I B.Tech. I Semester Regular Examinations July 2021

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Hall Ticket Number :

Code: 20AC11T
I B.Tech. I Semester Regular Examinations July 2021
Algebra and Calculus
( Common to All )
Max. Marks: 70 Time: 3 Hours
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. In Part-A, each question carries Two mark.
3. Answer ALL the questions in Part-A and Part-B

(Compulsory question)
1. Answer ALL the following short answer questions ( 5 X 2 = 10M ) CO

5 4
a) Find the eigen values of A=   1 1,2
1 2
b) Find the symmetric matrix corresponding to the quadratic form x2 + 6xy +5y2 2 1,2

c) If x= r cos ϴ, y= r sin ϴ then find  ( x, y ) 3 1.2

 (r , )
1 x

d) Find   xy dy dx
0 0
4 1,2

e) Define Gamma function 5 1

Answer any five full questions by choosing one question from each unit ( 5 x 12 = 60 Marks )
Marks CO

0 1 2  2
2. a) Reduce the matrix 4 0 2 6  to normal form and hence find the rank. 6M 1 1,2
 
2 1 3 1 
b) Show that the equations x + y + z = 6, x + 2y + 3z = 14, x + 4y + 7z = 30
6M 1 1,2
are consistent and solve them.
3. Find the eigen values and the corresponding eigen vectors of
  2 2  3

A= 2 1  6 12M 1 1,2

  1  2 0 
1 2  1 
 
Verify Cayley-Hamilton theorem for the matrix A= 2 1  2 and
4.   12M 2 1,2
2  2 1 
hence find A-1 and A4

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Code: 20AC11T

5. Reduce the quadratic form 3x2+2y2+3z2-2xy-2yz to the normal form by

12M 2 1,2
orthogonal transformation
6. a) If
( x, y, z ) 6M 3 1,2
x  r sin  cos , y  r sin  sin  , z  r cos then showthat  r 2 sin 
 (r ,  ,  )
3 3
b) Find the maximum and minimum values of xy  a  a 6M 3 1,2
x y
7. Find the volume of the greatest rectangular parallelepiped that can be
x2 y2 z2 12M 3 1,2
inscribed in the ellipsoid 2  2  2  1
a b c
8. a) Evaluate

6M 4 1,2

1 1 -x 2 1 -x 2  y 2
b) Evaluate
 
0 0

xyz dz dy dx 6M 4 1,2

9. Change the order of integration and evaluate

12M 4 1,2


10. a) Show that   1   

  6M 5 1,2

 1 n !
1 n

x  log x  dx 
b) Show that m
where ‘n’ is a positive integer and
 m  1
n 1
6M 5 1,2
m  1
1 3 5
11. a) Evaluate x
(1  x 2 ) dx 2
6M 5 1,2


 sin  d 6M 5 1,2
b) Evaluate 10

*** End ***

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Hall Ticket Number :
Code: 20AC13T
I B.Tech. I Semester Regular Examinations July 2021
(Common to CSE and AI&DS)
Max. Marks: 70 Time: 3 Hours
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. In Part-A, each question carries Two mark.
3. Answer ALL the questions in Part-A and Part-B
(Compulsory question)
1. Answer ALL the following short answer questions ( 5 X 2 = 10M ) CO
a) Define single electrode potential. CO1 L1
b) Mention the components of Leclanche battery. CO2 L1
c) What is co-polymerisation? CO3 L1
d) State Beer Lambert’s law. CO4 L1
e) Define molecular machine. Give examples. CO5 L1
Answer any five full questions by choosing one question from each unit ( 5 x 12 = 60 Marks )
Marks CO

2. a) What is single electrode potential? Derive an expression for the
6M CO1 L4
determination of single electrode potential.
b) Describe the construction and working of hydrogen electrode. 6M CO1 L2
3. a) What is galvanic cell? Explain the determination of EMF of a galvanic cell. 6M CO1 L4
b) What is an ion selective electrode (ISE)? Give the classification of ISEs. 6M CO1 L2
4. a) Describe the construction, working and applications of Li-MnO2 battery. 6M CO2 L3
b) What are fuel cells? Discuss the classification and merits of fuel cells. 6M CO2 L2
5. a) Explain the construction, working, applications and disadvantages of Dry
6M CO2 L3
b) Illustrate the construction working and applications of H2-O2 fuel cell. 6M CO2 L3
6. a) Differentiate chain growth and step growth polymerization. 6M CO3 L3
b) List any six differences between thermoplastics and thermosetting polymers. 6M CO3 L4
7. a) Explain the synthesis and uses of Nylon-6, 6 and Buna-N rubber. 8M CO3 L2
b) What are conducting polymers? List the applications of conducting polymers. 4M CO3 L3
8. Describe the working principle of Thin layer chromatography (TLC)? Write
12M CO4 L3
its applications
9. Discuss the principle and applications of
12M CO4 L3
i) Conductometry ii) UV-Visible spectroscopy
10. a) Explain Rotaxanes as artificial molecular machines 6M CO5 L3
b) Describe molecular shuttle with an example 6M CO5 L2
11. Explain the following
i) Cyclodextrin based molecular switches 12M CO5 L2
ii) Displacement switching
*** End ***

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Hall Ticket Number :
Code: 20AC15T
I B.Tech. I Semester Regular Examinations July 2021
Communicative English
(Common to CE, ME, CSE and AI&DS)
Max. Marks: 70 Time: 3 Hours
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. In Part-A, each question carries Two mark.
3. Answer ALL the questions in Part-A and Part-B

(Compulsory question)
1. Answer ALL the following short answer questions ( 5 X 2 = 10M ) CO
a) Why does William Hazlett ask his son to be courteous and polite to his classmates? CO1 L2
b) What are the types of water bodies and plant life that are talked about in the poem, CO1 L2
“The Brook”?
c) How has the prince been trapped in “The Death Trap.”? CO1 L2
d) What was the innovative approach of Mohammad Yunus to traditional approach?? CO1 L2
e) What do you learn from the life story of Mrinalini Sarabhai? CO1 L2

Answer any five full questions by choosing one question from each unit ( 5 x 12 = 60 Marks )
Marks CO
2. What is the author’s attitude towards how one should behave with other
people? Do you agree with his reasoning? Give reasons for your answer. 12M CO1 L2
3. a) Change the following statements into questions. 6M CO3 L4
i. My grandparents live with my uncle.
ii. He had a strange experience yesterday.
iii. Her mother has bought a nice gift for her.
iv. Jack has bought an interesting book from the library.
v. They have accepted the invitation.
vi. My neighbour is a kind-hearted lady.
b) Identify the parts of speech of the underlined words in the following
sentences. 6M CO3 L4
i. The car moved slowly around the track
ii. He walked quickly through the park
iii. He waited anxiously for the game to begin.
4. How has the poet described landscape, flowers, plants and colours in the
poem? How does it make you feel as a reader? Substantiate your answer with
examples from the poem? 12M CO1 L2
5. Develop the following hints into a meaningful paragraph:
a) Devan - clever thief - robs the rich - gives all to the sick and the needy - other
thieves jealous - plan to get rid of him - challenge Devan to steal the King's
pyjamas - Devan accepts challenge - finds king sleeping - opens a bottle of
red ants on the bed - King badly bitten - cries for help - servants rush in
pretends to look for ants - Devan removes King's pyjamas – escapes - other
thieves dumbfounded - accept Devan their leader 6M CO4 L3

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Code: 20AC15T
b) Manager of a firm advertised - night watchman - applicants presented -
manager not satisfied - found something wrong with each man - there was
Raju - an applicant - sat in a corner - patiently waiting - his turn came -
manager found nothing wrong in his appearance - questioned about his health
- got the reply - I suffering from sleeplessness - manager happy - appointed
him 6M CO4 L3
6. What can you make out of the prince’s character? What kind of person do you
think he is and why do you think he is that way? Use examples from the text
to support your answer. 12M CO1 L3
7. a) Rearrange each group of jumbled sentences below so as to have well-
written paragraphs. 7M CO4 L4
i. It is awarded from funds bequeathed by Alfred Nobel, a Swedish inventor
and philanthropist.
ii. Nobel’s will designated six areas for which prizes could be awarded.
iii. The funds are administered by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm.
iv. The Nobel Prize is considered one of the most prestigious awards made
to people whose work benefits humanity.
v. They are chemistry, physics, physiology or medicine, literature and peace.
vi. Prizes in these seven areas are presented in December every year, in the
presence of the King of Sweden, as fitting tribute to Alfred Nobel.
vii. In 1969, economics was added to the list.
b) Fill in blanks in the sentences below using appropriate form of the verb
in brackets. 5M CO4 L4
i. Tanya _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (speak) German very well.
ii. He _ _ _ __ _ _ _ (prepare) the students for APPSC since January 2014.
iii. He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (meet) a lot of people recently.
iv. Did you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (see) me yesterday in the institution?
v. The children _ _ _ _ _ _ (not/do) their homework, so they were in trouble.
8. Describe and discuss Mohammad Yunus’s contribution for the upliftment of
the economis status of the poor people. 12M CO2 L4
9. Prepare a narrative essay on the topic, “The proudest moment of your life.” 12M CO4 L4
10. Correct the following sentences and rewrite them. 12M CO3 L3
i. Vijay’s cap was red in colour.
ii. Manisha practiced English on a daily basis.
iii. The enemy was surrounded on all sides.
iv. Are you going for the party?
v. He climbed across the wall and ran until the main road.
vi. The purse is below the pillow.
vii. All applicants must possess an university degree.
viii. In the class, the children were having arithmetic lesson.
ix. After the wedding, there was a eight course meal.
x. The petrol is expensive.
xi. We must try harder to stop these people from destroying the nature.
xii. He had spelt the word with a ‘s’ instead of a ‘c’.
11. Narrate the inspiring story of Mrinalini Sarabhai and describe the left by her
for future generation. 12M CO4 L4
*** End ***

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Hall Ticket Number :
Code: 20A511T
I B.Tech. I Semester Regular Examinations June 2021
Problem Solving through C Programming
( Common to All Branches )
Max. Marks: 70 Time: 3 Hours
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. In Part-A, each question carries Two mark.
3. Answer ALL the questions in Part-A and Part-B
(Compulsory question)
1. Answer ALL the following short answer questions ( 5 X 2 = 10M ) CO
a) Define high level language and low level language CO1 L2
b) Define an array. How to store elements in an array? CO2 L2
c) Write a program to check whether the string is palindrome or not CO3 L1
d) Compare and contrast calloc() and malloc(). CO4 L5
e) Give various modes of opening a file CO5 L4

Answer five questions by choosing one question from each unit ( 5 x 12 = 60 Marks )

Marks CO

2. a) Briefly explain about the basic data types that C language supports. 6M CO1 L5
b) What is flow chart? How it is useful in writing the programs? Explain about
different symbols in flow chart. 6M CO1 L1
3. a) Is there any difference between the pre-decrement and post decrement
operators? Explain with suitable examples. 6M CO1 L2
b) Write a pseudo code for swapping two numbers without using any temporary
variable. 6M CO1 L1
4. a) Compare the use of if-else construct with that of conditional operator.
Explain with examples. 6M CO2 L5
b) Give the control flow diagram of the for loop. How is the execution of ‘for’
loop proceeds? 6M CO2 L4
5. a) Describe about two dimensional arrays, initializing the two dimensional
arrays and accessing elements in such arrays. 6M CO2 L2
b) Write a program to find an element present in a given array using Search
techniques. 6M CO2 L1

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Code: 20A511T
6. a) Write a C program with recursive function that counts the number of
vowels in a string. 6M CO3 L1
b) Describe the concept of functions and the mechanism of a function call.
Discuss the advantages of functions 6M CO3 L2
7. a) Explain about C Preprocessor with an example. 6M CO3 L1
b) Illustrate the storage classes extern, static and auto with an example 6M CO3 L4
8. a) Define a pointer. How to initialize and declare pointer variables? Explain
the same with examples 6M CO4 L2
b) Write a recursive program for finding the n th Fibonacci value, using
functions. 6M CO4 L1
9. a) Differentiate user defined and predefined function. Explain with one
example. 6M CO4 L2
b) Explain how to pass one dimensional arrays to functions. 6M CO4 L4
10. a) Differentiate between structures and unions, and write the syntax for
nested structures. 6M CO5 L2
b) What is an enumerated data type? Explain with example. 6M CO5 L1
11. a) Write a program to count no of words and lines in a file 6M CO5 L1
b) Describe the process of handling errors during file operations. 6M CO5 L2
*** End ***

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