Section 2 - Biodiversity - Science, Technology and Society

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Section 2: Biodiversity

What is biodiversity?

Biodiversity is the variability among living organisms from all sources, including terrestrial, marine, and
other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity
within species, between species, and of ecosystems.
Biodiversity forms the foundation of the vast array of ecosystem services that critically contribute to
human well-being.
Biodiversity is important in human-managed as well as natural ecosystems.
Decisions humans make that influence biodiversity affect the well-being of themselves and others.

Biodiversity is the foundation of ecosystem services to which human well-being is intimately linked. No
feature of Earth is more complex, dynamic, and varied than the layer of living organisms that occupy its
surfaces and its seas, and no feature is experiencing more dramatic change at the hands of humans than this
extraordinary, singularly unique feature of Earth. This layer of living organisms—the biosphere—through the
collective metabolic activities of its innumerable plants, animals, and microbes physically and chemically
unites the atmosphere, geosphere, and hydrosphere into one environmental system within which millions of
species, including humans, have thrived. Breathable air, potable water, fertile soils, productive lands,
bountiful seas, the equitable climate of Earth’s recent history, and other ecosystem services are
manifestations of the workings of life. It follows that large-scale human influences over this biota have
tremendous impacts on human well-being. It also follows that the nature of these impacts, good or bad, is
within the power of humans to influence.

Measuring Biodiversity: Species Richness and Indicators

In spite of many tools and data sources, biodiversity remains difficult to quantify precisely. But precise
answers are seldom needed to devise an effective understanding of where biodiversity is, how it is changing
over space and time, the drivers responsible for such change, the consequences of such change for
ecosystem services and human well-being, and the response options available. Ideally, to assess the
conditions and trends of biodiversity either globally or sub-globally, it is necessary to measure the abundance
of all organisms over space and time, using taxonomy (such as the number of species), functional traits (for
example, the ecological type such as nitrogen-fixing plants like legumes versus non-nitrogen-fixing plants),
and the interactions among species that affect their dynamics and function (predation, parasitism, compe­-
tition, and facilitation such as pollination, for instance, and how strongly such interactions affect ecosystems).
Even more important would be to estimate turnover of biodiversity, not just point estimates in space or time.
Currently, it is not possible to do this with much accuracy because the data are lacking. Even for the
taxonomic component of biodiversity, where information is the best, considerable uncertainty remains about
the true extent and changes in taxonomic diversity.

There are many measures of biodiversity; species richness (the number of species in a given area)
represents a single but important metric that is valuable as the common currency of the diversity of life—but it
must be integrated with other metrics to fully capture biodiversity. Because the multidimensionality of
biodiversity poses formidable challenges to its measurement, a variety of surrogate or proxy measures are
often used. These include the species richness of specific taxa, the number of distinct plant functional types
(such as grasses, forbs, bushes, or trees), or the diversity of distinct gene sequences in a sample of microbial
DNA taken from the soil. Species- or other taxon-based measures of biodiversity, however, rarely capture key
attributes such as variability, function, quantity, and distribution—all of which provide insight into the roles of

Ecological indicators are scientific constructs that use quantitative data to measure aspects of
biodiversity, ecosystem condition, services, or drivers of change, but no single ecological indicator captures
all the dimensions of biodiversity. Ecological indicators form a critical component of monitoring, assessment,
and decision-making and are designed to communicate information quickly and easily to policy-makers. In a
similar manner, economic indicators such as GDP are highly influential and well understood by decision-
makers. Some environmental indicators, such as global mean temperature and atmospheric CO2
concentrations, are becoming widely accepted as measures of anthropogenic effects on global climate.
Ecological indicators are founded on much the same principles and therefore carry with them similar pros and

Where is biodiversity?

Biodiversity is essentially everywhere, ubiquitous on Earth’s surface and in every drop of its bodies of
water. The virtual omnipresence of life on Earth is seldom appreciated because most organisms are small (<5
centimeters); their presence is sparse, ephemeral, or cryptic, or, in the case of microbes, they are invisible to
the unaided human eye.

Number of named species

Documenting spatial patterns in biodiversity is difficult because taxonomic, functional, trophic, genetic,
and other dimensions of biodiversity have been relatively poorly quantified. Even knowledge of taxonomic
diversity, the best known dimension of biodiversity, is incomplete and strongly biased toward the species
level, megafauna, temperate systems, and components used by people. This results in significant gaps in
knowledge, especially regarding the status of tropical systems, marine and freshwater biota, plants,
invertebrates, microorganisms, and subterranean biota. For these reasons, estimates of the total number of
species on Earth range from 5 million to 30 million. Irrespective of actual global species richness, however, it
is clear that the 1.7–2 million species that have been formally identified represent only a small portion of total
species richness. More-complete biotic inventories are badly needed to correct for this deficiency.

Spatial Patterns of Biodiversity: Hotspots, Biomes,1 Biogeographic Realms, Ecosystems, and


While the data to hand are often insufficient to provide accurate pictures of the extent and distribution
of all components of biodiversity, there are, nevertheless, many patterns and tools that decision-makers can
use to derive useful approximations for both terrestrial and marine ecosystems. North-temperate regions
often have usable data on spatial distributions of many taxa, and some groups (such as birds, mammals,
reptiles, plants, butterflies, and dragonflies) are reasonably well documented globally. Biogeographic
principles (such as gradients in species richness associated with latitude, temperature, salinity, and water
depth) or the use of indicators can supplement available biotic inventories. Global and sub-global maps of
species richness, several of which are provided in the MA reports Current State and Trends and Scenarios,
provide valuable pictures of the distribution of biodiversity

Most macroscopic organisms have small, often clustered geographical ranges, leading to centers of
both high diversity and endemism, frequently concentrated in isolated or topographically variable regions
(islands, mountains, peninsulas). A large proportion of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity at the species level is
concentrated in a small part of the world, mostly in the tropics. Even among the larger and more mobile
species, such as terrestrial vertebrates, more than one third of all species have ranges of less than 1,000
square kilometers. In contrast, local and regional diversity of microorganisms tends to be more similar to
large-scale and global diversity because of their large population size, greater dispersal, larger range sizes,
and lower levels of regional species clustering

Species richness in different biomes

Biomes and biogeographic realms provide broad pictures of the distribution of functional diversity.
Functional diversity (the variety of different ecological functions in a community independent of its taxonomic
diversity) shows patterns of associations (biota typical of wetlands, forests, grasslands, estuaries, and so
forth) with geography and climate known as biomes, with ecosystems and ecoregions being smaller divisions
within biomes. These can be used to provide first-order approximations of both expected functional diversity
as well as possible changes in the distribution of these associations should environmental conditions change.

What is the link between biodiversity and ecosystem services?

Biodiversity plays an important role in ecosystem functions that provide supporting, provisioning,
regulating, and cultural services. These services are essential for human well-being. However, at present
there are few studies that link changes in biodiversity with changes in ecosystem functioning to changes in
human well-being. Protecting the Catskill watersheds that provide drinking water for New York City is one
case where safeguarding ecosystem services paid a dividend of several billion dollars. Further work that
demonstrates the links between biodiversity, regulating and supporting services, and human well-being is
needed to show this vital but often unappreciated value of biodiversity

Species composition matters as much or more than species richness when it comes to ecosystem
services. Ecosystem functioning, and hence ecosystem services, at any given moment in time is strongly
influenced by the ecological characteristics of the most abundant species, not by the number of species. The
relative importance of a species to ecosystem functioning is determined by its traits and its relative
abundance. For example, the traits of the dominant or most abundant plant species—such as how long they
live, how big they are, how fast they assimilate carbon and nutrients, how decomposable their leaves are, or
how dense their wood is—are usually the key species drivers of an ecosystem’s processing of matter and
energy. Thus conserving or restoring the composition of biological communities, rather than simply
maximizing species numbers, is critical to maintaining ecosystem services.

Local or functional extinction, or the reduction of populations to the point that they no longer contribute
to ecosystem functioning, can have dramatic impacts on ecosystem services. Local extinctions (the loss of a
species from a local area) and functional extinctions (the reduction of a species such that it no longer plays a
significant role in ecosystem function) have received little attention compared with global extinctions (loss of
all individuals of a species from its entire range). Loss of ecosystem functions, and the services derived from
them, however, occurs long before global extinction. Often, when the functioning of a local ecosystem has
been pushed beyond a certain limit by direct or indirect biodiversity alterations, the ecosystem-service losses
may persist for a very long time.

Changes in biotic interactions among species—predation, parasitism, competition, and facilitation—can

lead to disproportionately large, irreversible, and often negative alterations of ecosystem processes. In
addition to direct interactions, such as predation, parasitism, or facilitation, the maintenance of ecosystem
processes depends on indirect interactions as well, such as a predator preying on a dominant competitor
such that the dominant is suppressed, which permits subordinate species to coexist. Interactions with
important consequences for ecosystem services include pollination; links between plants and soil
communities, including mycorrhizal fungi and nitrogen-fixing microorganisms; links between plants and
herbivores and seed dispersers; interactions involving organisms that modify habitat conditions (beavers that
build ponds, for instance, or tussock grasses that increase fire frequency); and indirect interactions involving
more than two species (such as top predators, parasites, or pathogens that control herbivores and thus avoid
overgrazing of plants or algal communities).

Many changes in ecosystem services are brought about by the removal or introduction of organisms in
ecosystems that disrupt biotic interactions or ecosystem processes. Because the network of interactions
among species and the network of linkages among ecosystem processes are complex, the impacts of either
the removal of existing species or the introduction of new species are difficult to anticipate.
Ecological Surprises Caused by Complex Interactions

As in terrestrial and aquatic communities, the loss of individual species involved in key interactions in
marine ecosystems can also influence ecosystem processes and the provisioning of ecological services. For
example, coral reefs and the ecosystem services they provide are directly dependent on the maintenance of
some key interactions between animals and algae. As one of the most species-rich communities on Earth,
coral reefs are responsible for maintaining a vast storehouse of genetic and biological diversity. Substantial
ecosystem services are provided by coral reefs—such as habitat construction, nurseries, and spawning
grounds for fish; nutrient cycling and carbon and nitrogen fixing in nutrient-poor environments; and wave
buffering and sediment stabilization. The total economic value of reefs and associated services is estimated
as hundreds of millions of dollars. Yet all coral reefs are dependent on a single key biotic interaction:
symbiosis with algae. The dramatic effects of climate change and variability (such as El Niño oscillations) on
coral reefs are medi­ated by the disruption of this symbiosis."



Levin, Simon A. (2013). Encyclopedia of Biodiversity. ACADEMIC PressINC. ISBN 978-0-12-384719-5.

Lévêque, Christian; Mounolou, Jean-Claude (16 January 2004). Biodiversity. Wiley. ISBN 978-0-470-
Margulis, Lynn; Schwartz, Karlene V.; Dolan, Michael (1999). Diversity of Life: The Illustrated Guide to the
Five Kingdoms. Sudbury: Jones & Bartlett Publishers. ISBN 978-0-7637-0862-7.
Markov, A. V.; Korotayev, A. V. (2007). "Phanerozoic marine biodiversity follows a hyperbolic trend".
Palaeoworld. 16 (4): 311–318. doi:10.1016/j.palwor.2007.01.002.
Moustakas, A.; Karakassis, I. (2008). "A geographic analysis of the published aquatic biodiversity
research in relation to the ecological footprint of the country where the work was done". Stochastic
Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. 23 (6): 737–748. doi:10.1007/s00477-008-0254-2.
Novacek, Michael J. (2001). The Biodiversity Crisis: Losing what Counts. New Press. ISBN 978-1-56584-
D+C-Interview with Achim Steiner, UNEP: "Our generation's responsibility"
Mora, C.; Tittensor, D. P.; Adl, S.; Simpson, A. G. B.; Worm, B. (2011). Mace, Georgina M (ed.). "How
Many Species Are There on Earth and in the Ocean?". PLOS Biology. 9 (8): e1001127.
doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001127. PMC 3160336. PMID 21886479.
Pereira, H. M.; Navarro, L. M.; Martins, I. S. S. (2012). "Global Biodiversity Change: The Bad, the Good,
and the Unknown". Annual Review of Environment and Resources. 37: 25–50. doi:10.1146/annurev-
environ-042911-093511. S2CID 154898897.
Ripple WJ, Wolf C, Newsome TM, Galetti M, Alamgir M, Crist E, Mahmoud MI, Laurance WF (2017).
"World Scientists' Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice". BioScience. 67 (12): 1026–1028.
Wilson, E. O. (2016). Half-Earth: Our Planet's Fight for Life. Liveright. ISBN 978-1-63149-0

External Links:

NatureServe: This site serves as a portal for accessing several types of publicly available biodiversity
Biodiversity Factsheet by the University of Michigan's Center for Sustainable Systems
Color-coded images of vertebrate biodiversity hotspots

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