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Irregular Attendance of University Students at Class and its Relation to their

Academic Achievement

Article  in  Tribhuvan University Journal · June 2019

DOI: 10.3126/tuj.v33i1.28687


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1 author:

Shanti Prasad Khanal

Tribhuvan University


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Tribhuvan University UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, VOL. 33, NO. 1, JUNE, 2019 115
Vol. 33, No. 1: 115-128, June, 2019
Centre for Research, Tribhuvan University,
Kathmandu, Nepal


Shanti Prasad Khanal1
The paper intends to examine the irregular attendance of students
in their class and its relation to their academic achievement in five central
campuses of Mid- Western University. This study followed descriptive study
based on quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data were obtained from
172 students selected by non-proportional stratified sampling. Qualitative data
were obtained from the campus chiefs, heads of instruction committees and
teachers of the central campuses selected purposively. A mixed questionnaire
was employed for quantitative data and open ended questionnaire was used
to collect qualitative data. The study showed that near about half portion
of respondents responded that they were sometimes irregular in their class.
Few students (4.45%) who were never irregular belonged to the category
of having knowledge of irregular attendance. Higher portion (29.57%) of
the male students were always irregular than the female students. The high
portion of Master's level students were always irregular than the Bachelor's
level students. Chhetri students were always irregular than other castes. The
higher percentage (23.07%) of 20 to 25 years’ age group students were always
irregular than other age groups. The percentage of irregular students seemed
higher in central campus of Humanities and Social Science, Education and
Management. Majority of the participants pointed out that the University related
factors are main reasons for their irregular attendance. The study showed that
there is a positive significant relationship between class attendance of students
and their academic achievement.
Keywords: Irregular Attendance, Frequency, Reasons, Academic

1 Mr. Khanal is a Lecturer, Surkhet Campus (Education), Surkhet, T.U.



Regular attendance is one of the primary reasons for students’
success in education. Attendance at class is not merely being bodily present
but including actual participation in the work and activities of the class
(Fagbenle & Elegbeleye 2014). It is defined as an absence for an entire
college day, a major portion of the class day, or the major portion of any class,
study hall for which the student is scheduled (Belvin 2009). It jeopardizes
chances of achieving their educational goals. Its consequences often lead to
increased costs (Iheanyi & Ikechi 2012). It is the act of deliberately missing
one or more classes. Irregularity is any intended, and illegal absence from
compulsory class. It also refers to students who attend campus but do not
go to the classes. It is an act of staying off class which is one of the several
types of disruptive behaviors (Okwakpam & Okwakpam 2012).
Academic performance is the outcome of the education the degree
to which a student, teacher and institute have achieved educational goal. It
is commonly measured by examination or continuous assessment. Regular
class attendance precedes learning achievement. In order to be benefited
for students from the educational program they must have good attendance.
Irregular students have less opportunities to study. Thus, their academic
potential is hindered. Therefore, regular class attendance is a high priority
in semester systems.
Mid-Western University (MU) was established in 2010. It offers
diverse academic programs independently. There are five faculties
(Humanities and Social Sciences, Management, Education, Science and
Technology and Engineering) under which there are five constituent
campuses (The central Campus of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Management, Education, Science and Technology and Engineering) have
been conducting in graduate and undergraduate level (MU 2016). MU has
adopted semester system based curriculum. Undergraduate level, eight
semesters with four years and graduate level have four semesters within two
years courses are extended. In semester system, almost regular attendance
is necessary. The students who are not regular attended in the class, they
are not allowed in the written exams. There must be 80% attendance of
the students in Mid-Western University. Instead of this, the students are
attended irregularly in all faculties. So, irregular attendance of the students

is one of the challenging and emerging problems in whole faculties of the

The irregularity of the students in University has been a recurrent
issue. In most cases, many of these students come late in the morning. They
leave class before closing hours for other unofficial actions and in some cases
too (DeKallb 1999). The problem of students' irregular attendance in their
class is also spreading around the globe and different levels of education. If
this problem is not addressed, it may have devastating consequences on the
excellence of graduates from the Universities.
Cause of irregularity of University students around the globe is
categorized and linked student with factors, university factors, economic
and family factors (Fayombo et al. 2012). Higher education institutions
sometimes follow different attendance policies and practices: some make it
compulsory and many institutions believe in its positive effect in academic
performance (Guleker and Keci, 2014). Oghuvbu (2010) found a positive
correlation between attendance and academic performance. The findings by
Andrietti et al. (2008) are supported by (Chishima 2016) who hypothesized
that regular present of students in class positively affects the learning
outcomes (Chishima 2016).
As a teacher, teaching at the University where semester system
is running, I have observed the irregularity of students in the class. So, I
am very interested and concerned in this issue. From the above reviewed
literatures, and my experiences, it is marked that absenteeism from class
is a main issue among the University students. However, the reasons of
poor attendance are not studied properly. Students are absent in classes
for a variety of reasons. So, irregularity of the students in their class is
taken as a problem that either directly or indirectly affects all educational
stakeholders. Irregular attendance is not only moral to university; it is a great
educational issue to be addressed in current time. It is an educational and
social problem. Students’ non-attendance to class is a problem that spreads
much in the University. It affects the students, the family and the society on
very high levels. So, it should be taken as the most powerful predictor of
misbehavior and disruptiveness among students. It determines the student’s
achievement and their potentiality. This leads to increase poor academic
performance that will cause students’ drop out from their study. Upon this

context, the paper aims to examine the situation of irregular attendance of

students at class and its relation to their academic achievement in Mid-
Western University. Similarly, I have formulated a hypothesis that there is
significance relationship between attendance of the students of the class and
their academic performance.
This study followed the Engestrom’s Activity Theory which
assumes that human action takes place within specific social and historical
contexts that are inseparable from the action. Futhermore, Engeström,
1993 (Scheckle 2014) holds that an activity system integrates the subject,
object and the instruments into a unified whole (Scheckle 2014). In Activity
Theory, the relationship between subject and object forms the core of an
activity (Hasan & Kazlauskas 2014). Scheckle (2014) presents the key
argument of this model that are presented below.
The University community of lecturers, tutors, supplemental
instruction leaders, language and writing consultants, student,
counselors and librarians depicted as facilitating students’
learning. The community is depicted as providing support and
encouragement to its children who are studying. The tools and
rules defined by the University and aligned with institutional
standards. tools include texts, lectures, tutorials, lecturers,
peers, finance (for food, medical needs, stationery, transport)
and programs which all mediate the learning experience. The
community would be the stakeholders such as the University
community, that of the home and that of the city, they are not
the primary subjects but they share the object of the activity
(p. 611-612).
This study followed descriptive cross-sectional study designed
based on quantitative and qualitative data which was carried out in Mid
-Western University, Surkhet. All (2,299) students who were studying in
all five central campuses of Mid-Western University and their campus
chiefs, head of the instruction committees and the teachers were the study
population for the study. Out of total, 172 (7.48%) students from central

campuses of MU (43 students from Central campus of Education, 46 from

Central Campus of Humanities and Social sciences, 50 from Central Campus
of Management, 19 from Central Campus of Science and Technology,
and 14 students from Central Campus of Engineering) were selected as
participants for quantitative data using non proportional stratified sampling.
On the basis of central campuses, five strata were made. The students in
each central campus were further listed using a list provided by the central
office of the University. Random sampling (lottery) was used to pick the
respondents in each stratum.
The study also used qualitative data obtained from 15 participants,
the campus chiefs (5), heads of instruction committees (5) and teachers
of the central campuses (5) were selected purposively. A mixed type
of questionnaire was employed for quantitative data and open ended
questionnaire was used to collect qualitative data. The collected data were
checked, ordered, edited and coded. Then, they were analyzed manually.
Chi-square test was used to find out the relationship between attendance
of students and their academic achievement. For the computation of chi-
square test, the Karl Pearson’s method was used.
This section addresses three subheadings like situation of irregular
attendance, reasons to irregular attendance of the students and relationship
between attendance of the students and their academic achievement.
Situation of irregular attendance
Situation of irregular attendance of the students is examined on the
basis of its frequency, students' knowledge and students' profile including
sex, age, cast, level and faculties.
Frequency of students’ irregular attendance
The students’ classroom attendance rate differs. The frequency
of students' attendance is not similar. The frequency of attendance has
identified in the study which is presented in following Table 1.

Table 1: Frequency of students' irregularity

Description Number Percent
Always 37 21.51
Frequency Sometimes 79 45.93
Rare 49 28.49
Never 7 4.06
Total 172 100.00
Source: Field Study (2017)

Table 1 shows that about half of 79 students (45.93%)responded

that they were irregular in their class sometimes. Likewise, 49 (28.49%)
said that they were always irregular in their class, 21.5 percent said that
they were rarely irregular and only 7 (4.06%) students were never irregular
in the classes.
On pooling up the data of Mid-Western University, the students
were more irregular sometime and always. This data indicates in overall
that students' irregularity in the University is high. Semester system focuses
on the regular attendance of the students. So, according to this finding, it
may raise a question about the implementation of semester system in the
Students’ personal characteristics and their irregular attendance
Students’ personal characteristics such as sex, age, caste, level and
faculty are determinants of students’ irregular attendance in their classes.
Table 2 shows the situation of irregular attendance of the students' in the
class on the basis of students above-mentioned personal characteristics.
According to Table 3, higher portion (29.57%) of the male students
were always irregular than the female students (15.84%). But nearly half
(47.52%) of the female students were sometimes irregular than the male
students (43.66%). The percentage of female students in rare and never
irregular was also higher than the percentage of male students where female
were 31.68 percent and 4.95 percent and male were 23.94 percent and 2.81
percent respectively.

On the basis of age, the high percentage of (23.07%) 20 to 25 years’

students were always irregular than other age group students. Similarly, the
higher percentage of 30 years above (53.33%) students’ irregularity was
sometime. Below 20 years, 32% were rarely irregular. This table 2 shows
that the percentage of students below 20 years (8%) was never irregular
which is higher than the other age groups.
Table 2: Situation of irregular attendance of the students' on the basis of
students’ personal characteristics
Students' personal Always Sometime Rare Never Total
characteristics No* P#. No* P.# No* P.# No* P.# No* P.#
Sex Male 21 29.57 31 43.66 17 23.94 2 2.81 71 41.27
Female 16 15.84 48 47.52 32 31.68 5 4.95 101 58.72

Age (years) Below 20 5 20 10 40 8 32 2 8 25 14.53

20-25 21 23.07 42 46.15 25 27.47 3 3.29 91 52.90
26-30 9 21.95 19 46.34 12 29.26 1 2.43 41 23.83
30 above 2 13.33 8 53.33 4 26.66 1 6.66 15 8.72
Caste Chhetri 16 23.88 30 44.77 19 28.35 2 2.98 67 38.95
Brahmins 8 16.66 21 43.75 15 31.25 4 8.33 48 27.90

Janajati 8 23.52 16 47.05 9 26.47 1 2.94 34 19.76

Dalit 5 21.73 12 52.17 6 26.08 - - 23 13.37
Level Bachelor’s 22 17.05 61 47.28 40 31.00 5 3.87 129 75
Master’s 15 34.88 17 39.53 9 20.93 2 4.65 43 25
Faculty Education 10 23.25 24 55.81 9 20.93 - 43 25
Humanities 12 26.08 26 56.52 8 17.39 - 46 26.74
Management 13 26 28 56 9 18 - 50 29.06
Science and 2 10.52 1 5.26 13 68.42 3 15.78 19 11.04
Engineering - - - - 10 71.42 4 28.57 14 8.13

Source: Field Study (2017) No*, Number P*: Percent

On the basis of cast, the Chhetri students were always irregular

more than other castes. Half of the Dalit students (52%) were sometimes
irregular than others. The high percentage (31.25%) Brahmins were rare
irregular in the class.
On the basis of level, always irregularity of Master's level students
was higher than the Bachelor's level. But irregularity sometimes of
Bachelor’s level students’ percentage was higher in than the master's level.

Students of Bachelor's level (31%) were rarely irregular than the Master
level (20.9%). The high percentage of never irregular students was Master's
level (4.65%) than the Bachelor's level (3.87%).
On the basis of faculty, the percentage of always irregular students
is higher in Faculty of Humanities and Social Science where 26.08 percent
students were always irregular. Similarly, sometimes irregular students’
percentage is higher in humanities rather than other faculties'. Most
of the students (71.42%) of engineering faculty were rarely irregular in
comparison to other faculties. At last, the higher percentage students of
engineering (28.57%) were never irregular in the class.
The finding from Table 2 shows that there is difference in the
frequency of irregular attendance between the students according to their
sex, age, cast level and faculty. The study examined that overall situation
of the University students' attendance situation is low. The attendance
situation of the girls was a little higher than that of boys. There was not
much difference between attendance situations of students of different caste
butcher was a little less than that of students of other castes. The attendance
situation of students at Masters Level was low than the Bachelor's level
student. Students of engineering faculty were rarely irregular in comparison
to other faculties. In semester system, almost regular attendance is necessary.
The students who are not regular attended they are not allowed in the
examination. There must be 80% attendance of the students in the classes.
Instead of this, the students are attended irregularly in all faculties. So,
irregular attendance of the students is one of the challenging and emerging
problems in whole faculties of the University.
The magnitude of irregular attendance at classes does not only
affect the students' academic aspect but also impacts on teachers’ ability
to articulate the curriculum requirements, to plan and present instructional
activities in an organized and meaningful way.
Reasons to irregular attendance of the students
It is found that there are several factors leads to irregular attendance
of students in their classes of Mid-Western University. The reasons behind
student's irregular attendance are mainly categorized into four major

clusters. The analysis of these reasons using all the various sources of
information collected during the study is presented in the Figure 1.
Figure 1 shows the causes of irregular attendance of students. Study
participants were asked to identify what were the reasons for the student's
irregular attendance of their class. Majority (58.18%) of respondents
pointed out the university/ faculty/campus related factors as main reasons.
Likewise, about half (49.09%) percent students responded that students
themselves related factors are the reasons of student's irregular attendance.
Similarly, Figure 1 showed that 32.12 percent indicated they missed class
due to home and few (11.51%) responded community related factors
irregularity. This data from Figure 1 also reveals that the university related
reasons to students’ irregular attendance is multi-factorials. Majority said
the reasons of students missing class due to university related factors and
near about half (49.09%) were due to students themselves related factors.

Figure 1: Reasons to irregular attendance of the students of the university

All participants of Open Ended Questionnaire (OEQ) (campus

chiefs, heads of instruction committee and teachers) reported, university
related factors and students themselves related factors as the main reasons
of their irregular attendance. All participants of OEQ accepted that lack of
sufficient number of classrooms; appropriate library, university cafeteria,
and well managed toilet are main university related reasons for the irregular
attendance. Few study participants of OEQ reported, wanting to miss
particular subject was common. A small number of participants suggested,
physical and psychological problems, learning difficulties, behavioral

problems, and low self-esteem of the students as the reasons of irregular

attendance. Some teachers reported that there is no strong administrative
mechanism and evaluation system. Some participants of faculty of education
and humanities argued, some of the teachers do not maintain the proper
class attendance. Few heads of instruction committee and teachers noted
that the campus also admits those students who told I cannot be regular in
the daily class. A campus chief (out of 5) told, that irregular students are
admitted due to the problem of proper number of students.
Most participants of OEQ argued that the students are lazy, and
ignore their study. Some students drop out a class after gaining a job. They
give priority to their job than their education. Some of them are employed
at boarding schools and other organizations. So, they become irregular in
their class. A small number of participants of OEQ suggested, physical
and psychological problems, learning difficulties, behavioral problems,
and low self-esteem as the reasons of irregular attendance. Few claimed,
they become irregular at class simply to be with friends. Some students
were influenced to stay away by friends and classmates or to demonstrate
their toughness to their peers. About half participants indicated, they have
a concept of being passed without attending the classes. Students have low
desire to be a competent and to choose interested subject. Minority (3 out of
15) noted they do not want to get out of bed at the morning. Some campus
chiefs, heads of the instruction committee and teachers stated that parents
involve them in agricultural activities such as cultivation of harvest and
their newly harvested corn.
This study concluded that university related factors are a main
reason to students' irregular attendance of their classes. (MU 2016) also
stated that Mid-Western University lacks motivating program to empower
faculty members. Regularly faculty programs are not developed. HRM
mobilization is less effective. It reflects that the important should be given
in physical facilities and mental environment as well as teaching learning of
university to make the students regular. The main reasons that the students
do not like attending regularly to class specified by them was university
lacks physical facilities and mental environment. This means students can’t
learn as much as they can when the teaching learning could not meet their
wants and wishes.

Relationship between attendance of students’ and their academic

Irregular attendance impacts on pupil attainment. Interconnected
effects of irregular attendance on students who miss class are academic
underachievement difficulty. It breaks the continuity of learning etc. Some
previous researches concluded that there is positive relationship between
students’ attendance and their academic performance. Table 4 shows
the relationship between attendance and academic achievement of the
University Students.
Table 3: Relationship between attendance and academic achievement of
the University Students
Variable χ2cal Df χ2tab Sig.
Relationship between 63 12.50 21.03 26.33 S*
attendance and academic (0.05) (0.01)
Source: Field Study (2017)

Table 3 shows that the Tabulated value 63 is greater than calculated

value for 0.05 and 0.01 level of significance of df 12. So, Null Hypothesis
is rejected. The results showed that the calculated Chi-square value (χ2cal
= 63) is quite higher than the tabulated value (χ2tab= 21.03 (0.05) and
26.33 (0.01)), hence the result is significant. This, therefore, supports the
alternative hypothesis that a significant relationship exists between class
attendance and academic achievement of the university/ higher level
students. It is proved that here is a positive relationship between class
attendance of students and their academic achievement. It is also revealed
that academic achievement is influenced by students' attendance of higher
level in the study area.
Studies have also showed that higher attendance is related to
higher achievement for students of all backgrounds. A study by the U.S.
Department of Education conducted in 2005 concluded that students
who attend school regularly score higher on achievement tests than their
students who are frequently absent (Bradly 2015). Duflo and Hanna’s
(2006) found fundamental relationship between teacher absenteeism and
student outcomes.

The study concluded that there is difference in the situation of
irregular attendance of the students according to their age, caste, faculty,
level and sex. The attendance situation of the girls was a little higher than
that of the boys. There was not much difference between attendances of
students of different castes. Master's level students' irregularity is higher
than the Bachelor's level students. Girls from 20 to 25 years were always
irregular than other age groups. Students of Engineering faculty were rarely
irregular in comparison to other faculties. Behind the students’ irregularity,
there is not only one reason but many and multi-factorials. Engestrom’s
Activity theory also highlights that University, lecturers, home, peer,
community, rule, tools etc are stakeholders to act of regular attendance. The
study revealed that the university students, parents and community related
factors are the four most significant reasons of irregular attendance among
the university students. The study concluded that there is a significance
relationship between class attendance of students and their academic
performance. So, these four key reasons need to work in an integrated way in
solving the problems of irregular attendance of students in the universities.
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