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Academic Stress

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An Assessment of Academic Stress among Students of Bachelor's Level

Article · January 2013


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Sandesh Dhakal
Tribhuvan University


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An Assessment of Academic Stress among
Students of Bachelor’s Level

Sandesh Dhakal1

Abstract financial problems, sleep deprivation, social activities, and

Stress can have an impact on a student’s academic for some students even having children, which can all pose
performance which can be both positive and negative their own threat to a student’s academic performance. Stress
depending on its severity. Minimal level of stress can lead has become an important topic in academic circles. Stress in
to positive outcomes such as motivation and improved academic institutions can have both positive and negative
task performance while severe stress can result in anxiety, consequences (Stevenson & Harper, 2006). Academic
depression, social dysfunction and even suicidal intention. institutions have different work settings compared to
Gender role and academic disciplines are two of many nonacademic and therefore one would expect the difference in
possible stressors for students. Level of academic stress of 100 symptoms, causes, and consequences of stress (Chang & Lu,
students (M 19.9 years SD 1.2) studying BBS and BASW in 2007). Students have different expectations, goals and values
three different private colleges of Kathmandu was measured that they want to fulfill, which is only possible if the students’
using Scale for Assessing Academic Stress. Participants expectations, goals, and values are integrated with that of the
scored 14.18 in average (SD=4.01). There was no significant institution (Goodman, 1993). Wilks (2008) warns that if a
difference in level of academic stress between students from student is not able to cope effectively with academic stress,
BBS and students from BASW t(98)= 1.43, p = 0.156 , and then serious psycho-social-emotional health consequences
there was no significant difference in level of academic stress may result.
between male students and female students t(98) = 1.40, p=
Academic stress among students has long been researched
0.166. Role of social, psychological, academic, and cultural
on, and most of the researches have focused on identifying the
factors as stressors are discussed.
stressors. Academic stressors include the student’s perception
Key words: Academic stress, Students of bachelor’s level, of the extensive knowledge base required and the perception
Academic discipline. of an inadequate time to develop it (Carveth et. al. 1996).
Students report experiencing academic stress at predictable
Stress is a necessary and inevitable concomitant of human
times each semester with the greatest sources of academic
life. It is necessary because in absence of stress we would
stress resulting from taking and studying for exams, grade
be listless and inevitable because it relates to any event,
competition, and the large amount of content to master in a
whether pleasant or anxiety producing. A person’s response
small amount of time (Abouserie, 1994). Institutional level
towards stress depends on whether an event is appraised as a
stressors are overcrowded lecture halls, semester system, and
challenge or a threat (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984). Challenging
inadequate resources to perform academic work (Awino &
stimulus can lead to positive outcomes such as motivation and
Agolla, 2008).
improved task performance while threatening ones or distress
can result in anxiety, depression, social dysfunction and even Academic stress is something to be managed rather
suicidal intention. than eliminated. To manage stress properly it is necessary
to understand its antecedents as well as consequences.
Academic stress is the product of a combination of
Consequences of stress have no more a mystery though
academic-related demands that exceed the adaptive resources
there are plenty of alternatives to describe its causes. Most
available to an individual (Wilks, 2008). College students
of the empirical investigations on causes of academic stress
have many obstacles to overcome in order to achieve their
are found to be concentrated around external stressors, i.e.
optimal academic performance. It takes more than just
financial factors, social factors, institutional factors etc.
studying hard to achieve successful college career. There
The present study assessed impact of gender and academic
are various possible stressors such as time management,
discipline on level of stress experienced by students of
bachelor level. The results would be equally useful to students,
1. Teaching assistant, Central Department of Psychology, parents/guardians, college administrators, and academic
Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Nepal.

12 | Psychological Studies- Journal of Central Department of Psychology

Volume: II, Issue: 2
An Assessment of Academic Stress among
Students of Bachelor’s Level
policy makers. Despite of its broader prospects facilities, and teaching learning facilities provided by the colleges.
the study has some limitations too. The present
study includes students of bachelor’s level
Scale for Assessing Academic Stress (SAAS) developed by Sinha,
from private colleges affiliated to Tribhuvan
Nepal, and Sharma (2001) was used to measure level of academic stress in
University, Nepal. Students studying Bachelor
the study. The scale consists of 30 items with yes or no alternatives. Score
of Business Studies (BBS) under the faculty
1 is provided for each ‘yes’ response and 0 for ‘no’ response. Thus 30 is the
of Management and Bachelor of Arts with
maximum possible score and 0 is the minimum possible score. Higher the
Social Work and Psychology as major subjects
total score, more the level of academic stress. This scale was standardized in
unofficially referred to as BASW, under the
400 (200 male and 200 female) students. Test-re-test reliability of SAAS is
faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences only
0.88 and split –half reliability is 0.75. On the basis of pattern of distribution
participated in the study. Both BBS and BASW
of SAAS score, the mean score is 5.06 (SD 2.78). Items of the scale are based
programs consist of total 1400 marks and take
on five independent stress related factors: cognitive, affective, physical,
three academic years to complete the course.
social, and interpersonal.
BBS course is composed of 5.71 percent
practical and 94.29 percent theory whereas Procedure
BASW course is composed of 31.42 percent With the help of academic administrators and teachers the students were
practical and 68.58 percent theory. approached at the last period of their regular classes. In the presence of their
teachers they were informed about the test and its purpose. Students willing
Social and cultural factors impose different
to participate in the task were requested to remain in the class for next 10
gender roles to boys and girls. Girls in general
minutes, and those who did not want to participate were requested to leave
have to balance between their roles as a
the class room. Academic Stress Scales were distributed to the students and
daughter, sister, and even wife and student
were instructed to read each statement carefully. They have to respond by
within a limited range of autonomy whereas
putting tick mark on one of the options provided. The researcher was present
boys have more autonomy.
while participants filled out the tests to clarify if there were any confusion.
The present study attempted to explore It took 5-10 minutes to complete the test. After completion of the test the
relationship between gender and academic participants were thanked for their kind cooperation and informed to meet
background and academic stress. The present the researcher personally, if they wanted to know their results.
study is an attempt to explore the nature of
Data were analyzed using SPSS for windows 11.5. First the nature of
distribution of academic stress among male
collected data was assessed on the basis of descriptive statistical method,
and female students and students from BBS
as score of academic stress was found to be normally distributed across all
and BASW, and hypothesis were: a) female
four groups of participants Independent Sample t-test was conducted to test
students experience more academic stress
the hypothesis.
than male students, and b) students of BBS
experience higher level of academic stress than Results
students of BASW. Table 1 presents descriptive statistics: mean and standard deviation for
Methodology level of Academic Stress among male and female students and students from
BBS and students from BASW.
Total 100 students (M 19.9 years SD Table1
1.2), studying at bachelor level of Tribhuvan Descriptive Statistics for SAAS score
University from three different private colleges Description Total Students Male Female BASW BBS
participated in the study. There were 50 students N 100 43 57 50 50
from Bachelor of Arts with Social Work and Mean 14.18 14.83 13.68 13.74 14.84
Psychology as major subjects (BASW), 50 SD 4.01 4.10 3.91 3.79 4.08
students from Bachelor of Business Studies Source: Field study, 2013
(BBS). Among them 43 were male and 57 were
Participants from bachelor level scored 14.18 in average (SD=4.01).Male
female. Participants were informed about the
students scored slightly higher in academic stress (M=14.83, SD=4.10) than
research and told to participate as a volunteer on
female students (M=13.68, SD=3.79). Students from BBS scored slightly
their will. They were assured of confidentiality of
higher in academic stress (M=14.84, SD=4.08) than students from BASW
individual data. Three academic administrators,
(M=13.74, SD=3.79). The result provides a basis for comparisons of means.
in-charge of the respective program, and 6 teachers
teaching at BBS and BASW program 1 each from Table 2 presents the result of independent sample t-test for equality of
BBS and BASW from 3 different colleges were variance. The results showed that: there was no significant difference in level
interviewed. The semi structured interview was of academic stress between male and female students [t(98) = 1.40, p= 0.166]
concerned on characteristics of male and female as well as between students from BBS and students of BASW [t(98)= 1.43, p
bachelor level students, and academic support = 0.156].

Psychological Studies- Journal of Central Department of Psychology | 13

Volume: II, Issue: 2
An Assessment of Academic Stress among
Students of Bachelor’s Level
Table 2

Independent Sample t-test for significance of mean differences at 95% confidence level

Groups Variables t-score DF Sig.(2 tailed)

Male and Female Academic Stress 1.40 98 .166

BBS and BASW Academic Stress 1.43 98 .156
Source: Field study, 2013
Discussion and Conclusion girls but not for boys (Gilbert & Scher, 1999).
The present study explored the relationship between sex, Interview with academic administrators and subject
academic discipline and academic stress. The average pattern teachers revealed that female students were more sincere,
of distribution of SAAS score among bachelor level students regular, and ‘serious’ in their academic activities compared to
was found to be higher (M=14.18, SD=4.01) than the standard male students. Male students, as academic administrators and
score (M=5.06., SD=2.78). Further research is necessary teachers reported are ‘deadline driven’. They seldom make
to analyze the particular causes behind such differences. class notes, rarely participate in co-curricular activities and
Increased level of academic stress among participant can be often discard internal assessments. But when the examination
attributed to different factors like level of academic degree, approaches, they try to accomplish the whole academic
nature of course, teaching methods etc. The result indicates year’s task in a single month. As far as the results of final
an immediate intervention to manage such stress before it examinations are concerned, no one can predict any student’s
imposes a devastating effect on academic performance. achievement in terms of divisions and percentage. There is
Results for academic stress revealed that male students no predictable pattern of academic achievement in terms of
experienced slightly high level of academic stress than female gender. Female students show a consistent pattern in their study
students Previous studies that investigated the role of sex on throughout the academic session while male students devote
experience of academic stress have consistently shown female more time and effort in their study during the last month of the
greater than male (F>M) pattern in academic stress score. academic session. The prevalent evaluation system is annual
Misra and Castillo (2004) found that perception of males examination, where student’s evaluation is solely based on
and females regarding stress differed significantly, female what they did in the examination rather than what they did
scoring higher in academic stress. In another study Gentley throughout the year. Regularity, punctuality and sincerity can
et. al. (2007), found that significant gender differences exist hardly predict the results of final examination. Female have
in the experience of stress among male and female students. increased opportunity as well as preference for career, the
Similarly in a recent study Gyawali (2013) found female provision of quota for females in various government and
students reporting higher level of academic stress than male non- governmental organizations. It may have contributed to
students in a sample of 240 higher secondary level students minimize perceived level of academic stress among female
from Banke district. students. On the other hand, male students’ unique study
habit may have contributed to minimize their perceived
There are different gender roles prescribed for male level of academic stress. Thus, the interplay of gender role
and female youths. Male are supposed to be tougher, socialization and study habit can be the major factor behind
hardier, assertive, and, stable whereas female are supposed similar level of academic stress between male and female.
to be demure, tender, and emotionally vulnerable. Some
researchers suggested female less than male (F<M) pattern Students from BBS and BASW background share many
for experience of stress; for example Hyde & Plant (1995); things in general regarding academic policies and other
Milkie & Thoits (1993) claimed that female students more activities implemented by the university. They get enrolled
often report letting out their feelings, whereas males more at similar time and appear in annual examination at similar
often report controlling their emotions, accepting the time schedule. They know the date and time of examination
problem, not thinking about the situation, and engaging in only before one month of examination. They equally share
problem-solving efforts. Similarly coping styles to stressors the pros and cons of being a student of Tribhuvan University.
can also differ by gender. When compared at similar levels of But as far as teaching learning methods, co-curricular
stress, women exhibit stress more overtly than males (Thomas activities and modes of assessment are concerned, there
& Williams, 1991). But Watson (2002) found no significant are lots of differences. Students of BBS go through the
differences in the perceived stress between male and female traditional annual examination pattern of evaluation. Students
students enrolled in Nursing and Social Work programs. of BASW have different provisions of evaluation including
Gender differences in the score of academic stress can be relatively larger proportion of internal evaluation, which
attributed to gender-role socialization, which teaches that generally yields individual and objective evaluation. Thus the
behavioral expression of emotions is socially acceptable for possibility of securing good marks in the final examination

14 | Psychological Studies- Journal of Central Department of Psychology

Volume: II, Issue: 2
An Assessment of Academic Stress among
Students of Bachelor’s Level
for students of BBS was solely dependent on performance strategies for nurse-midwifery students. Journal of Nurse-
in the final examination. On the contrary, students of BASW Midwifery, 41(1), 50-54.
have relatively higher possibility of securing good marks via Chang K., & Lu L. (2007). Characteristics of organisational
internal evaluations and practical examinations. So it was culture, stressors and wellbeing: The case of Taiwanese
assumed that there would be significant difference in terms of organisations, Journal of Management Psychology. 22
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But this hypothesis too was rejected. Results of independent Gentry, L. A., Chung, J. J., Aung, N., Keller, S., Heinrich, K.
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slightly higher level of academic stress than the students of and Coping among Adults Living in Hawai`i. Californian
BASW. Despite of different academic facilities and different Journal of Health Promotion, 5(2), 89-102.
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revealed that there were possibilities of true internal student. Imprint, 40: 43.
evaluation of the students from BASW. But it was not in Gyawali, P. (2013). Academic stress and self-esteem among
practice. Though the participants were only from first year higher secondary school students of Banke district.
and had not faced a single final board examination undertaken Unpublished M.A. thesis, submitted to Central Department
by Tribhuvan University, interaction with seniors and teachers of Psychology, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Nepal.
may have made them aware of the tradition of evaluation. As Hyde, J. S., & Plant, E. A. (1995). Magnitude of psychological
they reported an attempt was always made by the college gender differences: Another side of the story. American
administration to maximize each student’s marks of practical Psychologist, 50, 159–161.
examination despite of their irregularity and insincerity. Past Lazarus, R. S., & Folkman, S. (1984). Stress, Appraisal and
results record showed that there was nominal difference Coping. New York: Springer.
in marks obtained by regular and irregular students. Thus
Milkie, M. A., & Thoits, P. A. (1993). Gender differences
the difference in regular academic activities and different
in coping with positive and negative experiences.
modes of examinations seem to have no significant effect on Unpublished manuscript, Indiana University.
participants’ experience of academic stress.
Misra, R. & Castillo, L. G. (2004). Academic stress
The present study did not find significant effect of gender among college students: comparison of American and
and academic discipline on experience of academic stress international students. International Journal of Stress
among bachelor’s level students of Tribhuvan University Management, 11 (2), 132-148
studying in private colleges. As comparisons of freshers and Stevenson, A & Harper S. (2006). Workplace stress and the
sophomores, students of private and government colleges student learning experience, Quality Assurance Education,
were not made and participants were recruited on the basis 14(2): 167-178.
of voluntary participation. It would be haste to jump to Sinha, U.K., Sharma, V.& Nepal, M.K.(2001). Development
the conclusion that this type of relation does not exist. To of the Scale for Assessing Academic Stress: A preliminary
understand the complex phenomenon of academic stress report. Journal of Institute of Medicine, 23, 96-102.
investigation of effect of social factors i.e. class, ethnicity, Thomas, S. P., & Williams, R. L. (1991). Perceived stress,
region etc; psychological factors i.e. self-esteem, personality trait anger, modes of anger expression, and health status of
traits, aptitude, coping styles, career preference etc; and college men and women. Nursing Research, 4, 303–307.
academic factors like study habit on academic stress would be
Walter (1976). The Psychology of Adjustment - Current
beneficial. Similarly, effects of academic stress on different
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aspects of academic life like- academic achievement,
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adjustment, test anxiety etc. also can be investigated in further
Watson, R. L. (2002). A comparison of perceived stress levels
and coping styles of junior and senior students in nursing
References and social work programs, Unpublished PhD thesis,
Abouserie, R. (1994). Sources and levels of stress in relation Marshall University.
to locus of control and self-esteem in university students. Wilks, S. E. (2008). Resilience amid academic stress: the
Educational Psychology, 14(3), 323-330. moderating impact of social support among social work
Awino, J.O. & Agolla, J.E. (2008). A quest for sustainable students. Advances in Social Work, 9(2), 106-125
quality assurance measurement for universities: case
of study of the University of Botswana, Educational
Research Review 3 (6): 213- 218.
Carveth, J.A., Gesse, T., & Moss, N. (1996). Survival

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Volume: II, Issue: 2

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