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Annexure ‘AAB-CD-01’

Course Title: Molecular and Clinical Diagnostics L T P/ SW TOTAL CREDIT

Course Code: to be decided later
Credit Units: 6 4 0 4 0 6
Level: UG

# Course Title:
1 Course Objectives:

: 6-credit-hour course designed to provide students to acquire knowledge on the

organization of the clinical diagnostic laboratory and of principles and
methodologies associated to the most advanced diagnostic techniques.

2 Prerequisites: Basic understanding of cell biology and molecular Biology

3 ●

4 Module I : Introduction to Cellular pathology 20%

Cellular Complexity: Cell components, Cell Differentiation, Cellular communication Normal Vs diseased cells,
cell adaptations, cell injury, inflammation, necrosis. Principle, types and application of different
5 Module II Molecular Diagnostics 20%
PCR Principle, procedure, types and applications. RFLP maps, RAPD, DNA sequencing methods – principle,
types, automated process, overview of Next-generation sequencing (NGS)

6 Module III Biomarkers in Disease Diagnostics 20%

Disease Markers, Role of markers in Disease diagnosis. approaches and methods in
the identification of disease markers, predictive value, diagnostic value, emerging
blood markers for sepsis, tumor & cancer markers.
7 Module IV Cytogenetic analysis 20 %
Human disorders and Cytogenetic analysis,Chromosome organization,. X-chromosome
dosage compensation and inactivation mechanism. Sex determination and Y
chromosome, Uniparental disomy, Genomic Imprinting and disorders. Principle of FISH,
CGH, Flow cytometry techniques and clinical diagnostics.

8 Module V : Immunodiagnostic techniques 20 %

Immunodiagnostic techniques: Introduction, Radioactive isotopes, DNA reporters,
fluorogenic reporters, electro-chemiluminescent tags & label free immunoassays.
Immunocytochemistry, immunohistochemistry
 Sample preparation - Specimen collection, handling, preparation, processing, containment, barcoding,
and tracking.
 Microscopy – light, fluorescent and confocal microscopy
 Animal Cell Media Preparation.
 Culture of Human Lymphocytes
 Cell Viability Assays
 Isolation of genomic DNA from peripheral blood and agarose gel electrophoresis.
 DNA - qualitative and quantitative analysis by spectrophotometry.
 RNA isolation (from rat liver).
 Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
 Protein Estimation Techniques.
 SDS-PAGE and Western blotting
 Principle of Flowcytometry , ELISA and RIA
 Hem agglutination
9 Pedagogy for Course Delivery:
Lectures: 57 Sessions
Class Test: 2 Sessions
Presentation/ Quiz :1
Total: 60 Sessions
Lab/ Practical:
Practical: 58 Sessions
Class Test: 2 Sessions
Total: 60 Sessions

Course Learning Outcomes:

 To know the limits and applicability of the different methods used in advanced clinical

 To understand the potential of different techniques and potential applications in clinical and
preclinical / experimental settings.

 To apply the use of different biomarkers and diagnostic criteria related to different human
● Demonstrate an understanding of how knowledge of pathological diagnosis
can be utilized in the investigation, and prevention of disease
● To analyse basic concept of diagnostics in clinical settings

10 Assessment/ Examination Scheme:

Theory L/T (%) Lab/Practical/Studio (%) End Term Examination

67 33 100%

Theory Assessment (L&T):

Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment
(50%) End Term
Components Class presentation Home Quiz Attendance
(Drop down) test Assignme (50%)

Weightage (%) 20 10 10 5 5 50

Theory Assessment (L&T):

Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment End Term
(50%) Examination
Components Class viva records Quiz Attendance
(Drop down) Test (50%)

Weightage (%) 20 10 10 5 5 50

Text /Reference Books:

 Textbook of medical physiology by Arthur C. Guyton and John E. Hall; Ed.11th; Saunders; 2005. ISBN 0-7216-0240-1
 Principles of Immunology and Immunodiagnostics, Ralph Michael Aloisi. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ISBN-13, 9780812111330.
 Harper's Review of Biochemistry (29th edition) RK Murray, DA Benderer, PJ Kennelly, VW Rodwell and PA Weil. 2012, McGraw Hill Co.
ISBN-13 978-0071825344
 Elements of medical Genetics by Turnpenny and Ellard, Churchill Livingstone: ISBN: 9780702045059
 Laboratory Manual:
 Mosby's Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests, 6th Edition Kathleen Deska Pagana & Timothy J. Pagana ISBN : 9780323697033
 Wegner, R. D. (Ed.). (2013). Diagnostic cytogenetics. Springer Science & Business Media.
 2. Carl A. Burtis, Edward R. Ashwood and David E. Bruns (eds) (2007): Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnosis (5th edition). Elsevier
 3. McPherson, R. A., & Pincus, M. R. (2017). Henry's Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.
 4. Coleman, W. B., & Tsongalis, G. J. (Eds.). (2006). Molecular diagnostics: for the clinical laboratorian. Springer Science & Business Media.
 5. Leonard, D. G., Bagg, A., Caliendo, A. M., Deerlin, V. M., & Kaul, K. L. (Eds.). (2007). Molecular pathology in clinical practice (pp. 411-424). Springer.

Bloom’s Remembering Understanding Applying Evaluating Analyzing


Learni . To know the
ng limits and To understand To apply the use Demonstrate To analyse
Outco applicability of the potential of different
an basic
mes the different of different biomarkers and
methods used in techniques diagnostic understanding concept of
advanced clinical and potential criteria related to
of how diagnostics
diagnostics applications in different human
clinical and diseases knowledge of in clinical
preclinical /
experimental pathological
diagnosis can
be utilized in
Assessment prevention of

Class Test   

Class Test  

Home  

Home    

Quiz 1 

Quiz 2  

Quiz 3    

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