Chronotherm h7, h7t, h11t, j8, h8 - Seltron Controllers

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User manual

Setting manual
Installation manual


Table of contents
Preface ······························································· 4
We are thanking you for your confidence by
buying a SELTRON product. USER MANUAL
Device appearance ············································· 4
We will further try to deepen and strengthen Start-up of H7T and H11T ································· 7
your confidence by improving quality of Basic data display of H7T and H11T ················· 8
products, information's and service. Setting of wanted day and night
temperature by H7T and H11T ·························· 9
Setting of frost protection by H7T and H11T ···· 9
If you want to take advantage of all device
Setting of wanted day and night
capabilities, you must carefully read this user temperature by H7, J8 and H8··························· 10
manual. Keep this manual at hand for further Setting of frost protection by H7, J8 and H8 ····· 10
reference. Program timer ··················································· 10
Reset of program timer ····································· 11
After you no longer need this device please Setting of current time ······································ 11
take care of proper removal. Setting of summer time on timer ······················· 12
Setting and changing of time intervals ·············· 12
Thank you very much for your confidence. Erasing of time intervals ··································· 13
Setting of timer operation mode························ 14
You selected a qualitative and modern con- Changing of battery··········································· 15
cept of central heating control. Setting of heating or cooling operation
mode by H7T and H11T ··································· 16

INSTALLATION MANAUL Test group (TST) by H11T ······························· 34
Selection of mounting place ······························17 Setting of heating or cooling
Mounting on wall ··············································18 by H7T and H11T ············································· 35
Mounting of device ···········································19
Warning ·····························································20 SPECIFICATIONS AND ADDITIONAL
Connecting of H7 and H7T ·······························20 DATA
Connecting of H11T ·········································21 Possible malfunctions of device ························ 36
Connecting of J8···············································22 Technical data ··················································· 37
Connecting of H8 ·············································23 Data about settings for H7T and H11T ············· 38
Connection of room thermostat onto Legend ······························································ 38
Telewarm G1-D·················································24 Time programs ·················································· 39

Factory settings by H7T and H11T ···················26
Data group, information group, program
group and test group by H7T and H11T ············27
Data group (DAT) by H7T and H11T ···············28
Information group (INF) by H7T ······················29
Information group (INF) by H11T ····················30
Program group (PRO) by H7T ··························31
Selection of time
constant ED by H7, H7T and H8 ·······················32
Program group (PRO) by H11T ························33
Test group (TST) by H7T ··································34

Preface Unit appearance
Room thermostats H7, H7T, H8 and room All devices are in a same housing (pictures 1
controllers H11T, J8 are modern microproc- and 2). Room thermostat H7 and room con-
essor controlled devices, manufactured in troller H11T are equipped with LCD–display
SMT technology. That allows them great ''8'' and key ''7''.
operation stability and high sensitivity on With key pressing it is possible to navigate
room temperature changes. A digital quartz through many measured temperatures, opera-
timer provides precision and many options tion modes and other data.
of time programming. Devices are intended Weekly program timer ''1'' is used for setting
for controlling room temperature in domestic of wanted day and night temperature inter-
houses, apartments and working premises. vals. Room thermostat H8 has a weekly
They may also be used for zone temperature two– channel timer. First channel is used for
control in large buildings. Thermostats can setting of room temperature intervals, second
be used in radiator, convector or fan heating channel (CH2) is used for setting of domes-
systems. Room thermostat H8 is additionally tic hot water warming intervals. Buttons for
to room heating capable to control d. h. w. day or comfort temperature ''3'' and night or
warming. saving temperature ''2'' are used for setting of
wanted room temperatures.
The controller is fixed to the socket with
screw “6”, which is located at device bot-

Picture 1. Appearance of H7, J8 and H8.

Picture 2. Appearance of H7T and H11T.

Start-up of H7T and H11T
With the connection on power supply, the
device introduces itself and starts to perform
a self test. Different data is shown on the
LCD display in short intervals (picture 3).
After last data shown, the device automati-
cally switches over to operation mode.
1. Display test (all segments are visible)
2. Software version
3. Controller type (H7T or H11T)
4. Operation mode (HEA-heating,
5. Operation parameters
6. Correction of room temperature
7. Self test of device

For better understanding of pictures see

chapter Legend.

Picture 3. Device introduction by operation start

Main data, displayed by H7T or H11T Device H7T H11T

During device operation are on display ''8'' Regulated Pump Actuator Boiler Actuator
shown room temperature, operation mode
heating source
(picture 4b) and signalisation of device op-
eration. Device operation signalisation Switched-ON X X
shows the condition (switched-on, switched-
Switched-OFF X X
off, standby) of regulating element or heat-
ing device (picture 4a). Displayed data de- Open X X
pends of controller type, selected regulation Close X X
element or heating device (table 1) and on
current device operation mode of (table 2). Standby X X X

Table 1. Signalisation of operation by H7T and H11T.

segments Meaning of graphic symbol
Operation by timer - day temperature

a Operation by timer - night temperature

b Frost protection

Picture 4. Basic data display by H7T and H11T. Table 2. Operation modes by H7T and H11T.
Setting of wanted day and night During changing of wanted temperature, is
temperature by H7T and H11T automatically activated the wanted tempera-
ture display.
Turn button ''3'' to set desired day tempera-
ture between 8°C and 28°C. Turn button ''2'' Setting of frost protection by H7T and
to set wanted night temperature between 8°C H11T
and 28°C. Press key ''7'' is to see, the set
Frost protection is activated with turning of
temperatures on LCD display ''8'' (Picture 5).
button ''2'' or ''3'' to the utmost left position.
With frost protection active, is the display
symbol snowflake shown (picture 6). Con-
Basic display troller will prevent cooling of room spaces
below 8 °C. Frost protection operates con-
tinuously and independent of program timer.
Display of wanted
comfort (day)

Display of wanted
saving (night)

Picture 5. Display of wanted day and night temperature

Picture 6. Display by H7T and H11T when frost protec-
s by H7T and H11T.
tion is active.

Setting of wanted day and night Program timer
temperatures by H7, J8 and H8
Picture 7 shows the program timer. On the
Turn button ''3'' to set wanted day tempera- display are shown all segments and symbols,
ture between 8°C and 28°C. Turn button ''2'' which can be seen together only at timer re-
to set wanted night or saving temperature set. Key ''9'' is found only by room thermo-
between 8°C and 28°C. stat H8, which has a two-channel timer.

Setting of frost protection by H7, J8 and

Frost protection is activated with turning of
button ''2'' and ''3'' to the utmost left position.
The controller will prevent cooling of room
spaces below 8°C. Frost protection operates
independent of program timer and remains
active as long both buttons remain in this

Picture 7. Program timer.

Reset of program timer Setting of current time
The “Reset” key may be pressed only by a Proper device operation is ensured only by a
pen point. The “Reset“ key clears all pro- correct current time setting. If we didn’t per-
grams and time and reestablish factory set- form a timer reset on Monday at 20:00, we
tings (see chapter Time programs). Picture 8 must set current time manually.
shows the timer LCD display after reset. The 1. Press “day” repeatedly to advance to cur-
timer starts operating after pressing key “4”. rent day (while holding down the “timer-4”
The day is set to 1 (Monday) and time to key). (1-Monday, 2-Tuesday, 3-Wednesday,
20:00 (picture 8b), the colon symbol be- 4-Thursday, 5-Friday, 6-Saturday, 7-Sunday)
tween hours and minutes flashes. The chan- 2. Press “h+” to advance to current hour
nel 2 (CH2) symbols at the bottom right an- (while holding down the “timer-4” key).
gle of the display, are shown by room ther- 3. Press “m+” to advance to current minute
mostat H8. (while holding down the “timer-4” key).

Flashing colon between hours and minutes

means that the timer is running (run mode).

a b
Picture 8. State of timer after resetting (a) and factory
settings of timer (b).

Setting of summer time on controller programmed with setting the ON command
(start time) and OFF command (end time) of
Use a pen point to press the ''±1h'' key. Cur- time intervals. We recommend that users at
rent time increases for one hour (summer first compose their intervals in for that case
time). The display shows a new symbol +1h. prepared table (see chapter Time programs)
Pressing the key again returns current time to and only then enter their data in timer.
its original state (winter time).
1. Press the “Prog” key to advance to the
Setting and changing of time intervals wanted program location, which we want to
change or set an ON or OFF command.
With time program 1 (CH1) we tell the con- (Picture 9).
troller when do we want normal and reduced 2. Press the “Day” key to advance to the day
temperatures of room heating. With time we want to erase. A line under the selected
program 2 (CH2) we tell room thermostat day flashes. Pressing the “Select” key will
H8 when we want d. h. w. and when not. erase the selected day. The command is valid
This is a weekly program timer with 42 free for days which are still visible. The
program locations, which enables us to set numbers on display top have following
21 different time intervals over the entire meaning: 1-Monday, 2-Tuesday,
week. We recommend to prior timer pro- 3-Wednesday, 4-Thursday, 5-Friday, 6-
gramming, first write down the . heating pro- Saturday and 7-Sunday.
grams into a prepared table Intervals are 3. Press the “h+” key to advance to the
wanted ON (OFF) hour.
4. Press the “m+” key to advance to the Order of ON/OFF commands entering isn’t
wanted ON (OFF) minute. important, it also isn’t necessary to end all
5. Press key ''5'' to define what should hap- command in pairs. If the ON/OFF command
pen with channel CH1. Press key ''9'' to de- are set at the same time, the OFF command
fine what should happen with channel 2 will prevail.
(CH2) by room thermostat H8 :
-at set time and day will the channel
switch ON Erasing of time intervals
at set time and day will the channel
switch OFF
-if we don’t set an ON/OFF symbol, the If we no longer need a set time interval or
program isn’t accepted. command we can erase it:
Press “prog” key until the wanted ON/OFF
6. Press key “timer-4” to return to run mode command isn’t displayed.
(current time is shown) 2. With keys “5” and “9” we can now erase
the ON and OFF commands.
3. Press and hold “Prog” until an empty pro-
gram location is shown.
4. Press key “timer-4” to return to run mode
(current time is shown)
Picture 9. Empty program channel.

Setting of timer operation mode MANUAL– OFF: night temperature
(CH1); no domestic hot water warm-
ing by H8 (CH2); only until end of
Timer has six possibilities of operation current time interval.
mode, for both channels:
PERMANENT– ON: day tempera-
TIMER– ON: operation by timer; ture (CH1); domestic hot water
day temperature interval (CH1); do- warming by H8 (CH2); independently
mestic hot water warming by H8 to time program.
PERMANENT– OFF: night tem-
TIMER– OFF: operation by timer; perature (CH1); no domestic hot wa-
night interval (CH1); no domestic hot ter by H8 (CH2); independently to
water warming by H8 (CH2). time program.


MANUAL– ON: day temperature NENT– OFF can only be chosen by H7, J8
(CH1); domestic hot water warming and H8.
by H8 (CH2); only until end of cur-
rent time interval.
Switching between operation modes is possi-
ble with keys ''5'' and ''9''.

Battery replacement with button ''Reset''.
For battery operation we need only one alka-
line battery (type LR6 1,5 V AA). Two bat- Please use only an alkaline bat-
tery cases are used for uninterrupted battery tery, because by an ordinary
operation. We must replace the battery if the battery could the electrolyte
timer display becomes less visible or start leak out and cause controller
flashing, . malfunction! Watch out for
correct battery polarity!
Procedure of battery replacement:
1. Take off the device from the socket (see
chapter Mounting of device).
2. Put a new battery into a empty battery-
case on device back side (picture 10) and
remove the old battery.
3. Place the device back into its socket

If we follow the instructions will all timer

settings remain unchanged. If the timer stops
or is reset we must re-enter current time and
programs. Current time and time programs
must be re-entered if timer stops or is reseted Picture 10. Exchange of old battery with new.
Setting of heating or cooling operation played data will change and start to flash.
mode by H7T and H11T Hold down that same key until display stops
flashing. New setting is stored in memory.
This operation mode is available only by
devices with software version 2.0 or higher.
Software version is visible by start-up intro-
duction of device or in information group of
controller menu. Device has option of heat-
ing (HEA) or cooling (COO). The wanted
operating mode can be set on two ways:

1. Press and hold down key ''7''. After 15

seconds will appear the current operation
mode HEA or COO. Remain holding down
that key; displayed data will change and start
to flash. Hold down that same key until dis-
play stops flashing. New setting is stored in

2. At start-up of device, wait until operation

mode is shown (HEA or COO). At that mo-
ment press and hold down key ''7''. Dis-
Selection of mounting place mounting must be selected (picture 11). Ex-
amples of that places are inner walls, apart
Device mounting place is very important. from sun, away from sources of heat and
Every device has only one temperature sen- draught.
sor which is used for room temperature
measurement. Therefore proper place of

Picture 11. Selection of mounting place.

Mounting on wall 12b is shown mounting on a sub plaster
Select proper place and screw device socket
onto wall with two screws. On picture 12a is
shown direct mounting on wall, on picture

PVC insert Sub plaster socket

a b
Picture 12. Mounting of device socket directly onto wall
(a) or onto sub plaster socket (b).

Mounting of device

On picture 13 is shown mounting and

dismounting of room thermostat from a
socket . First unscrew screw on bottom
of device (Picture 13 a), then pull lower
section of device towards yourself
(picture 13 b). Unhook device down
from hooks on top of device’s socket.
Mounting of device is in reverse order.
First hook up device on hooks on top of
device’s socket, then lower the device
to its socket. Watch out that contacts fit
well in slots on device’s socket. Push
device onto its socket and screw down
the device bottom screw.

Picture 13. Mounting of device

Warning Connecting of H7 and H7T
The controller installation can
be done only by a qualified
technician according to low
voltage installation regulations
of IEC 60364 and VDE 0100.
Before wiring check if the main switch is

To avoid incorrect connection or usage read

instructions carefully before device installa- Burner Boiler
tion. controller
a b
Picture 14. Connection of H7 and H7T onto burner (a)
or onto boiler controller (b).

Connecting of H11T

Actuator Circulation pump

a b Actuator Thermostat Circulation pump

Picture 15. Connection of H7 and H7T onto actuator (a)
or circulation pump (b).
Picture 16. Connection of H11T onto actuator MPxx.
Pipe contact boiler thermostat is necessary

Connecting of J8

J8 can be connected onto following Junkers

boilers (mini 8/1, ZR/ZWR..., ZV/ZWV...,
CL100..., GWZ...), as shown on picture 18.

It is possible to connect an additional room

sensor PS10-12 to the J8 room controller.

Actuator Thermostat Circulation


Picture 17. Connection of H11T onto actuator with

switch. Pipe contact boiler thermostat isn’t necessary

Boiler Room temperature


Picture 18. Connection of J8. Additional room tempera-

ture sensor - option.

If an additional room temperature sensor is Connecting of H8
connected, connection Y1 must be removed
(picture 19). Connection Y1 is placed under T wo-channel room thermostat
the protection cover. For connection of room CHRONOTHERM H8 is used for regulation
temperature sensor PS10-12 can be used of room heating and domestic hot water
LiYCY1x2x0,25 or J-Y(ST)Y1x2x0,6 cables. warming with liquid fuel boiler.

Housing of

Electronic board
of controller

Boiler Circulation pump for

domestic hot water warming

Connection Y1 Picture 20. Connection of H8 onto boiler and domestic

Picture 19. Y1 connection. hot water warming pump.

Connection of room thermostat onto For more detailed information read the sepa-
Telewarm G1-D rate Telewarm G1-D user manual.

Connection of room thermostat to Telewarm

G1-D enables remote switchover from cur-
rent operation mode to day temperature
operation mode.

If we want to connect a room thermostat

with a remote telephone switch Telewarm
G1-D, we need a room thermostat marked
with an additional –D.

Connection of Telewarm G1-D to room ther-

mostat is done with help of junction box.
Connect a two-wire signal cable from junc-
tion box (brown and white wire) to addi-
tional contacts of room thermostat. Those
two additional contact are by the side of
room thermostat’s battery case. Connect
telephone line into connector LINE.
Room thermostat House phone Outside phone
Telewarm G1-D

T network



Picture 21. Connection of room

thermostat onto Telewarm G1-D 230 V ~
Factory settings by H7T and H11T Factory setting can be re-established by a
device reset:
Every controller has by default stored fac-
tory settings. Those settings are:
1. Disconnect power supply of device or dis-
mount device from its socket (see chapter
Room thermostat H7T
Mounting of device).
- regulated device = boiler
2. Press and hold down key ''7'' and connect
- time constant ED = (by potentiometer on
power supply or put the device back onto its
back side of controller)
- operation mode = heating (HEA)
3. Release key ''7'' after software version ap-
- correction of room temperature = 0.0 °C.
pears on display.
Room controller H11T
Restoring of factory setting is signalised by a
- actuator speed = (by potentiometer on back
short display flash. Factory setting are now
side of controller)
restored into non-volatile memory and can
- operation mode = heating (HEA)
not be erased power loss.
- correction of room temperature = 0.0 °C.

For factory setting of timer see chapter

(Time programs).

Data group, information group, program Basic display
group and test group by H7T and H11T

All parameters can be easily viewed and

changed during device operation. For this
purpose have both devices among basic data
display, also four additional data groups.
Those groups are named by their properties.
To get into group selection press and hold
down key ''7'' for approximately 5 seconds.
Now you can move between groups, trough
short pressing of key ''7'' (picture 22).
Picture 22. Selection and moving between data groups.
Order of data groups :
1. Data group (DAT),
2. Information group (INF),
3. Program group (PRO),
4. Test group (TST).

Data group (DAT) by H7T and H11T

This group contains data about minimum

and maximum temperature during last heat-
ing interval and data about room temperature
deviation (picture 23). For data group pre-
view, find first data group DAT. Then press
and hold down key ''7'' for approximately 5
seconds. Move through menu with short Picture 23. Preview of menu by data group DAT.
presses on key ''7''.

Order of displayed information in group

1. Minimum measured temperature dur-
ing last heating interval.
2. Maximum measured temperature dur-
ing last heating interval.
3. Room temperature deviation.

Information group (INF) by H7T
This group contains exactly the same data as
is shown at device start-up (picture 24). Pro-
cedure for previewing of information is
equal to procedure by DAT group.

Order of displayed information in INF

1. Software version.
2. Controller type (H7T).
3. Operation mode
(HEA-heating or COO-cooling),
4. Selected regulated element or source of
heat and time constant ED.
5. Correction of displayed room
Picture 24. Preview of menu by information group INF
for H7T.

Information group (INF) by H11T
This group contains same data as they are
shown at start-up of device (picture 25). Pro-
cedure for previewing of information is
equal to procedure by DAT group.

Order of displayed information in INF

1. Software version.
2. Controller type (H11T).
3. Operation mode
(HEA-heating or COO-cooling),
4. Speed of electronic actuator.
5. Correction of displayed room
Picture 25. Preview of menu by information group INF
for H11T.

Program group (PRO) by H7T setting is accepted after a short display flash.
If we during ED time constant selection ro-
This group is used for changing of operation tate the button to the outmost left position,
mode parameters (picture 26). Procedure for then will the display show the P letter.
previewing of information is equal to proce-
dure by DAT group. Now it is possible to set the ED constant
with a potentiometer on the controller back-
Order of displayed information by PRO side. For more details about setting of time
group: constant ED see chapter Selection of time
1. Setting of regulation element or heating constant ED by H7 and H7T.
source: 2. Setting of room temperature correc-
Rotate button ''2'' to choose between circula- tion:
tion pump, electric actuator and boiler. Se- Turn button ''3'' to adjust correction of dis-
lection of regulated element is used only for played room temperature. Room temperature
display of controller’s operation mode on correction enables calibration of room tem-
LCD display. . perature thermometer to correct temperature.
Setting of time constant ED: To store set correction, press and hold down
Select length of proportional period or time key ''7'', for a while. The new setting is ac-
constant ED with rotating of button ''3''. The cepted after a short display flash.
period can be set between 5 and 50 minutes.
To store the wanted time constant ED, press
and hold down key ''7'', for a while. The new
controller on many different heating sys-
tems. Value of ED constant represents time
period of operation; that is time of switch-on
+ time of switch-off (picture 27). Time
modulation takes place in zone of room ther-
mostat’s proportional operation. This is area
Picture 26. Preview of menu by program group PRO for ±0,8 °C to wanted room temperature. Table
H11T. 3 shows recommended values for time con-
stant ED.
Selection of time constant ED by H7, H7T
and H8 switch-on switch-off
H7T allows selection of time constant ED
with programming or with potentiometer on period - ED
back side of controller (see chapter Program Picture 28. Meaning of time constant ED.
group (PRO) by H7T). By room thermostats
Low temp. Actuator on
H7 and H8 is selection of time constant ED Radiators Gas boiler
boilers mixing-valve
possible only with potentiometer on back
side of controller. ED constant is used for Light con-
10 - 20 20 - 40 10 - 20
adjustment of switch-on and switch-off fre-
quency of regulated element or heating Heavy con-
20 - 30 30 - 50 20 - 30
source. For this reason is possible to adapt struction
Table 3. Recommended values for ED constant.
Program group (PRO) by H11T actual actuator’s speed is 2 minutes, then
controller should be set between 1 and 4
This group is used for changing of operation minutes. To store wanted actuator’s speed,
mode parameters (picture 29). Procedure for press and hold down key ''7'', for a while. Set
previewing of information is equal to proce- actuator’s speed is stored, when display
dure by DAT group. shortly flashes. We recommend you, to se-
lect and store actual actuator’s speed.
Order of displayed information by PRO 2. Setting of room temperature correc-
group: tion:
1. Setting of electric actuator’s speed: Turn button ''3'' to adjust correction of dis-
Turn button ''3'' to adjust speed of electric played room temperature. Room temperature
actuator. Speed of electronic actuator can be correction enables calibration of room tem-
set between 1 and 10 minutes. If you, by se- perature thermometer to correct temperature.
lection of actuator’s speed, turn button to To store set correction, press and hold down
utmost left position on display ''8'' shows for a while key ''7''. The new setting is ac-
letter P. Now is possible to set actuator’s cepted after a short display flash.
speed with potentiometer at back side of
controller. Proper adjustment of actuator’s
speed is very important and affects on qual-
ity of regulation. Tolerance of actuator’s
speed can be between half and double value
of actual actuator’s speed. For example: If
Picture 29. Preview of menu by test group TST for H7T.
Picture 28. Preview of menu by program group PRO
for H11T.

Test group (TST) by H11T

Test group (TST) by H7T
This group is intended for testing of control-
This group is intended for testing of control-
ler’s operation and correct connection. To
ler’s operation and correct connection. To
test controller, select group TST, press and
test the controller, select group TST, press
hold down key ''7'' for approximately 5 sec-
and hold down key ''7'' for approximately 5
onds. Turn button ''3'' to left, right and in
seconds. Turn button ''3'' to left and right, in
middle in order to test opening, closing and
order to test switch-on and switch-off of
standstill of mixing-valve.
regulated element or heating device.

seconds will appear the current operation
mode HEA or COO. Remain holding down
that key; displayed data will change and start
to flash. Hold down that same key until dis-
play stops flashing. New setting is stored in

Picture 30. Preview of menu by test group TST for 2. At start-up of device, wait till operation
H11T. mode is shown (HEA or COO). At that mo-
ment press and hold down key ''7''. Dis-
Setting of heating or cooling by H7T and played data will change and start to flash.
H11T Hold down that same key until display stops
flashing. New setting is now stored in mem-
This operation mode is possible only by de- ory.
vices with software version 2.0 or higher.
Software version is visible by start-up intro-
duction of device or in information group of
controller menu. Device has option of heat-
ing (HEA) or cooling (COO). Desired opera-
tion mode can be set on two ways:

1. Press and hold down key ''7''. After 15

Possible malfunctions of device second disconnect power supply of device.

No data is displayed on timer display Device does not operate optimal

- The timer battery is empty. Check or re- - Check settings for operation parameters.
place the battery (see chapter Battery re-
placement). Controller H11T turns mixing-valve to
- An outside interference stopped timer, so it fast or to slow
should be reset (see chapter Reset of pro- - Set actuator’s speed is too fast or too slow.
gram timer).
No data is displayed on device’s LCD dis- By light construction (prefabricated house) is
play possible to reach optimal operation with set
- Power supply to device has been discon- actuator’s speed greater than actual actua-
nected. Check electric wiring. tor’s speed. By heavy construction (massive
- A stroke of lightning could have damaged house or concrete house) is possible to reach
electronic parts of device. Contact author- optimal operation with set actuator’s speed
ized service. smaller than actual actuator’s speed.

Device operates incorrect

- Coincidental electromagnetic interference
in electric network caused malfunction of
device’s operation. For approximately 10
Technical data - for H11T
Actuator speed
- for H7, H7T, H11T, J8 and H8
Rated power supply ······ 230 V ~, 50 Hz setting range ················· 1 do 10 minutes
Rated timer supply ········ alkaline battery - for H7
ED constant
LR6, 1.5 V, AA
setting range ················· 10 do 50 minutes
Power consumption ······ 3 VA
- for H7T
Maximum current
ED constant
of relays ························ 8 (2) A ~, 230 V ~
setting range ················· 5 do 50 minutes
Timer accuracy ············· ± 2,5 sec in 24 h
- for H8
Lifetime of battery ········ approx. 24 months
Maximum output current for
Operation temp. ············ 0 °C to 45 °C
boiler controlling ·········· 8 (2) A ~, 230 V ~
Dimensions (HxWxD) ·· 80 x 150 x 41 mm
Maximum output current for
Day and night temperature
pump controlling ··········· 1 A ~, 230 V ~
setting range ················· +8 °C do +28 °C
Free timer memory locations ····42


Data about settings for H7T and H11T Legend
We suggest that the installation - direction of procedure
technicians should fill down table K.P. - Short press - shortly press key ''7''
4 and together with the customer D.P. - Long press - press and hold down
table 5, before device start-up. . for a while key ''7''. When change on
display is visible release key.
Type of controller: (H7T, H11T)
Controller type 5.P. - 5-seconds press - press and hold
Operation mode: (HEA, COO) down key ''7'', after approximately 5
seconds release key.
Actuator speed: (1 - 10 min)
D.P.S. - Long press and storing of
Time constant ED: (2 - 50 min) parameters
Selected regulation element or heating source:
Correction of room temperature display: - segment on display is visible
Table 4. Entry of settings data by H7T or H11T.
- segment on display flashes
Installation date: - segment on display can be visible
or not, it depends on current settings
Installed by:


Time programs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TIME CHANNEL 1 (CH1) CHANNEL 2 (CH2)

MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN Room heating Domestic hot water
1 :
2 :
3 :
4 :
5 :
6 :
7 :
8 :
9 :
10 :
11 :
12 :
13 :
14 :

Table 5. Wanted time intervals of day temperature (CH1) and time intervals of domestic hot water warming (CH2).


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CHANNEL 1 (CH1) CHANNEL 2 (CH2)
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN TIME Room heating Domestic hot water
1 1 2 3 4 5 06:00 ON ON
2 1 2 3 4 5 21:00 OFF OFF
3 6 7 07:00 ON ON
4 6 7 23:00 OFF OFF

Table 6. Factory settings for time programs.


SELTRON d.o.o.
Ruška cesta 96
2345 Bistrica ob Dravi
tel: +386 (02) 671 96 00
fax: +386 (02) 671 96 66 J5060099 V2.0

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