AU 6th SEM - AU 21-22071021124330
AU 6th SEM - AU 21-22071021124330
AU 6th SEM - AU 21-22071021124330
To impart knowledge to the students in the principles of operation and constructional details of various
automotive electrical and electronics systems like batteries, starting system, charging system ignition
system, injection system, lighting system and dashboard instruments.
On completion of the course the students will be able to-
CO1: Enumerate the construction, characteristics and maintenance of battery.
CO2: Learn about the number of electric sub system like starting system, charging system.
CO3: Explain lighting system and different electronic instrument in a vehicle.
CO4: Itemize the concept of automotive different sensors and actuators, their application and uses.
CO5: Describe about the different types of electronic injection and ignition system.
Course Contents
Unit I
Automotive batteries: Starter batteries- principle, construction & operation of lead-acid battery; battery
capacity, efficiency & rating; tests on batteries; charging methods; battery faults; battery maintenance;
maintenance free batteries; Traction batteries: Applications; electric traction; electric drive vehicle layout.
Unit II
Starter and charging systems: Requirements; principle, construction & working of starter motor;
starting motor drive mechanisms; starter switch; starting system faults; Generating system: Working
principle of dc generator & ac alternator; armature reaction; cut-out relay; voltage & current regulator
Unit III
Unit IV
Electronic engine control and sensors: Need of electronic engine control; engine functions & control;
electronic fuel control system; basic sensor arrangement; sensors & actuators; types of sensors-oxygen
Unit V
Electronic fuel injection and ignition systems: Introduction; fuel back carburetor system; throttle body
injection; multi point fuel injection; Robert Bosch gasoline fuel injection system; ford electronic gasoline
fuel injection system; injection system controls; Ignition systems: Introduction; advantages of electronic
ignition systems; principle, operation & types of solid state ignition system, electronic spark timing
Topics for the laboratory (Expandable):
Evaluation will be continuous and integral part of the class as well through external assessment.
Laboratory assessment will be based on external assessment, assignments, presentations, and interview of
each candidate.
1. Norm Chapman Delmar; Principles of Electricity and Electronics for Automotive; Cengage
2. BOSCH-SAE; Automotive Electrics & Electronics
3. William B Ribbens- Newnes; Understanding Automotive Electronics
4. Tom Denton; Automobile Electrical and Electronic Systems; SAE
5. 5) Kanemitsu Nishio; the Fundamentals of Automotive Engine Control Sensors; Fontis Media
To design and analyze various automotive components, drawings of automotive machine sub
Course Outcome:
Course Contents
Unit I
Cam design: Introduction, cam terminology, types of cam, follower and follower motions. Motion
constraints, single-dwell and double-dwell cam design. Critical path motion, pressure angle and radius
of curvature of cam motion; introduction of SOHC and DOHC.
Unit II
Brake design: Definition, classification and requirement of brake, energy absorption and heat
dissipation through brake, design of shoe brake and double shoe brake, internal expanding brakes, band
and block brake and disc brake.
Unit III
Design of suspension spring and front axle: Types of suspension system, types of suspension
springs, design of leaf spring, coil spring; design of front axle beam.
Unit IV
Design of I C engine parts: introduction to principle parts of an I.C engine, design of cylinder and
cylinder liner, piston, connecting rod, crank shaft (calculation for bearing pressure and stresses in crank
shaft); design of valves; vehicle design and data characteristics.
Unit V
Assembly drawings: engines, chassis and other automobile systems.
a) Piston Assembly
b) Connecting Rod Assembly
c) Shackle Assembly
d) Wheel Cylinder Assembly
e) Master Assembly
Evaluation will be continuous and integral part of the class as well through external assessment.
Subject code-AU 609 (A) Subject: Total Quality Management & Statistical Quality Control
(Professional Elective –1)
Semester: VI
For credits & marks refer your scheme
To sensitize students in role of leadership and employee engagements in building quality culture in
On completion of the course the students will be able to-
CO1: Evaluate the principles of quality management.
CO2: Select the use of appropriate tools and techniques for controlling, improving and measuring quality.
CO3: Critically appraise the organizational, communication and teamwork requirements for effective
quality management.
CO4: Explain the use of control charts patterns and its different structures.
CO5: Critically analyze the strategic issues in quality management, including current issues and
Course Contents
Unit I
Evolution of total quality management: Historical perspective, teamwork, TQM and ISO 9000;
information technology and Business Process Re-engineering (BPR); TPM and quality awards; aids
and barriers to quality mgt, creating vision and initiating transformation, establishing programs for
education and self improvements, measurement of key indicators; quality mgt leader; cross functional
teams and coordination, policy setting and review, flowchart of policy mgt and relation with daily mgt.
Unit II
Process: definition, variation and feedback, funnel-marble experiment- rules of adjustment and its effects,
quality- definition, goalpost and kaizen view, quality of design, conformance and performance;
Taguchi loss function, cost of quality, chain action of improving quality to productivity to motivation and
low cost; Deming’s theory of mgt, fourteen points and variance reduction; attributes enumerative and
variables analytic studies.
Unit III
SQC-Control charts: Basic discrete and continuous distributions, measures of central tendency,
variability and shapes, sampling, size and central value theorem, control chart structure, process plotting
and stability, study of out-of-control evidences, defect detection and prevention, use of control charts in
Academic Session 2021-22
evaluating past, present and future trends; attribute control charts, count and classification charts,
construction and interpretation of p , np , c and u charts, PDSA cycle(plan, do, study, act), R charts,
Unit IV
Process diagnostics: Between and Within Group variations, periodic and persistent disturbances,
control chart patterns-natural, level-shift, cycle, wild, multi-universe, relationship and other out of
control patterns; diagnosing a process, brainstorming; cause-effect, systematic and matrix diagrams;
change concepts and waste elimination
Unit V
Evaluation will be continuous and integral part of the class as well through external assessment.
To impart the knowledge of hybrid & electric vehicles, various technologies used in hybrid & electric vehicle.
Course Outcomes:
After the completion of course student will be able to
Unit-I: Introduction to Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Configuration of Electric Vehicles, Performance
of Electric Vehicles, Traction motor characteristics, Tractive effort and Transmission requirement, Vehicle
performance, Concept of Hybrid Electric Drive-trains and Electric Drive-trains: Basic concept of electric traction,
introduction to various electric drive-train topologies, power flow control in electric drive-train topologies,
Architecture of Hybrid Electric Drive Trains, Series Hybrid Electric Drive Trains, Parallel hybrid electric drive
trains. Basics of Plug In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV), Basics of Fuel Cell Vehicles (FCVs).
Unit-II: Energy storage for EV and HEV Energy storage requirements, Battery parameters, Types of
Batteries, Modelling of Battery, Fuel Cell basic principle and operation, Types of Fuel Cells, PEMFC and its
operation, Modelling of PEMFC, Super Capacitors. Battery Charging Control, Charge Management of Storage
Devices, Flywheel Energy Storage System, Fuel Cells and Hybrid Fuel Cell Energy Storage System and Battery
Management System.
Unit-III: Electric Propulsion unit: Introduction to electric components used in hybrid and electric vehicles,
Electric Propulsion EV consideration, DC motor drives and speed control, Induction motor drives, Permanent
Magnet Motor Drives, Switch Reluctance Motor Drive for Electric Vehicles, Configuration and control of Drives,
drive system efficiency.
Unit-IV: Power Electronic Converter for Battery Charging methods for battery, Termination methods, charging
from grid, The Z-converter, Isolated bidirectional DC-DC converter, Design of Z converter for battery
charging, High-frequency transformer based isolated charger topology, Transformer less topology.
Unit-V: Introduction to energy management and their strategies used in hybrid and electric vehicle
Classification of different energy management strategies Comparison of different energy management strategies
Implementation issues of energy strategies. Plug-in electric vehicles,Vehicle to grid (V2G) and G2V fundamentals.
1. Iqbal Hussein, Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Design Fundamentals, CRC Press , 2003
2. Mehrdad Ehsani, Yimi Gao, Sebastian E. Gay, Ali Emadi, Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric and Fuel
Cell Vehicles: Fundamentals, Theory and Design, CRC Press , 2004
1. James Larminie, John Lowry, Electric Vehicle Technology Explained, Wiley , 2003
2. Chris Mi, M. Abul Masrur, David Wenzhong Gao, Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Principles and
Applications with Practical Perspectives, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. , 2011
To understand the fundamentals of heat transfer mechanisms in fluids and solids and their applications in various
heat transfer equipments in process industries.
Course Outcome:
CO1 State the different laws and mechanisms of different modes of heat transfer.
CO2 Describe the need, application and performance evaluation of extended surfaces.
CO3 Solve the problems of heat transfer through free and forced convection.
CO4 Design of different heat exchangers.
CO5 Interpret the principle of mass transfer and momentum transfer analysis.
Course Contents
Unit I
Basic Concepts: Modes of heat transfer, Fourier’s law, Newton’s law, Stefan Boltzmann law;
thermal resistance and conductance, analogy between flow of heat and electricity, combined heat
transfer process;
Conduction: Fourier heat conduction equation, its form in rectangular, cylindrical and spherical
coordinates, thermal diffusivity, linear one dimensional steady state conduction through a slab,
tubes, spherical shells and composite structures, electrical analogies, critical-insulation-thickness for
pipes, effect of variable thermal conductivity. Heat source system
Unit II
Extended surfaces (fins): Heat transfer from a straight and annular fin (plate) for a uniform cross
section; error in measurement of temperature in a thermometer well, fin efficiency, fin effectiveness,
Unsteady heat conduction: Transient and periodic conduction, heating and cooling of bodies with
known temperatures distribution, systems with infinite thermal conductivity, response of thermocouples.
Unit III
Convection: Introduction, free and forced convection; principle of dimensional analysis,Buckingham
‘pie’ theorem, application of dimensional analysis of free and forced convection, empirical
correlations for laminar and turbulent flow over flat plate and tubular geometry; calculation of
Academic Session 2021-22
convective heat transfer coefficient using data book.
Unit IV
Heat exchangers: Types- parallel flow, counter flow; evaporator and condensers, overall heat
transfers coefficient, fouling factors, log-mean temperature difference (LMTD), method of heat
exchanger analysis, effectiveness of heat exchanger, NTU method; Mass transfer: Fick’s law, equi-
molar diffusion, diffusion coefficient, analogy with heat transfer, diffusion of vapour in a stationary
Unit V
Thermal radiation: Nature of radiation, emissive power, absorption, transmission, reflection and
emission of radiation, Planck’s distribution law, radiation from real surfaces; radiation heat exchange
between black and gray surfaces, shape factor, analogical electrical network, radiation shields. Boiling
and condensation: Film wise and drop wise condensation; Nusselt theory for film wise
condensation on a vertical plate and its modification for horizontal tubes; boiling heat transfer
phenomenon, regimes of boiling, boiling correlations.
Topics for the laboratory (Expandable):
Evaluation will be continuous and integral part of the class as well through external assessment. Laboratory
assessment will be based on external assessment, assignments, presentations, and interview of each candidate.
Subject code- AU 611 (A) Subject: Two and Three Wheelers (Professional
Semester: VI
For credits & marks refer your scheme
The courses designed to study different types of two and three wheelers, their construction features and working,
service and maintenance two and three wheelers.
Course Outcome:
Course Contents
Unit I
The Power Unit: Two stroke and four stroke SI & CI engine Construction and Working, merits and
demerits, Symmetrical and unsymmetrical valve & port timing diagrams. Scavenging process.
Unit II
Fuel And Ignition Systems: Fuel system – Different circuits in two wheeler fuel systems, fuel injection system.
Lubrication system, Ignition systems - Magneto coil and battery coil spark ignition system, Electronic
ignition System, Starting system - Kick starter system – Self starter system. Recent technologies.
Unit III
Chassis And Sub-Systems: Main frame for two and three wheelers, its types, Chassis and different drive
systems for two wheelers, Single, multiple plates and centrifugal clutches, Gear box and its and various gear
controls in two wheelers. Front and rear suspension systems. Shock absorbers. Panel meters and controls on handle
bar, Freewheeling devices
Brakes and Wheels: Drum brakes & Disc brakes Construction and Working and its Types, Front and Rear brake
links layouts. Brake actuation mechanism. Spoked wheel, cast wheel, Disc wheel & its merits and demerits. Tyres
and tubes Construction & its Types. Steering geometry.
Unit V
Evaluation will be continuous and integral part of the class as well through external assessment.