Surface Modification of Polyethylene by A Simple Post-Treatment Method

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Surface modification of polyethylene by a simple post-

treatment method
SEYHAN, Aybeniz1, GUNAYDIN, Beyza Nur1, POLAT, Yusuf1,2, KILIC, Ali1,3, DEMIR, Ali1,3,
AVCI, Huseyin4,5
TEMAG Labs, Textile Tech. and Design Faculty, Istanbul Tech. Uni., Istanbul, Turkey
Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Marmara Uni., Istanbul, Turkey
Textile Engineering, Textile Tech. and Design Faculty, Istanbul Tech. Uni., Istanbul, Turkey
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Engineering - Architecture Faculty, Eskisehir
Osmangazi Uni., Eskisehir, Turkey
AvciBio Research Group, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Eskisehir, Turkey
[email protected]

PURPOSE SIMCO ION CM5 device with point to plane

Corona discharge method has been studied to increase geometry was used for discharge. The effect of
the adhesive property of the polyethylene surface. electrostatic charge application was detected by
Different sets of design parameters were applied to SIMCO ION TM FMX-003 electrostatic field meter.
investigate the effect of atmospheric plasma treatment Contact angle measurements were done according to
onto linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) fibers the static sessile drop method at temperature 23°C
produced by our modified melt-spinning line. with a KSV Attension Theta Lite optical tensiometer.


Polyethylene (PE) has a leading usage portion in DISCUSSIONS
polymer industries including filament production and Prior to applying corona discharge on melt-spun
composite materials. Performance fibers having high LLDPE filaments, 0.07 mm thick film samples of the
tensile strength can be used alone or as a composite same polymer have been prepared. They have been
material in thermoset or thermoplastic resins. Due to its processed in atmospheric conditions according to
simple chain structure, lack of functional groups and parameters described in Table 1. The working
non-polar nature, polyethylene surfaces show poor distance between the electrodes and the PE surfaces
adhesion and incompatible fiber-resin interface which was set to 6 cm for all samples. Achieved surface
significantly affects the mechanical properties of modification is showed to be time-dependent.
composites. Therefore, the surface properties of PE Electrostatic field measurements indicate that higher
fibers to be produced in a modified melt spinning line voltage applications are efficient in the short run.
need improvement. For this purpose, corona discharge, Nevertheless, the application of relatively lower
which is counted as a physical modification method, voltage (20 kV) peaks in a longer time period.
provides an environmentally friendly and effective
treatment2. Studies reveal that plasma treatment Table 1. Electrostatic field measurements (FM) of
effectively increases surface roughness and identical LLDPE film samples with the various
functionality, and then various grafting and silane voltage applications.
coatings may be applied to it for further improvement FM FM FM FM
on the adhesive behavior of polyethylene1. (kV, (kV, (kV, (kV,
Sample Voltage
t=0 t=5 t=10 t=15
EXPERIMENTAL min) min) min) min)
Material 1 20 0.1 -1.0 -0.4 -2.0
The ASPUN™ 6000 linear low-density polyethylene 2 25 0.1 -1.0 -2.9 -2.5
(LLDPE) MFI, 19 and density, 0.935 g/cm3 was 3 30 0.1 -2.0 -4.2 -3.7
received from Dow Chemical Company.
Contact angle with the water on the film samples has
Method been investigated. Regarding to the primary
Polyethylene films were prepared by a laboratory experiment, discharge voltage has been decreased to
scaled film extrusion machine with 0.07 mm thickness. 15 kV, and working distance has been set to 5 mm. As
Monofilament fibers were produced by a single screw given in Table 2, the wettability of PE samples has
extruder melt spinning line with 0.6 mm spinneret been improved gradually as the discharge duration
diameter at 2250 m/min take-up speed.

increased. A drop of 14.5% surface tension between the CONCLUSIONS
control and treated sample has been achieved, which is Film and melt-spun filament samples have been
an indication of surface energy increase. produced with LLDPE. Corona treatment on film
surfaces showed that lower voltage with a shorter
Table 2. Electrostatic field measurements (FM) of distance between electrodes and surface results in a
identical LLDPE film samples with the various longer-lasting charge effect. Applications on
voltage applications at 5 mm working distance. filaments demonstrated that better hydrophilicity can
Applied Duration Contact be achieved with a narrow time window. Modified
Voltage (-kV) (min) Angle (°) melt-spinning line allows fibers to be produced with
Control - - 77.1±0.3 higher tensile properties in comparison with
1 15 5 68.3±1.9 conventional melt-spinning production. However, it
2 15 10 65.9±0.7 decreases the LLDPE fibers’ wettability. Corona
treatment restores and advances its adhesive behavior
According to the literature, the experimental design has in measure of hydrophilicity. Same to better results
been rearranged for fiber application. Working distance with shorter treatment duration enables the possibility
was kept at strictly 5 mm, which has been proved to be of in-line plasma modification of fibers along the
efficient. The literature has shown that voltages applied melt-spinning line.
in the range of 10-15 kV have an increasing effect on
PE surface wettability and adhesion performance1,3,4. FUTURE STUDIES
The effect of corona discharge on fibers will be
investigated for medium and high-density PE. Upon
reaching the optimum wettability, mechanical
performance of the fibers, which are produced by our
modified melt-spin line, are planned to be evaluated
in composite applications.

The authors are grateful to TUBITAK (Project
Number: 117Z673) for the financial support of this
research. The authors also thankfully acknowledge
Dow Chemical Company for providing ASPUN™
6000 LLDPE.

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