Gen Cond en 131112
Gen Cond en 131112
Gen Cond en 131112
sender shall send the original signed paper version no later than 15 calendar days following
receipt of the request.
4.2 Date of communication
a) Communication made in the electronic exchange system is deemed to have been received
by the receiving Party on the day of its successful submission.
b) When communication is made through e-mail or postal delivery pursuant to Article 4(1)(b)
(i) e-mail shall be deemed to have been received by the receiving Party on the day of
successful dispatch of that communication, provided that it is sent to the addresses
referred to in Article 4(1)(b) herein; and
(ii) postal delivery sent to the Commission without return receipt is considered to have
been received on the date on which it is registered by the Commission.
4.3 Language
Any exchange of documents between the Parties relating to the Specific Grant Agreement
shall be drafted in the language in which the Specific Grant Agreement was established.
Article 5 Duty of full information sharing
a) The Humanitarian Organisation shall inform the Commission immediately of any
circumstances likely to hamper or delay the implementation of the Action, or the fulfilment of
its contractual obligations.
b) The Humanitarian Organisation shall endeavour to inform the Commission of any relevant
external reports, publications and press releases relating to the Action.
c) The Commission may request specific information related to the implementation of the
Action at any time. The Humanitarian Organisation shall submit this information as soon as
possible, at the latest within 30 calendar days following the request.
d) Without prejudice to Article 6(2) herein, the Humanitarian Organisation shall immediately
inform the European Commission in writing in the event of it becoming aware of any corrupt,
fraudulent, collusive or coercive practice or breach of the Specific Grant Agreement.
Article 6 Conflict of interest
6.1 Obligation to prevent situations of conflict of interest
The Humanitarian Organisation shall take all necessary measures to prevent any situation
where the impartial and objective implementation of the Specific Grant Agreement is
compromised for reasons involving economic interest, political or national affinity, family or
emotional ties or any other shared interest with another party or person (hereinafter referred to
as 'conflict of interest').
"This document covers humanitarian aid activities implemented with the financial
assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein should not be taken, in
any way, to reflect the official opinion of the European Union, and the European
Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it
7.4 Use of the European Union emblem
The obligation to display the European Union emblem does not confer to the Humanitarian
Organisation any right, in particular of an exclusive use. Consequently, the Humanitarian
Organisation shall not appropriate the European Union emblem or any similar trademark or
logo, either by registration or by any other means. However, for the purposes of complying
with Articles 7(1) and 7(2) herein, the Humanitarian Organisation is exempted from the
obligation to obtain prior permission from the Commission to use the European Union
7.5 Derogation from the visibility, communication and information obligations
The Parties may agree in writing, including through a provision laid down in Article 6 (2) of a
Specific Grant Agreement, to derogate from the obligations set out in this Article, where the
visibility, communication or information activities may harm the implementation of the
Action, the safety of the staff of the Humanitarian Organisation or its Implementing Partners,
or the safety of beneficiaries or the local community.
7.6 Failure to comply with visibility, communication and information obligations
If the Humanitarian Organisation breaches any of its obligations under Articles 7(1) and 7(2)
herein, the Commission may either reduce the grant in accordance with Article 18(10) or
impose a financial penalty on the Humanitarian Organisation, equal to 2% of the Union’s
contribution in accordance with Article 28 herein, or both. Such a breach may also lead to
suspension of payments in accordance with Article 18(12) herein, termination of the Specific
Grant Agreement in accordance with Article 15 herein and administrative penalties in
accordance with Article 28 herein.
Article 8 Eligible costs
8.1 Conditions for the eligibility of costs
"Eligible costs" of the Action are costs actually incurred by the Humanitarian Organisation
which meet the following criteria:
a) they are incurred in connection with the Action as described in the Single Form and are
necessary for its implementation;
b) they are incurred during the eligibility period of the Action set out in Article 2(3) of the
Specific Grant Agreement, namely, in the case of services and works, they relate to activities
performed during the eligibility period of the Action, and, in the case of supplies, they relate
to supplies used during the eligibility period of the Action.
Notwithstanding the above, costs of the preparation of the Final Report, post-distribution
monitoring, or final evaluation or audit of the Action shall also be deemed eligible, even if
incurred after the eligibility period of the Action;
c) they are identifiable and verifiable, in particular being recorded in the accounting records of
the Humanitarian Organisation, are determined according to the applicable accounting
standards of the country where the Humanitarian Organisation is established and with the
usual cost accounting practices of the Humanitarian Organisation, and backed by supporting
d) they are reasonable, justified, and comply with the principle of sound financial
management, in particular regarding economy and efficiency;
e) they are covered by the budget of the Action, set out in the Financial Statement of the
Action annexed to the Single Form; and
f) they comply with the requirements of applicable tax and social legislation.
8.2 Eligible direct costs
"Direct costs" of the Action are those specific costs which are directly linked to the
implementation of the Action, which would not have been incurred had the Action not taken
place and can therefore be attributed directly to it. They may not include any indirect costs. In
particular, the categories of costs mentioned below are eligible direct costs, provided that they
satisfy the conditions of eligibility set out in Article 8(1) herein, as well as the following
a) the costs of personnel assigned to the Action working under an employment contract with
the Humanitarian Organisation or an equivalent appointing act. These costs may include
actual salaries plus social security contributions, staff insurance costs and other statutory costs
included in the remuneration, provided that these costs are in line with the Humanitarian
Organisation's usual policy on remuneration. Personnel costs may also include additional
remunerations, including payments on the basis of supplementary contracts, regardless of the
nature of those contracts, provided that they are paid in a consistent manner whenever the
same kind of work or expertise is required, and independently from the source of funding
used. Costs incurred with regard to severance payments due at the end of employment
contracts may be eligible, provided that such payments arise from a statutory obligation under
the applicable labour law. Only the portion of severance payments which corresponds to the
share of the total working time under the employment contract spent on the Action is taken
into account.
The costs of natural persons working under a contract with the Humanitarian Organisation
other than an employment contract (e.g. in-house consultants, advisors) may be assimilated to
such costs of personnel, provided that the following conditions are fulfilled:
(i) the natural person works under the instructions of the Humanitarian Organisation
and, unless otherwise agreed, in the premises of the Humanitarian Organisation;
(ii) the result of the work belongs to the Humanitarian Organisation; and
(iii) the costs are not significantly different from the costs of staff performing similar
tasks under an employment contract with the Humanitarian Organisation.
The costs of allowances and other benefits for volunteers assigned to the Action by the
Humanitarian Organisation may also be assimilated to such costs of personnel.
b) costs of travel and related subsistence allowances for employees taking part in the Action,
including headquarters’ employees conducting field monitoring missions, provided that these
costs are directly linked to the Action, and are in line with the Humanitarian Organisation's
usual practices on travel. In the case of missions covering several projects, only the portion of
the costs of travel and related subsistence allowances which corresponds to the share of the
total mission time spent on the Action is taken into account;
c) the depreciation, rental, lease or purchase costs of equipment, both new or second-hand,
used in connection with the Action, subject to the provisions of Articles 9(1), 10(1), 10(2)
and 10(3) herein;
d) costs of goods directly assigned to the Action, and of the related transport, storage and
distribution costs, subject to the provisions of Articles 9(1) and 10(4) herein;
e) costs arising directly from requirements imposed by the Specific Grant Agreement (e.g.
bank fees for transfers to the country of operation, dissemination of information, evaluation or
monitoring of the Action, quality assurance measures, insurance costs not related to personnel
or volunteers, translations, reproduction), provided that the corresponding services are
purchased in accordance with Article 9(1) herein;
f) costs entailed by Implementing Partners, pursuant to Article 3 herein;
g) the financial support to beneficiaries, including financial support distributed in cash and the
costs of its distribution, subject to the conditions established in Article 11 herein;
h) costs of infrastructure in the field in particular field offices, directly linked to the Action.
Only the portion of the costs which corresponds to the rate of actual use of the infrastructure
for the purposes of the Action is taken into account; and
i) without prejudice to Article 18(1) herein, costs related to accepting or distributing
contributions in-kind by other donors, including the running costs of equipment donated in-
kind, may be considered eligible where mentioned in the Single Form and if directly linked to
the implementation of the Action.
8.3 Eligible indirect costs
"Indirect costs" of the Action are those costs which are not specific costs directly linked to the
implementation of the Action and can therefore not be attributed directly to it. They may not
include any costs identifiable or declared as eligible direct costs.
a) Unless otherwise specified in the Specific Grant Agreement, eligible indirect costs shall be
declared on the basis of a flat rate of 7% of the total eligible direct costs, unless it is the policy
of the Humanitarian Organisation to claim a lower percentage of indirect costs.
b) Indirect costs shall not be eligible under a grant for an Action awarded to a Humanitarian
Organisation which already receives an operating grant financed from the Union budget
during the eligibility period of the Action.
c) Contributions in-kind made by other donors may never be used as a basis for the
calculation of indirect costs paid by the Commission.
8.4 Ineligible costs
In addition to any other costs which do not fulfil the conditions set out in Article 8(1) herein,
the following costs shall not be considered eligible:
a) debt and debt service charges;
b) provisions for potential future losses or for debts;
c) interest owed;
d) doubtful debts;
e) costs of purchases of land or buildings other than those identified in Article 8(2)(h) herein,
unless otherwise specified in the Specific Grant Agreement;
f) currency exchange losses;
g) costs of transfers from the Commission charged by the bank of the Humanitarian
h) contributions in-kind from third parties;
i) excessive or reckless expenditure; and
j) deductible VAT, and recoverable duties and other charges.
Article 9 Award of procurement contracts
9.1 Eligibility conditions of costs of procurement contracts
a) When the implementation of the Action requires the award of procurement contracts by the
Humanitarian Organisation, the following conditions shall apply:
(i) the procurement supports the timely, efficient and effective achievement of the
results of the Action;
(ii) the contract shall be awarded to the tender offering best value for money or, as
appropriate, to the tender offering the lowest price. In doing so, it shall avoid any
conflict of interest; and
(iii) the Humanitarian Organisation shall ensure that the conditions applicable to it
under Article 23 herein are also applicable to the contractor.
b) In case of non-compliance with these conditions, the Commission shall deem the related
costs ineligible pursuant to Article 8 herein and may terminate the Specific Grant Agreement
pursuant to Article 15 herein.
(ii) the equipment is purchased in accordance with Article 9(1) herein and is ultimately
paid in full;
(iii) the equipment is written off in accordance with the usual accounting practices of
the Humanitarian Organisation, determined according to the applicable accounting
standards of the country where the Humanitarian Organisation is established and
according to international accounting standards; and
(iv) only the portion of the equipment's depreciation costs, corresponding to the rate
of actual use for the purposes of the Action is taken into account.
b) Rental costs of equipment are eligible, provided that only the portion of the equipment's
rental costs, corresponding to the rate of actual use for the purposes of the Action is taken into
c) Lease costs of equipment are eligible, provided that:
(i) these costs are exclusive of any finance fee; and
(ii) only the portion of the equipment's lease costs, corresponding to the rate of actual
use for the purposes of the Action is taken into account.
10.3 Costs of the full purchase price of equipment
The full purchase price of equipment may be eligible subject to the following options:
a) Transfer to another Union-funded humanitarian aid Action of the Humanitarian
Where the Humanitarian Organisation transfers any equipment to another Union-funded
humanitarian aid Action of the Humanitarian Organisation, it shall submit with the Final
Report information on its destination. Where, at the end of the Action to which the transfer
was made, the equipment has not reached the end of its useful economic lifespan, namely it
has not been fully depreciated pursuant to Article 10(2)(a)(iii) herein, the obligation to either
transfer to another Union-funded humanitarian aid Action of the Humanitarian Organisation
or to donate pursuant to Articles 10(3)(a) and 10(3)(b) herein shall apply until the end of the
equipment’s useful economic lifespan.
b) Donation
(i) If transfer to another Union-funded humanitarian aid Action of the Humanitarian
Organisation is not possible or appropriate, the equipment may be donated to the
beneficiaries of the Action, or to local non-profit organisations and local authorities
identified as Implementing Partners;
(ii) For duly justified reasons, remaining equipment may also be donated to local non-
profit organisations or to local authorities other than Implementing Partners, as well as
to International Organisations or international non-governmental organisations. In
such a case, the Humanitarian Organisation shall obtain prior agreement of the
Commission pursuant to Article 12(2) herein. Under no circumstances may the
equipment be donated to for-profit entities;
(iii) In all cases, the Humanitarian Organisation shall submit with the Final Report
information on the equipment’s destination and shall retain documentary proof,
namely a donation certificate.
c) Derogation from the obligation to transfer to another Union-funded humanitarian aid
Action of the Humanitarian Organisation or from the obligation to donate
The Commission may, pursuant to Article 12(2) herein, agree to a derogation from the
obligation to transfer to another Union-funded humanitarian aid Action of the Humanitarian
Organisation or to donate, in particular where the equipment's nature is specialised, sensitive
or requires expert handling (e.g. de-mining equipment), and provided that the Humanitarian
Organisation pledges to use the retained equipment for the benefit of humanitarian actions
until the end of its useful economic lifespan.
d) Allowance for low value equipment
(i) Any equipment, the cost of which does not exceed EUR 750 per item, shall be
exempt from the obligation of transfer or donation under Article 10(3)(a) and 10(3)(b)
(ii) Where the individual purchase cost of the equipment exceeds EUR 750 but does
not exceed EUR 2 500 per item, it shall be exempt from the obligation of transfer or
donation under Article 10(3)(a) and 10(3)(b) herein, provided that the total costs of the
retained equipment items does not exceed EUR 15 000. The costs must be itemised,
verifiable and reflected in the Final Report, pursuant to Article 16(3)(e) herein.
(iii) The Humanitarian Organisation pledges to use the retained equipment for the
benefit of humanitarian actions.
10.4 Use of remaining goods at the end of the Action's implementation period
"Goods" refer to items intended for direct consumption or use by the beneficiaries. At the end
of the Action's implementation period, remaining goods are subject to the following
a) Transfer to another Union-funded humanitarian aid Action of the Humanitarian
Whenever the Commission is the single largest donor, remaining goods not distributed to
beneficiaries by the end of the implementation period of the Action or used in connection with
the Action before the end of the reporting period may be transferred to another Union-funded
humanitarian aid Action of the Humanitarian Organisation, provided that their destination is
indicated in the Final Report. All goods shall either be used or shall be donated pursuant to
Article 10(4)(b) herein at the end of the Action to which they were transferred.
b) Donation
(i) If transfer to another Union-funded humanitarian aid Union-funded Action of the
Humanitarian Organisation is not possible or appropriate, the remaining goods may be
d) The amendment shall enter into force on the date on which the last Party gives its approval.
The amendment shall take effect on the date of its entry into force, unless the Parties agree
12.3 Clerical errors
Clerical errors are unintentional additions, omissions or typographical errors made in the text
of the Specific Grant Agreement.
a) In case of a clerical error in the text of the Specific Grant Agreement, the Parties shall
inform each other as soon as the error is identified and the text shall be rectified by mutual
b) The clerical error shall not affect the validity of the Specific Grant Agreement.
12.4 Budget transfers
Provided that the Action is implemented as described in the Single Form, the Humanitarian
Organisation may adjust the estimated budget set out in the Financial Statement of the Action
annexed to the Single Form, by transfers between the different budget headings, without this
adjustment being considered as an amendment of the Specific Grant Agreement within the
meaning of Article 12(2) herein.
12.5 Notification of non-essential changes
In case of changes that affect other elements than those specified in Article 12(2) herein, the
Humanitarian Organisation shall inform the Commission of these in accordance with Article 4
Article 13 Force majeure
"Force majeure" shall mean any unforeseeable exceptional situation or event beyond the
Parties' control, which prevents either of them from fulfilling any or part of their obligations
under the Specific Grant Agreement, which is not attributable to error or negligence on their
part or on the part of Implementing Partners or contractors, and which proves to be inevitable
in spite of all due diligence.
a) Any default of a service, defect in equipment or material, delays in making them available
or financial difficulties, cannot be invoked as force majeure, unless they stem directly from a
relevant case of force majeure.
b) A Party faced with force majeure shall formally notify the other Party without delay,
namely as soon as the circumstances so allow, stating the nature of the situation and its
foreseeable effects.
c) The Parties shall take the necessary measures to limit any damage due to force majeure.
d) The Party faced with force majeure shall not be considered to be in breach of its
obligations under the Specific Grant Agreement if it has been prevented from fulfilling them
by force majeure, and has notified the other Party without delay.
b) The Commission shall notify the Humanitarian Organisation of its intention to suspend,
specifying the reasons thereof, and where applicable, the necessary conditions for resuming
the implementation.
c) The Humanitarian Organisation shall be invited to submit observations within 15 calendar
days from receipt of the notification. The time-limits may be shortened according to the
urgency of the matter.
(i) If the Humanitarian Organisation fails to raise any observations within this time-
limit, the suspension shall take effect on the expiry of this time-limit.
(ii) If the Humanitarian Organisation raises observations, after examination of those
observations, the Commission shall notify the Humanitarian Organisation of its
decision on the suspension. If the Commission decides to suspend the Specific Grant
Agreement, the suspension shall take effect on the date of receipt of this notification.
14.3 Duration and effects of suspension
a) If the implementation of the Action can be resumed, an amendment to the Specific Grant
Agreement shall be made in accordance with Article 12(2) herein, in order to establish the
date on which the Action shall be resumed, to extend the implementation period of the Action
by a period equivalent to the duration of the suspension, and to make any other modifications
that may be necessary to adapt the Action to the new implementing conditions.
b) The suspension is deemed to be lifted as from the date of resumption of the Action agreed
by the Parties in accordance with Article 14(3)(a) herein.
c) Where the suspension lasts longer than one-third of the implementation period of the
Action any Party may terminate the Specific Grant Agreement in accordance with Article
15(2)(a)(iii) herein.
d) Any costs incurred by the Humanitarian Organisation during the period of suspension,
which are unavoidable and necessary to safeguard the conditions for a potential resumption of
the Action or the suspended part thereof, may be eligible provided that the conditions of
Articles 8 and 14(1)(d) herein are met.
e) Neither Party shall be entitled to claim compensation on account of a suspension by the
other Party.
Article 15 Termination of the Specific Grant Agreement
15.1 Termination by the Humanitarian Organisation
a) The Humanitarian Organisation may terminate the Specific Grant Agreement in duly
justified cases, for example if changes in circumstances in the field are likely to make it
impossible or excessively difficult to continue the implementation of the Action, such as in
cases of force majeure, serious threat to the safety or security of humanitarian workers or
beneficiaries, or the inability to ensure compliance with the humanitarian principles. It shall
do so by formally notifying the Commission thereof, clearly stating the reasons, and
specifying the date on which the termination shall take effect. The notification shall be sent
before the termination is due to take effect.
b) If no reasons are given by the Humanitarian Organisation, or if the Commission considers
that the reasons exposed cannot justify the termination, it shall formally notify the
Humanitarian Organisation, specifying the grounds thereof, and the Specific Grant Agreement
shall be deemed to have been terminated improperly.
15.2 Termination by the Commission
a) The Commission may decide to terminate the Specific Grant Agreement in the following
(i) if a change to the Humanitarian Organisation's legal, financial, technical,
organisational or ownership situation is likely to substantially adversely affect the
implementation of the Specific Grant Agreement, or if it calls into question the
decision to award the grant;
(ii) if the Humanitarian Organisation does not implement the Action as specified in the
Single Form or if it fails to comply with another substantial obligation incumbent on it
under the terms of the Specific Grant Agreement;
(iii) in the event of force majeure, pursuant to Article 13 herein, or in the event of a
suspension of the implementation of the Action pursuant to Article 14 herein, where
the suspension lasts longer than one third of the implementation period of the Action
or where the necessary modifications to the Specific Grant Agreement would call into
question the decision awarding the grant;
(iv) if the Humanitarian Organisation is declared bankrupt, is being wound up, is
having its affairs administered by the courts, has entered into an arrangement with
creditors, has suspended business activities, is the subject of any other similar
proceedings concerning those matters, or is in an analogous situation arising from a
similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations;
(v) if a Humanitarian Organisation or any related person, as defined in Article 15(2)(b)
herein, have been found guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any
justified means;
(vi) if a Humanitarian Organisation is not in compliance with its obligations relating to
the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance
with the legal provisions of the country in which it is established or in which the
Action is implemented;
(vii) if the Commission has evidence that a Humanitarian Organisation or any related
person, as defined in Article 15(2)(b) herein, have committed fraud, corruption, or are
involved in a criminal organisation, money laundering or any other illegal activity
detrimental to the Union's financial interests;
(viii) if the Commission has evidence that a Humanitarian Organisation or any related
person, as defined in Article 15(2)(b) herein, have committed substantial errors,
produce the final payment request and after a reminder has still not complied with this
obligation, the provisions of Article 15(3) herein shall apply, subject to the following:
(i) there shall be no additional time period from the date when the termination of the
Specific Grant Agreement takes effect for the Humanitarian Organisation to produce a
final payment request; and
(ii) the Commission shall recover any amount already paid.
f) Furthermore, where the Specific Grant Agreement is terminated improperly by the
Humanitarian Organisation within the meaning of Article 15(1) herein, or where the Specific
Grant Agreement is terminated by the Commission on the grounds set out in Article
15(2)(a)(ii), 15(2)(a)(v), 15(2)(a)(vii), 15(2)(a)(viii) and 15(2)(a)(ix) herein, the Commission
may apply financial penalties in accordance with Article 28 herein, in proportion to the
gravity of the failings in question and after allowing the Humanitarian Organisation to submit
its observations.
g) Neither Party shall be entitled to claim compensation on account of a termination by the
other Party.
Article 16 Reporting and information sharing
16.1 Purpose of reporting
The purpose of reporting is to provide the Commission with full information on the
implementation of the Action, so as to allow it to form an opinion with reasonable assurance
on whether the Action was implemented in accordance with the Specific Grant Agreement
and to determine which costs are eligible for Union funding.
16.2 Interim Report
a) Where specified in the Specific Grant Agreement, the Humanitarian Organisation shall
submit an Interim Report, providing an account of the implementation of the Action for the
period covered.
b) The Interim Report shall be made on the standard format provided in the Single Form, and
shall focus on the status of the implementation of the Action.
c) The Interim Report shall refer to the whole of the Action as defined in Article 1 of the
Specific Grant Agreement, regardless of the scope of the Union contribution.
16.3 Final Report
a) The Humanitarian Organisation shall submit, together with the final payment request
referred to in Article 18(4) herein, a Final Report on both the implementation of the Action
(hereinafter referred to as 'Narrative Report') and the use of the estimated budget (hereinafter
referred to as 'Financial Report').
b) The Final Report shall refer to the whole of the Action as defined in Article 1 of the
Specific Grant Agreement, regardless of the scope of the Union contribution.
c) The Final Report shall ensure comparability and traceability with the original proposal,
while taking account of any modifications presented in the Single Form, as well as with the
internal reporting and accounting systems of the Humanitarian Organisation.
16.3(d) Narrative Report
(i) The Narrative Report shall be made on the format of the Single Form and shall
provide an overview of the implementation of the Action.
(ii) The Narrative Report shall in particular assess the level of achievement of the
objectives and results envisaged in the proposal, while taking account of any
modifications presented in the Single Form.
16.3(e) Financial Report
The Financial Report shall provide a clear identification of all costs actually incurred as well
as of the contributions and revenue of the Action. The Financial Report shall be composed of:
(i) the Financial Overview of the Action provided in the Single Form;
(ii) the Financial Statement annexed to the Single Form, providing a breakdown by
nature of expenditure of the amounts claimed by the Humanitarian Organisation;
(iii) the general ledger of the Action annexed to the Single Form, classified by the
nature of expenditure claimed; and
(iv) when relevant, information annexed to the Single Form on transferred or donated
equipment pursuant to Article 10(3)(a) and 10(3)(b) herein, on low value equipment
referred to in Article 10(3)(d)(ii) herein, and on remaining goods referred to in Article
10(4)(a) and 10(4)(b) herein.
16.4 Formal requirements
Reports shall be submitted in euro, where necessary pursuant to the provisions on currency
exchange in Article 18(5) herein. The general ledger of the Action shall be submitted in the
currency of the general accounts.
Article 17 Identification and verifiability of the amounts declared
a) Unless otherwise specified in the Specific Grant Agreement, the grant shall take the form
of the reimbursement of eligible direct costs declared as actually incurred, and of eligible
indirect costs declared on the basis of a flat-rate equivalent to a percentage of the total eligible
direct costs.
b) If requested to do so in the context of the checks or audits referred to in Article 23 herein,
the Humanitarian Organisation shall provide adequate supporting documents to prove the
eligible direct costs declared as actually incurred, such as contracts, invoices, proof of
payments, distribution records and accounting records. In addition, the Humanitarian
Organisation's usual accounting and internal control procedures must permit direct
reconciliation of the amounts declared with the amounts recorded in its accounting statements,
as well as with the amounts indicated in the supporting documents.
c) Notwithstanding Article 17(a) herein, the Parties may agree that the grant takes the form of
the reimbursement of pre-determined unit costs or a pre-determined unit contribution, the
reimbursement of pre-determined lump sum costs or a pre-determined lump sum contribution,
or the reimbursement of pre-determined flat-rate costs or a pre-determined flat-rate
contribution. In such cases, the Specific Grant Agreement shall specify the conditions for the
identification and verifiability of the amounts declared.
Article 18 Co-financing, payment requests, payment arrangements and determining
the final amount of the grant
18.1 Co-financing
Without prejudice to Article 8(2)(i) herein, contributions in-kind made by other donors may
not be considered as co-financing.
18.2 Pre-financing
a) An amount of up to 80% of the Union's contribution to the Action may be provided as pre-
b) The level of pre-financing shall be established taking into account the duration and
specificities of the Action, including the risks involved and the past performance of the
Humanitarian Organisation in similar contexts. The amount of pre-financing shall be set out
in Article 5(1) of the Specific Grant Agreement.
c) The process for the disbursement of the initial pre-financing payment shall be automatically
launched by the Commission upon receipt of the signed Specific Grant Agreement and the
Humanitarian Organisation need not submit any request for this pre-financing payment. The
Commission shall make the pre-financing payment to the Humanitarian Organisation within
30 calendar days following receipt of the signed Specific Grant Agreement.
18.3 Further pre-financing payments
a) Where the Specific Grant Agreement provides for the payment of the pre-financing in more
than one instalment, and unless the Specific Grant Agreement sets out other arrangements, the
Humanitarian Organisation shall submit a request for any further pre-financing payment,
declaring that at least 70% of the first pre-financing instalment has been consumed.
b) The Commission shall pay the new pre-financing instalment within 30 calendar days from
the date of receipt of the request for a further pre-financing payment. The request for payment
shall include all elements set out in Article 18(4)(b) herein.
18.4 Final payment request
a) The Humanitarian Organisation shall present a request for the payment of the balance
within the deadline established in the Specific Grant Agreement.
b) A payment request shall include the Humanitarian Organisation’s identification, the
amount in euro and the date. Where at least one essential element is missing, the payment
request shall be rejected.
b) The receipts to be taken into account are the consolidated receipts established, generated or
confirmed on the date on which the final payment request is drawn up by the Humanitarian
Organisation, and which fall within one of the following two categories:
(i) income generated by the Action; or
(ii) financial contributions specifically assigned by other donors to the financing of the
eligible direct costs of the Action declared as actually incurred.
c) Any financial contribution referred to in Article 18(9)(b)(ii) herein, which may be used by
the Humanitarian Organisation to cover costs other than the eligible costs under the Specific
Grant Agreement, or the unused part of which is not due to the other donor at the end of the
Action, are not to be considered as a receipt for the purpose of verifying whether the grant
produces a profit for the Humanitarian Organisation.
d) Where the final amount of the grant determined in accordance with Article 18(8)(a) herein
would result in a profit for the Humanitarian Organisation, the profit shall be deducted in
proportion to the final rate of reimbursement of the direct eligible costs of the Action declared
as actually incurred and approved by the Commission.
18.10 Reduction for poor, partial or late implementation
a) If the Action is not implemented or is implemented poorly, partially or late, without
acceptable justification, the Commission may reduce the grant initially provided for, in line
with the actual implementation of the Action, on the basis of the achievement of the results,
assessed against the objectively verifiable indicators specified in the Single Form.
b) The Action may be considered to be implemented poorly, partially or late when the
Humanitarian Organisation fails to comply with its obligations under the Specific Grant
Agreement, in particular with Article 1 herein.
c) Before the reduction of the grant, the Commission shall formally notify the Humanitarian
Organisation of its intention to reduce the grant, specifying the amount it intends to reduce
and the reasons thereof, and inviting the Humanitarian Organisation to submit observations
within 15 calendar days from the receipt of the notification.
d) If no observations have been submitted, or if despite the observations submitted the
Commission decides to pursue the reduction, the Commission shall formally notify the
Humanitarian Organisation of the confirmation of the reduction.
18.11 Notification of amounts due
a) The Commission shall notify the Humanitarian Organisation of the payment of the balance
and shall also specify the final amount of the grant determined in accordance with Article
18(8) herein.
b) If the Humanitarian Organisation does not agree with the amount notified, it may raise its
observations in writing within 30 calendar days of receipt of the notification. The
Commission shall provide its response within 30 calendar days following receipt of the
c) After their notification, the checks or audits shall be planned and completed in a
collaborative manner between the Humanitarian Organisation and the Commission.
d) The Humanitarian Organisation shall take all necessary steps to facilitate the Commission's
work, and it shall ensure that the information is available at the moment of the on-the-spot
visit, which shall, in general, be announced between six and eight weeks in advance. The
Humanitarian Organisation shall also ensure that information requested is handed over in an
appropriate form. The documents requested shall be submitted upon request to the
Commission or the organisation authorised by the Commission within 30 calendar days from
the date of receipt of the request, unless the Parties agree in writing to extend the deadline.
e) Information and documents provided in the framework of checks or audits shall be treated
on a confidential basis.
f) Checks or audits made by the Commission may be carried out either directly by the
Commission's own staff or by any other external body expressly authorised by the
Commission to do so on its behalf.
g) Checks or audits may be initiated during the implementation of the Specific Grant
Agreement and up to a period of five years starting from the date of the payment of the
balance due to the Humanitarian Organisation.
23.3 Submission of observations and effects of audit findings
a) On the basis of the audit findings a draft audit report shall be prepared and sent by the
Commission to the Humanitarian Organisation, in principle within 30 calendar days from the
completion of the draft report.
b) The Humanitarian Organisation shall have 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the
draft audit report to submit its observations. The final audit report shall be sent to the
Humanitarian Organisation within 60 calendar days from the expiry of the time-limit for
submission of observations. The Humanitarian Organisation’s observations to the draft audit
report shall be annexed to the final audit report.
c) On the basis of the final audit findings, the Commission may take any measures which it
considers necessary, including recovery of all or part of the payments already made by it in
accordance with Article 20 herein.
d) Where, on the basis of an audit of other grants awarded to the Humanitarian Organisation
under similar conditions, the Humanitarian Organisation is found within the period referred to
in Article 23(2)(g) herein, to have committed systemic or recurrent errors, irregularities, fraud
or breach of obligations that have a material impact on this grant, the Commission may take
any measures it considers necessary, including recovery of all or part of the payments already
made in accordance with Article 20 herein.
e) When the final audit findings are made after the payment of the balance, the amount to be
recovered shall correspond to the difference between the revised final amount of the grant,
determined pursuant to Article 18(8) herein, and the total amount already disbursed to the
Humanitarian Organisation under the Specific Grant Agreement.
OJ L 248, 18.9.2013, p.1.
OJ L 292, 15.11.1996, p.2.
b) Additional rights of use for the Union may be provided for in the Specific Grant
c) The Humanitarian Organisation shall warrant that the Union has the right to use any pre-
existing industrial and intellectual property rights, which have been included in the results of
the Action. Unless specified otherwise in the Specific Grant Agreement, those pre-existing
rights shall be used for the same purposes and under the same conditions applicable to the
rights of use of the results of the Action, including of the reports and other documents relating
to the Action.
d) Information about the copyright owner shall be inserted when the result is divulged by the
Union. The copyright information shall read: "© – year – name of the copyright owner. All
rights reserved. Licensed to the European Union under conditions."
Article 26 Processing of personal data
26.1 Processing of personal data by the Commission
a) Any personal data included in the Specific Grant Agreement, provided to the Commission
during its implementation or in consequence of it, shall be processed by the Commission
pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18
December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data
by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data.
b) Such data shall be processed under the responsibility of the data controller, solely for the
purposes of the performance, management and follow-up of the Specific Grant Agreement,
without prejudice to a possible transmission to the bodies charged with the monitoring or
inspection tasks in application of Union law.
c) The data controller shall be the Head of Unit in charge of legal affairs of the Commission's
Directorate-General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection - ECHO.
d) Any other personal information, provided incidentally by the Humanitarian Organisation to
the Commission or any other body charged with the monitoring or inspection tasks in
application of Union law which is not needed for the opinion, audit or control shall be
disregarded and not used.
e) The data subject shall have the right of access to its personal data and the right to rectify
any such data. Should the data subject have any queries concerning the processing of its
personal data, it shall address them to the data controller.
f) The data subject shall have the right of recourse at any time to the European Data
Protection Supervisor.
26.2 Processing of personal data by the Humanitarian Organisation
Where the Specific Grant Agreement requires the processing of personal data by the
Humanitarian Organisation, the Humanitarian Organisation shall act under national legislation
and, where applicable, Union legislation.
European Union. The Commission shall inform the Humanitarian Organisation of any
relevant and substantial modifications thereof.
b) Headings in these General Conditions have no legal significance and do not affect their
Article 30 Applicable law and dispute settlement
30.1 Choice of law
The Specific Grant Agreement is governed by the applicable Union law, complemented,
where necessary, by the law of Belgium.
30.2 Jurisdiction
a) Pursuant to Article 272 TFEU, the General Court or, on appeal, the Court of Justice of the
European Union shall have sole jurisdiction to hear any dispute between the Union and the
Humanitarian Organisation concerning the interpretation, application or validity of the
Specific Grant Agreement, provided such dispute cannot be settled amicably.
b) By virtue of Article 299 TFEU, for the purposes of recoveries within the meaning of
Articles 20 herein or financial penalties within the meaning of Article 28 herein, the
Commission may adopt an enforceable decision to impose pecuniary obligations on any
person other than States. An action may be brought against such a decision before the General
Court of the European Union, pursuant to Article 263 TFEU.