Application Under Order 39, Rule 7 of The C. P. C.
Application Under Order 39, Rule 7 of The C. P. C.
Application Under Order 39, Rule 7 of The C. P. C.
C. D................................................................... Plaintiff
C. F................................................................ Defendant
1. That the present suit has been instituted by the plaintiff/applicant against the defendant for
recovery of immovable property.
2. That on an application moved by applicant under Order 38, Rule 5 C. P. C. the aforesaid
movables have been attached and produced in the court on .................... (date),
3. That the movables forming the subject-matter of the suit being valuable, it is expedient in the
ends of justice that the said movables be detained and preserved by this Hon’ble court.
It is therefore most respectfully prayed that the movables specified in Annexure A annexed to
this application be ordered to be detained and preserved.
It is prayed accordingly.
Through Advocate
It is now fairly well known that any observations made in the course of interlocutory proceedings
are for limited purpose of those proceedings and the trial court is always free and in fact is
expected to decide the matter uninfluenced by
any observations regarding appreciation of evidence etc., made by the revisional court for the
limited purpose of those proceedings. The trial court will decide the matter in accordance with
law in the light of its own assessment1.
Where temporary injunction is granted without notice to opposite party but reasons for court’s
opinion that delay would defeat the object of injunction if it were not given, the order of injunction
is illegal2.
While it is true that being partners the appellant’s right to participate in the business of the
plaintiff and to have access to the place of business and the account books cannot be denied, it
is equally true that they cannot be permitted to carry hostile activities which may adversely
affect the partnership business itself and may bring it to a stand still. The trial court’s step to
prevent the appellants from interfering with the day to day management and working of the
partnership, cannot be said that the formation of opinion by trial court to proceed in terms of
Rule 3 and its proviso to pass an ex parte temporary injunction violates any of those provisions
and calls for any interference3.
3. Bipin Chandra v. M/s. Purshottam Bhai Bhori Bhai & Co., A. I. R. 1984 M. P.
110: i 984 Jab. L. J. 292: 1984 M. P. L. J. 238.