5th Semsyllabus

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(Implemented from Academic Year 2020-21)


Domain Subject: BIOCHEMISTRY

Skill Enhancement Courses (SECs) for Semester V,

from 2022-23 (Syllabus-Curriculum)

Structure of SECs for Semester – V

(To choose One pair from the Three alternate pairs of SECs)

Univ. Course Name of the Th. IE EE Credits Prac. Marks Credits

Code 6&7 Course Hrs. / Marks Marks Hrs./
Week Wk
6A Clinical 3 25 75 3 3 50 2
7A Haematologica 3 25 75 3 3 50 2
l and

Univ. Course Name of the Th. IE EE Credits Prac. Marks Credits

Code 6&7 Course Hrs. / Marks Marks Hrs./
Week Wk
6B Food 3 25 75 3 3 50 2

7B Food 3 25 75 3 3 50 2


Univ. Course Name of the Th. IE EE Credits Prac. Marks Credits

Code 6&7 Course Hrs. / Marks Marks Hrs./
Week Wk
6C Genetic 3 25 75 3 3 50 2

7C Bioinformatics 3 25 75 3 3 50 2

Note-1: For Semester–V, for the domain subject Biochemistry, any one
of the three pairs of SECs shall be chosen as courses 6 and 7,
i.e., 6A & 7A or 6B & 7B or 6C & 7C. The pair shall not be broken
(ABC allotment is random, not on any priority basis).

Note-2: One of the main objectives of Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) is

to inculcate field skills related to the domain subject in students.
The syllabus of SEC will be partially skill oriented.

Hence, teachers shall also impart practical training to students on

the field skills embedded in the syllabus citing related real field situations

SEC Clinical Biochemistry

Total no of Hours: 30 Credits -2

UNIT – I No. of Hours:6


Organization of Clinical laboratory. Introduction to instrumentation and

automation in Clinical biochemistry laboratories, safety regulations and
first aid. General comments on specimen collection, Type of specimen for
biochemical analyses. Precision, accuracy, quality control, precautions
and limitations.


Collection of blood, separation of plasma, serum and their storage.

UNIT – II No. of Hours: 6

Basics of Hepatic and Renal physiology:

Evaluations of biochemical changes in liver and kidney diseases, Liver
function tests (LFTs), Renal function tests (RFTs), GFR. Diagnostic
biochemical profile.


Estimation of bilirubin (direct and indirect method) serum transaminases

(AST, ALT) and serum alkaline phosphatises (ALP).Quantitative
determination of serum urea and creatine. Use of urine strips / dip strip
method for urine analyses.

UNIT – III No. of Hours: 6

Glucose metabolism
Digestion, absorption and assimilation of carbohydrates. Enzymes and
hormones (Insulin, Glucagon) in regulation of blood glucose levels.
Clinical significance of variations in blood glucose levels, disorders -
Diabetes mellitus, Insulin resistance.
Estimation of blood glucose by glucose oxidase - peroxidase method,
GTT (Glucose Tolerance Test), HbA1c.

UNIT – IV No of Hours: 6

Lipid profile: Lipids, fats, Triglycerides, cholesterol, fatty acids, PUFAS.

Digestion and absorption of lipids. Composition and functions of
lipoproteins. Clinical significance of elevated lipoproteins.


Estimation of triglycerides, cholesterol, LDL, VLDL and HDL cholesterol.

UNIT – V No of Hours: 6

5. Cardiovascular diseases: Basic cardiovascular physiology,

biochemical symptoms associated with cardiovascular diseases and their
evaluation. Involvement of enzymes in diagnostics of heart diseases
including Aspartate transaminase, Isoenzymes of creatine kinase and
lactate dehydrogenase and troponin.


Estimation of creatine kinase (CK), LDH.

Suggested readings

1. Medical laboratory technology a procedure manual for routine

diagnostic tests. Volume 1, Mukhergee, K.L, Tata Mc Graw hill
publishing Company Limited, (New Delhi). ISBN

2. Medical laboratory technology a procedure manual for routine

diagnostic tests.Volume 2, Mukhergee, K.L, Tata Mc Graw hill
publishing Company Limited,(New Delhi). ISBN 9780070076648

3. Medical Biochemistry 2005, 2 nd Edition, Bayner, J.W, and

Dominiazak, M.H,Elsevier, Mosby Ltd (Philadelphia). ISBN-

4. Experimental Biochemistry, A student companion (2005), Rao, B.S,

and Deshpande, V., IK international Pvt.Ltd(NewDelhi) ISBN-

5. Clinical diagnosis and management by Lab methods (John Bernard

Henry, W.B. Salunders Company, 1984).

6. Clinical Biochemistry – S. Ramakrishnan and Rajiswami.

7. Clinical chemistry in diagnosis and treatment–Joan F.Zilva and

P.R.Pannall (Lloyd-Luke Medical Books, 1988).

SEC Haematological and Immunological Techniques

Total no of Hours: 30 Credits -2

UNIT - I No. of Hours:6


Organization of Clinical Immunology laboratory. Introduction and

maintenance of clinical Immunology laboratory; hazards in clinical
laboratory; units; ‘normal range’, reference values. Factors affecting
reference values quality control in laboratory – use of external and internal
standards; use of WHO standards.


Collection of blood and separation of Serum and their storage.

Haemagglutination tests for identification of human blood groups.

UNIT - II No. of Hours: 6

Composition of blood and Lymph

Plasma and cells-RBC, WBC, platelets, blood clotting, plasma proteins,

separation and applications, plasma therapy. Lymph.


R.B.C. count, Total and differential count in human peripheral blood,

Separation of mononuclear cells from human peripheral blood, Enumeration
of T & B-cells from human peripheral blood.

UNIT - III No. of Hours: 6

Advanced diagnostic methods

Identification of viral, bacterial and other diseases - ELISA, Western blot,

RT-PCR-Tissue Histopathology, fixing, staining (H&E) and microtome

Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR), Packed Cell Volume (PCV),
Estimation of Haemoglobin (Hb), Mean Cell Haemoglobin and Mean Cell
RBC volume. H & E staining.

UNIT - IV No of Hours: 6

Auto immunity

Introduction, Auto recognition, classes of auto immuno diseases.

(Hashimoto disease, thyrotoxicosis, Systemic lupus erythomatosis,
Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, Rheumatoid arthritis).


Tests for Rheumatoid arthritis, Systemic lupus erythomatosis, CRP.

Detection of HCG by latex agglutination inhibition test. Widal test, VDRL

UNIT – V No of Hours: 6

Immunoglobulins (Igs)

Types of Igs, nature and structure of Igs –Light chain, heavy chain and
functions. Adjuvants, Antibody production, enzymatic cleavage of Igs,


Precipitation & Agglutination reactions, Immuno diffusion & Radial

diffusion, Single Radial Immunodiffusion, Ouchterlony double immuno

1. Essential Immunology - By I. Roitt, Publ: Blackwell

2. Immunology - By G. Reever & I. Todd, Publ: Blackwell

3. Abbas AK, Lichtman AH, Pillai S. Cellular and Molecular Immunology.

Saunders Publication, Philadelphia

4. Golds by RA, Kindt TJ, Osborne BA. Kuby’s Immunology. W.H. Freeman
and Company, New York

5. Ronald Hoffman, Edward J. Benz Jr., Leslie E. Silberstein, Helen Heslop,

Jeffrey Weitz, John Anastasi - Hematology: Basic Principles and Practice,
Elsevier Health Sciences, 2012

6. Betty Ciesla, Hematology in Practice, F.A. Davis, 2011.


Total no of Hours: 30 Credits -2

UNIT-I Number of hours: 06

Food Regulations and Standards

Sampling methods - Sample preparation for analysis; Statistical

evaluation of analytical data - Official Methods of Food Analysis.
Moisture in foods - determination by different methods - ash content
of foods, wet, dry ashing, microwaveashing methods; Significance of
Sulphated Ash, water soluble ash and acid insoluble ash in foods
determination of dietary fiber and crude fiber.
Collection and preservation of food samples for routine analysis.
Titratable Acidity in foods.
UNIT-II Number of hours: 06

Analysis of major food components

Determination of total fats in foods by different methods; Analysis of

oils and fats for physical and chemical parameters, Quality standards,
and adulterants; different methods of determination of protein and
amino acids in foods; determination of total carbohydrates, starch,
disaccharides and simple sugars in foods.
Determination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates
UNIT-III Number of hours: 06

Processing and preservation of foods

Blanching, pasteurization, sterilization, microwave heating. Low
Temperature-refrigeration, freezing, dehydro-freezing. Food
irradiation. Processing and preservation by drying, concentration and
evaporation. Nnon-thermal methods like High pressure, pulsed
electric field, hurdle technology. Use and application of enzymes and
microorganism in processing and preservation of foods. Refrigeration,
Processing and preservation methods (salting, sodium benzoate,
Glucose content by enzymatic method (amylase, invertase)
UNIT-IV Number of hours: 06

Environmental contaminants and drug residues in food:

Fungicide and pesticide residues in foods; heavy metal and their

health impacts; use of veterinary drugs (e.g. Malachite green in fish
and β-agonists in pork); other contaminants in food, radioactive
contamination of food, Food adulteration and potential toxicity of food
adulterants. Endocrine disrupters in food.

Idenfication of Food dyes, Phenolics, Qualitative detection of

adulterants in Atta, Maida, Besan, Biscuit, Black pepper, Butter,
Ghee, Chilli, Powder, Honey, Tea, Turmeric powder, soft drink,
M.B.R.T. of milk.

Fermentative food Products

Foods: Processes for preparing fermented products including Yogurt
(curd) and other Traditional Indian Products like idli, dosa, dhokla,
shrikhand, Soya based products like soya sauce, natto, Cheese.;
Alcoholic Beverages based on fruit juices (wines), cereals (whisky, beer,
vodka,), sugar cane (rum) Process description, quality of raw materials,
fermentation process controls.

Wine preparation from fruit juices and molasses, amino acid estimation
from Sprouts, identification of microbial strains in yogurt, chocolate
Reference Books
1. A first course in food analysis By A. Y. Sathe.

2. Hand book of analysis and quality control for fruit & vegetable products By S. Ranganathan.

3. Handling and storage of food grains by S. V. Pingale.

4. Food science chemistry & experimental food By Dr. M. Swaminathan.

5. Food chemistry by William Hogland Meyer.

6. Food adulotration By Thankamma Jacob.

7. Food Microbiology by William C. Frazier.

8. Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables by Giridharilal.



Total no of Hours: 30 Credits -2

UNIT I Number of hours: 06

History and development of Microbiology-Importance and significance of

microorganisms in food science. Bacterial growth curves, Factors
affecting the growth of micro organisms in food – Intrinsic and Extrinsic

Preparation of common laboratory media and special media. bacterial
count by standard plate method (SPC ), turbidity method

UNIT II Number of hours: 06

Determination of microorganisms and their products in food: Sampling,

sample collection, transport and storage, sample preparation for analysis.
Microscopic and culture dependent methods- Direct microscopic
observation, culture, enumeration and isolation methods; Chemical and
Physical methods-Chemical, immunological and nucleic acid based

Isolation and Identification of bacteria by manual methods. Gram’s
staining, acid-fast, spore staining.

Protection and preservation of Foods: Number of hours: 06

Chemical, Modified atmosphere, Radiation in foods from the

microbiological angle. Indicators of water and food safety and quality:
Microbiological criteria of foods and their Significance.

Microbiological identification of water samples. and food preservation
UNIT IV Number of hours: 06
Food spoilage: characteristic features, dynamics and significance of
spoilage of different groups of foods - Cereal and cereal products,
vegetables and fruits, meat poultry and sea foods, milk and milk
products, packed and canned foods.

Microbiological analysis of typical processed foods. (Vegetables and fruits,
meat poultry and sea foods, milk and milk products)

UNIT V Number of hours: 06

Food borne diseases: Bacterial borne diseases (Staphylococcal

intoxification, Botulism, Salmonellosis, Shigellosis, Enteropathogenic
Escherichia Coli Diarrhoea,Clostridium Perfringens gastroenteritis,
Bacillus cereus Gastroenteritics). Mycotoxins: Aflatoxicosis, Deoxyni
valenol Mycotoxicosis, Ergotism. Drug resistance - phenomena and

Coli form test
Microbiological analysis of food born bacterial pathogens-(bacillus,
clostridium, shigella)

Text books and reference materials

1. Prescott LM Harley JP and Klein DA (2006). Microbiology (7th edition)

McGraw Hill, Newyork.
2. Frazier, W.C. (1988) Food Microbiology, Mc Graw Hill Inc. 4th Edition.
3. Vijaya Ramesh,K. (2007) Food Microbiology. MJP publishers, 2007
4. Yasmine Motarjemi and Martin Adams. (2006) Emerging Food borne
pathogen- Wood Head Publishing England.
5. Arun, K Bhunia. (2008) Food borne microbial pathogens: Mechanisms
and pathogenesis. Springer.
6. Thomas J. Montville, Karl R. Matthews, Kalmia E. Kniel (2012). Food
Microbiology: An Introduction, American Society for Microbiology.
7. Dubey, R.C. and Maheswari, D.K. (2008) Text book of Microbiology. S
Chand Publishing.


Total No. Of Hours: 30 Credits -2

UNIT -I No. of Hours:6

Basics of Genetic engineering

Introduction, historical prospective, basics of cloning Vectors,

Restriction enzymes, plasmids PBR 322, PUC vector, Cosmids, YACs,
cDNA libraries.

Exercise: PCR, Restriction mapping.

UNIT -II No. of Hours:6

Genetic Engineering in Animals

Gene Transfer methods in Animals. Transfection. Microinjection,

Embryonic-stem cells Gene transfer and Retro-virus Gene transfer
methods to create transgenic animals. Applications of transgenic
animals in agriculture, medicine and pharmaceuticals.

Exercise: Cacl2 mediated transfection

UNIT -III No. of Hours:6

Genetic engineering in Plants

Manipulation of Plant Genes-Electroporation, Shotgun method,

Agrobacterium mediated gene transfer. Applications in Crop
improvement, disease and pest resistance, tolerance to environmental
stresses. Genetically engineered foods.

Exercise: Transformation. Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP)

UNIT- IV No. of Hours:6

Genetic engineering in Microorganisms

Gene transfer methods in microorganisms - transformation,

transduction and conjugation. Transposans.


Isolation of DNA, plasmid, sequencing of gene, synthesis of genes,

Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD)

UNIT- V No. of Hours:6

Genetic engineering-Environment

Bioremediation Biodegradation, Biofuels and Bioplastics from

genetically engineered oil seed rape and other crops as substitutes for
fossil fuels, which should not worsen the Greenhouse effect.

Suggested books

1. Genes and Probes, A Practical Approach Series (1995) by Hames

and SJ Higgins; Oxford
2. Gel Electrophoresis of Nucleic Acids, A practical Approach (1990) by
D Rickwood and BD Hames. Oxford Univ. Press.
3. Genetics by Gardinar
4. Biotechnology by U.Satyanarayana

Total No. Of Hours: 30 Credits -2


Scope of Bioinformatics No. of Hours:6

Genomics, structural and functional genomics, genome annotations,

gene production approaches and tools. DNA microarray and
computational analysis tools. Computer aided drug design and
systems biology.


Biological data bases, drug design


Biological data bases No. of Hours:6

Introduction to biological databases. Primary, secondary and

composite databases, NCBI, EBI, Nucleic acid databases (Gene Bank),
EHBL, DDBJ, NDB) protein database, (PIR, Swissport, TrEHDL, PDB)
Metabolic databases (KEGG, EcoCyel).

Demonstration on Nucleic acid and protein databases

UNIT -III No. of Hours:6

Sequence Alignments:

Similarity, identities and homology. Concept of alignment pairwise

sequence alignment, gaps, gap-penalties, scoring matrices, PAM 250,
BLOSUM62, Local and Global Sequence alignment, multiple sequence
alignment, progressive alignment, Logarithm alignment. Application of
multiple sequence alignment- CLUSTAL W, BLAST-blastn, blastp and

Simple and multiple Sequence alignment, BLAST.
UNIT- IV No. of Hours:6

Genome projects

General introduction to genome projects (rice and Mycobacterium

tuberculosis genome project). Special emphasis on Human Genome
Project (HGP). Science behind HGP, benefits of HGP, genetic testing
standard, quality and commercialization.


Genomes of various plants and animals

UNIT- V No. of Hours:6


Introduction, principle, technique, 2-D data base. Gel analysis, post

gel analysis, MALDITOF. Significance and applications of proteomics
in modern biology.


SDS-PAGE, IEF (2-D gel analysis), protein and peptides by MALDI-TOF

Suggested books

1. Genome Mapping: A practical approach. Dear P (Editor). 1st Ed. 2000.

Oxford University.

2. Developing Bioinformatics Skills. Alfonso Valencia and Blaschke. L

(2005) Oreilles

3. Bioinformatics sequence, structure and data banks ed. By Des

Higgins Willie Taylor (2006).

4. Bioinformatics: A Practical Guide to the Analysis of Genes and

Proteins" (Andreas D. Baxevanis, B. F. Ouellette), Paperback, 2nd ed.,
470 pp., ISBN: 0471383910, Publisher: Wiley, John & Sons, Inc.Pub.

5. David W. Mount, Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis, 2nd

edition, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2004.

6. Introduction to Bioinformatics by T.K. Altwood and D.J Parry-Smith

(Pearson Education Asia1999).
Important Questions-P6A

safety regulations and first aid

quality control
GFR RFT,LFT (Liver & renal function tests )
insulin resistance Insulin, Glucagon
clinical significance of lipoproteins
Isoenzymes of LDH &creatine kinase
diabetes mellitus
Cardiovascular physiology
enzymes in diagnostics of heart disease Aspartate transaminase, Isoenzymes of
creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase and troponin
enzymes & hormones in regulation of blood glucose level Insulin, Glucagon
digestion and absorption of carbohydrates & Lipids
clinical biochemistry laboratories instrumentation and automation
types of specimen for biochemical analysis
evaluation of biochemical changes in liver and kidney diseases
composition and functions of lipoproteins
biochemical symptoms associated with cardiovascular diseases


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