STS MODULE Final 100 108
STS MODULE Final 100 108
STS MODULE Final 100 108
In Vitro fertilization
There are five basic steps to IVF:
The man's sperm is placed together with the best quality eggs. The mixing
of the sperm and egg is called insemination.Eggs and sperm are then stored in an
environmentally controlled chamber. The sperm most often enters (fertilizes) an egg
a few hours after insemination.If the doctor thinks the chance of fertilization is low,
the sperm may be directly injected into the egg. This is called intracytoplasmic
sperm injection (ICSI).Many fertility programs routinely do ICSI on some of the eggs,
even if things appear normal.
• Issues and Concerns
Gamete Donation
Another ethical and legal issue surrounding the use of donated gametes is to
what extent the anonymity of the donor should be preserved. The issue of
anonymity as it relates to gamete and embryo donation is emotionally charged.
Indeed, the ability of human beings to know their genetic roots is universally
important, at the core of self
identity. Either egg and sperm donors may choose to or not to be anonymous,
though the vast majority in both groups generally chooses anonymity . The
American Society for Reproductive Medicine has identified four levels of gamete
donor information sharing depending on the wishes of the donor and recipient
parties. Recently, however, there is, increasing consideration of the rights of
offspring as it relates to donor gametes and anonymity. Advocates for allowing
either gamete donors or their offspring to break anonymity cite the medical
advantages of sharing medical information with their genetic offspring, in the
case of the donor, or learning about their genetic history directly, in the case of
offspring . Others simply argue that both donors and offspring have an inherent
right to meet and develop a relationship. Recent court rulings suggest that these
rights will become more visible in the future. The ethical and legal issues
surrounding anonymity and gamete donation are sure to be a centrally debated
issues within the field of ART for the foreseeable future.
Activity 1: Short Response
• In not more than 1000 words, cite some examples of assisted human reproduction
and what are their impacts in the society. Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of using these assisted human reproduction methods.
Criteria to be 4 3 2 1
1. Ideas Writing Writing presents Writing presents Writing presents
successfully the topic in an the topic in an topic in an
presents the topic interesting way. ordinary way. ordinary way.
in a novel or Writing includes Writing includes Concrete details
unique way. good concrete concrete detail, but and commentary
Writing includes detail and some commentary is are either weak or
excellent and insightful obvious, simplistic, missing.
specific concrete commentary. or generic.
detail and
2. Organization Writing has a Writing has a Organization is Writing is aimless
compelling and logical flow of rough but and disorganized.
logical ideas. workable. It
flow of ideas. sometimes gets off
3. Topic Paragraphs have Paragraphs have Paragraphs have Paragraphs lack
Sentences focused and focused topic topic sentences topic sentences
and poignant topic sentences and that need to be and transitions.
Transitions sentences and obvious more focused and
smooth, almost transitions. rough transitions.
4. Description Writing consistently Writing shows Writing includes Writing uses all
and effectively rather than tell, some showing but telling and no
shows rather than but details could needs more. showing.
tells through be more specific
specific and vivid and vivid.
5. Word Choice Writing uses words Writing makes Writing uses words Writing uses the
that are striking some quality but that are dull or same words over
and fresh but also some routine uninspired. and over. Some
natural, varied, and or ordinary word Writing sounds like words may be
vivid. choices. you are trying too confusing or
hard to impress. inappropriate.
6.. Grammar Writing uses proper Writing has a few Writing has enough Writing has
Usage grammar 100% of grammar grammar errors to numerous
and Sentence the time. problems. distract a reader. grammar
Fluency Sentences flow well Sentences flow Some sentences do mistakes and
and vary in well but do not not flow well poor sentence
construction and vary much. and/or are not construction that
length. varied at all. make the paper
hard to read.
7.. Spelling and Writing uses Writing has a few Writing has enough Writing has
Punctuation correct punctuation errors to fix, but errors in the essay numerous errors
and spelling 100% generally uses to distract a reader. that make the
of the time. correct paper hard to
conventions. read.
Chapter 3.1.2 Mechanisms of action and effectiveness of
contraceptive methods
Method How it works Effectiveness: Effectiveness:
pregnancies per pregnancies per
100 women per 100 women per
year with year as commonly
consistent and used
correct use
is a surgical
procedure for male
sterilization or
During the
procedure, the
male vasa
Male sterilization deferentia are cut
0.1 0.15
(Vasectomy) and tied or sealed
so as to prevent
sperm from
entering into the
urethra and
thereby prevent
fertilization of a
female through
sexual intercourse.
is a surgical
procedure for
female sterilization
in which the
fallopian tubes are
Female sterilization
blocked or 0.5 0.5
(tubal ligation)
removed. This
prevents the
fertilization of eggs
by sperm and thus
the implantation of
a fertilized egg.
Prevents the
release of eggs
amenorrhea 0.9 (in six months) 2 (in six months)
from the ovaries
method (LAM)
pregnancy by
Standard Days avoiding
5 12
Method or SDM unprotected
vaginal sex during
most fertile days.
Method How it works Effectiveness: Effectiveness:
pregnancies per pregnancies per
100 women per 100 women per
year with year as commonly
consistent and used
correct use
Prevents or delays < 1 for ulipristal
the release of eggs acetate ECPs
contraception pills
from the ovaries. 1 for progestin-
(ulipristal acetate
Pills taken to only ECPs
30 mg or
prevent pregnancy 2 for combined
levonorgestrel 1.5
up to 5 days after estrogen and
unprotected sex progestin ECPs
The couple
pregnancy by
unprotected Reliable
Calendar method
vaginal sex during effectiveness rates 15
or rhythm method
the 1st and last are not available
estimated fertile
days, by
abstaining or using
a condom.
Tries to keep
sperm out of the
Withdrawal (coitus 4
woman's body, 20