Shark Tank Project MR Haugers Economics Class HHS

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Shark Tank Project – Mr.

Hauger’s Economics Class

Task: You will be creating a product and business proposal as if you were planning to pitch on the
TV show, Shark Tank. As you create your project, think about the episode of Shark Tank we
watched in class and the notes you took. What products did the sharks invest in? What products did
the sharks reject? Why? Keep that in mind as you plan. Turn in this sheet with all names for grading.
Requirements and Instructions
● You may work individually, or in a group of 2-3 people.
● All groups members must contribute [with a contract], participate and speak during the
● All group members should dress in professional business attire on their presentation day.
● Create a unique product, good, or service concept.
● Develop a business plan and create a Marketing Plan that addresses the following:
○ What is your company/product called?
○ What is your slogan?
○ Attractive visual like a poster, flyers to pass around, or PPT (3)

○ Owners and roles (1)

○ Business logo (1)

○ Business philosophy (Mission Statement) (1)
Ex) McDonalds - "To provide the fast food customer food prepared in the same high-quality manner
world-wide that is tasty, reasonably-priced & delivered consistently in a low-key décor and friendly
● How much would it cost to manufacture this product? Research the following to answer:
○ Office space/warehouse/factory rental (1)

○ Utility costs (electricity/water) (2)

○ Product costs (all the things you would need) (5)

○ Labor (2)

○ Advertising (Be specific, look up rates for billboards, radio, Social Media, etc.) (2)
○ How much would you sell your product for? (Would people pay this price? How many buyers do
you estimate?) Be sure this is REALISTIC, research similar markets, poll your classmates! (2)
○ What do you expect your annual profits to be? (2)
○ What does each unit or service cost to create? (1)
○ Who are your target consumers? Region/state/Age? / Gender? / Income level/social class? (2)
○ Who is your competition, and why are you better than them? (2)

○ What startup costs would you incur? (How much money do you want from the sharks, and how
much ownership of your company would you be willing to offer?)(2)
○ Where do you see your company in ten years? (1)

○ Why should the sharks invest in your company? (2)

● Come up with a creative way to pitch your idea to the sharks (ex: commercial, video/jingle, etc.) (5)
90 Minutes of Class time will be given. If you are not finished in class, the remainder of the work must be
done outside of class, and a role sheet declaring which student has which responsibilities, is required. All
information above is required. This project is worth 40 points.

Student sharks will be chosen to help answer questions, and give their opinion on scoring the presentations.
Group Order Documentation (2 blocks):
1. Group:

2. Group:

3. Group:

4. Group:

5. Group:

6. Group:

7. Group:

8. Group:

9. Group:

10. Group:

11. Group:

12. Group:

13. Group:

14. Group:
Student Sharks: Questions to Ask the Presenters During their Pitch
● How much growth could you expect in (1, 3, 5, years)?
● Do you have any sales to date?
● How much does it cost to make one of your units/services?
● Who are your competitors?
● Why should I invest in your business?
● How is your product unique?
● Who is your target consumer?
● Where would you like to advertise this product?
● What opportunities will you take advantage of with this product/service
Shark Tank Scoring Rubric Scored by:
○ Company name: /1
○ Slogan /1
○ Attractive visual like a poster, flyers to pass around, or PPT /3
○ Owners and roles discussed /1
○ Business logo /1
○ Business philosophy (Mission Statement) /1
● COSTS Office space/warehouse/factory rental /1
○ Utility costs (electricity/water) /2
○ Product costs (all the things you would need) /5
○ Labor /2
○ Advertising /2
○ How much would you sell your product for? /2
○ What do you expect your annual profits to be? /2
○ What does each unit or service cost to create? /2
○ Who are your target consumers? /2
○ Who is your competition, and why are you better than them? /2
○ (How much money do you want from the sharks, and how much ownership /2
○ Where do you see your company in ten years?
○ Why should the sharks invest in your company?
● Score for the Presentation
■ Total: / 40

Shark Tank Scoring Rubric Scored by:

○ Company name: /1
○ Slogan /1
○ Attractive visual like a poster, flyers to pass around, or PPT /3
○ Owners and roles discussed /1
○ Business logo /1
○ Business philosophy (Mission Statement) /1
● COSTS Office space/warehouse/factory rental /1
○ Utility costs (electricity/water) /2
○ Product costs (all the things you would need) /5
○ Labor /2
○ Advertising /2
○ How much would you sell your product for? /2
○ What do you expect your annual profits to be? /2
○ What does each unit or service cost to create? /2
○ Who are your target consumers? /2
○ Who is your competition, and why are you better than them? /2
○ (How much money do you want from the sharks, and how much ownership /2
○ Where do you see your company in ten years? /1
○ Why should the sharks invest in your company?
● Score for the Presentation
■ Total: / 40
Shark Tank Presentation Rubric
Student name: Date: BLK:

CATEGORY 5 - Exemplary 4 - Effective 3 - Acceptable 2/1 - Emerging/Not Yet

Preparedness Student is completely Student seems The student is somewhat Student does not seem at all
prepared and has prepared but might prepared, but it is clear that prepared to present.
obviously rehearsed have needed more rehearsal was lacking.
ahead of time rehearsal.

Speaks Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Often mumbles or can not be
Clearly distinctly all distinctly all (100-95%) distinctly most ( 94-85%) of understood OR mispronounces
(100-95%) the time, the time, but the time. more than one word.
and mispronounces mispronounces one
no words. word.

Vocabulary Uses vocabulary Uses vocabulary Uses vocabulary Uses several (5 or more) words
appropriate for the appropriate for the appropriate for the or phrases that are not
classmates. Extends classmates. Includes classmates. Does not understood by the classmates.
classmates 1-2 words that might include any vocabulary that
vocabulary by be new to most of the might be new to the
defining words that classmates, but does classmates.
might be new to most not define them.
of the classmates.

Posture and Stands up straight, Stands up straight and Sometimes stands up Slouches and/or does not look
Eye Contact looks relaxed and establishes eye straight and establishes at people during the
confident. Establishes contact with everyone eye contact. presentation.
eye contact with in the room during the
everyone in the room presentation.
during the

Volume Volume is loud Volume is loud enough Volume is loud enough to Volume often too soft to be
enough to be heard to be heard by all be heard by all classmates heard by all classmates
by all classmates classmates members members at least 80% of members.
members throughout at least 90% of the the time.
the presentation. time.

Content Shows a full Shows a good Shows a good Does not seem to understand the
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of parts of topic very well.
topic. topic. the topic.

Visuals E-5 Student uses several Student uses 2 or Student uses 1 visual Student does not use visual,
highly effective visual, more mediums so that which makes the auditory, artistic, or
auditory, artistic, or the basic ideas and presentation better. technological mediums to
technological information are communicate ideas and
mediums so that the understood by a information to a selected
ideas and information selected classmates. classmates.
are clearly
understood by a
selected classmates.

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