T3 Dynamics

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1. Two balls, each of mass 0.50kg, collide as shown in Figure.

Show that their total momentum

before the collision is equal to their total momentum after the collision.

2. Copy Table below, choosing the correct words from each pair.

3. Figure shows two identical balls A and B about to make a head-on collision. After the
collision, ball A rebounds at a speed of 1.5ms −1 and ball B rebounds at a speed of 2.5ms −1.
The mass of each ball is 4.0kg.

a. Calculate the momentum of each ball before the collision.

b. Calculate the momentum of each ball after the collision.
c. Is the momentum conserved in the collision?
d. Show that the total kinetic energy of the two balls is conserved in the collision.

4. A trolley of mass 1.0kg is moving at 2.0ms −1. It collides with a stationary trolley of mass
2.0kg. This second trolley moves off at 1.2ms −1.
a. Draw ‘before’ and ‘after’ diagrams to show the situation.
b. Use the principle of conservation of momentum to calculate the speed of the first trolley
after the collision. In what direction does it move?

5. A ball of mass 0.40kg is thrown at a wall. It strikes the wall with a speed of 1.5ms −1
perpendicular to the wall and bounces off the wall with a speed of 1.2ms −1. Explain the
changes in momentum and energy which happen in the collision between the ball and the
wall. Give numerical values where possible.

6. A car of mass 1000 kg is travelling at a velocity of 10 m s −1. It accelerates for 15 s, reaching a

velocity of 24 m s−1. Calculate:
a. the change in the momentum of the car in the 15 s period
b. the average force acting on the car as it accelerates.
7. A ball is kicked by a footballer. The average force on the ball is 240 N and the impact lasts for
a time interval of 0.25 s.
a. Calculate the change in the ball’s momentum.
b. State the direction of the change in momentum.

8. Water pouring from a broken pipe lands on a flat roof. The water is moving at 5.0 m s −1 when
it strikes the roof. The water hits the roof at a rate of 10 kg s −1. Calculate the force of the
water hitting the roof. (Assume that the water does not bounce as it hits the roof. If it did
bounce, would your answer be greater or smaller?)

9. A golf ball has a mass of 0.046 kg. The final velocity of the ball after being struck by a golf
club is 50 m s−1. The golf club is in contact with the ball for a time of 1.3 ms. Calculate the
average force exerted by the golf club on the ball.

10. An object is dropped and its momentum increases as it falls toward the ground. Explain how
the law of conservation of momentum and Newton’s third law of motion can be applied to
this situation.

11. A ball of mass 2 kg, moving at 3.0 m s−1, strikes a wall and rebounds with the same speed.
State and explain whether there is a change in:
a. the momentum of the ball
b. the kinetic energy of the ball.

12. a. Define linear momentum.

b. Determine the base units of linear momentum in the SI system.
c. A car of mass 900 kg starting from rest has a constant acceleration of 3.5 m s −2. Calculate
its momentum after it has travelled a distance of 40 m.
d. Figure shows two identical objects about to make a head-on collision. The objects stick
together during the collision. Determine the final speed of the objects. State the direction in
which they move.

13. a. Explain what is meant by an:

i. elastic collision
ii. inelastic collision
b. A snooker ball of mass 0.35 kg hits the side of a snooker table at right angles and bounces
off also at right angles. Its speed before collision is 2.8 m s −1 and its speed after is 2.5 m s−1.
Calculate the change in the momentum of the ball.
c. Explain whether or not momentum is conserved in the situation described in b.

14. A car of mass 1100 kg is travelling at 24 m s −1. The driver applies the brakes and the car
decelerates uniformly and comes to rest in 20 s.
a. Calculate the change in momentum of the car.
b. Calculate the braking force on the car
15. A cricket bat strikes a ball of mass 0.16 kg travelling towards it. The ball initially hits the bat
at a speed of 25 m s−1 and returns along the same path with the same speed. The time of
impact is 0.0030 s.
a. Determine the change in momentum of the cricket ball.
b. Determine the force exerted by the bat on the ball.
c. Describe how the laws of conservation of energy and momentum apply to this impact
and state whether the impact is elastic or inelastic.

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