2-5 - 2-5-5-5 Stripline Test For Permittivity and Loss Tangent (Dielectric Constant and Dissipation Factor) at X-Band

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ELECTRONICS INDUSTRIES Stripline Test for Permittivity and Loss Tangent
2215 Sanders Road (Dielectric Constant and Dissipation Factor) at X-Band
Northbrook, IL 60062-6135
Date Revision
3/98 C
Originating Task Group
IPC-TM-650 High Speed/High Frequency Test Methods
TEST METHODS MANUAL Subcommittee (D-24)

1.0 Scope Bonded stripline assemblies have air excluded between

boards, thus tend to show greater εr values.
1.1 Summary This method is intended for the rapid mea-
surement of the X-band (8.00 to 12.40 GHz) apparent relative 1.3.2 High degrees of anisotropy of some composites can
stripline permittivity (see 9.1) and loss tangent of metal clad result in an increased degree of coupling of the resonant ele-
substrates. Measurements are made under stripline condi- ment, resulting in a falsely lower Q value. If a correction is not
tions using a resonant element pattern card, which is sepa- applied either mathematically as in 7.2.2 or by deviating from
rated from the ground planes by sheets of the material to be the probe gaps specified for the test pattern, an upward bias
tested. Further information about this method may be found in in the calculated loss tangent will result.
ASTM D3380-75.
1.3.3 The sensitivity of the method to differences in εr of
1.2 Definitions Terms used in this method include: specimens is impaired by the fact that the resonator pattern
card remains as part of the fixture and at the same time con-
Complex Relative Permittivity The values for relative per- stitutes a significant part of the dielectric involved in measure-
mittivity and dissipation factor considered as a complex num- ments.

Permittivity Dielectric constant (see IPC-T-50) or relative per- 1.3.4 The method does not lend itself to use of stable ref-
mittivity. The symbol used in this document is εr. K’ or κ’ are eree specimens of known electric properties traceable to The
sometimes used. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

Relative Permittivity A dimensionless ratio of absolute per- 2.0 Applicable Documents

mittivity of a dielectric to the absolute permittivity of a vacuum.
2.1 IPC
Loss Tangent Dissipation factor (see IPC-T-50), dielectric
loss tangent. The symbol used in this document is tan δ (see IPC-T-50 Terms and Definitions
IPC-MF-150 Metal foil for Printed Wiring Application
1.3 Limitations The following limitations in the method IPC-TM-650 Method, Cupric Chloride Etching
should be noted. Users are cautioned against assuming the
IPC-TM-650 Method, Permittivity (Dielectric Con-
method yields permittivity and loss tangent values that directly
stant) and Loss Tangent (Dissipation Factor) of Materials (Two
correspond to applications. The value of the method is for
Fluid Cell Method)
assuring consistency of product, thus reproducibility of results
in fabricated boards. ASTM D3380-75 Standard Method of Test for Permittivity
(Dielectric Constant) and Dissipation Factor of Plastic-Based
1.3.1 The measured effective permittivity for the resonator Microwave Circuit Substrates
element can differ from that observed in an application.
3.0 Test Specimen All metal cladding shall be removed
Where the application is in stripline and the line width to
from the material to be tested by any standard etching pro-
groundplane spacing is less than that of the resonator ele-
cess, including rinsing and drying; however, IPC-TM-650,
ment in the test, the application will exhibit a greater compo-
Method, shall be used as a referee procedure. The
nent of the electric field in the X, Y plane. Heterogeneous
test specimen shall consist of a set of two sheets (or two
dielectric composites are anisotropic to some degree, result-
packets of sheets) of a preferred size of at least 51 mm x 69
ing in a higher observed εr for narrower lines.
Microstrip lines in an application may also differ from the test
in the fraction of substrate electric field component in the X, Y 3.1 A smaller size may be used if it has been shown not to
plane. affect results. The minimum vertical dimension must extend

Material in this Test Methods Manual was voluntarily established by Technical Committees of the IPC. This material is advisory only
and its use or adaptation is entirely voluntary. IPC disclaims all liability of any kind as to the use, application, or adaptation of this Page 1 of 25
material. Users are also wholly responsible for protecting themselves against all claims or liabilities for patent infringement.
Equipment referenced is for the convenience of the user and does not imply endorsement by the IPC.
Number Subject Date Stripline Test for Permittivity and Loss Tangent (Dielectric Constant 3/98
and Dissipation Factor) at X-Band

from the base boards to the top of the 25.4 mm x 51 mm area in an error in the loss tangent of about 0.0001 for a material
to which clamping pressure is applied. The minimum horizon- with 2.5 permittivity. See 7.2, equation 5.
tal dimension must be enough to extend at least 6.5 mm
4.1 Manual Test Setup The method of determining the
beyond the center line of the vertical portion of the probe line
half-power points depends partly on the type of signal source
on either side. For the pattern card of Figure 4 and fixture of
used. If the power input to the test fixture is maintained con-
Figure 12, these minimums are 38.1 mm x 68.6 mm. For the
stant as the frequency is varied, then an SWR meter may be
smaller size, the clamp force in 6.1 or Table 1 is not changed
used to determine the half-power points at the output of the
because the effective area over which the force is applied is
test fixture. This may be accomplished by using a leveled
not reduced. The test fixture is designed to accommodate a
sweep generator or by using a tunable klystron (at a consid-
total specimen thickness of either 3.18 mm ± 0.22 mm or
erable savings) and manually adjusting the power input to the
2.54 mm ± 0.18 mm from an even number of layers.
test fixture to a prescribed level by use of a variable attenua-
NOTE: Testing of built-up specimens introduces error, which tor. A typical equipment list is shown below. Equivalent makes
can exceed 5% due to air gaps. Exact correlation factors and and models of equipment may be substituted where it can be
techniques must be agreed upon or other methods of test shown that equivalent results are obtained. For example, if a
used. The 1 MHz method of IPC-TM-650, Method, leveling system is not used and the power output of the
can be used with a correction factor based on tests of source varies widely with frequency, a ratiometer may be sub-
samples of the nominal thickness of Table 1 using both tech- stituted for the two SWR meters. If only permittivity is desired,
niques. it is not necessary to level the input.
With some material types not based on woven fabric rein- The following equipment, or equivalent, may be used.
forcement, it is possible to machine specimens to achieve the
• Sweep Frequency Generator H.P. 8350B or 8620C
nominal thickness for test.
• X-Band Frequency Plug in Unit H.P. 83545A or 86251A
4.0 Suggested Electronic Apparatus The principal com-
• Frequency Meter H.P. X532B
ponents required for the test setup consist of the test fixture
described in 5.0, a microwave signal source, an accurate • Crystal Detector (2) H.P. 423B (Neg)
means of measuring the signal frequency, an accurate means
• Matched Load Resistor for one Crystal Detector H.P.
for detecting power level, and an accurate method of deter-
11523A, opt. 001
mining frequency values above and below the resonant fre-
quency at the half-power level for the test fixture loaded with • SWR Meter (2) H.P. 415E
the specimen.
• Directional Coupler HP 779D
The microwave signal source must be capable of providing an
• 10 dB Attenuator H.P. 8491B
accurate signal. During the required time period and range of
frequency needed to make a permittivity and loss tangent • 8.9 kN Dillon Force Gauge, Compression Model X, Part
measurement, the source must provide a leveled power out- Number 381612301, with ± 1% full scale accuracy
put that falls within a 0.1 dB range. When the source is set for
• Vise or press that is able to exert controlled 4.45 kN force
a particular frequency, the output must be capable of remain-
on the test fixture and that opens at least 127 mm to accept
ing within 5 MHz of the set value for the time required to make
the force gauge and test fixture
a measurement.
• Semi-rigid Coaxial Cable and Connectors
The means for measuring frequency shall have a resolution of
5 MHz or less and an accuracy of 8 MHz or less. An error of • Waveguide to Coaxial Adapters (2) H.P. X281A
+8 MHz in measurement of a resonant frequency for a mate-
• The measuring equipment shall be connected as shown on
rial with nominal permittivity of 2.50 represents a -0.004 error
Figure 1.
in permittivity.

The means for detecting the power level shall have a resolu- 4.2 A Test Setup for Computer Automation of Data The
tion of 0.1 dB or less and be capable of comparing power following components or equivalent, properly interconnected,
levels within a 3 dB range with an accuracy of 0.1 dB. An error can be used most effectively with a computer control program
of 0.1 dB in estimating half power frequency points can result for automated testing.

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Number Subject Date Stripline Test for Permittivity and Loss Tangent (Dielectric Constant 3/98
and Dissipation Factor) at X-Band

• Sweep Frequency Generator Mainframe H.P. 8350B with either a scalar or vector network analyzer with test cables
connected to the test fixture of 5.0 as the device under test
• RF Plug-In, 0.01 to 20 GHz H.P. 83592A. A plug-in of nar-
(DUT). Examples of automated network analyzers known to
rower frequency range (X-band) may be selected at consid-
be suitable include the Hewlett-Packard 8510 vector network
erable cost savings. 83545A 5.9 12.4 GHz.
analyzer or the Wiltron Model 561 scalar network analyzer.
• Power Splitter H.P. 11667A These or equivalent may be used.
• Automatic Frequency Counter H.P. 5343A Such instruments may be operated either manually or under
• Source Synchronizer H.P. 5344A. Obtained as an intercon- computer control with suitable programming to locate the
nected assembly with the counter. resonant frequency and the frequencies above and below
resonance where transmitted power is 3 dB below that at
• Coaxial cables and adapters. resonance. Network analyzers have several advantages over
• 10 dB Attenuator H.P. 8491B the instrumentation described in 4.1 and 4.2. Data collection
is rapid and may be continuously refreshed with averaging.
• 8.9 kN Dillon Force Gauge, Compression Model X, Part The log magnitude response curve for ratio of transmitted to
Number 381612301, with ±1% full scale accuracy. incident power (the S21 parameter) as dB versus frequency is
• Vise or press that is able to exert controlled 4.45 kN force visible on a screen for easy verification of a valid resonance. A
on the test fixture and that opens at least 127 mm to accept large number of dB frequency data points near the resonance
the force gauge and test fixture. are readily available for optional use of non-linear regression
analysis techniques to determine the frequency and Q values
• Programmable Power Meter H.P. 436A
with statistically better degrees of uncertainty than those
• Power Sensor H.P. 8484A with 70 to 10 dBm range. attainable by the three point (fr, f1 and f2) method in either
section 6.2 or 6.3.
• IEEE 488 (GPIB) cables
• Controlling computer with GPIB interface. 5.0 Test Fixture

The above equipment is connected as follows as illustrated in

5.1 Recommended Fixture Design An improved test fix-
Figure 2:
ture design is shown that facilitates changing test pattern
• RF connections. The power splitter connects directly to the cards and lends itself to control of temperature. The test fix-
RF plug-in output. One output of the splitter connects by RF ture shall be constructed as shown in Figure 4 through Figure
cable to the counter input. The other output is connected by 14.
RF cable to the attenuator which connects to one of the test
The resonator circuit shown in Figure 4 is an example of a test
fixture probe lines.
pattern designed for a material with a permittivity of 2.20. For
• Control connections. Connections between counter and other permittivity values, different pattern dimensions will be
synchronizer are provided as specified by the manufacturer. required as outlined in Table 1. It shall be defined on one side
The FM output from the synchronizer connects by BNC to of a material of similar type to that being tested, a laminate
the FM input on the sweeper. GPIB cables connect in par- with dielectric thickness of 0.216 mm ± .018 mm. The clad-
allel to sweeper, synchronizer, power meter, and computer ding thickness is normally specified as MF-150F designation 1
interface. copper (nominal thickness of 0.036 mm but designation down
to Q (0.010 mm) may also be used. Designation Q is preferred
• Other connections. The power sensor is connected to the
for high permittivity materials as covered in 4.2 and 9.7, Note.
other probe of the fixture and its special cable connects into
The reverse side of the circuit board has all copper removed.
the power meter.
The copper foil shall be of IPC-MF-150, type 1, electro-
• A synthesized CW generator can be used to replace the deposited, type 5, wrought, or type 7, wrought-annealed. The
sweeper, plug-in, power splitter, connector, and source syn- type of copper foil and the treatment for adhesion will affect
chronizer for the simpler set-up shown in Figure 3. the Q measurement. The 1/Qc values in Table 1 do not take
into account surface treatments or higher resistivity values for
4.3 Automated Network Analyzer for the Test Setup the conductor that are encountered with the specified foil
The instrumentation described in 4.1 or 4.2 may be replaced types.

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Number Subject Date Stripline Test for Permittivity and Loss Tangent (Dielectric Constant 3/98
and Dissipation Factor) at X-Band

The test pattern card shall have a permittivity equal to the replaced with Omni-Spectra Part No. 2070-5029-02, or
nominal value of the type being tested with a tolerance of ± equivalent, intended for 1.57 mm ground plane spacing and
2.5% of the nominal value (measured by stacking sufficient with a tab width of 0.635 mm. A further acceptable alternative
plies to the total thickness requirement of a specimen as is to redesign the base plates to accept another type of
above. Use a photo resist and etching method capable of coaxial fitting such as a flange mount jack, which can be
reproducing circuit dimensions with ± 0.025 mm tolerance. All modified to provide a smooth, low-reflection transition from
copper shall be removed from the other side of the test pat- 3.0 mm semirigid cable with Z0 = 50 Ohm, low permittivity
tern card. See 9.7, Note, for special treatment of ceramic- insulation into stripline with Z0 = 50 Ohm, and high permittiv-
PTFE substrate types. ity insulation in the fixture.
The pattern card of Figure 4 is 68.6 mm wide by 55.4 mm
high and is designed for the fixture hardware in Figure 5 5.2.2 If the stripline launcher in 5.2.1 is used, the edge at
through Figure 14. The length is cut so that when the pattern the step to accommodate the launcher body on the base
card is clamped for the lap joint with the striplines on the base plate should be machined with a slight undercut for an acute
card, the resonator is centered in the 51 mm high area above included angle of about 80°. This, combined with a means to
the base plates of the fixture. For materials with permittivity press the launcher body axially against the edge, will assure a
values higher than the nominal 2.50 shown in Table 1, please well-defined ground connection from coax to stripline. A
see 5.2 for a discussion of recommended fixture modifica- poorly defined ground connection with ground current path
tions. length varying or longer than that of the signal conductor has
been found to give rise to scattering, reflections, and reso-
Probe line widths are based on ground plane spacing taken
nances in the open ended probe line that are evident as extra-
as twice the nominal thickness of the two specimens plus
thickness of the pattern card and its 0.034 mm copper foil neous fixture transmissions that may distort the resonant peak
pattern and computed as if the stripline were centered to be measured.
between ground planes(1,3).
5.2.3 Omit the conductor lap joints but keep the extended
Chamfer values are based on published design curves(2).
base cards in the fixture assembly. See figures 13 and 14.
The length of the four node resonator is given in Table 1.
With high permittivity materials, the lap joint also gives rise to
Resonators of lower node values for the purpose of measur-
unwanted scattering, reflections, and resonances in the open-
ing ∆L according to 6.1, will be proportionately shorter with
ended probe line, as discussed in 5.2.2. For this purpose the
the probe lengths modified so that the gap is the same.
resonator pattern card will have a longer vertical dimension to
The values for conductor loss, 1/Qc, in Table 1 are calculated extend down to the launcher pin replacing the spacer board
from known properties of copper, the test frequency, the cal- in Figure 13. It should still center the resonator in the clamp-
culated characteristic impedance of the section of stripline ing block area. The base dielectric boards will be etched free
comprising the resonator, and its cross-sectional geometry of metal. The ground plane foils will also extend down to the
using published formulas(1). The values shown are usually launcher.
biased low giving a high bias to loss tangent results, because
conductor actually used may not have a smooth surface and The feature of extending the base dielectric boards upward
may include oxides, microvoids, or other sources of higher above the base plates is to be retained as a means to prevent
resistivity. premature damage to the resonator pattern card with
repeated loading and unloading of the fixture. The base plate
5.2 Fixture Modifications for High Permittivity Materi- with the deeper step will be on the side toward which the
als Modification of the fixture design of Figure 5 through Fig- resonator pattern faces to avoid straining the offset launcher
ure 14 and pattern card dimensions in Figure 4 are recom- tab during assembly.
mended to overcome problems experienced with extraneous
transmissions and resonances at frequencies near the desired
5.2.4 Scale down the fixture dimensions to move remaining
resonant peak.
probe line resonances away from the resonant frequency of
5.2.1 Replace the coax-stripline launcher shown in Figure 7. interest. For εr = 10.5 material, the following dimensions were
The part suggested has a tab width of 1.27 mm and may be found effective.

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Number Subject Date Stripline Test for Permittivity and Loss Tangent (Dielectric Constant 3/98
and Dissipation Factor) at X-Band

Table 1 Dimensions for Stripline Test Pattern Cards in Millimeters

Resonator 1/QC
Nom. Pattern Probe Chamfer Probe Resonator Length 4 Conductor
Nom. εr Thk. Card Thk. Width X, Y Gap Width Node Loss
2.20 1.59 0.22 2.74 3.05 2.54 6.35 38.1 0.00055
2.33 1.59 0.22 2.67 2.92 2.54 6.35 38.1 0.00055
2.50 1.59 0.22 2.49 2.79 2.54 6.35 38.1 0.00055
3.0 1.59 0.22 2.13 2.41 2.54 5.08 31.8 0.00058
3.5 1.59 0.22 1.85 2.16 2.54 5.08 31.8 0.00058
4.0 1.59 0.22 1.62 1.93 2.54 5.08 31.8 0.00058
4.5 1.59 0.22 1.45 1.73 2.54 5.08 31.8 0.00058
6.0 1.59 0.22 1.07 1.30 2.29 3.81 25.4 0.00062
6.0 1.27 0.22 0.86 1.07 2.29 3.81 25.4 0.00072
10.5 1.27 0.22 0.41 0.54 2.03 2.54 17.3 0.00079
Standard clamp force for all the above is 4.45 ± 0.22 kN

mm to control fixture temperature facilitates collecting data on the

Height of base plate from step to top edge 8.53 variation of permittivity with temperature. With the test fixture
Height of clamp block and specimen 25.4 of 5.1., use 6 mm inside diameter tubing for circulating fluid to
Height from launcher body to resonator 21.23 control temperature. The following items are needed to com-
center line plete the temperature control system.
Width of clamp block and specimen 55.9
Horizontal center line distance between 30.5 5.4.1 Laboratory Immersion Heating Bath/Circulator, such
probe lines as Haake Model D1, Lauda Model MT, or equivalent and a
Probe length from launch to gap 25.81 small capacity bath. The Immersion Heating Bath/Circulator
shall be connected to the clamping blocks in series with a
5.2.5 Thinner copper cladding (weight Q) for the resonator return line to the bath.
pattern card is recommended as mentioned in 5.1. If weight
Q is used, the embedding process discussed in note 9.7 can 5.4.2 Two fine diameter thermocouple probes with leads
be avoided. Experience has indicated that this reduction in and suitable instrumentation for readout or recording of tem-
thickness has not impaired the loss tangent values obtained perature. A digital thermometer, such as Ohmega Model DSS
by the method. 115 or equivalent, is used for monitoring temperature.

6.0 Measuring Procedure

5.3 Older Fixture Design An older acceptable alternate
test fixture design is shown in Figure 15. This is included since
fixtures of this type are in service at various laboratories. Com- 6.1 Preparation for Testing The actual length of the reso-
pared to 5.1, fixtures of this design depend on ambient con- nator element shall be determined by an optical comparator or
ditions for temperature control. Changing resonator test pat- other means capable of accuracy to 0.005 mm or smaller.
tern cards is less convenient. Unless otherwise specified, specimens shall be stored before
testing at 23°C + 1-5°C/50% ± 5% relative humidity (RH). The
5.4 Temperature Control It is a well-known fact that PTFE referee minimum storage time is 16 hours. Shorter times may
and composites containing it show a room temperature tran- be used if they can be shown to yield equivalent test results.
sition in the crystalline structure that produces a step-like
If electronic equipment, as listed in 4.2, is used, it shall be
change in the permittivity. This temperature region should be
turned on at least one half hour before use to allow warm-up
and stabilization. The automatic frequency counter listed in
Normally, control of ambient temperature is adequate for rou- 4.2 is provided with temperature control of the clock crystal
tine measurements. A means other than ambient temperature that operates even when the power switch is off. Care should

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Number Subject Date Stripline Test for Permittivity and Loss Tangent (Dielectric Constant 3/98
and Dissipation Factor) at X-Band

be taken to assure that power is continuously supplied to this transmission, adjust the gain of the SWR Meter No. 1 until the
unit to avoid a longer warm-up time. Other equipment using meter reads 0 dB. The frequency of the sweeper shall then be
vacuum tube devices will require a longer warm-up time as adjusted to give 3 dB readings both above and below the
specified in the manufacturer’s literature. maximum transmission frequency. Measure each frequency
with the frequency meter and record the results:
The temperature of the test fixture shall be in the range of
22°C to 24°C, unless otherwise specified. If this standard • f1: above the maximum transmission frequency
temperature is to be used and the temperature of the fixture
• f2: below the maximum transmission frequency
is to be controlled by the ambient conditions in the testing
laboratory, then the laboratory shall be maintained at 22°C to
6.3 Automated Measurement of the Specimen For an
24°C and the fixture shall be stored in the laboratory for at
automated system to be used in performing the measure-
least 24 hours prior to use.
ment, computer software is needed that will collect paired
If non-standard temperature is specified and the fixture of 4.1 values of frequency and transmitted power. From this data,
is used with the temperature control apparatus described in the frequency for maximum power transmission and the fre-
4.2, then the rest of this paragraph applies. Prior to making quencies of the half power points are determined. The com-
electrical measurements, the circulator is started and adjusted puter program may optionally include computation of permit-
to within 1°C of the desired test temperature. The time tivity and loss tangent as described in 7.0. Results and
required for stabilization depends on the specific temperature collected data may be displayed on the screen, stored in a
control apparatus in use, the size of the circulation bath tank, disk file, sent to a printer, or any combination of these.
and the temperature selected. Additional stabilization time will
In one possible mode of operation with the equipment
be required for each specimen to come to the set temperature
described in 4.2, the following sequence of steps is performed
after it has been clamped in the fixture.
as many times as necessary to get enough data to complete
The test fixture containing the test specimens shall be placed the test procedure. The computer is designated as the con-
in the clamping fixture and the specified force of 4.45 ± 0.22 troller on the GPIB.
kN is applied through the calibrated force gauge to the 1290
mm2 area centered directly over the resonant circuit as shown 6.3.1 The computer sets the sweeper to a selected carrier
in the assembly of Figure 12, Figure 13, or Figure 15. wave frequency without an AM or FM audio signal to a desired
output power level, such as 10 dBm.
6.2 Manual Measurement of the Specimen The follow-
ing procedure is applicable where equipment as described in 6.3.2 The same frequency is given to the synchronizer with
4.1 is available. The equipment of 4.2 could also be operated instructions to lock the frequency of the sweeper to the speci-
manually. The stripline resonator formed by the fixture pattern fied value.
card and ground planes with the specimen cards inserted is
referred to as a cavity. The sweep oscillator is referred to here 6.3.3 The computer checks the synchronizer for status until
as the sweeper. the status value drops to zero, indicating the frequency is
6.2.1 Determination of Cavity Resonant Frequency The
resonant frequency of the circuit shall be found by scanning 6.3.4 The power meter reading is obtained by the computer.
the sweeper over the expected transmission range of the test Since it takes a finite amount of time for the power sensor to
resonator. The sweeper shall be precisely adjusted to the fre- stabilize, either a delay is used or the reading may be taken
quency that produces a maximum reading of the SWR Meter repeatedly until consecutive readings meet a given require-
No. 1. The frequency meter shall then be adjusted for a mini- ment for stability.
mum reading of the SWR Meter No. 2. Record the resonant
frequency. The input selector of the SWR Meter No. 1 should 6.4 Use of the Network Analyzer for Measurement of
be set for low impedance input for proper square law detec- the Specimen An automated network analyzer may be
tion. used either by operating the front panel controls manually or
under computer control with suitable specialized software.
6.2.2 Determination of Cavity Half-Power Points With The fixture with the specimen is connected by test cables and
the incident signal having been set to maximum resonator adapters as a device under test. Set up the instrument so the

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Number Subject Date Stripline Test for Permittivity and Loss Tangent (Dielectric Constant 3/98
and Dissipation Factor) at X-Band

Cartesian screen display shows the S21 parameter and the Where n is the number of half wavelengths along the resonant
transmission/incident power ratio in negative dB vertical scale strip of length L, ∆L is the total effective increase in length of
units versus frequency on the horizontal scale. Select the start the resonant strip due to the fringing field at the ends of the
and stop frequency range to sweep across the resonance resonant strip, C (the speed of light) is 3.000z1011 mm/s, and
peak and at least 3 dB below the peak. Adjust the start and fr is the measured resonant (maximum transmission) fre-
stop frequency values as narrowly as possible, but still include quency.
the resonant peak and the portions of the response curve on
The more exact value for C of 2.9978z1011 mm/s would give a
both sides of it that extend downward 3 dB.
lower permittivity value, differing for example by 0.003 for 2.5
permittivity material. This method does not use the more exact
6.4.1 The first option is to get the three points (fr, f1, and f2) value to avoid confusion with specifications for materials and
as described in 6.2 and 6.3. Determine the resonant dBr and proven component designs based on older versions of this
frequency fr values for the highest point (maximum) on the method where 3.000z1011 has been in use.
response curve. With manual operation, instrument program
features are available to do this very quickly. On the response For example, for a specified 38.1 mm long resonator, the
curve to the left and right of fr, locate the f1, dB1 and f2, dB2 parameters at X-band are n = 4, L = 38.1 mm. For a given
points as near as possible to 3 dB below dBr. These may then material with ∆L = 1.397 mm, the formula for εr becomes:
be used in the calculations shown in 7.2. εr = 2.30764z1020 / fr2 [2]

6.4.2 A second option requires a computer external to the 7.1.1 Determination of L ∆L, a correction for the fringing
instrument. Collect from the network analyzer all of the f,dB capacitance at the ends of the resonator element, is affected
data points represented by the response curve between f1, by the value of the ground plane spacing and the degree of
dB1 and f2, dB2 and apply non-linear regression analysis tech- anisotropy of permittivity of the material being tested. The
niques to statistically determine values for Q, fr, and dBr that degree of anisotropy is affected by the amount and orientation
best fit the Fi, dBi paired data points to the formula. of fiber and the difference between permittivity of fiber and
matrix polymer. Because of this, a ∆L value for use with a
dBi = dBr - A loge (1 + 4 Q2 ((fi / fr - 1)2)
particular type of material must be determined experimentally
where by the following procedure.

A = 10 loge (10) = constant for converting from loge to dB Prepare a series of resonator circuit cards having
This formula may be derived from combining equation 4 and patterns in which only the resonator element length is varied
equation 6 as corrected in 7.2, with the reasonable assump- to provide n values of 1, 2, 3, and 4 at close to the same fre-
tion that fr - f1 equals f2 - fr. The statistically derived values for quency. For example, lengths of 9.5 mm, 19.0 mm, 28.6 mm,
fr and Q would then be used in equation 2 of 7.1 and equa- and 38.1 mm may be used.
tion 4 of 7.2 respectively. For each of at least three sets of typical specimen
This has been found to fit the collected data points very well
pairs of the material to be measured, measurements of fr are
at all regions across the entire f1 to f2 range. It is a simplified
obtained at each L value. Plot L fr/n on the Y axis versus fr/n
version of the non-linear regression method for complex S21
on the X axis or preferably use a numeric linear regression
analysis procedure to determine the slope of the least squares
fit through the four data points. The slope is equal to the
7.0 Calculations negative value of ∆L.

7.1 Stripline Permittivity At resonance, the electrical The ∆L values for each of the specimen pairs may
length of the resonator circuit is an integral number of half then be averaged to provide a suitable working ∆L value. For
wavelengths. The effective stripline permittivity, εr, can be cal- a given material type, a ∆L value should be agreed upon as
culated from the frequency of maximum transmission as fol- standard for testing to a specification.
7.1.2 Determination of Effect of Specimen Thickness on
εr = [n C / (2 fr (L + ∆L))]2 [1]
L The ∆L correction for end fringing capacitance will vary

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with specimen thickness, increasing as specimen thickness tan δ = 1/Q - 1/Qc [4]
increases. Ignoring this effect by use of a fixed ∆L value for
calculating test results will bias the permittivity values upward
for thicker specimens, downward for thinner ones. For low tan δ = [( f1 - f2) / fr] - 1/Qc [5]
permittivity materials where the resonator is longer, this bias is
quite small and only of interest for close tolerance applica-
tions. For high permittivity materials, the smaller resonator 1/Q or (f1 - f2) / fr is the total loss due to the dielectric, copper,
length makes this correction more important. and copper-dielectric interface.
There are two ways in which this thickness effect may be A more exact calculation can be used that does not require
handled: by an empirical determination of ∆L for various thick- that the values of f1 and f2 be at exactly half the power level of
nesses or by assuming a proportionality to the published pre- the maximum at resonance. This is especially suited for auto-
diction of ∆L(4). mated testing. The formula is
tan δ = (1 - (f1 / fr)) (10 ) - 1) -0.5
+ For the empirical method, use the 7.1.1 procedure
to obtain ∆L with specimens at extremes of thickness variation (( f2 / fr) - 1) (10 (dB2 10)
- 1) -0.5
- (1/Qc) [6]
expected in day to day testing. Use numerical linear regres-
dB1 is the dB below the peak power level at f1
sion of the collected ∆L-specimen thickness data pairs to
derive a linear formula of the form and
∆L = B0 + B1 (thickness) dB2 is the dB below the peak power level at f2

Specification values for B0 and B1 for a given material must be

7.2.1 Calculation of 1/Qc
agreed upon for a particular material type.
The following calculation scheme is used(1) A ∆L correction factor can be derived for a given 1/Qc = αc C / (π f εr0.5) [7]
material type in a range of permittivity values by determining
for specimens of known thickness the ratio of ∆L derived where
according to 7.1.1 to that predicted by equation 3 when R=1. αc = 4 Rs εr Z0 Y / (3772 B)
An average of ratios so determined must be agreed upon as
the specified correction factor for the formula. From this, ∆L is = attenuation constant, nepers/mm
calculated by: Rs = 0.00825 f 0.5 = surface resistivity of copper, Ohm
∆L = R (K2 + 2 K W) / (2 K + W) [3] Z0 = 377/(4 εr0.5 (Cf + (W/(B - T))))
where = characteristic impedance of resonator, Ohm
R = the average ratio of observed to predicted ∆L 377 = 120 π. = free space impedance, Ohm
K = B loge (2) / pi Cf = (2 X loge(X+1)-(X-1)loge(X2-1))/ π
= 0.2206356 B Y = X + 2 W X2 / B
W = width of resonator in mm + X2 (1 + T / B) loge [(X + 1) / (X - 1)] / π
B = 2 (specimen thickness) + (test pattern card thickness) X = B / (B - T)
= total ground plane spacing in mm εr = nominal permittivity

7.2 Calculation of Effective Dielectric Loss Tangent A B = ground plane spacing, mm

value for loss tangent for the dielectric is obtained by subtract- C = 299.796 mm/ns = speed of light
ing the appropriate conductor loss value, 1/Qc, in Table 1
from the total loss value, 1/Q, as shown f = nominal resonant frequency, GHz

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NOTE: GHz is equivalent to cycles/ns to keep units consis- • If the non-linear regression (NLR) method of 6.4.2 is used,
tent in this section 7.2.1. then optionally report the number of data points used, NLR
uncertainty values for fr, Qloaded, dBr
W = resonator width, mm

T = resonator conductor thickness, mm • The calculated effective stripline permittivity.

Where combinations of resonant frequency, resonator width, • The calculated effective dielectric loss tangent.
ground plane spacing, and nominal permittivity are encoun- • If the test was not done in the X or machine direction, give
tered other than those listed in Table 1, a calculated 1/Qc the direction in which test was performed. That is, orienta-
must be agreed upon. Data is not currently available for cor- tion of the resonator with respect to the X or Y axis of the
recting this calculated value to account for increased conduc- specimen.
tor loss due to surface treatments or type of copper foil used.
• The temperature of the test fixture during the test.
7.2.2 Corrections to the Loss Factor Corrections in the
• The grade of copper foil used in the test pattern card.
total loss value, 1/Q, may be needed for materials of high
anisotropy of εr as mentioned in 1.2.2. The Q actually mea-
sured is Qloaded, but is often assumed to be Qunloaded. The 9.0 Notes
probe gap given in Table 1 is intended to provide insertion
loss at a resonance high enough to make Qloaded approxi- 9.1 Permittivity The dielectric of a stripline circuit affects
mately equivalent to Qunloaded. the electrical response of all the circuits printed on it. Velocity
of propagation, wavelength, and characteristic impedance all
When materials with high anisotropy of permittivity are mea-
sured, probe coupling is affected and the insertion loss vary with permittivity. If the permittivity varies from the design
becomes small, making a correction useful before applying value, the performance of such circuits is degraded.
the above calculations. Insertion loss is determined by com- Throughout this document, the term ‘‘permittivity’’ refers to
paring transmitted power at resonant frequency of the fixture relative permittivity of the dielectric material, a dimensionless
and specimen with the resonator pattern card and with a simi- ratio of the absolute permittivity of the material to that of a
lar card having a straight through 50 Ohm line. The dBr differ- vacuum.
ence as dBr is related to the power ratio by

P2 / P1 = e(loge(10) dBr / 10)

[8] 9.2 Loss Tangent The attenuation and Q (figure of merit) of
and the unloaded Q is determined from the measured Q by stripline circuits are a function of combined copper and dielec-
tric loss. An excessively high loss tangent leads to loss in sig-
Qunloaded = Qloaded / [1-√P2 / P1] [9] nal strength and to degraded performance of frequency selec-
The following values illustrate this relationship: tive circuits such as filters. In this method, a great saving in
time and cost of testing is achieved by using a permanent
dBr 60 50 40 30 20 15 10 5
stripline resonator, which is part of the test fixture. With this
Qunloaded/ 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.03 1.11 1.22 1.46 2.28
fixture, variations in loss tangent due to the dielectric can be
monitored but not the additional loss due to the type of metal
and bonding treatment used in laminating.
8.0 Report The report shall contain the following:

• The measured length of the resonator and ∆L value. 9.3 Measurements at Other Frequency Bands The test
• The measured thickness of specimen stacks. equipment of 4.1 can be modified for L, S, and C band mea-
surements at some additional cost. The test equipment of 4.2
• The maximum transmission (resonant) frequency, fr.
will be able as is to handle other bands.
• If the three point method of 6.2, 6.3 or 6.4.1 is used, report
the frequencies of the two 3 dB points on the resonance 9.4 Frequency Ranges Accepted frequency ranges for the
curve or the frequency and actual dB value of the two various bands are:

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and Dissipation Factor) at X-Band

L 1.12 1.70 GHz specimen will have an embossed image of the resonator pat-
tern. When repeated testing is done among several speci-
S 2.60 3.90 GHz
mens with comparatively short clamp times of one or two
C 3.95 5.85 GHz minutes before reading resonant frequency, the bias is initially
high and then decreases with frequency of test runs. This drift
X 8.00 12.40 GHz
in performance is observable when reference specimens are
repeatedly tested.
9.5 Other Metal-Clad Dielectrics This method can be
adapted for measurements of other metal-clad dielectric This drifting bias is believed to be due to the concentration of
materials. ∆L must be determined for each new material. the clamp force to the smaller resonator area used for these
Materials that are not somewhat compliant may yield signifi- materials combined with their higher degree of conformance.
cant errors due to air gaps resulting from the conductor thick- Initially, the clamping excessively compresses material on both
ness of the resonator. sides of the resonator element raising its permittivity. With
time, the material in both pattern card and specimen con-
forms by deformation flow away from the high stress area so
9.6 Anisotropic Materials For anisotropic materials, test
that the bias decreases.
methods in which the electric field is not imposed on the
dielectric in a stripline configuration can give misleading values Use a card with embedded pattern leads to distribute stress
of effective stripline permittivity and loss tangent. This test more evenly over the specimen for little or no drift in bias.
method measures an effective stripline permittivity. Embedding is done by clamping the pattern card between
stainless steel or aluminum foil release layers between accu-
9.7 High Permittivity Soft Substrates Soft substrates rately planar metal blocks at about 0.69 to 1.38 MPa, while
consisting of PTFE highly filled with ceramic filler require addi- heating the blocks above the polymer melt point long enough
tional steps in the preparation of resonator pattern cards to to allow permanent conformance followed by cooling and
embed the conductor pattern into the substrate so that thick- declamping.
ness of the card is uniform and the same in both the pattern
and non-pattern areas. 10.0 References
1. Problems in Strip Transmission Lines, Cohn, S. B., IRE
The following embedding procedure is needed when the reso-
Transactions MTT 3 (March 1955): 119 126.
nator pattern card has copper foil cladding of IPC-MF-150,
designation 1. If the weight of the foil is reduced to Q (0.010 2. Microwave Filters, Impedance-Matching Networks, and
mm), as recommended in 4.2.5 and mentioned in 5.1, then Coupling Structures, Matthaei, G. L.; Young, L.; and
the embedding procedure is not needed and consistency of Jones, E. M. TMcGraw Hill (1964): 206.
fixture performance with pattern card replacements is 3. Characteristic Impedance of the Shielded- Strip Trans-
improved. It appears that a soft substrate specimen is able to mission Line, Cohn, S. B., IRE Trans MTT, (July 1954): 52
accommodate the thinner pattern without excessive stress 57.
concentration and bias in permittivity value. 4. Discontinuities in the Center Conductor Strip Transmis-
When this preparative step is omitted or inadequately done for sion Line, Altschuler, H. M. and Oliner, A. A IRE Transac-
designation 1 copper, it has been observed that for a given tions MTT 8, (May 1960): 328.
resonator pattern card in the fixture, there will be a bias in the 5. The NIST 60-Millimeter Diameter Cylindrical Cavity Reso-
permittivity value observed. For a specimen held in the fixture nator: Performance Evaluation for Permittivity Measure-
for a period of time, there will be an initial high bias that drifts ments, NIST Technical Note 1354, Vanzura, E. J., Geyer,
downward over a period of several hours. When removed, the R. G. and Janezic, M.D, August 1993, National Institute
of Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO 80303-3328.

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Figure 1 X-Band Permittivity Test Setup

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Figure 2 Automated Permittivity Test Setup

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Figure 3 Simplified Automated Permittivity Test Setup


Figure 3A Automated Network Analyzer for Permittivity Test Setup

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and Dissipation Factor) at X-Band


Figure 4 Generalized Resonator Pattern Card Showing Dimensions of Table 1 and Made of Laminate Matching the
Nominal Permittivity of Material to be Tested


Figure 5 Base Stripline Board with Copper Foil and Dielectric Matching the Nominal Permittivity of the Material to be

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and Dissipation Factor) at X-Band


Figure 6 Base Cover Board with Copper Foil Ground Plane


Figure 7 Detail of the Supplied Launcher Body, Omni-Spectra Part No. 2070-5068-02 or Equivalent

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Figure 8 Brass or Aluminum Base Plate for Clamping the Base Cards and Connecting Launcher Bodies to the Base Card

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Figure 9 Aluminum Clamping Plate Provided with Tapped Holes for the Pressure Block and a Thermocouple Well

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Figure 10 Slider and Block for Connecting Pressure Block and Base Plate with Allowance for Opening the Fixture

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Figure 11 Aluminum Block for Temperature Control and Transfer of Pressure to the Clamp Plates, Fitted with Tapped
Holes for Slide, Embedded Steel Ball, and Tapped for Tubing Fittings for Circulating Fluid

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Figure 12 Face View of Fixture Assembly

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Figure 13 Exploded Side View of Assembly

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Figure 14 Enlarged Exploded Side View Sectioned Through a Probe Line Showing a Lap Conductor Joint

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Figure 15 Test Fixture Construction, Older Design

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Figure 16 Test Fixture Construction, Older Design (Continued)

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Figure 17 Test Fixture Construction, Older Design (Continued)

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