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Kabatan National High School

Vincenzo Sagun, Zamboanga del Sur

Contributory Factors of Stunted Growth to the

Nutritional Status of Students

A Research

Presented to the Faculty of the

Senior High School

Kabatan National High School

Vincenzo Sagun, Zamboangadel Sur

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

of the Subject Practical Research 1


Caracol, Princess Haze

Hupa, Jeshane Louie

Gallardo, Joshua

Nobleza, Christian Jay

Table of Contents



1 The Problem
Conceptual Framework
Statement of the Problem
Scope and Limitations
Significance of the study
Definition of terms
2 Review of Related Literature and Studies
Chapter 1


Stunted growth also known as stunting and nutritional stunting, is a reduced growth

rate in human development. It is a primary manifestation of malnutrition (or more precisely

under nutrition) and recurrent infections, such as diarrhea and helminthiasis, in early

childhood and even before birth, due to malnutrition during fetal development brought on by

a malnourished mother. The definition of stunting according to the World Health

Organization (WHO) is for the “Height of age” value to be less than two standard deviations

of WHO child growth Standards median.

As of 2012 an estimated 162 million children under 5 years of age, or 25%, were

stunted in 2012. More than 90% of the World’s stunted children live in Africa and Asia,

where respectively 36% and 56% of children are affected. Once established, stunting and its

effects typically become permanent. Stunted children may never regain the height lost as a

result of stunting, and most children will never gain the corresponding body weight. Living in

an environment where many people defecate in the open due to lack of sanitation, is an

important cause of stunted growth in children.

The Philippine chronic malnutrition rate among children aged 0-2 was at 26.2 %, the

highest in 10 years, according to a recent survey by the Food and Nutrition Research Institute

(FNRI) of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST). Based on FNRI’s date from

2015, the Philippine chronic malnutrition rate among children aged 0-2 was at 26.6%, the

highest in 10 years.

In the local data of Kabatan National High School Clinic, there are ten (10) reportd

cases of Grade 8 students who are experiencing stunted growth. The researchers of this study

are encouraged to conduct further investigation on stunted growth to help these students.
Conceptual Framework
Contributory Factors of Stunted Growth to the
Nutritional Status of Students

Contributory factors to Nutritional status of

stunted growth of students students

To improve nutritional status of students.

This study focused on the effects of nutritional status to the academic performance of

the students. Thus, if feeding program will resolved the problem for the growth of the

students, there will be a significant effect to the problem. The researchers find that stunted

growth of the Grade 8 students is the independent variable and the academic performance as

the dependent variable.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to help the teachers and clinic personnel improve the nutritional

status of students through interventions such as feeding, teacher parent conference, and

healthy lifestyle advocacy. It seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What factors are contributory to stunted growth in terms of:

A. Carbohydrates;

B. Proteins;

C. Sleep;

D. Exercise;

E. Posture; and

F. Heredity?
2. What are the interventions to improve nutritional status in terms of:

a. Feeding;

b. Teacher parent conference; and

c. Healthy lifestyle?

3. What is the level of effect of stunted growth in terms of:

a. Physical health; and

b. Nutritional status?

4. What is the most prevailing factor that contributes to the stunted growth of


5. What is the least prevailing factor that contributes to the stunted growth of


6. Is there significant relationship between contributory factors to stunted growth and

nutritional status of students?

Scope and Limitations

The scope and limitation of this study are presented herein to be able to differentiate

this study from other studies in the same field.

Subject Matter. This study is focused on the contributory factors to the stunted growth

of Grade 8 students and to the interventions to improve their nutritional status.

Time and Place. This study conducted at in Kabatan National High School, Kabatan

Vincenzo Sagun, Zamboanga del Sur, from August 2017 to October 2017.

Research Design. The study is both qualitative and quantitative research which will be

using interview for data collection and self-made questionnaire for quantifiable data.

Research Respondents. This research will include seventeen (17) Grade 8 students who

are experiencing stunted growth for the school year 2017-2018.

Instrumentation. The research instrument that will be used in this study is a semi-

structured interview guide and a self-made questionnaire on contributory factors of stunted


Significance of the Study

Stunted students, this is beneficial to them to be aware on what healthy foods they

should eat and what activities they should do to prevent stunted growth.

Teachers, this will be favorable to teachers because this study will help the stunted

students to find ways to increase the academic performance.

Clinic personal, this study will be advantageous to the school nurse in giving an

advocacy on stunted growth.

Parents of stunted students, this study will help the parents of stunted students to

encouraged their children to eat healthy foods and do activities to prevent stunted growth.

Definition of Terms

Carbohydrates. When eating carbohydrate loaded foods such as potatoes, rice, bread,

cereals and pasta, the body is also taking in too many calories. The calories can result in to

weight gain and too much weight can make a person appear shorter because it can possibly

compress the spine and prevent growth.

Proteins. Too little protein in the body can also hurt the body. The body needs

significant amount of protein to grow. Proteins breakdown to amino acids which also

composes the human growth hormone.

Lack of Sleep prevents maximum production of human growth hormones and having

too much sleep makes a person gain weight. 8 hours is the recommended length of sleep.
Exercise. For a person to generate and release the human growth hormone, exercises

play a crucial role. Stretching increases the cartilage which supports the decompression and

growth of the spine during sleep.

Posture. Many people are shorter than they should be because of bad posture. The

spine must be kept straight to take lead of all the work done towards height gain.

Heredity. Familial short stature is based on the summation of hereditary anlages of the

parents. In principle, it is no endocrine disorder. Heredity reasons have found to influence

stunted growth in some children.

Nutritional status - Nutritional status is a primary determinant of a child’s health and

well-being. Inadequate intake of dietary energy and protein and frequent infections are well-

known causes of growth.

Physical Health - Malnourished children experience developmental delays, weight-

loss and illness as a result of inadequate intake of protein, calories and other nutrients. 

Feeding - Proper nutrition of children leading to adequate growth and good health is

the essential foundation of human development.

Teacher Parent Conference - Healthy eating patterns in childhood and adolescence

promote optimal childhood health, growth, and intellectual development.

Healthy lifestyle advocacy – Childhood obesity is a well-documented public health

crisis. Even many children who are not overweight have inadequate physical activity, poor

nutrition. The solution lies in the community. Environmental interventions are among the

most effective for improving public health.

Respondents. This refers to the seventeen (17) students in Kabatan National High

School who were stunted.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Definition of Stunted Growth

Stunted growth is also known as stunting and nutritional stunting, is a reduced growth

rate in human development. It is a primary manifestation of malnutrition (or more precisely

under nutrition) and recurrent infections, such as diarrhea and helminthiasis, in early

childhood and even before birth, due to malnutrition during fetal development brought on by

a malnourished mother. The definition of stunting according to the World Health

Organization (WHO) is for the “height of age” value to be less than two standard deviations

of the WHO child Growth Standards median.

Contributory Factors of Stunted Growth

Height is determined by many factors and many factors can stunt growth as well. It is

important to take good care of the body. And to help increase height, it is important to know

what factors prohibits growth in the body.  Here are some factors that dramatically stunts


Carbohydrates. When eating carbohydrate loaded foods such as potatoes, rice, bread,

cereals and pasta, the body is also taking in too many calories. The calories can result in to

weight gain and too much weight can make a person appear shorter because it can possibly

compress the spine and prevent growth. Excessive carbohydrates are not only a large obstacle

but it also counteracts any effort made towards height gain.

Proteins. Too little protein in the body can also hurt the body. The body needs

significant amount of protein to grow. Proteins breakdown to amino acids which also

composes the human growth hormone. The human growth hormone causes the body to grow.

Aside from that, protein helps the digestive track metabolize food and create other enzymes

needed for growth.

Lack of Sleep prevents maximum production of human growth hormones and having

too much sleep makes a person gain weight. 8 hours is the recommended length of sleep.

Exercise. For a person to generate and release the human growth hormone, exercises

play a crucial role. Stretching increases the cartilage which supports the decompression and

growth of the spine during sleep. Exercising also increases metabolism to help the body

effectively use the nutrients taken from dieting.

Posture. Many people are shorter than they should be because of bad posture. The spine must

be kept straight to take lead of all the work done towards height gain. Hunching over, having

rounded shoulders or slouching compresses the spinal column prohibiting it to grow to its full


Heredity. Familial short stature is based on the summation of hereditary anlages of the

parents. In principle, it is no endocrine disorder. Heredity reasons have found to influence

stunted growth in some children. A family that shares history of delayed growth often

continues to produce children who are not sufficiently developed with respect to physical

Effect of stunted growth

Nutritional status - Nutritional status is a primary determinant of a child’s health and

well-being. Inadequate intake of dietary energy and protein and frequent infections are well-

known causes of growth.

Physical Health - Malnourished children experience developmental delays, weight-

loss and illness as a result of inadequate intake of protein, calories and other nutrients. 

Intervention to improve Nutritional Status

Feeding - Proper nutrition of children leading to adequate growth and good health is

the essential foundation of human development.

Teacher Parent Conference - Healthy eating patterns in childhood and adolescence

promote optimal childhood health, growth, and intellectual development.

Healthy lifestyle advocacy – Childhood obesity is a well-documented public health

crisis. Even many children who are not overweight have inadequate physical activity, poor

nutrition. The solution lies in the community. Environmental interventions are among the

most effective for improving public health.

An article by ChisaShinsugi, Masaki Malsumura, Mohamed Karama, Junichi Tanaka,

MwatasaChangoma and Satoshi Kaneko(2015) demonstrates that Chronic lack of healthy

sustenance or hindering among kids under 5 years of age is influenced by a few family

ecological components, for example, nourishment frailty, malady weight, and neediness. Be

that as it may, not all kids encounter hindering even in nourishment unreliable conditions. To

look for an answer at the neighborhood level for forestalling hindering, a cross-sectional

investigation was directed in southeastern Kenya, a zone with an abnormal state of

sustenance instability.
The author recommends that our outcomes propose that measures against youth

hindering ought to be improved by sustenance security level saw in every group. He further

states that this investigation was at first intended to assess the impact of the intra-family unit

condition, particularly sustenance frailty, on perpetual hunger or hindering among youngsters

under 5 years of age in a very nourishment shaky zone of Kenya. This thought was started by

the calculated system of the determinants of youngster under nutrition displayed by UNICEF,

which depicts the relations of these ecological factors in families to hindering in kids .The

connections between family unit nourishment frailty and adolescence hindering has been

accounted for in some Asian and African nations, as showed in the system portrayed. Be that

as it may, sustenance weakness level was not altogether identified with youngster hindering

in this investigation. The discrepant outcome may be because of the skewed dissemination of

the family units in our examination toward the nourishment weakness favor a limited range;

however the genuine reason can't be resolved with this investigation outline. In any case, it is

critical to know related elements for adolescence hindering for both sustenance uncertain and

nourishment secure family bunches from the general well-being point of view. In families

with serious sustenance weakness, kids who had been given tea/porridge with drain inside 24

hours before the study (in Kiswahili: Vinywajivywenyemaziwa) were factually more prone to

have hindering. Despite the fact that the inquiry concerning sustaining design was just for the

24 hours before the overview, such conduct could reflect every day schedules in the family

unit. As indicated by perception of family units in the investigation group, a few guardians

were giving tea or porridge with drain to their youngsters rather than a dinner.

Subsequently, a few youngsters did not have 3 dinners per day, making them more

powerless against hindering contrasted and those kids who were not given tea or porridge as a

feast. A few parental figures in families with serious sustenance weakness did not give such

nourishment to their youngsters and those kids will probably achieve an about ordinary
development level. These parental figures can be a decent model to improve bolstering

rehearses with the locally accessible foodstuffs even in sustenance unreliable conditions.

Encourage examination in this issue is critical to look for a group level answer for avoid

youth hindering.Youngsters in the second and third year of life in the seriously nourishment

unreliable gathering were altogether more prone to have hindering contrasted with kids 0

with 5 months old . The accompanying situation can be expected: up to 2 years of age, a

parental figure or mother gives bosom drain for the most part or as an integral sustenance to

youngsters. As a matter of fact, the extent of breastfed kids among our members winds up

noticeably zero by 30 months old from our overview information.

As the kids develop, the guardian or mother quits giving bosom drain and reciprocal

sustenance and movements to disgraceful bolstering hones like furnishing tea or porridge

with drain as a supper. Youngsters at that point turn out to be incessantly undernourished at

this age. In this situation, training concentrated on guardians' nourishing propensities for

correlative sustenance for 2 to 3-year-old kids can help forestall adolescence hindering.

Additionally studies may be important to decide the correct sorts of mediations for every

group with the issues of youth hindering and nourishment weakness.In family units in the

non-serious nourishment shaky gathering, creature raising was fundamentally connected with

youth hindering. The nearness of kin of pre-school age was not critical, but rather it was

hardly related. These outcomes may show that adolescence hindering is influenced via

parental figures who are less promptly accessible for sustaining youngsters regularly. The

effect of parental figures' tend to newborn children and youthful kids has been generally

recognized. A few investigations have additionally revealed that restricted family unit assets

because of the nearness of numerous youngsters adversely impacts their nourishing status.

Besides, since their unskilled senior kin have a tendency to stay in the house longer, parental

figures who have numerous uneducated youngsters may need to apportion mental and
material assets in the family for them. In this manner, last-or alongside last-conceived

youngsters are less inclined to have adequate suppers. Also, parental figures will most likely

be unable to give careful consideration to kids under 5 years of age because of the need to

take care of their own obligations. In this way, additionally long haul inquire about the states

of intra-family sustenance get to, particularly for families with ignorant youngsters, is


An accord with respect to the significance of government funded training for kids and

family anticipating guardians is likewise required in light of the fact that parental figures

assume a vital part in the advancement of solid babies and youthful youngsters. Likewise,

social help, for example, having colleagues to enable guardians at the family unit to level, is

earnestly required for satisfactory tyke development .In the two gatherings, offspring of

family units in the most noteworthy SES classification were less inclined to have hindering.

A few investigations have recognized financial disparity as a key factor in constant youth

lack of healthy sustenance . As indicated by the information from the HDSS here, the

properties of homes utilized for count of SES by PCA are not extremely differing in that a

substantial greater part of families had wood and mud dividers (85.8%) and earth, waste, or

sand floors (88.5%), with no less than one plot of family land or relatives who possessed land

(96.8%). Despite the fact that SES was partitioned into 4 classifications by PCA, the range

was thin. This variable, consequently, can be translated as a controlling element of SES to

assess the connection between adolescence hindering and different elements.Thereare a few

impediments in this examination. Occasional changes in the predominance of hindered kids

in rustic territories of creating nations have been accounted for . Since this examination

depends on a cross-sectional outline, any potential longitudinal connections between hindered

kids and regular nourishing natural changes were hard to evaluate. Moreover, the quantity of

youngsters in the examination was not sufficiently extensive to evaluate factors related with
hindering when we stratified by factors, e.g., nourishment security level and age gathering. A

bigger number of youngsters ought to be enrolled to investigate for factor-stratified

affiliations. Moreover, some bolstering rehearses like giving tea/porridge with drain couldn't

be assessed enough in this investigation. Not just expanding the quantity of subjects in the

examination, yet in addition extending the investigation substance, e.g., anthropological parts,

ought to be vital. Reasons that A fourth of the kids under 5 years of age in the investigation

territory were found to experience the ill effects of interminable unhealthiness. In the non-

extreme sustenance frailty gathering, creature raising and SES were factors essentially

connected with unending lack of healthy sustenance as per nourishment uncertainty level.

The quantity of kin of preschool age was not essentially related, but rather was insignificantly

related. In the extremely nourishment uncertain gathering, tea/porridge with drain and kid age

were essentially connected with kid hindering. In other rustic group settings of sub-Saharan

Africa, a similar circumstance could be occurring.

According to a study by Katleen Van den Broeck(2007) states that our outcomes

propose that countermeasures against youth hindering ought to be upgraded by confirm seen

in every group.It is inferred that The Mozambican Demographic and Health Survey 2003 is

utilized to examine the troubling circumstance of low stature for-age, a sign of unending

ailing health, of youngsters in their initial youth. I break down tallness for-age Z-scores of

under two year old youngsters in rustic Mozambique where almost 50% of the kids are

hindered and one tyke in five is extremely hindered. Maternal training and nourishment

information are commonly considered to have substantial valuable impacts on tyke

anthropometrics. I break down the impact of maternal instruction and learning of basic

preventive medicinal services strategies yet rather than investigating them by means of a two-

organize minimum squares approach, a two-arrange slightest outright deviations approach is

utilized. Doing as such takes into consideration the likelihood that factors, ordinarily thought
to be helpful for mean tyke anthropometrics, might not have a similar beneficial outcomes on

all quantiles in the tallness appropriation. To test vigor of the outcomes, I examine the impact

of three distinctively formed social insurance scores. The outcomes propose that both

maternal tutoring and medicinal services information and practice are certain determinants of

tallness for-time of provincial Mozambican youngsters, however where maternal tutoring

seems to have constructive outcomes just on kids in the most noteworthy quintile of the

dispersion, maternal human services learning has solid beneficial outcomes particularly in the

least quintile. Enhancing maternal information of straightforward social insurance systems

could be gainful for seriously hindered youngsters in country Mozambique, where human

services learning can adjust for the low levels of tutoring and wellbeing framework.It is

demonstrated that the most recent Demographic and Health Survey (DHS, 2003) in

Mozambique demonstrated that 41% of kids more youthful than five year old are hindered

(low tallness for-age) and about portion of them (18%) are extremely hindered. Hindering is

for the most part utilized as an indication of endless malnourishment mirroring a background

marked by tricky dietary as well as wellbeing circumstances. Solid local contrasts exist with

the most reduced levels of hindering in Maputo City and Maputo Province (21 and 24 %) in

the south and the most noteworthy in Cabo Delgado in the north where 56% of under 5 year

old kids are stunted1. There is additionally a striking contrast amongst rustic and urban

territories (46 and 29% individually).

It is discovered that Stunting pervasiveness rates in Mozambique are high (41%),

particularly in rustic territories (46%). Late research demonstrates that utilization

development alone won't be adequate to tackle the issue of lack of healthy sustenance. To

research the part of extra determinants I utilize a two-arrange quantile relapse approach with

particular thoughtfulness regarding the part of maternal preventive medicinal services

information and tutoring. Three unique scores for social insurance learning are utilized and
indicate comparative outcomes. For provincial Mozambique, I locate that maternal tutoring

has beneficial outcomes particularly in the best quintile of the tallness for-age dissemination

while medicinal services learning positively affects stature for-time of under two year old

kids particularly at the lower end of the appropriation where the seriously hindered kids are

found. Enhancing human services information of moms could substitute for the low levels of

instruction and group medicinal services offices in country ranges and decidedly influence

the stature of the most seriously hindered kids.

Local Literature

According to Jee Y. Geronimo (2016) states that, MANILA, Philippines – Poor

nutrition remains a major problem in the Philippines with 3.4 million children found to be

stunted and over 300,000 underweight – all under 5 years old.

A study released by the Inter-Agency Regional Analyst Network (RAN) and the

Action Against Hunger (ACF) said these figures are alarming, given the growing economy of

the Philippines.

Titled "Socio-economy of Chronic Malnutrition in the Philippines: A preliminary key

trends analysis by 2030", the study noted that several theories have established that "higher

incomes automatically improve the access to food."

"A relatively modest increase in GDP per capita could – or should – significantly

improve a range of social progress indicators," it added.

But the Philippines, the 9th among the countries with the highest prevalence of

stunted kids, has had slow progress in addressing the issue.

From a prevalence rate of 38% in 1998, the decrease has not been consistent, only

reaching 30% in 2013 based on the estimates of United Nations (UN) agencies.

(READ: Addressing malnutrition, one meal at a time)

Based on Food Nutrition and Research Institute (FNRI) data as of 2015, stunting or

the chronic malnutrition rate among children is now at 33.4%.

Lower-income countries like Vietnam and Cambodia are even faring better than the

Philippines. Only 23% of children are stunted in Vietnam while 32.9% are affected in


The Philippines' disturbing figures, the study said, are expected to shoot up by 2030 if

government does not boost support for social services.

According to the study, 20% of deaths among children under 5 years old are due to

poor health services. (READ: Ending hunger, ensuring nutrition by 2030)

Focus on factors

"Our call for the new administration of President Rodrigo Duterte is to commit and

invest in nutrition as well as hold nutrition stakeholders accountable to meet targets to reduce

child stunting and wasting, and strengthen and sustain the political will to address

malnutrition as a crucial concern of development," said Action Against Hunger Philippines

country director JavadAmoozegar.

The study suggests that the government focus on the root causes of chronic

malnutrition, such as poverty. Children born from mothers with poor nutritional status before

and during pregnancy have a low birth weight (LBW) – a likely determinant of stunting.

(READ: The challenge in ending poverty by 2030)

Stunting is also pronounced in informal settlements which do not have access to safe

water and sanitation. Ensuring education and local employment for women, who are

eventually going to be mothers, is also key to reducing malnutrition in the long run.

Work opportunities for mothers, preferably near their homes or within the country, is

associated with fighting malnutrition since child feeding routines may be affected if mothers

are away. (READ: How much can you save when you breastfeed?)
"Long distances to work and irregular working shifts thus tend to be associated with

suboptimal feeding practices," the study said, adding that overseas employment forces

mothers to pass the role of taking care of children to other members of the family.

Stunting, if not addressed, affects the physical and mental development of a child –

consequences that are irreversible when a child reaches the age of two.

Citing a World Bank report, the study said "that a 1% loss in adult height as a result of

childhood stunting is linked with a 1.4% loss in economic productivity, making them earn

20% less as adults." 

Most researchers involving stunted growth assert that half of the population, most

children under 5 years old are affected from chronic malnutrition or stunting. However, few

studies argues that the main reason why children are suffering from stunting is because of

food insecurity, disease burden, poverty or history of problematic; dietary and/or health

situations. It may be more easier to know and learn some of the maternal education and

nutrition knowledge. Hence it is considered to have large beneficial effects on child

anthropometrics. Therefore, in our study it is important to know associated factors for

childhood stunting for both food insecure and food secure feeding pattern.
Chapter 3

Research Methodology

This chapter presents the research design, research environment, research participants,

and data gathering instruments, data gathering procedures and data analysis.

Research Design

The research is both qualitative in design and uses interview approach in data

gathering and also quantitative in design with self- made questionnaire strategy that focuses

primarily on the construction of quantitative data (Kent, 2007). Bryman and Bell (2003)

defined quantitative research is to test the relationship of some variables in a situation and it

is also the collected quantitative data and analysis method.

Research Environment

Kabatan National High School (KNHS) which is one of the Implementing Schools in

the Division of Zamboanga del Sur. At present it has about than one thousand students who

are supported by 90% of the parents whose main source of living are fishing, farming, and

carpentry. 10% of the parents are government employees and businessmen. About 160 is the

population are Grade 8 students.

Research Subjects

The subject of this research following the sample size formula will include the

seventeen (17) Grade 8 students of Kabatan National High School for the school year 2017-


Research Instrument

The research instrument that will be used for the study is a semi – structured interview

guide and a self-made questionnaire on awareness of activities of stunted growth.

Data-Collection Procedures
The researchers will go through the following steps to be able to collect data: Asking

permission in writing to the school principal to conduct the study; Reaching out of the Grade

8 students to conduct the personal interview; and all the data will be recorded and transposed

in verbatim and will be translated into English.

Data Analysis

In order to analyze the data of this study using quantitative analysis, it will use both

descriptive and inferential statistics. The reason for using descriptive statistics is to

summarize the data collected in tables and graphs for better understanding for the reader and

to easily examine the results. (Agresti & Finlay, 2009) This will be accomplished through a

process wherein the respondents will be allowed to review and clarify transcripts from the

interview and statements that they had made during data collection.

The transcribed narratives of the respondents will be analyzed. An important factor in

the data-analysis of this qualitative study will be the researchers as part of the research area.

As a result, the researchers will make every attempt to limit the impact of any bias that could

exist. The direct involvement of the researcher in the data collection and analysis will be one

of the key challenges of qualitative research (Creswell, 2003), so steps were taken to limit the

impact. This will be accomplished through a process wherein the respondents were allowed

to review and clarify transcripts from the interview and statements that they had made during

data collection.
Self- Made Questionnaire Yes No

1. Do you sleep early?

(Sayo ba ka tig tulogan?)
2. What do you eat/did you eat?
(Unsa imong gikaon/gipangkaon?)
3. Have you not join any feeding?
(Wala paka kaapil sukad2 ug feeding?)
4. Are you on a diet?
(Ga diet ka?)
5. Did your mother breastfeed you when you were a baby?
(Gigatas ka sa imong mama?)
6. When you were a baby, is your milk purely breastfeed?
(Sa bata paka, ang imong gatas pure gyud na gikan sa imong mama?)
7. Do you eat your meal three times a day?
(Maka-kaon kag katulo sa isa kaadlaw?)
8. Are you taking some vitamins?
(Ga vitamins ka?)
9. Is there a member of your family who were stunted? (Ancestors, relatives, etc.)
(Naa muy kaliwat na putot?)
10. Do you do siesta?
(Matulog pug kag ma udto?)
11. Does your mother feed you in the right time/exact time?
(Pakan on baka sa imong mama sa saktong oras?)

Semi –Structured Interview Guide

1. Do you eat foods with lots of carbohydrates? Why?

(Sige bakag kaon ug mga karne? Ngano?)

2. Do you often eat fruits and vegetables? Explain.

(Talagsa rakay ka tig kaonan ug mga prutas ug utan? Iingon ngano.)

3. Are you not fond of doing and participating physical activities/outdoor games? Why?

(Dili kamahiligugmga physical activities/outdoor games?)

4. Is this your first time joining a feeding program? How do you feel?

(Permiro pa ni nimo nakaapil ug feeding? Unsa imong nabati?)

5. Why are you stunted? Do you believe that is it inherited? Why?/Why not?

(Nganong wa man ka katubo? Mutuo ka nga imo ning nakuha sa imong mama ug papa?
6. Are you into fruits and vegetables? Or you’re more into junk foods and soft drinks?
Why/Why not?

(Mahilig ka muka’og prutas ug utan? Or mas hilig ka mukaon ug junk foods ug soft

7. What do you prefer fruits and vegetables or junk foods plus soft drinks? Why/Why not?

(Unsa imong ganahan utan ug prutas or junk foods ug soft drinks? Ngano?)

8. Is being stunted affects your academic performance?

(Ang pagka walay tubo nimo nakaapekto bas a imong pagskwela?)

9. Why do you keep on sleeping and going to bed late?

(Nganong mahilig man ka mag bilar/nganong dugay man ka matulog?)

10. Do you exercise? Does it helps you to grow?

(Mag exercise ka? Makatabang ba ang pag exercise sa imong pagtubo?)

1. Kamustaangimongpamati?

2. Are you now eating fruits and vegetables?

(Mukaonnabakagmgagulayugprutas? Or healthy foods?)

3. Sayonakamatulog?

4. Unsaunsanapagkaonang nay protein

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