DLL - Wavespeed-Wavelength

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DAILY LESSON LOG School PDMHS Grade Level 12

Teacher Filamae T. Junio Learning Area PHYSICAL SCIENCE

Teaching Dates and Quarter 2nd Quarter

Demonstrate understanding on how light acts as a wave and a particle.
A. Content Standards

Apply the wavelength-speed frequency relation in solving problem.

B. Performance Standards Use energy –frequency relation to describe the impact of various electromagnetic

Apply the wavelength-speed frequency relation. ( S11/12PS-IVg-62)

C. Learning Specific Objectives:
Competencies/Objectives 1. Describe the relationship exist among wavelength, speed, frequency,
Write the LC code for energy.
each 2. Apply the wavelength-speed frequency relation in solving problem.
3. Discuss how the derivation of formula from set of relationship between
4. Relate the concept on the various impact of the electromagnetic spectrum.

II. CONTENT Topic: How light act as a wave and a particle.

Subtopic: Wavelength-speed frequency relation

A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials SHS Physical Science CG
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning www.trschools.k12.wi.us>cms_files

A. Reviewing previous Diagnostic Test:
lesson or presenting
the new lesson

B. Establishing a purpose Let the student read the objectives of the lesson.
for the lesson
C. Presenting Unlocking of terms:
examples/instances of Wavelength – distance from one wave to another wave.
the new lesson Wave speed – it describes how fast the wave can travel to a medium.
Frequency – is the number of complete cycles per given time.
Period – time it takes to make one complete cycle.
- The inverse of frequency
Photon – is the smallest discrete amount or quantum of electromagnetic radiation.
- It is the basic unit of life.
Max Planck’s constant – 6.626x10-34

D. Discussing new Group the students into 8 groups.

concepts and practicing Provide student materials and activity sheet.
new skills #1 Every group have different set of problems to solve.
Srudents will also describe the relationship of the quantities.
Discussion and Presentation of output.
E. Discussing new Still on the same group.
concepts and practicing Another set of activity will be given to the students to evaluate how the energy is
new skills #2 affected by frequency?
F. Developing mastery Additional Task is given to the students.
(Leads to Formative
Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical Why longer exposure to ultraviolet rays may create sunburn to skin?
applications of concepts Why we can’t directly look to the sun’s ray?
and skills in daily living Why is only red light used in photographic dark room?
Why it is not good to have an x-ray more than twice?

H. Making generalizations Metacognitive statements of Understanding the Lesson:

and abstractions about Now, I know about _____________________________.
the lesson First, _________________________________________.
Second, _______________________________________
Furthermore, ___________________________________.
Finally, ________________________________________.
Now, you know what I know about _________________________.
Solve the following Problems:
I. Evaluating learning 1.

J. Additional activities for Why there is a need to wear safety gear or suit when inside the radioactive plant?
application or


A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

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