COT Lesson Plan in English 4 3rd Quarter

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Department of Education

Region III
Schools Division of Bulacan
San Rafael East District
Libis, San Rafael, Bulacan

COT Lesson Plan in English 4

Third Quarter

I. Objectives:
1. Recognize adverbs (Adverbs of Time, Place, Manner)
2. Identify adverbs used in a sentence
3. Complete the given sentence using adverbs
II. Subject Matter: Identifying Adverbs (Adverbs of Time, Place and Manner)
References: English 4 TG p., English 4 LM p.
MELCs in English 4
Materials: PowerPoint, laptop, speaker, video
Learning Activity Sheets
Values Integration : promotion of Filipino culture
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities
felicitate- fe·lic·i·tate
Meaning: congratulate
The award winner was felicitated by the cultural association.

2. Drill: Fill in the blanks with “when,” “where” or “how.”

1. Do you know ____________ I can buy fresh milk?
2. Is this the place ____________ where you left your bag?
3. ____________ are we going to Grandma’s house?
4. I don’t know ____________ to make
5. My dad works at the pharmacy ____________ we buy our medicines.
6. Do you know ____________ to bake cookies?
3. Review:
Choose the correct verb that agrees with the subject to complete
each sentence.
1. Bernard (want, wants) to be a teacher.
2. Maricris and Gina (dance, dances) gracefully.
3. One of the patients who checked out of the hospital (is, are) a Covid 19
4. Many parents (prefer, prefers) modular distance learning than face to
face classes in the new normal.
5. We (follow, follows) physical distancing practices for our safety.
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
Present a video to the class -Kalesa by Loboc Childre’s Choir
( Have the pupils watch
the video and answer the following questions:
What is the video all about? Are you familiar with the song? What is the
title of the song? (The teacher gives background information about the
The teacher explains that the “kalesa “is part of Filipino culture that
reflects the Filipino people’s artistry with the kalesa’s colorful design.
The kalesa is also part of Philippine history for it was the means of
transportation during the Spanish regime.
Where did the Loboc Children’s Choir perform?
What can you say about their performance? Do they sing sweetly? Did they
dance gracefully? How did they dance throughout the song? Did they move
fast or slowly?

2. Presentation
Have pupils read the following sentences.
1. Loboc Children’s Choir travelled across different countries.
2. They performed well on stage with their song “Kalesa”.
3. They sang sweetly and danced gracefully during their performance.
4. “Kalesa“ is a song with different tempo. Some parts have to be sung
moderately while other parts of the song have to be sung fast.
5. I hope to watch them perform soon.

3. Discussion
Have you noticed the underlined words in each sentence? What do you call
these words?
Let’s analyse each sentence. In sentence 1, Where did Loboc Children’s
Choir travel? ( across different countries)
What word answers the question where?
What word does it describe in the sentence?
In sentence 2, how did the choir perform? What word answers the question
how? (well) What word does it describe?
How about in sentence 3, how did they sing and dance?
What words answer the question how? (sweetly and gracefully)
What words do they describe? (sing and dance)
In number 4, how are some parts of the song sung? (moderately and fast)
What word do they describe? (sung)

Have pupils study the chart below.

Kinds of Adverb Answers the Word it modifies
Adverb of place Where (across different Verb (travel)
Adverb of time When (soon) Verb (perform)
Adverb of manner How (sweetly, Verb (sing)
gracefully) Verb ( dance)

C. Generalization
What have you learned from our discussion?
What are adverbs?
What kind of adverbs have we studied today?
Can you define each?

D. Group Activity- Let’s Act it Out

1. Group pupils into 3.
2. Group 1 will be given verbs or action words written on colored papers.
3. Group 2 will be given adverbs also written on colored papers.
4. Have pupils pair the adverb with the verb it modifies.
5. One pupil from group 3 will join them to act it out.
E. Fixing Skill
Directions: Fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs (adverbs of manner, place
and time). Choose the answer from the box. Write the answer on your answer

correctly Upstairs yesterday

accurately Outside soon
sweetly downstairs later
1. He cleaned the carpet .
2. He aimed and hit the target.
3. She got the first prize because she sang .
4. Allan answered the Math equation and won the
5. Aling Lolita cleaned all the rooms .
6. She left the garbage bag the gate.
7. She took all the clothes the house before it rains.
8. I will call you .
9. , all my hopes and dreams will come true!
10. He walks carefully.

IV. Evaluation
Directions: Read the sentences carefully. Underline the adverbs and identify whether it
is an adverb of time, place or manner.
1. Mila joyously watched the firework.
2. The people in the mosque pray silently.
3. The Grade 4 pupils walk quietly along the corridor.
4. Nilda cheerfully approached the principal.
5. The children walk to school early in the morning.
V. Assignment
Directions: What are your plans for the future? Can you imagine yourself 10 years from
now? Construct a simple paragraph about your hopes and plans for your future self. Use
the adverb of time, place and manner in relaying your plans.

Prepared by:
Teacher III

Observed by:
Principal III

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