Greta Thunberg
Greta Thunberg
Greta Thunberg
In 2015, Greta also made the decision to stop flying in aeroplanes because of the impact it has on
the environment. All the while, Greta shared her findings with her family and they agreed to follow
suit; Greta’s mother, Malena, also decided to cease all air travel – ending her international career.
When Greta saw that her family had all made small changes too, this gave her hope and belief that
she could spread the word further and have a greater impact on the planet.
In 2018, when Greta was 15 years old, Sweden experienced the hottest summer since records
began 262 year before. Greta’s home country was struck by heat waves and wildfires to a
magnitude that she had never known. She knew then that she needed to act.
At the start of the new school year, Greta decided to strike and she vowed not to attend school for
three weeks. Instead, Greta began to protest by sitting outside the Swedish government building,
handing out leaflets about what Greta termed ‘the climate crisis’.
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