IT Practical Assignments Class-X 2022-23 - 2
IT Practical Assignments Class-X 2022-23 - 2
IT Practical Assignments Class-X 2022-23 - 2
Practical Assignments
Class-X (IT-402)
Practical Assignment
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
Lab Work 1: Identify the components of the
following open office writer screen:
There are many menus and toolbars that make up the interface of OpenOffice
• Title Bar
• Menu Bar
• Standard Toolbar
• Formatting Toolbar
• Rulers
• Text Area / Document Area S
• Scroll bars
• Drawing Toolbar
• Status Bar
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
Lab Work 2: Column and Column Format
1. Create a new text Document and type the following text as shown below:
Language types
Machine and assembly languages
A machine language consists of the numeric codes for the operations that a particular
computer can execute directly. The codes are strings of 0s and 1s, or binary digits (“bits”),
which are frequently converted both from and to hexadecimal (base 16) for human viewing
and modification. Machine language instructions typically use some bits to represent
operations, such as addition, and some to represent operands, or perhaps the location of
the next instruction. Machine language is difficult to read and write, since it does not
resemble conventional mathematical notation or human language, and its codes vary from
computer to computer.
2. Click Format>>Page. In Page Style dialog box, click Page tab and set the
bottom margin as 6.0”.
3. Click Format>>Column and choose a three column format. Set the Spacing
between columns as: 0.49”.
4. Click Insert>> Header. Type PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE. Align the header
as centered.
5. Save the file as Programming Language.odt. Notice that your writer screen
looks as given below:
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
Lab Work 3: Mail Merge
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
To merge the fields into form letter,
1. Click View->Data source or click F4 key.
2. Noticed that the form letter appears with Data source on the top of the form
letter as shown in figure.
3. Click the Address database and Sheet1 as shown in figure
4. Click just below of To in form letter.
5. Click and drag the Name field header into the Form letter. Notice that the
Name field is inserted in the Form letter as shown in figure.
6. Press Enter key to move next line.
7. Click and drag the address field header. Similarly insert remaining fields as
shown in figure
8. Finally, you will see the complete Form letter with data fields as shown figure
Where you will find the document is now ready to be printed.
10. Finally click Finish button. You will notice that the merged document is
created with all data sources containing four letters in four different pages.
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
Lab Work 4: Template
Ø Selecting a template:
1. Go to File> New. You will be displayed with different types of templates.
2. Select the Certificates option. You will be displayed with a list
of Certificate templates.
3. Now select any of the templates by double-clicking on it.
4. Now you can use this template and customize the contents by replacing
the school name, student name, etc
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
Lab Work 5: Types of Style
Q1. Explain the styles given in the Styles and Formatting Window for writer
and paste the screen shot of the window also.
1. Open the Styles and Formatting window and choose the type of
style you want to create.
2. In the document, select the item you want to save as a style.
3. In the Styles and Formatting window, click on the New Style
from Selection icon.
4. After Clicking on New Style from Selection, create style dialog
box appear.
5. Write the name for the new style and click on OK.
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
Lab Work 7: 0n Understanding and use of
table of various commands
1. Insert a row above the first row and merge all cells and write
heading: Inter-House Cricket final Score Board – Blue House.
2. Insert an image in front of heading and split merged cells into two
columns and one row
3. Align the text and image properly
4. Insert a row below the second row and insert data: 3, Akashay, Not
Out, 85, 53, 6, 3
5. Delete a row 5 having data of Nirbhay
6. Insert columns after 6s column and give the heading strike rate and
calculate the strike rate manually and write it accordingly
7. Insert row below the last row for a total
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
Practical Assignment
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
Lab Work 1: Components of a OpenOffice Calc
• Title Bar
• Menu Bar
• Standard toolbar
• Formula bar
• Scroll bars
• Active Cell
• Row header
• Sheet tab
• Formatting toolbar
• Column header
• Sidebar
• Status bar
• Create worksheet
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
Lab Work 2: On Create Worksheet,
Rename a Worksheet,
Add a new worksheet,
Remove a worksheet:
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
Lab Work 3: Components of Charts
Charts are pictorial or graphical representation of mathematical
information in a worksheet.
Components of a chart:
Before we start creating a chart, it is important to know the various
components that constitute a chart.
Fig. Also
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
Inserting Charts:
Method 1: Calc can figure out an appropriate chart for you on its own.
1. Select the data to be included in the chart.
2. Click the Chart icon on the standard toolbar. The Chart Wizard dialog
box appears.
3. Select the required chart type and click on Finish button.
Method 2:
To create a chart of your choice, follow the given steps:
1. Select the cells that contain the data to be included in the chart. If the
required data is not in consecutive columns, then select the columns
you want by keeping the Ctrl key pressed while selecting the cells or
range of cells.
2. Click on Insert->Chart. This opens the Chart Wizard dialog box.
3. Choose the required chart type and click on Finish button.
This creates the desired chart for you on the current worksheet.
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
fig. North India Sales Sheet
3. Define the ranges of all the sheets. Select the ranges of cells of
consolidated sheet where you want to have the result of addition of
data. Name this ranges as Con21 in name box as shown below:
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
4. Similarly select the data in North and South sheets and give range
name as North21 and South21 as shown below:
5. Place the cursor in Consolidated Sheet C5 cell and the click Data->
Consolidate option to open the Consolidate dialog box
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
fig. Click Consolidate Option
6. Consolidate dialog box appears as shown below. Click the drop-down
list under the label Function and select Sum.
7. Click Source Data Range drop-down menu and select North21 and
click Add option as shown below:
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
fig. Adding ranges
8. Similarly select the ranges name for South. Consolidated ranges appear
as shown below:
9. Now specify where you want to consolidate this data. This can be done
using specifying range of the consolidated sheet where you want to
consolidate the data. Select Con21 of the consolidate sheet to
consolidate the data in that sheet as shown below
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
10. Consolidate dialog box specifies source range and target range as
shown below.
11. click OK. Data will be consolidated to the consolidated sheet as shown
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
3. Click Data->subtotal option
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
8. Click OK. Subtotals corresponding to years is obtained as shown below.
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
Lab Work 6: On SCENARIO
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
Fig. Creating Scenario
4. Create Scenario window appears on the screen as shown below. Enter
Scenario Name under Name of Scenario and uncheck Copy back
Option. Click OK
5. Best scenario is created and you can check it by clicking on the arrow
on the top of selected column.
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
6. Now change the number of cars to minimum number so as to create
worst sale number as shown below:
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
7. Select the No. of cars columns and Click Tools-> Scenario option to
create a new scenario as shown below. Name it as Worst case.
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
Lab Work 7: GOAL SEEK
You can use Goal Seek to find out how many marks you need in the
class test to pass the class.
In the above example, the goal is to find the marks in test 5 so that
the overall marks in all tests are 350. The four inputs are given and
output needed is 350. The goal is to find how much marks are needed
to get overall score of 350.
The steps to do goal seek are as follows:
1. Select the cell containing the value that you want to change i.e. cell
containing the formula i.e. overall marks as shown below:
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
2. Click Tools->Goal Seek option as shown below:
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
3. Goal seek window appears on the screen as shown below:
6. The result will appear in the specified cell as shown below. In our
example, Goal Seek calculated the marks in Test 5 to obtain overall
350 marks.
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
Fig. Goal Seek determined Value
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
Fig.b Maths Workbook
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
Fig.d Science Workbook
2. Select the total column of the Maths workbook. Right click mouse
button and click copy on popup menu as shown below:
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
fig f: Pasting data
4. Paste Special window appears on the screen. Select Link Option and
press OK.
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
fig h: Data after pasting(1)
6. If you make any change in the data in maths workbook, the data gets
automatically updated in detailed workbook. Data from maths
workbook gets linked to maths columns of detailed workbook.
7. Similarly link (copy and Paste) the data from English and Science
8. Apply the sum formula and find the sum of marks in detailed
workbook. Output is obtained as follows
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
3. Click in Cell A2 which contains value 4 and right click the mouse
button. Popup menu appears and select copy option. Value 4 is copied
to the clip board.
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
4. Select the cells in the range A1:C3.
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
5. Click Tools->Macro->Record Macro to start the macro recorder.
6. The Record Macro dialog box is displayed with a stop recording button
as shown below.
7. Click Edit->Paste Special to open the Paste Special dialog box
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
8. Select the operation to Multiply and click OK. The cells are now
multiplied by 4.
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
9. Click Stop Recording to stop the macro recorder. The Open
Basic Macro dialog box appears as shown below:
10. Select the current saved document (simple macro.ods) and write the
name of macro (Multiply) and click Save.
11. New Module dialog box appears with name of module. Click OK.
12. Macro Multiply is now created. after you have recorded a macro. You
can execute it.
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
When you execute the macro, it performs the same steps that you
performed during the record operation. To execute the macro, use the
following steps:
a. Select cell A1.
b. Click Tools-> Macro-> Run Macro to run the macro.
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
c. The Macro Selector Window displays as follows
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
e. Cells A1 to C3 are multiplied by 4. Output is displayed as
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
Practical Assignment
Write the steps to create table with minimum five fields on an entity
"STUDENT" in design view.
We will design the following table
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
1. Click on Create Table in Design View… option available under Tasks
and a Table Design window appears as shown below.
2. Specify the field name and data type of the field to be created as
shown below.
3. In the gray box at the left of the line, right-click and select
Primary Key, bringing up a key icon in the box
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
Lab Work 2: Create a database for Employee &
execute the queries
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
(a) Table Design:
EmpDetails Table:
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
Lab Work 3: Create a database for Student
Details & execute the queries
7) Click on Create Table in Design View…option available
under tasks and a Table Design window appears.
8) Specify the field name and data type of the field to be created
by selecting the appropriate type available under Field type
dropdown list.
9) Set the Primary key for adm_no.
10) Save the table design.
11) Select the Table SDetails displayed in the Tables list.
12) Enter the required data.
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
SDetails Table:
(c) Display all the data of students whose marks is more than 45.
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
Lab Work 4: Create a form for Employee Details
to enter the details in the Employee Table.
A form provides the user a systematic way of storing information into the
1. To create a form, click on Forms option located under Database
2. Click Use Wizard to Create Form… option under Tasks
group. The Form Wizard dialog box appears.
3. You can select selective fields to be sent onto the form by
selecting the field name and clicking > button.
4. You can select individual fields in a database or all fields in a
5. To use all the fields in the table in a form, click the >> button.
6. Notice the fields displayed under Fields in the forms section.
7. Click Next>. You see the Set up a sub form step dialog box of the
8. You can select the option Add Sub form if you need to insert the
contents in the table in a separate form. Click Next>.
9. Once you have selected a style, click Next>.
10. A dialog box appears wherein you can select the data entry
model. Click Next >.
11. Click Next >. You see a dialog box where you can specify the
name of the form. Click Finish.
12. A form window appears. Notice that the records in the
table are displayed automatically within the form that you
just created.
13. Once you click the symbol, you will be displayed with a
window for creating records.
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
Lab Work 5: Creating DATABASE TABLE IN
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
After creating database next step is to create table in the database
The steps in creating table using design view are as follows:
• After saving the Student database, following window appears on the
• Select Table tab on the left of the screen and then select Create Table
in Design View option to create the table. The following window
appears on the screen.
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
• Enter the field name and data type of the fields that you want to have.
We have created Student table with the following field and data type.
• Primary Key: Right click the ROLLNO field. A pop up menu appears as
follows. Click the Primary Key option. Now ROLLNO becomes primary
key and a key appears on the left of ROLLNO field.
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
• Click Save option on the toolbar to save the table. Save AS dialog box
appears on the screen. Enter the name of the table and click ok.
• Student table is created. close the window. You are back to the main
window of the database with the listing of the tables queries, forms and
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
• Double click the Student table. Data view window appears as shown
below. Start entering the data.
• Entered data will appear as follows on the screen. Click Save to save
the data and close the window.
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
• Set Primary key window appears on the screen. In the Employee Table
EmployeeID is the Primary Key because its unique and no two
employees can have same EmployeeID. Select Use an existing field as
primary key option and specify EmployeeID as primary key. Click
• Create Table Window appear on the screen. Give name to the table and
select Insert data immediately to add data to the Employee table.
• Entered data will appears as follows on the screen. Click save to save
the data and close the window.
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
Lab Work 7: Creating TABLE USING SQL
Field Datatype
Rollno Numeric(12) Primary key
Name Varchar(30)
Fee float
City Varchar(30)
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
Table: Student
Rollno Class Name Phone_no
1 XII Sumit 1234565
2 X Amit 3564583
3 X Anuj 1236589
4 XI Mini 5869542
1. Select * from student;
2. Insert into student values (5, 'XI', 'Suman' , 6953245)
3. Select * from student where Rollno = 3;
4. Select * from student where class = 'X'
5. Select * from student where name = 'Anuj';
Table: Product
Field Datatype
PID Char(4)
Pname Varchar(20)
Description Varchar(20)
Price Decimal
(PID Char(4),
Pname Varchar(20),
Description Varchar(20),
Price Decimal);
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
(b) consider the following Vendor table and write the queries
Table: Vendor
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
(a) To Insert the following record
(“F005”, “Kurta”, “Woollen”, “5”);
(b) To display only those fabrics whose disc is more than 10.
(c) To display those record whose type is “Woollen”.
(d) To modify the fabric shirt by increasing discount by 10.
(e) To delete the record of fabric F003 from table.
(a) INSERT INTO “Fabric” VALUES (“F005”, “Kurta”, “Woollen”, “5”);
(b) SELECT * FROM “Fabric” WHERE Disc>10
(c) SELECT * FROM “Fabric” WHERE Type= “Woollen”.
(d) UPDATE “Fabric”
Set Disc=Disc+10
Where FName=”Shirt”;
(e) DELETE FROM “Fabric” WHERE FabricID= “F003”;
Field Datatype
Rollno Numeric(12) Primary key
Name Varchar(30)
Fee float
City Varchar(30)
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.
8. Write an SQL query to generate list of students who pay more than
20000 fee.
WHERE “FEE”>20000;
10. Create a SQL query to generate list of all students from Student1
table using wildcard character.
11. Write an SQL query to create a Table with the following details:
Field Datatype
Emp_no Char(4) Primary key
Name Varchar(25)
Salary float
Department Varchar(25)
( Emp_no Char(4),
Name Varchar(25),
Salary float,
Department Varchar(25),
Note: Write down all practical only in Practical File with proper indexing.