IPA Neerathon - Employee Engagement
IPA Neerathon - Employee Engagement
IPA Neerathon - Employee Engagement
▪ India has 17.65 percent of the world’s population, but only 4 percent of
its water resources, making it among the most water-stressed in the
Nearly 40% of Wastewater goes untreated
▪ A large number of Indians face high to extreme water stress, according
to a recent report by the government’s policy think tank, the NITI
▪ India is also the largest extractor of groundwater, mostly for its
irrigation purposes.
▪ Our surface water resources including rivers and lakes are getting
polluted. Bengaluru earlier had 280 lakes in 1960, now handful of them
are left. Untreated sewage and effluent goes into rivers and lakes.
▪ 70% communicable diseases, Cholera, Typhoid, Amibiosis, Diarrhea are
caused due to bad quality of water. 3000 children die everyday due to
infectious diseases, bigger killer than AIDS, Covid 19 or Cancer.
▪ Urgent need to act now to conserve freshwater and reuse treated
▪ If treated water is re-used, fresh water is conserved, it benefits the entire eco-
system, says Sh. Narendra Modi, Honourable Prime Minister of India.
▪ “Catch the Rain” a successful Rainwater Harvesting program has helped states
conserve precious rainwater and use it for various uses.
▪ Still, a lot more needs to be done to raise the awareness among the masses on
the following:
a) Water Use Efficiency
b) Water Governance
c) Water Security
As water gets administered through the state to all of us at a rock bottom price so
we do not realize the value of it. There is a humoungous amount of cost which is
borne by the govt. to make that water reach our homes.
As highlighted by the govt., we need to hold water festivals in community
programs so as to inform and educate the general public about this 1 major
element of Panchtatva.
Water Awareness Festival – Run for Water
▪ All the funds raised will be used to raise awareness on the cause
of water.
Water Awareness Festival – Run for Water
IPA Neerathon - a run to create awareness on water conservation is coming to Bengaluru city on 9th April
With less than 1% of the world's water being freshwater, one aim is ensuring the availability of water for
future generations where the withdrawal of freshwater from an ecosystem does not exceed its natural
replacement rate.
Lets all join hands for this cause which is the need of the hour.
Neerathon 2023 is a fundraising and charity event, and it is a great platform to bring employees together for the
common good.
“Successfully creating an environment of highly engaged and effective team members is a marathon, not a sprint.”
Run Charges
3k Run / Walk Rs. 800 For Corporate Bulk Registrations, we have a flat rate of
800/- per ticket irrespective of 3km, 5km or 10 km.
5k Run (Timed) Rs. 800
Minimum registrations should be 50.
10 km – Cash Prizes
5 km – Cash Prizes
3 km – Trophies
Showcase Propagating Sensitising
Sponsors as a Water Saving & Sponsors
Social &
Sustainable Reduced carbon employees on
Brand emissions Water Saving
November December
Water Awareness Festival – Run for Water
Register at www.ipaneerathon.com
Thank you
Sujal Shah
Convener, IPA Neerathon
Mobile: 9727256565
Email: [email protected]
B K Prasad
Chairman, IPA Bengaluru Chapter
Mobile: +91 9448129319
Email: [email protected]
Sushanta Sinha
General Manager, Marketing & Events-IPA
Mobile: +91 95990 01282
Email: [email protected]