Issues On Artif

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- Assisted human reproduction (AHR) is defined as any procedure that involves the handling of eggs,
sperm, or both, outside the human body. This includes artificial insemination, intrauterine insemination,
in vitro fertilization, and ovarian stimulation (with medications).

-ART includes all fertility treatments in which either eggs or embryos are handled. In general, ART
procedures involve surgically removing eggs from a woman's ovaries, combining them with sperm in the
laboratory, and returning them to the woman's body or donating.



Surrogacy involves a person agreeing to carry and give birth to a baby for someone else. After the baby
is born, the birth parent gives custody and guardianship to the intended parent or parents. Surrogacy
has complex legal and medical steps that must be met.

- when you perform in vitro fertilization and then implant the fertilized egg in the uterus ofanother
woman, who will carry and deliver the baby and allow the baby to be adopted by the couplewho
supplied the egg and sperm.

Responsibility for the Child

Issues can arise in situations where an agreement is made, but when the child is born, the parents
intending toadopt do not wish to anymore, leaving the surrogate with a child that they may not want.

Laws need to be made more clear to mitigate these issues.

Rights of the Surrogate

Consideration must be given to the surrogate. If the surrogate decides they do not wish to give up the
child, theissue of blackmail or coercion can arise in an attempt to get surrogate to give up the child.

Laws need to exists to protect the surrogate in this case.


2.Invitro fertilization

In vitro fertilisation is a process of fertilisation where an egg is combined with sperm in vitro. The
process involves monitoring and stimulating a female's ovulatory process, removing an ovum or ova
from their ovaries and letting sperm fertilise them in a culture medium in a laboratory.

-The Discard Problem

Arises from the fact that, in pioneering days of the procedure, fertilized eggs when not introducedto the
woman were either discarded or used for experimentation.

If you follow that belief that it becomes a life upon conception, this idea holds on that discardingwould
be considered abortion and experimentation would be human experimentation on anunwilling patient –
both of which have ethical issues.

Rates of success

There is a wide variety of success rates. A couple has the right to the accurate information about the
success rate ofthe institution and physician whom they are dealing with.

3. Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection is a technique used in assisted reproductive technology to treat male
infertility, such as when the man has very few viable sperm. This can occur with poor sperm production
or quality (morphology).

It’s almost similar to IVF, but instead of simply “mixing” the sperm and egg, ICSI involves injecting a
single sperm into an egg, maximizing the chances of fertilization.

3. Intrafallopian Transfer (IFT)

One of the 4 reproductive artificial technologies is IFT. This IFT involves delivering the gametes (egg and
sperm) or zygote into the fallopian tube. There are three types of IFT:

Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer

The procedure involves collecting eggs and sperm in the tube. These are then transferred directly to the
fallopian tube where they will (hopefully) meet. Fertilization can then take place.



4 Assisted Reproductive Technologies For Couples Who Want To Get Pregnant

4 Assisted Reproductive Technologies For Couples Who Want To Get Pregnant

Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) are a set of procedures used to help couples get pregnant.
Usually, couples resort to ART or what others also refer to as “reproductive artificial technologies” when
other fertility treatments have failed. When it comes to ART, you have several options. But generally, 4
reproductive artificial technologies you can consider are in vitro fertilization (IVF), intracytoplasmic
sperm injection (ICSI), intrafallopian transfer (IFT) and frozen embryo transfer (FET). The main difference
between these treatments lies in the collection of eggs and sperm or the implantation of the fertilized


How to Increase Chances of Getting Pregnant Naturally


How to Increase Chances of Getting Pregnant Naturally

Infertility is the inability to achieve pregnancy after having unprotected intercourse for more than a
year. Infertility affects up to 15% of couples around the world. And in the Philippines, one out of 10
Filipinos suffer from this condition. Infertility may be due to either male or female problems, or both.
Genetics and other environmental factors affect […]

Picture of the Author


Medically reviewed by Mary Rani Cadiz, MD• Mar 03, 2022

Let’s take a look at these 4 productive artificial technologies:

1. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

IVF (in vitro fertilization) is a fertility treatment that removes mature eggs from the ovaries. Then these
are combined with sperm cells in the lab. Once fertilization occurs, the embryo will then be transferred
into the uterus. Then, the woman can carry it to term—and hopefully give birth!

As simple as it sounds, in vitro fertilization actually involves a series of steps. In fact, one cycle typically
takes about 3 weeks.

In vitro fertilization is the most common of the 4 reproductive artificial technologies.

2. Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

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Intracytoplasmic sperm injection is a technique used in assisted reproductive technology to treat male
infertility, such as when the man has very few viable sperm. This can occur with poor sperm production
or quality (morphology).
It’s almost similar to IVF, but instead of simply “mixing” the sperm and egg, ICSI involves injecting a
single sperm into an egg, maximizing the chances of fertilization.

3. Intrafallopian Transfer (IFT)

One of the 4 reproductive artificial technologies is IFT. This IFT involves delivering the gametes (egg and
sperm) or zygote into the fallopian tube. There are three types of IFT:

Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer

The procedure involves collecting eggs and sperm in the tube. These are then transferred directly to the
fallopian tube where they will (hopefully) meet. Fertilization can then take place.

Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer (ZIFT)

ZIFT is a method of assisted reproductive technology in which the egg and sperm are combined in a
laboratory, forms fertilized eggs (zygotes), then transferred to the fallopian tube. This technique is often
helpful when the woman’s fallopian tubes are blocked or damaged, or she has poor ovarian reserve (egg

Pronuclear Stage Tubal Transfer (PROST)

PROST is similar to ZIFT in the sense that fertilization takes place in the laboratory and then the fertilized
egg is transferred to the fallopian tubes. The difference is that PROST transfers the fertilized egg before
cell division happens.

4. Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)

The procedure involves transferring thawed (previously frozen) embryos from the lab into a woman’s

Usually, couples take advantage of this assisted reproductive technology when their past IVF treatment
produced more than one healthy embryo. As couples only need one, the rest of the healthy fertilized
eggs can be frozen for future cycles (should they decide to get pregnant again).
FET appears to be as safe as transferring fresh fertilized eggs. However, some evidence suggests that it
increases the risk of preterm birth.

Frozen Embryos, Sperm Banks, and Social Issues

Embryos are often frozen at the time of in vitro. The frozen embryos are a reserve that can be used to
avoidsubjecting a woman to another surgical procedure if the first in vitro fertilization is not a success.

It can be used as a back up or by people who wish to postpone reproduction for some time but worry
that as theyage, they will no longer be able to naturally produce a child.

Risk to the Mother and Child

Risks to the mother include risks with hormone treatment, risks with the surgery, anesthesia, damage to
the uterus,etc.

Risks to the child are still largely unknown


This involves harvesting sperm and inserting it into the woman’s vagina by means ofa syringe.

Artificial Insemination by Donor and the Unmarried Mother

When the mother is not married, there can be questions as to whether it is good to deliberatelybring a
child into a one-parent family.

Artificial Insemination by Donor and Screening

The health history of the donor should be an important part of the screening process whenconsidering

Artificial nsemination and the General Problems of Assisted Reproduction

Concealing the Donors

Some governments have provided that when the husband agrees to the donor insemination,there can
be no paternity suit against the donor.

Artificial Insemination by Donor and the Danger of Incest

When the sperm of a particular donor is used frequently in the same geographic area,particularly in
small areas, a danger of incest with attendant genetic problems is created.
The American Medical Association rules that physicians must take steps ‘limiting the numberof
pregnancies resulting form a single donor’


The health care provider should do what is medically indicated given the consent of the patient.

When people want alternative modes of reproduction out of convenience then the issue of ethicscomes

Performing an operation to procure eggs for in vitro when no health problem exists does not meet
therequirements of proportionality for a health care provider.

It is not ethical for health care providers to facilitate adultery.

Health Care providers would be unethical if they aided in the reproductive activities of people whoare
unfit to be parent.

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