SE - Act 1

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Ac tvity 1

Study tacttic Sigoals ond 1portance
Study ules ood

A toafftc sigoal, Or stophgbt as 1t also koocoo, Co
tao ls vebicle trattic passioq tbrough tb 10tS tcti
ton of to00 roadcoays by gtviog
VISua todicatio9 to drrtces Coheo to procaa.o
cohen to sloo, and Coheo
A modeno taotbtc s19nal System coostst of th
-e basic Subsystems- Th 8tgDal igh 1D
thusr houstg he supPorting OaMs0
th electaic Contoo ll The siqoa gbts aod bou
S1n9 do bnpw)0s be stgna ghtStackA
Stogle Stock usually Consrs ts Of three gh ts.
geen LighE on the bo ttom tO 10dica te th toatti
C. 0y paoce, a veltoco Gght fo tha middlu t
COas toabbtc to sloco Pep0ne to stop d Ggb
the top to odicote the taTatttc must stop. Then

Cne 0ne 0 more

tght stac for acb disecti
- OD Of eoch rogdtoay The electsic cootoo lle tS

usually mo unted 1o a Coeoth proof bOx.00D One

OF tho CO UTee OP tthe 1otensectton Mote elobaate
toottic S1gnals 0y also have electoogmagnetic seo

SOTS busid 10 the oaduoays to delect th flu

C 0f toOtbie at YOJuou8 potot5
Types of toofftc Stgnal-
Tbene ane S1a type of S1gnals
12-toatbrc Contodl stgool
t Ftaedl time sfgnals

Monuolly openoted sigoals

TaotttC ocuttd Catomatic) stqpols
Pedes taaiosigools
Spe Cfal taattie si9nals

Uoportan ce Df toabtte stqoole

The ligbt used to moDitor tbe floo 0 tCbtic
ane trottic Ggbt Or toastic signols They an
located att 10tkn8ectto0 0od 10tensectioo Of the aoaod

+) tght toabbtc S19Dal Play a mao bole 1 the

toattic blo
) Jo 08rde to Pesenve dtooeam 8uch tootttc stgpa
COntoot the oremept tlow Of toObbic

) Thene anetHree Coloua 0f tottfc 3tq Dals ane yae

yetloco, red

)uee0 1mplres g0
yeltoco ons to cocst
) Red me0 to stop
Beoitits of toobttc signolt
kuheo propanly loca ted ood openorted trottic

1nraluoble tool for

for the sote and
Stgoa ts 0ne a0

e bticre nt movement of vehtcles 0od pedestoCGns. Trat

trattTC engtnes 1 Contooliog

-t1c $1gnols Oss?3+
taatbtc 10 aSateOsdenly and efficseo F mano

-en They benebit the trarelGog Public by

ord emly moremept of chrcles 1mpgDVed
0od toCneesinq tha
reduca toaret1me s
toattie that 09 1ntensectton Con bopdu
a mouot of

Providio9 enboncemeot to Oun toansportatt

on Sy3tem s d r e pons1bility coe a ke ren

Sen1O0ely Eveo tbougb they a1e atuable ools,

S1gools ane 00f alcooys the CnsCoeN a0 d

0t apposia te bo Cs 0t evey
t Applicottoo of toobt1c st9oals
biargbtoest cDs 0ne 1ocaeos1og besnq used D

trattTe ugbts due to ther loo pocD7 Cons umpti0o

and mtOtmategired maiotonCL

t)Thye is no need of toatbic 10spectos otha buo

-ctfoo for 8Upenvistog the toabBic to tun smootbly

) The 0tetliqent CDork Cohich 13 don by toottic tns

pecto Collbe penbecty done by th m1 CrD COotaotl

e 10 tbe CfocLUt c07tb the belp Dfsensoas

the proQanm Cobich 1s CDded to iCTID CD otopller

t)AnLED taatt1c Ggbt coD be used as ao audio

broad cost1ng deviCe10 additioo to thoj 00rmal

functHoo Of
Of bünq Go ?ocli catio signaG ng
de viCe
oftoDan sed 10 taattic sigoa3
Tramm 18 a Sdftcoone tool tod 0 D1t0 0od

D0009 the toottic S19nals CODtrollen CD1To CC

bodm tha Mmaod CoDtool CoDe n

aemotety CD

Trattte Cgbt System ane desig od usoq Sof

tcoane Sucb ag tINSTu, TRAusyt. CORS TM/ TRATV


k Block diaqro m 0f toabbic stqoals

BUnve Uioo co
Come na

Toatt 1C

naio supply DC pocoU ugbts




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