Cna Making An Occupied Bed

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Procedure Checklist: Making an Occupied Bed

Making an occupied bed

Procedure Steps yes no

1. Identifies self by name. Identifies resident. Greets resident by name.

2. Washes hands.
3. Explains procedure to resident. Speaks clearly, slowly, and directly.
Maintains face-to-face contact whenever possible.
4. Provides for resident’s privacy with a curtain, screen, or door.
5. Places clean linen on clean surface within reach (e.g., bedside stand,
overbed table, or chair).
6. Adjusts bed to safe working level, usually waist high. Lowers head of
bed. Locks bed wheels.
7. Puts on gloves.
8. Loosens top linen from the end of the bed on the working side.

9. Unfolds bath blanket over top sheet and removes the top sheet. Keeps
resident covered at all times with the bath blanket.
10. Raises side rail (if bed has them) on far side of bed. Goes to other side
of the bed. Helps resident to turn onto her side slowly, moving away
from self, toward raised side rail.
11. Loosens bottom soiled linen, mattress pad, and absorbent pad on the
working side.
12. Rolls bottom soiled linen toward resident and center of bed, soiled side
inside. Tucks it snugly against resident’s back.
13. Places mattress pad (if used) on the bed, attaching elastic at corners
on working side.
14. Places clean bottom linen or fitted bottom sheet with the center crease
in the center. Makes hospital corners to keep bottom sheet wrinkle-
15. Smoothes bottom sheet out toward resident. Makes sure there are no
wrinkles in the mattress pad. Rolls extra material toward resident.
Tucks it under resident’s body.
16. If using a disposable absorbent pad, unfolds it and centers it on the
bed. Smoothes it out toward resident. Tucks it under resident’s body.
17. If using a draw sheet, places it on bed. Tucks in on side closest to self
and smoothes and tucks.
Procedure Checklist: Making an Occupied Bed

18. Raises side rail nearest self. Goes to the other side of bed. Lowers side
rail on working side. Helps resident roll or turn onto clean bottom sheet.
19. Loosens soiled linen. Looks for personal items. Rolls linen from head to
foot of bed, avoiding contact with skin or clothes. Does not shake soiled
linen. Places it in a hamper or linen bag. Does not place on overbed
table, chair, or floor.

20. Pulls clean linen through as quickly as possible. Starts with the
mattress pad and wraps around corners. Pulls and tucks in clean
bottom linen, just like the other side. Pulls and tucks in disposable
absorbent pad and draw sheet if used. Makes hospital corners with
bottom sheet. Finishes with bottom sheet free of wrinkles.

21. Asks resident to turn on his back. Keeps resident covered and
comfortable, with a pillow under his head. Raises side rail nearest self.

22. Unfolds top sheet. Places it over resident and centers it. Asks resident
to hold the top sheet and pulls the bath blanket out from underneath.
Puts it in the hamper or bag.

23. Places blanket over the top sheet and centers it. Places bedspread
over the blanket and centers it. Tucks top sheet, blanket, and
bedspread under foot of bed and makes hospital corners on each side.
Loosens top linens over resident’s feet.

24. At the top of the bed, folds down the top sheet to make a cuff of about
six inches over blanket.

25. Holds and lifts resident’s head and removes pillow. Removes soiled
pillowcase by turning it inside out. Places it in hamper or bag.

26. Removes and discards gloves. Washes hands.

27. Takes a pillow, and with one hand, grasps clean pillowcase at the
closed end. Turns it inside out over arm. Using the hand that has the
pillowcase over it, grasps one narrow edge of pillow. Pulls pillowcase
over it with free hand. Does the same for any other pillows. Places
them at head of the bed with open end away from the door.

28. Makes sure bed is wrinkle-free. Makes resident comfortable.

29. Returns bed to lowest position. Leaves side rails in ordered position.
Removes privacy
Procedure Checklist: Making an Occupied Bed

30. Leaves call light within resident’s reach.

31. Is courteous and respectful at all times.

32. Washes hands.

33. Takes laundry bag or hamper to proper area.

34. Reports any changes in resident to the nurse. Documents procedure

using facility guidelines.

____________________ ______________________________________
Date Reviewed Instructor Signature

____________________ ______________________________________
Date Performed Instructor Signature

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