1018795-Neropoxy 266mio (I) HB Coating-A
1018795-Neropoxy 266mio (I) HB Coating-A
1018795-Neropoxy 266mio (I) HB Coating-A
Xn Harmful
20/21 Harmful by in-halation and in contact with skin
36/38 Irritating to skin and eyes
Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. Get medical help if there is any breathing difficulty.
Skin contact: Remove contaminated clothing (including shoes) and wash before re-use. If irritation
persists, seek medical attention.
Eye contact: Flush immediately with large amounts of water, especially under lids for at least 15 minutes.
If irritation or other effects persist, obtain medical treatment.
Information contained in this MSDS is believed to be reliable but no representation, guarantee or warrantee of any kind are made as to
Its accuracy, suitably for a particular application or results to be obtained from them. It is up to the user/distributor to ensure that the In -
formation contained in the MSDS is relevant to the product manufactured/ handled or sold by him as the case may be. KANSAI Ner-
olac Paints makes no warrantee, expressed or implied, in respect of the adequacy of this document for any particular purpose., ,
RDP/F/043 Revision no: 01
Date of Issue : 30 August 2012 Revision no: 01
Fire extinguishing media : CO2, Dry Powder extinguishing media. Do not use water.
Fire fighting procedures: Firefighters should use full protective clothing, eye protection, and self-
contained breathing apparatus.
Hazardous decomposition or combustion products: Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, toxic gases.
Environmental precautions: Do not allow product to reach sewage system or any other water course.
Inform respective authorities incase of seepage into watercourses or sewage system.
Methods of cleaning: Contain and collect the spillage with non combustible materials like Sand, earth,
diatomaceous earth and place in disposal container. Use absorbent material e.g. Sand, acid binder, saw dust.
Ensure adequate ventilation.
Storage: Areas of storage, preparation and application should be ventilated to prevent the creation of
flammable or explosive concentrations of vapors in air and avoid vapor concentrations higher than the
occupational exposure limits.
Personal protective equipment: Eye wash, safety shower, safety glasses or goggles. Impervious gloves,
impervious clothing. Replace elastomeric protective equipment whenever it becomes swollen, gummy, torn,
or shows evidence of barrier loss. Apply a solvent-resistant skin barrier cream to areas of skin that may
come into contact with material. If working out-of-doors, apply sunscreen lotion with a high sun block
protection factor to skin exposed to sunlight after applying barrier cream.
Information contained in this MSDS is believed to be reliable but no representation, guarantee or warrantee of any kind are made as to
Its accuracy, suitably for a particular application or results to be obtained from them. It is up to the user/distributor to ensure that the In -
formation contained in the MSDS is relevant to the product manufactured/ handled or sold by him as the case may be. KANSAI Ner-
olac Paints makes no warrantee, expressed or implied, in respect of the adequacy of this document for any particular purpose., ,
RDP/F/043 Revision no: 01
Date of Issue : 30 August 2012 Revision no: 01
Properties Results
Chemical type Epoxy Resin Medium
Physical state Liquid
Flash point >27 °C
Specific gravity 1.6 – 1.8
Vapor density N.av
Lower Explosion Limits % N.av
Upper Explosion Limits % N.av
Odour Smell of butanol
Miscibility in Water Immiscible
Preparation is stable under recommended storage and handling conditions mentioned in section 7. When
exposed to high temperatures may produce hazardous decomposition products such as Carbon dioxide,
Carbon Monoxide, Oxides of Nitrogen, Smoke, Fumes. Keep away acidic, alkaline and oxidizing agents to
avoid the exothermic reactions.
Solvent based paints when exposed to for prolonged time are irritating to eyes and skin. Repeated and
prolonged skin contact may cause irritation, sensitization and dermatitis. Symptoms such as headache,
fatigue, dizziness, muscular pain, drowsiness and loss of consciousness in extreme cases of exposure.
Liquids splashed in eyes may cause irritation.
No data available on the preparation but the product should not be allowed to enter drainage, sewage and
water courses to disturb the ecological balance.
Must not be disposed off together with household garbage. Do not allow product to enter drainage, sewage
and water courses. Empty container to be scraped according to local regulations.
Transport only in accordance with ADR for Road, RID for Railway, INDG for Sea and ACAO/IATA for
Air transports.
Class: Not goods of class 3 item
Container: Class 3 for 31C
Transport document name: Not applicable
Transport in accordance with NOTE under E of marginal 2301
Information contained in this MSDS is believed to be reliable but no representation, guarantee or warrantee of any kind are made as to
Its accuracy, suitably for a particular application or results to be obtained from them. It is up to the user/distributor to ensure that the In -
formation contained in the MSDS is relevant to the product manufactured/ handled or sold by him as the case may be. KANSAI Ner-
olac Paints makes no warrantee, expressed or implied, in respect of the adequacy of this document for any particular purpose., ,
RDP/F/043 Revision no: 01
Date of Issue : 30 August 2012 Revision no: 01
Class 3.3 UN Nr.: 1263
MFAG : 310
EmS: 3-05
Marine pollutant: Not applicable
Proper shipping name: Paint
Class: 3 UN No..: 1263
Proper shipping name :- Paint
Packaging group: III
Xn Harmful.
24 Avoid contact with skin
In case of contact with eyes , rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek
medical advice
37 Wear suitable gloves
38 In case of sufficient ventilation, wear suitable respirator
23 Do not breathe vapor
The data are based on the current state of our knowledge and are intended to describe the
product with regards to the requirements of safety. The data should not be taken to imply
any guarantee of a particular or general specification. It is the responsibility of the user of
the product to ensure to his satisfaction that the product is suitable for the intended purpose
and method of use. We do not accept responsibility for any harm caused by the use of this
information. In all cases, our general conditions of sale apply.
Abbreviations :
Reviewed by : Approved by
Information contained in this MSDS is believed to be reliable but no representation, guarantee or warrantee of any kind are made as to
Its accuracy, suitably for a particular application or results to be obtained from them. It is up to the user/distributor to ensure that the In -
formation contained in the MSDS is relevant to the product manufactured/ handled or sold by him as the case may be. KANSAI Ner-
olac Paints makes no warrantee, expressed or implied, in respect of the adequacy of this document for any particular purpose., ,