Standard Test Method For Bulk Solids Characterization by Carr Indices 1
Standard Test Method For Bulk Solids Characterization by Carr Indices 1
Standard Test Method For Bulk Solids Characterization by Carr Indices 1
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: D6393 − 14
D6393 − 14
4.3 Carr Angle of Difference is calculated by subtracting 6. Apparatus
Carr Angle of Fall from Carr Angle of Repose. 6.1 Powder Characteristics Tester—The main instrument
4.4 Carr Loose Bulk Density is determined by sieving includes a timer/counter (A), a vibrating mechanism (B), an
powder specimen through a vibrating chute to fill a measuring amplitude gauge (C), a rheostat (D), and a tapping device (E)
cup and calculating the mass of loose powder in a given (see Fig. 1).4
volume. 6.1.1 Timer/Counter—The timer is used to control the
4.5 Carr Packed Bulk Density is determined by dropping a duration of vibration and the number of taps. A minimum 180-s
measuring cup filled with powder specimen for a specific timer for 60 Hz power supply or a counter is necessary.
number of times from the same height and calculating the mass 6.1.2 Vibrating Mechanism, to deliver vibration at 50 to 60
of packed powder in a given volume. Hz to the vibration plate at an amplitude of 0.0 to 3.0 mm.
6.1.3 Amplitude Gauge, mounted on the vibration plate to
4.6 Carr Compressibility is a calculation based on the Carr measure the amplitude of the vibration from 0.0 to 4.0 mm.
Loose Bulk Density and Carr Packed Bulk Density. 6.1.4 Rheostat—A dial used to adjust the vibration ampli-
4.7 Carr Cohesion is a descriptive measure of inter-particle tude of vibration plate from 0.0 to 3.0 mm.
forces based on the rate at which particles pass through sieves. 6.1.5 Tapping Device, consists of tap holder and tapping lift
It is determined by measuring the mass of powder on each bar (tapping pin), which lifts and free-fall drops a measuring
sieve after vibrating it with powder specimen for a specific cup a stroke of 18.0 6 0.1 mm at a rate of 1.0 6 0.2 taps/s.
period of time. Sieve selection and its vibration time are 6.2 Carr Spatula Assembly—The spatula assembly consists
determined based on the Carr Loose Bulk Density and Carr of a spatula blade (A), a pan base/elevator stand (B), and a
Packed Bulk Density. spatula shocker (C) (see Fig. 2).
4.8 Carr Uniformity is chosen when Carr Cohesion mea- 6.2.1 Spatula Blade—A chrome-plated brass plate mounted
surement is not recommended. It is determined by measuring on the blade receiver to retain powder while the elevator stand
the particle size distribution of the powder specimen using lowers the powder-filled pan. The dimensions of the spatula
sieve analysis with suitable sieve screens that cover the particle blade are 80 to 130 mm length, 21.0 to 23.0-mm width and 3.0
size range of the powder specimen, then calculating the ratio of to 6.0-mm thick.
particle sizes which corresponding to 60% of powder by 6.2.2 Spatula Shocker—A sliding bushing with a mass of
volume passing to that of 10 % of powder by volume passing. 109.0 to 111.0 g and a drop height of 140.0 to 160.0 mm,
4.9 Carr Angle of Spatula is an average angle of powder pile measured from the lower edge of the bushing to the shocker
in relation to the edge of a spatula before and after applying base for the measurement of Carr Angle of Spatula. The total
shock impacts. The powder pile on the spatula is formed by
covering the spatula with a specific volume of powder speci- 4
The sole source of supply of the apparatus known to the committee at this time
men on a pan, then lowering the pan to expose the spatula with is Hosokawa Micron International Inc., 10 Chatham Road, Summit, NJ. If you are
a considerable amount of powder on it. aware of alternative suppliers, please provide this information to ASTM Interna-
tional Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting
4.10 Carr Dispersibility is determined by dropping a powder of the responsible technical committee,1 which you may attend.
specimen through a hollow cylinder above a watch glass, then
measuring the mass of powder collected by the watch glass.
5. Significance and Use
5.1 This test method provides measurements that can be
used to describe the bulk properties of a powder or granular
5.2 The measurements can be combined with practical
experience to provide relative rankings of various forms of
bulk handling behavior of powders and granular materials for
a specific application.
NOTE 1—The quality of the result produced by this standard is
dependent on the competence of the personnel performing it, and the
suitability of the equipment and facilities used. Agencies that meet the
criteria of Practice D3740 are generally considered capable of competent
and objective testing/sampling/inspection/etc. Users of this standard are
cautioned that compliance with Practice D3740 does not in itself assure
reliable results. Reliable results depend on many factors; Practice D3740
provides a means of evaluating some of those factors. Practice D3740 was
developed for agencies engaged in the testing or inspection (or both) of
soil and rock. As such it is not totally applicable to agencies performing
this standard. However, users of this standard should recognize that the
framework of Practice D3740 is appropriate for evaluating the quality of
an agency performing this standard. Currently there is no known quali-
fying national authority that inspects agencies that perform this standard. FIG. 1 Powder Characteristics Tester for Carr Indices
D6393 − 14
6.4.1 Spatula Pan—A stainless steel pan with at least a
100.0-mm width, a 125.0-mm length, a 25.0 mm height, and a
1.0-mm thickness, used to retain powder for the preparation of
the measurement of Carr Angle of Spatula.
6.4.2 Scoop—A stainless steel container used to transport
6.4.3 Scraper—A chrome plated brass or stainless steel
plate used to scrape off excess powder in the cup.
6.4.4 Cup—A 100-cm3 stainless steel cylindrical container
with the inside dimensions of 49.9 to 50.1-mm diameter and
49.9 to 50.1 mm height used for Carr Bulk Density measure-
ment. The wall thickness of the cup is 1.3 to 2.3 mm. The
interior walls of the cup shall be sufficiently smooth that
machining marks are not evident.
FIG. 2 Carr Spatula Assembly 6.4.5 Cup Extension—A white Delrin (trademarked) exten-
sion sleeve for the 100 cm3 measuring cup, 53.0 to 55.0 mm in
diameter by 47.0 to 49.0 mm in height.
6.4.6 Funnel for Carr Angle of Repose—A glass funnel with
mass of the shocker assembly including the sliding bushing, a 65° 6 5° angle bowl as measured from the horizontal, 6.0 to
pole, spatula blade, and blade receiver is 0.3 to 1.0 kg 8.0 mm bottom outlet diameter and outlet stem length 32.0 to
depending on the material of construction. 36.0 mm for the measurement of Carr Angle of Repose.
6.4.7 Stationary Chute—A stainless steel conical chute with
6.3 A dispersibility measuring unit consists of a container the dimensions of 73.0 to 77.0 mm top diameter, 53.0 to 57.0
(A) with shutter cover (B), a cylindrical glass tube (C), and a mm height, and 48.0 to 52.0 mm bottom diameter to guide the
watch glass (D), (see Fig. 3). powder flow into the measuring cup (see 6.4.4).
6.3.1 Container—A hopper unit with a shutter cover at the
6.4.8 Vibration Chute—A stainless steel conical chute with
bottom to support a powder specimen. The shutter cover opens
the dimensions of 73.0 to 77.0 mm top diameter, 53.0 to 57.0
horizontally to release the powder specimen, which then falls
mm height, and 48.0 to 52.0 mm bottom diameter installed on
through the glass tube onto the watch glass.
the vibration plate to guide the powder flow to the stationary
6.3.2 Cylindrical Glass Tube, located vertically 160 to 180
chute or cup extension.
mm under the shutter cover to confine the scattering/dispersed
6.4.9 Sieves, certified 76.0-mm diameter stainless steel
powder. The dimension of the tube is 90 to 110-mm diameter
sieves with openings of 710 µm, 355 µm, 250 µm, 150 µm, 75
and 320 to 360-mm length.
µm, and 45 µm.
6.3.3 Watch Glass, centered 100 to 105 mm under the
6.4.10 Sieve Extension—A stainless steel extension piece
cylindrical glass tube to collect undispersed powder. The
used as a spacer in the vibration unit when only one sieve is
dimension of watch glass is 90 to 110-mm diameter and about
2.0-mm thickness with the radius of curvature of about 96.3
6.4.11 Spacer Ring—A white Delrin (trademarked) spacer
mm, concave upwards.
inserted between sieve and vibration chute or glass funnel to
6.4 Accessories: protect them from damage.
6.4.12 Sieve Holding Bar—A chrome-plated brass holding
bar used to hold sieve assembly on the vibration plate.
6.4.13 Pan, with base for tapping device, measuring cup,
and shocker. A stainless steel pan, at least 200-mm length,
140-mm width, 30-mm height, and 1.0-mm thickness, designed
to accept tapping device, measuring cup and platform, as well
as provide a stand base for shocker.
NOTE 2—The pan has molded-in feet so it is slightly raised from the
table top. This helps make vibration more consistent.
6.4.14 Platform—A chrome-plated brass circular platform
with a diameter of 79.0 to 81.0 mm and a height of 58.0 to 62.0
mm to be used for the measurement of Carr Angle of Repose.
6.4.15 Shocker—A sliding bushing with a mass of 109.0 to
111.0 g at a drop height of 140.0 to 160.0 mm, measured from
the lower edge of the bushing to the shocker base for the
measurement of Carr Angle of Fall. The total mass of the
shocker, platform, and pan for the measurement of angle of fall
is 1.1 to 1.6 kg.
FIG. 3 Carr Dispersibility Measuring Unit 6.4.16 Brush, a laboratory brush for dust removal.
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6.4.17 Cover, for measuring Carr Dispersibility. A remov- 7.3.10 Turn off the vibration mechanism when the powder
able enclosure to confine the dust of specimen powder when it starts to fall from the edge of the platform and the powder pile
falls onto the watch glass for the measurement of Carr is formed.
Dispersibility. 7.3.11 After the cone has been built up, calculate an average
6.5 Balance, capable of measuring specimen mass to an angle of the cone (from horizontal) in relation to the edge of the
accuracy of 6 0.01 g with a max of 2.0 kg. platform by the equation below. This average angle is called
the Carr Angle of Repose.
6.6 Scale (ruler), with mm increments, at least 150 mm
long. NOTE 3—A photo of the powder cone may be taken as a record of the
cone shape. Measurements from the photo can also be used in Eq 1.
6.7 Data Acquisition Equipment—A microprocessor or
Carr Angle of Repose 5 tan21 @ H/R # (1)
computer may be used to guide the measuring operation,
collect data, calculate data, and print test results. where:
6.8 A properly calibrated photo image of the powder cone H = Height of the powder pile, mm, and
can be used for relevant measurement. R = Radius of the circular platform, mm.
7.3.12 Indicate the shape of the cone either Concave Up
7. Procedure (A), Concave Down (B), or Straight (C) (see Fig. 4) on the data
7.1 A representative powder sample from process stream sheet.
should be riffled carefully into enough specimens, one for each 7.3.13 One test is typical to determine the Carr Angle of
individual measurement. Repose. However, if the cone is irregular in shape, repeat the
7.2 All the measurements should be performed on a strong, test three times and obtain an average.
horizontally-leveled bench or work table. If practicable, use a 7.3.14 If the powder has free-flowing characteristics or has
concrete or stone-topped table. coarse particles larger than 710 µm, the vibration and 710 µm
sieve are not necessary. In this case, use the scoop to slowly
7.3 Measurement of Carr Angle of Repose: pour the powder through the funnel. Adjust the pouring rate so
7.3.1 Place the parts onto the vibration plate in the following that it takes 15 to 30 s to form the conical pile.
order starting at the bottom: Glass funnel; 7.4 Measurement of Carr Angle of Fall: Spacer ring; 7.4.1 After determining the Carr Angle of Repose, place the Sieve with opening of 710 µm; shocker on the shocker base. Sieve extension; and, 7.4.2 Then raise the sliding bushing carefully (so that the Sieve holding bar. cone will not be disturbed) to the upper end of the pole (at a
7.3.2 Fasten the vibration assembly with knob nuts located drop height of 140.0 to 160.0 mm) and let it fall to give a shock
on both sides of sieve holding bar. to the pan. Repeat this process three times. The powder layer
7.3.3 Center the platform under the glass funnel. will be collapsed and exhibit a smaller angle of repose.
7.3.4 Position the stem end of the glass funnel 75.0 to 77.0 7.4.3 Wait for 30 s after the last shock and then measure the
mm above the platform. angle as described in 7.3.11 – 7.3.13. This new, lower angle is
7.3.5 Set desired vibration time on timer (usually 180 s on called Carr Angle of Fall.
60 Hz vibrating frequency is selected). 7.5 Calculation of Carr Angle of Difference:
7.3.6 Pour 200 to 300 cm3 of powder over the sieve using 7.5.1 Subtract the Carr Angle of Fall from the Carr Angle of
the scoop. Repose to obtain the Carr Angle of Difference.
7.3.7 Set Rheostat to 0.
7.3.8 Turn on the vibrating mechanism and timer. 7.6 Measurement of Carr Loose Bulk Density:
7.3.9 Gradually increase the amplitude of the vibration, no 7.6.1 Place the parts onto the vibration plate in the following
more than 0.2 mm at a time, by incrementally turning the order starting at the bottom:
Rheostat until powder starts to flow out of the end of the glass Vibration chute;
funnel and builds up on the circular platform in a conical Spacer ring;
shape. Sieve with opening of 710 µm;
D6393 − 14 Sieve extension; and, 7.7.1 Prepare the parts in the same order as with the Sieve holding bar. measurement for Carr Loose Bulk Density (L) in 7.6, but
7.6.2 Fasten the vibration assembly with knob nuts located without using the stationary chute.
on both sides of sieve holding bar. 7.7.2 Measure the mass of empty cup.
7.6.3 Support the stationary chute below the vibration chute. 7.7.3 Place the cup extension on the top of cup.
7.6.4 Measure the mass of empty cup. 7.7.4 Sieve the powder into the cup extension and place it
7.6.5 Place the pan directly under the stationary chute and on the tapping device.
position the cup in its base. Make sure the center of cup is in 7.7.5 Set timer for a desired tapping duration (usually 180 s
alignment below the center of the stationary chute and the on 60 Hz power supply is selected). Alternatively, use a counter
distance between them is 25.0 to 35.0 mm. to control the number of taps.
7.6.6 Use scoop to pour 200 to 300 cm3 of the powder onto
the sieve. NOTE 6—The optimal number of taps for consistent results is deter-
mined by repetitive tests in which the relationship between the Carr
7.6.7 Set vibration time on timer (a normal vibration time is Packed Bulk Density and number of taps is reviewed. The number of taps
about 30 s). should be sufficiently large so that additional taps do not result in an
7.6.8 Set Rheostat to 0. increase in Carr Packed Bulk Density.
7.6.9 Turn on the vibrating mechanism and timer. 7.7.6 Turn on the tapping device.
7.6.10 Adjust the amplitude of vibration by Rheostat to 7.7.7 During the tapping period, it is necessary to observe
control the powder flow rate so that the powder will fill the cup the level of the powder and, if necessary, add powder to the cup
within 20 to 30 s. extension so that the powder level will not be below the rim of
7.6.11 When the cup is filled and overflowing, stop the cup.
7.7.8 When the tapping is completed, remove the cup and its
7.6.12 Using the scraper, lift and scrape excess material
extension from the tapping device.
from the top of the cup as shown in Fig. 5. Remove small
7.7.9 Remove the cup extension and scrape off excessive
quantities at a time, and continue the process until the material
powder from the cup surface as described in 7.6.12.
is flush with the top of the cup. Do not exert a downward force
with the scraper. 7.7.10 Determine and record the mass of the cup with the
7.6.13 Determine and record the mass of the cup with packed powder to the nearest 0.01 g and subtract the empty cup
powder to the nearest 0.01 g. mass from it. The difference divided by 100 is the Carr Packed
7.6.14 Subtract the empty cup mass from that of cup with Bulk Density (P) of the powder in g/cm3.
powder. The difference divided by 100 is the Carr Loose Bulk NOTE 7—The cup is exactly 100 cm3 in volume
Density of the powder in g/cm3. 7.8 Calculation of Carr Compressibility:
NOTE 4—The cup is exactly 100 cm3 in volume. 7.8.1 Carr Compressibility (C) is calculated by the follow-
7.6.15 Repeat steps 7.6.6 – 7.6.14 three to five times and ing equation from the Carr Loose Bulk Density (L), in 7.6 and
obtain an average value. the Carr Packed Bulk Density (P) in 7.7.
7.6.16 When the powder is free-flowing and of fairly coarse C 5 100 ~ P 2 L ! /P (2)
particle size (for example, larger than 710 µm), it will not be
7.9 Measurement of Carr Cohesion:
necessary to use the vibrating sieve. The powder can be poured
7.9.1 Determine Carr Loose Bulk Density (L), and Carr
gently into the cup by the scoop.
Packed Bulk Density (P), as described in 7.6 and 7.7, and
7.7 Measurement of Carr Packed Bulk Density: determine particle size distribution by sieving.
NOTE 5—This test is known in the field as a Tapped Bulk Density even 7.9.2 Refer to the selection guide in Fig. 6 to determine if
though the sample is dropped instead tapped. Carr Cohesion measurement is recommended. Proceed to 7.10
D6393 − 14
for Carr Uniformity measurement, if Carr Cohesion measure- 7.9.10 When vibration stops after time T, loosen the knob
ment is not recommended. If Carr Cohesion measurement is nuts and remove the three sieves and determine the mass of
recommended, select the proper sieve sizes from Fig. 6. powder retained on each sieve. Brush off material from the
7.9.3 Place the parts on the vibration plate in the following sieves.
order, starting at the bottom: 7.9.11 Carr Cohesion is calculated as follows: Vibration chute. @ Powder mass retained on the largest sieve/0.1 g # 3 5 (5) Spacer ring.
@ Powder mass retained on the midsize sieve/0.1 g # 3 3 (6) Sieve 1 (smallest opening). Sieve 2 (midsize opening). @ Powder mass retained on the smallest sieve/0.1 g # 3 1 (7) Sieve 3 (largest opening). 7.9.12 This test accumulates a score by giving 5 % to each Sieve holding bar. 0.1 g of specimen on the top (largest opening) sieve, 3 % to
7.9.4 Fasten the vibration assembly with knob nuts located each 0.1 g of specimen on the middle (midsize opening) sieve,
on both sides of sieve holding bar. and 1 % to each 0.1 g of specimen on the bottom (smallest
7.9.5 Turn on the vibrating mechanism and adjust the opening) sieve.
amplitude of vibration to 1.0 mm with Rheostat. Wait until the 7.9.13 The sum of the three calculated values (Eq 5-7) will
vibration amplitude becomes stabilized, then turn off the give the Carr Cohesion [%].
vibration but keep the position of Rheostat as it was. 7.10 Measurement of Carr Uniformity:
7.9.6 Set timer according to the vibration time calculated as 7.10.1 This measurement is applied instead of Carr Cohe-
follows: sion measurement when the powder is relatively coarse and not
W 5 @ ~ P 2 L ! C/100# 1L (3) cohesive. See Fig. 6.
T 5 201 @ ~ 1.6 2 W ! /0.016# (4) 7.10.2 Obtain the particle size distribution of the powder
specimen by sieve analysis with suitable sieve screens that
where: cover the particle size range of the powder specimen.
T = Vibration time, s, 7.10.3 From the particle size distribution curve, determine a
W = Carr Dynamic Bulk Density, g/cm3, particle size of which 60 % of the powder by volume passing
C = Carr Compressibility, %,
(d60) and a particle size of which 10 % of the powder by
L = Carr Loose Bulk Density, g/cm3, and
P = Carr Packed Bulk Density, g/cm3. volume passing (d10).
7.10.4 Carr Uniformity is calculated below:
7.9.7 If Carr Dynamic Bulk Density, W, is greater than 1.6
Carr Uniformity 5 d 60/d 10 (8)
g/cm3, vibration time, T, should be set at 20 s.
7.9.8 Weigh 2.0 6 0.01 g of powder and place it on the top 7.11 Measurement of Carr Angle of Spatula:
sieve. 7.11.1 Set the spatula assembly in place as described in 6.2.
7.9.9 Turn on the vibration mechanism. 7.11.2 Put the spatula pan on the pan base.
D6393 − 14
7.11.3 Raise the pan until the pan bottom contacts the 8. Report: Test Data Sheet(s)/Form(s)
spatula. 8.1 The methodology used to specify how data are recorded
7.11.4 After loosening the powder specimen by stirring, use on the test data sheet(s)/form(s), as given below, is covered in
a scoop to pour the powder into the pan so that the spatula is 1.3.
covered with several centimetres of powder (about 200 to 300
cm3 on the spatula). Be consistent about the amount of powder 8.2 Record as a minimum the following general information
used for each measurement, that is, same depth of powder over (data):
the spatula. 8.2.1 Requesting agency or client,
8.2.2 Identifying number for job or project,
7.11.5 Slowly lower the pan away from the spatula. This
8.2.3 Technician name or initials, and
process will expose the spatula with a considerable amount of
8.2.4 Date test was run.
powder on it.
7.11.6 Calculate an average angle Θ, of the powder pile 8.3 Record as a minimum the following sample information
(from horizontal) in relation to the edge of spatula by the (data):
equation below and indicate the shape of the powder pile as 8.3.1 Generic name of powder tested,
described in 7.3.12. 8.3.2 Chemical name of sample, if known,
8.3.3 Specimen moisture (water) content, if determined.
NOTE 8—A photo of the powder pile may be taken as a record of the Record value to nearest 0.1 %. Indicate method used to
shape of powder pile. Measurements from the photo can also be used in
Eq 9. determine moisture if not Test Method D2216,
8.3.4 Temperature of specimen, to the nearest 1°C,
Θ 5 tan21 @ H/X # (9) 8.3.5 Relative humidity when the test is performed to two
where: significant digits, and
H = height of the powder pile on the spatula, mm, and 8.3.6 Specimen median particle size, including the method
X = half width of the spatula, mm. used to determine to two significant digits.
8.4 Record as a minimum the following test data:
7.11.7 Raise the sliding bushing to the highest point of the
8.4.1 Carr Angle of Repose should be reported as angle in
pole (at a drop height of 140.0 to 160.0 mm), then drop it to
degrees to the nearest 1° with an indication of the shape of the
give only one shock to the spatula.
powder pile.
7.11.8 Wait for 30 s after the shock, then calculate an
8.4.2 Carr Angle of Fall should be reported as angle in
average angle of the powder pile on the spatula and indicate the
degrees to the nearest 1° with an indication of the shape of the
shape of the powder pile as described in 7.11.6.
powder pile.
7.11.9 Average the mean angle of spatula before and after 8.4.3 Carr Angle of Difference should be reported as angle
the shock to give the Carr Angle of Spatula. in degrees to the nearest 1°.
7.11.10 If the slope of the powder pile is irregular in shape, 8.4.4 Carr Loose Bulk Density should be reported in units of
repeat the test three times and obtain an average. g/cm3 to three significant digits.
7.12 Measurement of Carr Dispersibility: 8.4.5 Carr Packed Bulk Density should be reported in units
7.12.1 The apparatus should be covered or enclosed in a box of g/cm3 to three significant digits.
to prevent ambient air currents from disturbing the measure- 8.4.6 Carr Compressibility should be reported as a % value
ment and to contain the powder. to two significant digits.
7.12.2 Set the dispersibility measuring unit in place as 8.4.7 Carr Cohesion should be reported as a % value to two
described in 6.3. significant digits.
7.12.3 Determine and record the mass of the watch glass to 8.4.8 Carr Uniformity should be reported as a dimensionless
the nearest 0.01 g. number to two significant digits.
8.4.9 Carr Angle of Spatula should be reported as angle in
7.12.4 Position the watch glass concave upwards and cen-
degrees to the nearest 1°. In addition, the average angle and the
tered under the glass tube.
indication of the shape of the powder pile on the spatula before
7.12.5 Make sure the container is closed with the shutter
and after the mechanical shock should be included in the
7.12.6 Prepare 9.99 to 10.01 g of powder and place it into 8.4.10 Carr Dispersibility should be reported as a % value to
the hopper of the container. two significant digits.
7.12.7 Open the shutter cover horizontally in less than one
second to allow the powder to fall through the glass tube and 9. Precision and Bias
onto the watch glass.
7.12.8 Determine and record the mass of the watch glass 9.1 Precision—Test data on precision is not presented due to
and the powder on it to the nearest 0.01 g. the nature of the powder and other bulk solids tested by this
standard. It is either not feasible or too costly at this time to
7.12.9 Carr Dispersibility is obtained by the following
have ten or more laboratories participate in a round-robin
testing program. In addition, it is either not feasible or too
Carr Dispersibility 5 ~ 10 g 2 Mass of powder on watch glass! /10 g costly to produce multiple specimens that have uniform physi-
3 100 (10) cal properties. Any variation observed in the data is just as
D6393 − 14
likely to be due to specimen variation as to operator or 10. Keywords
laboratory testing variation. 10.1 Carr Angle of Difference; Carr Angle of Fall; Carr
9.1.1 Subcommittee D18.24 is seeking any data from the Angle of Repose; Carr Angle of Spatula; Carr Cohesion; Carr
users of this standard that might be used to make a limited Compressibility; Carr Dispersibility; Carr Dynamic Bulk Den-
statement on precision. sity; Carr index; Carr indices; Carr Loose Bulk Density; Carr
9.2 Bias—There is no accepted reference value for this Packed Bulk Density; Carr procedures; Carr Uniformity;
standard; therefore, bias cannot be determined. Tapped Bulk Density
Committee D18 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D6393 – 08) that may impact the use of this standard. (November 1, 2014)
(1) Eliminated the terms “Test A” through “Test J” and (7) Deleted old 6.3.11 to avoid procedural inconsistency.
renumbered the text accordingly. (8) In 6.4.6, changed the text “about a 55º angle bowl” to “a
(2) Added 1.4. 65 6 5º angle bowl” for clarity.
(3) Added reference to D2216. (9) In 7.3.11, added Note 3 for the consistency with the Note 8
(4) In Section 3, deleted all Definitions of Terms Specific to in 7.11.6.
This Standard, because they are already in Terminology D653. (10) Section 8 text revised.
(5) Added Section 4, “Summary of Test Method.”
(6) In a few instances, “sample” replaced by “specimen” or
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
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