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Cloning interview questions

What is cloning and why is it required?

• Cloning is the process of creating an identical copy of the Oracle application system.
It is required due to following reasons
• Creating a test copy of your production system before upgrading.
• Moving an existing system to a different machine.
• To test some patches
• Creating a development copy of your environment to be used by the developers.

 What is the location of for RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME?


 What is the location of for RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME?


 What is the location of for applmgr user?

What is the location of for applmgr user?
How to scrap the target database?
Login to database as sysdba, 
1)shutdown database (shutdown immediate)
2) startup restrict mount
3)drop database

SQL> startup restrict mount;

ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 2021117952 bytes
Fixed Size 2229704 bytes
Variable Size 1728055864 bytes
Database Buffers 268435456 bytes
Redo Buffers 22396928 bytes
Database mounted.
SQL> select name from v$database;

SQL> drop database;

Database dropped.
Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP,
Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

What are the scripts do you use while Apps cloning?

• prepares the source system and configures the target system.
• is located in $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME directory and located in $COMMON_TOP/clone/bin.
• collects information about the database.
• It also creates generic templates of files containing source specified hardcore values.

How often Do you clone?

Cloning happens biweekly or monthly depending on the organization requirement.
 How do we find adpreclone is run in source or not ?
 If clone directory exists under $RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME/appsutil for oracle user and
$COMMON_TOP/clone for applmgr user.
When do you run adpreclone on Production?
If any changes made to either TechStack,database or any patches applied.

When we run perl dbTier why it requires apps password?

It requires a database connection to validate apps schema.

When we run perl appTier why it will not prompt for apps password?
It doesn’t require db a connection.

What happens after running

It will take inputs and creates xml file.
after creating xml file,it runs autoconfig.

What does on appsTier? ?

What does on dbTier? ?

When you moved oracle binary files from one ORACLE_HOME server to another server then which
oracle utility will be used to make this new ORACLE_HOME usable?
Relink all.

what Perl dbTechStack do?

Perl dbTechStack will do below things.
1)Create context file
2)Register ORACLE_HOME
4)Configure ORACLE_HOME
5)Start SQL*NET listener

what Perl dbTier do?

1)Create context file
2)Register ORACLE_HOME
4)Configure ORACLE_HOME
5)Recreate controlfile
6)Configure database
7)Start SQL*NET listener

what Perl appsTier do?

perl appsTier will do below things.
1)Create context file
2)Register ORACLE_HOME
4)Configure ORACLE_HOME
5)Create INST_TOP
6)Configure APPL_TOP
7)Start Apps Processses
How to register a node as Concurrent manager ?
SQL> @afcpnode_ctssd11.sql
Enter value for 1: apps
Enter value for 2: apps#man
Enter value for 3: ebstest1
Register a node ...
11 args...
Registered Node - erptest1 - as Concurrent Manager recognizable node
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Commit complete.
Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

When we run which script it will call?

It will call which is located at $AD_TOP/bin .

To use RMAN DUPLICATE what parameters are mandatory in 11g?

*.event='10298 trace name context forever, level 32'

What is rman duplicate?
rman log /ebstest1/oracle/recovery.log
==>By default rman writes output to screen but we are sending the output to log file.

connect target sys/*****@ebsoltp1

==> connect to production database
connect catalog cataloguser/cataloguser@catalogdb
==>Connect to catalog database.
connect auxiliary /
Connect to target database.
run {
set until time '30-DEC-2012 23:35:00';
duplicate target database to ebstest1;


fnd_conc_clone.setup_clean vs cmclean.sql
fnd_conc_clone  ===> is package
setup_clean ====> it is procedure name
When we run fnd_conc_clone.setup_clean it deletes the information from the below tables.
Delete from fnd_concurrent_queue_size
Delete from fnd_concurrent_queues_tl
Delete from fnd_concurrent_queuesDelete from fnd_nodes;

We use fnd_conc_clone.setup_clean to cleanup fnd_nodes table in the target to clear source node

information as part of cloning.

below syntax to execute:

SQL> sho user
SQL> exec fnd_conc_clone.setup_clean;
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
First run the autoconfig on DB tier and middle tier this will regiser the nodes in fnd_nodes tables.

If we stop conc manager using abort options then concurrent requests will be in running state ,Next
when we start concurrent manager the processes will not start properly.
To cleanup running and pending requests we use cmclean.sql this script will update the below tables.
UPDATE fnd_concurrent_processes
UPDATE fnd_concurrent_queues
UPDATE fnd_concurrent_requests
UPDATE fnd_conflicts_domain
UPDATE fnd_concurrent_conflict_sets
Download cmclean.sql: 
Concurrent Processing - cmclean.sql - Non Destructive Script to Clean Concurrent Manager Tables
[ID 134007.1]
Note: cmclean.sql and fnd_conc_clone.setup_clean touch different set of concurrent request tables.
Its better idea to run both during the clone.

How do I determine if my system is rapid clone enabled?

Ans : 
First, verify system is AutoConfig enabled. Then, verify that you have applied the latest Rapid Clone

Explain the cloning process?

Ans :
1. Run adpreclone as applmgr and oracle user on source Perl dbTier as oracle user
Perl appsTier as applmgr user
2. Take the cold/hotbackup of source database
3. Copy the five directories appl,comn,ora , db,data to target
4. Rename the directories, and change the permisssion
5. Set the inventory in oraInst.loc
6. Run perl dbTier as oracle user,if the backup type is cold
7. If the backup type is hotbackup then Perl dbTechStack. Create the control file on
target from the control script trace file from source Recover the database Alter database open
8. Run autoconfig with the ports changed as per requirement in xml.
9. Run perl appsTier as applmgr
10. Run autoconfig with the ports changed as per requirement in xml.

What are the steps to clone from a single node to a multi-node?

Ans : 
• You must login as the owner of file system once the database cloning is done.
• Run the from the common_top/clone bin.
• Accept for target system having more than one application tier server node.
• Collect the details for processing node, admin node, forms node, and web node.
• Now you get a prompt for the various mount point details and it creates the context file for you.
• Follow the same steps from all the nodes.

Does clone preserve the patch history?

• Yes, Rapid clone preserves the patch history in following locations
• RDBMS ORACLE_HOME: preserves the OUI oraInventory.
• iAS ORACLE_HOME: preserves the OUI oraInventory
• 806 ORACLE_HOME: preserves the patch level and Oracle inventory
• APPL_TOP and Database: preserves the patch level and history tables.

These are very Important questions and should be known if you are going for Interview

1. What is cloning and why is it required?

Cloning is the process of creating an identical copy of the Oracle application system.
It is required due to following reasons:

Creating a test copy of your production system before upgrading.

Moving an existing system to a different machine.
To test some patches.
Creating a development copy of your environment to be used by the developers.
Different Copies of the Production System to be used by Testing/Development Team with latest set of

2. What is the location of in oracle database?


3. What is the location of in oracle database?


4. What is the location of in oracle application?


5. What is the location of for applmgr user?


6. How often do you clone?

Cloning happens weekly,monthly,Halfyearly or on-demand depending on the organisation/client's

7. When do you run adpreclone on Production?

If you apply a new Rapid Clone or AutoConfig update to the system, you must execute
again on the database tier and application tier to apply the new files into the clone directory structures
to be used during the cloning configuration stage. Furthermore, if you patch Oracle Fusion
Middleware or make configuration changes to the Oracle E-Business Suite WebLogic Domain, you
must execute again on the application tier to rebuild the Oracle Fusion Middleware

8. When we run perl dbTier why it requires apps password?

It requires a database connection to validate apps schema.

9. When we run perl on Application Tier , what happens in terms of FMW Home?
It creates a complete compressed archive of the Oracle Fusion Middleware and its components.

A compressed archive of the Oracle WebLogic Server home, Oracle Web Tier Utilities home, Oracle
Common Utilities home and the Oracle E-Business Suite home:

A compressed archive of the Oracle E-Business Suite WebLogic domain:


The Oracle E-Business Suite WebLogic domain's configuration template:


A compressed archive of the Oracle Web Tier/Oracle HTTP Server configuration instance:

The Oracle HTTP Server configuration instance's configuration template:


The adpreclone log files are created in the <INST_TOP>/admin/log/clone directory.

10. What happens when doing prepare adpreclone on database

On Source system, run following as ORACLE user:-

cd RDBMS O_H/apps util/scripts/<Sid>_<hostname>
perl ./ dbTier
➢ There are two stages to db Tier:
➢ DBTechStack
➢ Database

perl <component>
➢ Where:
➢ <component> on Apps Node : { appsTier | appltop | atTechStack
➢ <component> on DB Node : { dbTier | database | dbTechStack
➢ Note:
On DB Node, will prompt for the APPS password.
$ perl dbTier

What does this do?

➢ Creates the transfer clone stage area
➢ $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/clone
➢ This contains the following directories
➢ data, main clone directory
➢ Jre, 1.7 for 12c, 1.8 for 19c
➢ bin, Cloning Executables
➢ Jlib, Java Classes
➢ dbts, Empty Directory, not used.
➢ html, Empty Directory, not used.
➢ Context, context file and template

Prepare db Tech Stack

➢ Converts DB OraInventory - binary to XML (if req.)
➢ Changes static path links to relative path links
➢ Creates templates of files containing hardcoded source system values
(covers oraInventory and rdbms)
➢ Creates the Rapid Clone DB Tech stack driver file

Prepare database
➢ Generates Database Creation Driver file.
➢ Copies the JDBC Libraries into the clone stage area
➢ Generates Database Create Control File script templates.
➢ $O_H/app sutil/clone/context/data/stage/addbhomsrc.xml
➢ $O_H/app sutil/clone/context/data/stage/
➢ adcrdbclone.sql
➢ dbinfo.lst

11. What does on appsTier?

It will collects all the information about the source system, creates a cloning stage area, and
generates templates and drivers. All of these are to reconfigure the instance on a Target machine.

perl appsTier
➢ There are two stages to apps Tier:
➢ atTechstack
➢ appltop

perl <component>
➢ Where:
<component> on Apps Node : { appsTier | atTechStack | dev10ghome |
fmwHome | wlsConfig | ohsConfig | appltop }
<component> on DB Node : { dbTier | database | dbTechStack}
➢ Note:
On DB Node, will prompt for the APPS password
$ perl appsTier

What does this do?

➢ Perform Pre-clone steps, pre-Reqs etc
➢ Run “perl appsTier”
➢ Creates the transfer clone stage area containing the templates, drivers,
scripts and java code required for Rapid Clone
➢ $COMMON_TOP/clone
➢ Creates XML inventory
➢ Creates Clone stage area
➢ Creates FMW and OHS binaries archive

➢ FMW_Home.jar
➢ cloningclient.jar
➢ ohsarchive.jar
➢ moveplan.xml
➢ EBSdomain.jar
➢ Deployments plans

This contains the following directories

➢ appl – Empty Directory, not used.
➢ appsts – Empty Directory, not used.
➢ jre – JRE 1.7.x
➢ bin –scripts :, (Check system for ld, ar, cc, and
➢ jlib –Rapid Clone java source
➢ FMW – contains packed FMW and OHS home binaries
➢ html – Empty Directory, not used.
➢ context–contains the source APPL_TOP XML Context File and the template
XML context file.

 Prepare at Tech Stack

➢ Changes static path links to relative path links
➢ Creates templates of files containing hardcoded source system values
➢ Creates the Tech stack driver files

12. When we run which script it will call?

It will call which is located at $AD_TOP/bin .

13. Does clone preserve the patch history?

Yes, Rapid Clone will preserve the Patch History of the complete Applications
➢ RDBMS ORACLE_HOME – OraInventory
➢ FMW Homes (ORACLE_COMMON)–OraInventory
➢ FMW Homes (webtier) – OraInventory
➢ FMW Home (Oracle EBS App) – OraInventory
➢ Forms & Reports (10.1.2)ORACLE_HOME-OraInventory
➢ APPL_TOP- patch level and history tables

14) What are the important pre-requisites when cloning on a new Server?

Before cloning to a new system, we must first prepare the New System by following the below steps:

a) Verify disk space requirements on Target System

Ensure the target System has enough free disk space. Oracle Fusion Middleware cloning tools
require 6GB in /tmp and 6GB under $COMMON_TOP.

b) Verify OS requirements on Target System

Ensure the Target System meets all the requirements for Oracle E-Business Suite as we do for fresh 

Note: For Microsoft Windows, Rapid Clone is not currently certified for use from Domain User

c) Verify Inventory Requirements

A global (central) inventory is generally recommended for all Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2
application tier nodes and database tier nodes.

However, starting AD/TXK.Delta.7, support for using an 'EBS Installation Central Inventory' has also
been introduced for application tier. This inventory will be specific to an E-Business Suite instance and
will be identified by '<s_base>/oraInventory/oraInst.loc'.

This is useful in cases for multiple E-Business Suite installations on the same host. In such setups,
having this inventory helps to avoid issues when FS_CLONE is run simultaneously on the different

Note: The 'EBS Installation Central Inventory' is supported only for the application tier and only for
UNIX platforms.

Requirements for Global Inventory:

Following are the requirements for using a global inventory:

A global (central) inventory is required for all Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 application tier
nodes and database tier nodes..
The central inventory location must be identified by the value defined in oraInst.loc file.
On a shared file system, the global inventory location must be shared and used by all participating

If you are using a UNIX platform, you should verify the existence and contents of the oraInst.loc file,
which specifies the location of the global inventory file.

Check that oraInst.loc exists in the correct directory for your platform:

Platform oraInst.loc Location

Oracle Solaris SPARC (64-bit) /var/opt/oracle
Linux x86-64 /etc
IBM AIX on Power Systems (64-bit) /etc
HP-UX Itanium /var/opt/oracle
Confirm that the contents of oraInst.loc look like this:

where /oracle/oraInventory points to the directory where the central inventory is located. This location
must be writable by the user account that is to run Rapid Clone.

Incorrect permissions on oraInventory may cause issues while cloning a system with Rapid Clone.

Note: If your system has separate installation user accounts for the database and the applications,
both users must be in the same install group (inst_group) in oraInst.loc, which will need to contain a
line such as inst_group=oracle.
If the oraInst.loc file does not exist, create it in the correct directory with contents as shown above.

d) Apply the latest AD/TXK patches
You are strongly encouraged to be on the latest AD/TXK codelevel.

e) Apply additional patches

Update the Oracle E-Business Suite file system by applying other additional patches to all application
tier server nodes.
f) Run AutoConfig on the application tier

g) Synchronize appsutil on the database tier nodes

To copy AutoConfig and Rapid Clone files to each database node with the utility,
follow the steps under the "Copy AutoConfig to the RDBMS ORACLE_HOME" section in Patching
AutoConfig of Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide.

h) Run AutoConfig on the database tier

i) Run EBS Technology Codelevel Checker (ETCC) on the database tier

On the database tier, run the EBS Technology Codelevel Checker (ETCC) described in My Oracle
Support Knowledge Document 1594274.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2: Consolidated List
of Patches and Technology Bug Fixes to confirm that all required database patches have been

EBS Technology Codelevel Checker (ETCC) is available via Patch 17537119 and analyzes an Oracle
Database Oracle Home, and warns of any missing database bug fixes required for Oracle E-Business
Suite Release 12.2. It is run with the command (on UNIX) or checkDBpatch.cmd
(on Windows). Further instructions are available in the patch readme. Ensure to install the latest
version of ETCC into <RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/etcc directory.

j) Maintain snapshot information

Log in to each application tier node as the applmgr user, and run "Update current view snapshot" in
AD Administration. Refer to Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide for more information.

15. What is high level steps of cloning

a) Prepare the Source System for database tier and application tier.

Log on to the Source System as the oracle user.

Source the database tier environment file.
Execute the following commands:
$ cd <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/scripts/<CONTEXT_NAME>
$ perl dbTier
Prepare the Source System application tier for cloning

Log on to the primary node of the Source System as the applmgr user.
Source the environment file of the Run Edition File system.

You can use the following command to confirm that the environment variable FILE_EDITION points to
the Run Edition File System:
It should return the value:
Execute the following commands:
$ cd <INST_TOP>/admin/scripts
$ perl appsTier

b) Copy both database tier and application tier nodes from the Source System to Target System.
If you are  using RMAN(hot Cloning), please use DB method to copy backup pieces.

For application file system copy only we need Source RUN file system (EBSapps folder to be copied)
You always clone and copy the Source Run Edition File System to create the Target Run Edition File
System, but the directory location of the Run Edition File System can be pointing either to
<s_base>/<sid>/fs1 or <s_base>/<sid>/fs2 based on the Source Run Edition File System base
Log on to Run Edition File System in the Source System application tier nodes as the applmgr user.

Copy the following application tier directories from the Source Node to the Target Run Edition File
System application tier node:



<OracleAS Tools 10.1.2 ORACLE_HOME>

The same operating system user must own both the Run Edition and Patch Edition File Systems.

c) Configure the Target System for both database tier and application tier.

Log on to the Target System as the oracle user and enter the following commands:
$ cd <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/clone/bin
$ perl dbTier
The log file is created in <RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/log/<CONTEXT_NAME> directory.

Note: If the database version is 12c Release 1, ensure to add the following line in your sqlnet_ifile.ora
after execution completes:

SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION_SERVER = 8 (if the initialization parameter

to TRUE)

On target System Copy create empty fs1,fs2 and fs_ne directory.

Make sure you have copied the source run file system for appropiate directory.

Example: If my source RUN file system was fs2 then copy the EBSapps folder from Source fs2 to
Target fs2 only.

Log on to the Run Edition File System in the Target System as the applmgr user and enter the
following commands:
$ cd <COMMON_TOP>/clone/bin
$ perl appsTier dualfs
At the prompt:
"Do you want to add a node (yes/no)", enter the value as 'no'.
At the prompt:
"Target System Base Directory", enter the location of the base directory. For example: /u02/r122.
the new port pools for the Run Edition File System and the Patch Edition File System.
When asked the question: 
"Do you want to startup the Application Services for <TWO_TASK>? (y/n)" you should answer 'y' if
you do not need to perform any further actions and 'n' if there are other pending actions which need
the Application services to be down.

Different logs are created for Run Edition and Patch Edition Cloning. The log files are created in the
following directories in the Run Edition File System:

16. What are some post clone tasks in EBS? 

a) Copy the jar signing files from the source instance

Copy the adsign.txt and adkeystore.dat files from the <APPL_TOP_NE>/ad/admin directory of the
source instance to the <APPL_TOP_NE>/ad/admin directory of the target instance.

b) Update profile options

Rapid Clone updates only site level profile options. You must manually update any other profile
options set to instance specific values.

c) Update directory objects

Review and update the paths for the directory objects if they point to the source instance. For
example, the directory objects APPS_DATA_FILE_DIR and FND_DIAG_DIR may need to be
recreated to have paths specific to the target instance.
d) Update printer settings
If the new cloned system needs to utilize different printers, update the Target System with the new
printer settings now.
e) Update Workflow configuration settings
Cloning an Oracle E-Business Suite instance does not update the host and instance-specific
information used by Oracle Workflow. 

Workflow Configuration Settings

Table Name Column Name Column Value Details
FND_FORM_FUNCTIONS WEB_HOST_NAME Update with the new web host name.
FND_FORM_FUNCTIONS WEB_AGENT_NAME Update to point at the new PL/SQL listener
FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS LOGFILE_NAME Update with the correct path to the
log file directory.
FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS OUTFILE_NAME Update with the new directory path
on the Target System.

f) Verify the APPLCSF variable setting

Source the APPS environment and confirm that the variable APPLCSF (identifying the top-level
directory for concurrent manager log and output files) points to a suitable directory. To modify, change
the value of the <s_applcsf> variable in the context file and then run AutoConfig.


If the Target System is in a different domain name from the Source System and
SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN is not null in the Source System, update the value of
SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN to reflect the new domain name.
h) Re-Implement SSL and SSO configuration
If the Source System is Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Oracle Access Manager-enabled, and you
want the Target to be SSL or Oracle Access Manager-enabled, reconfigure the Target according to
the SSL or Oracle Access Manager documentation. Otherwise, if you do not want the Target to be
SSL or Oracle Access Manager-enabled, follow the same SSL or Oracle Access Manager
documentation to undo the SSL or Oracle Access Manager setup.

17. 12.2 E-Business Suite Applications Manager Adpreclone Fails When Creating WLS Config
Archive With 'START: Creating WLS config archive. ERROR: Script failed, exit code 255'

When attempting to run adpreclone in R12.2 we might see this error.

The issue is caused by some remaining active sessions in WLS (WebLogic Server)
Stop All services from patch and run
You can use EBSapps.env to ensure that you are on the correct file edition.
Restart the environment and run adpre-clone again.

18. Error while cloning the target saying as already registered.(Very Common Know issues
which is majorly asked in interview)

When we are cloning an instance in EBS application regulary, we need to make sure that the tech
home os deregistered from Ora Inventory.

If any of the above ORACLE_HOME entries are already registered in Oracle Inventory, execute the
following command to de-register or detach that ORACLE_HOME:
$ ./runInstaller -detachhome ORACLE_HOME=<Oracle Home Location> [-invPtrLoc <s_invPtrLoc>]

-invPtrLoc argument needs to be specified only if the 'EBS installation central' inventory is being used.
s_invPtrLoc is the context variable that stores the inventory pointer location.

For example:
$ cd /u02/r122/fs1/FMW_Home/oracle_common/oui/bin
$ ./runInstaller -detachhome \
ORACLE_HOME=/s0/r122/at1/FMW_Home/oracle_common -silent

19. Can we pass Context file while running adcfgclone as we used to do in Previous Versions
of EBS?

Yes! If we are regularly doing cloning ,we can preserve the Context file before clone and use it during

Details Below

Configure the Target System database server as follows

$ cd <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/clone/bin
$ perl dbTier <Database Target context file>
Where database Target context file is <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/<Target

Execute the following SQL command to truncate all entries in the ADOP_VALID_NODES table.

SQL> truncate table ADOP_VALID_NODES;

Configure the Target System application tier node by logging in to the Target System
cd <COMMON_TOP>/clone/bin
$ perl appsTier <APPL_TOP Target context file> dualfs
Where APPL_TOP Target context file is <INST_TOP>/appl/admin/<Target CONTEXT_NAME>.xml.
This will clone and configure both the Run and Patch file systems of the application tier node.

20. How to do cloning on a Multi-Node Application System

a) Perform the standard prerequisite tasks.

b) Carry out these steps on all Source and Target nodes.

c) Perform a full clone (including the prepare, copy and configure steps) of the database tier node. 

d) Clone the primary application tier node from the Source Run Edition File System to the Target Run
Edition File System.

Log on to the primary application tier node in the Source Run Edition File System, source the Run
Edition File System and run the following command:
$ perl appsTier
Choose the Target machine. Target system should be on a new host other than any of the Source

Copy the following directories from the Source Run Edition File System (fs1 or fs2) to the Target Run
Edition File System (fs1 or fs2).

<OracleAS Tools 10.1.2 ORACLE_HOME>

To determine which file system (fs1 or fs2) is currently the Run Edition File System, run the command:
echo $RUN_BASE
If the Source Run Edition File System is under fs1, you should configure the Target Run Edition File
System under fs1 as well. Similarly, if the Source Run Edition File System is under fs2, you should
configure the Target Run Edition File System under fs2.

Configure the Target Run and Patch Edition File Systems by running:
$ perl appsTier dualfs

e) Adding a New Application Tier Node to an Existing System

Before adding a new node, you should update the tcp.invited_nodes parameter of sqlnet.ora on the
database tier to include the host.domain of the new node being added.

21. How to add a secondary Node in the Application 

Run on both the Run and Patch Edition File Systems in the primary application tier
node of the E-Business Suite instance.
Note: Before executing this step, ensure the AdminServer on both the Run Edition File System and
the Patch Edition File System is running. The AdminServer on the Patch Edition File System can be
shut down after completion of

Copy the Run Edition File System to the Target secondary node.

Only the following directories should be copied:

<OracleAS Tools 10.1.2 ORACLE_HOME>

The secondary node must be on a different host.

If the primary node's Run Edition File System is in fs1, then the secondary node's Run Edition File
System should also be in fs1. If the primary node's Run Edition File System is in fs2, then the
secondary node's Run Edition File System should also be in fs2.
Note: In Release 12.2, the base directory location needs to be set to the same value on all application
tier nodes. This should be taken care of while copying the the Run and Patch Edition File Systems to
the Target secondary node.

Configure both Run and Patch Edition File Systems in the Target secondary node.
Note: Before executing these steps, ensure the AdminServer on both the Run Edition File System and
the Patch Edition File System is running. This is required for to properly register the new
node on the Oracle E-Business Suite instance.

Running in the interactive mode

Execute the following command:

$ cd <COMMON_TOP>/clone/bin
$ perl appsTier dualfs
When asked the questions:

"Do you want to add a node (yes/no)" you should answer 'yes'
"Do you want to startup the Application Services for <TWO_TASK>? (y/n)" you should answer 'y' if the
Application services are to be started up. Otherwise, you should answer 'n'.

Running in the non-interactive mode

Execute the following command:

$ cd <COMMON_TOP>/clone/bin
$ perl component=appsTier pairsfile=<PAIRSFILE> addnode=yes dualfs=yes
The sample pairsfile for application tier is delivered under INST_TOP of each file system in the
location <INST_TOP>/appl/admin/<CONTEXT_NAME>.txt. It should be updated to have values
corresponding to the node being added.

Ensure the following while setting values in the pairs file:
The value of 's_shared_file_system' should be set to 'false' and the value of 's_atName' should be set
to the hostname of the node being added.
The port pool provided for the Run Edition File System is different from the port pool of the Patch
Edition File System of the primary node. Otherwise, it will result in errors during execution of fs_clone.
As mentioned earlier, the function (run or patch) of the two file systems is not static, and their values
switch every time when a cutover phase is complete. Hence, refer to the environment variables
$RUN_BASE and $PATCH_BASE to determine the Run Edition File System and Patch Edition File
System respectively.
The value of 'patch_s_port_pool' for the port pool of the Patch Edition File System is provided

Different logs are created for Run Edition and Patch Edition node addition. The log files are created in
the following directories in the Run Edition File System:

Register the new topology from the newly added application tier node.

If OHS is enabled on the newly added node, perform the following steps on that node:

Source the Run Edition File System.

The OHS configuration files mod_wl_ohs.conf and apps.conf will contain entries of managed servers
from all application tier nodes. If any of these managed servers are not desired to be part of the
cluster configuration on the current node, execute the following command to delete details of these
managed servers from the OHS configuration files mod_wl_ohs.conf and apps.conf on the current

$ perl <FND_TOP>/patch/115/bin/ \
  -contextfile=<CONTEXT_FILE> \
  -configoption=removeMS \
  -oacore=<host>.<domain>:<port>  \  
  -oafm=<host>.<domain>:<port> \
  -forms=<host>.<domain>:<port> \ 
  -formsc4ws=<host>.<domain>:<port> \
  -ekanban=<host>.<domain>:<port> \
  -accessgate=<host>.<domain>:<port> \
The argument contextfile accepts the complete path to the context file.
The arguments oacore, oafm, forms, formsc4ws, ekanban, accessgate and yms accept a comma-
separated list of managed server details in the following format:
host, domain and port are the hostname, domain and port of the managed server whose reference is
to be deleted.
For example, to delete references of managed servers oacore_server1 on 'testserver1' and
forms_server2 on host 'testserver2' on the domain '' with ports 7201 and 7601
respectively, the following command should be executed:
$ perl <FND_TOP>/patch/115/bin/ -contextfile=<CONTEXT_FILE> \
  -configoption=removeMS -
Perform the following steps on the other application tier nodes participating in the same cluster where
this node is added:

Source the Run Edition File System.

If any of the managed servers from the newly added node are desired to be part of the cluster
configuration on the current node, execute the following command to add details of these managed
servers into the OHS configuration files mod_wl_ohs.conf and apps.conf on the current node:

$ perl <FND_TOP>/patch/115/bin/ \
  -contextfile=<CONTEXT_FILE> \
  -configoption=addMS \
  -oacore=<host>.<domain>:<port> \
  -oafm=<host>.<domain>:<port> \
  -forms=<host>.<domain>:<port> \
The argument contextfile accepts the complete path to the context file.
The arguments oacore, oafm, forms, formsc4ws accept a comma-separated list of managed server
details in the following format:
host and domain are the hostname and domain name of the newly added node
port is the port of the new managed server whose reference is to be added
For example, if the newly added node on host 'testserver1' and domain '' contains
managed servers oacore_server3 and oafm_server3 with ports 7205 and 7605 respectively, the
following command should be executed:
$ perl <FND_TOP>/patch/115/bin/ -contextfile=<CONTEXT_FILE> \
On all application tier nodes, perform the following steps to register the newly added application tier
node with the application tier TNS Listener (FNDFS listener) on each node:
Source the Run Edition file system.

Run AutoConfig.
On Unix:


Reload the application tier TNS Listener (FNDFS listener) as follows:

$ lsnrctl reload APPS_<TWO_TASK>

If the Node Manager service is up on the Patch Edition File System of the newly added application tier
node, shut it down as follows:


Shut down the Admin Server and the Node Manager on the Patch Edition File System of the primary
node as follows:


Perform the following steps on all database tier nodes to add the newly added node to the Access
Control List.
Source the database environment file.
Run AutoConfig as follows:
$ <RDBMS_OH>/appsutil/scripts/<CONTEXT_NAME>/

22. How to delete secondary Node from Application Tier

Note: These steps are ONLY for deletion of secondary application tier nodes. The primary application
tier node cannot be deleted using these steps.
The following steps should be performed to delete a secondary application tier node from an existing
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 multi-node instance. The steps described in this section are
applicable to secondary application tier nodes with shared and non-shared file systems.

Note: In case OHS is enabled only on the secondary node being deleted, OHS needs to first be
enabled on some other node before starting with deletion of the node.
Before performing the following steps, ensure that the WebLogic administration server is running from
both the Run and Patch Edition File Systems of the primary application tier node.

Note: Do not perform a 'delete node' operation when a patching cycle is active.
Delete the run file system and patch file system configuration of the secondary application tier node.

Note: Deletion of nodes may need to be performed in two scenarios - when the node is still accessible
(users are able to login to the node) and in the remote case when the node is not accessible due to
some issues ( the node may not be physically present and/or login to the node is not possible).

In the first scenario, all information related to the node has to be cleaned up altogether (including
removal of references from the WebLogic domain and EBS topology as well as removal of the file
system and inventory references). Case 1 describes the steps to be performed in this scenario.

In the second scenario, references to the node can be cleaned up only from the WebLogic domain
and the EBS topology. The steps for deletion of secondary nodes in this scenario are described in
Case 2 below. Please note that this option has been introduced in R12.TXK.C.DELTA.6 and is not
available in the earlier releases.

In order to keep the E-Business Suite instance in a consistent state, steps should be followed strictly
based on the scenario.

Case 1: If the secondary node to be deleted is accessible, execute the following steps:

Login to the secondary node to be deleted.

Source the run file system.

Ensure that all application tier services from the run and patch file system for the node to be deleted
are shut down.

Execute the ebs-delete-node option of the script as follows:

$ perl <AD_TOP>/patch/115/bin/ ebs-delete-node \
-contextfile=<CONTEXT_FILE> -logfile=<LOG_FILE>
This will delete the managed servers, OHS instances and Node Manager on the current node from
the run file system WebLogic domain.

If the node is a non-shared node, verify and remove the following Oracle Home entries of both the
Run and Patch file systems from the Oracle Inventory:


If any of the above Oracle Home entries are already registered in Oracle Inventory, you can execute
the following command to de-register or detach that Oracle Home:
$ cd <Oracle Home>/oui/bin
$ ./runInstaller -detachhome ORACLE_HOME=<Oracle Home Location> [-invPtrLoc <s_invPtrLoc>]
-invPtrLoc argument needs to be specified only if the 'EBS installation central' inventory is being used.
s_invPtrLoc is the context variable that stores the inventory pointer location.

For example:
$ cd /u02/r122/fs1/FMW_Home/oracle_common/oui/bin
$ ./runInstaller -detachhome \
ORACLE_HOME=/u02/r122/fs1/FMW_Home/oracle_common -silent
Note: The Oracle Home <FMW_HOME>/webtier should be de-registered from the Oracle Inventory
before trying to remove the Oracle Home <FMW_HOME>/oracle_common.

If the node is a non-shared node, verify and remove the following Oracle Home entry from the Oracle

<OracleAS Tools 10.1.2 ORACLE_HOME>

If the above Oracle Home entry is registered in Oracle Inventory, you can execute the following
command to de-register the Oracle Home:
$ ./runInstaller -removeHome ORACLE_HOME=<s_tools_oh> -silent
-invPtrLoc argument needs to be specified only if the 'EBS installation central' inventory is being used.
s_invPtrLoc is the context variable that stores the inventory pointer location.

For example:
$ cd /u02/r122/fs1/EBSapps/10.1.2/oui/bin
$ ./runInstaller -removeHome \
ORACLE_HOME=/u02/r122/fs1/EBSapps/10.1.2 -silent
Case 2: If the secondary node to be deleted is not accessible, execute the following steps to remove
the node from the FND topology and the EBS domain:

Login to the primary node.

Source the run file system.

Execute the ebs-delete-node option of the script as follows:

$ perl <AD_TOP>/patch/115/bin/ ebs-delete-node \
-contextfile=<CONTEXT_FILE> -hostname=<HOSTNAME OF NODE TO BE DELETED> -
This will delete all information corresponding to the specified node from the Weblogic domain like the
managed servers, OHS instances and Node Manager of the specified node from both the run and
patch file system WebLogic domain. In addition, it will also remove the node from the list of active
nodes registered in the topology.

Note: Since the steps mentioned in Case 2 take care of only partial cleanup of the node, these steps
should be performed only in case the node to be deleted is not accessible due to some issues. In all
other scenarios, the nodes should be deleted by following steps mentioned in Case1. Otherwise, this
may lead to the E-Business Suite instance being in an inconsistent state.

Sync the OHS configuration on the other nodes to remove references of the deleted node.

Perform the following steps on the other nodes:

Source the run file system.

If any of the managed servers from the deleted node are part of the cluster configuration defined on
the current node, execute the following command to delete details of these managed servers from the
OHS configuration files mod_wl_ohs.conf and apps.conf on the current node:
$ perl <FND_TOP>/patch/115/bin/ \
  -contextfile=<CONTEXT_FILE> \
  -configoption=removeMS \
  -oacore=<host>.<domain>:<port> \
  -oafm=<host>.<domain>:<port> \
  -forms=<host>.<domain>:<port> \
  -formsc4ws=<host>.<domain>:<port> \
  -ekanban=<host>.<domain>:<port> \ 
  -accessgate=<host>.<domain>:<port> \
The argument contextfile accepts the complete path to the context file.
The arguments oacore, oafm, forms, formsc4ws, ekanban, accessgate and yms accept a comma-
separated list of managed server details in the following format:
host, domain and port are the hostname, domain and port of the managed server whose reference is
to be deleted.

For example, if the deleted node was on host 'testserver1' and domain '' and it contained
managed servers oacore_server3 and oafm_server3 with ports 7205 and 7605 respectively, the
following command should be executed to remove references to these managed servers:
$ perl <FND_TOP>/patch/115/bin/ -contextfile=<CONTEXT_FILE>
-configoption=removeMS -
Review and update the value of the context variable 's_shared_file_system' on the master node
( required only while deleting a shared file system node).
If the deleted node was the only node sharing the file system with a 'master' application tier node,
execute the following steps on the 'master' node:

Set the value of the context variable 's_shared_file_system' in the run context file of the master node
to 'false' via the Oracle Applications Manager.

Login to the master node.

Source the run file system.

Run AutoConfig as follows:

On Unix:


Run AutoConfig on the database tier.

Log into the database tier node.

Run AutoConfig on the database tier by executing the following command:

$ <RDBMS_OH>/appsutil/scripts/<CONTEXT_NAME>/

This step is required to sync-up the tcp.invited_nodes attribute in sqlnet.ora to remove the deleted
node from the value of this attribute.
Bounce the database listener by executing the following command:
$ sh <RDBMS_OH>/appsutil/scripts/<CONTEXT_NAME>/ stop <ORACLE_SID>
$ sh <RDBMS_OH>/appsutil/scripts/<CONTEXT_NAME>/ start <ORACLE_SID>

Execution of ebs-delete-node option as mentioned above will not delete the contents of the file
system. This has to be done manually by the customer once the above steps to delete the node are
completed successfully.

For non-shared node, the following directories can be deleted:


For a shared file system node, only the <INST_TOP> directory of the Run Edition File System and the
Patch Edition File System should be deleted.

On all OHS enabled nodes, patch file system OHS configuration will automatically be synced up
during next adop prepare phase.

23. Error unable to find appltop_id for the host

If the application tier of the target instance is on the same host (say 'testserver1') as the application
tier of the source instance, the following error may be reported while running adop.
[UNEXPECTED]Unable to find appltop_id for the host testserver1 from database
[UNEXPECTED]Invalid appltop id:

If this issue is encountered, verify the AD_APPL_TOPS table to ensure that the entry for application
tier node is correct. The AD_APPL_TOPS table contains the column NAME and
APPLICATIONS_SYSTEM_NAME for each non-shared Application node. The value of NAME is
derived from the value of the context variable 's_atName' while the APPLICATIONS_SYSTEM_NAME
is the value of the context variable 's_dbSid'.

If the entry for the application tier of the target instance is not correct, delete the entry for node by
executing the following SQL commands:
SQL> delete from ad_appl_tops where name='<s_atName>';
SQL> commit;
Thereafter, run AutoConfig on the Run edition file system of the application tier node as follows:


24. Error Port conflicts reported by T2P domain clone during cloning of multinode source

When the source is a multi-node Oracle E-Business instance, Rapid Clone may fail on the primary
node of the target Oracle E-Business instance due to port conflicts reported during domain cloning.

In that case, you should check if the port conficts are being reported for the managed servers which
were part of the secondary node(s) of the source Oracle E-Business instance. If so, the environment
variable T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS should be set with the -Dt2p.temporary.port.range parameter as
follows before running adcfgclone.

$ T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Dt2p.temporary.port.range=5001-5050"

This has to be done temporarily only

25. Error EBS R12.2: FS_CLONE Failing With ERROR: Update Moveplan Fail 

When attempting to run fs_clone after a successful clone the following error might occur.

FSCloneApplyAppsTier_08081620.log shows
configProperty id = Machine2
Count for NodeIterator nextNode = 3
ERROR: Machine configurations are not in sync between file system context and DB context
ERROR: Update Moveplan Fail

After performing RapidClone, Domain Structure appears to have a old/invalid machine host
information from the source system that conflicted with what was set in the context file and

1. Log on to the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

2. In the left panel for 'Domain Structure', click on the Environments->'Machines' link.
Examine the page that gives a summary of all machines. Look to see if there are any invalid/old hosts.
3. Click on the Lock & Edit Button in the 'Change Center' panel.
4. Select the machine name that is not correct and delete it.
5. Click the 'Save' button to save the configuration changes.
6. Click on the 'Activate Changes' button in the 'Change Center' panel to activate the changes.
7. Retry adop phase=fs_clone force=yes."

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