DLL - SCIENCE 4 - Q3 - WEEK 1 Explain The Effects of Force@edumaymay@lauramos

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Teaching Dates & Time: FEBRUARY 13-17, 2023 (Week 1) Quarter: THIRD



A. Content Standards Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of
force that can change the shape, force that can change the force that can change the shape, force that can change the force that can change the shape,
size or movement of objects shape, size or movement of size or movement of objects shape, size or movement of size or movement of objects
objects objects
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning Competencies/ Explain the effects of force when Explain the effects of force Explain the effects of force when Explain the effects of force Explain the effects of force when
Objectives applied to an object when applied to an object applied to an object when applied to an object applied to an object
( Write the Lode for S4FE-IIIa-1 S4FE-IIIa-1 S4FE-IIIa-1 S4FE-IIIa-1 S4FE-IIIa-1
II. CONTENT Effects of Force when Effects of Force when Effects of Force when Effects of Force when Effects of Force when
( Subject Matter) Applied to an Object Applied to an Object Applied to an Object Applied to an Object Applied to an Object
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials Modules Modules Modules Modules
from Learning Resource
LR portal
B. Other Learning Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations,
Resources pictures pictures pictures pictures
A. Reviewing previous Lesson Identify the effect of a force in Arrange the jumbled letters to Read and understand each Directions. Examine the table Summative Test
or presenting new lesson the following situations. form a new word. statement. Write True if it is below. The first column shows
Select the correct answer inside 1. O R E C F = correct and False if it is not. Write activities wherein force is
the box. _________________ your answer in your applied to different objects.
______1. bending an electric 2. A P S H E = Science notebook. Copy the table in your Science
wire _________________ 1. Force is a push or a pull. notebook. Then you will
______2. cutting a rope 3. U S P H = 2. Without force, a moving object determine what changes or

The creator/editor of this DLL does not claim ownership over its contents such as (pictures, illustrations, stories, etc.). This DLL is only intended as reference for teachers.
The creator/editor shall/does not allow/permit any individual to sell this Daily Lesson Log or to share without his/her permission. @edumaymay
______3. a ball hits against a ___________________ will stop. what happens to the object as
wall 4. Q I U E E Z S N G = 3. Without force, an object at rest shown by the activity.
______4. pushing a table __________________ will not move. Put a check mark ( ) in the
______5. hammering a nail 5. T N G W I S T I = 4. A force can change the size and appropriate column that best
_____________________ shape of an object. shows your answer.
5. Force can cause an object to
move, stop, or to change direction.

B. Establishing a purpose for People and other living things Look at the picture. Read the short story. Problem: What is the effect of
the lesson cannot live without force. Force Ask: One day, a good Samaritan came force on the size and shape of
allows us to move our bodies 1. Who are in the picture? to Barangay Mapayapa to an object?
and do our daily activities. We 2. Are you familiar with the distribute 2 sacks of rice for each What you need: rubber ball,
also apply force when we use game that they are playing? family in the barangay. Tim was can, eggshell, stone, candy
different objects around us. A 3. What do you call that game? very happy to receive the wrapper, box, rubber band,
force acting on an object causes 4. Did you also play Chinese blessings. chair, bottle cap, paper, hair,
it to change in different ways. garter? He put two sacks of rice inside the biscuit, folder, wire
Do you want to know the cart, but he was not able to push it Directions: Prepare the
changes that happen to objects because the sacks of rice are very materials. What actions can
when force is applied to them? heavy. He asked the help of his you do on the objects in order
brother and they happily brought to change their shape, size, or
home the blessings that they both? Copy and fill out the
received. table below in your Science
Answer the following questions. notebook. The first object was
1. Who went to Barangay done for you.
2. Why Tim was so happy that
3. Where did he put the two sacks
of rice?
4. Why did he ask the help of his
brother in pushing the cart?
5. What is the importance of
helping others?
C. Presenting examples/ Force has always been a part of In the illustration above what Look at the pictures. Guide Questions:
instances of the new our daily lives. It cannot be seen object was used in playing the 1. What do you think helped
lesson. by our eyes, but we can feel the game? you made changes on the
The creator/editor of this DLL does not claim ownership over its contents such as (pictures, illustrations, stories, etc.). This DLL is only intended as reference for teachers.
The creator/editor shall/does not allow/permit any individual to sell this Daily Lesson Log or to share without his/her permission. @edumaymay
effect of force on our bodies. Do this. different objects?
Whether we are doing Measure the length 2. What happened to the shape
household activities, working in (centimeter)of the garter by of some objects when force
the field, or even playing, we using a ruler. was applied to them?
can see the effects of forces in 3. What happened to the size
action. Guide Questions: of some objects when force
Look at the picture above. Can 1. In picture A, why Tim could not was applied to them?
you tell me what they are push the cart? 4. Is it possible that an object’s
doing? 2. In picture B, why is it easy for shape and size will be affected
Do you think a force was applied them to push the cart? by the application of the force
Guided Question:
in each activity? 3. How they make the cart move? at the same time? Cite an
1. What is the length of the
Did they use force? example.
garter in picture A? In picture
4. Which picture showed that 5. Aside from humans, are
strong force was used? Less force? there other things that could
2. Comparing the lengths, what
5. Do you think we can move an apply force on an object? Give
have you observed?
object without using force? Why? some examples.
3. What force was exerted?
4. How would you describe the 6. How will you describe the
The pictures above showed that effect of force on objects based
size of the garter after the
the force exerted by Tim was not on the activity?
force was applied to it?
enough to move the cart. The
combination of strong force
exerted by Tim and his brother
made the cart move easier and
D. Discussing new concepts ❖ A force is a push or pull, Remember these: Force is very important. We ● A force has amount and
and practicing new skills. which occurs when two or more ❖ When force was applied to cannot move without using any direction.
#1 objects interact with each other. an object, the size of an object force. It can make an object move ● A force is a push or pull,
❖ The shape of an object may may change. and make a moving object go which occurs when two or
change when force is applied to ❖ Some materials are of faster or make it slow down. more objects interact with
it. different sizes. Some are big, The force applied to an object each other.
❖ Pushing, pulling, pounding, others are small. Some are affects the objects’ movement. ● Effects of Force on Objects
compressing, bending, twisting, long others are short. Objects with lesser mass require The shape of an object may
tearing, stretching, or squeezing ❖ When force is applied to it, lesser force for it to move it to change when force is applied
are some ways of changing the some objects become bigger, some distance, while objects with on it. Kneading a dough,
shape of an object. smaller, longer, or shorter. greater mass require greater or pounding pepper, compressing
❖ Some situations where force stronger force to make it move a cotton, bending wire, twisting
is applied and change the size longer distance. rope, stretching rubber band,
are the following: or squeezing rubber ball are
some ways of changing the
shape of an object.
Also, when force is applied to
an object, the object’s size may
change. Some situations where

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The creator/editor shall/does not allow/permit any individual to sell this Daily Lesson Log or to share without his/her permission. @edumaymay
force is applied and changed
the size of objects are the
following: dropping a glass,
pounding garlic, cutting a
paper, sharpening a pencil, and
grinding papaya.
E. Discussing new concepts Examples of ways of changing Let us have another example. The force applied on an object
and practicing new skills the shape of an object. also affects its movement.
#2. Force can change the state of
rest or motion of an object. An
➢ In picture A, the girl pushes the example is when your hand
ball with a lesser amount of force. pushes a marble gently on top
The ball will travel nearer because of a table. The ball then sets
a lesser amount of force was into motion. Now, if you keep
applied to it. your hand on the opposite side
➢ In picture B, the man throws of the moving ball, the moving
the ball with a stronger amount of ball comes into a state of rest.
force. Force can change the direction
The stronger the force exerted, of movement of an object. An
the farther the ball will travel. example is when a football
player applies force by kicking
the ball in different directions.
Force can change how fast or
slow the movement of an
object is. The ball travels
farther when the force applied
to it is stronger and the ball
travels nearer when lesser
force is applied to it.
F. Developing Mastery Read the following situations Draw if the statement Select the letter of the correct What’s the action?
(Lead to Formative carefully. describes a change in shape answer. Directions: Choose the word
Assessment 3) Put a (/) on the blank if the and if not. 1. If a boy will have to kick one from the box that describes the
shape of an object may change ___________1. holding a nail object, which one from the list action shown in these pictures.
when the force applied on it and ___________2. molding a clay below will move Write your answers in your
put an (X) if not. ___________3. pressing a the farthest upon kicking? notebook.
_____1. breaking an egg balloon a. shut put ball c. golf ball
_____2. throwing a paper clip b. tennis ball d. soft ball
_____3. pressing a nail 2. Which among the following
_____4. rolling a ball object will require a greater force
_____5. biting an apple to move?
a. refrigerator b. desk c. television
d. teacher’s table
3. Which of the following objects
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The creator/editor shall/does not allow/permit any individual to sell this Daily Lesson Log or to share without his/her permission. @edumaymay
will move more easily when a
force applied toit?
a. plastic dining table c. small
b. empty steel cabinet d. small
wooden table
4. Which among the objects below
require lesser force to move?
a. book b. notebook c. pencil
d. blackboard eraser
5. Upon application of force, which
of the following objects will move
a. wooden chair b. refrigerator
c. table d. ball
G. Finding practical Identify the force applied to the Put a (/) on the blank if the size Push or Pull? Directions: Complete the
application of concepts following materials to change of an object may change when Directions: Determine whether the statement using the pictures
and skills in daily living their shape. a force applied to it and put an actions involve pushing, below as clues. Write your
Write compressing, bending, (X) if not. pulling or a combination of both answers in your notebook.
stretching, twisting, or pressing. _______1. grinding rice grains by putting a check mark ( ) on I have learned that force is a
_______2. sharpening a pencil the proper column of the table ___________ or a __________.
_______3. tearing a paper below. Copy the table and write Applying force can change the
_______4. pressing a keyboard the answers in your notebook. object’s ___________,
of laptop ___________, and ________.
_______5. pulling a chair

H. Making Generalizations ❖ A force is a push or pull, ❖ When force was applied to The force applied to an object A force has amount and
and Abstraction about the which occurs when two or more an object, the size of an object affects the objects’ movement. direction.
Lesson. objects interact with each other. may change. Objects with lesser mass require The shape of an object may
❖ The shape of an object may ❖ Some materials are of lesser force for it to move it to change when force is applied
change when force is applied to different sizes. Some are big, some distance, while objects with on it.
it. others are small. Some are greater mass require greater or
❖ Pushing, pulling, pounding, long others are short. stronger force to make it move a
compressing, bending, twisting, ❖ When force is applied to it, longer distance.
tearing, stretching, or squeezing some objects become bigger,
are some ways of changing the smaller, longer, or shorter.
shape of an object

The creator/editor of this DLL does not claim ownership over its contents such as (pictures, illustrations, stories, etc.). This DLL is only intended as reference for teachers.
The creator/editor shall/does not allow/permit any individual to sell this Daily Lesson Log or to share without his/her permission. @edumaymay
I. Evaluating Learning Read each sentence carefully. Write the correct word on the Put a (/) if the picture exerted a Directions: Explain the changes
Write true if the statement is blank to complete the idea of greater amount of force to move that will happen to the size or
correct and false if not. each sentence. the object and put an (X) if a lesser shape of the given objects if
_____1.Force changes the shape amount of force was applied to it. force will be applied. Write
of an object. 1.Force is a push or your answers in your
_____2.When you shake hands, ____________. notebook.
your hand changes shape. 2. When force is applied to an 1. sharpening a pencil
_____3.When you squeezed a object, the _________ of an 2. dropping a flower vase
can it will return to its original object may change. 3. pounding a Styrofoam cup
shape. 3. A garter become longer 4. cutting a piece of cardboard
_____4. There is no force when you _____________ it. 5. a bar soap dropped on the
exerted if you bend a bamboo 4. Pulling force on a spring will floor
stick. causes its _______________.
_____5. The paper changes its 5. Once you drop a vase it will
shape when you crumple it. turn into ________ pieces

J. Additional Activities for Find 5 different ways how to

Application or change the shape of an object.
Remediation Words may appear
vertically, horizontally, or

A. No. of learners earned
80%in the evaluation.

B. No. of learners who

required additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learner who
continue to require
The creator/editor of this DLL does not claim ownership over its contents such as (pictures, illustrations, stories, etc.). This DLL is only intended as reference for teachers.
The creator/editor shall/does not allow/permit any individual to sell this Daily Lesson Log or to share without his/her permission. @edumaymay
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by:
Checked by:

Teacher III
School Principal I

The creator/editor of this DLL does not claim ownership over its contents such as (pictures, illustrations, stories, etc.). This DLL is only intended as reference for teachers.
The creator/editor shall/does not allow/permit any individual to sell this Daily Lesson Log or to share without his/her permission. @edumaymay

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