The Impact of Political Stability On Economic Growth, Evidence From Developing Countries

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Volume 8, Issue 2, February – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165
Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK)

(The Impact of Political Stability on Economic

Growth, Evidence from Developing Countries)

Richard Hanna Beainy

Supervised by
Dr. Charbel Salloum

Submitted to the
Department of Doctoral Studies
at the USEK Business School
In partial fulfillment of the requirement
For the degree of Ph.D. of Business Administration - Finance
at the
Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK)

Kaslik, Lebanon

Copyright © 2023Richard Hanna beainy

All Rights Reserved

IJISRT23FEB1341 2056

Volume 8, Issue 2, February – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165


The goal of this study is to analyze whether political stability and governmental decisions have a
significant impact on countries with a developing economy, for a practical implication of fighting
poverty and realizing convergence between countries relatively poor and countries with abundance of
wealth, for the ultimate benefit of the society.

Keywords:- Economic growth, Gross Domestic Product, Political stability, rule of law, Control of
Corruption, Quality of regulations, Government effectiveness

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Volume 8, Issue 2, February – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................ 2057
List of Tables....................................................................................................................... 2059
List of Figures ..................................................................................................................... 2059
Chapter 1 ............................................................................................................................ 2060
Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 2060
1.1 Background and Statement of the Problem......................................................... 2060
1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study ..................................................................... 2060
1.3. Nature of the Study and Research Question ........................................................... 2060
Chapter 2 ............................................................................................................................ 2061
Literature Review ............................................................................................................... 2061
2.1 Mainstream Literature Review ................................................................................. 2061
2.2 Theoretical Framework............................................................................................. 2061
2.3 Research Context and Hypothesis Development ...................................................... 2062
Chapter 3 ............................................................................................................................ 2063
Research Methodology ....................................................................................................... 2063
3.1 Data Collection and Sampling Method ..................................................................... 2063
3.2 Empirical framework, Data Treatment and Variable characteristics .................... 2063
Chapter 4 ............................................................................................................................ 2064
Results and Discussions ...................................................................................................... 2064
4.1 Results ........................................................................................................................ 2064
4.2 Discussion and interpretation ................................................................................... 2068
4.3 Limitation & Further research ................................................................................. 2068
Chapter 5 ............................................................................................................................ 2069
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 2069
5.1 Contribution of findings and implications................................................................ 2069
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................... 2070

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Volume 8, Issue 2, February – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165


TABLE 1: LIST OF VARIABLES ...................................................................................... 2063

TABLE 2: RESEARCH FRAMEWORK SUMMARY ........................................................ 2063
TABLE 3: THE CASE OF LEBANON ............................................................................... 2064
TABLE 4: THE CASE OF JORDAN................................................................................... 2065
TABLE 5: THE CASE OF SRI LANKA ............................................................................. 2066
TABLE 6: THE CASE OF MEXICO................................................................................... 2067
TABLE 7: THE CASE OF MONGOLIA ............................................................................. 2067

List of Figures

Figure 1: Results Significance by Country 2068

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Volume 8, Issue 2, February – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165


A. Background and Statement of the Problem
In a world were according to theories, economies of countries tend to converge and according to reality
the differences between developing and developed countries is in some cases increasing and the difference
in the quality of living widening, Scholars argue about why the Solow model of convergence between
countries failed but what they do agree about is that it did fail and the gap instead of tightening, widened
(Snowdon, 2009)

B. Purpose and Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study is to analyze one of the possible reasons of the failure of developing economies
to converge with developed countries and even though politics is part of the social sciences, yet if it is the
variable that is restraining poor countries from developing (Guo& Wang, 2022) is related to politics it would
be obvious that as finance professionals we need to tackle this subject and analyze a significant possible
effect of governance related criteria to economics.

C. Nature of the Study and Research Question

To answer what criteria related to politics, stability rules and regulations are of significant impact on
economic growth, the study will use a fundamental approach through quantitative secondary data via
reliable international sources and even though in the specific case of developing countries data are somehow
limited (Inaba& Omar, 2020) yet through the statistical method of regression the study attempts to identify
whether several criteria are together or solely the roots behind the actual widening gap of wealth between
developing and developed countries.

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Volume 8, Issue 2, February – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165


A. Mainstream Literature Review
While in many countries, the government lead the people towards prosperity (Han et al., 2020) yet in
many cases this is not the reality especially in countries where the corruption index is high (Ali et al., 2019)
and instead of poverty reduction strategies and theories the result would be wealth and abundance for
corrupt officials combined with poor infrastructure reducing the efficiency of even the most successful of
firms on a national scale.

Many firms perform a regular study to identify their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats,
this SWOT analysis enables a corporation to enhance its efficiency by, in addition to analyzing itself
internally, analyzing the external environment in which it operates to seize opportunities when present and
to control threat when possible, and if Foreign Direct investment FDI increases in developed countries due
to proper infrastructure (Abbas et al., 2019) it would be logical that it poor infrastructure would decrease
FDI in the case of developing countries.

Furthermore, in an age of globalization and transportation development many national corporations

would move their headquarters outside their original country and in some cases their entire plant and area of
operations towards wealthier countries, not only to control the threat caused by corruption and poor
infrastructure, but also to seize the opportunity of increasing their profits by operating in countries in which
both the demand and the price of goods are much higher Corruption and poor infrastructure are not the only
reasons for relocation, for if the latter encourages large organization to consider relocation, War and
violence would in some cases force them to do so to continue running properly (Lee & Wang, 2021).

In fact, both geopolitical risks and regulatory changes are part of the risk governance framework of
many large companies running in developing countries and in an era of extreme competition worrying and
solving macro-economic issues would decrease efficiencies in companies that ought to focus more their
internal processes, strengths and weaknesses to maximize profits instead of having management worrying
about external risks.

Scholars argue that in addition to stability, transparent regulations would increase FDI (Mosteanu,
2019), this was the case for United Arab Emirates where as per the government’s strategy to decrease the
economy’s dependency on Oil Export, the tactical decision was to enhance regulation’s quality to attract
more successful firms to the Country, in addition to regulation both the law the ability to enforce the law are
possible factors influencing firm’s decision to enter a new market (Haines & Macdonald, 2021), together for
proper law without enforcement has an intangible effect, and strong law enforcement without proper law
would have an adverse tangible effect, it is not surprising that countries who value property rights the most
are the countries in which innovation as well as research and development prosper the most.

B. Theoretical Framework
Previous theories that would be put to the test for significance include the uncertainty theory (Jung et al.,
2021) according to which geopolitical instability would negatively impact large public firms and their stock
prices as well as, to a lesser extent, small and medium enterprises SMES, another theory related to sound
governance is the public interest theory of regulation which claims that government regulations act to
benefit the public yet in many cases the impact of excessive regulation was adverse as such interventions
made private investment less secure and increase the risk premium and thus the cost of raising capital for
many firms (Wilson, 2021).

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Volume 8, Issue 2, February – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Finally, the third and possibly most important theory is the theory of Violence and political economy
that was originally developed by Adam Smith that argues that during political instability and violence
individuals tend to care little about saving and investing and therefore the overall economic growth of the
country goes into contraction (Paganelli, 2022).

C. Research Context and Hypothesis Development

In such a context of variable theories, many hypotheses can be developed with an independent variable of
economic growth which needs to be quantitatively measured through Gross Domestic Product GDP which is
the total value of all goods and services produced within a specific country and in the study’s case the
selected countries need to have a developing economy, because political stability and government
effectiveness are already pillars in developed economies.

 Hypothesis one: Political stability and the absence of violence have a significant impact on the
performance of developing countries.

 Hypothesis two: The quality of public services and Government effectiveness have a significant impact on
the performance of developing countries.

 Hypothesis three: Sound policies and regulations have a significant impact on the performance of
developing countries.

 Hypothesis four: Law enforcement and property rights have a significant impact on the performance of
developing countries.

 Hypothesis five: Control of corruption have a significant impact on the performance of developing

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Volume 8, Issue 2, February – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165



A. Data Collection and Sampling Method

A collaboration between worldwide governance indicators (WGI) and the world bank Group which is one
of the largest international financial institution that promote sustainable prosperity lead to the spreading of
the valuable secondary data used in the study, the sampling method was nonrandom judgmental sampling as
in addition to the reliability of the data, the countries chosen needs to have developing economies, it is the
ministry for foreign affairs in Australia that provided a recent list of developing countries (Government of
Australia, 2022)

B. Empirical framework, Data Treatment and Variable characteristics

Independent Variables Dependent Variable

Political stability and non-violence GDP
Government effectiveness GDP
Regulatory quality GDP
Rule of Law GDP
Control of Corruption GDP
Table 1: List of Variables

Note. The Score of independent variables is related to the percentile rank among all countries ranging from 0
as lowest to 100 as highest

Research Type Empirical

Hypothesis 1 Effect of Political stability on economic growth
Hypothesis 2 Effect of Government effectiveness on economic growth
Hypothesis 3 Effect of Regulatory quality on economic growth
Hypothesis 4 Effect of Rule of law on economic growth
Hypothesis 5 Effect of Control of corruption on economic growth
Approach Quantitative
Branch of Science Statistics – regression analysis
Data Collection method Secondary Data – World Bank
Data Sample Five Countries
Sample type Developing countries
Time Scale 2002 – 2021 (20 years)
Confidence interval 95%
Table 2: Research Framework Summary

Note. A rather long time scale of twenty years is used to improve output reliability

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Volume 8, Issue 2, February – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165



A. Results

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.820400237
R Square 0.67305655
Adjusted R Square 0.556291032
Standard Error 8635324703 F
Observations 20 0.004292829

df SS MS F
Regression 5 2.14914E+21 4.29828E+20 5.764172172
Residual 14 1.04396E+21 7.45688E+19
Total 19 3.1931E+21

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value

Intercept 42691344605.78 11052262486.53 3.86 0.00
Political stability 374333349.00 569487058.46 0.66 0.52
Government effectiveness -86710598.95 432558034.86 -0.20 0.84
Regulatory quality 1380103596.38 547847252.58 2.52 0.02
Rule of Law -2367393377.44 829628356.98 -2.85 0.01
Control of Corruption 287627962.30 832771300.25 0.35 0.73
Table 3: The case of Lebanon

Note. At a significance effect of 0.004 and a power value below 0.05 we successfully reject null hypotheses
H03 and H04 According to which regulatory quality and rule of law have no significant impact on the GDP
of the developing economy of Lebanon.

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Volume 8, Issue 2, February – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.43935967
R Square 0.19303692
Adjusted R Square -0.09516418
Standard Error 13474505146 F
Observations 20 0.652844089

df SS MS F
Regression 5 6.08052E+20 1.2161E+20 0.669799385
Residual 14 2.54187E+21 1.81562E+20
Total 19 3.14992E+21

Coefficients Error t Stat P-value
Intercept 1.12443E+11 1.55419E+11 0.723 0.481
Political stability 302646694.5 770452555 -0.393 0.700
Government effectiveness 992778568.9 2103153785 -0.472 0.644
Regulatory quality 34570796.83 1630182525 0.021 0.983
Rule of Law 991871626 1337835549 0.741 0.471
Control of Corruption -1248089149 1205699317 -1.035 0.318
Table 4: The case of Jordan

Note. With a significance above 0.05 we fail to reject all null hypotheses related to the impact of the above
variables on the GDP of Jordan.

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Volume 8, Issue 2, February – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.965832827
R Square 0.93283305
Adjusted R Square 0.908844854
Standard Error 8743338602 F
Observations 20 0.00000010

df SS MS F
Regression 5 1.48638E+22 2.97277E+21 38.8871692
Residual 14 1.07024E+21 7.6446E+19
Total 19 1.59341E+22

Coefficients Error t Stat P-value
Intercept 2.29946E+11 47825862825 4.808 0.000
Political stability 1788767155 178184049.4 10.039 0.000
Government effectiveness 463557350.3 580137453.4 0.799 0.438
Regulatory quality -1159814064 446995084.7 -2.595 0.021
Rule of Law -3357110097 624721139 -5.374 0.000
Control of Corruption 45379437.44 668789728.1 -0.068 0.947
Table 5: The case of Sri Lanka

Note. With a significance of 0.0000001 and power value below 0.05 we successfully reject Null hypothesis
one, three and four related to the significance of political stability, regulatory quality and Rule of law on the
GDP of Sri Lanka, a developing country.

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Volume 8, Issue 2, February – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.87045696
R Square 0.75769532
Adjusted R Square 0.671157934
Standard Error 1.03443E+11 Significance F
Observations 20 0.000610999

df SS MS F
Regression 5 4.68452E+23 9.36904E+22 8.755699209
Residual 14 1.49807E+23 1.07005E+22
Total 19 6.18259E+23

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value

Intercept 1.3997E+12 2.72944E+11 5.128 0.000
Political stability -10445170473 4585713851 -2.278 0.039
Government effectiveness 8413521751 6643508500 1.266 0.226
Regulatory quality 695044063 7098408176 0.098 0.923
Rule of Law -9493459656 8652880887 -1.097 0.291
Control of Corruption -7047166335 3406979409 -2.068 0.058
Table 6: The case of Mexico

Note. With a significance level of 0.0006 and a power value of 0.039 we successfully reject null hypothesis
one related to political stability and fail to reject null hypotheses two to five in the case of the developing
country of Mexico.
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.781468574
R Square 0.610693132
Adjusted R Square 0.471654965
Standard Error 3512373035 Significance F
Observations 20 0.012940506

df SS MS F
Regression 5 2.70932E+20 5.41864E+19 4.392269719
Residual 14 1.72715E+20 1.23368E+19
Total 19 4.43647E+20

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value

Intercept 30027128681 14683059200 2.04502 0.06013
Political stability -371563500.4 270482938.7 -1.37370 0.19113
Government effectiveness 601883.767 261592895 0.00230 0.99820
Regulatory quality 300453221.3 153001695.3 1.96372 0.06974
Rule of Law -383823850.9 247077268.2 -1.55346 0.14262
Control of Corruption 252016199.5 169035839.8 1.49090 0.15817
Table 7: The case of Mongolia

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Volume 8, Issue 2, February – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Note. Even with a significance level of 0.0129 we fail to reject any null hypothesis H0 related to the five
variables of political stability, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, rule of law and control
corruption in the case of Mongolia

B. Discussion and interpretation

Significance By Country

99.6% 100.0% 99.9% 98.7%



LEBANON Jordan Sri Lanka Mexico Mongolia
Fig. 1: Results Significance by Country

Note. As we discuss the results, in four out of five developing countries the collective impact of the
variables of political stability, government effectiveness, regulations quality, rule of law and control of
Governance had a significant impact on the output of the economy of the developing countries that were part
of the study, confirming that a one of the reasons of the weak economy of the countries above is related to
political factors.

C. Limitation& Further research

The time frame of twenty years was long enough, yet the number of countries that were part of the study
is relatively small in compared to population of over 160 developing countries, further research should
include more countries.

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Volume 8, Issue 2, February – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165



A. Contribution of findings and implications

In theory, it has been proven that one of the main reasons why developing and developed economies are
not converging is not the erroneous model of Maslow’s Equation for economic growth, but the
incompleteness of the latter, for theoretically speaking one of the most important factors in the increase of
Gross Domestic Product of developing countries is related to Geopolitical and governmental issues, a
variable that may be disregarded for developed countries but that is Significant for countries that are still in
the process of developing.

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Volume 8, Issue 2, February – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

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