Mam Leny Implant Study Updated Sept 2

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A Research Proposal Presented to the Faculty of the Midwifery Department

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree in

Bachelor of Science in Midwifery


Berjame, Edwina F.
Diana, Merle L
Carbonnel, Elisa M.
Castillano, Ma. Luisa Y.
Lapiz, Mercedita D.
Rajah, Flora D.
Valdez, Leny L.


Background of the study

Family planning gives numerous advantages to mother, kids, father and the family. It

can turn away just a single – third of maternal deaths and 10% of child mortality when couples

space their pregnancies over two years apart. Short intervals between linked with higher with

higher maternal and child mortality and morbidity. It enables individuals to achieve their

preferred number of kids and decide the spacing of pregnancies. It is likewise accomplished

through utilization of preventative techniques and the treatment of sterility. Advancement of

family planning and securing access to chosen preventative techniques for women and couples is

basic to the health and autonomy of woman, while supporting the well-being and improvement

of communities. (Kumar et al., 2005).

According to Rowland & Searle (2014), it is evaluated that half of pregnancies in Great

Britain either are unforeseen or the women are differed about them. In other high-pay nations,

between 33% and a half of pregnancies are evaluated to be unplanned. Huge numbers of these

unintended pregnancies happen amid utilization of less-powerful techniques for contraception,

for example, pills and condoms. Long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs, for example, the

copper-T intrauterine gadget (IUD), the levonorgestrel intrauterine framework (LNG-IUS), and

the subdermal contraceptive implant and require minoreffort for compliance. The subdermal

implant IMPLANON is a long-acting, reversible, hormonal contraceptivethat contains 68 mg

etonogestrel (progesterone-only) and is compelling for up to 3 years. It is a sterile, without latex

single-bar 4 cm long and 2 mm wide. The rod at first discharges between 60-70 mcg for every

day but declines gradually after some time particularly, etongestrel blood levels restrain
ovulation for no less than three years in most women. The primary mechanisms of action of the

subdermal contraceptive implant include suppression of ovulation, increased viscosity of cervical

mucus and alterations in the endometrium.

A small number of studies like Salem et al. (2010) supported the claim thatlearning about

hormonal implants shifts generally among nations. Among 42 nations with information from

Demographic and Health Surveys, the level of wedded ladies of conceptive age who had known

about hormonal implant ranges from a low of 2% in Chad to 94% in Haiti. In 25 of the 42

nations, not as much as half of the ladies surveyed had known about implants. Regardless of a

huge number of implants having been embedded all over the world, the predominance of

utilization stays low. Considering that even the careful technique for female sterilization has a

pervasiveness of utilization of 18% around the globe and even as high as 36% in India, implants

have been slow to take off. For instance, in France, just 2.6% younger than 30 years were

utilizing an embed in 2010. In Great Britain, in 2008, 1%– 2% of ladies of childbearing age were

utilizing the implant, around a fourth of a million women. Nations that have prospered with

regards to raising the prevalence past 3% of ladies of reproductive age who are married or in a

relationship are Burkina Faso, Colombia, Ethiopia, Norway, and Rwanda.

Moreover, the United Nations Population Fund said in 2016 that the Philippines was the

lone nation in the Asia-Pacific locale which saw an expansion in the rate of teen pregnancy in the

course of the most recent 20 years. The maternal death rate is additionally high, with World

Health Organization information uncovering 114 deaths for each 100,000 live births in the nation

in 2015. This is considerably greater than the rates in other Southeast Asian nations where the

rate is beneath 100. In Singapore is it is 10 maternal deaths for each 100,000 live births, in

Thailand it is 20 and 40 in Malaysia. Promoters of the Republic Act 10354 (Reproductive Health
Law), believe that making all techniques for family planning – both normal and natural – open to

the general population can help diminish these statistics. As indicated by the nation's Department

of Health, there has been an expansion in the utilization of present day family arranging

strategies among Filipinos – from 41.14 for each per cent in 2014 to 43.8 for every per cent in

2015. Anyway the primary strategy among Filipinos with regards to contraceptives is still

contraceptive medication pills, with 1,952,190 ladies recorded to have taken them in 2015. In

any case, there are the individuals who have begun to move to long term preventative strategies,

for example, implants for the reason that there is a higher risk of spontaneous pregnancy when a

lady neglects to take her pills (Romero, 2018).

Few studies have looked specifically at women’s awareness of long-acting contraceptive

methods. Furthermore, this research expects to address the gap in literature that looks not only to

evaluate women’s perception, acceptance, and views on the implant as a contraceptive

method, their vaginal bleeding patterns, non-menstrual adverse events, main reasons for

discontinuation, and its effects on breastfeeding but to specifically identify women who favor the

subdermal implant by determining the relationship between the demographic profile of the

women and their knowledge and perspective on the subdermal implant. This therefore prompted

the researchers to conduct this study which is intended to explore the awareness and attitude

towards Progestin subdermal birth control implants as a contraceptive method among women in

their first trimester in the municipality of Margosatubig, Zamboanga del Sur. Eventually based

on the findings, the final output will be an action plan on advocacy program of Progestin

subdermal implant.
Purpose of the study

The goal of the study is to determine the awareness and attitude of women on Progestin

Subdermal Implant. The purpose of the study is threefold;

1. To determine the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of;

a. Age

b. Civil status

c. Educational attainment

d. Religion

e. Ethnicity

f. Monthly income

g. No. of children

2. To determine the awareness and attitude of the respondents on Progestin Subdermal

Implant as a contraceptive method.

3. To determine the relationship between the demographic profile of the respondents and

their awareness and attitude on Progestin Subdermal Implant as a contraceptive method.

Statement of the problem

The researchers aim to determine the awareness and attitude of women in the first on

Progestin Subdermal Implant. Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, civil status,

educational attainment, religion, ethnicity, monthly income and their number of children?
1. What is the level of awareness and attitude of the respondents on Progestin Subdermal

Implant as a contraceptive method?

2. Is there a significant relationship between the demographic profile of the respondents and

their awareness and attitude on Progestin Subdermal Implant as a contraceptive method?


Ha: There is a significant relationship between the demographic profile of the respondents and

their awareness and attitude on Progestin Subdermal Implant as a contraceptive method.

Ho: There is no significant relationship between the demographic profile of the respondents

and their awareness and attitude on Progestin Subdermal Implant as a contraceptive method.

Significance of the study

The outcomes of this investigation can provide some noteworthy information and

perceptions about the administration of the subdermal implant to women. This study will serve

as an imperative in the advocacy of subdermal implant use. Specifically, this research will have

substantial worth to the following beneficiaries:

Women.The researchers hope that the findings of this study will contribute to future

counseling of women who wish to use subdermal implants, particularly in the municipality of

Margosatubig, Zamboanga del Sur.

Family. This work will aid the family in carefully planning the birth spacing between

their children so that they can take care of them better and the better reproductive health for the

mother is ensured.
RHU and Health Providers. This research will help to reduce the discontinuation rate to

provide a good impact on future national family planning programs of the health providers.

LGU. This study will provide substantial information for the local government to take

actions in aiding the advocacy of women’s reproductive health and use of Progestin Subdermal


Other Researchers. Other researchers may utilize the results of this study as bases in

conducting similar studies.

Scope and limitations of the study

The study was undertaken according to the scope and limitations projected to be able to

differentiate this study from other studies in the same field. The study is delineated principally to

determine the relationship between the demographic profile of the women and their awareness

and attitude towards the Progestin subdermal implant as contraceptive method.

Research Locale. This study will be conducted in municipality of Margosatubig,

Zamboanga del Sur.


Review of Related Literature

Related Study

There is developing enthusiasm for expanding the utilization of long-acting reversible

contraception (LARC), and proposals that such strategies may fill in as another option to

sterilization. Be that as it may, there is little data about whether ladies who do not want more

children would be keen on utilizing LARC strategies. Teal and Romer (2013) cited that

awareness with LARC among ladies matters since anticipation of unintended pregnancy requires

picking and starting a preventative strategy, and utilizing it accurately and reliably after some

time. A patient conveys her inclinations to the health care visit, which get from her own

particular past contraceptive encounters, her introduction to information from the media, or from

loved ones; she is then presented to her health provider’s predispositions and inclinations. Health

providers, thus, are intensely impacted by patient preferences; consequently, without a conscious

campaign by a provider to urge ladies to utilize a particular strategy, a woman’s awareness of

different preventative strategies emphatically impacts what technique she initiates.

Ladies who are happy with their decision of contraceptive method keep utilizing their

strategy longer than those who are not happy with their strategy. Implants and IUDs have the

most noteworthy continuation rates among clients of reversible contraceptive techniques, even in

the wake of considering age, parity, and fertility intentions. In clinical preliminaries, between

85% to 99% of ladies utilizing inserts keep on using the strategy for no less than one year.

Between 58% to 96% of ladies keep on using implants for no less than three years, and 40% to

76% keep utilizing the strategy for no less than five years. In a meta-examination of eight
clinical preliminaries, the continuation rate of Implanon was 92% at one year, 67% at two years,

and 17% at three years. There are marked contrasts in continuation rates in view of geological

zone, with higher continuation rates in studies conducted in developing nations contrasted and

studies conducted in developed countries (Teal and Romer, 2013).

An examination directed by White et al. (2013) was done through semi-organized

meetings with 120 parous Latina ladies in El Paso, Texas who needed sterilization however had

not obtained one. They evaluated women’s awareness and enthusiasm for utilizing the copper

intrauterine gadget (IUD), levonorgestrel intrauterine framework (LNG-IUS), and etonogestrel

embed. By and large, 51%, 23% and 47% of ladies detailed they had known about the copper

IUD, LNG-IUS and implants, respectively. More ladies expressed they would utilize the copper

IUD (24%) than the LNG-IUS (14%) or implants (9%). Moreover, among ladies keen on LARC,

the most widely recognized reasons were that, in respect to their present strategy, LARC

techniques were more helpful, successful, and gave longer-term security against pregnancy. The

individuals who had reservations about LARC were principally worried about menstrual

changes. Women likewise had worries about symptoms and the strategies' viability in preventing

pregnancy, liking to utilize a well-known technique. In spite of the fact that these discoveries

demonstrate numerous Latina ladies in this setting do not consider LARC a contrasting option to

sterilization, they point to a current request among some who wish to end childbearing.

Endeavors are expected to enhance woman’s awreness and access to a scope of techniques so

they will realize their childbearing goals.

Another related examination directed in Ethiopia by Mubarik et al. (2016) found that

present current preventative use among wedded ladies in the urban was 87.5% and 72.8% in

rural. Evidence from a hospital based study consider with respect to pregnant ladies in Karachi
Pakistan, demonstrated 43% contraception practiced while this rate was very low in examines

directed in provincial zones. Free choice and advancement of an extensive variety of powerful

contraceptives, including responsible counselling, will enhance the nature of reproductive

wellbeing/ family planning services. There is an extensive variety of contraceptives but among

current options, long-term and safe contraceptives, the subdermal contraceptive Implant is one.

Norplant was the main choice for ladies and is right now the most generally utilized. First tried in

1966, clinical examinations have included in excess of 55,000 ladies, and the Norplant is enlisted

in no less than 60 nations.

The utilization of implant is expanding worldwide and African district. Somewhere in the

range of 2005 and 2009, international agency procurement of implants for sub-Saharan Africa

increased 15-fold. Currently, more than 30 nations in that district are recipients of the roughly

1.5 million units that arrive every year. In a report by Mubarik et al. (2016) it was discovered

that implantable contraceptivei.e; Implanon Rod (Implant) was very much endured by the

customers of family planning clinics. There is no examination accessible which can give us a

thought regarding information and routine with regards to Subdermal Birth Control implants

among ladies in provincial regions of Pakistan, which is home to 66% of the around 180 million

individuals in the country. The current study is designed to investigate the information with

respect to implants and evaluate the knowledge and attitude of women toward these implants in a

rural area of Margosatubig, Zamboanga del Sur..

As per the finish of the investigation of Salem et al. (2010), the most engaging parts of

implants to clients are the long duration of contraceptive protection, convenience, high viability,

and reversibility. Ladies additionally like that implants do not meddle with sex and that they are

set in the arm instead of in the vagina or uterus. Then again, a few ladies report concerns and fear
of pain with implant insertion and removal, and problems of confidentiality due to the potential

visibility of the implants. Myths and misguided judgments about implants are basic in a few

sections of the world and influence the adequacy of the strategy. As opposed to misconceptions

and confusions, implants do not cause malignancy or cancer, perpetual sterility, unconstrained

premature births, low birth weight babies in future pregnancies, or adversely influence

breastmilk. They likewise do not make users thin, cause death, or result in arm loss.

Based on the review of related literature, it has been found that there is a scarcity of

materials related to the relationships of the three variables demographic profile, awareness and

attitude of pregnant women towards progestin subdermal implant. Hence, this study is proposed

to focus on determining potential significant differences between these variables in the

municipality of Margosatubig, Zamboanga del Sur. The writing to date shows that ladies'

mindfulness and information of progestin subdermal embed is restricted, however government

ventures have approved the convictions of numerous providers that when young ladies are

exhibited of progestin subdermal embed as choices, they think of them as incredible decisions.

At last, expanding the consciousness of the both providers and women about of progestin

subdermal implant may prompt change in the regenerative wellbeing for teenagers. Thus, this

investigation is committed to make an action plan on an advocacy program after discovering the

most effective and efficient ways to increase women’s awareness on progestin subdermal

implant methods.Although contraceptive counselling traditionally covers method efficacy, use

characteristics, side effects, long term effects, effect on bleeding, and more, it is not clear which

of these elements are necessary and sufficient for a young woman to decide to initiate or

continue a contraceptive, and from whom this message is most effective.

Then again, ladies trust the data they get from health care providers, the larger part do not

find out about contraception from this source. Despite the fact that almost all women utilize the

Internet day by day, they are additionall doubting and show negative attitude towards the

information they get through this medium. At long last, pushing on what sorts of media

communication effectively reach pregnant women will help guide efforts to improve awareness

and attitude towards progestin subdermal implant (Salem et al., 2010).

Theoretical Framework

The Health Belief Model (HBM) is a psychological model that endeavors to clarify and

anticipate health behaviors. This is done by concentrating on the attitudes and beliefs of people.

The HBM was first created in the 1950s by social therapists Hochbaum, Rosenstock and Kegels

working in the U.S. General Health Services. The model was produced in light of the

disappointment of a free tuberculosis (TB) wellbeing screening program. From that point

forward, the HBM has been adjusted to investigate a variety of long- and short-term health

behaviors, including sexual risk behaviors and the transmission of HIV/AIDS (Becker, 1978).

The HBM depends on the understanding that a man will make a health-related action

(i.e., utilize contraceptives) if that individual feels or encounters that a negative health condition

(i.e., spontaneous pregnancy) can be kept away from, has a positive expectation that by making a

suggested move, he/she will avoid a negative wellbeing condition (i.e., utilizing contraceptives

will be powerful at averting unplanned pregnancy), and believes that he/she can effectively make

a prescribed health action (i.e., he/she can utilize contraceptives easily and with certainty).

Moreover, the HBM was explained as far as constructs representing the apparent risk and net
advantages: perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, and perceived

barriers. An added concept, cues to action, would activate that readiness and stimulate overt

behavior. Lastly, an on-going expansion to the HBM is simply the idea of self-efficacy, or one's

confidence in the ability to successfully perform an action (Becker et al., 1978). The figure

below illustrates the HBM.

Figure 2. The conceptual framework of the HBM.

Conceptual Framework

In this study, the conceptual framework focuses on the demographic profile of women

which include the age, civil status, educational attainment, religion, ethnicity, monthly income

and number of children; and their level of awareness and attitude towards Progestin subdermal

implant as a contraceptive method.

The conceptual framework of the study is shown in Figure 1.

Demographic Profile

Age Civil
Knowledge Status Attitude

No. of Children Women

Client Educational

Monthly Income


Figure 1. The conceptual framework of the study.

Operational Definition

The following terms will be used extensively in this study and shall be taken according to

the definition given below:

Awareness. In this study, it refers to the knowledge, perception, or well informed interest

of the respondents towards the progestin subdermal implant.

Attitude. This refers to the feeling or emotion of the respondents towards the progestin

subdermal implant.
Contraceptive Method. This indicates the mode of contraception or birth control which

prevents pregnancy by interfering the normal process of ovulation, fertilization and implantation.

There are different kinds of contraceptive methods but this study is focused on the hormonal

method which includes progestin subdermal implant. (Encyclopedia of Children’s Health)

Demographic profile. This include personal data of the respondents limited toage, civil

status, educational attainment, religion ethnicity monthly income and number of children.

Women. These represent the women in reproductive age who are capable of containing a

developing embryo, fetus, or offspring within the body. (Merriam Webster Dictionary). In this

study, they are women who are current users of Progestin subdermal implant and are certified

residents of Mragosatubig, Zamboanga del Sur.

Progestin. This is defined asany of various natural or synthetic steroid hoemones as

progesterone that cause progestational activity used in birth control pills, in hormone theraphy

and progestin subdermal implant. (Webster’s New World College Dictionary)

Subdermal implant. This involves the delivery of a steroid progestin from polymer

capsules or rods placed under the skin. (Peralta et al., 1995)

Chapter 3

Research Methodology

This chapter presents the research methodology of the study. It includes discussion on

the research design and research methods covering the research environment, research subjects,

sampling techniques, instrumentation, data gathering techniques, and statistical treatment.

Research Design

This study will employ descriptive survey and inferential design. Descriptive survey

research design is used to allow researchers to gather information, summarize, present and

interpret data for the purpose of clarification (Orodho, 2003). The descriptive survey research is

intended to produce statistical information about the demographic profile of women and their

level of awareness and attitude towards the Progestin subdermal implant as a contraceptive

method. The descriptive research design is suitable because the researcher collected data and

report it the way the situation is without manipulating any variables. Inferential statistics design

is to reach conclusions that extend beyond the immediate data alone. Inferential statistics is the

way to understand how accessible data can help to explain unknown relationships and social

realities. In this case is determining whether there is significant relationship between awareness

and attitude of women towards Progestin subdermal implant as a contraceptive method. (Abbon,


Research Locale
The site of this examination will be in the municipality of Margosatubig, Zamboanga del


Research Respondents

The population of this research will include all women who are current users or are

currently using the Progestin subdermal implant regardless of age and are certified residents of

Margosatubig, Zamboanga del Sur.

Research Instruments

The research instruments which will be used for this study is self-made questionnaire

which is designed by the researchers to measure level of awareness and attitude of women

towards on Progestin subdermal implant as a contraceptive method. To attain validity the

instrument will go through content validation of experts and to test its reliability, it will undergo

pilot testing to a comparable group of women who are current users of subdermal implant and

will not be included in the actual respondents. The data from the instruments will be applied with

Cronbach’s Alpha which is a measure of internal consistency, that is, how closely related a set of

items are as a group.    The computed value of Cronbach’s alpha should be equal or greater than

the standard value of 0.7. A "high" value for alpha does not imply that the measure is one-

dimensional (Statistics Solution, 2018).

The hypothetical mean range to be used to interpret the data is as follows: to determine

the level of awareness and attitude of women towards on Progestin subdermal implant as a

contraceptive method.

1.00-1.80 Very Low 1.81-2.60 Low 2.61-3.40 Average

3.41-4.20 High 4.21-5.00 Very High


Due to the fact that the study is focusing on a specialized population (women who are

current users of subdermal implant), stratified random sampling method will be adopted. To

calculate the sample size S, the researchers will used the Slovin’s formula with 10% error with

population size N= 300. Therefore, as shown below, the sample size is 75.

S= _____N_____

1+N (e) 2

S= _____300____

1+ [300 (0.1)2]

S= _____300___

1+ [300 (0.01)]

S= _____300_____

S = 75

Data Gathering Techniques

The first step before conducting this study is the researchers will seek permission from

the medical center chief of Margosatubig Regional Hospital (MRH), Margosatubig, Zamboanga

del Sur. Second, they will proceed to make random appointments with the walk-in women clients

as respondents in the Family Planning Office of the MRH and explained to them the nature of
the study and the manner on how the questionnaire will be answered. A cover letter will be

attached to the questionnaire requesting the respondents to participate in the study.

During the administration of the questionnaire, the respondents will answer questions on

their demographic profile, awareness and attitude towards Progestin subdermal implant by the

Likert scale where the numerical scale and response category are as follows: 1- strongly disagree

2- disagree 3- undecided 4-agree and 5-strongly agree.

After the administration, the accomplished questionnaires will be retrieve immediately

and the relationship between the respondents’ demographic profile, awareness and attitude

towards Progestin subdermal implant as a contraceptive method will be determined by analysis

and interpretation of data using appropriate statistical tool. Finally, an action plan on advocacy

campaign on the use of subdernal implant will be designed to serve as output of this research


Data Analysis

Data generated will be subjected to descriptive statistics of frequency counts and

percentage analysis. Additionally, descriptive statistical tools such as weighted mean will be

employed to establish the condition of variables under study and inferential statistical tool such

as the Pearson Moment Coefficient Correlation (PPMCC). The Pearson product-moment

correlation coefficient is a measure of the strength of the linear relationship between two

variables such as the demographic profile of the respondents and their awareness and attitude

towards Progestin subdermal implant as contraceptive method. If the relationship between the

variables is not linear, then the correlation coefficient does not adequately represent the strength
of the relationship between the variables. (David M. Lane,` 2016). The symbol for Pearson's

correlation is "ρ" when it is measured in the population and "r" when it is measured in a sample.

In this study, the researcher was dealing almost exclusively with samples, “r” was used to

represent Pearson's correlation.

r =n ( Σxy )−¿ ¿


n is the sample size

x is an element in data set 1

y is an element in data set 2

∑ x is the summation of elements in data set 1

∑ y is the summation of elements in data set 2
∑ xy is the summation of the products of elements in data set 1 and data set 2
Σ x is the summation of the squares of elements in the data set 1
Σ y is the summation of the squares of elements in the data set 2

Moreover, processing of data will be done using the Statistical Package for Social

Sciences (SPSS) Version 2.0 for more accurate and reliable results.

Ethical Considerations in Research

This study will put in deliberation certain ethical subjects wherein all respondents will

report their written response regarding their contribution through signed consent letters. This is

to reinstate self-assurance on the respondents that their participation will be premeditated and

that they may straightforwardly withdraw for any reason. Subsequently, the respondents will be

comforted that their responses will be treated confidential and used only for intellectual purpose.

Becker, M.H. The Health Belief Model and Personal Health Behavior. Health Education

Monographs. Vol. 2 No. 4.Retrieve from

Becker, M.H.,Radius, S.M., &Rosenstock, I.M. (1978). Compliance with a medical regimen for

asthma: a test of the health belief model, Public Health Reports, 93, 268-77. Retrieve


Kumar, S., Priyadarshini A., Kant, S. Anand, K. and Yadav, BK. (2005) Attituude of women

towards family planning methods and its use—study from a slum of Delhi.Dept of

Community Medicine.KathmanduUnive Med J 3(3):259-62 Retrieve from

Mubarik, M. Jameel, N. and Khalil, R. (2016). Knowledge, attitude and utilization of sub-dermal

birth control implants among married rural women of Pakistan. International Journal of

Research in Medical Sciences (6):2229-223. pISSN 2320-6071 | eISSN 2320-6012.

Retrieved from

Peralta, O., Diaz, Sand Croxatto, H. (1995) Subdermal contraceptive implants. PubMed J Steroid

Biochem Molecular Biology 1995;53:223-226 Retrieved from

Romero, P. (2018) Women in the Philippines turn to implants to protect themselves against

unplanned pregnancy. Channel News Asia. Retrieve from
Rowlands, S. and Searle, S.(2014). Contraceptive implants: current perspectives. Dove Medical

Press. Volume 2014(5):73-84

Salem RM, Jacobstein R, Yacobson I, SpielerJ,and Frazee E. (2010) Essential Knowledge About

Hormonal Implants. Implants Toolkit. Retrieved


Teal, S. and Romer E. (2013). Awareness of Long-Acting Reversible Contraception Among

Teens and Young Adults. Journal of Adolescent Health (52): S35-39

White, K., Hopkins, K., Potter, J. and Grossman (2013). Knowledge and attitudes about long-

acting reversible contraception among Latina women who desire sterilization. Womens

Health Issues (4): e257–e263.

Appendix A

Republic of the Philippines

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Dao, Pagadian City

March 26, 2018

The Principal
Kabatan National High School
Senior High School Department
This Division



Attached herewith is a letter from Rowena A. Adavan, Researcher, Master of

Arts in Education of Southern Mindanao Colleges, which asked permission to conduct
the research in your school entitled “Effect of Sex Education on Teenage Pregnancy
Incidence Among Secondary School Students” of which the Office approves, provided
that as stipulated in DO 9 s. 2005- Instituting Measures to Increased Engaged Time-on-
Task and Ensuring Compliance therewith be observed.

Please be guided.


Schools Division Superintendent
October , 2018


Schools Division Superintendent
Division of Zamboanga del Sur
Pagadian City



The undersigned is presently taking Master of Arts in Education Major in History at

Southern Mindanao Colleges, Pagadian City. I am in the process of writing my research
paper entitled “Effect of Sex Education on Teenage Pregnancy Incidence among
Secondary School Students”.

In this regard, I would like to ask permission from your office to conduct the study at
Kabatan National High School, District of Vincenzo Sagun. The respondents will be the
Grade 7-12 students who were enrolled at Kabatan National High School and got
pregnant at their teenage years (12-19 years old) within years 2013-2017. All of them
are currently enrolled in the present school year 2018-2019.

I am looking forward to your favorable action on this regard. I do hope and would be
very grateful for the approval of this request.

Very truly yours,



, Ed.D.
Dean- SMC Graduate School

Approved by:


Schools Division Superintendent

March 26, 2018

School Principal
Kabatan National High School
Vincenzo Sagun, Zamboanga del Sur



The undersigned is presently taking Master of Arts in Education Major in History at

Southern Mindanao Colleges, Pagadian City. I am in the process of writing my research
paper entitled “Effect of Sex Education on Teenage Pregnancy Incidence among
Secondary School Students”.

In this regard, I would like to ask permission from your office to conduct the study at
Kabatan National High School, District of Vincenzo Sagun. The respondents will be the
Grade 7-12 students who were enrolled at Kabatan National High School and got
pregnant at their teenage years (12-19 years old) within years 2013-2017. All of them
are currently enrolled in the present school year 2018-2019.

I am looking forward to your favorable action on this regard. I do hope and would be
very grateful for the approval of this request.

Very truly yours,



, Ed.D.
Dean- SMC Graduate School


Schools Principal
Appendix B


Lower Taway.Ipil, ZamboangaSibugay
BS Midwifery Program

“Awareness and Attitude of Women on Progestin Subdermal Implant as Contraceptive Method”

Instruction: Please fill in the necessary information by ticking the box with a check mark.

PART I – Information on Demographics

Age: □ 15-20 □ 21-25 □ 26-30 □ 31-35 □36-40 □ 41-45

Civil status: □Married □Single □Cohabiting □Divorced/Separated

PART II – Information on Awareness

Instructions: Kindly read and understand each item carefully. Put a check mark( ⁄ ) inside the
box that corresponds to your answer. Please to the legend of the Likert scale below:

4 – Highly Aware
3 – Moderately Aware
2 – Aware
1 – Somewhat aware
0 – Unaware

STATEMENTS 4 3 2 1 0
1. Progestin contraceptive implant is a highly cost-
effective form of contraception.
2. Progestin subdermal implant is a reversible form of
3. Progestin Subdermal implants can be inserted at
anytime in a womans cycle and Post Partum
4. Progestin Subdermal Implants can be replaced
without additional precaution.
5. Progestin subdermal implants can be used in
lactating mothers.
6. Implants only have one hormone.
7. Progestin Subdermal Implant is convenient and
8. Progestin Subdermal Implants will not affect
fertility or make it harder to get pregnant in the

PART III – Information on Attitude

Instructions: The following statements related to attitude of the respondents on Progestin

Suddermal Implant. Kindly read and understand each item carefully. Put a check mark ( ⁄ )
inside the box that corresponds to your answer. Please to the legend of the Likert scale below:

4 – Highly Agree
3 – Moderately Agree
2 – Agree
1 – Disagree
0 – Highly disagree

STATEMENTS 4 3 2 1 0
1. I usually have fear of needles
2. I think there is a possibility that the implant will
move from the area of insertion to any part of the
3. I heard that the implant can lead to complications
and even death
4. I do not want to use implant because it may cause
abnormal bleeding
5. I heard that the implant can not protect sexually
transmitted infection.
6. I do not want to use Subdermal implants because I
heard that can cause irregular bleeding and
7. I do not want to use implant because I saw my
from a fellow the site of the insertion of her
implant has bruises and scars.
8. I heard that the implanon side effects are; mood
swings, weight gain, acne .

Appendix C

Research Participant’s Informed Consent Form

Title of Study: Effect of Sex Education on Teenage Pregnancy Incidence
among Secondary School Students

Name of the Researcher: Rowena A. Adavan

Directions: Please put a check mark inside the box before

each item if you agree the conditions being presented.

I am assured of the confidentiality of my responses. I am also assured that my

anonymity will also be kept confidential at the strictest level.

I am requested to participate at my own will. I understand that my requested

participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any time upon giving a valid

I agree to take part in the above study.

I confirm that I have read and understood the consent form dated;

__________ for the above study and have had the opportunity to raise questions.

_______________________ _____________ ______________

Name of Participant (Optional) Date Signature

Rowena A. Adavan _____________ ______________

Researcher Date Signature
Curriculum Vitae

[Insert picture in toga]

Name : Rowena A. Adavan

Date Birth :

Place of Birth :

Present Address : Poblacion, Vincenzo Sagun, Zamboanga del Sur

Parents :

Address : Poblacion, Vincenzo Sagun, Zamboanga del Sur

Educational Background

Graduate Studies : Southern Mindanao Colleges

Pagadian City

Tertiary : Central Mindanao University


Bachelor of Secondary Education

Major in Business Technology (March 20__)

Secondary : Kabatan National High School

Vincenzo Sagun, Zamboanga del Sur (March 20__)

Elementary : Vincenzo Sagun Central Elementary School

Vincenzo Sagun, Zamboanga del Sur (March 19__)

Eligibility : Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET)

August 20__
Work Experience : Teacher I

Kabatan National High School- Junior High School

Kabatan, Vincenzo Sagun, Zamboanga del Sur

February 2008- present

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