MGT PRO-10 Control of Documented Information Procedure
MGT PRO-10 Control of Documented Information Procedure
MGT PRO-10 Control of Documented Information Procedure
Documented Information Issue date: March 30th, 2020
Rev 01
Procedure for Control of Doc. MGT/PRO-10
Documented Information Issue date: March 30th, 2020
Rev 01
To ensure that the documented information. Including all documents of internal & external origin, is
controlled with respect to approval, distribution, change etc.
To establish a consistent process for controlling the documented information required to maintain
ALTEA Energy’s quality management system.
5.1 The QHSE Manager and HOD’s of all departments are responsible for the effective
implementation of this procedure.
5.2 President gives final approval on all ALTEA Energy IMS system documents
5.3 QHSE Manager
• Ensure that ALTEA Energy IMS system documents are formatted, identified and issued per
the requirements of this operating procedure.
• Ensure that revisions to IMS documents are reviewed and approved by the same functions
that performed the original review and approval.
• Ensure that the necessary documents are accessible to appropriate personnel.
• Prevent the use of obsolete or invalid documents.
• Maintain the computer system and files on the online server.
• Draft, review, and update quality system documents applicable to their areas of expertise
and process ownership.
• Work with the Quality & HSE Manager or designee to ensure that their documents are up to
date and accurately logged within the Document Master List
Procedure for Control of Doc. MGT/PRO-10
Documented Information Issue date: March 30th, 2020
Rev 01
6.1 Altea Energy management create up-grade, distribute and dispose the document as per
following criteria:
The documents of Integrated Management System (IMS) are categorized into five levels due to their
Level V : Records
Altea Energy has established a document coding system, which is applied to all levels of documents
being created or maintained by Altea Resources. The detail of document coding scheme is given
All the documents will have a unique identification code according to this:
“DEPT/AAA-NN” where:
• DEPT Department;
• AAA Represents the code for type of document (such as Policy, Procedure, Manual, WI
Work Instruction etc.);
• NN represents the serial number of documents starting from 01, 02 and so on.
Procedure for Control of Doc. MGT/PRO-10
Documented Information Issue date: March 30th, 2020
Rev 01
• DEPT Department
• FRM represents the Form
• PRO. NN: PP represents the serial number of relevant procedure/Manual Section and NN
form starting from 01, 02 and so on.
All documents are generated with following standard header and footer in the order of occurrence.
Document Name Issue date: To be decided
Rev NN
Procedure for Control of Doc. MGT/PRO-10
Documented Information Issue date: March 30th, 2020
Rev 01
Documents to be used in the Altea Energy will be prepared, reviewed and approved according to the
criteria given below in the table:
Relevant Manager shall ensure that all documents (whether new or revised) are approved by
concerned authority prior to put into practice.
This method of distribution applies to all documents to be issued in hard form and this portion is not
applicable on Forms being used; only documents such as Policies, Procedures, and Work
Instructions are covered here:
1. All printing rights of IMS system documents shall reside with the Relevant Manager (RM).
Procedure for Control of Doc. MGT/PRO-10
Documented Information Issue date: March 30th, 2020
Rev 01
2. RM shall maintain all Original IMS documents. They have original signs of relevant persons
on it.
3. All copies used for distribution shall be stamped CONTROLLED in “Blue Color” in the footer
of all the pages of the document.
A document bearing no stamp will be considered “UNCONTROLLED”. Distribution and use of
uncontrolled documents shall be considered nonconformity.
Any person can initiate a request to introduce new revision of the existing document / format. The
request after being raised by the initiator is submitted to:
• Director / concerned Incharge will accept or reject the request after proper analysis in
consultation with related authorities.
• If Director / concerned Incharge after review accepts, the document change request then
documents will be reviewed and approved by defined authorities.
• Handwritten amendments are not allowed.
• The details of the changes are entered into the “Amendment History Record” table.
• After final approval has been made, the original Master Document and its controlled copies
will be recalled. The original Master Document is stamped OBSOLETE in “Red Color” and
placed in the obsolete documents file until the arrival of next revision.
• The updated documents will be distributed again according to the defined methodology in
this procedure.
Director / concerned Incharge have the authority to access the obsolete documents. When the
retention period of document is expired, Director / concerned Incharge review the validity and
usefulness of IMS / departmental documents respectively. He then decides whether to:
Procedure for Control of Doc. MGT/PRO-10
Documented Information Issue date: March 30th, 2020
Rev 01
b. Create scanned images for reference purposes, in case of any requirements in the future, and then
shred them through shredder in his / appointee’s presence.
6.1.8 The body of each procedure should address these main topics, as applicable. The table below
identifies the title of the heading and a description of the content.
6.2.1. External documents are defined as documents whose origin and control is by a body outside
ALTEA Energy. Examples:
6.2.2. External documents are maintained as digital files whenever possible. When practical,
external documents that are readily available on the internet should not be maintained at ALTEA
Energy. The External Document Control List is able to store a link to the online location of the
6.2.3. Printed copies of obsolete, external documents that are retained for legal and/or knowledge
preservation shall be marked “OBSOLETE” and/or held in a binder/folder marked “OBSOLETE”.
Procedure for Control of Doc. MGT/PRO-10
Documented Information Issue date: March 30th, 2020
Rev 01
6.2.4. Electronic files of obsolete, external documents that are retained for legal and/or knowledge
preservation shall be overwritten with notes to indicate that the file is obsolete. If the contents of
the file are write-protected, the file name shall be appended with “OBSOLETE”.
6.2.5. The personnel responsible for periodically verifying that ALTEA Energy has access to the
current revision of an external document is identified in the External Document Control List. When
appropriate, the schedule, method for verification, and other means for control shall be recorded
there as well.
6.2.6. The Customer Master List Database can be used to save files and URL links to customer-
specific external documents. External documents saved in the Customer Master List Database are
considered “For Reference Only”
6.3.1. Quality records at ALTEA Energy consist of those documents that describe the results of some
activity. Examples of quality records include inspections, tests, reviews, audits, measurements,
training records, meeting minutes. The control of quality records refers to the originals.
6.3.2. The Document Master List with Revision History, lists for each quality record;
6.3.3. ALTEA Energy quality records are maintained to demonstrate product quality, the
effectiveness of the quality system and/or conformance to specified requirements.
6.3.4. Quality records are generated internally within ALTEA Energy and externally from customers,
suppliers, and subcontractors.
6.3.5. Typically, ALTEA Energy asks that suppliers provide all necessary quality records so they may
be retained and controlled internally. When ALTEA Energy supplier is required to maintain quality
records, the means for retaining and controlling the records are specified on purchasing documents.
Pens with permanent ink should be used to make corrections or changes to the quality records.
White-out or pencil should not be used to make corrections or changes to quality records.
Procedure for Control of Doc. MGT/PRO-10
Documented Information Issue date: March 30th, 2020
Rev 01
The table below identifies the type of quality records maintained at ALTEA Energy and how each is
Quality record retention requirements are specified in Document Master List with Revision History.
Specified retention requirements are established in accordance with the:
Authorized personnel use the steps in the table below to properly archive quality records. Currently,
outside storage services are not used to archive quality records.
Procedure for Control of Doc. MGT/PRO-10
Documented Information Issue date: March 30th, 2020
Rev 01