not reset the
(signal lamp shows red) or burner operation is hindered burner more than twice. If the burner locks out
(signal lamp flashes orange/red or green/red). for a third time call for a service engineer.

If faults occur, check first that the basic requirements for ATTENTION
operation are met.
Fault conditions should be rectified only by
❏ Is there a supply of electricity? qualified and experienced personnel.
❏ Is there any fuel oil in the tank?
❏ Are all controllers for room and boiler temperature,
water level interlocks, limit switches etc. set correctly? DANGER

If it has been established that the lockout is not due to any Reset: with diagnostic code output (see Ch. 5.6):
of the above, all the burner functions must be checked. From onset of lockout wait for error analysis
time of approx. 5 seconds, then press reset
button until the signal lamp switches to orange
(approx. 5 seconds), determine flashing code,
then press reset-button for a further second to

without diagnostic code output:

Press reset button until the red light goes out
(approx. 1 second).

Condition Cause Rectification

Combustion manager W-FM10

Interpreting lamp signals
Off No heat request or no voltage supply

Red Lockout
Diagnostic codes to limit probable
causes: (press reset-button
approx. 5 seconds)
2 x flashes no flame at end of safety time
3 x flashes bridging plug X3:12 missing
4 x flashes flame simulation/ extraneous light
6 x flashes servomotor error

4 flame failure during

one operation phase:
7 x flashes flame failure at partial load
9 x flashes flame failure at full load

10 x flashes no specific error code

by pressing reset (approx. 1 sec.)
the flashing code list in the internal
memory is deleted

Flashing red/green Extraneous light Find cause and rectify

(lockout after 24 secs.)

Flashes 3 x red/orange Over-voltage Check external voltage supply

then short pause

Flashes orange/red Low voltage or Internal F7 fuse Check external voltage

has blown Replace fuse (Ch. 7.13)

Flashing green Burner operation with low flame signal Check burner setting or flame sensor
Limit values:
Short circuit recognition in sensor circuit: <2 kΩ corresponds to >110µA
Response limit for extraneous light: <15µA
Response limit for operation: >30µA
Recommended monitoring current range: 40 bis 100µA
Max. attainable sensor current: approx. 120µA

Flashing red Optical data transfer activated (not used) Press reset button > 5 secs.
combustion manager changes to
diagnostic code or operating mode
Condition Cause Rectification
Flame sensor
Does not respond to flame Flame sensor defective Replace flame sensor

Does not run Capacitor defective Replace capacitor

Oil pump seized Replace oil pump

Motor defective Replace motor

Signal lamp flashes orange / red Internal fuse F7 has tripped (Ch. 7.13) Replace internal fuse (6·3A slow)
Check burner components
Replace damaged parts as

No ignition Ignition electrodes short Adjust ignition electrodes
circuited or gap too large

Ignition electrodes dirty and damp Clean ignition electrodes

Insulation cracked Replace ignition electrodes

Ignition cable charred Replace ignition cable, find

cause and rectify

Ignition unit defective Replace ignition unit

Oil pump
Does not supply oil Shut off valve closed Open shut off valve

Suction valve leaking Clean / replace suction valve

Oil line leaking Tighten connections

Pre-filter blocked Clean pre-filter

Anti siphon valve does not open Check valve, if necessary replace

Pump filter fouled Clean pump filter

Filter leaking Replace filter

Oil pump defective Replace oil pump

Loud mechanical noise Oil pump drawing air Tighten connections

Vacuum in oil line is too high Clean filter. Fully open shut off valve
in front of the burner (linked ball

Oil leaks out as burner motor starts Oil pump solenoid valve is not tight Replace oil pump

Irregular atomisation Aperture partially blocked Replace nozzle

Nozzle filter heavily fouled Replace nozzle

Worn through extended use Replace nozzle

No oil throughput Nozzle blocked Replace nozzle

Condition Cause Rectification
Combustion head
Heavy soot deposits Defective nozzle Replace nozzle

Burner incorrectly set Correct settings

Amount of combustion air changed Reset burner

Boiler room insufficiently ventilated Ensure sufficient boiler room

ventilation as per local regulations

heavily soiled Burner incorrectly set Correct settings of mixing head
(CH. 7.5) and check burner setting

Wrong nozzle Chose different nozzle, if stability

allows use 45° nozzle

Pump pressure too high Select next larger nozzle size and
adjust pump pressure

Voltage supply
Signal lamp flashes orange / red Voltage supply low voltage < 170 V Check external supply voltage

Internal fuse F7 has tripped Replace fuse (6·3A slow)

(see Ch. 7.13)

Signal lamp flashes 3 x red/orange Voltage supply has excess Check external voltage supply
then short pause voltage > 260 V

Signal lamp remains off at No voltage available Check voltage supply

heat request from boiler control
Combustion manager defective Replace combustion manager

Solenoid valve
Solenoid valve does not open Coil defective Replace coil

Signal lamp flashes red/green Extraneous light Find source of light and eliminate

Solenoid valve does not close Foreign particles on valve seat Replace oil pump
tightly or in the protective filter

Servomotor does not run Plug connection incorrect Check plug connection

Servomotor defective Replace servomotor (CH. 7.11)

Servomotor starts briefly, Setting of limit switches incorrect Correct setting of limit switches,
then goes to lockout closed, partial load and switch point
(ST0/ST1/MV2) must not be set
above full load (ST2).
Switch point (MV2) must not be set
below partial load (ST1).

Servomotor does not run to Servomotor defective Check servomotor, if necessary

the set limit switch value replace

Air damper or angle drive seized Check air damper and angle drive
and replace if necessary

General operation problems
Start up problems, burner does Incorrect setting of the ignition Correct setting (see Ch. 7.4)
not start, no flame formation electrodes
despite ignition and fuel supply
Diffuser too close to front Check setting
edge of flame tube If necessary adjust dimension
S1(see Ch. 7.5)

Signal lamp flashes green Sensor current too low (limit values see Check burner setting for instability
combustion manager W-FM10 - and pulsing flame
Interpreting light signals)

Burner / combustion pulsating Mixing head incorrectly set Check setting of mixing head,
strongly or booming diffuser too close to front increase dimension S1 as
edge of flame tube necessary (see Ch. 7.5)

Wrong nozzle If possible, select a nozzle with the

next smallest throughput and
increase the pump pressure. If
necessary change nozzle

Flame failure after Flame sensor dirty Clean flame sensor

safety time TS

Flame sensor defective Replace flame sensor

Note After adjusting the burner settings,

always carry out a combustion test.

7 Servicing
7.1 Safety notes on servicing
Failure to carry out maintenance and service Qualified personnel
work properly can have severe consequences, Only qualified and experienced personnel must carry out
including the loss of life. Pay close attention to maintenance and service work.
the following safety notes.
DANGER Prior to all maintenance and service work:
1. Electrically isolate the equipment
2. Close all fuel carrying shut off devices
Danger of getting burned! 3. Remove the 7-pole connection plug from the boiler
Some burner parts (e.g. flame tube, burner controller
flange, etc.) become hot during burner
operation and should be allowed to cool prior After all maintenance and service work:
DANGER to service work being carried out. 1. Function test.
2. Check flue gas losses as well as CO2 / O2 / CO
values, smoke No.
3. Complete a test sheet

Endangering operational safety

Maintenance work on the following parts may only be
carried out by the manufacturer or their appointed agent of
the individual components.
• Flame sensor
• Combustion manager
• Solenoid valve
• Servomotor

7.2 Servicing plan

Service interval Function test
The operator should ensure that combustion plant is • Operation of the burner with the sequence of
serviced at least operations (see Ch. 5.5)
- once a year - • Ignition equipment
by an agent of the supplier or other suitably qualified • Oil pressure switch (where fitted)
person. • Flame monitoring
• Pumping pressure and vacuum suction of the pump
Test and clean • Tightness of oil carrying components
• Fan wheel and air inlet (see Ch. 7.8 and 7.9)
• Ignition equipment (see Ch. 7.4 and 7.5)
• Combustion head and diffuser (see Ch. 7.5)
• Filter
• Oil pump filter
• Air damper (see Ch. 7.10)
• Flame sensor
• Nozzle filter / nozzle (see Ch. 7.3)
• Oil hoses

7.3 Removing and refitting nozzle
Removal Changing the nozzle WL10/2-C

1. Remove burner and place into service position

(see Ch. 4.5)

2. Remove ignition cables 

3. Remove screw 

4. Remove diffuser  from the nozzle assembly 

5. Remove nozzle
When changing the nozzle support the nozzle
assembly. Spanner size nozzle / nozzle assembly :
SW16 / SW 19

Refitting is carried out in reverse order.
Please note:
• The correct nozzle must be selected and fitted 
• The distance between nozzle and diffuser (see Ch. 7.5)
• The ignition electrode setting (see Ch. 7.4)

Note If nozzle is soiled:

• Do not clean nozzle
• Always use new nozzle

7.4 Ignition electrode setting

☞ Remove nozzle assembly (see Ch. 4.5) Ignition electrode setting WL10/2-C

Note The ignition electrodes must not touch the a c

nozzle’s oil atomisation spray cone!

Burner Dims in mm
type a b c

WL10/2-C, vers. Z 2·0…2·5 1·5…2·0 1·0…2·0


7.5 Mixing head setting

If the combustion head and the diffuser have heavy soot Setting the mixing head
deposits, or are very oily internally, the combustion head
settings must be checked. Dimension S1 (distance from
the diffuser to the front edge of the flame tube) can only be     
checked when the burner is mounted onto a hinged boiler
door. Otherwise, the nozzle assembly must be removed
(see Ch. 7.6) and dimension L checked instead.

Incorrect setting of the mixing head can lead

to soot and CO formation.


Basic setting
1. Adjust the indicating bolt ➅ by turning the setting
screw ➆ to scale setting 0 (dimension X = 0). The
indicating bolt ➅ must be level with the back plate.
2. Dimension S1 or L must be checked.

If dimensions differ:
1. Set dimension S1 or L by turning the setting screw ➆.
2. Remove the cap from the end of the indicating bolt ➅. a S1
3. With SW3 Allen key return the indicating bolt to the
zero position.
4. Refit the cap to the end of the indicating bolt.
Note Always carry out ratings related settings of
the diffuser with the setting screw. Never turn
the indicating bolt! L

Basic setting 
Burner Dims in mm
type L X S1 a 

WL10/2-C, vers. Z 276 ± 0·5 0 8·5 3·5

➀ Burner flange ➄ Combustion head

➁ Nozzle assembly ➅ Indicating bolt
➂ Nozzle ➆ Setting screw
➃ Diffuser ➇ Nozzle assembly cover

7.6 Removing and refitting nozzle assembly



7.7 Removing and refitting housing cover

7.8 Service position

7.9 Removing and refitting oil pump, fan motor and fan wheel

Screw accessible via

hole in fan wheel.

When fitting, the screw

should sit in the recess
of the motor shaft.

7.10 Cleaning the air regulator housing and air damper

7.11 Removing and refitting air damper angle gear

7.12 Removal and refitting oil pump filter

7.13 Replacing internal fuse (W-FM10)


8 Technical data
8.1 Burner equipment
Burner Combustion Motor Servomotor Fan wheel Ignition unit Flame Oil pump
type manager sensor

WL10/2-C; W-FM10 ECK 03/F-2 STD 4.5 146x40 W-ZG01 QRB1B AT2 45C
vers. Z 230V, 50Hz BO. 36/6-4NL
2870 r.p.m. 24V; 3·5W
0·13 kW; 0·95 A
Cap. 4 µF

8.2 Capacity Graphs

Burner type WL10/2-C, vers. Z Capacity graph to EN 267
All ratings data given relate to
Combustion head W10/2-C an air temperature of 20° C
Combustion rating 35 to 70 kW and an installation altitude of
2·9 to 5·9 kg/h 500 m.
Chamber pressure [mbar]

kW 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75

kg/h 3 3,5
3·5 4 4,5
4·5 5 5,5
5·5 6
Combustion heat rating

8.3 Permissible fuels

Fuel oil DIN 51603-1
Austria: Fuel oil EL to ÖNORM-C1109
Switzerland: Standard oil, Euro-quality or preferred
Öko fuel oil, CH-quality (SN 181 160-2)

8.4 Electrical data

Mains voltage _______________________________ 230 V
Mains frequency _____________________________ 50 Hz
Consumption- Start ________________________ 0·33 kW
- Operation _____________________0·2 kW
Current _____________________________________ 1·1 A
External fusing ___________________________ 16 A slow
Internal fusing W-FM10 ____________________6·3 A slow

8.5 Permissible ambient conditions

Temperature Humidity Requirements for
EMC Low voltage guideline

In operation: max. 80% rel. humidity Guideline 89/336/EC Guideline 72/23/EC

-15°C* to +40°C no dew-point EN 50081-1 EN 60335
Transport / storage: EN 50082-1
-20 to +70°C

* With the relevant suitable fuel oil and / or the relevant layout of oil hydraulics.

8.6 Dimensions
Burner Dims in mm
type l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 b1 b2 h1 h2 h3 d1 d2 d3 d4

WL10/2-C, vers. Z 140 345 27 476 398 51 330 165 353 270 165 99 M8 150- 170 110


d1 h3

h1 d2
Fixing dimensions
to EN 226


l2 l1 l4



8.7 Weight
WL10/2-C, vers. Z
Burner ______________________________approx. 14.0 kg

• Combustion analysis
• Notes

Combustion analysis
For safe, economic and environmentally friendly operation Determination of flue gas losses
of the plant, flue gas measurements are essential when The oxygen content of the undiluted flue gas and the
commissioning. difference between the flue gas and the combustion air
temperature must be determined. The oxygen content and
Example of a simplified calculation for determining the the flue gas temperature must be measured at the same
CO2 setting value time at one point. Instead of oxygen content, the carbon
dioxide content of the flue gas can also be measured. The
Given: CO2 max. = 15·4 % combustion air temperature is measured in the proximity of
the burner air intake.
At smoke limit measured (smoke number ≈1):
The flue gas losses are calculated when measuring the
CO2 meas. = 14·9 % oxygen content according to the equation:

CO2 max. 15·4 A2

Gives excess air : λ ≈ = = 1·03 qA = (tA - tL) • ( +B)
CO2 meas. 14·9 21 – O2

To provide for a safe amount of excess air, increase by: If the carbon dioxide content is measured instead of the
1·03 + 0·15 = 1·18 oxygen content, the calculation is carried out according to
the equation:
CO2 value to be set with excess air λ = 1·18 and
15·4 % CO2 max. : A1
qA = (tA - tL) • ( +B)
CO2 max. 15·4 CO2
CO2 ≈ = = 13·0 %
λ 1·18
The CO content must not be more than 50 ppm. qA = flue gas losses in %
tA = flue gas temperature in °C
Be aware of the flue gas temperature tL = combustion air temperature in °C
Flue gas temperature for full load is the result of the burner CO2 = % carbon dioxide content in dry flue gas
setting to the maximum required combustion heat input to O2 = % oxygen content in dry flue gas
the heat exchanger.

The flue gas installation should also be set out to protect Fuel oil
against damage through condensation (excluding acid-
proof chimneys). A1 = 0·50
A2 = 0·68
B = 0·007



Weishaupt products Max Weishaupt GmbH, D-88475 Schwendi
Tel. (0 73 53) 8 30, Fax (0 73 53) 8 33 58
Print No 83055602, April 2002

and service Printed in Germany. We reserve the right to

make changes. All rights reserved.

Weishaupt (U.K.) Ltd.

Neachells Lane, Willenhall
West Midlands, WV13 3RG
Tel. (01902) 60 98 41
Fax (01902) 63 33 43

Oil, gas and dual fuel burners types W and WG/WGL

up to 570 kW
They are used mainly in houses and small buildings.
Advantages: fully automatic, reliable operation, individual
components easily accessible, easy to service, quiet operation.

Oil, gas and dual fuel burners types Monarch

R, G, GL, RGL – up to 10.900 kW
These are used on all types and sizes of central heating
plant. The basic model which has proved successful over
many years is the basis for a variety of versions. These
burners have founded the outstanding reputation of
Weishaupt products.

Oil, gas and dual fuel burners types WK –

up to 17.500 kW
WK types are decidedly industrial burners.
Advantages: Built to the modular system, load dependent
variable combustion head, sliding two stage or modulating
operation, easy to service.

Weishaupt control panels, the proven complement to

Weishaupt burners
Weishaupt burners and Weishaupt control panels form
the ideal unit, a combination which has already proved
successful in hundreds of thousands of combustion
installations. The advantages: Cost saving during planning,
installation, servicing and guarantee work. The responsibility
belongs to one manufacturer.

Weishaupt Thermo Unit / Weishaupt Thermo Gas /

Weishaupt Thermo Condens
These Units combine the technical innovations and operating efficiencies
developed from over 1 million installations. Weishaupt Thermo Gas and
Weishaupt Thermo Unit provide the ideals of complete heating centres for
houses and appartments.

Product and service are the complete

Weishaupt achievement
An extensive service organisation guarantees Weishaupt
customers the greatest possible reliability. In addition
our customers are looked after by heating firms who have
been working with Weishaupt for many years.

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