Jubilee River Case Study

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the scheme (the Environment Agency’s

2.1 Civil Engineering – Jubilee River predecessor body, the National Rivers
Roger Venables, Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Engineering, Authority) recognised that there were
Queen’s University, Belfast potential implications for a much wider
area beyond the locality of the scheme,
Too often in the past, flood alleviation Jubilee River special in relation to the including significant lengths of the River
channels have been constructed as hard- social and environmental aspects of upstream and downstream of the
surfaced channels that added no or very sustainability is that it has been designed Scheme. Indeed, the solution and route
limited amenity or wildlife value to the to have many of the environmental and eventually implemented involved the
communities and landscapes into which amenity features of a natural river, placing of the Scheme on the north bank
they were introduced. However, Jubilee including islands, reedbeds and shallow of the Thames, although the greatest
River, the name chosen following a local margins. The channel has an average flood risk benefit accrues to communities
public competition for the £100 million width of 45 m and was designed to have on the south bank. Planners had allowed
Maidenhead, Windsor and Eton Flood a maximum capacity of 200 m3/sec, and is development in the flood plain on the
Alleviation Scheme, represents a new way similar in size and capacity to the River south bank, whereas the planners for the
of constructing flood relief channels. Thames channel in that location. A dry communities on the north bank had
weather flow of 10 m3/sec is passed down restricted such development. The scale of
The UK’s River Thames rises in Gloucester-
the channel to provide aeration and the scheme, and its implications for the
shire and flows eastwards to London and
amenity value from the flowing water. landscape, was also a significant
into the Thames Estuary and the southern
consideration in the design.
North Sea. As with many major rivers, The creation of the Jubilee River signifi-
communities have grown up at strategic cantly reduces the risk of flooding to
These wider considerations and the
points such that, in times of sufficiently approximately 5,500 homes and 12,500
scheme’s scale led to a new style of
high flow for the river to overflow its people in Maidenhead, Windsor and Eton,
solution – of a flood channel designed
normal channel banks, there is a signi- in addition to reducing the risk of
and constructed not as a traditional
ficant risk of flooding properties close to disruption to road and rail networks,
concrete channel but to be mostly
the river. communications and utilities. It flows
unlined to look like a natural river, with
from just upstream of Boulter’s Weir in
A limited range of techniques is available numerous wildlife and public amenity
Maidenhead to just downstream of Eton.
to reduce this risk, primarily: features. In summarising the findings of
• upstream storage – the flooding of Although the new channel is aimed at the Public Inquiry into the Scheme, the
uninhabited land upstream of the reducing flooding risk, the proposers of Inspector said:“I find the evidence
vulnerable community, and the steady
release of that excess water back into
the river as capacity allows
• protective banks – permanent and/or
• relief channels, traditionally trapezoidal
in section and made of concrete

High flows in the Thames through

Maidenhead, Windsor and Eton have
caused, over the years, repeated and
substantial flooding, and consequent
damage and trauma for residents and
businesses. After extensive studies,
proposals were developed for a major
12 km long relief channel to alleviate
flooding in these towns. What makes Flooding from the River Thames into Windsor in 1947

12 The Royal Academy of Engineering

Engineering for Sustainable Development

the control of excavation machinery,

both for position and depth of
excavation, and thus minimisation of
over-digging and waste
• the use of excavated material for
landscaping, and the sale of the surplus
extracted gravel as a construction
material for beneficial use elsewhere
Image: from an Environment Agency leaflet

The approach adopted was to create a

permanent, landscaped asset for local
communities. There is no doubt that, at
the time, the sustainability-driven
approach was innovative and involved
some additional risks.
The route of the Jubilee River flood relief channel. Maidenhead is on the upper left,Windsor and
In the event, whilst the amenity and
Eton at bottom right.
environmental enhancements have been
presented strongly suggests that the Aspects of the design were changed as a almost universally welcomed, some
scheme would be a uniquely attractive result of input from those consulted. engineering problems have been en-
addition to the landscape between countered. Unlined gravel channels rely
However, during the consultation, some
Maidenhead and Eton.” greatly on established vegetation for their
people asked for features to be included,
stability and are susceptible to erosion.
The design resulted from collaboration which, in the end, could not be accom-
The first major flow – of about two-thirds’
between a wide range of professionals – modated. For example, many would have
design capacity – flowed down the
civil engineers, planners, landscape liked the channel to be as navigable as
channel in January 2003, less than 18
architects and ecologists. Amongst many the main Thames channel in this area, but
months after it was completed and before
other objectives, they sought to create a the funding for locks at each weir was not
scheme that replaced habitat that had available, quite apart from the practical
been lost from the local Thames corridor design considerations involved such as
as a result of past land drainage works the varying depth of the new channel.
and ‘channel improvements’. At the same Once the Secretary of State for the
time, the team needed always to keep Environment gave approval in 1995, the
firmly in view the Scheme’s prime pur- intensive planning of the previous few
pose as a functional flood alleviation years could be brought to fruition.
Scheme. This combination of features in Features of interest in the plan included:
the design was strongly supported by the
• the construction of most of the
funding body for the Scheme, the
bridges over the new channel before it
Regional Flood Defence Committee, and
was excavated, which not only made
met a clear objective to create as
the construction processes easier, but
sustainable a solution as possible.
also enabled movement of excavated
Photo: Crane Environmental Ltd.

In the development of the need, and the material along the line of the channel
framing of the challenge to be addressed and out onto major roads, rather than
by the designers, extensive consultation create congestion, nuisance and
was undertaken with residents and others environmental damage along minor
likely to be affected by the Scheme, and roads crossing the Scheme
Planting schemes along the new watercourse
of course the consultation process • an early use in construction of included trees, shrubs and marginal planting as
continued through the Public Inquiry. geographical positioning systems for well as extensive reedbeds.

the vegetation was firmly established, and healthier soils is judged that the Scheme is much more
some unexpected erosion occurred. The • a ‘greener’ business world; sustainable than an inaccessible, concrete
causes of these problems are still being • wiser, sustainable use of natural trapezoidal channel would have been.
investigated and include consideration of resources
how the design was refined as the project • limiting and adapting to climate
progressed. However, the problems change; and
underline the clear need, when adopting
• reducing flood risk.
a sustainable development approach, to
remain focused on the need, as far as It can be seen from the above brief
practicable, that the product or system description that, in creating the Jubilee
functions as intended, whatever River, the Environment Agency was

Photo: Crane Environmental Ltd.

additional environmental and socially- seeking to practice its proclaimed vision
driven features are included. for itself and others. Although the balance
between economic, environmental and
Finally, it is important to recognise that
social performance is still being studied, it
the Environment Agency as client of the
Scheme tried to deliver what they try to
persuade others to adopt. The EA has a
statutory responsibility to promote
sustainable development and its vision
encompasses the following themes for
the future:
• a better quality of life
• an enhanced environment for wildlife
Photo: Crane Environmental Ltd.

• cleaner air for everyone

• improved and protected inland and
coastal waters
• restored, protected land with
Interpretation boards are provided along the bank and include information panels in braille.

14 The Royal Academy of Engineering

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