FInal Demo Teaching TLE - ICT

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For week September 3 to September 7

A. Content Standard:
 The learner demonstrates understanding basic concepts and underlying theories of
computer hardware servicing.

B. Performance Standard:
 The learner independently demonstrates common competencies in computer hardware
servicing as prescribed by TESDA Training Regulations

C. Learning Competencies and LC Code:

1. Explain basic concepts in computer hardware servicing
LC Code: TLE_PECS7/8-00-1

1. Basic concepts in Computer Hardware Servicing
At the end of the one hour lesson, at least 75% of the students should be able to:
1. Identify what is Hardware and software
2. Identify the different parts of the computer system according to its category

A. Learning Materials:
1. PowerPoint Presentation
2. Computer
3. E-classroom
4. Chairs
5. Ballpen
6. Notebook

B. References:
1. Websites:
 Introduction to Computer Science using Java.
 The Three Major Components of a Computer System. 20 June 2018.
 Jack S. Waverly. “Main Components of a Computer System”

A. Introductory Activity (15 minutes)

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

Say, morning greetings to everyone. Let Student’s greetings
everyone rise for the prayer.
Call somebody to lead Prayer:
Dear Lord and Father of all,

Thank you for today.

Thank you for ways in which you provide for
us all. For Your protection and love we
thank you.
Help us to focus our hearts and minds now
on what we are about to learn.
Inspire us by Your Holy Spirit as we listen
and write.
Guide us by your eternal light as we
discover more about the world around us.

We ask all this in the name of Jesus.


Attendance Check:
Call the attention of everybody and Properly noted the students who are absent
determine who is/are absent on the class in the class
Review: Scavenger Hunt Activity
The students will open their notebook for 5
minutes and read and gather their previous Students follows the activity
lesson. The more lessons they write, the
more points they will get. This is done by

Motivation: The students will give their idea on what the

Show a short video clip about the lesson for video is all about.
Students take down notes
Process the pre-assessment Activity.

Give lesson objectives:

1. Identify what is hardware and
2. Identify the different parts of the
computer system according to its category

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

Activity 1- “Arrange Me” Activity
Each row will be given set of pictures and
they will categorize it if it is an input device, Students will answer it on a short bond
output device, storage device, system unit or paper
a communication device. The students will
also name the different devices given to Students give their answers

Process: the short PowerPoint presentation

will be flashed on the monitor about the
topic Students listen and take down notes.

Activity 2 – “hep-hep hurray” game

The students will answer my question by The students will perform the activity
row when I ask them if it is hardware or
software; or what component does the
devices belong.
Deepening/ Analysis
Software exists as ideas, concepts, and
symbols but it has no substance. These are
sets of instructions that tell the computer
what to do to fulfill its task while hardware is Students listen
all of which are physical objects that can be
Peripheral device is a general term used to
describe devices which are externally
connected to a computer.

Generalization/ Summary
A computer primary job is to process these
tiny pieces of data in various ways,
converting them into useful information.
There are five components of a computer Students listen
system: Input, Output, Storage,
communication and system unit.
Hardware and software are both needed in
the computer so that programs can load.

5. Assessment/ Evaluation
1. Formative Written Assessment: 10 item test for 10 minutes
 Identification– determine if it is hardware or software; then what components do
they belong.

6. Assignment:

7. Remarks:

8. Reflections

Prepared by:

ICT Teacher

Check by:

TLE Department Chairman

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