Fact and Opinion

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Maloro, Tangub City


LESSON PLAN FOR English Grade 9

Subject Matter: Fact and Opinion
Grade Level: Grade 9 - St. Anne Time Allotment: 45mins
Teacher/s: Melisse J. Dumpa
Objectives: at the end of the lesson, you must have;
a. Defined fact and opinion;
b. Differentiated fact from opinion; and
c. Formulated statements of facts and opinions.
References: Regional Module, LSM,
Materials: PPT, laptop, tv, visual aids
Skills: Reading, writing, speaking, critical thinking
Values: Respect other’s opinion.
Method: 3Is


Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Introduction

Good afternoon, class! Good afternoon, ma’am.

How are you today? Good ma’am.

Before anything else, may I request everyone to

please stand to start our day with an opening prayer.

Can you lead the prayer?

Before you take your seat class kindly arrange your

chairs properly and pick up some pieces of paper in a (Students do as told)
count of 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

You may now take your seats.

Let me check your attendance.

Who is absent today?

Very good since everyone is present.

Now class, I want to remind you that I have classroom

rules that you need to be followed.

This classroom rules are called PPT

Pay attention
Participate and
Talk if it is necessary

Am I understood? Yes, ma’am.

a. Review
Last meeting, we discuss about Venn Diagram.

What is Venn Diagram? Venn diagram is

Very good.

b. Motivation

Let us have a short activity before we proceed

to our lesson. Our activity is called ‘Who Am I”.
all you have to do is answer the following

Let us have our first word game.

Are you ready?

Who am I?
1. I am one of your ability that you can 1. C
find in chart. 2. F
2. I am first in final. 3. A
3. I am a vitamin you can get in squash 4. T
but never in grass.
4. I am the sound of three-letter word kind
of drink that is healthy for the body.

We have the letter C,F,A,and T.

What do you think is the mystery word? Fact ma’am.



Let us proceed to our second word game. It is called

‘Observe Me”

Observe Me
1. French fries are better with ketchup.
2. Sunday is the best day of the week.
Opinion ma’am.
What are these words?


Now class, you should be with me this afternoon

because our new topic has something to deal with our
activity a while ago which is FACT AND OPINION.

c. Statement of the Aim

Listen very carefully and attentively because at
the end of the lesson, you must have achieved
these objectives;

Please read the objectives.

a. Defined facts and opinion;

b. Differentiated fact from opinion; and a. Defined facts and opinion;
c. Formulated statements of fact and b. Differentiated fact from opinion; and
opinion c. Formulated statements of fact and opinion

Are my objectives clear class?

Yes, ma’am.
B. Interaction
I have here two columns of statements. Please read
and analyze.

First column.
1. Baguio is the summer capital of the Philippines. (student do as told)
2. Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is our President.
3. Spiders typically have eight (8) legs.
4. Taylor swift is a song writer.
5. The Corona Virus Disease originated from

Second column.
1. The best place to spend a week-long vacation
is Baguio. (student do as told)
2. Ferdinand Marcos Jr is a great president.
3. Some enjoys making spiders their pet.
4. Taylor swift is so beautiful.
5. COVID – 19 is going away anytime soon.
Answer may vary
What do you observe with the sentences in column A? It is proven and true.

In what way can you prove that the sentences are

true? Because it can be search and has basis.

You got it right, Mr/Ms_

How about the column B? What can you say about the It is own opinion. Don’t have proofs.
sentences in Column B?

Well said! Mr/Ms_

These sentences are examples of FACT & OPINION.

Which column do you think is the example of FACTS Column A is Fact ma’am and the column B is
and which is the OPINION? opinion.

Yes, that is right.

Now let us have a further study on the two terms:

Student give examples.
Okay class, will you give me examples of Fact?


How about examples of Opinion?

Very good!

C. Integration

Let us have a recap of what we have discussed.

Who would like to differentiate FACT from OPINION?
Fact has proofs while opinion doesn’t.
Now, let us go deeper with our topic for today.
What is a Fact?

Everybody read!
• They are statements that can be proven
and can be checked by doing research.
• Generally, involve the use of empirical data
and information.
• A fact is a proven truth and cannot be
• Fact is absolute in the sense that it is the
same for everyone and cannot be
interpreted otherwise.
What is Opinion?

Everybody read! • They are statements that cannot be proven.

They show what a person thinks, feels, or
• Opinion is personal, relative, and open to
• Different people might have different ideas
on the same subject as opinion is relative.
Do you have any questions about our lesson?
None, ma’am.

Values Integration
Do you understand our lesson for today class? Yes, ma’am.

Very good!

Due to individual differences, every person’s opinion

on a particular matter may also be different.

Now, what should we do since each of us have We should respect each other’s opinion.
different opinions?

Very well-said, class.

We need to respect others’ views or opinion but let us

not also spread non-factual statements or something
like rumor because it will lead to misinformation.

Understood class? Yes, ma’am.

D. Application
Now, let us test your listening skills based on what we
discussed. I have here signpost with the letter F for
Fact and O for Opinion.

I will group you into two groups. I have here a passage

about the song “WE ARE THE WORLD” by Michael

1. Listen to the passage “WE ARE THE WORLD”
by Michael Jackson.
2. After listening, identify if the statement is a Fact
or an Opinion.
3. Raise your sign post if you answer.
4. The group with get many points will win.

Let’s start.

1. We are the World is a beautiful song.

2. It was composed by Michael Jackson and
Lionel Richie to help the hungry and
homeless people in Africa and America.
3. It became the best song because more
than 20 million copies were sold out.
4. It was sung by 45 famous singers all over
the world.
5. Michael Jackson is one of my favorite

Direction: Identify the following statements below if it is a Fact or Opinion. Write F if it is a FACT and O if it is
an OPINION. Write your answers on a clean sheet of paper.

1) Covid – 19 has really changed our perspective nowadays.

2) Covid is the worst virus in the world.
3) SARS-COV-2 or COVID 19 binds tightly to human cells.
4) COVID 19 virus can live on surfaces for days.
5) Having a strong faith to God is the most important in these trying times.
6) Covid – 19 started in the year 2019.
7) The Marcos’ administration is remarkable.
8) Maria Corazon Cojuanco Aquino was the 1st female president of the Philippines.
9) Apolaki is the largest caldera in the world founded by a Filipina.
10) History repeats itself.

IV. ASSIGNMENT (optional)

Directions: In ½ crosswise formulate/construct 5 Factual statements and 5 Opinionated statements.


Pre-service Teacher


Coordinating Teacher

Approved for class utilization:

Course Instructor

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