Question Bank

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1 . What is the role of doping on the band structures of

solids ? YMCA
2. Give the schrodinger wave equation for a particle in
one dimensional box. YMCA
3. Draw the pi- molecular orbitals for butdiene. YMCA
4. Give three main postulates of CFT. Expain the
splitting of d orbitals under octahedral , tetrahedral
and square planar ligand field. YMCA
5. Explain crystal field splitting in octahedral
complexes. YMCA
6. Define and explain crystal field theory. YMCA
7. Briefly discuss crystal field splitting in tetrahedral
complexes. YMCA
8. What is the significance of Ψ and Ψ2. YMCA
9. Derive the expression for E and Ψ for a particle in 1 –
D box. YMCA
10. Draw and explain molecular orbital diagram of O2
and compare its bond order and magnetic properties
with O2+ , O2-, O22-. YMCA
11. What are intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors.
12. Write down the MOT electronic configuration and
draw molecular orbital energy level diagram for N2
molecule. YMCA
13. Draw pi- molecular orbitals of 1, 3 – butadiene.
Also mention HOMO and LUMO. YMCA
14. Explain the complete LCAO Method.
15. Calculate the µeffective (magnetic moment ) for Ni2+
and Co2+ metal ions.
16. Write Huckel Rules for Aromaticity of compounds
17. Predict whether Tropylium cation , cyclopropenyl cation
, cyclopentadiene are aromatic or non- aromatic.
Intermolecular Forces And Potential Energy

1. Discuss the potential energy surface diagram of H2F

and its trajectories . YMCA
2. Give a detailed account for any four intermolecular
forces of attraction existing in the molecules. YMCA
3. Derive Vander Waal’s equation for the real gases
and extend the derivation to critical phenomenon.
4. Write a short note on PES diagram.Elaborate the
saddle point and mountain pass in a potential energy
surface diagram. YMCA
5. Write short notes on Vander Waal interaction.
6.Derive expression for the calculation of Vc , Pc and Tc
in terms of van der waal’s constant. YMCA
7. Explain the deviations of real gases from ideal
behaviour. YMCA
8. Explain the Andrew isotherms experiment briefly.
9. What are the limitations of equation PV=RT ?What
improvements have suggested by van der waal’s?
10. Derive van der waal’s equation of state of n moles
of a gas . YMCA
11. How does van der waal’s equation explain the
behaviour of real gases when : (important)
(a) Pressure is low,
(b) Pressure is high and ,
(c) Temperature is high .
12. Draw the well labelled potential energy surface
diagram of H3 and briefly discuss it . YMCA
13. Discuss stationary points and saddle point briefly.
Write some applications of PES. YMCA

1. What do you mean by effective nuclear charge ?

Write slater’s rule to find out effective nuclear
charge. ( YMCA)
2. Explain Fajan’s rule of polarizability and its
significance. (YMCA)
3. Give the geometries possible for coordination
number 4. Using VSPER theory predict the
shape of a AB3 molecule having 2 lone pair of
electrons on central metal atom A (ANSWER- since
the question is saying that AB3 molecule and 2 lone pair so total it
have 2 lone pair and 3 bond pair so electronic geometry becomes 5
which is trigonal bipyramidal. Now in trigonal pyramidal 2 lone pair
will be on equatorial position so molecular geometry becomes T-
4. Briefly explain polarization and polarizability.
Discuss the factor influencing polarizability and
consequences of polarizability. (YMCA)
5. What do you understand by electronegativity ?
Explain its variation across its periodic table.
How it effect other properties of elements /
molecules? (YMCA)
6. Discuss the geometry of ClO3- and PCl5. (YMCA)
7. What do you understand polarizability? How
does it differ from polarizing power. Discuss the
Fajans rule for ionic and covalent character of a
bond. (YMCA)
8. What is a difference between hard acid and soft
acid with example ? (YMCA)
9. What is difference between hard base and soft
base with example ? (YMCA)
10. The ionization energy of Al to form Al+ is less
than that of Mg to form Mg+ ion . Explain.
11. Explain why :
(a) Electron affinities of halogens are very high.
(b) Electron affinities of noble gases are zero.
(C) Successive electron affinities have negative
(d ) Calculate effective nuclear charge for an electron
in 4s orbital of Cr, Co (cobalt) , Ni( nickel) ( important )
(e) Calculate effective nuclear charge for an electron
in 3d orbital of Cr, Co (cobalt) , Ni( nickel) (important )
12. Give reasons for the following :
(a) Electron affinity of fluorine is less than that of
(b) The electron affinity of Be and N are almost zero
while that of Ne is zero.
(c) Electrons affinities of halogens are the highest.
(d) Ionization potential decreases down the group
but tend to increase across a period.
13. What is co-ordination number ? Give two
examples of complexes having co-ordination number
of 2 and 4. (YMCA)
14. What do you understand by orbital penetration?
On what factors it depends? Give the trend of its
variation in the orbital of same shell?
15. Apply VSEPR theory to explain the shape of the
following molecules : (YMCA)
(a) BeF2 (b) BF3 (c) NH3
(d) PF5 (e) SO2 (f) SnCl2
(g) I3- (h) SF4 (i) Br3-
(j) XeF4 (K ) H2S (l) H2O
16. Explain the geometry of two molecules in which the
central atom is surrounded by the four electron pair in
the following two cases: (important)
(a) When all electron pairs are bonding pair.
(b) When one electron pair is non bonding.
(c) when two electron pair is non bonding
17. What do you mean by inert pair effect explain
briefly . (YMCA)
18. What do you mean by periodicity and what is
modern periodic law .

1. Give the main difference between wet and dry

corrosion with examples.
2. Give two points how scale and sludge formation can
be prevented in boilers.
3. Explain Ellingham diagram listing its uses and
4. Give the equation which relates cell potential and
Gibbs free energy at equilibrium. Write three main
applications of Nernst equation with examples.
5. What is a state function?
6. Why is work not a state function?
7. Why is entropy a state function?
8.What is the difference between solubility and
solubility product?
9.What is Gibbs Free energy?
10. Define entropy.
11. Define entropy. Write its units and physical
12. What do you mean by free energy and Work
function ? What are their needs in thermodynamics.
13. Explain the criterion for feasibility or spontaneity of
a process in terms of entropy and Gibbs free Energy.
14. Define spontaneity and free energy . Describe the
relationship between Helmoholtz free energy and
Gibb’s free energy.
15. What is Nernst equation ? Write its applications.
16.Give Arrhenious definition of an acid and a base.
17. What is meant by ‘strong’ and ‘weak’ acids and
18. What is Lewis concept of acid and bases?
19. What is Ellingham diagram? How can it be
constructed? What are its important characteristics?
20. Write a short note on :
(a) emf.
(b) potential difference.
(c) Arrhenious acids and bases.
21. What are extensive and intensive properties ?
22. Discuss three methods to prevent corrosion. ?
(i,e galvanic , impressed current and passivation)
23. What is electrochemical series discuss its
applications .
24. Write difference between emf and potential
25. Explain how acetic acid acts as acid in aqueous
solution according to Bronsted- lowry acid base

1. The cell in which the following reaction occurs:
2Fe3+(aq) + 2I-(aq) 2Fe2+(aq) + I2(s)
has E0cell =0.236 V at 298K. Calculate the standard
Gibbs energy and the equilibrium constant of the
cell reaction . (Formula to be used: ∆rG0 = -nFE0cell
and ∆r G0 = -2.303RT log kc)
Ans. ∆rG= -45.55kJ mol-1 & Kc = 9.616 *107

2. Calculate the emf of the cell in which the following

reaction takes place:
Ni(s) + 2Ag+(0.002M) Ni2+ (0.160M) + 2Ag(s)
Given that E0cell=1.05 V (Ans. 0.91V)
3. Write the Nernst equation and the e.m.f. of the
following cells at 298K :
(a) Mg(s) I Mg2+(0.001M) II Cu2+(0.0001M) I Cu(s)
(b) Sn(s) I Sn2+(0.050M) II H+(0.020M) I H2 (g) (1bar) I Pt(s)
Given……EoMg2+/Mg =-2.37V EoCu2+/Cu= +0.34V
EoSn2+/Sn =-0.14V
Ans. (a)2.68 V
(b)0.078 V

4.Calculate the standard cell potentials of galvanic cells

in which the following reactions take place:
(a) 2Cr(s) + 3Cd2+(aq) 2Cr3+ (aq) + 3 Cd (s)
(b) Fe2+ (aq) + Ag+ (aq) Fe3+ (aq) + Ag (s)
Given E°Cr3+ / Cr = -0.74 V, E°Cd2+/ Cd = -0.40 V ,
E°Ag+/ Ag = 0.80 V , E°Fe3+/ Fe2+= 0.77 V
Also calculate ∆rG° and equilibrium constants of the
(Formula to be used: ∆rG0 = -nFE0cell
and ∆r G0 = -2.303RT log kc)
Ans. (a) E°cell = 0.34 V , ∆rG°= -196.86 KJ mol-1 ,
K= 3.192 х 1024
(b) E°cell= 0.03 V , ∆rG°= -2.895 KJ mol-1 , K= 3.22
1. What is hypsochromic shift ? - YMCA
2. What do you mean by IR active molecule? - YMCA
3.Explain the theory of UV- visible spectroscopy using
various type of electronic transitions. - YMCA
4. Write short note on the following : - YMCA
(a) Chemical shift.
(b) Beer-Lambert’s law.
(c) Fundamental vibrations and overtones.
(d) Fluorescence.
(e) Fermi Resonance
(g) Franck Codon Priniple.
5. Define nmr spectroscopy. - YMCA
6. What is the principle of vibrational spectroscopy?
7. Define the term fluorescence and give its application
in medicines. – YMCA
8.What do you mean by term ” Spectroscopy”. Discuss
the various selection rules governing spectroscopy.
9. Give the structural formula of C3H6O which gives one
signal in 1H NMR . - YMCA
10. Give the selection rule for IR spectroscopy. Explain
stretching and bending vibrations in AB2 type nonlinear
molecule. - YMCA
11. Write short note on shielding and de-shielding of
protons in NMR spectroscopy. - YMCA
12. Discuss the principle of electronic spectroscopy.
Explain with reference to butadiene and carbonyl
compounds. - YMCA
13. What do you mean by Finger print region in IR
spectroscopy and why it is important?
14. Draw the rough graph of UV , NMR and IR
15. Explain JABLONSKI diagram.
16. Explain stretching and bending vibration for a linear
molecule CO2 in IR spectroscopy.
17.Discuss the factors on which chemical shift depends
18. What do you mean by Larmor frequency .
19. What is transmittance.
20. What do you mean by RED and BLUE shift in UV
21 What is MRI and write its application. Also
distinguish between Diffraction and Scattering.
22. Name 5 different surface characterisation


1. Discuss taking examples of organic molecules types

of structural and streoisomerism
2. Draw the fischer projection formula for ( 2R)-2-
3. Draw and discuss energy diagram for different
conformational isomers of butane.
4. Discuss stereoisomerism in transitional metal
compound with suitable examples.
5. What are optical active compounds ? Discuss the
essential conditions for optical isomerism , elaborate
with example.
6. Differentiate between enantiomers and
7. Define the following terms :
(a) Anomers.
(b) Chirality.
(c) Chiral axis.
8. Discuss the different types of isomerism possible in
transition metal compounds.

Module _7_ organic chemistry

( All below are YMCA questions )
1. Discuss the synthesis of a commonly used analgesic
drug molecule taking a suitable example.
2. Nucleophilic substitution and elimination reactions
often compete with each other. Justify this statement
giving the conditions when substitution is preferred
over elimination.
3. Allyl halides rapidly undergo nucleophilic
substitution while vinyl halides not. Explain.
4. Give the synthesis of aspirin and its medical uses.
5. Explain elimination reaction with detailed
mechanism by taking suitable example along with the
rule governing major product formation. Describe how
elimination reaction competes with substitution
6. Give synthesis of an antihistamine and antipyretic
7. Give the product when 2-chloro butane reacts with
alcoholic and aqueous KOH .

8. What do you mean by Ambident nucleophiles . Give

9. Give the product when 2- bromo- propane reacts
with AgCN and KCN.
10. Write short notes on Cyclization reactions .
11. Briefly explain : Diels Alder reaction .
12. Write oxidation and reduction reaction of alkene ,
alkyne , aldehyde and ketone .
13. Why Friedel craft acylation is preferred over friedel
craft alkylation .
14 .Though halogens are ortho para activator but why
it is weakly deactivating . Explain .
15. Explain difference between SN1 and SN2 reactions.
16. Explain difference between E1 and E2 reactions.
17. Why benzyl carbocation is more stable . Explain
with help of resonance structures .

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