CS8792-Cryptography and Network Security QB

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Dr. N.G.P.

Institute of Technology, Coimbatore – 641048

(An Autonomous Institution)
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai
Recognized by UGC & Accredited by NAAC with A+ Grade and
NBA (BME, CSE, ECE, EEE and Mechanical)



Course Code/Course : CS8792 / Cryptography and Network Security

Sem/ Year : VI Sem / III Year

Class : III ECE A & B


Q.No Questions
1. Define Security trends.
2. State Legal, Ethical and Professional Aspects of Security.
3. Give Need for Security at Multiple levels.
4. Specify Security Policies.
5. Identify the types of attack.
6. Define Model of network security.
7. Identify an example for substitution and transposition ciphers.
8. Explain network security.
9. Distinguish Encryption and Decryption.
10. Define cryptography.
11. What are the 3 aspects of security?
12. Define security mechanisms.
Summarize the difference between Substitution and Transposition techniques.
Give the list of keys are required for two people to communicate via a cipher.
15. Compare Block and Stream cipher.
16. Discuss cryptanalysis and cryptography
17. Define Steganography.
Decipher the following cipher Text using brute force attack:
18. CMTMROOEOORW (Hint: Algorithm-Rail fence)
Convert the Given Text “COIMBATORE” into cipher text using Rail fence Technique.
20. Differentiate active attack and passive attack.
1. Describe the differences between steganography and cryptography with
example in details.
2. . (i) Define Security trends - Legal, Ethical and Professional Aspects of Security.
(ii) State about the Security at Multiple levels and explain Security Policies.
3. Describe:
(i) Playfair cipher (5) ii) Railfence cipher (4) iii)Vignere cipher (4)
4. (i) Describe the following
a) Message Integrity (2) b) Denial of Service (2)
c) Availability (2) d)Authentication (2)
(ii) List and briefly describe categories of passive and active security attacks.
5. i) Define Steganography? Describe various techniques used in Steganography.
ii)State mono-alphabetic cipher? How it is different from Caesar cipher.
6. (i) Discuss the substitution Techniques in detail.
(ii) Discuss the Transposition Techniques in detail.
7. (i) Discuss the various security mechanisms.
(ii) Summarize OSI security architecture model with neat diagram.
8. (i) Given Cipher text “YMJTYMJWXNIJTKXNQJSHJ”, the message is encrypted by Caesar cipher
and k=5. Try to decrypt the message.
(ii) Using Vigenere cipher, encrypt the word “explanation” using the Key leg.
9. Encrypt the following using play fair cipher using the keyword MONARCHY. Use X for

10. Perform encryption and decryption using Hill Cipher for the following. Message: PEN and Key:
11. (i) Classify and briefly define types of cryptanalytic attacks based on what is known to the attacker.
(ii) Explain briefly the two general approaches to attacking a cipher.
12. Explain the network security model and its important parameters with a neat block diagram.

13. Evaluate the Characteristics of Modern Cryptography and working Principle.

14. Encrypt the message “PAY” using hill cipher with the following key matrix and show the decryption
to get original plain text.

Illustrate the Classical Encryption Technique with an example
16. (i) Illustrate the rules to perform encryption using play fair cipher and encrypt ‘snowshooos’ using
‘monarchy’ I and J count as one letter and
x is the filler letter.
(ii) Encrypt the word “Semester Result” with the keyword “Examination” using playfair cipher.
17. Encrypt the message “FINALYEAR” at the sender end and decrypt the message at receiver end With
using Hill-cipher with the key.

18. Compare transposition cipher and substitution cipher. Apply two stage transpositions Cipher on
the “treat diagrams as single units” using the keyword “sequence”.

Q.No Questions
1 Write the Euclidean Algorithm.
2 List the fundamental elements of abstract algebra or modern algebra
3 Why set of all Integers is not a field?
Assume that a = 255 and n = 11. We can find q = 23 and r = 2 using the division algorithm
4 we have learned in arithmetic. Calculate q and r for a= -255 and n=11
5 Define Finite Group
6 Find gcd (1970, 1066) using Euclid’s algorithm.
7 Summarize the properties of congruence’s.
8 State the five modes of operation of block cipher?
9 Explain the strength of triple DES.
10 Explain S-DES Structure.
11 What is triple encryption? How many keys are used in triple encryption?
12 Show general design of S-AES encryption cipher
13 Identify Data units used in AES.
14 Find 117 mod 13.
15 Compare DES and AES.
List the parameters (block size, key size and no. of rounds) for the three AES versions.
17 Explain idea of RC4 stream cipher.
18 Explain Flat Multiple KDCs.
19 Discuss Key-Distribution Center.
20 Explain Hierarchical Multiple KDCs.
1 Describe Modulo Arithmetic operations and properties in detail.
(i) Describe in detail the key generation in AES algorithm and its expansion
2 format
(ii) Describe Triple DES and its applications.
3 Describe AES algorithm with all its round functions in detail.
4 Describe DES algorithm with neat diagram and explain the steps.
Solve gcd(98, 56) using Extended Euclidean algorithm. Write the algorithm also
6 Discuss the following in detail
(i) Modular Exponentiation
(ii) Finite fields
7 Explain the DES and General structure of DES with diagrams.
Identify the purpose of Differential and linear cryptanalysis and explain with neat diagram.
For each of the following elements of DES, indicate the comparable element in AES if
i) XOR of sub key material with the input to the function
ii) f function
iii) Permutation p
iv) Swapping of halves of the block.
Explain the following modes of operation in block cipher.
10 (i) Electronic code book and Cipher block chaining.
(ii) Cipher feedback mode and output feedback mode.
(i) How Meet in the middle attack is performed on double Data encryption Standard?
(ii) Explain the substitution bytes transformation and add round key transformation of AES
Discuss the properties that are to be satisfied by Groups, Rings and Fields.
Explain about Block cipher design principles – Block cipher mode of operation.
14 Discuss about Public Key distribution and Symmetric-Key Distribution.
What do you mean by AES? Diagrammatically illustrate the structure of AES and describe the
steps in AES encryption process with example.
Discuss Structure of Simplified DES (S-DES) and Cipher and
16 Reverse Cipher.
i) Explain Key-distribution center with all aspects with neat diagram.
17 ii) Find 1113 mod 53 using modular exponentiation
18 Measure the Public key-distribution and Symmetric Key-Distribution.(15)

Q.No Questions
1. Define Coprimes.
2. Define Euler’s theorem.
3. What is a primitive root of a number?
4. State Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic.
5. Define Euler’s totient function.
6. State Fermat’s little theorem.
Assume n has 200 bits. Give the number of bit operations needed to run the
7. divisibility-test algorithm?
8. Why is asymmetric cryptography bad for huge data? Specify the reason.
9. Compare public key and private key.
10. Explain elliptic curve.
11. Explain whether symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic algorithm need key exchange.
12. Give the applications of the public key cryptosystem
13. Using the properties of discrete logarithms, show how to solve the following
congruence: x2 ≡ 36 (mod 77).
14. Illustrate the purpose of Diffie Hellman key exchange.
15. Explain Elliptic Curves over Real Numbers
16. Explain attacks of RSA cryptosystem
17. Perform encryption and decryption using RSA algorithm for the following. p=7, q=11;
e=17; m=8.
18. Prepare any one technique attacking in RSA.
19. Predict differences between Conventional Encryption and Public-Key
20. Are strong primes necessary in RSA?

i. Describe RSA algorithm

1 ii. Perform encryption and
decryption using RSA algorithm for the following: p=7 q=11, e=7, M=9.
Prove the Following
(i). If p is a prime and a is a positive integer relatively prime to p, then
ap-1≡ 1(mod p)
(ii). If p is a prime and a is a positive integer, then a ≡ a (mod p).

Prove the following

(i).If n and a are coprime, then aφ(n) ≡ 1 (mod n).
3 (ii) Use Euler's Theorem to find a number a between 0 and 9 such that a is
congruent to71000 modulo 10. (Note that this is the same as the last digit of the decimal expansion
of 71000.)
With a neat sketch explain the Elliptic curve cryptography with an example.
Perform encryption and decryption using RSA algorithm for p=17,
5 q=11,e=7 m=88.
(i) Discuss how discrete logarithm evaluated for a number? What is the role of discrete log in
the Diffie - Hellman key exchange in exchanging the secret key among two users?
6 (ii) What are elliptic curves? And also discuss how the elliptic curves are useful for

7 Explain the Key generation, encryption, and decryption in ElGamal.

Find the secret key shared between user A and user B using Diffie- Hellman algorithm for the
8 following q=353; α (primitive root)=3, XA=45 and XB=50

9 Experiment with Taxonomy of potential attacks on RSA.

(i) Explain Chinese Remainder theorem and find X for the given set of congruent equation
10 using CRT
X ≡ 2 (mod 3) X ≡ 3 (mod 5) X ≡ 2 (mod 7)
(ii) State and Prove Fermat’s theorem.
11 Users A and B use the Diffie-Hellman key exchange technique, a common prime q=11
and a primitive root alpha=7.
(i) If user A has private key XA=3.What is A’s public key YA?
(ii)If user B has private key XB=6. What is B’s public key YB?
(iii) What is the shared secret key? Also write the algorithm.
12 Summarize Chinese Remainder theorem and find X for the given set of congruent equation using
X ≡ 1 (mod 5) X ≡ 2 (mod 7) X ≡ 3 (mod 9) X ≡ 4(mod 11)

13 (i) Discuss the Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm with its merits and demerits.
(i) Explain public key cryptography and when it is preferred.

14 Users Alice and Bob use the Diffie-Hellman key exchange technique with a common prime q =
83 and a primitive root α = 5.
i) If Alice has a private key XA = 6, what is Alice’s public key YA?
ii) If Bob has a private key XB = 10, what is Bob’s public key YB?
iii) Construct the shared secret key
15 State and prove the Chinese remainder theorem. What are the last two
digits of 4919?
16 i) In a public-key system using RSA, you intercept the cipher text C = 10 sent to a user whose
public key is e = 5, n = 35. What is the plaintext M? (8)
ii) In an RSA system, the public key of a given user is e = 31, n = 3599. Determine the private
key of this user?
17 Discuss the ElGamal cryptosystem and elliptic curve cryptosystem

Q.No Questions

1. State any three requirements for authentication.

2. Point out the properties a digital signature.

3. What is the role of compression function in hash function?

4. Define the term message digest.

5. Define the classes of message authentication function.

6. List the authentication message requirements.

7. How is the security of a MAC function expressed?

8. Identify the requirements for message authentication.

9. Give the two approaches of digital signature.

Explain the significance of signature function in Digital Signature Standard (DSS)
10. approach.

11. Identify the security services provided by digital signature.

12. How digital signatures differ from authentication protocols?

13. How do you specify various types of authentication protocol?

14. What is Kerberos? Point out its uses.

15. Identify 4 requirements defined by Kerberos.

16. Summarize the Classes of message authentication function.

Assume a client C wants to communicate with a server S using Kerberos protocol. Explain How
17. can it be achieved?

18. Create a simple authentication dialogue used in Kerberos.

Design the role of Ticket Granting Server in inters realm operations of Kerberos.
(i) Where hash functions are used? What characteristics are needed in secure hash function?Write
about the security of hash functions and MACs.
(ii) Discuss the classification of authentication function in detail.

Describe digital signature algorithm and show how signing and Verification is done using DSS.
3 Describe SHA2 in detail with neat diagram.
What is Digital Signature? Explain how it is created at the sender end and retrieved at receiver end
4 .differentiate digital signature from digital certificate.

How Hash function algorithm is designed? Explain their features and

5 properties.
i) Explain in detail message authentication code and its requirements.
6 ii)Illustrate the security of hash functions and MACs.
7 Describe Challenge-Response protocols in detail.
8 Explain the different approaches to message authentication
Illustrate the steps involved in Signature generation and Verification
9 functions of DSS.
10 Explain in detail about X.509 authentication services.
Explain Client Server Mutual authentication with example flow diagram.
i)What is Kerberos? Explain how it provides authenticated Services.
ii)Explain the format of the X.509 certificate.
Discuss the roles of the different servers in Kerberos protocol. How does the user get
authenticated to the different servers?
Explain briefly about the architecture and certification mechanisms in Kerberos and X.509.
15 With a neat diagram, explain the steps involved in SHA algorithm for encrypting a message
with maximum length of less than 2128 bits and
produces as output a 512-bit message digest.
16 Create the process of deriving eighty 64-bit words from 1024 bits for
processing Of a single blocks and also discuss single round function in SHA-512 algorithm. Show
the values of W16, W17, W18 and W19.
17 (i) Enumerate the properties of Hash Function.
(ii) Evaluate the authentication protocol and list its limitations, how the limitations overcome.
18 (i) Elaborate the way how the limitations of Kerberos version 4 is overcome in the environmental
shortcomings and technical deficiencies.
(ii) Elaborate how the encryption is key generated from password in Kerberos.

Q.No Questions
1. Define S/MIME.
2. Expand and define SPI.
3. Identify the steps involved in SET Transactions.
4. Define SET? What are the features of SET?
5. Identify the benefits of IPSecurity.
6. Identify the five header fields defined in MIME.
7. How can the signed data entity of S/MIME be prepared? Give the steps.
8. Differentiate transport and tunnel mode in IPsec.
9. Point out the services provided by PGP?
10. Explain the protocols used to provide IP security.
11. What is a virus in a computer? Classify the types of viruses.
12. What are the various types of firewall and its design goal?
13. Identify the three classes of Intruders.
14. What is a Threat? List their types.
15. State the difference between threats and attacks.
16. Differentiate spyware and virus.
17. Give the advantages of intrusion detection system over firewall.
18. Show the design goals of firewalls.
19. Discriminate statistical anomaly detection and rule based detection
20. Does the firewall ensure 100% security to the system? Comment.
1 Describe the working of SET with neat diagram.
2 Describe in detail about SSL/TLS.
Explain the architecture of IPsec in detail in detail with a neat block
4 Describe in detail about S/MIME.
Discuss authentication header and ESP in detail with their packet format.
Describe PGP cryptographic functions in detail with suitable block diagrams.
(i) Discuss transport mode and tunnel mode authentication in IP? Describe how ESP is
applied to both these modes.
(ii)Draw the IP security authentication header and describe the functions of each field.

8 Explain the operational description of PGP.

9 Explain how firewalls help in the establishing a security framework for an
10 (i) Generalize the role of intrusion detection system? Point out the three benefits that can
be provided by the intrusion detection system?
(ii) Prepare comparison details between statistical anomaly detection and rule based
intrusion detection system?
11 Explain the different types of virus in detail. Suggest scenarios for deploying these types
in network scenario.
12 Explain intrusion detection system (IDS) in detail with suitable diagrams.

13 Illustrate the various types of firewalls with neat diagrams.

14 Evaluate the performance of PGP. Compare it with S/MIME.
15 (i) Write the steps involved in the simplified form of the SSL / TLS protocol.
(ii)Generalize the methodology involved in computing the keys in SSL / TLS protocol.

16 (i) Explain the various measures that may be used for intrusion detection.
(ii) Explain the various roles of firewalls and related terminology in detail.

17 Elaborate how secure electronic transaction (SET) protocol enables e- transactions.

Explain the components involved.

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