How Does Academic Overload Correlate With Stress?

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R. Antonios/ How is Academic Overload linked to Stress Levels Among University students?

How is Academic Overload linked to Stress Levels Among

University Students?
Rebecca Melhem Antonios* ²
². Lebanese American University, School of Arts and Sciences


Keywords: Background: This study sought to examine the effect that academic overload has on
stress levels among university students. The specific objectives include (i)
understanding the sources of relationship factors to stress, (ii) to examine the sources
Academic overload of academic based factors to stress, (iii) to explore the environmental factors to stress,
and (iv) to recommend the best approaches that the school could assist the stressed
Stress levels students.
Methods: The study adopted the use of quantitative approach to collect data through
Perceived stress scale questionnaires. The study distributed a total of 206 questionnaires and received 142
correctly filled questionnaires. The study adopted the use of SPSS to analyze
quantitative statistics. All the data was analyzed and presented using frequency tables
and graphs. More importantly, the study used descriptive statistics to find measures
of central tendencies.
Results: The findings reveal that relationship factors that makes a majority of students
experience stress included working with new people, conflict with boyfriends or
girlfriends. Second, the findings showed that a majority of students developed strategy
from academic factor such as getting lower grades, spending more hours studying,
class workload through assignments, and several groups works. While the
environmental factors were said to be quitting jobs or worrying about lack of
employment in the future, unrealistic Expectations, and being placed in unfamiliar
Conclusion: The study recommends that the dean of students designs programs that
assist all students through counselling sessions to avoid the problem from escalating
and affecting most students.

© 2018, Antonios. LAU. All rights reserved.

R. Antonios/ How is Academic Overload linked to Stress Levels Among University students?

INTRODUCTION Mental health is a growing concern which must be

This research studies “Stress from the academic overload addressed. With a growing demand for fresh medical and
perspective.” Academic stress results from academic overload education graduates, as well as the various scientific expansions
has an impact on the majority of students’ academic and discoveries, students are being overloaded with information
performance, social life and health (Murff, 2017). The objective in various courses and various fields (Bateman, 1981).
of this study is to identify to what extent academic overload Overloading students with coursework and responsibilities can
affects students' life. The research conducted can be helpful for be compared with the case of overworking employees (Totawar
both students and professors to understand how academic & Prasad, 2016). Aside from the fact that numerous studies have
overload is linked to stress. It disrupts academic performance found that overworking employees usually ended up making
and the student’s social life and creates numerous mental health employees less productive, it created numerous mental health
problems such as depression as well as sleeping disorders. problems which affected the social life of the employees
Furthermore, the study explores various coping methods for (Bateman, 1981). Students can also be less productive when
stress from academic overload. Psychological distress among overworked and tend to develop numerous maladaptive
university students has become a subject of great concern, due psychological symptoms which take a toll on the students' life
to the various psychological problems which accompany (Bedewy & Gabriel, 2015). The way which academic overload
academic overload. Medical students have numerous stressors can affect students depends on numerous factors such as gender,
such as balancing their hospital and teaching internships which age, and education. Students have mounting pressure which can
they partake in during their studies at university whereas come from many sources which can compile to the problem of
education students have less stressors (Yumba, 2008). Such being academically overloaded, which differs from case to case.
stress can make them more prone to psychological problems In addition, some students must cope with financial problems
since they end up being stressed by their university material as while studying and take a part time or full-time job to cover the
well as their internship responsibilities (Murff, 2017). Students university tuition and living costs (Murff, 2017). Other students
tend to cope with the academic overload by compromising their experience pressure from their parents to do well in university
health as well as their performance in university. which can also compile to the problem. When students work
hard to maintain their GPA, students tend to exhaust themselves
as most students are studying full time (Totawar & Prasad,
2016). This also tends to increase student’s anxiety levels and
makes them vulnerable to depression and prolonged stress.
* Corresponding author, Lebanese American University,
Lebanon. Tel.:76087414. The major aim of this study is to understand how
academic overload is linked to stress levels among university
Email: [email protected] (R. Melhem students? The study sought to answer the following questions;
Antonios) (1) What are the sources of relationship factors to stress? (2)
What are the sources of academic based factors to stress? (3)
R. Antonios/ How is Academic Overload linked to Stress Levels Among University students?

What are the environmental factors to stress? (4) How should the Ethical Consideration
students be assisted to respond to stress?
The study was guided by the AUB code of research ethics. The
study considered the privacy of the participants as well as their
METHODS freedom to withdraw from the study. Furthermore, the study
obtained consent from all participants before allowing them to
Subjects respond to all questions. In addition, all participants received an
This study targeted students studying at the American informed consent paper approved by the IRB at the Lebanese
University of Beirut in the education and medical departments. American University.
Students comprised the primary sample to participate in this
study. The study targeted students studying in different Workload Assessment
disciplines/departments. The study used a systematic sampling The study categorized the units of analysis into
approach to pick out participants from lectures in a cross-section dependent and independent measures or variables. The
study. After picking the first student, the second and consecutive dependent measures will consist of student life.(____) The study
student will be picked at an interval of three students. The measured student life in terms of academic performance, social
process continued until all the students were recruited to get a life, and mental health(stress). In specific, the study will use 0
sample of 206 students. A total of 142 students completed the for no and 1 for yes as well as administering the Perceived Stress
study fully. Scale among all participants to assess their current stress levels.
The independent variables were measured across different
Procedure academic overload and environmental factors. Academic
The study sought to adopt descriptive research to show overloads will be measured around procrastination, student
an accurate reaction of students on how academic overload Capacity, language difficulties, examinations, missing Lectures,
affects their health, social life, and academic performance. lower grades, and frustration due to misunderstanding.
Saunders, Lewis, and Thornhill (2009) explain that descriptive Environmental factors were measured around future
research seeks to produce an accurate representation of persons, expectations to find jobs, divorce between their parents, living
events, and situations. The advantage for using descriptive conditions at the university, and lack of breaks and vacations.
research is because of the need to use questionnaires to collect All independent measures were measured on a five-point Likert
quantitative data. Furthermore, descriptive research will allow scales.
identification of dependent and independent variables in order to
show a show a relationship between different measures. Data and Statistical Analysis Procedure
Data analysis was conducted through SPSS. The analysis
covered frequencies and measures of central tendencies on
independent variables. Descriptive statistics show the number,
the mean, and standard deviation of Likert scales. Furthermore,
R. Antonios/ How is Academic Overload linked to Stress Levels Among University students?

the study used multinomial regression to show the relationship

between academic overload and stress.

RESULTS Relationship Factors

Experienced Stress
Approximately 42.25 percent indicated that they their
More than half of the participants indicated that they had
stress was caused by working with new people. The
already experienced some stressful moment in their life while at
lowest number of participants were 13.38 percent and
school. More than 64.79 percent of the sample said yes while
7.75 percent who indicated that their stress was caused
only 22.54 percent indicated that they had not experienced any
by the parents and being in conflict with their
form of stress in the past one month. Only 12.68 percent of the
roommates respectively.
participants they did not know whether they had experienced any
form of stress.

Figure 2: Relationship Factors as Sources of Stress

Figure 1: Ever felt stressful over the last one month
R. Antonios/ How is Academic Overload linked to Stress Levels Among University students?

Academic Factors
A majority feared getting lower grades (𝑀 = 1.57, 𝑆𝐷 = indicated that participating in group works was more demanding
1.0). Taking many hours to study was also found to cause stress hence, increased the level of stress (𝑀 = 1.99, 𝑆𝐷 = .65). Some
among the participants (𝑀 = 1.65, 𝑆𝐷 = .86). Increased level also agreed that they got stressed when they missed lessons
of class workload through assignments made them become (𝑀 = 2.26, 𝑆𝐷 = 1.10) and failed to understand lectures
stressful (𝑀 = 1.76, 𝑆𝐷 = .996). This also related to a majority (𝑀 = 2.36, 𝑆𝐷 = 1.22). However, participants could not
of participants who indicated to fear sitting for their indicate whether language difficulties made them become
examinations (𝑀 = 1.76, 𝑆𝐷 = .96). when asked about stressful or not (𝑀 = 3.22, 𝑆𝐷 = .84).
participation in their group work, few of the students also

Table 1: Descriptive Statistics about Academic Factors

Academic Factors N Min Max Mean SD

Lower Grades 142 1 5 1.57 1.006
Many hours of Studies 142 1 5 1.65 .860
Increased class workload (Assignment) 142 1 5 1.76 .996
Examinations 142 1 5 1.76 .960
Lots of Group work 142 1 5 1.97 1.197
Procrastination 142 1 5 1.99 .658
Missing Lectures 142 1 5 2.26 1.102
Frustrations due to misunderstanding lectures 142 1 5 2.36 1.217
Language Difficulties 142 2 4 3.22 .835
Valid N (listwise) 142

Table 1 shows the measure that were tested among students

during a regular university semester.
R. Antonios/ How is Academic Overload linked to Stress Levels Among University students?

Environmental Factors
Unrealistic expectation received the highest number of
agreements (𝑀 = 2.06, 𝑆𝐷 = 1.52). This was followed by
being worried to quit job or finding no job in future (𝑀 =
2.4, 𝑆𝐷 = 1.19). In addition, other environmental factors that
increased stress levels among the participants included findings
themselves in unfamiliar conditions (𝑀 = 2.78, 𝑆𝐷 = 1.70).

Table 2: Descriptive Statistics about Environmental Factors

Environmental Factors N Min Max Mean SD

Quit job or no job 142 1 4 2.49 1.195
Lack of computer and knowledge on computer 142 1 4 2.93 1.121
Bad living Conditions 142 1 5 3.09 1.336
Divorce between parents 142 1 5 3.97 1.249
fear of Not finding jobs 142 1 5 2.61 1.304
Unrealistic Expectations 142 1 5 2.06 1.526
Placed in unfamiliar Situations 142 1 5 2.78 1.706
Valid N (listwise) 142

Table 2 shows how environmental factors that affect stress levels

and academic performance.

Multinomial Regression

The study conducted a multinomial logistic regression to predict three independent variables (Academic factors, Environmental
the nominal dependent variable (ever experienced stress) against Factors, and Relationship Factors). The final row shows the
R. Antonios/ How is Academic Overload linked to Stress Levels Among University students?

overall coefficients of the model as statistically significant at p

< 0.05. The fact that p = 0.031, it implies that the full model is
statistically significantly predicts the dependent variable.

Table 3: Multinomial Regression

Model Fitting Information

Model Model Fitting Criteria Likelihood Ratio Tests
-2 Log Likelihood Chi-Square df Sig.
Intercept Only 243.229
Final 229.380 13.850 6 .031

Table 4: Likelihood Ratio Test

Likelihood Ratio Tests

Effect Model Fitting Criteria Likelihood Ratio Tests
-2 Log Likelihood of Chi-Square df Sig.
Reduced Model
Intercept 230.317 .937 2 .626
Environmental Factors 230.925 1.546 2 .462
Academic Factors 236.936 7.556 2 .023
Relationship Factors 236.358 6.978 2 .031

A further analysis of Likelihood Ratio Test shown in table 2 above shows that Environmental factors were not statistically determinant
of workload stress among participants (p = 0.46). Only two factors including academic and relationship were statistically significantly
determinant of workload stress (p = 0.023) and (p = 0.031) respectively.
R. Antonios/ How is Academic Overload linked to Stress Levels Among University students?

main symptoms is isolation which could lead to depression.

DISCUSSION People with burnout tend to isolate themselves further fueling
The present study illustrates how academic overload affects the negative emotions. Burned out individuals may not really have
majority of university students and as a result increases stress an active social life due to academic overload. Therefore,
levels. This study indicates that the majority of the students have acknowledgement of the burnout symptoms by the student is the
first action when it comes to the process of reducing stress and
seeking appropriate help is the second action that will help
relieve tension. A first limitation of the study is that 206
high levels of stress during the semester due to many academic
participants were recruited however only 142 successfully
stressors. A study conducted at the Massey University indicates
completed the study. A second limitation is that the study was
that majority of the students who require counseling for stress or
done at AUB and as a result it is not generalizable to other
burn out normally does so when approaching exam time or when
institutions as each institution has different academic strategies
many assignments that are due at the same time. Students
A third implication is diversity in the institution, the study was
workload and burnout is linked to feelings of emotional
conducted among two departments only, the education and the
exhaustion and cynicism. A person that has burnout may feel
medical department as a result it would require a bigger sample
hopeless and helpless and may be irritable. Irritability may cause
to discover the burnout inclination in students within separate
a person to have conflict with people around them especially
departments. A fourth limitation is the high dropout rate, 206
when they do not understand their behavior fully (Centre, 2010).
participants were recruited however 64 participants dropped out.
Stress has been generally identified as the central area of concern
where the months of October and November recorded the Future research
highest number of calls. (Collins, 2001). The findings of the
study indicated that examinations were the main reason that A longitudinal research would enable the researcher to discover
caused students stress. In addition, there are students who which are the most stressing moments of the year as well as take
indicated that they were dissatisfied with the quality of into account how the student is trying to live with the demand
relationship they were having with their parents and guardians that he/she faces. Moreover, a longitudinal study would allow
around the examination time. Frustration over arising pessimism the discovery of students who have dropped out of college. If the
and feelings of helplessness cause the individual give up at a student’s identity is not revealed, then this process will be
certain point. Students especially may feel that they have impossible. The student’s name and contact information have to
accomplished very little in their academic work due to burnout. be given upfront during the initial stages of the study. The
Feelings of helplessness discourages them not to attempt tasks students will be contacted through departmental enrolments of
or take up challenges. Due to the high levels of stress many any given college. Students are different when it comes to social
students reported that it is not worth it to study or engage in skills, organizing their time, capabilities, and the ability to make
academic activities. Stress among students at AUB might lead to new friends. Through a bigger student population, further
development of many psychological problems where one of the
R. Antonios/ How is Academic Overload linked to Stress Levels Among University students?

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