Lab One Part One - Introduction To MS Word
Lab One Part One - Introduction To MS Word
NOTE: Save your work often. Power glitches or computer failure can cause you to lose your data.
1. Create a folder on your USB drive; name this folder “YourFullName Lab One - Word Processing”, for example:
John Brown Lab One - Word Processing.
2. Create a new MS Word document in this folder; name this document “Cover Page ”.
3. Open Cover Page and on the first page only, neatly include the following information (well spaced and
arranged) if you are prompted to enter your name and initials, do so:
4. Create a new MS Word document in your folder, name this file “Memory Organisation”,
5. Open and copy all the text from the notepad file on the eLearning platform entitled “Memory Organisation” and
paste it into your new document.
6. Insert three (3) Next Page Section Breaks before the text “Main Memory (RAM) Organisation”
7. Set your margins to “Office 2003 Default”.
8. Modify the Normal Style by performing the following tasks:
a. The font to be used is Arial Narrow
b. Justify the text
c. Add a 12pt after space
9. Ensure that the Styles window is available on the Home ribbon.
10. Create a new style called My Main Heading based on the Heading 1 style with the following attributes:
a. The font to be used is Arial Narrow
b. The font size is 20 and bold
c. Add a 12pt after space and no before space
11. Apply the My Main Heading to the headings “Main Memory (RAM) Organisation” and “Main Memory
12. Apply Heading 2 default formatting to all sub-headings; Register Memory etc.
13. On Page 2, enter the text Table of Contents as the heading and apply the My Main Heading to the text. Below
the Table of Contents heading, insert a Table of Contents.
14. On several pages of the document you will see F1, F2, F3 etc. These labels indicate locations where you are to
insert figures with the corresponding names from the figures folder into the document.
a. For each figure you inserted you are required to insert an appropriate caption (based on what the figure
is illustrating: you will need to read the paragraph before and after the label to determine what you
should include in the caption.
Example: “Figure 1. The basic components of a computer system are input devices, CPU, ALU, memory
and output devices”.
15. On Page 3, enter the text Table of Figures as the heading and apply the My Main Heading style to the text.
Below the Table of Figures heading, insert a Table of Figures.
16. Insert a footer into this document, this footer should read “This document was prepared based on notes by Dr.
N. Dulay of The Imperial College, London (November, 2007).
17. On Page 1 of this document insert the Cover Page.
18. Save and close your document.