Brussaard 1997

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Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning in Soil

Author(s): Lijbert Brussaard
Reviewed work(s):
Source: Ambio, Vol. 26, No. 8 (Dec., 1997), pp. 563-570
Published by: Springer on behalf of Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
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Accessed: 19/12/2012 14:36

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Article LijbertBrussaardet al.

Biodiversity and Ecosystem

Functioning in Soil

ognition of the pivotal role of the world's biota as the life-sup-

We review the current knowledge on biodiversity in soils, port system for planet Earth, has revived interest in soil
its role in ecosystem processes, its importance for human biodiversityas an asset to conserve, to understandand to man-
purposes, and its resilience against stress and disturbance. age wisely in termsof its contributionto ecosystem services.
The number of existing species is vastly higher than the The objective of this paperis to review the knowledge on the
number described, even in the macroscopically visible diversity of soil biota and its role in ecosystem functioning,and
taxa, and biogeographical syntheses are largely lacking. to identify key areasfor futureresearch.
A major effort in taxonomy and the training of a new
Although the diversity of soil organismsis worth conserving
generation of systematists is imperative. This effort has to
be focussed on the groups of soil organisms that, to the and studying in its own right, their functionalroles offer a use-
best of our knowledge, play key roles in ecosystem ful frameworkfor making this effort more meaningful.We will
functioning. To identify such groups, spheres of influence first define functional roles in a utilitarianway as ecosystem
(SOI) of soil biota-such as the root biota, the shredders services. We will then have a closer look at what we mean by
of organic matter and the soil bioturbators-are recognized biodiversity in soil, emphasizing spheres of influence (2; 'bio-
that presumably control ecosystem processes, for logical systems of regulation'in 3) of the biota in soil and vari-
example, through interactions with plants. Within those ous ways of assembling species in size-classes and functional
SOI, functional groups of soil organisms are recognized. groups. Subsequently,we relate soil biodiversity to ecosystem
Research questions of the highest urgency are the processes. Finally, we will address the issue of the knowledge
assignment of species to functional groups and gap and what we need to ascertain in order to relate soil
determining the redundancy of species within functional biodiversityto ecosystem functioningand ecosystem services.
groups. These priorities follow from the need to address
the extent of any loss of functioning in soils, associated
with intensive agriculture, forest disturbance, pollution of ECOSYSTEMSERVICESOF THESOIL BIOTA
the environment, and global environmental change. The The soil biota provides a numberof ecosystem services that are
soil biota considered at present to be most at risk are used by society for its own purposes.
species-poor functional groups among macrofaunal Decomposition of organic matter. When defined simply as
shredders of organic matter, bioturbators of soil, mineralizationof carbon,90% decomposition is carriedout by
specialized bacteria like nitrifiers and nitrogen fixers, and microorganismssuch as bacteriaand fungi (4). It is greatly fa-
fungiforming mycorrhizas. An experimental approach in
cilitated by soil animals such as mites, millipedes, earthworms
addressing these research priorities is needed, using long-
and termites that shred the residues and disperse microbial
term and large-scale field experiments and modern
methods of geostatistics and geographic information propagules. Together they are called decomposers. The soil
systems. decomposercommunityis used for waste managementand the
purificationof polluted soil.
Nutrientcycling is closely associatedwith organicmatterde-
composition.Here again, the microorganismsdo the job, but the
INTRODUCTION rate at which the processes operateis determinedby small graz-
Much of the terrestrialbiosphereresides in the soil, largely un- ers such as protozoa and nematodes, while larger animals en-
noticed by professionalbiologists and lay people. This is ironic hance the process in 'hot spots' such as the gut and excrements.
because the soil provides the physical substratumfor virtually Nutrientcycling by soil biota is essential for all forms of agri-
all humanactivities,e.g., agriculture,buildings,transport;it pro- cultureand forestry.Efficient nutrientcycling on land is also es-
vides resources for industrialuse and waste management;and sential for water quality. Specific groups of soil bacteriaare in-
it is centralin elementalcycles, withoutwhich agriculturewould volved in autotrophicelementaltransformations,i.e. they do not
not be possible. Soil organisms are not just inhabitants of the depend on organicmatteras a food source.
soil, they are part of the soil (1), heavily influencing soil prop- Bioturbation.Plantroots, ants,termites,earthwormsand other
erties such as hydrology, aerationand gaseous composition, all soil macrofaunacreate channels,pores, aggregatesand mounds
of which are essential for primaryproductionand the decom- thatprofoundlyinfluencethe transportof gases and waterin soil.
position of organic residues and waste materials. In so doing they create or modify microhabitats for other,
Whereassoils have been widely studiedand classifiedin terms smaller, soil organisms. They are essential for maintainingthe
of physical and chemical characteristics,knowledge of soil biota structure of soil in agriculture and forestry. Introduction of
lags far behind. This is partlydue to a lack of recognitionof the bioturbatorsis sometimes used to enhancethe decompositionof
role of the biota in determiningthe physical and chemical prop- organicpollutantsin soil.
erties and productionpotentialof soils, and partlydue to the be- Suppressionof soilborne diseases and pests. In naturaleco-
wilderingdiversityof soil organismsand the resultingtaxonomic systems outbreaksof soilbome diseases and pests are relatively
difficulties faced in identifyingthe soil's inhabitants.In high in- rare, whereas they are common in agriculture.It is widely as-
put agriculturalsystems, the importanceof soil organisms has sumed that low plant species diversity rendersagroecosystems
often been disregarded,as physical manipulationof the soil, dis- vulnerableto harmfulsoil organisms,but the causes of antago-
ease and pest suppression,and nutrientsupplyhave been increas- nism againstpests and diseases in more species-richsystems can
ingly providedby humaninputsratherthanby naturalprocesses. be manifold. The potential use of such antagonismin agricul-
However, the currentshift towards sustainableland use, in par- tureand forestryis enormous,but the subjectis poorly studied.
ticularsustainableagricultureand forestry,and the growing rec- Soil organisms-and, hence, soils as a whole-are affected
Ambio Vol. 26 No. 8, Dec. 1997 ? Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 1997 563

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Table 1. Soil organisms discussed in this paper.

Biota Soil-dwelling Globalsynthesis of References

species described biogeography
Bacteriaand archaea 3 200' no Stackebrandt(52)
F ungi 18-35 000 no Hawksworth(11)
unA'mfungi 200 no T.W.Kuyper'pers. comm.'
Ectomycorrhizalfungi 10 000 no T.W.Kuyperpers. comm.)
Protozoa 1 500 no
Ciliates 400 Foissner(53)
Nematodes 5000 no Andrassy(54)
Mites c. 30 000 no Niedbala(55); Behan-Pelletier(56)
Collembola 6500 yes Chrisfansenand Bellinger(57); Rusek (unpubi.)
Enchytraeids >600 no Didden(32)
Root herbivorousinsects c. 40 000 no Brownand Gange (22)
Termites 2000 yes Pearce and Waite(58); Eggletonand Khambanpali
(in prep.)
Ants 8800 yes H6lIdobler
and Wilson(59)
Earthworms 3627 yes Reynolds(60)

'Total number;soil dwellingfractionis unknown.

by human-induceddisturbanceslike agriculturalpractices, de- ognize a numberof soil habitats,acting as spheres of influence

forestation, pollution and global environmental change, with of the biota in soil. One such SOI in soil is the rhizospere or
many negative consequences including: (i) loss of agricultural root zone with root biota, comprisedof organismsthat are ben-
and forest productionpotential;(ii) loss of cleaning potentialfor eficial to the plant, such as mycorrhiza-formingfungi, rhizobia
waste materials;(iii) disruptionor alterationof global elemen- and plant-growthpromotingrhizobacteria;or detrimental,such
tal cycles; (iv) feedbacks on greenhousegas fluxes; and (v) land as soilborne pests and diseases. Organisms feeding on leaves
degradation,including erosion and desertification (see Fig. 1; (foliarfeeders)are includedin Figure2 to acknowledgethatthere
Table 1, in ref. 5). are quantitativelyimportantfeedbacks, mediated by the plant,
between above- and belowground herbivores. Another SOI is
that of the decomposers, consisting of the soil meso- and
BIODIVERSITY macrofaunathat shred organic matter (also called litter trans-
Table 1 summarizesour currentknowledge about species rich- formers,comminutersor shredders),andthe microorganismsthat
ness and distributionof major taxa of soil organisms.The spe- are responsible for most of the biochemical transformationof
cies concept is problematicfor bacteriaand archaea.Currently, organic matter,leading to nutrientmineralizationand the com-
species are defined as "independentgenomes" that are estab- plementaryprocess of humification(Fig. 2, Ref. 5) (7). The third
lished by culturingand modem molecularmethods.For even the SOI of importanceinvolves organismsthatdirectlyor indirectly
relatively well-studied groups of soil invertebrates,we do not modulate the availability of resources (like physical space and
know the actual numberof species, as the numberdescribed is food) to other species, by causing physical state changes in soil;
still increasingrapidly.In many groups, such as viruses, yeasts, bioturbatorsor ecosystem engineers (8). Earthworms,ants and
algae, oomycetes,chytridiomycetes,dictyostelids,myxomycetes, termites fall in this category, although at smaller spatial scales
cyanobacteria,tardigrades,millipedes,pseudoscorpions,spiders, all organismsthattransformthe physicalconditionsof theirhabi-
proturans,diplurans,pauropods,symphylans,rotifers, isopods, tats can be called (micro-)engineers.Figure2 indicatesthatthere
gastropods,turbellarians,aphids and centipedes, there is little are direct feedbacks between the root biota and plants, whereas
knowledge or an imbalance in our knowledge of tropical and the interactionsbetween the decomposers and the plant are in-
temperatespecies. All of these deserve much more effort in es- direct (throughthe soil solution, following nutrientmineraliza-
tablishingtheirdiversityand functionalroles in the soil domain. tion; indicatedby 'soil chemistry'in Fig. 2) as are those between
the bioturbatorsand the plant (throughphysical alterationof the
soil; indicatedby 'soil physics' in Fig. 2). In turn,predatorsand
SOIL BIOTA parasitesmay affect all other species and, therefore,are not in-
Size relationshipsplay an importantrole in biological interac- dicated separatelyin Figure 2.
tions in soil, becausethe habitatis composed of differently-sized Although we can consider the diversity of the soil biota in a
pores, interconnectedby necks of various sizes. In spite of the few size classes and spheresof influence, to fully appreciatethe
fact that bioturbatorscreate pores themselves, the soil biota can diversity of soil organismsand to understandthe effects of hu-
be meaningfully subdivided in size classes: microflora (e.g., man-inducedstressand disturbance,we acknowledgethatwithin
archaea,bacteriaand fungi) and microfauna(e.g., protozoaand these broadgroups vast differences occur in life history, physi-
nematodes),measuring< 200 ,umin diameter;mesofauna(e.g., ology, food preferences,feeding mode and microhabitat.These
mites, collembola and enchytraeids),measuring 100 ,um-2 mm are the criteriafor furtherrecognitionof 'functionalgroups'. Al-
in diameter; and macrofauna (e.g., earthworms, isopods and though functionalgroups may consist of organismsfrom differ-
diplopods),measuring> 2 mm in diameter(6). These size classes ent taxa, this is rarely the case when the criteriaare rigorously
are, for example, used to express the role of the soil biota in the applied.For example,bacterivorousnematodesandprotozoadif-
most importantbiological process in soil, the decompositionof fer accordingto at least two of these criteriaand, therefore,are
organicmatter(Fig. 1). usually placed in differentfunctional groups. For the same rea-
In furtherassigning functionalroles to soil organisms,we rec- son bacterial-and fungal-feedingnematodesare consideredsepa-

564 ? Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 1997 Ambio Vol. 26 No. 8, Dec. 1997

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AN M MA MHEN OF?UI CO2 from microbial, root N2/N20 from bacterial
and animal respiration: denitrification under
SHOOT source cellulose low oxygen tension
:.....Soil ORG NI 4
: .: ...............U In e t ..........X.. . .*....**....*.... ..*. .*.*.*.. . ..

INPUatprsTc byntde,:X::: basidioycetesandMYthrsRHneAtode aUNdI-,'%

XX ...... .dcrese.f.
CN. rtio..1 o


AC . anelis, ollucs,insct arve,
A4dV ~~~~~deobifization ofnutientsemca :.E:.:ECT:::PRDN,O
o C:N rag,
decrease ispd Il GRAZING of
COLONIZATION. of fecalpelltsb yce.fuglabyreMEOFAUNAAUNA
Q D t~~~~~~~~...
itrogen fixation

- X
todesb and
proo to zoans.::'::::':::IROAN
r... ..........
.::::::::HUMIICATON .:.::::::::::::..........succlitertIrYandfo
ssios..:k....1 gazer


MEORGAUNIC: la.prtcls
complexed~~~~~~~~~~~~XXX.-- '** ro.lgnn ndmirbil xuats UTIET
1. AnempiricalsceRmeofdeopoiio.n ols(omiedbIDEOBgeN)

Phytophagous Collembolans
HERBIVORES Cryptostigmatic Miles
Roots Mites\ .

PLANT" Noncrypto- Predaceous

Saprophytic Mites
stlgmstic Collemotlans
--X ROOT SOIL Funl Fungivorous Nematode
BIOTA CHEMISTRY Nematodes FeedngMi

DECOMPOSERS Detritus e toe

Nematodes -
Figure2. Conceptualdiagramof an interactionweb,
showing the mainspheres of influenceof the biota in soil,
interactingwith plants directly(continuousarrows)or CFlagebllaes Amba |
indirectly(hatchedarrows)(60). B ^acMohgus__

Figure 3. Food web in soil with functional groups (43).

Bacteria and Archaea

rately in functionalterms. In cases where functionalgroups are Soil microbiologists originally focused on studies of pure cul-
comprised of higher taxa, such as bacteria,this reflects prima- turesof bacteriathatparticipatein differentbiogeochemicalproc-
rily our lack of knowledge of meaningful subdivision.Figure 3 esses. For the last 25 years, the focus has shifted to measuring
is an example of a food web in soil ('micropredatorfoodweb' processes without much interest in the organisms responsible,
in 3), comprisedof functionalgroups. but soon it was realizedthatthe diversityof these organismswas
Table 2 summarizesthe functional roles of the major taxo- much greaterthan previously recognized, and thatperhapsonly
nomic groupsof soil organisms.As indicatedabove,these groups 1%of the bacteriacould be cultivated.Moleculartools now pro-
can be assembledin functionalgroups, accordingto the ecosys- vide more reliable detection of the unknown unculturedtypes
tem process one is interestedin. Below we complement Tables andprovidebetterdifferentiationof genera,species andecotypes.
1 and 2 with informationon the biodiversity and roles of these With the new methods, it has become apparentthat soil bacte-
groupsin ecosystem processes. ria show a tremendouslyhigh diversity even at a scale of a few

Ambio Vol. 26 No. 8, Dec. 1997 ? Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 1997 565

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Table 2. Functions of the major groups of soil organisms.

Group Functions

Free-living bacteria Elemental immobilization; elemental mineralization; mutualistic intestinal associations; resource for grazing animals;
genesis of biofilms; plant growth promoters; helpers in mycorrhizal associations; pathogens of plants; parasites and
Rhizobial bof soil animals; synthesis of humic materials; soil aggregation; decomposers of agrochemicals and xenobiotics
Rhizobial bacteria N2-fixing plants given competitive advantage; resource for root-feeding nematodes and other animals
Non-mycorrhizal fungi Elemental immobilization; elemental mineralization; mutualistic and commensal associations;
resource for arthropods and protozoan and nematode grazers, and for some other fungi; redistribution of
nutrients; conditioning of detritus; parasites of arthropods and nematodes; synthesis of humic materials;
soil aggregation; decomposers of agrochemicals and xenobiotics
Mycorrhizalfungi Mycorrhizal plants given competitive advantage by the following mechanisms: mediation of transport of
essential elements and water from soil to plant roots; mediation of plant-to-plant movement of essential elements and
carbohydrates; sequestration of essential elements present in forms not available to plant; regulation of water and ion
movements through plants; regulation of photosynthetic rate of plants;
regulation of C allocation below ground; decreased seedling mortality;protection from root diseases and root herbivores.
Genesis of root mycosphere for bacteria; high-quality resource for mesofaunal and microfaunal grazers
Protozoa Grazers of bacteria and fungi; enhance microbial growth; enhance C and N availability to higher trophic levels; key
components of microbial-loop systems; prey for nematodes and mesofauna; host of bacterial pathogens; parasites of
higher-level organisms
Nematodes Grazers of bacteria and fungi; enhance C and N availability to higher trophic levels; disperse
bacteria and fungi; root herbivores / plant parasites; parasites / predators of microfauna, mesofauna
and insects; prey for meso- and macrofauna
Mites Grazers of bacteria and fungi; consumption of plant litter and animal carcasses; predators on nematodes and insects;
root herbivores; dispersal of microorganisms; dispersal and vectoring of helminth parasites; host for protozoan parasites;
parasites and parasitoids of insects and other arthropods; prey for macrofauna; micro-ecosystem engineers
Insects-General Grazing of rhizosphere microorganisms; dispersal of microorganisms; predators of other soil organisms; decomposers of
plant and animal matter;
Insects-Root herbivores Modification of plant performance below ground by root herbivory (modification of plant performance above
ground by root herbivory and modification of herbivore populations above ground through changes in plant physiology
resulting from herbivory below ground)
Insects-Collembola Grazing of microflora and microfauna especially in rhizosphere; consumption of plant litter and
animal carcasses; micropredators of nematodes, tardigrades, rotifers; dispersal of microorganisms; dispersal of helminths
and cestode parasites; host for parasites; prey for macrofauna ; microecosystem engineers
Insects-Ants Bioturbators; enhancement of microbial growth; keystone species for inquilinous fauna and plants associated with anthills
Insects-Termites Bioturbators; enhancement of microbial growth; keystone species for inquilinous microorganisms and fauna and plants
associated with mounds
Enchytraeids Fragmentation of plant litter;enhancement of microbial growth; bioturbators; dispersal of microorganisms
Earthworms Bioturbators; enhancement of microbial growth; dispersal of microorganisms and algae; host of protozoan and other

grams. Based on estimates of reannealingof soil DNA, Torsvik It is estimatedthatonly 5% of living fungi have been described
et al. (9) suggested 4000 independentbacterialgenomes in 1 g (11). The wide rangeof estimates(18 000-35 000 species of soil
of forest soil. Accounting common genes, the bacterialspecies fungi) is caused by the fact that it is unknownhow many of the
definition, and extrapolationto rarespecies, this would amount approximately72 000 described fungi are restrictedto above-
to perhaps20 000-40 000 bacterialspecies in 1 g of soil (10). ground plant parts. Fungi forming macroscopicalfruiting bod-
The gap in knowledge is very apparentif this number is com- ies can often be identified in the field in temperateand boreal
paredto describedbacterialspecies; 4100, most of which are not forestsand many partialinventoriesexist. The mycorrhizalfungi,
soil inhabitants.The situation is even more primitive for soil i.e. fungi forming mutualistic associations with plant roots,
archaeain which only a few methanogensand methylotrophsare presentuniqueproblems.The arbuscularmycorrhizal(AM) fungi
known,but DNA analysis suggests many more types are present. are probablyamongstthe commonestfungi on earth.Many spe-
Certainfunctional groups of bacteriaare importantin cycles cies seem to have a very wide distribution,but species concepts
of specific elements. Althoughthereis considerableredundancy need to be reassessed by modem methods and adequateknowl-
among bacteria for these processes, e.g., N2 fixation, there is edge is available only for agriculturaland similar soils and eco-
growing recognition that there is considerable diversity at the systems. The ectomycorrhizalfungi show a much higher degree
kinetic, physiological, or niche level that is of importanceto the of specificity comparedto the AM fungi (12). Many of them can
process. It is this diversity that may be very importantto eco- be classified as macrofungi,and will thus be included in the in-
system functioning.The main functional groups, listed accord- ventoriesmade by classical fungal taxonomists,but are difficult
ing to the pertinentelement, are: to identify in the soil when not forming aerialfruit bodies.
Carbon: autotrophs;heterotrophs;methanotrophs,methylo- DNA techniques for identification of fungi, including my-
trophs;methanogens. corrhizalfungi that do not form fruitingstructuresare currently
Hydrogen:H2oxidizers;H2producers;butyrateoxidizers;pro- being developed, but with so many species involved this will
pionate oxidizers. take some time. Direct studies on DNA extractedfrom soil are
Nitrogen: N2fixers; denitrifiers;nitrifiers;DNRA (dissimila- not yet applicable.
tory nitrateto ammoniareducers);mineralizers;immobilizers.
Sulfur:sulfuroxidizers; S02- reducers. Protozoa
Iron: Fe2+oxidizers; Fe3"reducers. Protozoa are microscopically small,
unicellular organisms. It is assumed
Fungi that only 10% of soil protozoansare
Fungi are involved in a large known (13). Vickerman (14) sug-
number of mutualistic and other gested that the total number of spe-
organismalinteractionsin soil. The cies is close to 40 000. Protozoa are,
division between mutualistic and with nematodes,the principalmicro-
otherfungi is not clear, since fungi bial grazersin terrestrialsystems (15).
are part of many complex ammensal,commensal and competi- By classifying protozoabased on feeding preferences(bacterial
tive relationshipswith other soil organisms. Saprotrophicfood or fungal), habitat preferences (acidophilic or neutrophilic)or
chains involving fungi and other organisms may be also ecological weightings, it may be possible to relate changes in
mutualistic,but these relationshipsare poorly understood. diversity and/orbiomass to ecosystem functioning(16).

566 ? Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 1997 Ambio Vol. 26 No. 8, Dec. 1997

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Nematodes and aridity. Ant-plant communties are much more speciose in
Soil nematodesare microscopic (about 1-1.5 mm) roundworms Amazonianthanin temperateor othertropicalareasof the world,
thatlive in waterfilmsaroundsoil particles.They are among the and both patternsseem to be associated with habitatheteroge-
most numerousand diverse soil organisms,occurringin all soils neity (26, 27). Soil ants (including mound builders) are repre-
on the globe. Most species are unknown and estimates indicate sentativesof predators,herbivores(granivores)and bioturbators,
there are more than 100 000 soil nematode species to be de- bringing about importantchanges in the physical and chemical
scribed. propertiesof soils, as well as dispersingplant propagules.Net-
Nematodes are a major com- works of galleries and chambersincreasethe porosityof the soil,
ponent of all soil food webs and increasingdrainageand soil aeration(28) andreducingbulk den-
thus comparisonsof abundance, sity (29).
biomass and community structurecan be made across ecosys-
tems. Functionalgroups are based on morphology and known Collembola or springtails are small
feeding habits of a few species, and in most soils include plant wingless insects. They are well dif-
parasitesand plant grazers,bacterivores,fungivores, predators, ferentiated into ecomorphological
and omnivores. Plant parasites and plant grazers are the best groups occupying different soil ho-
known of soil nematodes,due to the damage they cause to agri- rizons (30). Most are highly specialized feeders on soil
culturalcrops, i.e. decreasingplant production,disruptingplant microbiota (fungi, bacteria, actinomycetes, algae). Some mix
nutrientand water transfer,and decreasingfruit and tuberqual- small mineralparticleswith dead organicmatterin theirguts and
ity and size. contributeby their faecal pellets to soil microstructures(31).
Soil disturbance, whether pollution, erosion, pesticides, or
waterquality,affectsnematodespecies composition.For this rea-
son they are used as indicatorsof soil disturbance(17-19). Enchytraeids
Enchytraeidslook like earthworms,but are much smaller.They
live in moist places in soil. The highest species richnessis found
Mites Mites are small spider-likein- in grasslands(20-30 species) and deciduousforests (10-20 spe-
vertebrates. The 45 000 de- cies) (32). In cold and acid soils such as in moors and conifer-
1. / - X
scribed species of mites world- ous forests they replaceearthwormsand constitutethe dominant
wide are thought to represent group of the soil fauna. Much less is known about their abun-
only 5% of the total numberof dance in warmerand drier regions, althoughthe available data
mite species (20). Mites are more diverse than any other single suggest that they may be less importantthere. They are useful
groupof arthropodsin soil, includinginsects, and this is reflected organisms for bio-indication purposes, as it is likely that spe-
in the diversity of feeding habits in the group. Mites from the cific soil types are inhabitedby specific enchytraeidcommuni-
suborders Oribatidaand Gamasida have been relatively well ties (33). Although previously regarded as purely saprophyto-
studiedin agriculturalsoils (21). The response of oribatidmites phagous, it is likely that they feed predominantlyon microor-
to humanperturbationshas been categorized accordingto their ganisms and exert their influence partly throughgrazing of mi-
life-history strategy(21). croorganisms,and partlythroughfragmentationof organic ma-
Many of the 29 insect ordershave soil-dwelling representatives, Earthwormspecies richness does not follow the classical latitu-
which have the potentialto realize a largely global distribution. dinal gradientand is rathersimilar (8-11 species) in temperate
However, at the level of family/genus/species, some are highly forests, Mediterraneanforests, temperatepastures and tropical
habitatspecific, often being associatedwith particularplant spe- savannas (34). Similarly, Fragoso and Lavelle (35) concluded
cies (22) and/or specific soil types. The soil insects associated that the average number of species in tropical rainforests (6.5
with naturalplant assemblages (with the possible exception of spp) was not significantly different from that in temperatede-
grasslands)have been grossly understudied.Othergroupsmerely ciduous forests (5.7 spp.). Species diversityis determinedby soil
use the soil as a substratefor inactive stages of the life cycle, type and soil organic matter,nutrientcontent, and disturbance,
such as eggs or pupae, the soil providingbufferingfrom abiotic more thanby plant diversity.Bouche (36) classifed earthworms
and biotic factors. as epigeic, endogeic and anecic, dependingon whetherthey in-
Only six insect ordersare dominatedby herbivorousspecies, habit litter, soil or both. Each group has particularmorphologi-
but these insects exploit all belowgroundplant structures,and cal and behavioraladaptations,which in turnproduce different
some also feed on and/or disperse propagules.Root herbivory pedological effects (37).
may induce or increase the production of lignin and tannins,
which can have importanteffects on ecosystem processes such
as decomposition,by alteringlitter quality. SPECIES DIVERSITY,FUNCTIONALDIVERSITYAND
Termites are major decomposers in most tropical terrestrial FUNCTIONAL COMPOSITION
ecosystems, responsible for the mineralizationof up to 30% of Recently, the functional group concept has also become com-
net primaryproduction(mostly as C02) in some systems and the mon in vegetation ecology. Tilman et al. (38) distinguish be-
breakdownof up to 60% of litterfall(23). Subterraneantermites tween the numberof species (species diversity), the numberof
enhancemacroporosityand infiltrationwith beneficial effects on functional groups (functional diversity: C3 grasses, C4 grasses,
soil water storage and primaryproductivity (24). Soil feeders forbs, woody plants and legumes), and the natureof the func-
have been little studied,but theirrole in soil processes is begin- tional groups (functional composition). Hooper and Vitousek
ning to be documented(25). (39) make similardistinctions(althoughnameddifferently).Al-
though soil variableswere measuredin these studies, such as soil
inorganicnitrogen, it is not clear whethersoil biodiversitycon-
tributedto the observed effects, because it was not addressed.
Ant species diversitydeclines with increasinglatitude,altitude, Microbial biomass C, soil respiration,denitrificationpotential,

Ambio Vol. 26 No. 8, Dec. 1997 ? Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 1997 567

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potential N mineralizationand nitrificationwere the response of relativelyfew species arethe most likely to cause loss of func-
variablesexaminedin differentsoils, sown to differentgrass spe- tioning. With reference to the section on Ecosystem services of
cies in a study by Groffmanet al. (40). There were no signifi- the soil biota, this holds to the best of our knowledge for: shred-
cant differences between any of the grasses for any of the re- ders of organic matter (in particularthe macrofaunalgroups),
sponse variables.The hidden assumptionin these studies seems with effects on decomposition;nitrifying and denitrifyingbac-
to be that abovegroundbiodiversity or species composition de- teria and bacteria involved in CH4, hydrogen, iron and sulfur
termines soil propertiesand processes. This may be true on a transformations,with effects on element cycling and greenhouse
short scale, but not in the long term. This can be illustratedby a gases; mycorrhizalfungi, with effects on plant health and com-
study by Wardle et al. (41) on, among other parameters,plant petitive relationships;and bioturbatorsamong the macrofauna,
litter decomposition and nitrogen mineralizationon islands in with effects on the production,purificationand restorationpo-
an archipelagoin the northernSwedish borealforest zone. Large tentialof soil.
islands were in earlier successional stages than were small is- Meanwhile,it seems that a comprehensivestudy still waits to
lands due to more frequentfires, associated with a higher inci- be done. We propose that, in determiningthe relationshipbe-
dence of lightningsin the largeislands.The resultinghigherplant tween soil biodiversityand ecosystem processes,for each sphere
species diversityon small islandswas associatedwith lower eco- of influence the numberof functionalgroups (functionaldiver-
system process rates and properties;e.g., basal soil respiration, sity), the numberof species per functionalgroup (species diver-
substrate-inducedrespiration,microbial biomass, litter decom- sity), and the natureof the functionalgroupspresent(functional
position rate and nitrogenloss from buriedlitter. However, the composition) should be experimentallymanipulatedand the ef-
higher rates on larger islands may have been due to the higher fects on soil processes, such as decompositionand nutrientmin-
litter quality of the dominantplant species ratherthan to plant eralizationmeasured. Most meaningfully, treatmentswith dif-
species diversityper se. ferent levels of plant diversity should be partof such a study in
Similarexperimentalstudies have not, or only partially,been order to establish any feedbacks at the process level between
done on soil biodiversity.Andrenet al. (42), using complete spe- abovegroundand belowgroundbiodiversity.
cies redundancyas the null hypothesis, concluded that there is
no need to addresssoil biodiversityin explainingthe rate of de-
composition of barley straw.In a food-web study on the role of MAJORGAPS OF KNOWLEDGEON BIODIVERSITY
differentfunctionalgroupsof soil organismson net nitrogenmin- AND ECOSYSTEMFUNCTIONING
eralization,however, De Ruiteret al. (43, 44) found that model For such an experimentalapproachto become feasible, major
perturbationsaffectingspecific functionalgroupsoften had quan- impedimentswill have to be overcome, some of which are as
titatively importanteffects on the simulatednitrogen minerali- follows.
zation. In another study, De Ruiter et al. (45) concluded that A recurrenttheme is the lack of adequatetechniques.Although
functionalcomposition,i.e., the presenceof groupsexertingbot- there is an urgent need for standardprotocols of sampling for
tom-upeffects on higher trophiclevels and groupsexertingtop- each of the major taxa of soil organisms,perhapsmore impor-
down effects on lower trophiclevels, was importantfor ecosys- tant is the development of strategies of data acquisition and
tem stability by imposing stabilizing patterns of interaction analysis that account for the spatially heterogeneousand tem-
strength. One of the few studies explicitly addressing soil porally variable occurrenceof the soil biota. Geostatistics and
biodiversityand litterdecompositionwas carriedout by Naeem geographicinformationsystems appearto have a lot to contrib-
et al. (46). In this study, however, functionaldiversity was not ute to the quantificationof diversityand functioningamong and
explicitly taken into account in the species used, e.g., all treat- within differentsoil types and land-usehistories.
ments containedcollembola (2, 4 or 7 species) and earthworms There is also a great need for a strongerdevelopmentof tax-
(1 species). No consistent relationshipwas found between spe- onomy, resultingin easily accessible methods for identification
cies diversity and decomposition of litter. Perhapsthe best ex- of the species of soil organisms.Computer-aideddiagnostickeys
perimentalevidence on soil biodiversityandecosystemprocesses are becoming available for an increasing array of taxonomic
is given by Faber and Verhoef (47). They carefully defaunated groups. Molecularmethods show promise for assessmentof the
litter from a Pinus nigra stand and did or did not reintroduce diversity of soil organisms in which morphologicaltaxonomy
(partof) the fauna in field mesocosms. When only one species is difficult or even impossible. The challenge here is to link
of collembola was reintroduced,more nitrate was mineralized molecular data to species, rather than broad taxonomic
in soil in the presence of one species, but not in the presence of groups, and to performance in the field rather than just po-
one of two other species. The 3 species together did not have tential physiological capabilities. For recent reviews on meth-
an effect over and the above the case in which one species had ods for the examinationof organismaldiversityin soil see Gorny
an effect on soil nitrate,while re-introductionof the complete and Grum(48) and Hall (49).
fauna showed a siginificanteffect, which was, however, smaller Functionalgroupsare an indispensibleaid in studyingthe role
than in the case with the 3 collembola. It appearedthatthe func- of the soil biota in maintainingecosystem services. Similarity
tional group to which the collembola belonged (from surface- in life-historytraitsis an importantcriterion,in additionto a spe-
to soil-dwelling) was decisive in the effect on soil nitrate. cies' trophic role, since it is increasinglyrealized that the life-
Although the studies of De Ruiter et al. (45) and Faber and historytraitsof species, acquiredover evolutionarytime as a re-
Verhoef (47) suggest that functional diversity and functional sult of the interplaybetweengenome andenvironment(bothabi-
composition are importantin determiningthe relationshipbe- otic and biotic), determine their reactions to human-induced
tween soil biodiversity and ecosystem processes, it is as yet an stress and disturbance.Functionalgroups operatein spheres of
unresolvedquestionwhat relationshipexists between species di- influence. Each SOI shapes the functioningof the ecosystem in
versity, functionaldiversityand functionalcompositionwith the a unique way. In Figure 2 the plant occupies a centralposition
occurrenceand intensityof ecological processes.Moreprecisely, as the driving force of the soil ecosystem. The 801 in soil con-
what is the minimumnumberof functionalgroups, and species trol ecosystem processes by directinteractionwith the plant,by
within functionalgroups, to ensure soil resilience against natu- mineralizationof carbon and nutrientsand by physical altera-
ral and anthropogenicstress and disturbanceor is the presence tion of the habitat, respectively. Alternatively, the structures
of certain species decisive anyway (keystone species)? Most of (channels,pores, soil aggregates,excrements,etc.) that are pro-
the evidence is circumstantial.In the absence of harddata,stress duced by the soil biota (roots, shredders,bioturbators)may be
and disturbanceaffecting functional groups that are comprised the primaryfocus in designatingSOI, determiningthe diversity
568 ? Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 1997 Ambio Vol. 26 No. 8, Dec. 1997

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of, and within, functionalgroupsas well as ecosystem processes on the abundanceand biomass of differentmembersof the soil
in their spheresof influence at specific scales of space and time biota and their effects on functioning is requiredto determine
(2, 3). The identification of functional groups of the soil biota the effects of disturbanceand stress on ecosystem processes and
that occupy key positions in ecosystem processes is a very stability.
high priority. A fundamentalproblem, however, is the limited In an articleon ecological sustainability,Fresco and Kroonen-
knowledgeavailableat the species level to assign species to such berg (50) arguethatbiodiversityis the most vulnerable,least re-
groups. The vast majorityof organisms living in the soil, have silient naturalresourceex aequo with topsoil/soil nutrients.They
never been described. Major advances in the systematics of conclude that priorityshould be given to conservationof these
the soil biota, and the training of a new generation of sys- resourcesin any decisions on futurelanduse. The need for sound
tematists, are imperative, with the highest priority for those scientificknowledgeon the relationshipbetweensoil biodiversity
groups that to the best of our knowledge are likely to fulfill and ecosystem functioningcannot be expressed more urgently.
key roles. It is obvious that soils cannot performecosystem services such
Finally, most experimentalwork on soil organismshas been as decomposition,nutrientcycling and disease suppressionwith-
carriedout in micro- and mesocosms. However, the interactions out an array of soil organisms being present. As both the
between soil fauna and microorganismsand plants, in terms of biodiversity of soils and the functional roles of soil organisms
food selectivity and effects on communities and processes, re- become clearer, any relationshipbetween the two will become
main difficult to assess and extrapolateto the ecosystem level, apparent.Indeed, the two will be most meaningfully studied in
because the scale of micro- and mesocosms is too small and the researchprogramsthat are specifically designedto elucidatethis
biological interactionsaretoo artificial.Furthermore,such small- relationshipconsideringthe possible effects of "normal"anthro-
scale studies ignore critical transitionzones between domains, pogenic land-use practices as well as the effects of the major
that exhibit high diversity and biogeochemical activity as de- changes in climate, environmentand land use that are sources
scribed in Figure 1 and Table 1 in Freckmanet al. (5). Hence, of concern for mankind.Recent reviews of the state of the art
long-term and large-scale field experiments are needed to ad- (5 1) set the scene for such a majorresearcheffort.
dress questions of impacts on soil biodiversity of climate and
land-use change.

Except for a few studies, most researchrelated to the diversity
and functionalrole of differentgroupsof soil organismshas been
done for small assemblagesof species. More comprehensivedata

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47. FaberJ.H. and Verhoef, H.A. 1991. Functionaldifferencesbetween closely-relatedsoil Abstracts10th Int. Cong. Protozool. Univ. Sydney, Australia,86.
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51. Swift, M.J. (ed.). 1997. Soil biodiversity,agriculturalintensification,and agroecosystem 58. Pearce,M.J. and Waite, B. 1994. A list of termitegenerawith commentson taxonomic
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PP. 61. Acknowledgements.The authorswould like to thankthe membersof the soil domain
53. Foissner, W. 1997. Global soil ciliate (protozoa,Ciliophora)diversity:A probability- editorialcommittee:Jesef Rusek, Jim Tiedje, VadakattuGuptaand David Bignell.
based approachusing large sample collectives from Africa, Australia,and Antarctica.

Corresponding author: LijbertBrussaard is professor of soil VadakattuV.S.R. Gupta is a research fellow at the
biology at Wageningen AgriculturalUniversity. His research Cooperative Research Centre for Soil and Land
interests include rhizosphere ecology; the role of soil fauna Management in Adelaide, Australia. His research interests
in decomposition processes and nutrient cycling; and the include microbial interactions and their impact on the
relationships between belowground/ aboveground turnover of carbon and nutrients, and the survival of
biodiversity, and ecosystem functioning in naturaland agro- introduced bacteria, special emphasis on protozoan-
ecosystems. His address: Wageningen Agricultural microfloralinteractions. His address: CRCfor Soil and Land
University Dept. of EnvironmentalSciences, Soil Biology Management, PMBNo. 2, Glen Osmond, South Australia,SA
Group, Bornsesteeg 69, 6708 PD Wageningen, The 5064. Australia.
Netherlands. Tsutomu Hattori'smain research interests include the
Val M. Behan-Pelletier is a scientist with the Research phylogenetics and morphology of soil oligotrophic bacteria,
Branch of Agricultureand Agri-Food Canada in Ottawa. Her the diversity of protozoa in soil microaggregates and the
research interest is the systematics, biogeography and stochastic aspects of bacterial proliferationand protozoan
ecology of oribatid mites (Acari).Her address: Biological excystment in soil. His address: Attic Lab, Komegafukuro
Resources Program, ECORC,Agricultureand Agri-Food 1-6-2-401, Aoba-Ku,Sendai 980, Japan.
Canada, K.W.Neatby Bldg., Ottawa, Ontario,Canada K1A David L. Hawksworthis the Directorof the CAB
0C6. InternationalMycological Institute in the UK.His address is:
David E. Bignell is associate professor in the Tropical InternationalMycological Institute, Bakeham Lane, Egham,
Biology and Conservation Unit, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Surrey TW209TY, UK.
His interests span all aspects of termite biology, but Carole Klopatekis currentlyworking at the National
especially their nutritionalecology and role in soil Belowgraound Sustainability Program, USDAForest
ecosystem processes. His current address: Tropical Service, PO Box 96090, Washington DC 20090-6090. Her
Biology and Conservation Unit, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, address: Departmentof Microbiology, USDAForest Service,
Kampus Jalan Tuaran, Kilometer 19 Jalan Tuaran,88999 Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287, USA.
Kota Kinabalu,Sabah, Malaysia. His permanent address:
School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary&Westfield Patrick Lavelle is professor of ecology at Universite de
College, University of London, London El 4NS, UK. Paris VIand Directorof Laboratoired'Ecologie des Sols
Tropicaux at ORSTOM(Institut Francais de Recherche
Valerie K. Brown is Directorof the InternationalInstitute of
Scientifique pour le Developpement en Cooperation). His
Entomology. Her research interests are in experimental research interests include general soil ecology with a
community ecology, with particularinterests in the special emphasis set on earthwormecology and their
interactions between plants and soil-dwelling insects under management as part of sustainable practices in tropical
environmental change. Her address: InternationalInstitute
of Entomology, CAB International,56 Queen's Gate, London environments. His address: LEST/ORSTOM, 32 rue H.
Varagnat,93143 BONDYcedex, France.
SW7 5JR, UK.
David W. Malloch is in the Departmentof Botany at the
Wim Didden is assistant professor of soil biology at the
AgriculturalUniversity, Wageningen. His research interests University of Toronto. His research is centered on fungal
life histories, particularlythose intersecting life histories of
include carbon and nutrientflows in terrestrial ecosystems,
and the interactions of soil structure and soil biota, with other organisms. Other research includes taxonomy of
higher fungi and biology of Penicillium species occurring in
emphasis on the ecology of oligochaeta. His address: indoor environments. His address: Departmentof Botany,
AgriculturalUniversity, Dept. of EnvironmentalSciences,
Soil Biology Group, Bornsesteeg 69, 6708 PD Wageningen, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario,Canada, M5S3B2.
The Netherlands. Josef Rusek is Director of the Institute of Soil Biology,
Patricia Folgarait is a researcher from CONICET,Buenos Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic at Ceske
Budejovice. His research interests include the ecology and
Aires, Argentina. Her research interests include ant
taxonomy of soil fauna, especially Collembola and Protura,
biodiversity and ecology in naturaland agro-forestry and its role in soil. His address: Institute of Soil Biology, Na
systems, biological control of ants, and soil biodiversity and sadkach 7, 370 05 Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic.
functioning with special emphasis on mechanisms
maintaining soil fertility. Her address: IFEVA,Facultad de Bengt Soderstrom is in the Departmentof MicrobialEcology
Agronomia, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Avenida San at Lund University. His research interests include
Martin4453,1417 Buenos Aires, Argentina. mycorrhizalformation, plant-fungus interactions,
Carlos Fragoso is in the Institute of Ecology in Xalapa, environmental effects on mycorrhizalfunction and soil
Mexico. His research interests include the ecology of processes and structure/function relations in mycorrhizal
tropical earthworm communities, the taxonomy and systems. His address: Dept. of MicrobialEcology, Lund
University, Ecology Building, S-223 62 Lund, Sweden.
biogeography of eathworms and the influence of soil
macrofauna on soil fertility. His address: Laboratoriode James M.Tiedje is at the Centre for MicrobialEcology at
Suelos, Instituto de Ecologia, 2.5 km Antigua Carreteraa MichiganState University. His address: Centre for Microbial
Coatepec, AP 63, 91000 Xalapa, Ver, Mexico. Ecology, MichiganState University, 540 Plant and Soil
Diana Wall Freckman is director of the NaturalResource Science Building, East Lansing, Ml48824-1325, USA.
Ecology Laboratoryat Colorado State University. Her main Ross A. Virginiais Professor of EnvironmentalStudies at
research interests are the impact of environmental change DartmouthCollege. His research interests are focused on
on soil biodiversity and ecosystem processes, particularly understanding the impacts of humans on biogeochemical
the role of soil nematodes in biogeochemical processes. cycles, with an emphasis on soil biota and carbon and
Her address: NaturalResource Ecology Laboratory, nitrogen cycling in arid ecosystems of temperate and polar
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1499, regions. His address: EnvironmentalStudies Program,
USA. DartmouthCollege, Hanover, NH03755, USA.

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